Scariest Thing I've Ever Seen

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there's a new there's a new nukes top five if you're feeling brave how scary is it what am I gonna do this time oh my God it's gonna make me cry like a little baby but I don't wanna okay fine but only a few tears once I start crying like a little baby I'm gonna stop I'm not gonna keep pushing myself [Music] bucks Grave Road friends David and Dell from the YouTube channel science we're driving down a creepy back road called bucks Grave Road in Carlisle South Carolina while driving down the narrow dirt road and shooting some b-roll for their video in the car they experience something absolutely unnerving oh God anything can happen in these Woods [ __ ] ing is there something oh oh my God it's a you're supposed to flash a flashlight oh [ __ ] wait what do you mean he's not supposed to be out here it's the woods why can't he be out here it's just a [ __ ] do you own these Woods who are you to talk about what are you a hall monitor I hey I'm on that guy's team where where's the headlamp at the headlamp should be right there like he didn't like he stopped did he turn off the light yeah that's probably exactly what he did I'm zoomed in I can't hold a seat okay this isn't good it's the headlamp evil spirit the content play oh my God don't don't sacrifice yourself he'll still be hungry you can't appease him oh God get back in the car that you think he's making noises like a Pokemon this ain't even what we're supposed to be here for dude I couldn't hear or see anything out there is so pitch black damn that's yeah it sounds about right no it's a flashlight guy holy [ __ ] David and Dell say that they have no idea who or what the creepy stranger could have been what do you mean what why do we always have to say in who or what it's clearly a man so it's just the who neighbor I'm not crying yet Sarah Marie and her husband Bobby are having an afternoon get together with some friends at their home in Florida unlikely story spot something very odd at the neighbor's house I bet they were actually playing with a Ouija board holy [ __ ] a man lives in that house yeah stand back there's a there's a homeowner in there freaking out everyone and though to be fair that guy's fast I got fast as [ __ ] you see that Jesus Christ that man who's scooting Jesus General plans to spend the night to investigate so [ __ ] don't do it it's not worth it and voice activated oh God not the talking dog demons hate that come on sounds like an alarm it's trying to tell you something get out you're not welcome the ghost is allergic to dogs crazy Sierra a little shaken up [ __ ] all resets the toy oh true continues to investigate what happens next is absolutely terrifying I'll be the judge of that he was right foreign good God it's not worth it please don't go in be nice is the ghost hiding inside of that little box oh my God he is oh good lord it's a it's a post P.O box devil oh that wasn't a man my friend that was a boy who would soon grow into a man if we don't stop him now oh luckily the lights on no ghost is powerful enough to survive in the light look at the size of that coat that's like a [ __ ] quadruple XL these guys eight feet tall ain't nobody beating his ass yeah it's [ __ ] Hagrid here no shot this is the ghost of the guy who got beat in the hotel this is scaring the piss out of me five videos so scary you're gonna be pissing like a little baby bring it back I want to see the ghost again it's not the curtain this is a spawn from hell are you even watching [Laughter] I don't like when people have fun this is supposed to be a serious investigation oh get out of there you're not safe look at what it can do [Music] beat its ass don't be a hero I actually thought this was the ghost over here I forgot there's two of them especially since it would require a great deal of force on the bed so could this be paranormal evidence that the Cumberland Gap in is haunted you decide I have decided I think that was pretty conclusive who are you talking to no this is this one's just making me sad Jesus Christ some have even made wild claims that certain Masonic rights and ceremonies include a sacrifice yep the Cleveland because they do well shut down in 1969 and has been left to rot for over 50 years Chris attempts I'll never understand that architecture I feel like someone owns that building what's the point in letting it get like that you still own it like why the [ __ ] is just let it be a pile of [ __ ] fix it up even just a little bit and sell it expensive yeah but I mean it was expensive to own the building in the first place oh God he joins the Freemasons oh God they indoctrinated him through catalogs and flyers don't touch me I swear to God I swear to God I feel like someone just touched my back I don't know if it was my book bag slapped that scared out of me I get that you're scared can you stop telling me okay all right can you just show me the ghost how about that huh that's what I'm here for Chris says he feels not your fear I want to be afraid Apparently after collecting himself he continues to scout through the abandoned building and this is when things get weird this building's yucky well now look what you've done foreign why are ghosts only active at night that's a good point let's let's assume ghosts are real why the [ __ ] would it matter if it's nighttime or not if they're already existing in a different plane like they wouldn't even be affected by the time of day I get all it wouldn't matter oh yeah maybe when you become a ghost you also become a vampire oh yeah yeah I feel like haunting these giant pieces of [ __ ] is such a worthless place to be is it Prime Polly who's in there making a ruckus you goddamn vandal show yourself so I can arrest you right before the door slam shot a creepy face can be seen quickly moving back behind oh my God this opens it it's clear that there would have been no room for anyone to stand there behind the door and the room what's empty pardoned it wouldn't have been room to stand behind the door what it what in tarnation wait just a Patty flip a minute what are you talking about there's there's ample room he's just closing a door but fair enough I guess that's not jigsaw it's one of the band members of Pierce the Veil and he captures something truly bizarre this time the spirit's playing the drums and he's very good and it just so happens that Chris works at a record label do not remember clothes in his door so when I left this oh my God now it won't open it hello hello goes to check it out things take a terrifying turn I'll be the judge of that Jesus Christ the wife cheating that would be a terrifying turn oh boy everything's popping on from the glass back door but as he looks he spots some dark figure moving behind him in the reflection he spins around but there's no one there he turns back toward the door and the figure do you know nothing about lingering Spirits you swine you never see ghosts haunting someplace mundane like a McDonald's or Jiffy Lube why these [ __ ] ghosts always out living in the squalor interesting I've actually I don't think I've seen the word squalor in 20 years interesting word choice but they do in fact haunt McDonald's in Jiffy Lube especially that's one of the most haunted franchises on the planet it just shows how much you know type in Jiffy Lube ghost and see what happens you may never come back even just searching that up is enough to have your soul sealed away forever be saying you is that was that a question are you asking if I believe in ghosts I'm a man of science so obviously I believe in ghosts how many times you have to prove they exist how many times we've already seen five of them in this video alone all three of the Ghost Hunters are recording all at the same time now Josh hasn't been here so he's gonna go in first this time good luck Josh let's look guys you're watching yourselves hey hey oh my God I'm so embarrassed hey oh God not long enough apologies navigation this is the new box you probably saw in the last video I don't have a name for it but it comes I love these gadgets by the way hats off to the the team that makes these paranormal hunting gadgets this one's especially cute they've got like little purple antennas on it this one's nice Josh who's outside on the porch eventually decides to go back inside after hearing some strange noises and he also captures well just watch closely oh he gets his Boombox hacked there's none out here it's a cyber ghost s except for Tim he's down at the end of the yard sounds like a pterodactyl or something it's a prehistoric haunting Nate bratterman and his wife Kelly own and manage what has been voted one of the most haunted museums in the world oh the Museum of Shadows located in Omaha Nebraska the spooky Museum showcases over 3 000 allegedly haunted artifacts including a few very creepy dolls with even creepier stories I love that one of these it has allegedly haunted items meaning you could just send like anything I don't really have room in my house anymore for this doll but I don't want to throw it out either I'll just make up a story and send it over that's so sweet though
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,512,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YnCyxJuFYeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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