Most Powerful Slapping Ever

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for a while i believe the russian slapping tournaments were far more powerful than the american slapping series they had some [ __ ] testosterone titans like vasily kamotsky the god hand papa misha agent 47 if he was set to wumbo just some absolute monsters in a single slap they're packing more power than a space shuttle taking off and just like something out of avatar the last airbender these four slapping nations these slap benders i thought were the strongest in the universe but over time i think i've started to change my mind the american slapping side of things the slap fight championship series has been cooking up some absolute [ __ ] fierce deities of open palm slapping like crazy hawaiian for example i've shown you quite a few of his matches this man is an absolute machine a well-oiled slapping athlete one of the best there is and the one we're gonna watch today wolverine i would love to see the crossover here with the american slappers versus the russian side of things i think it would be an incredible match but it hasn't happened yet so today i'll just show you the light heavyweight championship tonight during slap fight vendetta returning champion wolverine destroyed newcomer archaic death with one of the most brutal knockouts in the history of the sport to see the full fight video along with the aftermath you don't want to miss it it's coming in [ __ ] full throttle right now at this dragon ball z recap here this full video isn't out yet but i can't wait to see it it's got me on the edge of my seat like i'm waiting for [ __ ] santa claus to come down the chimney and deliver me a christmas present i want to see that full match that is probably one of the best knockouts i've seen in all of professional slapping that is absolutely [ __ ] brutal the guy's name was archaic death and there was no more fitting of a title wolverine slapped him so [ __ ] hard it probably sent his consciousness back through time back to the [ __ ] mesozoic era it absolutely rocked his entire world and that was not the championship match that was just like uh one of them i think it was like the semifinals or something i'm not sure but anyway this is just a little recap to show you wolverines triumphant journey to the top weighing in at 210 pounds from mark tree arkansas coach killah weighing in at 225 pounds from mountain home arkansas the wolverine admittedly coach killa is a bit of a goofy name it sounds like an xbox live gamer tag i would have made for myself when i was 11 back when i thought my gamer tags were the coolest [ __ ] in the world such as ninja maniac and fast fighter so the name isn't super intimidating but coach killa coach he's got heart this guy stepped in here with wolverine ready to go the distance even just agreeing to a fight with wolverine is like locking yourself in a cage with a starving line with medium rare steaks stapled to your body while being drizzled in a1 steak sauce this is a man this is a [ __ ] man's man meaty meatball man and you know hats off to coach killa for even agreeing to the fight okay he's gonna be warned he's definitely violated uh it looks like clubbing first shot bit of a sad queef there it wasn't really a slap and it was a penalty for clubbing because he kind of like came in there with like an austin powers judo chop on his neck it wasn't exactly the most textbook form and i'm pretty sure he heard his own wrist you can see he was kind of like wincing in pain so a bit of a rough start for coach killa but the nerves have got to be overwhelming stepping in there with wolverine like it's got to be tough when it comes to wolverine his technique is textbook it is flawless the sound of his slaps is like a stock sound effect for a slap that you'd hear in looney tunes it is so loud and just so [ __ ] vicious coach killer was just blown away the man's spirit was ripped out of his body for a moment he left the corporeal realm that his slaps are [ __ ] crazy and he has great defense because he has a massive beard and that acts as like body armor for the face i like i've said in pretty much every slap video one thing you'll notice about the top athletes is they all have facial hair and i think there's a reason for that because it helps cushion the blows wolverine just eats his [ __ ] slap like a bowl of cereal just chewing on it like some spitting tobacco and puts it right in the spittoon brings him over and [ __ ] blasts him again coach killah he didn't have an easy journey to get to the championship he also went against a couple of really strong athletes in the slapping circuit but there's nothing quite like wolverine like you couldn't train yourself to prepare for his slaps unless you drove your car into a brick wall twice a day every day for the entire week leading up to your fight with wolverine maybe then you'd have a small taste of what the power of his slaps would feel like one two there's nothing scarier than a man that speed runs slapping tournaments wolverine gets slapped and before the man can even finish his slapping motion follow-through wolverine's already signaling him to get his cheeks over here because he's ready to make him red like god damn and it was a good slap from coach killer let's not take anything away from coach killer that's a slap that would rock most ordinary men but we're not dealing with a man here i used to believe in god but now all i believe in is wolverine like god damn so he brushes that off and before coach killa can even compose his thoughts is already being signaled over to get slapped and of course wolverine in traditional standard form delivers an earth rocking slap right to the left cheek of coach killa a slap that most likely had some kind of shift in the tectonic plates as a result of the impact it it's crazy wolverine slaps sound so [ __ ] powerful it's like that sounded like a gunshot like it sounded like he was like genos from one punch man who like as his hand was traveling like morphed into some kind of cyborg apparatus and just [ __ ] blew his cheeks off it's nuts his power is nuts one two three again another solid shot from coach right on the numbers ringing the bell of wolverine at least it should have if he had any amount of ability to feel pain so he brushes another clean shot off a coach and delivers another absolute lightning strike to the [ __ ] face of coach and you can see him just grimacing like his whole face has just been rearranged it's like a polyjuice potion through slaps and he's just really struggling but he hasn't gone down and i think that is extremely admirable most people probably would have already fainted by now a out of fear and b from just being knocked out but coach is standing strong now another great slap from coach like this man he's putting up a fight but wolverine damn near ragdolls him slapped him so hard he almost [ __ ] stage dived like he was at some kind of 30 seconds to mars concert like these slaps from wolverine are absolutely nuts like even vasily kamatsuki who i am probably his biggest fan even the silly slaps aren't like this a lot of the silly slaps are kind of like down here at the wrist so a bit of clubbing but also really good technique it's just because his hands are absolutely so huge just like 15 of my hands stacked together but wolverine slaps are so incredibly on point and slap like like i just can't think of a more beautiful slap like the technique wonderful the sound is euphoric it's incredible he's delivering like asmr of slaps here we go okay here we go round eight one two three another strategy pays off there looks like uh that might be the end of the match now it's not in vain though you can see on wolverine's cheeks he's starting to bruise and cut a little bit because the slaps really are very strong from coach so strong in fact that i think he dislocated his elbow here on the iron cheeks of wolverine you can see when he hit his elbow kind of wiggled a little bit which is why he's like holding it so hard so he definitely you know caused a little damage there i think because he was going all in on wolverine and it again it didn't it didn't turn out to be nothing it didn't amount to nothing because wolverine is clearly damaged from it you can see on his cheeks some of the uh the impact and another lap oh i didn't see his corner man there with the camo on oh that's the end of the match wolverine in a surprise to no one wolverine is the winner here but what is a surprise is coach didn't go down huge hats off to coach for [ __ ] standing tall there and not wavering [ __ ] wolverine over here powered by cheeseburgers and tractors delivering some absolutely nutty slams right there and coach took all of them with grace so a great [ __ ] tournament match uh from both competitors here but wolverine is just on another level a great [ __ ] championship slap fight championship is delivering some high quality slaps right now and i'm a huge fan so if you want to see more slapping action you can check them out on youtube slap fight championship but we've watched a lot of their [ __ ] here because it's some good [ __ ] but anyway yeah that's about it uh see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,026,727
Rating: 4.9593925 out of 5
Id: 0bYfoQHXbdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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