Most dangerous space water slide in GTA 5

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All right. We're checking out the only game where you can waterslide so hard that you eventually get hit by a rocket going to space. It's GTA! So Alex has prepared a few different levels of water slides here, obviously, simply to get to the very first water- ....oh God. In order to get to the very first challenge water slide, I have to complete this challenge by going into a black hole from the water slide. Alex and his friend Petey have also assured me that I will water slide in a way today that I have never waterslided before- Come on! I think what's amazing is normally I can't miss black holes. You know, they have a tendency to suck you. Now, It's like I can't hit the thing. All right, big jump. Beautiful landing right on the sacrum up through the air and. Oh, come on. That was my ankle. I just got, like, double tapped. Maybe this rock will break my fall. Oh, you know what? We're doing this first person. Nothing can go wrong. Okay, a lot of things are going wrong right now. My hand is in my face. Gray, put your hand down. I can't actually see anything. Did I make it? I think I just got nailed by a windmill. This is a long fall. Oh. How many times did I get hit? I believe I can fly. Okay. I can believe- I'm not believing as much. I love that feeling. Oh, this looks good. Here we go. Oh, yeah. Big height- Nooooooo...... No..... My parents told me I could be anything I wanted when I grew up. I wanted to be a bird. And clearly they lied. I'm just checking to see. Maybe I could blow myself up slightly faster with the. With the C4. All right, here we go. Jump and..... Yeahhhhh!!! All right. So, first checkpoint. All right. What is this? What is this? I mean, I appreciate you gave me, like, a bunch of arrows to point me in the direction I'm supposed to go. Like a double rocket. Like multiple NASA- What is that? Am I supposed to- Am I supposed to, like, shove my butt through there? I don't- I don't get it. How does this work? I'm not really- Ow! I'm not really sliding. I hear something, too. I don't know where it's coming from. Oh, Jesus. I love that he put this right in line with the. The traffic pattern for the jets. Yeah, that plane can totally recover from that. I'm sure everyone on there is fine. They're fine. I know that sounded like they're burning. But they're fine. Oh, this water slide is the devil. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, high water spout. So I've been messing around with this for a while. Yeah. See how this works? Hold on. And jump. Oh, you can actually, like, slot- Ahhhhh!!! Oh, my kidneys. Well, I was trying to say you can actually slide on this look. Oh, wow. You get a lot of speed like this, too! Hey! But it's got guy scratched by a rock. All right, baby, let's do this. Here we go. Oh, yeah. Oh, we're doing good. Oh, we're gaining speed. Oh, we're gaining- Owwww!!! I think the thing that scares me is there's like. Oh, here we go. Hey. Oh, wow. That's a lot of speed. We're going to start off slow and I want to go too fast because the last time I pretty much, like, overshot the entire waterslide. There we go. That looks good. Oh, yeah. I am going to lose my spine. You wanna see what this is like in first person? Here we go. Oh, yeah. Ooooookay. I don't know how I just did a 180 there. What is happening? Ow! I don't know how, but every time I'm in first person, I manage to literally hit everything. Everything that could possibly take me out on this board hits me in first person. I'm never going into first person again. Come on, rocket. Yayyyyyy.... Ow! Oh, someone's coming to my rescue. All right, you know what? Here. Merry Christmas. Ow! He ran me over. Gama, I just roller skate down the waterslide. Just roller skate down the waterslide. We are swimming down the waterslide. I am- I am starting to go like mach ten down the waterslide. I just broke my back. Like Peter Griffin. Not going to lie. Your custom waterslide is a real pain. My skull, and probably my shoulder blades. My right arm, too. My right arm has been hit a couple of times. All right. Big jump. Oh, yeah. Oh, man. I have to like I have to cant myself to the left somehow. Is that, like, a quad of wind turbines all connected to one another? It's like the Voltron of wind turbines. All right, here we go. The big- My big enemy here is this rocket. I don't even know what the rocket's doing. It's like going sideways. Rockets don't fly that way. It's like the Willy Wonka of rockets. Okay, elevators don't go sideways. Oh, hey. Yeah. Oh, come on. Maybe I have enough speed. Maybe it's fine. Nope. That is a big jump. Oh, yeah. They call me Waterslide-ulus the Mighty. I simply get more and more powerful the more the water slides break my- My skeletal structure. I'm like a somewhat damp super Saiyan. See, they spend all their time in battle. I spent all my time on water slides, which is probably more dangerous than just fighting to the death. Nice. Oh, wow. That's a lot of speed. So I have to do that and not bounce, basically. I have to do this perfectly. I have to have enough speed. Nice landing. What happened? My speed. My ankle. Ow! My ankle's inside the water slide. I'm skiing down the water slide. I'm getting- I'm timing those rockets really good. Oh, oh, oh. The thing that's really concerning me is that Alex told me this isn't even the hard part. So it's like, what more can you do to me at this point? Fulllll- Full contact waterslide!!!! Waterslide is all about control. Okay. It's about patience. It's about virtue. It's about getting hit by rockets. Oh, yeah. This is perfect. Okay, this is less perfect. Oh, this is so imperfect. Oh my God..... Ohhhhh.... Ah, yes. The sensation of my body getting severed by wind. Can I redo this? Oh, yeah, I can restart it like this. I don't have enough speed, do I? No, it's really hard because all the. All the water spouts just stop you. Right there. Perfect. Ohhhhh.... I got hit by a rocket. I got hit by a rocket in the spine! No. Oh, I love that. One of my giblets is going to make it to space. It's going to be the first internal organs in space. I'm not going to make it. Yeah. Oh, okay. That almost got me to the next waterslide. Oh, yeah. I'm going for a new personal best. Going for a new personal best. This looks good. Oh, I have all the speed. Okay, perfect. Yes. And then bank to the left. Oh, oh, oh. Okay. All right. I could do this. I was only, like, ten feet off. I know it sounds like a lot, but it's not as bad as you think. My organs are very accustom to taking this punishment, and as such, I know exactly how far- Whoa! I need to fly to make this work. That is good. That is perfect. Oh, it's perfectly straight. *gibberish* Ohhhh!!! *gasp* You gotta be kidding me! Noooo!!! I did it once. I could do it again. 100%. The only problem is, I don't know if I want to go to left or right. All right. Good landing. Don't want to lose too much speeeeeeeeeeeed. No! I'm the king of the world. I'm the king of the world. Oh! Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeahhhhh!!! *laughter* Uh.... What is this? What is this? No. No. No. I had a 50% chance of picking the wrong side, I guess. Oh, my God. Okay, so there was a troll. Teleport. Did not know that. It's- *screaming* Oh my God!!! Whatever. Oh my God! Whatever. Oh my God! I don't care how many times I have to do it. Okay. The that the fact that I've been trolled just. Yeah. Just Just redoubles my efforts. Okay. We need to go over to the left. Left. Left. Yes. Yes. Oh, my God. Make this work. Just this one time. Just one time. Oh, yeah. Oh, we're sliding so sweet. I am talking on my C4 like it's a cell phone. Yes. Hello, Satan. Is that you? Chocolate from Florida. Man Coffee Co. This is a random Florida man getting ready for Christmas. You know, it would make his job much easier if he was freshly hydrated. Hydrated at high speed. He's still thirsty. Catastrophic chocolate only at the Also, if you want something absolutely absurd you're a real Florida man, check out our new sticker over at the drinking a beer, being pulled by two alligators on his sleigh. Oh my God! Ahhhh! This is real, right? Yes! YES!!! Yessssss.... You're in heaven. No, I'm not. 100% heaven is not this painful. Okay. Not gonna lie, it actually does kind of look like heaven. It's like a glowing background. And a- I'm not just kidding. The torture continue. Well, you don't mince any words, do you? So what is this? You have to, like, waterslide a jet ski? Okay, I mean, I'll just. I'll just go. What's the worst that can happen? Whoa! Oh, no. Okay. Oh, random guy. Why are you there? *groaning* Okay. I need to check something. So. Okay. Ohhhhhhhhhh, sticks the- I'm dead. Whoever built this, this is such a bad idea. Oh, yeah. So how- Ow! Oh, I think I know what to do. This whole time, I've had the explosives, and I kind of wondered why. Whoop. Yeahhhhhh!!! Oh yeah! All right. That's kind of amazing. Oh, okay. Now, water sliding on the jet ski. Big jump. Annnnd... Well, what are you supposed to do? Are you supposed to get- Are you supposed to go up in the UFOs or are you supposed to go in the black hole? All right, big jump. Tons of air. Sticks the landing. I didn't murder the guy- Ow! Suck on- Really? Oh, man. Suck on this one time. Yeah. All right. Big jump. Pass the windmill, then through the UFO. Okay, then through the, like, the quartet of UFO- Whoa! The quartet of UFO's. Yes. Oh, wow. Oh, that is... if I'm supposed to hit that black hole, that's actually really difficult. Okay, I got to think about how I was supposed to do this. So the question is, do I need to get abducted and probed by aliens? Oh, the guy is just dead. His body ruined it! Nooooo!!!! Oh, he's not respawning. Hey, guess he only had a couple of lives. So the question is, do I have to make it and get abducted and probed or am I supposed to go through the black hole? So- Man, as much as there is, it's kind of hard to get. oh, no, this is going to hurt, isn't it? Oh, yeah. It's not the flying that hurts. It's the falling. It's not really the falling, I should say. It's the landing. It's not even the landing. It's the sudden stop. Whoa!!! I just like Tokyo drifted off the UFO. I never thought I'd be driving a jet ski. Okay. Oh, okay. Oh, no. All right, so you don't want to get abducted. You want to go through the black hole. That makes this a lot more difficult. Bring it on. Bring it on. Oh, yeah. No need to go faster. Don't really know what happens if you throw C4 inside of a black hole, but I mean, I have enough- Ahhhhhh!!!! I think I can land this. I think I can land this. Sticks the landing! Ohhhh!!! Off the water slide. Beautiful landing. Off the UFO. Beautiful landing. I missed the water slide. I have a feeling about this one. I got a feeling about it. This one feels good. Oh maybe a little- Oh, hold on. Okay, slow down. Slow down. I'm going overshoot it. Ahhhh!!!! I thought I could jump in time. I think I'm going to have to jump off the jet ski mid-flight. I think it's the only way for me to get rid of enough speed- Man, that one UFO. -to actually be able to get inside of the black hole. No, that's not enough. Oh, this feels good. Yeah, yeah. Noooo! No! *screeching* *humming dramatic music* I kind of got shortchanged on that one. That's all right. I love water. I just don't like it when the water's hitting me at, like, 2000 miles an hour. Because then it has a tendency. Not a huge fan when the water slide rips the flesh from my body. Come on!!! Oh, I'm ready to meetus the yeetus. Oh yeah, the yeetus is getting meetussed. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Oh, my shoelace totally touched it. That should've counted. That's perfect. That's perfect. That's perfect. Yeah- What?!? Alex!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!! Yeah!!! Yes! Yes! Where am I? Real quick, by the way. We're not friends. Okay. This is like an insanely long waterslide, so there's still more. I upgraded from me water sliding to my shoes. Oh, God. To a jet ski watersliding. Oh no! Noooooo..... No. What? Nice and slow. Nice. Now, this does have boosters on it. The only problem is, Alex hasn't given me any boosts, so I can't- I assume, do I- Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Hold on. I have an idea. Okay. I can cheat half the board. I'm not going to do it. I'm going to- I'm going to- I'm going to try and do this the right way. Oh, wow. Everything timed out actually perfectly here. Oh. Oh, yeah. Oh, I don't need any help. Oh, my God. Yes. What is this? What is happening? Is that moving? Is it- Oh! Alright! You know what? I trusted you. I trusted you and you betrayed me. If you didn't want me to do it, then you should have put in anti cheat measures I'm so dead right now. I trusted you, Alex. Although that might have been Petey that put that there. Probably also the person that put the- Oh no... That put the troll in. Ohhhh.... I can't- Wait, maybe I can. *gasp* Oh, okay. Right. So left. Oh. Teleport- Oh, oh, oh, yes, yes. Boost! Yes. And we're going to outer space! We have a winner!!!! Well, I never thought I'd waterslide until I got hit by a rocket Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 693,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 mods, game, gameplay, funny, gta 5 funny mods, gaming, gta, gta v, grand theft auto 5, caylus gta 5, jelly gta 5, gta 5 choice, gta 5 hacked, grand theft auto v, gta challenge, gta custom races, gta 5 jump, fastest car gta 5, in gta 5, GTA 5 water slide, gta 5 water slide challenge, gta 5 space water slide, gta 5 giant water slide
Id: V-gDPXyj7aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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