Mortefi The BROKEN Sub-DPS! | Best Builds, Echos, Weapons & Teams | Wuthering Waves

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what's going on my super fam okay this is going to be the very first character buil video of a withering wave on the channel so basically we're going to be touching on mortify today I think he's a very special character guys I think he's definitely going to be a very worth it character for me to suggest you guys to actually built because of course if you guys been with me and have been playing gin impact I would say he's considered to be the shling of withering wave for the time being so today in this video we're basically going through everything you got to know about modifi how to play him his rotation as well as his specific Echo Building and team build because those are going to be very very important so at the end of the video I'm pretty sure you're going to be mastering mortify in no time so mortify is the character that you basically consider him to be a sub DPS because he has the power to basically help you deal damage off field and that's a very important thing for a team build to have because without them obviously your overall team damage is always going to be a lot less and aside from the ability to actually deals a lot of damage off field for you he has access to multiple different type of buff that he is going to be able to have access to for you and that's more toward what his build as well as skills and which will'll be looking into his skills and kit right now right so his basic attack and resent skills are fairly simple just shoot out his guns and basically an integral part of you are going into his combo later on but the most important thing starts when we look into his resonance Liberation because that's when he basically activates his off field capability right so whenever he castes burst anytime the onfield character use their basic attack to will launch a coordinate attack bying one makato and if the character uses heavy attack he actually launches to makato which is going to be more gear towards you know character who focuses on heavy attack side because generally speaking the more heavy attack you're able to use you know it's actually going to be able to double his off field damage capability for ccit guys is also fairly simple you just basically charge up the bar and then he gets kind of like an extra skill which is called like the FY fudge it actually helps you to charge your energy a lot as well as your conservator energy passive skill is also fairly simple just basically increase the damage of his very skill as well as his burst later on when you unlock the final passive skill but what's more important is going to be regarding his ultro skill because he has the ability to actually increase 38% heavy damage deepen for your other team member which is actually very huge it's just kind like a sad thing because this only buff your heavy attack but this just goes more to show that he's more going to be a character that focuses on character that uses heavy attack not say that he won't be able to buff character you know that basic attack using or you know skill because that's where you know his resonance chain actually comes in and my my you have to say that his resonance chain is basically one of if not the best in the game right now especially for fourstar character because guys they just give him a lot of love here whenever your character uses a skill he will also now fire off two Mao hits so before as S one your character skill would activate him but after S1 it will start doing so so technically speaking S1 is generally going to be quite important for him especially for when you're using modify on the character that doesn't focus on heavy attack using S2 allows him to kind of like have less energy which is a pretty important thing for him considering he's a character that focuses on his resident Liberation S3 allows him to have an extra 30% crit damage on his burst or you know his Liberation if you're not used to against in term but guys for fourar character to actually have their crit damage increase up to 30% that is a very very huge thing right so S3 also very very good right S4 even better because now his birth is extended by 7 second now without S4 he can be usable but his team rotation is actually very very tight also considering that he has his Liberation cool down for like 20 seconds you're only going to be able to make use of morifi for about like half of the time but whereas now if you're at S4 he's having a 17 seconds burst of time which is one not just able to help him deal even more damage for you but make your rotation of the team a lot more room free and more you know breathing room for you to make you know slightly bit of mistake about rotation here and there S5 is you know probably the worst one that he's had however it's not actually that bad either right because whenever you use his skills he will not trigger like four ma hit however the damage of the makato fire off this way is basically reduced by by 50% so isn't really that good but you know overall it is more damage for him and finally his S6 yeah very very good because now he's able to buff like 20% for your whole team so on top of everything that he's already able to do once you get S6 is more team damage for you which is why investing into morifi you know resent change is actually a very very good thing right now while he is on Yan's Banner so considering you have been pulling for him you should be able to have a few copy of morifi at this point in time so now obviously I would recommend you to try to get you know more resonance chain at this point in time because I know that you guys want to save for other character and you don't want to risk Anyan but if you're able to do so it's a very very powerful thing for him plus you know yinlin fourstar character aren't going to be that good either so technically speaking this is a perfect time for you to actually invest into pooling for fourstar characters now on the topic of his skill and kit I want to touch on his skill prioritization whenever you're leveling up his you know skill because obviously in the earlier part of the game you guys are not going to be having that many you know wave plates energy to actually invest into a character that much so knowing which skill to actually invest in before then is going to be a very important thing because you know skills such as basic attack as well as this intros skill damage isn't something that you actually need to invest in and level up like maybe you only need to like level up to level two so that you can start opening up this uh you know Fusion damage bonus on his side so that you can live with that up because that's technically is going to be important since it does affect his Liberation damage but then on the topic of skill priority I would say that you have to invest into his Liberation damage first because overall that's just going to be the most important thing that increases his damage all field for you next I say yeah you can go with his 40 circuit Talent level because that also help you to unlock this first passive Talent of him but afterward you can go with his skill damage if you want because you know his skill damage does have pretty good scaling and then overall I would just recommend you to actually focus on leveling up you know this Fusion damage bonus as well as attack damage bonus here because obviously it does help to increase his Liberation damage and then lastly yeah if you're like me you really love morifi you can just actually go ahead and increase his space attack and his intro skill but that's like you know after you've already increased all of the other things level and you still have wave plate and energy to spare to actually level him up next let's have a look into his best weapon now obviously my account is also new so I don't have you know all the weapons actually showcase you but I will be showing you some of the weapons that are going to be a very best fit for him at this point in time first off best weapon for morifi is H none other than static Miss which is the five star standard Banner weapon I can't believe that the game actually give us such amazing five star standard at you know very early on in the game so if you're someone who lovees morifi right definitely go with this gun for him you know whenever you get you hit like you need level 45 because first of all you get crit rate right this doesn't give you crit rate not to mention energy Reg regen level right obviously we're going to be touching on energy regen level later on and also has the ability to increase your other character attack by 10% after he releases this Ultra skill so a perfect support weapon at this point in time I don't think any other weapon is going to beat this five star weapon in a very long time and other than that you have the Nova burst right a pretty good weapon as well that has a decent attack level and also it attack sension passive skill and dying flame is also a very good weapon that you can use on top of that if you're thinking about getting the sunbolt in the battle pass as well I think that's a pretty decent weapon it does have you know a lot of attack increase into him now he won't be able to make use of his passive that much because you know skill damage bonus isn't something that he focuses on but overall it does increases you know more skill damage power so I think that's technically fine and then yes the Cadenza is also there if you do have access to it it gives you a lot of energy recharge so basically solve his energy recharge you know focusing whenever you're building your Echo set and then if you're you know very early on the game you're looking for a three star weapon right I think with three star weapons is just very easy to have access to so I w't discuss much into it right so the pistol of Voyer right it actually helps you to increase your energy regen by a pretty decent amount very easy for him to use so yeah just go ahead and use that until you have access to a pretty decent fourstar weapons now moving on we're looking into the most important prodct of his kit which is going to be his Echo Building now since he is a sub DPS character that requires you to have a lot of energy recharge yes the moodlet clouds set is going to be a very good set for him right obviously when you're going with this set you want to go with a five piece set right because whenever he uses Ultra skill this will increase your next resonator attack by a 22% which is very very huge so regarding each of the start obviously you are recommended to go with a 43311 build the first piece is definitely going to be the Heron piece because yes this thing is also a very powerful Echo whenever if I uses this Ultra skill this Heron is also going to be increasing the next character attack for a 12 second which is yes overall if you're looking at you're seeing around like a 35 is% increase just from the ultra skills that modify is going with this set the main start is going to be crit rate and you know obviously subst start you want as much crit rate and crit damage as you can but also energy regen if it is possible Right three piece yeah you can technically go with you know double energy regen if you're feeling that you're missing out energy level now if I'm talking about energy regen I would recommend you to build at least around 150ish energy recharge on your modify because that's going to make your rotations a lot more comfortable he's going to get his burth back decently fast for you if you're having a lot less than that then yeah I would really recommend you to focus it on building his energy recharge until that amount now obviously you don't really have to go with both energy recharge uh cost three pie pie and you can either have you know a fusion piece and energy recharge and for the cost one definitely it's just going to be attack percentage all the time right and hopefully you get good subst start level off that so basically that's going to be his best Echo set now another options that you can go with if you don't have a good piece on moonl cloud set is definitely going to be you know Fusion damage bonus which is the Moten Rift set he is a sub DPS character so generally speaking you can also build him you know regarding investing in into as much damage as you can for him because yes you're going to be able to get off more damage for him that way as well obviously I did say that moodlet cloud is definitely the best set for him however here's the thing we are in earlier game you guys aren't going to be able to invest into your Echo farming that much at this point in time so this is me giving you more of an option to build on different set because obviously if you have a very good Fusion set it's definitely going to be much better than you have a wor mood Cloud set right and espe if you're you know someone like an uncor man like me right you usually Farm all lots of fusion Echo right more often than not you're going to be having a lot of leftover Fusion Echo so you can actually just go ahead and give that to morifi after you the farm for Anor and therefore you know ease up of your farming time that way and also if you're farming on a fusion field for your ancore right then definitely yeah you're going to be able to have more Fusion Echo than you know the mood Cloud set therefore that way just going to be a lot more efficient for your wave plate building that way if you haven't got good good you know Echo to farm at this current point however on top of that there's also another options that you can actually go with which is going to be a double twopiece set of you know fusion and attack now how I usually think about going about it is just being going to have like a two four piece um cost applied like that usually I would love to have you know another crit damage so you know have one crit raate and one crit damage here but before you know the second just showcasing you guys I'll just go with that and then yeah you can just like uh mix in pieces it's very easy for you to go and mix in pieces right you can just go ahead and mix in match like that basically have you know another cost three and then lastly going to be a cost one yeah something like that so you have like you know double fusion and attack bonus but then you can also have you know crit rate and crit damage build onto it and the most important thing is that is very easy to build set for you to actually try and get good sub stats on the PC that you can mix 10 matches obviously in earlier game it is very hard for you to find very very good five piece with good substat especially when farming Echo at this point in time is just absolutely a chore obviously W wave is actually improving on that which is a really good thing so maybe we just have to wait later down the line to actually have a more efficient time of farming Echo but at this point in time mix and matches seems to be a very good option for you guys to go with as well it's not actually a bad thing if you don't have you know a mood Cloud set and then next guys we're going to be getting into the most important parts of morifi building which is obviously going to be team building right it's very very important to uh get the right team for him obviously you know since he is a sub DPS character generally speaking he can fit into any teams but obviously before you have his S1 he's more going to be focusing on teams that heavily requires on character that uses heavy attack right after S1 it's easier for you to slot into multiple different teams as well but before I get into the team I want to show his you know kind of like combo to set everything up to actually get the most buff for your team because if you're using wounded Cloud it does requires you to have a bit of a combo before you actually set everything up for him right so for example if you're using Yuan with him obviously first you're going to start off going into if you're going into T adversity you're going to be having his bur up either way right but obviously you still need to have his you know concertive energy up because his concer needs to be up in order for him to get you know all the heavy attack and the bonus attack from the Heron for you to actually activate right so we still going to have to charge that you a skill after you've done that you cast his bur right use the herin one touch down and then obviously you switch on to H Yuan for him to start doing damage no right so basically that's going to be the first rotation now do keep in mind is that before his S4 he only has his 10 second bur up time right so your rotations are going to be very strict you're going to be having to cast Yin Jan bur very very fast in order for him to make use of his 10c burst up time for modify right but obviously as I've mentioned if you have like 17 second after S4 it's going to be a lot easier for your rotation right so basically that's going to be his first rotation right so for example if you're in his second rotation where you don't have his burth up just yet right obviously you're just going to be happy to use his skill right continuously use his b attack set everything up once his skill is ready again for you know his 4 ciruit use his skills again right you skill have to continuously do that switch between your character you know this is why I mentioned his energy recharge level has to be very very high so that he doesn't have to stay on field for too long right after his burst is up back again right cast his burst you know go into his Echo switch it to yon cast his burst up right and then do as many you know charge attack as you can right or basically his heavy attack so that you can make use of morifi um burst the majority of the to it's going to be very huge right and after that you just keep on doing his rotation once again so that's basically going to be his combo now regarding his specific team build as I have mentioned yes he's going to be a character that fits in most the majority of your team right he's a very easy character to build but obviously before S1 um he has to be on the team that character uses heavy attack a lot so some of the main team that I've been seeing right now is definitely going to be on a mortify Verina you know two character piece of a team already and then the rest is going to be a DPS character for you so yon is the perfect character to be on morifi team right now because yon is a character that focuses a lot on heavy attack right so he's going to be able to make use of morifi very well jansin also too if if you have yansen on your account and you want to build her as a DPS character yes you know yansen actually uses her heavy attack quite a lot you know she stands there hold her charge attack or basically her heavy attack and then she's going to be able to trigger modify pretty good that way and other character like you know dungon as well obviously if you have you know S1 Mori it's going to be more of an easy time triggering um Mory with her but she also uses her heavy attack a little bit here and there too so she's also going to be a perfect character for that but you know other than that you know me personally I usually have you know morifi use long side with my ancle because you know I am an uncle main right and you know I focus on having him on a fusion attack bonus set so the bo the the the combo on his you know specific uh Fusion set isn't going to be as tight as the M Cloud set which going be a lot easier for me to use this as well right and my rotation is a lot less strict when I have him on the fusion set so it's a little bit easier for me to use that way but either way guys I think um Mori is just a very powerful character right now uh his value is going to be there for a very long time guys it's not going to be going anywhere in anytime soon right so I believe that as long as you invest into morifi this not going to be a bad decision for your account in any other way the only thing with Mori right now I would say is that it's going to be a little bit hard to use him if you're not having his S1 unless you're using him with character like Yan and stuff so you're not going to be able to make food use to him without his S1 on different team without character that uses their heavy attack a lot but other than that guys I feel he's is a very powerful character as long as you invest into him and the more uh you know residence chain you have for morifi it's just going to be a much much more more powerful character as you build on in the game so guys I think that's everything I have to say regarding morifi this time I hope that the video have been helping you guys out a lot with building him in the current Point obviously I think I'll make an updated guide for him once we hit the very much end game but overall at this point in time I feel that this is a very complete guide for him already so if you do have any questions leave it down in the comment section and I or some other lovely wo play will get to you there right if you're new to the channel and you're playing gion impact W and other gacha games as well don't forget to subscribe as I post a love guide video for you I really appreciate you guys and I will catch you on my next video
Channel: SuperaTom
Views: 12,084
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Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact game, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact news update, genshin impact guides and tips, SuperaTom, SuperaTom Genshin Impact, superatom rpgs, supera, tom, supera tom, SUPERA TOM, wuthering waves, mortefi best build
Id: OJqA2irDcBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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