Jinhsi Or Changli? | Watch This If You Can't Decide! (Wuthering Waves 1.1)

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Jin or CH is the question that I get asked the most you guys have a lot of trouble deciding it I've been asked so many times during my stream so which is why I literally making this video to help you guys out right now because while we actually managed to get to test chanle officially out which is absolutely insane so this shouldn't really be too long of the video because we're going to be focusing on pretty much uh the difference between jiny and changli so that it helps you easier to decide and I'll make separate video specifically looking into that specific build and guide later on because that video is going to be a lot more in depth into these characters okay guys Shin see Banner is basically here and if you're planning to swipe for her then don't forget to check out loot bar if you know me I've been recommending you guys loot bar before since you can always save almost a 20% on all your topups with over 11,000 orders and so many good review at this point in times you can be sure that loot bar is trustworthy to demonstrate to you I've been topping up My Wo account through loot bar buying the highest woa package you go through the checkout process then they will ask you to fill your account informations after completing you will have a direct message notifying that they are hopping in to top up for you then voila you're done here you can see my order receipt I've top up G imp pack with loot bar many times before so I can be sure that they are safe so guys be sure to check out loot bar through the link in my description as it can be a great way for you to save money especially if you are topping up a large amount in wering waves all right so I'm pretty sure you guys know how jiny actually works right uh I'm quite sure you guys already had your time testing her out yesterday right spend a little bit of time with her in the try runs if you don't have jiny on your account so basically speaking jiny is going to be a character that focuses on using her skill multiplier to do a lot of damage because after her basic fall she turn into her enhanced version of incarnations and do a lot of you know basic attack looking that is skill damage multiplyer and then in the end she will have this enhanced version of the hyperbeam that deals a lot of nuke damage in terms of that so on top of that you can sometimes see her as a ncus as well because that attack if you have enough stack of incandescent that it deals a ton of damage on top of that the majority of her attack combo is technically going to be midair all right so some of the good thing that gives you is that you can actually Dodge many of the ground attack from your enemies quite easily but which also leads to a downside of you're more prone to kind of like Airborne attack and can be stalkering attempts other than that I feel that currently jiny is going to be a little bit harder to actually coun his enemies attack because her attack animations just goes out a lot and you are prone to actually spam her a lot therefore you might get distracted to actually perfect come to enemy attam though that does basically comes down to skill but from the experience that I am currently having it it's only a little bit slightly hard it's not that hard but you still will need to actually keep in mind about that now for Chang Le's kit um I believe that she's a lot simpler to understand in terms of Jin's kit whenever you read into it uh even though it can be you know slightly long and can be you know tempting to not understand at times but basically what it revolve around is you spamming your normal attack or B basic attack heavy attack and enter her true side state and deal as much damage as you can possibly do with her true side so what you basically do is right you spam your four basic attack and then what you can see here is now her heavy or her jump button will have a red glowing if you use her basic attack again this is considered a true side basic attack and she will deal with that incredible sounding move and then if you press her jump button she will basically enter a phoenix and then do a plunging attack and while basically you can just actually continue your attack animation that way right so you can basically mix a match between her basic true sides or you know if you want you can just jump up again right do that and then she will continue doing that way now for her skill basically after you use her skill she automatically has her enhance skill state so that's what basically her skill is aiming to do right do that aiming state right enters her attack animations and then continue doing that now as you might have noticed she does have attack in midair too which is actually really nice to deal with your enemies that sometimes go into midair right we don't really have too many enemies that do that right now you know apart from the imper Heron but I'm pretty sure in the future there will be enemies that requires you to you know do quite a lot of attack during midair because they will have a lot of midair time so this might come in handy later on and then for 4 a circuit you basically see a four stack bar above her HP right there so basically what it does is that whenever she uses her true sight you get one stack right as you can see here right on that you get one step there you go and then the whole point for you is to actually charge that stack up right every time you do that you get one more stack so basically whenever you get four stack like this after I do that here okay we do that now you get four stack use a for circuit you do one big Fusion damage and then for burst it's pretty simple you basically cast a burst right he does a one big fire damage and then you instantly get four St of your Forte now if during this time you use your Forte then she instantly get a 25% attack increase which is actually very good some other Talent ofver actually gives her quite a lot of buff right her first uh talent and second talent and also outro skills very interesting which is similar to Yin right should give what the next resonator a fusion damage bonus SP 20 and then that Liberation damage by a 25% which is really good however I don't think right now there are many other character that can make use of this because Fusion character we don't really have a lot think it's like you know like Chia Mor ify Encore and changli right uh well if you have Encore and Chang's team both of them are going to be like a very hard carry so many of the time I don't think that's going to be the case most probably like you know use it for GC because now the problem is it only applied until the resonator switch out right so you can't use that for modify to enhance his your coordinate attack TC might actually make use the most of it or again while if you want to use Encore which I probably would want to try that team out and I think that would work so basically now that you already know you know a bit of jiny and Chang's kit here I will be giving you kind of like the pros and cons of two characters and I will talk about jiny first and I just have to say a little bit harsh truth right now is that jiny is not very much a free-to-play friendly character because there are a few reasons for this in order for you to get you know her e skill you know hyperbeam to do a lot of damage you are required to have a lot of incandescent stack right the more incandescent stack you have you know up to a 50 stack the more that you can deal damage however in order to get this efficiently you are required to have very good coordinated character to support her on the team right so that she can be on field and then the other team member can do coordinated attack for her to stack up uh incandescent stack and there are only like what three characters in the game right now who are very good at this and that is going to be Yin Vina and morifi many of you might not have Yin because you know you P for you don't have enough gems and then you skip y but while if you do then yeah congratulation to you but other than that while you're Verina I believe you you do at mortify as well you should be able to have those character however mortify right he does require his resence chain sometimes so that is not something that you can always get access to earlier on into the game and Arina of course is a five star character some of you might have some of you might don't but other than that yinlin is the character that works the best on jiny teams right now even better that morifi I would say obviously if you can have like Mori both and Yin on the same team without gang yingi to be killed then yes that would be the best case scenario but many of the time you're just going to be using the best team of yinin and Vina and right obviously Yin isn't going to be coming back anytime soon so if you miss her out that's not going to be a very nice thing but another thing is guys it's going to be the weapon build requirement is that jiny weapon right now apart from her signature most of the other weapon is actually not that good right even the five star well obviously if you have the five star it can still be a lot better than the four star but like look at the standard weapon right even though it gives her energy regen more burst up time but you know Liberation damage bonus right uh yeah it's not something that she focuses on a lot obviously she does steal damage with her Liberation but she focuses on skill so this broad BL doesn't actually focuses a lot on her kit verden Summit like how have you guys actually have this Brad play on your account because it's for Yan if you haven't pulled for Yan most likely you're probably not going to have this on your account and then when we're looking into the fourar options guys most of them actually sucks so atim trades this is a bass options not many of you actually buy the B pass however this is I think this is the only best fourstar option that she has right now other than that right it's going to be the helus cleaver it does give her attack up and she can utilize the passive of it pretty decently well however the other three broad blade options you know like the Discord it's an energy recharge plade you know this one is also an energy recharge and the dawn list ever die is a defense right for taii so over half of the freet to-play option CH can't already use like if you look into the three star options like obviously playing Until the End Game you're not going to be using the three star option much but other than that you can only use like the guardian broad blade or the broad of the night well obviously we can also have the new broad blade that comes in the event too but it's the three star options and isn't really good either so in reality guys honestly you will probably have the helious cleaver as the only option for the fourstar if you're not going for the BP pass if you've already got it your five star stuned weapon to someone else like you know you chosen a sword or Rectifier or pistol right you don't have have access to this and you clearly won't have a ver Summit either so the best chance you've got right now is like trying to pull for her signature which obviously is the best right it is a very good weapon for her which makes her to be one of the least fre play friendly that I've seen to date right now in terms of her team restriction and the build requirement for her weapon that she's got whereas you know like for Chang Le I think that her sword options are very DEC decent right the five star s sword options is a pretty good one she can use her skill up to two times therefore she will get two stacks right and she regen so have for more Liberation up time which is nice and it is also a crit rate weapon right you guys can have access to this in the game other than that guys like you know the commander of conviction great you can use that luming GLA is a b pass option if you have it it is also a pretty decent option too even Luna cutter right you can also use this and right now some of these options are actually available you know the sword is available on the weapon Banner so you might be able to try and snipe here and there but I believe that chlie weapon Banner should be having uh some of the other good sword option that's coming too so basically overall you can just see that what happened to my broad blade what is this but basically overall you can just see that changli currently is a lot more flexible in terms of build requirement and obviously her team build can also be slightly more flexible she can technically slot into any teams as normal as a no DPS and she will still find was you can see uh she has to have coordinated attack character on your team if you want to pull out her best potential now looking at the fourar on the banner right uh we do have San yangyang and dunin overall I think this is a fine fourstar roster obviously we don't have too many fourstar right now so you know the fourar character are going to have pretty recent rotate San over I think is a pretty nice character however she's not fitting forc right if you do decide to use other character other than coordinated because she above basic attack so yes G more San is nice but you will need to find out about slotting her into different team overall San resonation chain is it really too much of a needed right uh most of it comes down to looking into increasing her attack uh the only probably best thing is going to be the final uh residence chain for y and dunon basically they are you know a DPS character so it comes down to whether or not you like to use them right they all have the ability to buff all of your team attack at S6 so uh I don't think many of you are going to be have their S6 anytime soon so that really doesn't matter but at the end of the day it's just going to be you decide to use them or not to be a DPS character on your account now for Chang Le B we're going to be having morifi bajer and tchi that morifi an absolutely amazing character he's kind of like a mus have right now in most of the account obviously he also can work on uh CH Le's team so that is nice but the best thing here is you're going to be have more Modi resent chain he needs kind of like an S4 at least to get basically his fullest potential so that's going to be a good chance for you Basher is pretty nice you don't really need her res chain just basically you know build her and she will be a very good support healer character for you on the account right now Tachi is you know very situational she can be pretty decent uh when you pair up in terms of character that want to use skill damage bonus like you know jiny can get her buff but many of the time I don't think you'll be using taii on Jin scene so overall Mori is going to be the best best value on CH Le's Banner right for CH Le's weapon banner I just realized that there's no forer sword that's going to be coming so that kind of sucks so if you're planning to go for changli in the end you might want to try and snipe the sword that is on jiny's Banner currently so overall guys here's what I think right honestly I think that these two characters are really good Kuro just literally created a very very you know good animation wise character not just that right you can just see look at that their animation is just absolutely fantastic I am so surprised that we get to test T this earlier on without having to wait for 3 week most of us already know how powerful jiny currently is obviously as I mentioned she is not too freet to-play friendly at times so uh we might have to wait for future fourstar options to be more available for her as for chlie obviously yeah she is very easy to build uh you know her damage wise I'm pretty sure is going to be very very high she's only level 50 now in terms of testing and she already dealing very good numbers very easy to play um team build wise you can slot her into any teams and she has a lot of free play friendly sord option too so honestly speaking guys I'm leaning to more changli for you guys if you are considering about your account situation right you don't have a lot of gems to invest into jiny then changli definitely it's going to be a better character for you right now but guys like at the end of the day uh you just have to choose whichever character you feel like you love playing more in the end because they have very different attack animations their play style is very different as well even though they are are like head carry for you guys to be on the field so choosing based on your preference is going to be definitely a thing but obviously if you are stuck between both of them you want to get both but you can't right now then yes I am leaning toward a little bit more Chang Le but while obviously if you're plan to PO for both of them and you're planning to swipe and don't yeah don't forget to check out loot bar because I'm pretty sure they are going to be helping you out a lot I think that's all I have to say regarding these two character guys if you have any questions leave it out in the comment section and I will get to you there I'm posting a full guide on on everything on jiny right now so be sure to subscribe to my channel to not miss out as well as check out the video right here with that I really appreciate you guys sticking with me to this PR video and I will catch you on my next video
Channel: SuperaTom
Views: 6,438
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Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact game, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact news update, genshin impact guides and tips, SuperaTom, SuperaTom Genshin Impact, superatom rpgs, supera, tom, supera tom, SUPERA TOM, wuthering waves changli or jinhsi?, jinhsi or changli who should you pull, best changli or jinhsi build
Id: NegmiYEXzVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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