Oblivion's Most VILE High Elf - Umbacano's Entire Questline

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in today's video we're going to be going through and discussing all three of umo's quests in order of the collector nothing you can possess and finally secrets of the aliens to begin the quest The Collector we must enter inside of an alien ruin and recover an alien statue the tricky part here is that not just any alien ruin has these statues there are only 10 ruins that have them and each ruin only contains one Statue what's more because we haven't heard of them before we aren't really sure what they look like or what their purpose is they aren't particularly the easiest object to spot if you're not keeping an eye out for them and most of the time they blend in well with the scenery of the alien ruins the first alien ruin we decided to check out is called cot cot is located southeast of the Imperial City with an ey shot of the bridge that passes over the upper nibban like mentioned before this is pretty much a hidden Quest and we would likely only find ourselves in here for the purpose of Adventure and plunder cot is a great place to find our first alien statue as it only contains one zone this Zone only contains six zombie Undead enemies and is comprised of a few small rooms and one big room as for the zombies they only appear here when we enter into the small room that contains the alien statue so the journey through this ruin is rather short arriving in the room we notice that in the middle there's a unique looking object it sort of has the shape of a fancy hourglass but the details of it are more ancient and mystical in the center of it appears to be a gem similar in nature to the appearance of welin and varones in which we see throughout other alien ruins when stumbling upon it if we happen to notice it we can approach it and see that it can be picked up has a weight and can be sold for gold we put it into our inventory and mind it no business as like mentioned before it serves no purpose other than to be sold this is why qot is a great first spot to find an alien statue as the whole dungeon is practically designed around discovering it exiting the room the undead have now spawned in they will be six leveled zombies and lucky for us this character is extremely proficient in destruction magic and zombies happen to have a weakness to fire we use a few fire explosion spells that blast an entire radius into Inferno with this spell we don't even have to be accurate in order to inflict mass amount of damage onto the zombies within seconds each zombie would get laid back to rest eventually our exploration through kot comes to an end and we descend back up to the surface of cidel now if you're like me I have a bad habit of waiting until my weight limit is almost maxed out before going to see a merchant moreover I for some reason always neglect the miscellaneous tab as I find the enchanted armor and weapons I pick up sell for more gold and drop the pounds down fairly substantially so that's all to say a player like myself might take a little bit to actually go and sell this statue off but we do find ourselves traveling back to the Imperial City Market District here we decide to stop by our old pal and criminals accomplice thorir and unload our inventory a bit selling the statue we noticed that it is one of the only things that can't be bought back which is rather strange seeing as how pretty much everything can be bought back well its only purpose for us was to be sold so no point in looking back we leave the copious coin impers and in this instance we force a wait instantly our timer jumps down to zero we're then approached by a stranger allow me to introduce myself my name is joling I come on behalf of my master Umano he asked me to deliver this note I believe it is an invitation to visit him at his manner in the Imperial City my master is a collector of alien Antiquities it has come to his attention that you recently sold an item that interests him I believe the note will give you all the details my master Umano lives in the Talis Plaza District of the Imperial City he is known across cadil as a collector of alien [Music] Antiquities interested we open up our inventory and find umo's invitation to read it says as my servant no doubt has already explained I am an avid collector of alien Antiquities as such your recent sale of a rare alien statue piqued my interest I am most eager to acquire more of these statues for my collection and will be happy to remunerate you handsomely for your efforts I would be pleased to welcome you to my home in the Imperial City in order to discuss this matter in more detail at your earliest convenience I remain most sincerely Umano Umano Manor Talos Plaza District Imperial City now jeul ring would have made his way to us even if we didn't wait however this was the fastest and most direct method to his introduction he would have found us even if we sold the item to an obscure Merchant in a lowly Tavern alternatively we could have made our way straight to amano's Manor in the Talis Plaza district and sought out jeul ring first before selling the statue in order to FastTrack the whole process fast traveling over to the Talos Plaza District we walk over to the Umano Manor and enter inside jeul ring is very quick to approach us welcome my master instructed me to show you up immediately please follow me we follow xul ring up the stairs peering back over our shoulder it seems this mysterious amakano has an Argonian bodyguard in his company as well we continue our Ascension and enter into the private quarters we see an upper class middle-aged high elf sitting and reading we're beckoned over to have a seat we take him up on his offer and begin speaking with him thank you for coming you may recognize that statue over there on the table the very one that you recently sold for less than its true worth as you may know I am somewhat of an Enthusiast for aliad Antiquities in my own modest way I have amassed a rather considerable collection I have recently become interested in obtaining the complete set of these ancient statues I believe that 10 still exist no mere shopkeeper knows their true worth if you bring them to me when you find them I will pay you double for each one I am looking for the complete set of 10 for my collection they were once part of the Temple of the ancestors in the ancient aliot capital through my research I have learned that they were removed from the temple before it sacked by men I believe they were hidden in various aliad settlements across Cil although I do not know the exact location of any of them why have you already found another statue for me well then you have work to do I will continue to search the archives for any clues to the statue's locations [Music] you know it as white gold Tower the center of the ancient aliad capital of nib it was brutally sacked thousands of years ago by humans led by Alesia the Imperial City is built over the ruins of that ancient [Music] city so as Umano stated there are 10 alien statues in total that means there are nine other statues out there that he would like us to retrieve however we're given no hints nor any instructions on which ruins might contain them there are over 50 alien ruins across cidel and a lot of them are massive dungeons that would take a while to explore without the knowledge of where to go this Quest could take a very long time to complete or similar to The Quest seeking your roots this would simply be a background Quest that gets done whenever it gets done lucky for us we have the locations of the other nine aliad sites that contain the aliad statues the second statue can be retrieved from a ruin called fakas fakas is located north of Shaden Hall and south-southeast of Lord rug dumps estate similar to kot fakas only contains one zone so finding the statue isn't that complicated however it does involve us maneuvering through tight passageways traps and water-filled rooms the main enemy we face in here are vampires we will encounter one boss level vampire one Vampire Beast and four regular vampires once we've made our way through this dungeon we will find the aliad Statue propped up on a column on the far right of the local map once recovered we can leave the alien ruin and return back to the Talos Plaza District entering back inside the ocono manor jol RG approaches us once more I used to think you were a hero a holy night and all that I guess I shall I show you up very good please follow me we follow zrig back up into amano's private quarters we see the highelf reading in his chair still and we begin to speak to him about the recovered statue ah yes my treasure hunting friend what can I do for you yes have you found another St statue for me ah a second ancestor excellent I had wondered whether the first was just luck but I see now that you have some skill at this work by Good Fortune my research has uncovered some new information that may help you in your search for the remaining statues I have found the names of a number of alien cities where the statues may have been taken for safekeeping during the siege of white gold Tower the only modern sites that still bear their ancient names are moranda mtin wandick niniva and fakas there is no guarantee that my sources are correct of course but these should at least provide a starting point for your search umako was able to give us five locations of where the alien statues are suspected to be unfortunately one of them fakas was already explored and plundered so we just have the other four to work off of but with some leads and hints as to where to go this Quest can now be put on the front line we head to the alien ruin of matin for our third alien statue matin is located Northeast of Braille north of sage Glenn Hollow and west southwest of deserted mine this dungeon contrary to the previous two has three zon zones to it the first Zone contains two to six necromancers and is comprised of three rooms one small one medium and one large the second Zone called tombs of the undead contains 0 to six necromancers and comprises of a lot of small rooms and large Pathways with only one large room this time the final Zone necromancer's Asylum contains one boss level Necromancer and two zombies one of them being the highest possible level for your character the zone comprises of one really big room and one medium-sized room the third statue is located in the middle of the bigger room on an altar once we have it we can take the doorway at the end of the room and we find ourselves back in zone one where we can exit the ruin back out into cidel we can now fast travel once more back to the Talos Plaza district and to umo's Manor good to see you again sir shall I escort you upstairs to see my master very good please follow me we're once again escorted back up and we speak with umbacano ah yes my treasure hunting friend what can I do for you yes have you found another statue for me beautiful Exquisite you have proven yourself to be quite resourceful I have another task which should interest someone of your particular talents we're now ready to move on to the next quest for Umano storyline but we haven't yet completed the quest The Collector so we're going to go ahead and quickly go over and retrieve the other seven alien statues from their respective alien ruins the fourth statue that we find is is located in the ruin called moranda Miranda is located between bumma and coral near under Paul cave and east Southeast of sanker Tor it has three zones and we will fight anywhere between 16 to 27 monster enemies the statue can be found in an Al Cove in the middle room of the third Zone the fifth statue that we find is located in the ruin called ninava ninava is located Northeast of coral just slightly East Northeast of Sor and Northwest of Miranda it contains only one zone so I would recommend it as one of the three search spots required for The Collector we will fight between 5 to eight vampires and two to five zombies in this dungeon the statue can be acquired after retrieving a key that unlocks the gate to get to it the sixth statue that we find is located in the ruin called Vin VIN is located Northeast of the Imperial City and right beside the sewers we emerge from in the beginning of the game Vin contains four zones and we will fight anywhere from 28 to 35 enemies which are a mix of Bandits and the undead the statue can be found in zone 4 on a pillar at a four-way intersection the seventh statue that we find is located in the ruin called weli weli is located east of Braille near the panther River and right beside the writing of the nibon valley on the map it contains three zones and we will fight anywhere from 21 to 22 Undead enemies the statue can be found in the third Zone on one of the sarcophagy the eighth statue that we find is located in the ruin called Wendel Beck Wendel Beck is located east of Braille and Northeast of weli just across the panther River it contains four zones and we will fight 14 Necromancer and Undead enemies the statue can be found in the third Zone off of a raised Corridor close to the entrance on the left the ninth statue that we find is located in the ruin called wender wender is located between coral and skingrad just Northwest of hack dirt and west of Fort carmala it contains two zones and we will face a total of 19 Undead enemies the statue can be found in the second Zone near the upper left entrance and by activating a button that lowers a gate the 10th and final statue is located in the ruin called W Yanda W Yanda is located northwest of Braille east of Fort blackbot and west southwest of robbers Glen cave when yand Dack contains two zones and we will face anywhere from 15 to 18 Undead enemies the statue can be found in the second Zone and is easiest to grab entering through the upper doorway but do be careful as it is possible to lock yourself out completely from grabbing the statue by leaping off of a certain Bridge just outside of the room containing the alien statue we can now return to the Talos Plaza district and once again enter inight of Umano Manor je ring shows us up and we go speak to Umano he doesn't offer any unique dialogue up until we have three statues left to sell him I am impressed only three more statues to complete the set keep up the good work my friend yes have you I had never thought to see eight of the ancestors together again in my lifetime well done yes have you found another statue for me you are doing very well in your treasure hunt my friend only one more statue remains to be discovered you are very close to earning the reward for completing the set of 10 I urge you to redouble your efforts yes have you found another statue for me you have exceeded my fondest hopes my friend the 10 ancestors are reunited at last this is truly an historic day as I promised when we first met here is your reward for completing the set take it with my sincere thanks it is well deserved [Music] you were more resourceful than I had hoped I esteem you greatly for your success in bringing the 10 ancestors together again after all these years the 10 ancestors are handed over to Umano and our grand reward on top of the 500 gold per statue is 5,500 gold for completing the set okano now walks over to his glass display case and stores all 10 statues in there truly a sight to behold now it's time to move on to the next Quest and inquire about the other task he has for us well met you have proven yourself more than a simple grave robber I believe you can handle a more complicated assignment are you interested excellent here take a look at this sketch the ancient text refer to this site only as the high Fame do you know it I'm not surprised I have not been able to find any modern reference to it still the architectural detail is distinctive enough it may still be recognizable the high F dates from the late aliad period following the fall of white gold Tower a very troubled time for that ancient people a time I find Most Fascinating the drawing on the bottom of the page I gave you depicts a carved panel from the central chamber of the high F I believe this carving will shed new light on aliad History if I am able to examine it closely I would like you to retrieve it for me you will need this as well it is the key to the inner chamber of the high feain I part with it reluctantly so guard it well it is what began my search for the highy feain many years ago your first task is to locate the ruins of the high fean I believe it must now be known by a different name our next task also known as the quest nothing you can possess involves us looking for the alien ruin called the high fean within it we're to find a carved panel located in the central chamber the only problem is that neither us nor umbacano know what the modern day name is for the high fan stumped we exit The Manor and this is where a stranger takes us up in conversation you must be Ono's new play thing well met I am Claude marrick another porn in Nano's game I always enjoy meeting my rival treasure Hunters what did you think you were the only one come let's have a drink together The Stranger named Claude Merrick appears to be another treasure hunter in the employ of Umano with no other leads on the high fean we decide to follow him into the tyers septum Hotel he has a seat and offers us a drink barkeep a drink for my friend we indulge in tamika's West wield wine have a seat and speak to Claude now then I propose a toast to umbacano may his purse never run dry our mutual employer really tells us the whole story but he pays very well not that I should be giving advice to one of my rivals you know what I will help you although it is liable to get you killed the high fean is now known as Malad up in the valis mountains but I do not advise you to go there read the cleansing of the feain first then decide as I said a very bad Place must I hold your hand I begin to wonder what Umano sees in you it is an alien ruin in the far west of this province up in the valis mountains I don't own it one of the rare book dealers in the Market District may have a copy read it educate yourself think carefully about what I told you but I'm sure you'll be fine not only does Claude spill the beans on where the high Fane is now the aliad ruin called Mada he also warns us against going in there we decide to go to the first edition in the Imperial City Marketplace and buy the book cleansing of the feain to make an informed decision the book reads the chronicles of the Holy Brothers of maruko volume 4 or the cleansing of the Fain editors note this is the only only surviving fragment of the chronicle of the first era sect of the elisian order it seems to have been kept at their great monastic complex at Lake calus which was raised during the war of righteousness first era year 2321 and its archives destroyed or dispersed note also that elisian scribes of this time customarily dated events from the apotheosis of Alysia first era year 266 here is recorded the events of the Year 127 of the blessed elisia in this year was the day darkened over all lands and the sun was all as it were Mass but 3 days old and the Stars about him at midday this was on the fifth of fur seed all who saw it were dismayed and said that a great event should come Hereafter so it did for that same year issued forth a great Concourse of devils from the ancient Elvish Temple Mada such had not been seen since the days of King belhara these Devils greatly afflicted the land such that no man could plow or reap or seed and the people appealed to the brothers of maroo for Sor and then Abbot cosmus gathered all the brothers and led them to Mada also known as the high feain in the Elvish tongue and came against it with Holy Fire and the foul demons were destroyed and many devilish relics and books found therein were burned and the land had peace for many years the book does say that the brothers of maruko destroyed all of the evil from within the high but that was many years ago and what takes residents inside of Mada now is unknown interestingly if we return to amakano now the only piece of information we get is about Claude Merrick it's my pleasure please continue I believe a little friendly competition always sharpens the wits even more reason for you to get back to hunting for my carving now it's time to head to Mada Mada is located located far to the east in cidel and is in its Southern areas it's close in proximity to perite Shrine and there's actually a pathway from matin leading all the way there approaching the ruin we see a kajit scout clad in armor gazing at the ruins we approach him and begin to speak well well if it isn't the holy Crusader himself you're probably wondering what this one is doing in this God's forsaken Wilderness same here sair doesn't get paid nearly enough for this you are cautious and perceptive good traits to have in this business yes you guess correctly this one is working for marri it never tells us anything though just between the two of us this one thinks mer is cheating him in fact this one is sure of it listen sair has an idea of how we can both come out of this ahead we wait and see how this plays out if and when there's an opportunity sair will help you against marrick if we succeed in recovering the treasure you give this one half of what you're getting paid you won't regret it this one will keep his eyes open and wait for an opportunity to help you don't screw this one though after the dust settles look for sair in the tyers set him in in the Imperial City full payment is expected sraer casts doubt on Claude Merrick's character and is offered a partnership with us instead in exchange for half of the reward we agree but we'll see if we keep our end of the bargain we head down to the ruins and enter inside of the high Fain Mada only has two zones but we only need to explore the first one for this Quest there are a series of Pathways and small rooms throughout this area we really only find animal enemies within this dungeon it's strange that Claude Merck was so afraid to enter inside of here obviously bears and mountain lions are not easy foes but if he has a crew of treasure Hunters they stand a better chance eventually we work our way up to a room that has a small Corridor attached to it walking along this hallway we see a very strange doorway simply called stone door we interact with it and using umbo's High fean key the door retracts into the ground just on the other side is a tabloid that looks exactly like the sketch Umano provided us it's a blue carved panel and must be what we're looking for we walk up to it and put it into our inventory all of the sudden the wall falls down and nearly kills us on the other side a boss level Undead is revealed and conjures an undead to fight us behind us two false walls retract into the ground and four skeletons lunge out of the darkness attacking us altogether two of them are skeleton Champions and they each summoned a skeleton Guardian after defeating the skeletons we finish off the Lich on the other side of the wall and now we're free to leave meada it got a little dicey back there but that has to be the most of our troubles right exiting the fort we're confronted by a familiar face well done you have much to learn about this business my friend but you show definite promise but first of course you must hand over the carving are you sure I truly have no wish to harm you it is the carving I want just business hand it over and someday we will both laugh about this over drinks at the Tyber septim I will give you one last chance as you wish too bad I was just getting to like you kill him refusing to hand over the panel Claude Mar calls on his crew to kill us and take the treasure for themselves we're attacked by three people but one of them is actually fighting off claw that's our kajit acquaintance szer we only have to deal with two enemies now as opposed to four however the two are still strong opponents one of them rigore is clad in complete DC armor and the other brettus fius is clad in glass armor and wields a d Claymore we look over and unfortunately our companion ion sraer was killed by Claude Merck however with no more allies on the fighting grounds we can switch over to our overpow destruction magic and start casting it on the robbers first rigore goes down then after a lengthy back and forth with brettus he too falls in the battle now it's time to go in for the leader Claude Merrick Claude tries to make an escape on his horse but we cast some spells on him causing him to fight back he cries for help that he's being assaulted but we incinerate and defeat him quickly ending the employment and life of amano's other treasure Hunters interestingly when we loot rigore she has a note on her from Claude it reads rigore set up camp out of sight and keep an eye out for strangers Umano thinks to cheat us as usual so we'll play it cautiously do not enter the ruin until I arrive we may not need to risk our necks this time Merck P.S keep an eye on sraer he's acting even even twitchier than usual maybe he finally realized he isn't getting a full cut but I think he's good for one more job and he's the best I could come up with on short notice it turns out that Claude was using us all along and above all he was in fact giving sraer the shorthand like the kajit suspected with all of this out of the way we can return back to amakano we enter the manor get escorted into the private quarters and speak once more with the high elf a pleasure to speak with you yes you learned that it is the ruin now known as Mada were you able to recover The Carving yet wonderful you are indeed a treasure hunter of exceptional talents here is your reward as promised normally I would give you a chance to celebrate your success but I do have another task for you if you are interested a rather urgent one The Carving you recovered from Mada will be invaluable in my research on the late aliad period there's now only one more task to do for Umano interestingly for this Quest if Claude Merck sraer rigore and brettus fius sound familiar that's because they can otherwise be found at the Roxy Inn Northeast of the Imperial City before this Quest has begun there are actually mult multiple ways the interaction with them outside of meada could have went down firstly we could have handed over the carving there would have been no violence but Claude would be the one to get the reward and the Renown from Umano secondly we again could have given it over and avoided Bloodshed but stolen it back afterwards in order to hand it over to Umano ourselves thirdly we could have killed all three of claud's companions before even entering the ruins with this way Claude doesn't even bother showing up fourthly we could cast frenzy as soon as we step outside and enter back into the ruins for a minute or so coming back out will likely see claw running away if his henchmen attacked him causing everyone else to be neutral towards us fifthly Claude May accept a yield from us if his disposition is high enough and lastly we can avoid everything altogether if we just fast travel immediately after exiting the ruins of Mada then with szer if he survived the attack would be waiting for us at the Tyber cpum hotel where we could split the reward with him if we chose to do so if our speechcraft was also high enough we could have negotiated him down to splitting a quarter of the reward instead of half we return once more to receive a task from umbacano it's my pleasure please continue this is not quite in your usual line of work but I hope you can help me just the the same a rival collector has an item which I very much want to add to my collection but she stubbornly refuses to consider any of my offers she and I have had our differences over the years I admit now she is taking this opportunity to get her revenge I believe that you may be able to persuade her to part with the item where I cannot doe to her prejudice against me are you interested very good I hope you will succeed where I have so far failed her name is her minia sinner she lives here in the Imperial City in the Elven Gardens District she fancies herself a student of the Elliots although she sadly lacks any aesthetic Instinct whatsoever be that as it may she has come into possession of an ancient Relic known as the crown of the aliad your job job is to acquire it for me here is more than enough gold to buy it at any reasonable price you may keep whatever you do not use as your fee reputedly the crown worn by the last king of the aliad it deserves to be part of my collection very little is known of him not even his name he ruled the last aliad City in cadil during the first era three centuries after the fall of white gold Tower we're given a mere sum of 1,000 gold to try and purchase an extremely rare and ancient alien artifact from a citizen of the Imperial City herminia C herminia can either be found in her home in the Elven Gardens District wandering about on the green Emperor way or on sundus by the arborium we find her by the Monument of Tyber septum approach and start our conversation with her I used to admire you but it turns out you're just a sinner like all the rest of us you want to buy my alien Crown it isn't for sale at any price I would think omana would know that by now save your breath he's the only one who knows I have it he's tried to get it from me for years I will never allow the crown to fall into amano's hands he is far more dangerous than you realize far from it his interest in the aliens is not that of a mere scholar he hopes to unlock the secrets of their magical power and if you know anything about aliad ruled cidel that should make you very uneasy I'm afraid I don't know for sure I wish I had a more persuasive answer but hear me out the crown of the aliens which Umano wants is not simply an ancient work of art it has certain superficial magic powers true but its real power is hidden however my studies of the ancient text make clear that it is the key to dangerous magical powers which should be left dormant yes I understand he wants an aliot Crown but does it have to be my aliad crown what if you brought him another Crown my own research into the late aliad period suggests that there was not a single aliad ruler but many they were a bitterly divided people with many Warlords V in against each other for power their ultimate demise was wrought by their own civil Strife at least as much as by the rebellion of their human slaves my crown the one Umano covets belonged to the ruler of nalata I've learned of another Crown in tuned with the last ruler of the Rival city of lindai since Umano has never laid eyes on the real crown of the aliens I doubt he could tell the difference in any case the other is also a real alien Crown just not the right one I think we could all sleep better if you brought him lind's crown instead of the crown of nalata here I happen to have the key you'll need to enter the Royal burial chamber in lindai I hope you'll make the right choice the alien city of lindai was a bitter rival to nalata the city of the so called last king of the aliens Umano may not be able to tell the difference between the crown of lindai and the crown of nalata it's at least worth a try I know I don't want to find out what terrible power Umano could unleash using the crown of nenalata the king of nenalata is the last aliad king known to history true he appears to have ruled for centuries past of fall of all the other aliad kingdoms if the ancient Chronicles are to be believed but there never was a single King of the alats each city state had its king and their power waxed and waned over the years the king of nalata was the last simply because all the other kings had been destroyed or driven out of cidel I hope you'll make the right choice Umano must not have the crown of n herminia has tried to convince us to replace the crown of nenalata with the crown of lindai a rival alien Kingdom she has given us a key to enter the Royal Chamber from within lindai we're now faced with a choice and whichever one we choose will affect the outcome of this Quest but spoiler not by that much I really wanted to see what would happen with Umano if we were to give him the proper alien Crown so we fast traveled over to herminia's house in the Elven Gardens district and broke in while no one was watching Once inside we headed upstairs and picked the lock into her room around the corner of the chamber she has an alien Cask that's secured with a hard lock we picked that one too and inside we found the crown of nalata we quickly fled her house and traveled back over to umo's Manor one last time to share with him the great news I used to think you were a hero a Holy Night all that I guess I should have known better have you brought me the crown of the aliens ah magnificent This Is My Greatest Prize yet to think that I hold the very crown that once graced the brow of the last alien king even to gaze upon it would have been death to any one of the Lesser races in the old days I thank you again for your your efforts I have one final task for you if you are still willing to face Danger on my behalf in order to bring my research on the last king of the aliens to its final stage I need to go to the throne room of nalata while I am not without means of defending myself I believe you would be an invaluable companion on such an expedition your reward will be whatever plunder you wish to carry off from an alata since the throne room has been sealed since the time of the aliad it should provide Rich pickings very well 3 days then don't be [Music] late remember I will be expecting you at nalata in 3 days time umbacano will show up to nalata in 3 days time that gives us 72 in-game hours to prepare for a pretty tough Dungeon Crawl now is when I would recommend to repair your armor charge your weapons stock up on potions and finally recruit any followers if you have them we make our way over to nenalata early to check out the spot nalata is located right across from cadl Chapel on silverfish River and directly east of Fort grief on the nibban bay the outside is quite quaint and not as Grand as other alien ruins so an important thing to discuss is that when he arrives and it's time to enter into the ruin umbacano can actually die if he loses all of his health in there if that were to happen we would never get to see the true end of this quest in order to prevent this from happening I would recommend going in ahead of time and clearing out as many enemies as you possibly can it will be a harder fight as amakano would otherwise help us with these battles but at the risk of him dying there are three zones to this dungeon the first contains eight Undead the second Zone contains four skeletons and three Undead and the last contains three more Undead you can either choose to clear out the enemies while amakano is on his way over during the 3-day grace period or while we're escorting him we can tell him to wait safely in one of the rooms while we deal with the enemies by day three umbacano has finally arrived and he's all alone here you are at last I know exactly where the throne room lies your job it's simply to get me there safely lead the way we can now escort Umano through the three zones of nalata because we officially cleared out the entire dungeon maneuvering and finding our way around is a breeze interestingly if we had spared the life of Claude Merck he would actually be accompanying us and amakano right now he tries to make amends by saying that he Harbors no ill will against us and that the incident was only business after escorting amakano through the first two zones we arrive at the end of the third and when we take him down some stairs we see a rectangular shape carved out of the wall where the high F's panel can likely be placed doing so triggers these events this is it just as sorin described it follow [Music] meel de and ar ar here it is the Throne of the last king of The Elliots and so it falls to me to begin the restoration of our ancient Glory of octavo and up AR [Music] maloro Arise My People the restoration of driel begins today it seems like herminia sin was right and that umbacano in fact had malicious intent he is has become an entity known as the king of nenalata and with that he was able to release six powerful and evil spirits into the room with us we face down liches and wraiths while our Quest updates and says it's best to flee the ruins at once interestingly amakano let off only one attack on us before the spirits started to turn on him and began draining his health we didn't even need to touch him for him to die as in no time the undead killed him off now we're left alone to fend off sick powerful beings honestly this fight is going to be really difficult even if you have a follower and Claude Merrick your best bet would be to loot umbo's body and run out of the room as soon as possible if six strong Undead enemies wasn't enough wait until the liches spawn in skeletons and it quickly becomes a fight against nine through an unrelenting amount of destruction magic and hopping around the throne room the enemies are defeated we can now grab amano's house keys the crown of nenalata as well as the staff of nenalata from the king the staff is a leveled weapon and if you're level 25 plus it has the enchantments of drain willpower for 10 points and dispel for 50 points we make our way through one of these secret passageways and up some stairs here there's a doorway which leads to the first Zone and happens to bring us right to the exit of the dungeon exiting the fort officially concludes the quest secrets of the aliens and therefore ends the Umano quest line so what would have happened if we instead chose to go with the crown of lindai Route we would have traveled to the ruins of lindai which are located east of coral here there are two zones the first contains three skeletons four zombies and four Undead the second contains three skeletons and one boss level Undead the only way to get into Zone two the lindai inner tombs is by using the key given to us by her minia the back of the room contains an alien Cask which holds the crown of lindai from here the same sequence of events would have happened where we would present the crown to amakano and he would probably accept as he didn't know the difference between the two in 3 days time we would have met with him at nalata and escorted him through its three zones all the way to the throne room here he would put the false crown on sit on the throne do his chance and instead of turning into a king the dark welcon stones that line the room unleash their power upon Him killing him instantly the spirits still get released and umbacano still ends up dying hence why I mentioned our choice doesn't impact the end result of this Quest too greatly so the real main difference is whether or not we wanted to put in the extra work for another alien Crown as mentioned prior umbacano can die on his way through the ruins so it is highly recommended that you clear out the enemies ahead of time if you were curious on the translation for the incantation chanted by amakano to enter the throne room and while sitting on the throne it roughly means by Oriel and Tamriel Grant the noble King passage as well as by blessed Tamriel acknowledge the noble King in your loving vassalage as for loose ends for this Quest if Claude Merrick survived he would have made his way all the way back to Roxy Inn to spend the rest of his day herminia in the Imperial City makes absolutely no mention or remark for amakano or the crowns after all is said and done returning back to amakano Manor zrig and The Bodyguard USA offer some unique dialogue what can I do for you my master has not returned from his expedition to nanala I fear the worst but umbacano Manor remains in my charge and I will will keep it in Readiness for his return what you know I haven't seen him around for a while but I'm still getting paid so what do I care an interesting little tidbit is that apparently Umano wasn't always the rich upper classman that he portrayed to be he was apparently once a commoner who had taken up temporary residence in yasu mine in the Elder SCS 3 morind he also made mention to someone named sorcin while in nalata and that same sorcin is also in yasu mine in morrowwind I thoroughly enjoyed amano's quest line I actually had never fully completed it before as I never bothered to look for three alien statues however I'm really glad I finally got to experience this Quest and talk about it with you all the collector was fantastic and I really liked how we didn't need to find all 10 stat statues before starting nothing you can possess nothing you can possess was also a decent Quest as even though it was still a Dungeon Crawl we didn't need to venture too far into the ruins to get what we needed and we did see some unique assets like the stone door and the Hy's carving finally secrets of the aliens provided us with a choice which I always love in this game although that choice doesn't impact the outcome of the quest too greatly it still was nice to see her minia was right about on Bano and that he wasn't to be trusted maybe next time we'll think harder on if we should do Quests for people just because they're offering US money but we probably still will until next time keep on adventuring
Channel: A Bard's Ballad
Views: 17,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, lore, oblivion crisis, oblivion gameplay, oblivion lore, oblivion playthrough, oblivion crisis lore, elderscrolls lore, elderscrolls 4 oblivion, oblivion elder scrolls, elder scrolls iv oblivion, oblivion quests, oblivion Daedra, quest walkthrough, oblivion walkthrough, elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls story, oblivion, elder scrolls oblivion, elder scrolls oblivion quests, elder scrolls oblivion lore, elder scrolls oblivion review, oblivion npc, oblivion funny
Id: mI3ytdbhLLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 13sec (3133 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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