Morphle's Treasure Hunt ! | Cartoons for Kids | Mila and Morphle

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a hey come on Marvel help me plant this flower for Daddy [Music] wow [Music] oh I wonder what's inside [Music] oh it's a treasure map oh well part of a treasure map see this X this means the next piece of the map is at the park you saw the treasure map nice I'll let me learn more for find the rest of the map then take it for myself good thinking Winston this is where the x is we have to dig next to that tree [Music] digging more full yeah it's the second piece of the map look another X this one's up the mountain up on the mountain come on morphle whoa hey should be I know you morph into a Triceratops let's Smash It uh-oh it's the last piece of the map and I think I know where it's buried oh take that thank you very much Winston don't worry morphle this isn't over yet this is where the treasure must be the treasure is at the beach [Music] oh woohoo come on morphle [Music] this is it morphle [Music] morph into an excavator and let's get that treasure so cute could it be oh a treasure chest wow every day is a magical day with a magic pet and a chest full of treasure huh [Music] I mean more full it seems that I have the flu and I'm unable to do my work can we help you Mr Joe [Music] these vehicles need to be delivered to their odors quickly but I have a [Music] I have this list uh oh all the names of the vehicles owners are smudged but I think we can still figure it out more full morph into a big red truck [Music] I think the tractor needs to go to police officer freeze Network I think that's what it says on the list [Music] but but this this officer freeze but we're in a hurry huh [Music] sorry let's see you there [Music] this is impossible not so fast no I think we made a mistake more full morph into a police car too purple catch them [Music] now let's try to bring the vehicles to the correct owners hmm I think this tractor belongs to love [Applause] and the ice cream truck must belong to Geraldo yeah yeah [Music] hey Milan morphle how did it go everything has been delivered Mr Joe oh great was the list of any help wow Mila morphle caregiver Kamal called he says he needs your help at the zoo okay Daddy Marvel morph into a flying house foreign [Music] great I need your help could you and Marvel help bring this penguin camel and monkey to their new homes in the wild sure great we can all fly in Marvel The Flying House the desert is hot and dry it's the perfect home for a camel all right I think he wants to come with us I think we can find a new home for him right Morpho yay oh the South Pole is the perfect home for a penguin but it's way too cold for a dragon okay let's go to another place [Music] the rain forest is the perfect home for a monkey uh oh but I think the rainforest might be too wet for dragons it's not easy finding the perfect home for a dragon but we're not giving up oh a volcano Kane is a perfect place for a dragon to live okay Dragon you seem very happy in your new home now it's time for a morphle and me to go back home oh Dragon oh now I get it you're a magic pet it doesn't matter where magic pets are in the world they won't feel at home without their human companion but I already have a magic pet morphle but I know where we can find you a great human companion what okay [Music] at the magic pet center we'll find you a magic match in no time hey cute little fella so funny to think that one day you will be big and scary [Music] with this zapper that we stole from Professor Paula we can turn these animals into Giants we're gonna have a great day at the animal sanctuary morphle the bandits are zapping all the animals in the Giants [Music] we need to get the zapper back more folks morph into a superhero [Music] I can't think it's great Barky [Music] oh [Music] give us the zapper Bandits I don't think so you're Samson uh oh we didn't think that one through will be bad yeah great now let's set back all the animals there it's the penguin that's one [Music] [Music] hi we're back great but oh no you've become very small could you're still great animals [Music] look more full like this [Music] [Music] don't worry morphle you'll get the hang of it but you'll never be as good as this little guy meet Boba our newest magic pet her Bobo loves blowing bubbles he tends to Bubble over with joy from it whoa see that looks like fun [Music] um Boba this is high enough [Music] [Music] what is good huh yeah help help me [Music] [Music] oh no there's a car falling from the sky [Music] it's you there you are Boba listen you can't just blow your magic bubbles everywhere it's causing lots of problems [Music] morphle can you pop My Bubble oh thanks morple [Music] you saved me thank you morphle [Music] nice I was a bit on the bubble whether I'd see my car again well Boba next time you bubble over please don't take it so literally [Music] did you have fun at the fair Mila and morphle [Music] we play tea parties with our new baby doll prize tea come on Morpho let's make today magical anemi can you bring our baby doll to life then she can really join in [Music] hmm hello Builder Mary hi there I need a magic pet to help me move some heavy bricks can anyone help anemi could bring them to life and they could move themselves that would be great we'll be back soon Mila and morphle bye bye no giant baby magic pet treats aren't baby food [Music] I don't think bringing baby to life was such a good idea let's take her to a Mimi so he can magic her back to a doll again together [Music] oh no baby stop that you'll hurt Mr vanderboost and Barky Marple morph into a kite to get the baby off the door [Music] no stop giant baby that's not real ice cream oh no my man sorry Geraldo we'll help you fix it later morphle morph into a dump truck to catch the baby foreign [Music] I've got an idea let's rock the baby to sleep twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are you did it Morpho but please can you turn our baby doll back to normal [Music] be awake awake huh please hurry you need me Mila what's going on sorry Daddy next time we can play tea parties without bringing the toys to life every day is a magical day with a magic hat I have to go and do something now more Full Cup sorry it's a secret so you have to stay here it's okay I'll be back soon oh [Applause] [Music] what's wrong morphle I don't know but I'm sure she'll be back soon [Music] [Music] hello morphle oh dear what's wrong here he's not here sorry [Music] huh [Music] no Mila's not here put me down morphle [Music] foreign [Music] she's not here [Music] huh no morphle I'm sure she's around somewhere [Music] morphle's crying not in my city come on morphle dry those tears Mila is waiting for you at home [Music] thank you [Music] not so fast morphle you haven't checked the backyard yet foreign [Music] [Music] can you show us what is happening in the mirror world I most certainly can Mila [Music] no more for putting back inside me that's awful in the mirror world everything is opposite of what it's like in our world and since morphle is very friendly I'm afraid that awful will want to do nothing but bad things good thinking we can't have Orville running around the city creating a mess let's play with chroma for a while thank you [Music] hello morphle how are you today what are you doing [Music] Marvel you can't just leave me here sounds like someone's looking for you more full well there you are morphle now get me back down from here [Music] thanks but I don't appreciate these kind of shenanigans sure no no no it was you who put me on the roof in the first place but morphle was with us inside the whole time no he put me on the roof and he was laughing about it like this oh no that sounds like or full we need to find him [Music] what are you doing more fool are you building something what hey what's the deal here this isn't Fun more fool but if that's more full who's that [Music] uh he's winning and who's the real morphle we need to make sure Oracle can't pretend to be more full anymore Roma pink Oracle green Arthur green I hope we've seen the last of Orville [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I know what will cheer you up [Music] my invention is done I've invented a youth serum which I will demonstrate on my assistant [Music] [Applause] oh that's so cute [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know how to take care of a a baby you have to take her to her daddy while I make an antidote to change her back [Music] [Applause] [Music] hungry [Music] [Music] Mila [Applause] Mila where are you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow hey morphle boy am I glad to see you I have the strangest dream I dreamed that I was a baby isn't that silly foreign I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits thanks Mila and morphle if only we had our own morphing magic pet we could cause more trouble in the city look it's awful can you get us out of here [Music] oh no my cars how did you get out of jail not in my city oh no it's officer freeze quick or full morph into something big thank you T-Rex I thought you'd be scarier a monkey hey give back my camera come and get it [Music] those Bandits use the robot to do this robot hmm we'll catch the mechanic Joe this is Advantage have a scary T-rex dinosaur a dinosaur and a robot how strange we'll catch them officer freeze [Music] those mean Bandits and their naughty monkey put my camera up there let's find those mean Bandits morphle a robot a dinosaur and a monkey I think those Bandits have Orville with them we'll catch them April Oh No It's Milan morphle quick or full morph into something big morphle morph into a T-Rex too that's not big enough into a robot too [Music] I don't feel so good or full stop that okay [Music] we're tired now I told you we'd always catch you if you do mean things Bandits oh [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic pet here you go two small robots as ordered excellent what was that oh nothing thank you bye-bye huh have you brought everything yup [Music] perfect oh look it's the bandits look it's the Bandit no oh [Music] Martha [Music] never mind the fall we're going now come with me oh oh Martha do you want to play another game no okay do you want to go home no um do you have any ideas no more Marco get those ice creams you're acting very strange morphle you don't even want them more no all you say is no no no Daddy morphles being weird now Mila that's not a nice thing to say hey morphle do you want some ice cream no ice cream that can't be right what huh see this this isn't real the bandits [Music] hey daddy over there oh no it's Mila's Daddy hey Mila what are you doing uh you know girl stuff over here [Music] well okay then you do that bye bye Mila bye daddy now for some more Mischief morph into a police car no a fire truck no an elephant [Music] [Music] ready to play hide and seek yay remember don't leave the yard in case those pesky Bandits are on the loose ten nine eight seven six five four three two one ready or not here I come Are We There Yet Carry Me I have a better idea let's steal that bike [Music] huh he found you you're too good at this game Mila but I can't find more full can you see him anywhere nope he is hiding really well Martha Morpho come out come out wherever you are oh let's ask magic pet glitter pug to turn us into morphles wow thanks yay I'll morph into a race car to find him quickly if I can fly I'll be able to look for more full all over the city awesome I'm a superhero I see more info but the bandits have him [Music] [Music] whoops oh stop the bridge is going up we can make it [Music] I command you to stop hey oh morph into a helicopter to fly over the bridge thanks Mila now we have our own helicopter yeah hey what's going on I've got an idea follow me [Music] so not Bandit helicopter quick let's steal these bikes and get away [Music] yes it's me morphle jump in let's get these Bandits back where they belong oh sorry mother do what Mila said next time it's okay every day is a magical day with morphing magic friends good catch Mila [Music] it landed right in my hat oh no we have to help him morple morph into a speedboat so we can get there fast we're coming to get you stuck you're trapped in seaweed I'll help you more full are you okay I'm okay but I didn't see where the shark went I guess it swam away [Music] you have to morph back into yourself to get free don't worry you'll be safe I promise we're with you and the silly shark isn't around anymore let's play how about Follow the Leader in the water wait I know that giggle I think Orville is just pretending to be a scary shark he's pranking us that's not very nice no it's not hmm maybe we should show Oracle how his prank made us feel morphle please morph into a bigger shark than orphan [Music] we won't be mean more full just swim around or fall [Music] horrible it's not really a shark it's more full you pranked us so I wanted to show you how it feels oh for sorry I'm sure you didn't mean to scaredy one oh why don't we all play a game together you could play hide and soak or dolphin Polo mournful and Oracle can morph into dolphins and we can ride them [Music] don't let the ball fall in the water yeah it's just me it's not a shark it's a daddy wearing his shark fin hats Oh Daddy hey how about a daddy and Dolphins race [Music] every day is a magical day with a magic hat what shall we do today more full Martha wants fun [Music] oh that looks like fun I know morphle morph into a monster truck monster truck [Music] let's have a monstrously good time what monster truck [Music] laughs oh ice cream hey foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] garbage [Music] morphle morph into a tow truck so we can drag this mischievous monster away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] fire your rabbit or full and stop him [Music] rub onto one of his wheels [Music] well done Marvel [Music] this is a monster truck Oracle oh now we can have fun together every day is a magical day with a magic pet s look my latest invention the teddy zapper it can turn humans into teddy bears [Music] I'm So Soft isn't this great mother play with teddy bear Mila goodbye Professor Paula bye Milan morphle now time to turn myself back oh no my teddy Paws can't use the teddy zapper did you hear all that yeah I love teddy bears just think of all the fun we could have if everyone in the city was a tiny little oh oh [Music] [Laughter] Teddy Bear this teddy bear oh and they have the teddy zapper not in my city we'll stop those Bandits morph into a tiger let's go what do you two want your magic man what no way hey turn me back immediately wait right there abandons you're not getting your hands on our magic pets Morpho morph into a scary T-Rex we didn't think that through we still need to get the teddy zapper quick catch them how about we turn you into a teddy bear Teddy zapper only works on humans oh no now I'm a teddy bear oh you're so cute yes ah great now we can zap everyone back again Ah that's better but not for you two no at least I'll have a cuddly teddy bear with me in jail let call me every day is a magical day with a magic pack [Music] shut up [Applause] you've been slimed oh it's the bandits yeah and we're gonna slime the whole city no don't tell them the plan you fool we need to stop them Morpho morph into us not in my city Meat Land morphle what do you think you're doing we need to catch the bandits you need to clean up all this slimy mess you've made but we now let's clean the Slime up quickly yay [Music] now let's stop those bandits from sliming the city [Music] look they're going to slime police officer freeze spray their slime away with your trunk huh you two are making a slimy mess again clean it up but we now okay Officer freeze [Music] yay lean again [Music] we need something that can reach the high up slime morfo morph into a fire truck yay we did it Morpho but now we gotta catch those Bandits let's go there they are quick more boats blast them with water no so it was the Bandit sliming the city all along yes that's what I was trying to tell you sorry Mila and morphle I jumped to conclusions and thanks for cleaning up the city now I need to clean up the streets of bad guys that's okay at least we caught the Slime Bandits it's a magical day with a magic pet it's Halloween more full what are you gonna dress up as spooky come on let's go trick-or-treating foreign it's only your reflection [Music] trick or treat a ghost [Music] did you see how much candy they got yeah be a ghost and get the most [Music] Mila marble two real ghosts just stole my Halloween candy but Jordy ghosts aren't real then what are they no more full morph into a big robot and scare those ghosts away more full I'll take that okay I'll zap you with my zapper oh no a zapper more [Applause] help not again I'll take that and I'll take this I recognize those shoes oh give it back without morphle you you can't stop us [Music] I was worried about you morph into a bat and flap your wings hard Murphy purple I knew it was you too let's split arcade morph into a spider and catch those bandits in your web [Music] thanks Mila morphle you're welcome thanks for helping even though you were scared more for no scared anymore oh every day is a magical day with a magic hat [Music] look a new lion is coming to the Animal Sanctuary I love Lions awesome [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah lion don't worry mechanic Joe I think that was only orphal we'll find him morphle morph into a sniffer dog [Music] first [Music] yes you've got awful sense let's go and get him [Music] but it wasn't awful [Music] lion more full morph into a safari truck more [Music] which way did orphal go thanks [Music] the lion is our there he is got him or full you're scaring everyone well if I'm not scare anyone [Music] my phone or phone morph into toy mice [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] thank you for getting him back safely come on Turtles [Laughter] hey with a magic Pat [Music] [Laughter] Luke Mila and morphle this is my latest invention whoa everything that I zap with it becomes very big or very small wow [Music] thank you [Music] tumbling test tubes it's gone we are now the building Bandits [Music] after that [Music] no no it's my phone take that [Music] what [Music] my house [Music] yeah let's take the police station [Music] you there stop [Music] all right you Bandits just wait till I'm done with you you won't get away with this shoe no good for nothing this was slowly down please that's fine [Music] thank you that's enough [Music] [Music] I have an idea Marvel morph into a house [Music] foreign [Music] we've got another one hi there [Music] [Applause] well done mortal now let's give everyone their house back [Music] amazing Mila and Morpher thanks to you everything is back to normal you there stop stealing cheese huh not in my city somebody stole the wheels of my tow truck Marvel morphed into a tow truck too [Music] [Music] oh thanks Mila and morphle oh look all the wheels have been stolen [Music] look the real Bandits [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no no no the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look the wheels are gone now how are we going to get to the hospital hey Mila and morphle foreign [Music] thank you [Music] not in my city foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Milan Marvel [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah he's bringing us to the garage foreign [Music] let's go huh [Music] good morning yay [Music] [Applause] morph into a unicorn morphle cool you two look exactly alike [Music] yay huh look more full it's Builder Lawrence let's surprise him oh hi kids hiya mortal you look great [Music] amazing wow [Music] wanna give it a go Marvel [Music] whoa whoa you are a great unicorn Marvel huh oh you are a great unicorn too I'm so happy come on guys let's go on an adventure bye kids [Music] oh wow [Music] let's go there yeah hey [Laughter] hmm I wonder what's inside [Applause] [Music] hello dragon [Music] oh no the dragon lost one of her baby and she can't leave her nest [Music] it must be the little dragon we saw outside [Music] don't worry dragon morphle can help [Music] yay baby dragon here we come hmm let's see oh hey Mila Mila look [Music] it's the baby dragon [Music] hi dragons [Music] this map tells us where we can find a hidden treasure thank you it should be right here hello [Music] whoa whoa [Music] yay [Music] look more full dolphins and there's a whale [Music] foreign [Music] those are jellyfish [Music] jellyfish sting that's Neptune the king of the sea now where is that treasure [Music] um we'll take that oh no thank you for finding us this treasure go after them thank you [Music] oh no uh oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a little mermaid [Music] oh no [Music] all right [Music] yay what's going on here [Music] there you are [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no the magic letters are gone I had every letter of the alphabet in my truck is that one of them daddy oh yes it's the T for tree look over there and that yellow car the C for car and the Y for yellow here everything you catch with this magic pet transporter hoop will end up in the magic pet store [Music] thank you [Music] will the two of you catch all of the letters for me Mila of course daddy let's start with the a morphle that's right let's find an airplane [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're right look more full the O of ocean [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] look the eye of Island [Music] foreign x marks the spot purple morph into an excavator [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's the G on the garage [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the end for the North Pole foreign [Music] [Music] do you know any other special places where the magic letters could be [Music] um you're right let's go to the Moon [Music] first space [Music] [Music] say are you looking for this little guy the U for UFO I was on my way to Professor Rasheed but I got lost don't worry we'll get you there [Music] oh tumbling test tubes look it's the owl Laboratory maybe that also explains why there is a cue in my quantum physics experiment oh [Music] only a few more Marvel and I think I know just where to find them F is for fire truck P is for policeman huh [Music] do you know where we can find the Z Marple uh so that's right [Music] kangaroo kangaroo hey hi meland morphle what brings you to the zoo we're looking for all the magical letter pets and we only need the zebra zoo well it sounds like your friends are waiting for you [Music] oh Mila and morphle [Music] how about a little bedtime story before you go to sleep [Music] once upon a time there was a little girl called Little Red Riding shouldn't it be a little blue Riding Hood oh okay sure yeah so little blue Riding Hood was walking through the forest to bring a basket of food to her sick grandmother all alone fun uh okay she brought a friend as they walked through the forest walking mortal morph into a monster truck that's way better way back what no wait there is a wolf where are you going little girl sorry Mr Wolf [Music] oh right they arrived at Grandma's Cottage that's [Music] a protector wow okay but the wolf is also there and he [Music] will okay Mr alien well I am but my ship is all broken now I can't get home anymore we can take you there Marvel morph into a spaceship [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fine they go to space and take the alien home there's my home [Music] but the wolf is right behind him is he riding a space shark oh true but he's getting closer foreign [Music] and then they were back at Grandma's place [Music] so they bring Grandma her basket of food hey you are not Grandma [Music] no but you can't tell the wolf has a disguise really it's me grandma no your mouth is way too big okay you got me I am a wolf and I'm going to eat you but in a forest nearby a strong and brave Woodcutter heard the wolf that sounds like a wolf don't worry everyone I'll handle this ah stop it you big bad wolf oh no it's the brave wood cutter [Music] looks like I saved the day what's this aha I believe this is yours oh thank you handsome young man but have you seen my granddaughter Milo Mila [Music] now that was a good story [Music] oh no [Music] no they stole my sticky mobile [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's play Space Adventure morph into a spaceship [Music] [Applause] okay morphle beware because the scary space Overlord could be anywhere we found you space overlords me land morphle I'm not a space Overlord can the two of you not play somewhere else I'm trying to read okay Daddy [Music] hmm maybe I shouldn't have been so grumpy to Mila and morphle they were only playing you know what morphle why don't we go into space for real [Music] look Marvel it's a space treasure [Music] let's go morphle thank you yay okay Marple let's show Daddy the space treasury bounds [Music] Daddy where are you [Music] you kidnap daddy space Overlord give him back [Music] I am Daddy hahaha look at what we found Daddy it's a space treasure wow you guys had a real space adventure I'm sorry I was so grumpy before it's okay will you come with us on our next space trip down I would love to yeah yay happy birthday Daddy [Music] [Applause] morph into a motorcycle so we can go after it foreign [Music] [Applause] let's together some fresh ice [Music] found it ice cream no silly Daddy's present [Music] a magpie morphed into an airplane so we can follow it [Music] oh no now it's all wet [Music] [Music] that's it morphle [Music] dragon please stop before spin [Music] they're ready [Music] oh no your present is completely ruined daddy ruined not at all going on one of your adventures and seeing lots of places was the best present I could have asked for [Music] with my latest invention I can reverse the gravity for any object I zap with it [Music] Professor is she [Music] with this mirror I'll be able to zap myself well tumbling test tubes I forgot to zap this Abba this is our chance from now on we shall be the gravity badges [Laughter] careful go after them [Music] [Applause] we have to say that lady morphle [Music] let's go after the bandits [Music] not in my city oh wow into an air plane [Music] look they are at the magic pet store with this server we can steal all the magic pets we won I am looking mighty fine today don't you think Mr mirror you certainly do and it's all the magic pets no [Applause] no take this [Music] they're way too loud over there hey Barky uh-oh what's this why is there a ball ruining my Perfect Lawn [Music] oh no you don't this is my ball now can we please have her ball back Mr vanderbooth no you can't maybe now you won't play so loudly foreign [Music] [Applause] how will we ever get our ball back now yeah that could work [Music] [Music] serve you right you Cheeky Monkey [Music] are you all right morphle no I have to fall I think I know how we can get the ball morphle morph into a digger now let's dig a tunnel to the neighbor's backyard [Music] two three oh wow [Music] I'm stuck help me [Music] we're sorry Mr Vander Booth we will be more careful when we're playing thank you I guess let's make sure the ball stays in our yard more full morph into a big monster [Music] we need to build a brand new house here but first we need to get rid of the old one more full morph into a wrecking ball okay morphle ready when you are [Music] okay robot dump truck clean up the mess [Music] with this amazing invention that we got from Professor Rasheed building new buildings is easier than ever now we are the construction zapper Bandits [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] morphle wreck the wall [Music] foreign [Music] let's zap ourselves some statues foreign [Music] you guys are headed to the police station [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs more fun you are the best pet ever well I have magic pet too now oh that's a cute bunny are you sure it's a magic pack yeah of course it's magic powers that it look over there it's the abandoned [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] after that morphle [Music] it's so cute but what does he do [Music] oh no [Music] the bandits are gone where did they go my magic pet super power is that it if the bunny is scared it grows like a balloon I think it's starting to like me oh no if the bunny is not scared we will fall scared the bunny yard I'm not going to scare the bunny Stein it's my friend you are a sleeper funny bunny are you look up there in the sky whoa the same same whoa [Music] there you are I'll take care of you two bye bye buddy [Music] I'm training for the bull riding competition but I only have this cow more into a big [Music] okay morphle this is the game farmer Bob is going to hold on as tightly as possible and you try to do whatever you can to throw him on oh yeah [Music] whoa whoa oh wow [Music] relax [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] oh no are you okay farmer ball Oh I'm great what a rush this was the best Rodeo train and I could ever imagine thanks a lot more full [Music] morphle morph into a giant dump truck [Music] great this giant office is way too big to fit in my magic pet delivery van but this giant dump truck is perfect [Music] okay bring the giant offless to the junkyard that's where his new companion lives [Music] but be careful because the giant Oculus can be very playful okay Daddy [Music] [Applause] [Music] the giantopolis is so big [Music] [Applause] [Music] great morphle [Music] [Applause] hey not in my city [Applause] [Music] okay now go say hi to your new human companion hi giant offers hey what do you have there ah great you already found your first old Carteret okay Jack offless smash it no that's my car you are under arrest [Music] please don't arrest him police officer freeze he didn't mean to steal your car he just really likes playing with cars yes that's why I can use him here on the junkyard [Music] well I guess that's a fine place for him then as long as he doesn't cause more trouble in my city [Music] besides I don't think I even have a jail cell big enough for him [Applause] look morphle our Reflections inside Mr mirror are so funny they certainly are madam [Music] hey buggy where are you going oh dear [Music] hey Frankie is so sweet all of a sudden fell through my magic mirror into the mirror World here everything is the opposite of what it's like in your world really that sounds strange I want to go back home you want to go back no in this world magic pets never do what humans tell them to [Music] oh no he ran off how do we get back now everything in this world is the exact opposite of back home hi kids oh hi Mr vanderboos I saw where Mr mirror went come on I'll be happy to help okay morphle morph into an airplane an airplane there's no water around here in this world you can only fly using a boat look it's police officer Peter freeze not in our city wow look more full in this world Peter freezes a bad guy and the bandits are good guys miss demitter went into my favorite place [Music] the zoo it's so fun to watch humans ah over there it's Mr mirror Mission yeah but I've got an idea hey Mr mirror we definitely don't want to ever go back home we love it so much in this world you go back [Music] like I said in this world magic pets never do what humans want [Music] look I think we're back home morphle yup you guys again I'd like the other me land more for much better they came to the zoo with me to laugh at all the animals just look at it with its non-opposable thumbs well I for one am happy you're back [Music] Immortal I want to build the biggest sand castle ever ah there's not enough sand in the sandbox we should go to the desert there's lots of sand there [Music] foreign [Music] it looks great but I am getting pretty thirsty it's so hot out here [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] in the desert sometimes it looks like there's water but it's not real it's called a mirage oh look there's another one this one is even moving this is not a mirage it's my magic pet are you guys thirsty water [Music] look Marvel that elephant is stuck between two trees into a robot [Music] [Music] oh no the camel doesn't have any more water to drink [Music] more full morph into an elephant now you can take some water from over there and use it to fill the camel's Drive [Music] thank you [Music] look more full [Music] what's wrong monkey foreign [Music] morph into a camel [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] my growth rate can be used to turn these small plants into big trees that's so cool tumbling test tubes the battery is running out oh that's what I get for buying those cheap knockoffs here we go look it's a giant bird don't worry I'll shrink it back oh it stopped working again pterodactyl [Music] [Music] a giant bird not in my hey give me back my sandwich I hope you get indigestion [Music] he keeps looking for new food let's lead him out of the city hey birdie [Music] it's farmer Bob's Farm [Music] here the bird has enough food to eat until Professor Rasheed arrives [Music] thank you [Music] yay what happened to all my corn there's only one cob left hmm we can take care of that [Music] amazing nice surprise winning corn right there moifer morph into a hot air balloon oh [Music] let's go morphle [Music] wow this is the most extraordinary School presentation I've ever seen but you still haven't told us what it's about it's about the animals of the Jungle wow wow [Music] look what animal do you guys think this is oh no is that a snake it's a cute monkey monkey [Music] hey Another Monkey [Music] hello there do you want to come out and play too oh [Music] no morphle morph into a tiger too oh wow thank you Morpher that was close [Music] this is the end of my presentation we've learned that the animals of the Jungle are fun but sometimes they can also be a little bit scary Mila this was the most interesting School presentation I have ever seen an A plus okay morphle it's story time [Applause] [Music] once upon a time there was a mama duck whose eggs were about to hatch when they did little baby ducks came out them were super cute and fluffy except for one of the ducklings it was different because it was big and red and it didn't have any feathers and instead of quacking it sounded like this is [Music] it wanted to play with its brothers and sisters but they said it was ugly and they made fun of it yes the brothers and sisters of the duckling were really mean it made the duckling very sad so sad that it flew up to play by itself and when it was there by itself all sad all of a sudden a giant dinosaur appeared it chased the little duckling around the little duckling flew for its life there were big dinosaurs everywhere [Music] of a giant flying dinosaur called pterodactyl it's the little duckling was sure that the pterodactyl was about to eat it but it didn't do you know why no my phone no no because it was the ducklings real mother you see The Dumpling wasn't really a duckling when it was just an egg he accidentally rolled into the duckling's nest [Music] the duckling grew larger and larger until it was just as big as its Mommy [Music] the end time attacking go see a Brother's ancestors oh yeah that's a good idea so the dino duckling went back to visit its mean brothers and sisters and they were bullying a new duckling because it had big feet yeah and the dino duckling Ward really lovely and it chased away its mean brothers and sisters [Music] laughs and they lived happily ever after the end [Music] [Applause] [Music] morphle morph into a toy dinosaur [Music] [Applause] [Music] friends foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] test tubes I accidentally dropped this life Ray that I was going to present at the National Science conference and it Zapped your toy dinosaurs to life but it broke and I can't zap the dinosaurs back again [Music] Mila can you look after them while I fix my life Ray of course Professor Rasheed I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together great I'll be back as soon as I can [Music] foreign okay toy dinosaurs while we wait for the professor to return let's play a game [Music] thank you now let's play tag you're it T-Rex [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] that was fun but now I'm tired [Music] yeah we should get something to eat let's have a picnic yay [Music] ah there we go that took longer than expected but it's fixed now let's go back to the toy dinosaurs right away I hope nothing bad has happened while I was gone [Music] oh tumbling test tubes [Music] hey professor do you want to join the picnic we've been having great fun thank you Mila but I think it's time to zap the dinosaurs back into toys me steady oh Professor Rasheed I don't think the toy dinosaurs want to go back to being toys they've been having much more fun as living dinosaurs yes Mila but the city is no place for dinosaurs hmm hebroken it's for them [Music] good [Music] thank you [Music] wow what's this are those giant toy dinosaurs yeah Professor Rasheed accidentally Zapped them with his life right do you have a place for the toy dinosaurs to live zookeeper Kenneth well the zoo only has one place for big animals and the elephants already live there but during my travels I think I spotted an uninhabited Island where the toy dinosaurs could live [Music] right away morphle there it is foreign [Music] this island is a great home for you but we need to go home again as well bye toy dinosaurs [Music] morph into a motorcycle [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] a little kid tell us little girl is this the most happy moment of your life no more fun I think there are lots of things more important than winning oh yeah sure hello people of Earth wow we are gathering the fastest racers from every planet to compete in the first motorcycle Grand Prix of the universe and you are clearly the fastest on this planet [Music] [Applause] follow us [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean you're right [Applause] great move meteorites are the most dangerous thing a space biker can come across [Music] Get Ready Set [Music] [Music] [Music] we're winning [Music] we're gonna win [Music] Marvel some things are more important than winning we have to go save them [Music] Marvel add a side card to the bike [Music] thank you for saving me Mila and Morpher unfortunately you lost the race because you helped me that's okay some things are more important than winning a war well you might not have won an award but there is something else you won oh my friendship come with me I will show you around in space [Music] thank you marble morph into an excavator [Music] foreign water balloon beach Castle competition is about to start kids against parents start building your sand castles now [Music] the castles are done now get out your water balloons [Music] our Castle is great we are going to win yeah they're just little kids [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was amazing thank you the kids win this award [Music] congratulations kids you won fair and square let's play in the castle some more [Music] can I hold the award now Marvel [Music] look pirate Phil it's a treasure so so we are Pirates Pirate film and what do pirates love that's right Treasures yeah but they have a giant sand castle pirate Maurice [Music] yes but we we had a water balloon Cannon [Music] let's get them guys [Music] foreign [Music] oh no we ran out of water balloons we need to find more water balloons more people dig a hole for me to sneak out [Music] thank you if you keep fixing the castle I'll go get the water balloons [Music] they're water balloons the Pirates won our award [Music] we don't have any more water balloons but we can fill up these with water yeah or this [Music] thank you [Music] the treasure is almost ours huh [Music] thank you I refilled fire the water cannon [Music] what morphle there is snow outside of Daddy's magic pet store that's strange into a bulldozer [Music] now you can push the snow away [Music] ah hi Mila and morphle thank you for getting rid of the snow was made by atmo a new magic pet it can control the weather but uh it's a bit naughty oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he's making a storm we need to find it before its Mischief gets out of hand [Music] oh no [Music] I think it went that way let's go [Music] [Music] uh-oh the path is blocked [Music] thank you not in my city [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you admo you need to stop the storm must not be able to hear me through the storm [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh admo I know you like playing with the weather but that was dangerous [Music] hmm I have an idea [Music] here atmo can use his water powers to help out [Music] we are building the tallest building in the whole city but none of our cranes are tall enough to finish the project Mila could you ask morphle to morph into a big crane full into the big in the whole [Music] amazing [Music] [Music] hello [Applause] thanks a ton morphle this is the greatest building this city has ever seen [Music] I think you did super duper well morphle now let's go play in the park [Music] look morph back into a crane [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign come from all of a sudden I don't know it's not windy anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] look [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Cuba is much more fun than I thought open my cloud castle I'm always alone [Applause] [Music] we're very sorry we didn't know that we built our skyscraper Right Through Your Castle we will start over and build a new skyscraper somewhere else I have better plans I love my cloud castle but up here I have nobody to play with for my plan I need your help foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] morph into a real train [Music] let's go pick up Sarah in our train [Music] hi Sarah what you doing hi Mila and morsel I was going to bring something very valuable to my uncle that's cool we could use more for the train to take you there yeah that's a great idea foreign [Music] did you hear that those valuable Goods will soon belong to us the railroad Bandits [Music] oh no look [Music] Marvel more of the train tracks into a looping [Music] [Music] we love morphle and share I'm so happy to see you could you use this marvelous train to bring these penguins to their friends at the dolphinarium for a visit sure step aboard the train penguins look [Music] foreign [Music] really thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're almost out to your uncle's place Sarah I can't wait to give him this it's very valuable [Music] finally the valuable goods are ours [Music] Uncle hi Sarah [Music] you boys are coming with me [Music] I'm not in my city [Music] wonderful morph into a toy car [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no a flat tire Mila and morphle I need your help there's a major crime going on in the city park and without my police car I can't get there fast enough policeman morphle morph into a police car [Music] I wonder what the major crime is morphle maybe it's the glue Bandits [Music] over there morphle I need a chopper Marple morph into a police helicopter [Music] thank you not in my city that sign says keep off the grass I'll have to write you a ticket was that the big crime you needed to stop Mr policeman yep it was a Oh no morphle go over there [Music] you a bit too old to be committing crimes you did not clean up your doggies poop in my city I'll have to write you a ticket lady [Music] foreign it's a good thing we're here today there's a lot of major crime going on oh no this is serious [Music] stop it right there ice cream man look at your ice cream it's melting well uh yeah but I cannot stand for this not in my city I will have to write you a ticket [Music] oh look Mr [Music] pan look there's a crime going on ah I see [Music] Marvel why didn't you stop there was crime right there [Music] foreign [Music] take a left here look at how that car is parked [Music] they're going over the bridge [Music] look it's to the car morphle you have to stop if you don't we will [Applause] why cars aren't supposed to fly in my city we have to get in front of the Bandit so we can stop them [Music] [Applause] [Music] we cut you glue Bandits we are no longer the glue Bandits we are now the chain of office factors now I see why you went after the bandits morphle we caught them in the act of littering what in my city I will have to write you a ticket for that the chain of office Bandits will strike again oh Mr policeman thank you so much for finding my chain your chain that means it was you who was littering in my city Mr Mayor what I will have to write you a ticket thank you hi Daddy what are you doing I'm trying to get this flying lion to fly but it's too scared poor thing today it's new human companion is coming to pick it up and he was promised a flying lion [Music] I've been trying all night I'm so tired I don't know what to do oh no daddy fell asleep we should help the lion to not be afraid of flying anymore [Music] [Music] thank you hello is there anybody here I am looking for my flying lion [Music] oh I don't want to wake him up I'll just take the flying lion myself [Music] ah here it is [Music] we will show you that it's not scary to fly more full morph into a hot air balloon [Music] I don't think it's working it's just making the lion more scared [Music] hmm I have a plan you think we should stop trying to teach you how to fly for now lion let's play a game instead let's play Hot Global monster the game is that you can't touch the floor because that's the lava only the Lava Monster can touch the floor and he has to catch the other players into a lava monster Marvel [Music] you got me Lava Monster [Music] jump to that tree lion [Music] wow did you see crying it was only for a little bit and not very high but you were flying let's try it again [Music] time for some music [Music] foreign [Music] I need your help I can't find the noise monster [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] every time the noise monster hears a loud noise it grows and if he becomes any bigger that building he's on will collapse morph into giant earmuffs [Music] [Applause] but how do we get them up there wow [Music] foreign [Music] wow that lion is amazing at flying [Music] we all have to be very quiet or else the noise monster will grow again don't worry I'll get everybody to be quiet everybody be quiet [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah the Jungle the best place for my favorite of hobbies [Music] Wildlife photography [Music] Marvel morph into a lion [Music] lions are the kings of the jungle [Music] you shouldn't believe everything they say on TV Mila there are no lions in the jungle lions live in the savanna but I don't see any other animals here either ah there's one [Music] oh hello parents [Music] can we make some new friends Marvel [Music] hey don't eat our friends [Music] oh look this elephant got stuck Marvel help him out [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] one two three [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] Mila there you are I finally got a picture of an animal we can go home now can we stay for a bit longer more for the king of the jungle likes it here ah Mila I told you lions are not from the jungle so they can't be the kings of the jungle [Music] thank you that kangaroo is so cute Marvel morph into a kangaroo too [Music] the kangaroo is one of the bounciest things in the whole world in fact we've studied it for our latest invention the world's bounciest bouncy ball look wow what are you going to use it for Professor Rasheed use it for I hadn't thought of that actually I guess I usually don't really think ahead but anyway it's really cool look it's so bouncy that once you throw it it's almost impossible to catch wow it is really cool toppling test tubes I didn't think ahead again how am I going to catch it now [Music] oh no we have to get that ball back I'll go get my hovercraft go after it morphle [Music] not in my city [Music] to get that ball back [Music] amazing [Music] [Music] look that baby bird is falling [Music] we cut you baby bird the ball that hit you is the world's bounciest bouncy ball we are trying to catch it but it's hard the ball just keeps bouncing to the next place hey Marvel that's it we should think ahead then we can predict where the ball is going to bounce to next look first it will hit that mountain then it will pass through those Hoops then it will go through that Loop and then it will fly high over that mountain top here it comes it hits the mountain goes through the Hoops now it goes through the loop here it comes [Music] [Applause] thank you Mila and morphle thanks to you I have learned how important it is to think ahead tumbling test tubes I forgot to fill up the gas tank mortal morph into a big truck [Music] we need to bring all these machines to the new building site [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the new building site morphle [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you not in my city here we are the new building site hey there's a truck here already yep that's the only truck we didn't have to bring it came by itself it's a robot dump truck that we got from Professor Tom I remember you [Music] Builder Lawrence all your machines fell from your truck and it's causing Mayhem in my city foreign you are right the truck is empty what do we do now [Applause] and the robot dump truck could go find all the machines yes that's a great idea purple morph into a dump truck too [Music] let's play a game whoever brings back the most machines wins oh okay Marvel let's find some machines [Music] the robot dump truck banned his first machine but we'll get the next one [Music] look more full those people are stuck in the cement morphle morph into a jackhammer foreign [Music] [Music] you're not big enough morphle morph into a bigger dump truck look more full the robot dump truck also found two beagles whoever finds the next vehicle wins [Music] there it is the wrecking ball know the muddy Bandits got a hold of it stop it muddy Bandits that's Troy's house we are no longer the muddy Bandits we are now directing Bandits [Laughter] and we are about to wreck this house no that's our [Music] thank you [Music] the wrecking bad this will strike again [Music] we will help you rebuild your house should stop the game and work together thank you right [Music] now hello mechanic Joe what has happened I was just driving this truck when all of a sudden it stopped moving [Music] thank you wow even morphle can't move the truck we glued it with the world's stickiest crew that we stole from Professor Rasheed [Music] I mean the wrecking Bandits we are no longer directing brandons we are now the glue magnets hahaha [Laughter] [Music] now that we are the world's stickiest glue we can glue the mud machine back together and use it as a glue machine to cover the whole city and glue [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] not in my city stop it right there Bandits [Music] thank you [Music] tumbling test tubes it seems that you have been glued stuck as well this is an antidote it stops the world's stickiest Groove from working [Music] there is more back in my laboratory but I have no way to get it to everywhere in the city [Music] to a fire truck and spray the antidote on every everything that's glued stuck [Music] it seems we're all set let's dissolve this sticky situation [Music] thank you [Music] look over there it's the glue Bandit thank you [Music] oh no ah it seems that the glue machine is held together with the world's stickiest clue it will fall apart if the antidote touches it [Music] thank you [Music] thank you morphle Mila and Professor Rasheed now I'll take these Bandits to the police station [Music] there are lots of different basic shapes for instance there are squares circles triangles rectangles ovals stars and heart shapes with my latest invention I can turn those shapes into real objects [Music] wow so cool if you combine different shapes you can create lots of new shapes now let's try making a motorbike into a crane so we can put the shapes together [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it worked let's name you sheepy Marvel let's learn to see animals we can make [Music] [Music] thank you wait where is she epy we have to find it let's go morphle that's the shapes good idea purple morph into a dump truck so we can take the shapes with us [Music] let's go marble [Music] foreign [Music] morphle a strange animal took one of the tires of my truck hmm [Music] morphle do you remember what sheep professor she turned into a tire yeah morphle put a circle where the tire needs to be [Music] wow thank you Mila and morphle thank you [Music] purple look hello Builder Lawrence is something wrong oh hi Milan morphle I was just waiting here for someone with a big heart-shaped box of chocolates and all of a sudden it has disappeared good idea morphle thank you so much oh here she comes [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you hey what's wrong some strange creature came by and stole our surfboard and now we can't surf anymore [Music] yeah now what shape could turn into a surfboard [Music] oh [Music] we found you shaby you can't just take things from other people [Music] well it looks just like you shapey that's why you took all the different shapes you wanted to build yourself a friend these objects do have the same shapes as your shapey but the zapper can only zap to like Professor rasheed's special shapes but we can build a friend for you using Professor Richie Richie sheets [Music] oh [Music] [Music] I would love to have the chance to photograph our real live Tyrannosaurus [Music] morphle morphed into a time machine [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] look Mila and morphle a herd of Gallimimus wow [Music] [Music] [Music] there's something in the bushes [Music] ankylosauruses [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] there he is [Music] foreign [Music] this is my chance [Music] ah my camera [Music] [Music] good morning morphle a crocodile more full help morph into an elephant [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] how did my room turn into a jungle all of a sudden let's check on Daddy downstairs [Music] steady thank you for the nice pictures you can move along now [Applause] [Music] [Music] well that was something special oh thank you for saving me I can't wait to develop all these amazing pictures hey give that back [Music] hey everyone what do you think of the new Garden I've created with Papa jungle my for this it looks beautiful Daddy but Papa jungle's magic let's turn the whole house in bowling ah maybe you went a bit too far he's on the roof Marvel [Music] jungle you need to stop this jungle is getting way too dangerous [Music] oh let's keep it small this time Papa jungle [Music] lovely oh a butterfly [Music] hold it right there [Music] hi there fire truck dump those losers and come with us hey we need our truck to get to a fire better start running then yes we are now the vehicle Bandits and with this Library it's easier than ever Marvel we've got to stop them morph into a race car we need to put out a fire now purple morph into a fire truck [Music] to the farm no more trips for you you Sunday driver why you you reference time to clean yourself up [Music] I don't know what happened I was flipping burgers and all of a sudden a fire broke out let's go after those Bandits morphle [Music] more food those Bandits have stolen my ambulance and I need to bring this lady to the hospital [Music] ah a quiet day in my city no traffic violations anywhere huh cars without drivers oh not in my series wait what bye bye now let's get those Bandits [Music] stop it right there now wonderful more into a police car wow it's like you read my mind let's get those Baddies [Music] oh no you don't Vehicles stop them fly over them morphle uh-oh Vehicles join forces and become a mega robot please [Music] oh boy no stop it no [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] all those Sweet Rides there's only one ride left for you and that's a ride to jail [Music] let's build a big sand castle morph into a digger okay so this is aqually magic powers allow it to swim wherever he wants even if there's no water there yes exactly what we were looking for [Music] make a water stream right into town [Music] finally we can cause Mischief away from the sea [Music] now we can steal all the toys we want [Music] and we can steal all the ice cream we want I love ice cream [Music] it's the Pirates and we can now even smash sand castles that are not on the beach [Music] how are they sailing their ship through the city morphed into a boat too [Music] foreign [Music] use the magic pet transporter who actually [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] great morphle we did it yay but where did those pirates go it was true [Music] yes uh thank you Jolly fat more ice cream hey [Music] hey [Music] morphle morph into a bulldozer so we can clear away all this ice cream [Music] Jolly fan is making so much ice cream I don't know what to do with it all yeah and it's not healthy for morphle we should go out and find a human companion for the Jolly fan [Music] okay Jolly fat show Geraldo what you can do [Music] foreign [Music] so what do you say do you want to be the Jolly fans human companion no no no no no no no this isn't too easy but you're all those gelatos is not just some ice cream factory I am an artist hmm oh [Music] look there's a fire over there [Music] [Applause] but firefighter girvin is running out of water and people still can't morph because he ate too much ice cream [Music] Jolly fan use your ice cream to put out the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow maybe firefighter bourbon can be the Jolly fence new human companion that was amazing you're a real hero a hero it would take me days to clean up this mess thank you oh I think Mr vendor Boos is right [Music] I'm sorry that we couldn't find a fit human companion for you but don't worry you will always have a place here at the magic pet store [Music] hello hello hi there I'm looking for a magic pet to cheer up the kids at the Children's Hospital thank you [Music] more more into a helicopter [Music] bye bye jellyfish [Music] thank you oh no I lost my glasses don't worry Daddy just remember where you had them last hmm yeah good idea maybe I lost him when we went to the North Pole to find the Jolly fat yeah morphe love the jelly thing because he makes ice cream [Music] ah yes now I remember I slipped on a banana split and lost my glasses but the jelly then caught them remember oh yeah that's right foreign [Applause] [Music] maybe I lost them while we were bringing Papa jungle to its new human companion in the desert this morning [Music] oh yeah now I remember that jungle monkey stole my glasses we have to go back to the desert and find them [Music] and gave it back [Music] oh yeah I remember hmm so you didn't lose your glasses in the desert where else could you have lost them next we had to catch the escaped magic pet Chuckles his magic power is that he makes people laugh uncontrollably [Music] the child made me laugh so hard my glasses fell off yep but I caught them and gave them back ah yeah you're right do you remember what you did after that Daddy after that I came home and sat down [Music] foreign [Music] the whole time daddy [Music] you're right yes ah much better [Music] oh no I'm late for the official start of the election of Mayor Marvel morph into a car [Music] oh thank you Mila and morphle with this zapper that we stole from Professor Racine we can zap anyone into a deep sleep oh [Music] and with the mayor of sleep no one can stop us from winning the elections [Music] I have an idea this chain of office will be given to the next mayor and just like every year the only candidate is the mayor but where is he we will be the new mayors the mayor Bandits get its time when we become the new mayors we'd Promise free video games for everyone wait huh [Music] it's me the mayor when I become the new mayor again I promise everyone gets aim [Applause] [Music] you are running a great campaign Mr Mayor cleaner beaches are exactly what this city needs huh what's that we will really clean up the beaches [Music] whoops oops you need to help them more I mean Mr Mayor I'll help you let's set this thing to blowing oh no [Music] wow that was amazing Mr Mayor wow the mayor is planting more trees this is exactly what the people want we will cut down his new trees yeah with these giant scissors [Music] you need to stop them wow you saved us once again Mr Mayor and the elections are this afternoon [Music] the winner of the election and the city's new mayor is [Music] there [Music] huh [Music] foreign [Music] what's wrong April a giant monster just stole one of my apples and it went that way oh that sounds scary horrible morph into a robot [Music] hey what's this [Music] Mila morphle a monster just robbed my store oh he went that way we're on the case hey where did this money come from let's go see how my chickens are doing I'm out of here [Music] a job monster just stole my eggs what am I gonna do what am I gonna do hey was this money here oh no no it wasn't [Music] Cold Hard Cash I think the monster left it maybe he wasn't stealing at all look more full a trail [Music] what do you think it needed all those groceries for [Music] look to bake a birthday cake [Music] the Christmas present Bandits use my time machine to steal a T-Rex from the past [Music] we are no longer the Christmas present Bandits now we are the dino Bandits Marvel Force into a police car [Music] thank you [Music] not so tough now now this is our city [Music] hmm [Music] well boys welcome back to my city [Music] foreign the T-Rex hurt his knee morphle morph into an ambulance a big dinosaur ambulance [Music] I don't think this is quite big enough [Music] more for more into a crane oh T-Rex [Music] laughs [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] no get that back you'd have to catch this first old man [Music] the bandits have stolen my time racer aha so that's what this is let's go do some crime through time oh no morph into a Time racer too morphle foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but the bandits no butts my lady I am night pitarian Frost and you are trespassing in my medieval village oh no [Applause] more into a dragon morphle [Music] just you wait you Dragon I'm going to get my real sword [Music] right over princess [Music] are you all right my little princess Yes dear father thanks to these curious Travelers me no I'm princess Leela and this is her father I'm Mila and this is morphle a pleasure to meet you both say do you perhaps know where those awful Bandits have taken our treasure hmm I might morphle morph back into a big time racer [Music] that's right you better run no dragons in my city Village [Music] we're rich Stein yes maybe we can stop stealing now hand over that treasure you Scoundrels oh let's go yarn your luck has run out quickly the other car [Music] not cool foreign [Music] good sir are you a wizard well no I'm a scientist how curious well if you have a moment it seems to thoroughly enjoy it here well you are welcome to visit anytime whenever you want my friends on the Earth by sea which is of course the speed of light you're right now I think we will that is invisible only by three known irrational factories business
Channel: Morphle’s Magic Universe - Kids Cartoon
Views: 726,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mila and Morphle, Morphle's Treasure Hunt !, Treasure Hunt !, animals, animation, bus videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, children, compilation, cute, dinosaurs, english, for kids, fun, giraffe, giraffe cartoon, hero, ice cream, jungle animals, kids, kids tv, kids video, kids videos, learning, lion, magic, mila, monster jail, morphl, morphle, my magic pet morphle, super, super hero, super hero video for kids, superhero, trucks, vehicle, vehicles, vehicles for kids, wheels on the bus
Id: 159TV0QYF4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 43sec (14323 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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