BRAND NEW! | Orphles Angry Neighbour Mischief - Morphle's Magic Universe | Cartoons For Kids

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[Music] those kids are so loud is that orphan [Music] do you want to help me play some pranks on mila and morphle yeah [Music] now awful [Music] huh [Music] it's awful [Music] [Music] oh [Music] it's awful again i think i know what's going on listen marvel i have an idea look awful you can jump on top of their sand castle [Music] now marvel oh no i know mr vanderbooth helps you to prank us but how would you like to help us prank him for once [Music] hi mr vanderbilt hi mila i'm sorry for being so loud mr van der boos we will never do so again [Music] oh uh that's all right i guess i can go back to watering my yard [Music] that's strange now i'm all wet [Music] what is going on [Music] what where did you come from [Music] no stop growing now my backyard looks like a jungle [Music] a tiger it really is a jungle [Music] with my latest invention i can reverse the gravity for any object i zap with it [Music] with this mirror i'll be able to zap myself [Music] whoa tumbling test tubes i forgot to zap the zapper this is a chance oh no from now on we shall be the gravity bandit go after them [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have to save that lady marvel let's go after the bandits [Music] hey not in my city [Music] into an airplane [Music] look they are at the magic pet store with this zapper we can steal all the magic pets we want i am looking mighty fine today don't you think mr mirror you certainly do hand us all the magic pets no [Music] [Applause] no we'll take this [Music] um [Music] they're way too loud over there hey barky uh-oh what's this why is there a ball ruining my perfect lawn [Music] oh no you don't this is my ball now can we please have our ball back mr vanderbooth no you can't maybe now you won't play so loudly [Music] [Applause] how will we ever get our ball back now sneaky monkey yes that could work [Music] oh [Music] serves you right you cheeky monkey oh are you all right marvel no have fun [Music] [Music] tunnel to the neighbor's backyard [Music] whoa [Music] help i'm stuck help me [Music] we're sorry mr vanderbooth we will be more careful when we're playing thank you i guess let's make sure the ball stays in our yard mortal morph into a big monster [Music] to build us a giant castle [Music] so what kind of egg do you think this is it's so big it must be a dragon's egg [Music] let's put it in the castle to protect it [Music] into a dragon [Music] might that be a dragon's egg soon we the sky pirates will have our very own dragon [Music] give our dragon egg back [Music] [Applause] oh look marvel the dolphins happy [Music] yay we've got it oh [Music] oh [Music] there watch out morphles it's a thunderstorm [Music] look over there [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh give me that egg we found it fair and square i stole it fair and square oh you found my ostrich i was making a special delivery [Music] when some cheeky monkey threw this poor egg overboard [Music] i've been looking for it ever since on little guy let's go back to the zoo [Music] let's play hide and seek okay mila and morphle you are going to hide and i will try to find you one two [Music] quick mortal morph into a car and hide between the other cars [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] what a creative idea [Music] [Applause] very smart i think you were really smart too yeah uh i have to get going bye bye now it's your turn to seek more fool one two four six [Music] two eleven [Music] come on more full you can think of something [Music] there you are we need your help but where's mila the bandits are robbing the grocery store they're getting away with all the groceries [Music] [Laughter] yeah we did it again stein oh [Music] i think it should be something strong and big what about a dinosaur what [Music] oh no that was too big uh what about a mouse now we also have more food yeah this is our lucky day stein i don't really know morphle i don't think i'm good at this either hmm you know morphle i think you should believe in yourself and you will know what to morph into no [Music] you did it morphle thank you for saving my groceries morphle why don't you take this cake with you as a gift [Music] huh oh what a great smell [Music] more full how did you get that cake what for sure myself well more fool i'm so proud of you [Music] marvel morph into a motorcycle [Music] [Music] uh [Music] and the new champion of the world is huh a little kid tell us little girl is this the most happy moment of your life no morphle and i think there are lots of things more important than winning yeah sure hello people of earth wow we are gathering the fastest racers from every planet to compete in the first motorcycle grand prix of the universe and you are clearly the fastest on this planet follow us morph into a space bike watch out for a meteor right [Applause] great move meteorites are the most dangerous thing a space biker can come across [Music] get ready set [Music] [Music] [Music] great [Music] lots of them well done we're gonna win [Music] oh no look some things are more important than winning we have to go save them [Music] oh marvel at the side card to the bike thank you for saving me mila and morphle unfortunately you lost the race because you helped me that's okay some things are more important than winning awards well you might not have won an award but there is something else you won oh my friendship come with me i will show you around in space [Music] more full morph into a fire truck [Music] look troy do you want to take a ride in a real fire truck hmm that's not a real fire truck my big brother gerbin is a firefighter and i can take a ride whenever i want [Music] ah an emergency [Music] no more can see what a real fire truck can do and that sounds like a challenge [Music] [Music] we've got this man huh [Music] there you go we brought your cat to safety [Music] there's a building on fire on the other side of the city [Music] we're faster [Music] [Music] oh no this fire is too big we can't do this by ourselves let's work together [Music] into a flying fire truck [Music] wow it's wonderful to have some help from a magic bed [Music] [Applause] morphle would you be interested in joining me at the fire department from now on i think i know the perfect magic pet for you [Music] awkwardly help your new human companion [Music] wow [Music] robo-freeze has four settings off lenient strict and very strict you should never turn this dial to very strict why not professor no problem let's see what robo freeze can do you seem like good kids now let's see if he can stop crime with the bandits causing so much trouble i could use some help with my police work more full morph into a police car [Music] perfect be sure to leash your dog oh sorry officer have a good day young lady oh why thank you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] be careful not to kick the ball into the flowers [Music] not in my city you get a ticket what but [Music] oh my ball oh no something's wrong robo freeze must have been turned to very strict look wow you get ticket for walking on grass i wasn't even walking on the grass you were going to what we have to turn the dial down yeah [Music] oh go after it morphle [Music] do [Music] oh no there it is try again morphle [Music] move on now unacceptable this has to stop but how i have an idea we need robo-freeze to come to us more into a megaphone [Music] i'm about to step on the grass stop you're getting a ticket no more fool phew you did it milan morphle [Music] oh no maybe two peter freezes are too much [Music] it's such a hot day you know what i'll get us some refreshments hmm we could build a pool in the backyard that should really keep us cool can we do that sure thing more full morph into a digger all we need now is water and floaties and a diving board and lemonade right morphle and i will get the water can you take care of the rest will do more into a dump truck morphle now soak up some water more full let's go back to the others [Music] hey mila marvel white up hi farmer bob is everything all right well the weather has been great but my watermelons need water or they'll dry out oh we can help you with that let's water those melons more full thank you so much here take one oh thank you come murple let's get some more water [Music] oh mila and morph so good you're here the pond in the park has all dried up and now the ducks have no place to swim oh no let's give them our water more full [Music] that was so great and as a thank you please take some of my as a cream this looks great you guys okay more full let's fill up the pool here i come [Music] hey everybody i'm back and i brought ice [Music] cream [Music] wonderful [Music] oh no what happened here those are time portals tumbling test tubes how did this happen these items don't belong here someone must be looking for them we should bring them back to their own time what a good idea mila [Music] this little machine is looking really high-tech yeah it must be from the future you're right let's go there then first stop the future yeah [Music] wait a minute hmm this doesn't look like the future oh no that man over there is in trouble morphle morph into a pterodactyl [Music] oh thank you so much for saving me fellow time travelers you won't believe what happened i was just researching these grounds when suddenly my time remote was gone is this yours perhaps yeah yes thank you very much oh now i can get home [Music] all right keep your hands inside the vehicle next stop will be the medieval times yeah let's bring back the sword [Music] me [Music] this doesn't look like the right time for a medieval sword that's because this isn't the medieval times what went wrong with this machine that's it that's my family's heirloom sword they stole it family heirloom we didn't steal it we came to bring it back that's what all thieves say policeman arrest him oh no [Music] well at least the sword is back with its owner but i don't understand why nothing works today don't beat yourself up professor we only have one item left that's true well let's see where we end up now we're here the medieval times phew finally it was a bit of a detour but we're here but i wonder where the egg is from [Music] tumbling test tubes why is everybody running oh oh you you have the dragon's egg please give it back to the dragon hurry oh so that's a mommy dragon searching for her egg we need to give it back but how marvel [Music] who is that you so you're the reason why everything went wrong today because of you this mommy dragon almost lost her baby [Music] well there were some problems but now everyone has their things back well i sure hope awful has learned his lesson look more full like this [Music] don't worry morphle you'll get the hang of it but you'll never be as good as this little guy meet boba our newest magic pet boba loves blowing bubbles he tends to bubble over with joy from it whoa see that looks like fun [Music] um boba this is high enough i can't get out more full morph into something big dress now muffle shave mila [Music] what is [Music] help help me [Music] oh [Music] oh no there's a car falling from the sky [Music] whew [Music] there you are boba listen you can't just blow your magic bubbles everywhere it's causing lots of problems [Music] can you pop my bubble phew thanks morphle [Music] i think she went that way oh no [Music] ah oh [Music] you saved me thank you morphle [Music] nice i was a bit on the bubble whether i'd see my car again well boba next time you bubble over please don't take it so literally [Music] who celebrate the national day of dinosaurs professor rasheed has helped the city to organize a special dinosaur race wow that's so cool let's join two more full more into a t-rex [Music] but wait we have another contestant the winner of the race gets this beautiful award is everybody ready three [Music] two one [Music] go [Music] let's compete too yawn yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] now let's win this race [Music] oh no the bandits are here and they are cheating to win look ladies and gentlemen we have a winner [Music] stealing dinosaurs huh not in my city congratulations to the winners we didn't win more full but at least we have a fair winner this is the magic pet graph it can change the way gravity works for all the things it zaps oh can you change my gravity graph [Music] [Applause] [Music] great oh that's great [Music] whoa it's great to look at things from a different perspective i've changed my mind about so many things right now [Music] we'll take this with the power of this magic pet we will be the gravity bandits we need to stop them [Music] oh uh hello there spider we need to catch up with them more into a kangaroo mortal [Music] [Music] oh no we need to help him more full morph into a crane [Music] phew thank you we'll stop the bandits mr vanderbilt [Music] why is the bridge oh no the brakes stopped working mark into a spider so you can stop the bus with a well oh thank you morphle [Music] oh no help oh no it's sarah we need to bring her house down again morph into an airplane [Music] now tie those trees together over the house so it can't fall into the sky anymore phew thank you milan morphle oh no luke stein how about we change your gravity again now we need to fly up to them [Music] oh we're sorry oh now can you get us down again graph can you change the gravity of everything else back again [Applause] [Music] please don't get any closer whew now that spider can't reach oh that was quite a day stein yeah it sure was yawn let's go to bed but stein yeah our bits are on the ground oh no wow uncle mortimer you're always so fast well when we were younger i was the faster one oh yeah well how about we race right now and see who's faster what a good idea daddy and uncle mortimer you can have a race and i'm going to be the referee morphle would you like to be my race car that way we will win for sure [Music] whoever reaches the city first wins did you hear that yawn they're about to have a race if we start now we'll be the winners for sure ready set go wow wow so fast but not as fast as me [Music] [Music] we have to do something stein yeah but i have an idea see you get past this tree great idea stein oh no oh no oh more morph into uh will i don't know but morph into something [Music] wow oh that was a close one morphle too slow [Music] oh no stein they are catching up to us we have to think of something fast [Music] more for lookout be careful now kids [Music] yeah ruffle wanna play well i guess a little game can't hurt right [Music] oops i forgot about the race morph into a race car again let's hurry morphle [Music] wait a minute are those the bandits that explains the bad things that happened along the way oh the plan didn't work stein what do we do now i still have one trick up my sleeve take this ice cream oh yum cat ice cream me too [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] oh not near my city [Applause] here they come congratulations uncle mortimer thank you mila well we didn't win well stein at least we didn't finish last ah yeah uh-oh here's your trophy uncle mortimer thank you mila but the real winners are daddy and morphle wow really why if it wasn't for the bandits you would have won [Music] oh i don't have a trophy for last place officer freeze i wasn't even in the race and still got my trophies right here [Music] thank you mortimer it was very nice of you to give us the trophy well don't get too attached to it next time i'll be the winner
Channel: Morphle’s Magic Universe - Kids Cartoon
Views: 13,861,738
Rating: 3.8087456 out of 5
Keywords: videos for kids, kids videos, wheels on the bus, bus videos for kids, morphle, my magic pet morphle, superhero, scary animals, super hero video for kids, super hero, kids, vehicle, vehicles for kids, compilation, children, toddler, preschool, animation, trucks, cartoon, vehicles, english, cute, cartoons for children, toy, kids tv, for kids, baby, kids video, learning, fun, learn, magic, hero, animals, dinosaurs, super, ice cream, monster jail, police car
Id: Cncq3SQlAFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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