Morphle's Dinosaur Family - Cartoons for Kids | My Magic Pet Morphle

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[Music] [Music] hi glitter pug can you turn me into a more full again [Music] hi morphle have you seen oh is that you milo yes i want to practice morphing so i can help more full on our adventures great idea can you turn me into a mortal too [Music] me too awesome now i can look for dinosaurs as a dinosaur [Music] uh oh it's easy to get into trouble when you can't control your morphs let's go after troy let's morph into robots morphle [Music] i'll stick to my trusty rocket morph whoa flying is tiring but not with rockets [Music] wow this looks like a place dinosaurs live phew you're really good at this morphe whoa i'm okay i'm okay i haven't seen a single dinosaur [Music] maybe i should morph into a dinosaur myself [Music] what was that we need to find troy but the baby i'll keep the baby monkey safe don't worry [Music] ah no dinosaurs here either [Music] [Applause] why are there no dinosaurs i'll help the elephant you go after troy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hi morphle have you seen any dinosaurs there are no dinosaurs here because they lived in the past you're the only dinosaur here and scared all the other animals oh [Music] hi monkeys are you looking for your baby let's bring you back together [Music] ah i'm glad everyone is okay i'm really sorry for causing all this trouble i just wanted to play with dinosaurs turn please [Laughter] [Music] into a ball [Music] i wish i could morph into fun things too i've got an idea glitter pop can transform us into magic pets wow can you turn us into more full [Music] let's play a game the one who jumps the highest [Music] [Laughter] [Music] really wins what ah great [Music] [Music] [Applause] this can't be good let's follow them [Music] this is not easy morph into an airplane [Music] more april morph into a big cushion [Music] friendship [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] morph into an airplane [Music] let's go after orpool and that bouncing ball again [Music] no awful i want to be a robot this time [Music] sorry [Music] i have another idea to catch him let's work together more full morph into a cage [Music] not in my city [Music] wow [Applause] yeah we did it you two caused a lot of trouble in the city [Music] ah i'm sorry mila and marvel i shouldn't be a morphle anymore can you transform us back please splitter bug [Music] no i was having so much fun [Music] it was fun but being a mortal was so hard i'm happy to be myself again there can only be one more full and one april and i love you both [Music] thanks for carrying all my books morphle uh-huh moreful great i need your help swiper bugs swiped my glasses and hid them in its pet house [Music] my [Applause] glasses do everything alone oh i'm sorry morphle hmm i wish we could do everything morphle can do so he could take a break wait a minute mila that's a great idea this is glitter pug it can transform humans into magic pets for a whole day wow can you turn us into more full wow [Music] mila morph into a monkey now that we can morph ourselves you can take all the rest you need morphle [Music] i'll morph into a rocket now how do i fly do you see that stein if we steal glitter pug we could be bandit morphles more full morph i can morph myself mila morph into a race car [Music] this is so cool whoa whoa but not easy [Music] how do i stop i need to go faster [Music] huh we'll never catch the bandits like this let's morph into a robot daddy a robot coming up whoa [Music] wow [Music] no more fool we've got this you were tired of doing everything alone remember must not have it if what [Music] you can't run any more bandits we don't have to glitter bug transform us too we're not more full stein no but your magic pets oh no run [Music] we saved glitter puff yeah now play together sounds good it's rocket time [Music] whoa [Applause] [Music] look more full there are dinosaurs everywhere wow [Music] what do you think of our new dinosaur paw dinosaur park yes professor rashid and i have transported these dinosaurs to our time because everybody likes dinosaurs am i right little buddy you bet isn't this dangerous nonsense these are harmless they don't eat people well that's good now this t-rex on the other hand [Music] this doesn't seem very safe don't worry this is the strongest cage in the world just don't touch this level it controls the door see ah the lever is stuck [Music] everybody run [Applause] quickly more fool morph into a t-rex as well [Music] [Applause] here back to the past mila two of the dinosaurs have escaped into the city if you bring them here i can send them back to the past as well all right let's go morphle morph into a helicopter [Music] [Music] please stop this is not a tree hmm it must be hungry i think we can lure it with a snap more into a robot pick up that tree mortal few [Music] only one more [Music] huh something is happening outside the park [Music] move over buddy [Music] he's strong but not as strong as you morphle morph into a bulldozer [Music] hey you [Music] now scoop him up more fool [Music] thank you mila and morphle without you we would have been in quite a pickle outstanding work but what to do with the park it looks a little boring without dinosaurs well how about you organize a picnic hmm yes a picnic with dinosaurs [Music] catch the ball morphle [Music] oh wow that was fast now throw it back don't you want to play catch more fool more for no one to play catch okay do you want to draw something [Music] so what do you want to do [Music] do you want to play hide and seek maybe okay start counting [Music] morphle do you maybe want to hear a story [Music] as the boy walked up to the house the door opened on its own and he heard a scary voice story wow you're hard to please today morphle hmm shall we take a trip to the beach that always cheers you up [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry let's build the same castle morsel [Music] huh where are you going morphle [Applause] [Music] oh let's go somewhere else [Music] look at how much fun they're having more full [Music] hey more fool that's not nice of you huh the popcorn a delicious a popcorn [Music] whoa morphle did you have breakfast this morning no more for no one at the breakfast so that's why you've been cranky all this time you didn't eat anything oh well morphle dig in [Music] did that help more fun [Music] are you feeling better now that you've eaten you're being very thorough police officer freeze i have to be two police commissioners will drop by to see if i'm doing a good job as a police officer everything has to be perfect well then we won't keep you good luck bye-bye thanks guys [Music] why are you not wearing your official cleaning app no cleaning hat cleaning hat sorry you must be the commissioners welcome your good police officer has to know all the laws yes i i believe i do sir we'll [Music] oh a red light why aren't you singing singing a police officer at the red light should be singing look at me as a happy policeman [Applause] too late another lie i didn't know [Music] no eating while on duty [Music] do [Music] so many tickets i'm afraid we're going to have to take you to jail why would they arrest him more into a race car [Music] what happened to you as it turns out i don't know half the loss i'm not fit to be a police officer that can't be right we need to get to the bottom of this morphle [Music] so [Music] no hats in the park [Music] moving into a bush [Music] no picnics with a blanket or near a tree or with a basket [Music] with peter freeze gone we can do anything yarn yeah stein so they made up all those strange laws two can play at that game [Music] oops sorry you will be sorry once i find uh where is it let me see no not that one ah here it is when a person bumps into the police commissioners the police commissioners should keep walking uh okay come on john [Music] they have to leave their bag of loot at the door of the police station and go inside they now have to take off their fake mustaches and call out we're the bandits wait this doesn't make any sense it does to me you're under arrest [Music] what if i want to play yeah okay muffler seat [Music] one two three [Music] hey [Music] alpha push a car ah we're for help [Music] also help you [Music] muffler want to play a new game motherfu want to play [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hold it what's going on here huh morpho and awful play that's no excuse morphle marshall clean up [Music] too [Music] thank you marvel this beam has to go there [Music] ha ha i'm a scary pirate give me all your treasures i'm a big dinosaur i'm not scared of pirates wow you guys have great costumes oh what is your costume mila i have a magic t-shirt it's mortal let's fly [Music] lift up the dress-up box [Music] whoa marvel morse extra arms oh no [Music] two bandits were just here they stole all my clothes [Music] don't worry daddy we have more than enough clothes in our dress-up box now let's see how should we dress up daddy you look beautiful daddy [Music] huh oh no it's the chain of office bandits now they're stealing the police officer's clothes we're no longer the chain of office bandits now we're the fashion bandits we will steal all of the city's clothes beware [Music] costume you're right we should give the police officer a costume too [Music] here mr police officer excellent now after the fashion bandits we must stop them from stealing all the clothes [Music] so [Music] there they are [Music] you can't stop us soon no one will have any clothes left oh no the helicopter is falling use your strong arms to catch it [Music] where are they i'll catch them this time here you go mr mayor we have a costume for you too thank you mila now you have to stop those bandits the city needs you there's one i'll catch him it's up to us morphle use your wings [Music] it's no use they are too fast [Music] too fast but we can't give up the city is counting on us huh you are no match for the fashion bandits and now we have your little red friend silly bandits use your strong arms marvel use your wings [Music] [Music] you caught the bandits and now everyone can get back their clothes the mayor should give you a medal now where is that mayor [Music] well hello mila and morphle what are you two up to today we're playing with morphle's favorite toy mr action mr action is really great and always helps people in need except for the bad guys of course like professor evil oh wow how about we set him to life so he can really help the people in the city [Music] i am mr action [Music] professor evil my enemy [Music] hand over that device oh all right well that was easy oh no [Music] time to help the city fall [Music] [Applause] we have to get that life right back morphle quickly more into a superhero too [Music] this calls for action don't worry ma'am i've got this get out of here leave this woman alone [Music] thank you morpha [Music] and you're the worst [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll take that boys [Music] that definitely calls for some action [Music] wait what here you go honest citizens but those are the bad guys lying never pays peter freeze [Music] oh no you don't [Music] oh well [Music] [Music] why are you holding professor evil are you his henchmen no no no this is professor evil professor evil is a toy just like you used to be mr action this is professor rasheed and he shouldn't be a toy oh no thank you for your explanation tiny blueberry girl [Music] but how can i fight professor evil now [Music] i must become a toy again myself [Music] no one can stop me now [Music] oh no [Music] what's the hold up you've caught us already yeah yeah i'll be there in a minute [Music] those kids are so loud is that awful [Music] do you want to help me play some pranks on mila and morphle yeah [Music] now awful [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] oh it's awful [Music] okay [Music] oh no [Music] it's awful again [Laughter] hmm i think i know what's going on listen marvel i have an idea look awful you can jump on top of their sand castle yeah [Music] [Music] oh no i know mr vanderbooth helps you to prank us but how would you like to help us prank him for once [Music] hi mr vanderbilt hi mila i'm sorry for being so loud mr van der boos we will never do so again [Music] oh that's all right i guess i can go back to watering my yard [Music] that's strange now i'm all wet [Music] what is going on [Music] what where did you come from no stop growing now my backyard looks like a jungle [Music] a tiger it really is a jungle [Music] hello today marvel and i will show you different colors there are several basic colors red yellow blue green orange and pink more full morph into a paintbrush [Music] now let's paint animals that have these colors red is the color of a [Music] and a ladybug and yellow is the color of a little chick or a dangerous leopard a blue animal is a whale and there are blue butterflies [Music] turtles are green [Music] and frogs are green as well a goldfish is orange and the tiger has orange fur and pink is the color of a flamingo [Music] of the axolotl you are really good at painting waffle ice cream [Laughter] hey mila and morphle the two of you have got a call [Applause] oh who is it is the ice cream man i have found a new yummy flavor of ice cream but i'm on the other side of the world and there's only a little bit left oh no don't worry mr ice cream man we'll come to you [Music] it's awful if he gets to the ice cream man first he will eat all the ice cream [Music] was that another more full [Applause] [Music] oh no my car how will i catch criminals without my police car we need to help police officer freeze get his car back [Music] thank you mila and [Music] i don't think orful knows what's fastest on the water but i do morph into a speed boat [Music] [Laughter] um [Music] thanks morphle [Applause] [Music] we're at the jungle now morph into a monkey [Music] a race car isn't fast in the jungle or full [Music] we need to help that monkey [Music] [Music] marvel oh no it's awful [Music] sounds like orphel got there first [Music] you ate all of my ice cream oh no we're too late morphle [Music] don't worry i only acted like he ate all the ice cream so he would go away there is more than enough ice cream for you you mister a monkey and even for me thank you mr ice cream man [Music] it sure is hot today yeah that's a great idea morphle how about you get us some ice cream from the ice cream truck over there [Music] don't forget to buy me one okay daddy the ice cream man is leaving oh no let's go after it marvel morph into an ice cream race car [Music] [Applause] huh where is he going [Applause] [Music] the bridge is opening [Music] that was fun [Music] hiya kids would you like some ice cream yes please great i have a chocolate ice cream vanilla a strawberry a jalapeno a concrete raw and the raw onion for daddy i'm sure he'll like that yeah really this is the first time i ever sold that flavor thank you so much now let's get back to daddy before his ice cream melts [Music] after them [Music] [Music] [Applause] we've lost him yawn oh oh no you didn't huh [Music] um could really use some ice cream now we're back daddy great ice cream mountain oh no i really wanted that ice cream oh oh no we'll get another one real quick daddy hello back again another raw onion ice cream please wow this is the second raw onion ice cream i've sold back to daddy morphle quickly this is the best day of my life [Music] this is our ice cream now yeah it is ours is that my ice cream sorry sir we didn't mean to give it back [Music] thank you mila and morphle the ice cream did not melt at all raw onion flavor [Music] come on come on let's go [Music] huh good morning is that a unicorn yay [Music] come on morph into a unicorn marvel [Music] cool you two look exactly alike [Music] yay [Music] huh look morphle it's builder lawrence let's surprise him hi kids [Music] hiya morphle you look great [Music] amazing [Music] whoa [Music] wanna give it a go marble go [Music] whoa you are a great unicorn marvel huh oh you are a great unicorn too unicorn more folks [Music] come on guys let's go on an adventure bye builder lauren bye kids [Music] oh wow [Music] let's go there yay [Laughter] [Music] i wonder what's inside [Applause] [Music] hello dragon [Music] oh no the dragon lost one of her babies and she can't leave her nest [Music] it must be the little dragon we saw outside [Music] don't worry dragon mortal can help [Music] yay [Music] baby dragon here we come hmm let's see oh hey mila mila [Music] it's the baby dragon [Music] um [Music] bye dragons [Music]
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 5,478,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: videos for kids, kids videos, my magic pet morphle, orphle, morphle vs orphle, mila and morphle, mila, kid show, kids stories, superhero, scary animals, super hero, kids vehicles, vehicles for kids, compilation, full episode, animation, cartoon, english, cute, kids tv, fun, learn, magic, hero, animals, dinosaur, dinosaurs for kids, colors, trucks, morphle family, t rex, Pterodactyls, dinos, colorful morphle, morphle colors, morphle cartoon
Id: WpLiAAdBn8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 23sec (3683 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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