Blippi Finds Jungle Animals in Indoor Playgrounds! | 3 HOURS OF BLIPPI TOYS!

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[Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout flippy hey it's me Flippy and today we are at party jungle in Phoenix Arizona and we are going to have so much fun today come on check it out oh hello Hi blippy how are you I'm good thank you ooh I am really excited ooh check this out go have fun thank you wristband and some tokens bye-bye bye okay we'll put these in my pocket for later let's ride a ride wo look at this what kind of animal is this yeah it's an elephant will you act like an elephant with [Applause] me elephants are so big Bo boom okay let's ride okay here we go wo wo hey hello wo hey wo wo hello down there how are you wo wo oh that was so much fun on the elephant ride and so much fun acting like an elephant let's go ride some more [Music] rides check this ride out thank you wo hey these look like swings do you know of an animal that loves to swing from trees yeah monkeys love the swing on trees let's act like [Music] monkeys okay all right let's hop in okay here we go okay let's take a seat all right here we go let's get buckled up right okayy okay I'm ready [Music] here I go [Music] [Applause] wo hey w w w wo that was awesome okay oh I am having so much fun oo I'm kind of getting hungry oh no look I'm stuck hey let's act like monkeys to get out of this yeah good job okay see you soon wo I'm getting kind of hungry are you hungry let's go ooh let's get some snacks come on ooh can I please have some animal crackers of course ooh animal crackers there you go yum thank you okay let's find a place to [Music] sit how about right here let's open them up wo so many animals let's set this right over here wait a second what's this it's a dog hey I have an idea why don't we eat our snacks like how a dog eats do you know how a dog eats yep with no [Music] hands [Music] that's silly okay let's see what else they have around here W this place is so cool and colorful wo W oh check it out miniature golf oh hey here we go two size clubs do we want this one or this one let's do this one looks just right for my size so we have a blue club and an orange ball my two favorite colors okay here we go all right get [Music] ready wait wait a second do you see this what animal is this W this is a zebra wo black white black white hey did you know zebras are actually all black with white stripes interesting oh can't forget these oh wo hippopotamus waa that's silly let's act like a hippo hippos are really big they love the water and they love the land too pretty interesting woo all right here we go W I almost made it wo look this is a horse yay yay hey horsey how are you I love horses they're so nice most of the time and they love to gallop hey let's Gallop this horse [Music] [Applause] [Music] W okay let's put this horse right here cuz we have another ride to go into oh thanks you're welcome come on wa hello hi that's silly hello I'm oh come over here hello hello how are you two good oo very good are you excited yeah okay let's go wo hello how are you high five woohoo okay my turn okay let's sit in here and then put the chain on right here now we are ready to go ch ch here comes a train here comes a train it's rolling on the tracks going to get there fast yeah Cho here comes a train I can SP hello watching you go Choo Cho oh all across the country there are many train tracks I can only imagine how much fun I'd be having if I was riding on the Caboose that's the back of the train I try to count all the train cars but there that was so much fun wo we love party jungle yeah W that was awesome choo choo oh let's see what else there is around here wow a jungle gym wo look wo a cute little animal hello this is a sloth did you know that sloths move really slow here come on let's act like a sloth together okay how you act like a sloth is you just move really slow ready three 2 one W this is funny W oh that's silly have you ever seen a sloth swim you should look it up it's hilarious sloths move really slow on land but when they swim they swim really fast like three times faster than they move on land wo hey this area you have to take off your shoes so let's take off my shoes there we go one two come on wo W wo [Music] wo this place is awesome wa look at this place wo wo wo wo what is this wo what animal is this it's cute it's black and white it's a penguin let's act like penguins together okay all you have to do is waddle wo wle water waddle water water waddle [Music] okay okay let's put my shoes back on let's play some arcade games jeez okay let's check this out wo look at this game ooh all right let's put in a coin let's take the hammer get [Music] ready this is awesome see you have to hit them when they come [Music] out W getting trickier two of them are coming out out of time ouch wo OU OU OU wo wo I'm getting tired wo three of them are coming out W I got him [Music] W you miss me now that was so hard okay what other games do we have I know of a game here come right over here Dance Dance Revolution woo I'm really good at this one get [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready [Music] [Applause] wo we did it [Applause] [Music] woo wo [Applause] wo let's ride the fish here we go wo wo it's like I'm swimmy cuz I'm riding a [Music] fish good job woo that was so tiring oh another ride come on oo in y here we go woo Perfect all right oh wa okay this ride's pretty cool cuz you get to spin around okay all right I'm ready horsey wo W okay here we go W wo wo W wo woo w w okay W wo wo wo W I'm getting so dizzy W did you see how fast I was spinning W that was awesome I had so much fun hanging out at party jungle with you well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i PP I blippy good job well fun hanging out with animals with you bye-bye W hey it's me blippy ooo and it's night time and we're in a parking lot there's so many store wow look at this store it's the Kinderland indoor playground in Las Vegas Nevada come on wow this place is so colorful before we play we need to take off our [Music] shoes all right one shoe two shoe now we're ready to play come [Music] on whoo look at this hello W I'm in a little house ooh it's a yellow ball watch this [Music] and a blue [Music] ball a green ball a red [Music] ball and an orange ball holy look over here yeah it's a ball pit I'm going to jump inside [Music] wo wo so many colorful balls wo what is this it's a dinosaur and this is a pterodactyl listen dinosaur dinosaur bye-bye pterodactyl let's see what else we can find wo wo wo [Music] W wo this is another dinosaur and this is a tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur dinur oh I love dinosur I like Tyrannosaurus Rexes bye-bye whoa wa oh look this is a Stegosaurus let's act like a Stegosaurus together okay ready dinosaur dinosaur oh why love dinosaur [Music] [Music] byebye W so many colorful balls let's keep playing [Music] wa look this is a police car zo zo zo zo [Applause] W it's a garbage truck wow I love garbage dck and garbage trucks W this is a giant cement mixer look you spin this right here bye-bye woo look a fire truck got to put out the fire we oo a dump truck wao W wo oo and yeah a vacuum all right nice and clean wo look at this giant orange spiked ball W [Music] wo oo look at this it's a blue ball wo wo W wo and this is a small orange and blue spiked ball wo wo wo look at this [Music] hello come on woo look a slide all right here I go oh wo that slide was so much fun wo it's so colorful I'm going to climb to the [Music] top wo W yeah I'm the king of the world wo wo okay now it's time to get down [Music] what's this over here hello are you hungry yeah I'm really hungry I went shopping earlier look at all of these fruits and vegetables yum let's see what we're going to cook together oo oh look hey got to put out the dishes first the plate and the bowl oo look at this I cooked you some spaghetti all right yum let's season it m yum there you go oo and you know what else I have do you like pizza yeah okay look at this yum that looks so tasty all right let's take the spatula and cut the pizza out oh look at that piece of pizza for you all right perfect there you go oh it's so hot just came out of the oven ooh to make it even hotter we should put some hot sauce on it Oh but before we put some hot sauce let's try it [Music] out this [Applause] help W look at these come here wa this has wheels on the bottom I'm going to let it roll here we go yeah that was awesome oh here's another one I wonder what would happen if I rode it all right here we go W that was so much fun o here's another one all right here we go get [Music] ready yeah oo look at this structure come [Music] on oo look at these steps they're so colorful this is the color black this is a new color wo this is maroon this color is the color pink blue green purple red and gray wo look at this wow it's a slide okay here I go oh whoa [Applause] w w wo so many colorful balls watch this I'll do that again all right I'm going to throw really hard it bounced off the wall and hit me in the face W wo woah wo Watch [Music] Out w hello woo look at this yellow net wo and look at what it is over here wow wow it's a giant red slide wo hey and look at what's in the way wo that's a lot of big soft blocks it's time to go but they're in the way H wait a second why don't I slide down and plow them over are you [Music] ready all right here I go [Music] wow who that was so much fun playing at Kinderland indoor playground in Las Vegas Nevada well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos you know what to do yeah just search for my name let's spell blippy together ready b l i PP I blippy good job all right bye-bye oh hey it's me blippy and today we are at LIF Love play in Los Angeles [Music] California I am so happy to be playing here today wait a second do you see that smiley face come [Music] here this is a smiley face and it is so happy woo you and I are going to learn about emotions today and right now I am happy okay let's go play inside come [Music] on all right come on inside whoa look at this place it is so tall wo first things first I have to take off my [Music] shoes all right one shoe and two shoes come here W oh hey look more emotions and this is an excited emotion I am so excited to be playing in here with you okay o look a slide oh wa meet me at the [Music] bottom okay are you ready here we go three two one W that was awesome come on woo wait look at this it's a beautiful couch [Music] watch wait a second no time for napping it's time for playing oo look looks like a kitchen what do you want to cook okay put the pots and pans ooh yum o corn oo chicken turn on the heat eat come on oh hey a dolphin will you act like a dolphin with [Music] me that's so much fun oo come over here look wow a big yellow slidee let's go slide down it come [Music] on wo look at these wo wo wo these have three colors on them blue light green and green green wow so colorful come on okay okay this is where the slide is come [Music] on I'm so mad hey look mad here's another emotion oo do you see this yeah this is mad and I just triping fell and I hurt my knee and it made me mad mad's that feeling when you have like smoke coming out your ears and your head gets so red it's okay to get mad but when you're mad you need to take some breaths [Music] ready okay I'm not mad anymore let's go play some more bye-bye mad woo we're at the top of the yellow slide all right are you ready here I [Music] go okay your turn yeah wo wo yeah good [Music] job W [Applause] [Music] wo that big yellow slide was awesome oo let's see what else there is around here oh hey little places where you can do your makeup so pretty all right ooh look at this this is a princess castle wo another one oo looks like a lounge ooh a massive bed oh wait a second do you recognize this yeah remember oh yeah this is where I took a nap okay here I [Music] go wait a second no time for napping it's time for playing come on W look ra a big excavator oo and some blocks red blocks yellow blue green let's stack them on top of each other okay here we [Music] go that's awesome come on o [Music] I'm getting [Music] dizzy wow see this this is a trampoline you can jump on [Music] it look I'm jumping wo wo wo bye I just got surprised did you see that yeah surprised look W surprised is when an unexpected event happens like that did you see that Dee just jumped out and said blippy okay come [Music] on ooh a tunnel here I [Music] go hey wo wo look at this this is a pyramid and that's a shape a 3D shape see how it's a triangle yeah yeah a p pyramid another pyramid that's so cool wo look at this this is a spiked ball it's a sphere with green spikes on it here come here I have something to tell you w I almost got you w [Music] okay enough of that good job oo wait a second do you see that that yellow slide through there wo goes around and around and around and around in circles I think you and I should go to the top and then I'll go slide down it come [Music] on wo look look down it you see that okay I'll slide down there hello here I come okay see you at the [Music] bottom who that was awesome well I think it's time to go it makes me so sad just knowing we have to go now look I'm so sad and see this right here this is sad cuz I'm sad cuz I can't play anymore sads that feeling when you just want to cry but wait a second I think I have a little bit more time to go down the slide One Last Time come [Music] on this is going to be awesome okay I'm going to go to the top and then slide down get ready [Music] okay here I come W yeahoo look at what it is more emotions it was so fun learning about emotions with you and hey this is a pinata I think before we go I should whack it break it open and see what's inside are you ready whoa all right here I [Music] go W okay yeah W look at all that candy w wow that was awesome well thanks so much for playing with me at Live Love play in Los Angeles California well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell my name together ready b l i p p i blippy good job see you bye-bye hello how are you today yeah wo look at where we are today we're at fidgets indoor play place in Las Vegas Nevada woo all right let's skip around and see what's [Music] here wo look it's a train wao W all right I'm going to continue to [Music] skip ooo look at this wow this is a train station see there's so many trains here like this Red [Music] Train choo choo choo choo oh hello pink train see it's a pink train wow hello choo choo choo Cho ch ch ch ch W oo and look it's a black train ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch [Music] whoa I Love Trains wow all right let's see what else there is around here woo look at this it's a colorful ball pit wo wo oh wow so many colorful balls woah wao what's this in here wow this is a green lawn mower I think we should mow the lawn let's see what else there is in here wa w W wao what is this wow it's a red motorcycle I bet there's something else in here for us wa wao wo wo watch out I almost got [Music] you wo look it's an excavator yeah like the blippy excavator song I'm an excavator [Music] excavator hey dirt see you later all right now let's crawl to this side of the [Music] room wo look at this this looks like the base of a boat and this is water [Music] see ooh [Music] [Applause] who that is one cool boat okay let's continue to crawl [Music] woo wo look at this wow we have a fire truck who and a school bus okay let's take the fire Tru and let's let her rip wo wo okay W that was awesome all right let's do it again but this time with the school bus ready here we go w [Music] yeah good job whoo look at that back [Music] there wow this looks like a princess in the King's Castle okay I'm going to go inside hello look I'm a [Music] unicorn and look at what else I found in [Music] here [Music] whoa It's a stroller with a baby in it this is a baby hi baby hello okay sleep tight baby sleep tight oh sleep tight bye-bye bye-bye okay now let's go run around some more wa look at these steps they're so colorful this step is the color blue this step is the color [Music] orange this step is the color red ooh and this step is the color green come up [Music] here wow look at this red punching [Music] bag oo here's another one over here wow wow see here's another one this punching bag is orange [Music] wow we are on the second floor of this structure whoo hey and there's a tunnel go over there Hello whoa look at this tunnel whoo I see you over there okay I'll come over there here here we go I'm crawling through the [Music] tunnel wow that was really cool oh look over here wow see this this is a yellow slide ooh and it's a shape of a circle oh I I should go down it slide down it and then when I'm down there you can come down after me ready all right bye-bye wo W good job going down the slide okay that was so much fun sliding down the slide now I think we should roll [Music] wo wa I love rolling oh hey what's this W hello okay how are you now I'm inside this house ribbit ribbit oh hey frog hello woo what else is here bye-bye [Music] frog hello I'm a sheep [Music] I'm hello okay let's go over here wao look at this contraption wo wo wa I'm balancing okay W that was awesome now let's roll some [Music] more look wo look at this yellow car here it comes oh yeah yeah here's another one this one is the color purple get ready here we [Music] go yeah okay oh hey look at this this is a pink Carriage with a horse on it bye-bye yeah oo in a red color car with a yellow top watch out and a black police car here we go and one more a red fire truck here we go bye-bye fire truck wa woo here we go let's go over [Music] here oo look at all of these colorful blocks there's so many colors okay I think we should lay them down to see what's behind them wo yeah do you see this this right here this is a Blackboard and you can write on it so let's go over what we did today first thing is we skipped s k i p yeah skip then we crawled c r a w l crawl and then we ran all r u n run and then what did we do yeah we slid down the slide s l i d e slide and then Oo we just rolled r o l l roll well this is so much fun doing these active things with you at this play place well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is ask for my name yeah my name's blippy let's spell it together [Music] ready b l i p p i flippy good job see you again bye-bye wow today we are at the kids club indoor playground in Las Vegas Nevada hey how are you I hope we have fun W this is going to be [Music] fun wow look at this place this is going to be fun playing in here but first things first we need to take take off her shoes wo wo wo all right here's one shoe all right w w w and here's the second shoe oh did you see me [Music] balance wow wow this is going to be such a great time together I am really excited to use my body and my muscles to have some fun come on wo look at these colorful steps these are the color red this step is the color green and this step is the color [Music] yellow W let's go over here watch out there's a hole right [Music] here oo hello hello look at these punching bags let's use our arms and our arm muscles to punch them ready okay let's do the red one [Music] first and now the green [Music] one wo there's another color come here wo all right looks like there's the color oh the FI MC just hit you okay one other color yeah this color is [Music] yellow oo all right time to go this way W wo I just went down this hole look peekaboo peekaboo wa that was so much fun going down here all right wo wa there's a yellow slide right here okay I'm going to go down the slide you meet me at the bottom okaybye [Music] okay here I come one two three wo wo that slide was so fast okay let's see what else there [Music] is W whoa these are wiggle cars and they're the color green blue yellow pink and red H what one should we wiggle on today how about the yellow one all right here we go all right let's wiggle away [Music] w I'm using my arm muscles to [Music] wiggle wo we made it so far ooo and look at this this is a deflated bounce house I think you and I should use our magic fingers to blow it up ready say magic finger fingers ready 3 2 1 magic [Applause] [Music] fingers yeah good job okay now we get a bounce with our leg muscles inside come on [Music] wa wao wa waa wa see what I'm doing is I'm using my leg muscles to jump up and down wo wo look it's kind of like I'm a Frog ready ribit ribit ribit ribit ribit wo wo all right here I come down the slide W wo wo that was funny jeez I am so exhausted from playing it's pretty important to drink lots of water when you're doing fun things like this so let's drink some [Music] watero all right now I'm ready for some more Play Come [Music] On hello look at [Music] this I'm going to use my leg muscles to kick it that was awesome whoa now I'm going to use my arm muscles to throw this yeah all right woo and what's this hello okay here I [Music] go oh no oh no I'm [Music] stuck okay now I'm going to suck it in did you see that I just tightened up my abs and then this thing slid down okay woo look at this wo W this is the color [Music] orange this is the color [Music] red this is the color [Music] purple ooh this is the color [Music] yellow ooo this is the color green and this is the color [Music] blue yeah all right watch out watch [Music] out I'm trying to hit you wo okay now you can hit me ready okay here we go good job you are so much fun whoa comfy comfy sofas well wait a second it's not nap time it's play time come on W wo look look at this giant yellow slide I have a great idea how about I go down the slide first and then you go down the slide second all right okay here I go [Music] okay are you ready here I go w wow that was awesome all right your [Music] turn hey all right come on yeah wow good jum okay here we [Music] go wao look at this giant green slide I'm about to go down all right get ready W wo that was so much fun playing at this indoor playground well if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name blippy yeah let's spell it together ready b l i PP I blippy good job now you know how to say and spell my name see you again bye-bye today we're at just play in isqua Washington hey hi have fun thanks okay come on okay first things first before we play we need to take off our shoes now that they're in the cubby hole wao we get a play wo look at this this is the color white and you can climb on it too high in the sky okay little scary but so much fun woo what are these hello look at this you sit on these and they're kind of like a swing wo hey who okay what's this over here wow these are green and white and these ones over here are pink and white oh look it up here W come on there's floating balloons up [Music] here wow this room has giant colorful floating balloons wo look at them wo W this balloon is the color green this balloon is the color red this balloon is the color blue this balloon is the color orange and this balloon is the color yellow oh hey a pink one okay I'm going to go down the slide watch me okay I'll be right [Music] down [Music] okay here I come down the orange slide W so dizzy wo look up here wow this is going to be fun come on wow look at this place wo woo push the button and then you put balls in here and then they go to the Topo you see how it's full okay and then you can stand underneath it you want to stand underneath it cool okay get ready here we go 3 2 one w w good job woo and look at this w w follow me wao okay stay right here you want to go through okay okay wo wo I'll meet you around the other [Music] side wo I made it okay come to the ball pit there's a lot of colorful balls here w all right cannon ball oh going w w look at all of these colorful balls wo wo wo we have red ball orange ball green ball blue ball pink ball yellow ball Brown ball whoa whoa look okay let's see what else there is this place is so [Music] colorful all right follow me okay okay now we'll go this way [Music] wow okay I'm taking you to a blue slide come [Music] on wow look at this this is a blue slide okay all go first then you can follow okay ready three two one okay your turn come on wo wo W wo good job all right come this way come on wow good [Music] job wow a giant chalkboard ready let's spell my name together p l i p p i blippy okay come this [Music] way it's a photo poo so first you put on some props like this green hat and this red guitar ready okay here we [Music] go [Music] wow perfect printing on demand that's so cool all right let's go come on wa look at this hello wow W that mushroom house is so cool oh okay come here whoa okay come on let's go really fast 2 3 we're almost to the top okay wo look at these pyramids right here wo get wo they have smiley faces on them with their tongue sticking out wa w w look at this look at this spiky ball wow there's pink spikes blue spikes green spikes okay watch out whoo who woo get really close come here check this out okay wo I almost got you okay come on wa look at this it's like a balance beam wo and we're like two stories three stories up in the air wo we're really high okay oh hey we're at the slide the big blue slide okay see you go down bye-bye okay you can go down first [Music] okay wao that looked really fun okay my turn here we go wo that was so much fun playing at just play in isqua Washington with you all right bye-bye come on today we're at fantastic plantorium in Belleview Washington this is going to be so much fun hey hi what a colorful Place wow come here look at this this is a spinning Circle I think I should get [Music] in W wa I'm dizzy oh look at what it is this is a piece of watermelon hey I think you and I should learn about fruit today this is going to be [Music] fun look at me [Music] spin I'm really dizzy now oh an octopus [Music] ride that was so much fun riding on the octopus will you act like an octopus with me do you see what I see look wa it's another fruit who interesting huh this fruit is called a pineapple I love pineapples first you have to cut them open and then inside it's this delicious tasty yellow fruit I like to put it in my smoothies [Applause] woohoo W did you see I just went down the blue slide oh what's this look it's a yellow banana I love bananas do you know who else else loves bananas monkeys will you act like a monkey with [Music] [Laughter] [Music] me fire in the hole wo yeah that was awesome H we need more balls look W do you see that there's so many balls up there I know what to do look hey over here okay this button is going to dump all the balls down ready three three two [Music] one that was silly hey blippy I bet you can't hit me I bet you I [Music] can [Music] I guess you won this time oh what's this okay let's collect some of these colorful balls okay and push the [Music] button [Music] okay huh wait a second this green one didn't go to the top this isn't a toy this is a lime ooh limes are pretty tasty but be careful they're really [Music] sour [Music] W hello hello over here hey over here hello all right come on hey keep coming wo hey hey look at these colors blue yellow red awesome oo huh I guess you spin let's spin I'm dizzy hey here we go let's see what numbers they roll on oh we have a big circle which is zero and then we have this number huh what number let's see 1 2 3 4 5 five a [Music] piano it makes noise when I push on them all right time to [Music] dance wo woo all right here I go woo look at these what color are these yeah blue yellow blue yellow the next one will probably be blue yeah all right come on wao oh there's a slide over here all right I'm going to go down this circle slide here I go w w wo that was awesome woo W wo did you see that it was like I was swinging on a vine wo hey speaking of vines look some grapes green grapes yeah let's try [Music] one yum I like green grapes and red grapes they're so tasty ooo some more fruit wow look so this is a strawberry do you see it yeah they're really tasty I promise [Music] okay that's really good so as you can see it has a red area and then on the top has a cute green area all right let's go play some more hello [Music] hello hey oh hey there look I was just talking to you through this yellow mirror interesting and what's this it's a yellow fruit whoo do you know what fruit this is yeah this is a lemon and do you know what kind of beverage that I really love to drink made from lemons yeah lemonade woohoo it's so tasty so refreshing and so tasty tasty tasty [Music] W come on wo follow me but be careful wo wo wo look at what it is oo it's a round thing hanging down right here wao wo wo hey you know what this kind of reminds me of yeah kind of reminds me of a fruit yeah an apple yeah because apples hang from trees oh hey wow such a conveniently placed fruit yeah an apple I I love apples they're so tasty have you ever had apple juice [Music] yum what a tasty fruit wo wow that was so much fun wa look at this it's a spiked ball this ball is the color pink oo but it has white dots on it do you see it w wo woo spinny okay what else is around here look at this looks like you turn it and fling the balls around in a circle see it's drawing a circle wow oh hey look a clown hello a red nose well this was so much fun learning about fruit with you this is the end of this video though but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i p p i flippy good job all right by-bye look at where we're at we're at the Fantastic PL torium in bellw Washington let's go have some fun hey hey wo look at this place [Music] look it's a [Music] trampoline oh what's this it's a [Music] piano this wo wo wo W [Music] wo I just did a full loopy loop let's go check out some more fun stuff at the fantastic florum come on W look at this WOW woo yeah you put in balls right here [Music] look put it in there wo okay let's stand right here ready yeah [Music] okay woo what does this thing do a red button wo a blue ball an orange ball a purple ball orange [Music] ball another purple ball and an orange ball W look at these stay right [Music] there come [Music] on yeah it's a little airsoft [Music] gun this is a big gun let's put a bunch of balls in [Music] here now W try it again [Music] I okay are you ready count down three 3 2 1 okay come on come this way [Music] wo W it's so colorful keep [Music] coming wo wo this cube is the color blue this cube is the color yellow and this cube is the color [Music] red [Music] wa look at this I'm going to spin around wo [Music] [Applause] wo waa I'm sure [Music] dizzy look come over here you got to stay on the logs [Music] look there's alligators and crocodiles on the bottom wow I'll come back to you wo [Music] wo okay wee this cylinder has a couple colors on it it has blue green and orange blue green and orange wo wo there's something really spiky over [Music] here wow look at this wo [Music] W okay let's go up pop that way yeah oh look here's some stairs let's say the colors green yellow green yellow wo this is really bouncy come up here look it's a slide okay I'll go down first and then you follow okay w w yeah good job hey stay there I'll do it one more [Music] time wa that slide's really fun woo let's go see what else is up here come on go W okay now we'll go this way ding ding ding ding dinging wow these are like pyramids look wow it's a blue pyramid yellow pyramid green pyramid and orange [Music] pyramid wow look at this spiky balloon is is a color pink and [Music] white w [Music] w this is so cool we'll go this [Music] way clown look wow a red nose and the clown is blue just like me wo that's kind of scary it's see-through whoa more of these [Music] cylinders this one are you this yellow and red yellow red yellow red wo and what's this in here wo wao this is like a spider [Music] we wao my leg [Music] stucke wee I can't get out okay I'll try and get out real hard [Music] now who W wa wa I made it go that way I'll meet you over on the other side wow oh walk backwards again this is really colorful wow look wa look another spiky ball yeah whoa whoa it hit me okay look at this you want to go first yeah it's a tunnel you can go [Music] first good job okay here I come [Music] wa wa wo we made it wo look yeah there's a bunch of green straps right here and then a bunch of colorful lily pads stay on the green wo wo I'm stuck can't get out now okay you stay there and I'll take the lead to the [Music] slide wo wo [Music] wa there's a slide right here I'm going to go first [Music] okay it's a big blue slide here I [Music] go turn come on [Music] yeah good job okay let's go back to the area with all the balls that was really fun see these are the guns right here hey you want to play so you push the button right here wo [Music] wo yeah who come out here again we got to put the balls back in yeah I I like you you go right there and then look up I'll push the balls on you come this way let the balls drop on you [Music] here we [Music] go yeah wow that was sure fun at wo at the Fantastic PL torium in Bell [Music] Washington look at where we're at we're at the Fantastic PL torium in bellw Washington let's go have some fun hey hey wa look at this place look it's a [Music] trampoline what's [Music] this it's a piano [Music] woah wo wo wo [Music] wo [Music] I just did a full loopy [Music] loop let's go check out some more fun stuff at the fantastic [Music] florium come on W the look at this WOW ooo yeah you put in balls right here watch put it in there who okay stand right here ready yeah w [Music] oh okay woo what does this thing do a red [Music] button [Music] w [Music] look at these stay right [Music] there [Music] on it's a little airsoft gun [Music] [Music] this is a big gun let's put a bunch of balls in here [Music] who try it again I I okay are you ready count down for three 3 2 [Music] [Applause] 1 okay come on come this way wo wo it's so colorful keep coming wo wo this cube is the color blue this cube is the color yellow and this cube is the color red [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] who look at [Music] this [Music] I'm going to spin around whoa [Music] [Music] wo whoo [Music] I'm sure dizzy keep [Music] coming look come over here you got to stay on the logs [Music] look there's alligators and crocodiles on the [Music] bottom [Music] wow I'll come back to you [Music] wo [Music] wo okaye this cylinder has a couple colors on it it has blue green and orange blue green and orange wo wo there's something really spiky over here [Music] [Music] oh W look this W [Music] who okay let's go up top that way yeah oh look there's some stairs let's say the colors green [Applause] yellow green [Music] yellow wo this is really bouncy come up here look it's a slide hey I'll go down first and then you follow okay wo w yeah good job hey stay there I'll do it one more [Music] time W that slide's really fun woo let's go see what else is up here come on go [Music] up w okay now we'll go this way look ding ding ding ding ding [Music] ding wow these are like pyramids look wow it's a blue pyramid yellow pyramid green pyramid and orange pyramid [Music] H wow look at this spiky balloon this is the color pink and white wa [Music] [Music] wo [Music] wow a red nose and the clown is blue just like me wo that's kind of [Music] scary [Music] it's see [Music] through who more of these cylinders you this one W look yellow and red yellow red yellow red W and what's this in here wo wo this is like a spider [Music] web wo my legs stuck [Music] w I can't get out okay I'll try and get out real hard [Music] now wo w w whoa I made it go that way I'll meet you over on the other [Music] side whoa walk backwards again this is really colorful wow look [Music] wo look another spiky ball yeah wo [Music] wao [Music] it hit me okay look at this you want to go first yeah it's a tunnel you can go [Music] [Music] first good job okay here I come waa wa [Music] w we made it w look yeah there's a bunch of green straps right here and then a bunch of colorful lily pads stay on the green wo wo I'm [Music] [Applause] stuck [Music] can't get out now okay you stay there and I'll take the lead to the [Music] slide w w wao there's a slide right here I'm going to go first [Music] okay it's a big blue slide here I [Music] go okay your turn come on yeah good [Music] job [Music] okay let's go back to the area with all the balls that was really [Music] fun see these are the right here hey you want to play so you push the button right here w w yeah who come out here again we got to put the balls back in yeah I like you I like you you go right there and then look to I'll push the balls on you come this [Music] way let the balls drop on you here we go yeah wow that was sure fun at the wao at the Fantastic play torium in Belle Washington [Music] Hello whoa look at where we are today we're at Kids Time indoor playground in Las Vegas Nevada woo this is going to be fun whoa I'm just acting like a bear whoa hello here I come wow oo come on wo look up here wow I wonder what's up here but first wo look at these walls they're the color pink ooh in this step is the color light green light blue purple yellow white blue red and green come [Music] on W look at this there's a bunch of balloons and I have the Magic Remote let's push this button on the count of three 1 2 3 three W look at him go wo look at all the colorful balloons wo this balloon is the color yellow this balloon is the color red oo W oo this balloon is the color pink wo hey look this balloon is the color green [Music] W and look at look at look at these two this is blue and this is orange my two favorite colors okay let's go those balloons were so colorful ooh and what's this come on stay right here okay here we [Music] [Music] go I am so excited I'm going to go jump inside come on wao wo W that's funny woo wo wo W okay here I go oh W wao all right I'm going to get out now it's really [Music] bouncy all right let's see what else there is here we go woo wow look at this these are monkey bars cuz then you can hang on them and act like a [Music] monkey okay here I [Music] go inside here I'm going to come back out W here I [Music] go w [Music] w I'll come back back down oh because there's slides behind me okay yeah let's go slide down the slide wo look at this nice green slide oo let's climb up the ladder W this is so tricky [Music] wo okay I'm going to get down wow that was fun okay let's go up the ramp so then we can get to the top and slide down the [Music] slide hello I see you hey okay let's go down the slide [Music] now are you ready here I go one two three whoa that was so fast here's some more [Music] slides oo this is a rock wall see these rocks yeah you can grab them and then put your feet on them and then you can climb to the top all right here I go wo W wo wo yeah we made it wo hello wow look at how high I am up here okay now we should go down the green slide are you ready all right one 2 3 wo W woo there's even more slides hey yeah look at this slide huh ah let's not do this slide wao let's go to that one wo look at that slide it's fully enclosed and it's a spiral let's go down W woo let's play some basketball now woo look at that this come here W this is a basketball hoop and you take a basketball and you put it in the hoop but wait a second we need a [Music] basketball oh yeah right here we have one basketball we have two basketballs now we have have three [Music] basketballs let's put the balls down right here and let's take the first basketball and put it in the hoop ready yeah woo that was under the leg all right now let's take the second basketball and put it in the hoop ready yeah that was awesome all right now let's take the third basketball and let's put it in the [Music] hoop here we go yeah did you see that that was amazing [Music] amazing okay now that we played a bunch of basketball I'm getting kind of hungry let's come in here and make some [Music] food let's take the pole let's hey here's a bunch of fruit like a lemon yum ooh and a [Applause] [Music] pearo all right oh hey some strawberries and grapes put them in there let's make some more food come on W look at this wash our hands oh hey here's some yummy fruit n n n n oo and some [Music] more W look an apple and a pear yum okay close the doors take the skillet put it back let's go [Music] oh I have a fun game for us to play come [Music] here this is what's called a Connect 4 and it's giant I'm going to be yellow and you are going to be red and the object of the game is to connect four in a row all right ready I'll go [Music] first okay your turn here you go there's red put it anywhere you want oo all right I'll go right here okay you're red here you go oh good job okay I'm yellow okay you're red here you [Music] go woo good job okay it's getting close okay here you go you won good job you connected four [Music] look wow amazing job come on W it's like a bridge wao W oh that was so much fun playing at Kids Time indoor playground in Las Vegas Nevada with you well see you again bye-bye hello it's me blippy and today we're on Amy's playground in South Pasadena California come on we're going to learn our colors w wow this place is so cool wo wo you can't go past here without taking off our shoes here's one shoe and here's Two Shoes hey what color are my shoes it looks like there is blue orange and white woohoo let's go wo this place is so colorful W I love playing around here this is pretty colorful green green look at this car this car is the color yellow and the color red here we go r r wo W wa beep beep so silly wo what's in here wo it's so soft in here wa W hey look at this this box has so many colors on it there's so many colors to name let's go continue to explore [Music] woo W it's like a castle let me go [Music] inside hello W check this out that ball was the color blue hey here's another one that ball was the color green good [Music] job wa hey W wo wo wo the castle is so tall wo hello down there hey whoa look at these steps wow you see the colors look at this color what color is this this is the color pink this color right here yeah the same color as the railings what color is this yeah the color yellow and right here we learned this one already this this and this yeah these are all the color green wait a second no time for napping but this is a nice comfy couch you see what color it is hm this is an interesting color this color is the color turquoise wow it's kind of like a blue and a green mixed together woohoo but no time for napping it's time to do some rolling woohoo wo wo wo wo W I love rolling [Music] around this is so silly it's so colorful and I think it's deflated H how do we inflate this way over here W this is the green motor yeah this is green and yellow here we go [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] a yeah we did it good job woohoo woohoo W what color is this yeah it's one of my two favorite colors yeah and it rhymes with two blue and look at this this is the color red all right time for me to go down the slide [Music] woohoo W here we go woohoo wo yeah [Music] hello hey [Music] woohoo black Bing ball white pins wooo hey hello down there look I'm at the top of the stairs now I'm going to climb down wo wo now I'm at the bottom of the stairs I should probably climb up to the top of the stairs [Music] woohoo bye-bye it's so colorful in here wow oh I love crawling through these tunnels wow oo okay a slide I'm excited okay okay are you ready 3 2 one wo wo hello woo the slide was so much fun and it is a pink slide W what is this ring ring wo W I love dinosaurs oo and look at these toys oh they're so cute hello hello hi how are you so silly what what color are these dinosaurs yeah they are the color purple and pink look at this it's a [Music] helicopter and it is my two favorite colors yeah what color is this helicopter yeah there's two colors blue and orange woohoo we'll set that back and go explore woohoo wo green who look at this light blue car three wo and look at this car this car looks so fast woohoo I love learning my colors with you w wow that was so much fun playing at Amy's playground in South Pasadena California woohoo I really enjoyed learning about colors with you today hey like this green plant that was so much fun well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me ready b l i p p i flippy good job all right see hey it's me Flippy and today we're at gravity indoor trampoline park in Las Vegas Nevada this is going to be fun hey come on wow look at this place there's so many trampolines here and this place is where we're going to do some jumping see this is jumping wo here I go [Music] wo do you see that that's a big clear bowl and it looks like it's ready for me to get inside come [Music] [Applause] here hello hey do you see me [Music] whoa did you see I hit that pole and look look at what it is whoa yeah this is a kangaroo will you act like a kangaroo with me [Music] ready come here kangaroos can jump really high and really far a kangaroo can jump 4 and 1/2 times it body length what that means is if I was a kangaroo I would be able to jump over a double decker bus wow that's really far okay let's go do some more jumping come [Music] on wo wo wo look at this this yeah it's like an airbag wo but it's really big this is the same type of airbag that stunt men and stunt women use in Hollywood that means you fall on it and it's really soft so I think it's time for us to be a movie star [Music] okay watch come here okay in this scene I get really scared and then I fall on my back cuz I'm the stunt devil [Music] ready did you see that it didn't even hurt that was awesome I'm totally a movie [Music] star okay let's do another scene so in this scene I go really high in the sky and I jump out of an airplane and I land on the ground on my [Music] bottom wo all right hey here I go action wo that was awesome W now I am a movie star look at this wow it's another animal and this animal yeah is a cougar will you act like a cougar with [Music] [Applause] me so cougars can jump really high and really far cougars can actually jump 10 times their body high Hep so that means if I was a cougar I would be able to jump over yeah three giraffes wow that is really high okay let's go do some more [Music] jumping [Music] woo wo w [Music] W woo a [Music] basketball whoa that was a close one that was a close one too better luck next time come [Music] on Welcome to the dodge ball ring this is where you and I are going to play some dodgeball but first come over here hey check out these balls we have a red ball a yellow [Music] ball and a silver a gray ball I don't know what color that is kind of looks silver or gray all right go over there good luck all right here we [Music] go got you watch out [Music] you good job you beat me did you hit me he got me with the balls all right let's go do some more [Music] jumping look at this this is the color red here we go [Music] wa whoa wo wo that was awesome wo hey look at what it is wo it's another picture of an animal yeah and this animal can also jump really high this animal yeah is a frog will you act like a frog with me okay here we go RIT ribit Ribbit ribit ribit that is so funny frogs can jump really high and really far frogs can actually jump 20 times their body height so that means if I was a frog that would be like me jumping over two Spinosaurus wow that is really high let's go jump some more shall [Music] we [Music] at looks like a rope right here all right here I [Music] go [Music] whoa I did it w that's awesome there's even some more stuff over here look wa what are these things they look like pieces of cheese but like moldy cheese they're black in color all right I'll go across [Music] them that was a tricky [Music] one woo [Music] it's a bunch of rope with these foam things inside looks like I need to go across who all right W I fell off all [Music] right go on these platforms see these are clear you can see through them see W they're very wobbly I'm going to get off of [Music] these okay I see some more foam pits over here with trampolines in them let's [Music] go [Music] so this is a trampoline and we're going to jump on it and this is a foam pit look there's a couple colors here's the color red here's the color yellow ooh ooh here's the color dark gray or black I can't tell it's kind of tricky okay woo the color orange wow ooo and the last color in here do you know this color what color is this yeah this is the color purple now it's time for me to jump in it are you ready here I [Music] [Applause] go W that was so crazy that's fun wo wo look at this wow this yeah isn't an animal this is an insect and this this is a flea let's act like fleas [Music] [Music] together so please can jump really high and really far pleas can actually jump 220 times their body length and 150 times their body height wow that is crazy so that means if I was a flea I would be able to jump over four football fields and one Seattle Space Needle at the same time wow that is so crace fle all right let's do some more jumping wo wo wo [Music] wo not this time let's go [Music] Hello whoa okay let's grab this this is a pole it's like I'm a trappes artist here I go who [Music] W who that was so much fun jumping around with you well let's recap what did we learn today well we learned that kangaroos like to jump yeah cougars like to jump frogs like to jump fleas like to jump and all of those creatures jump really high and really far well this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell blippy together ready b l i PP I blippy good job hey it's me Flippy and today I'm at Whiz Kids playland in Phoenix Arizona wo and he and I we're just painting what are you doing back there hey hey can they come and play of course have fun come on let's go paint w hey look hey what's your name langon ooh this is Langston and what are you doing Langston painting an R ooh you're painting an R wow that's pretty good job ooh and check out what I'm painting wo W what is this a tree a tree yeah what Happ the other one um let's see here let's make a stump yeah perfect all right a tree with a stump and then wait what a wait a second red up in the blue sky do you ever make accidents in life yeah well those accidents is now a bird yeah they're Birds now what's bird what is a bird a bird like this come go go it's like I'm a bird wo check this out wo wo pretty cool toys look has some gears when you turn this one it turns that one and when that one turns it turns that one and when that one turns it turns that one W so cool ooh hey what's this this it's a car wa ooo and what is this W it's a firefighter hat W pretty cool we were painting earlier and acting like artists I love being an artist and I also love acting like I'm a firefighter [Applause] I love acting like a firefighter cuz you have to spray the fire with the [Music] water let's go wash our hands okay let's see what else we can act like around [Music] here [Music] W woo that's so much fun okay let's put this firefighter hat right there right where we got it ooh what other toys are in here wow there's so many of them whoo [Music] W look at this table wow it's so colorful yeah like this it's the color blue and it teaches you how to buckle ooh and this is the color red and it teaches you how to tie a lace like your shoes see oh and this one is the color yellow and you can learn how to button up a shirt like mine ooh orange and tie purple this is a new one snap yep snap it on just like that and green this one you can learn how to zip wow that's pretty cool wo look over here wow there's so many things yeah the letters of the alphabet W that's silly hey I I have an idea let's pick up a letter and then let's find out where it goes what letter is this yeah the letter f a b c d e f e f yeah F right there there good job oh that's so much fun wo another table with a bunch of cool things wo okay look at this wow it's like the human body wo like my lungs right here that hold all the oxygen in our bodies wo wo let's put the lungs right there oo in the heart wo this is what pumps all the blood everywhere and that's when you lay your head on someone's chest and goes B oh and you know how else we can hear that is with a stethoscope wao let's listen to your heartbeat wao I hear your heartbeat whoa you know what profession loves to listen to Heartbeats yeah nurses nurses and doctors I love acting like a nurse it's so much fun cuz you got to make sure that your patients are nice and healthy okay let's set this down all right wo check it out wo this is how football players train wow and football players are professional athletes and that's another profession I have an idea let me show you how quick I can run through this and act like a professional football player ready 3 2 1 yeah I did [Music] it [Music] W that was so much fun acting like a professional football player W wo hey look at all of this grass it feels so good I just want to roll around in it w w who wo what's this wo it's a horse and it's a cowboy and cowgirl hat hey I have an idea why don't we put on the hat and ride the horse so then we can act like farmers and cowboys and cowgirls okay W [Music] woohoo I love acting like a farmer in a Ranter it's so nice riding my horse with the wind blowing through my ears and my hair it's so sunny today wa okay all right Nelly see you later a that was so much fun being on the farm and the ranch woo W hey a place where you can get some food I wonder how this food got here oh in the diner where did this food come from right behind me this is a grocery store and that's another occupation you can work at the grocery store okay let's make sure all the shelves are are stocked okay okay looks like we have some lemons and some corn perfect that should go right there ooh and some strawberries yum ooh and raspberries ooh and a red pepper pretty tasty but pretty hot okay what else is around here wo we have some fluffy white rice yum I love rice wo oh and some fruity colorful cereal wa I think working at a grocery store would be really fun because you get to work around food all day and I get hungry a lot let me tell you I love love to eat but I really love to eat healthy food okay I'll check you [Music] out W perfect W here's your change for all your food there you go okay all right the shift is done okay we can go home now that was sure fun working at the grocery store [Music] wa a car here we go it's like I'm a race car driver wao that was awesome even a race car driver is something you could do for work that'd be pretty fun okay wo so cool I bet you know what this person does huh yeah looks like you have to wear a hard hat do you know what I I am yeah I'm a construction worker a handyman or a handy woman woohoo R whoa I get to work with screwdrivers all the time oo and drills whoa be careful even sharp saws yep okay wo let's put that back I am sure getting tired I could use some food hey I have an idea look at this house it has a kitchen yeah see this this kitchen do you know who uses a kitchen all the time and Cooks food yeah a chef wo I love being a cook wo okay there you go turn on the heat okay sauté some onions and mushrooms yum I'm so excited woo and look I'm cooking an egg yummy [Music] yum it's all done okay put it right over here perfect okay enjoy okay let's put that Skillet back okay let's sit down wo now now that dinner time is all done I am pretty tired it's been so much fun learning about wo what's happening wo those are Sirens some jobs some people they have to be on call all the time that means they have to go into work at any moment and this job is a police officer okay we have to keep the citizens nice and safe W it's pretty scary being a police officer you should respect them cuz they keep us nice and [Music] safe okay it's safe W wo look at this area wo this area is for infants and babies wow it's so colorful wo look at this colorful pyramid wo what color are these W it's falling over well this one's green this one's red this one's yellow this one's orange this one's blue and this one's purple wo W hey look another colorful thing wo it's like I'm a musician [Music] musicians are people that make beautiful music just like [Music] me wo wo this room is so cool wo and look at this wall wow are these planets or are they are they stars or are they clouds hey I know of a profession that hangs out in the sky do you yeah Pilots do okay let's put on my Pilot hat can't forget about the glasses so no bugs get in my eyes okay here we go W I'm fing the Sky w w I'm flying an airplane it's so much fun W oh jeez that was so much fun learning about all these different professions well hey special thanks to Whiz Kids playland in Phoenix Arizona this is the end of this video but if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name will you spell my name with me b l i PP I flippy good job well kids it was so much fun learning about all these different professions and you could be anything you want what do you want to be when you grow up yeah you could do that anything you want you could do but only if you work really hard and you stay dedicated okay good luck W look at where we're at we are at giggle jungle come on hey hey wow look at how colorful this place is woo look it's the color white blue and green W oh look at [Music] this wow wow what is this this is so cool yeah hop on buddy wow look it's the color green wo wo wo here's another one [Music] oh sorry buddy really that's so cool all right w w on it on it wo wo [Music] W this is the color pink and this is the color green come on what you do right here wow okay my turn [Music] e this pad is the color orange and this pad is the color blue look just like me hey look at come on wo Dolphins wo a green dolphin yeah a green dolphin and look at this one a pink dolphin a pink dolphin and the Blue [Music] Dolphin w tiny bear W follow me come on okay you can [Music] go wow wao look in there come in here come in here wao come in here okay I'll come in there [Music] okay W look at all the balloons I need to be in here yeah wo W yeah got you w look at this balloon it's the color red and this is the color blue color the color blue and the color green W wo and this is the color pink wow wo this is so much fun in here okay let's go this way yep everyone that way all right there you go look you Lu you slide okay slide down W my turn w [Music] w here I'll do it again and that's how you get out there oh over there okay here I go wa do you want to try wa can you try be careful watch out I the wo yeah that was fun come on here we go let's W look at what it is yeah wo this thing spins around and you can climb up [Music] it I'm really high in the sky look the blue the color pink the color blue the color pink and the color blue did you ride the dolphin yet [Music] yep peekaboo there you [Music] are hey [Music] I'm over here wow this was so much fun at the giggle jungle in Redmond Washington [Music] bye let's make learning fun so much to learn about it'll make you want a sh
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 3,812,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi Toys, Educational Videos for Kids, Educational videos for toddlers, Kids, animals, best of blippi, blippi animals, blippi explores jungle animals, blippi finds jungle animals, blippi full episodes, blippi learns, blippi playgrounds, blippi playlist, blippi videos, blippi visits, children, for children, for kids, for toddlers, indoor playground, jungle animals, learn colors, learn numbers, learn shapes, learning videos, playgrounds, preschool, toddlers, tractors
Id: 7zuxAGIHlGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 11sec (10871 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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