Race Car Blaze Stops Speedrick with BLAZING Speed! 🏎️ | Blaze and the Monster Machines

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[Music] yeah hello [Applause] hatam what are they doing they can't go fast like that I'm supposed to be the only one who goes fast well if nobody's going to listen to me then I'll just have to stop them myself with my tire locks yeah o time to try one out hey what's going on here I can't drive I can't drive yeah I sure stopped that guy now I'll put one of these locks on every race car in town then I'll be the only one who gets to go fast [Music] uh-oh look speed's putting traps in the road boy hey hey what hey oh no we have to help them I can't pull them off what are these things they're tire locks and the only way to get them off is to unlock them with a key the key must be around here somewhere help us look for it where do you see a key there it is Oh you mean this oh no he's getting away don't worry everyone we'll get that key after him look there's Beed he's headed toward that mountain that's no mountain it's a volcano volcano we better get that key back before he gets to the top AJ give me some speed woohoo hello speedrick you're back this can not be happening we're coming for that key speedrick oh yeah well you'll never get it cuz I'm too fast for you remember you may have beaten me once but you won't beat me this time cuz now I'm [Music] aerodynamic [Music] it's over speedrick time to hand over the key huh you may be faster than me Blaze but I'll never give you the key he threw the key and it's headed for the lava there's only one way to grab it in time we we need blazing [Music] speed give me blazing speed say let's blaze let's blaze I got it w now we just have to get this key back to our friends yeah wooo swoops hey you two Heroes I thought you might need a ride swoops you are right on time [Music] SW next up velocityville [Music] a [Music] hey everyone look play an AJ are back and we got the key [Music] woohoo yeah let's here it for Blaze blaz Blaze blaz listen those sound like sirens and look smoke come on we better check it [Music] out lug nuts it's a forest fire good thing the firefighters are here to put it out all right firefighters open the valves on your hoses keep spraying for an emergency this big we need five fire engines working together but Jeep there are only four of us we need one more fire engine please we've got to help them and I know how let's turn me into a fire engine first we'll need to make a hose that can shoot out water to make a hose say hose hose all right now we need a valve when we open the valve the water can go through the hose to make a valve say valve valve great now we just need a telescoping ladder that can move the hose up and down to make it say telescoping ladder telescoping ladder yeah I'm a fire engine monster machine awesome now let's go help those firefighters fire engine Blaze reporting for Duty Chief I'm ready to help put out that fire well all right let's see what you've got quick help me open the valve so water can shoot out of the hose say open the valve open the valve it's working we're putting out the fire all right all right good work everybody looks like we're all oh no Chief there's more fire down there and it's heading for those trees don't worry chief I can stop the fire before it gets to those trees I'll use blazing speed to get there super fast go for it Blaze to give me blazing speed we need to say let's blaze say it with me let's BL go BL blaz [Music] woo [Music] get ready Blaze the fire's just up ahead help me blast the fire with water to put it out when you see fire say fire fire nice shot now let's put out the rest of these fires whenever you see fire say fire [Music] fire fire fire yeah wooo yeah all right we saved the trees and put out the forest fire yay Blaze I'm I knew you could do it you're a hero oh yeah way to go Blaze hey Blaze you're firefighter badge you're getting your last store wow I did it congratulations Blaze you've proven you can handle any emergency you're now an official firefighter W my very own firefighter helmet thanks chief let's hear it for Blaze Axel City's newest firefighter away for [Music] BL wooo I'm robot blaz come on AJ time to save Axel City from those is Wrecking robots let's go for it robot power W power we're engineered for awesome got all the best technology processing lots of data with our computer circuitry so let's get excited come on we're for fun and to get the job done robot power robot yeah you know we got robot power you know we got robot power yeah robot power yeah the robot power hubcaps there he is the blasting robot wao his blast is really powerful we're going to need a plan to stop that guy I've got a plan Gabby War are we glad to see you okay Gabby what's your plan to stop that blasting robot check it out this robot sends a powerful Blast from an opening in his belly but if we can plug that opening he won't be able to blast anymore hey I bet that t could plug up his [Music] Blaster thanks little friend time to stop that blasting robot once and for all robot power the robot's blast is pushing with a force of nine and my force is five which is more five or nine nine yeah the robot's Blast has more Force to get more Force we need to run faster all right here I go [Music] oo look my Force went up to seven and the Blast has a force of nine which is more seven or nine nine that means the robot's blast still has more [Music] Force we you got to beat that robot I just wish there was some way to go even faster hey I've got an idea let's try giving our robot blazing speed yeah to give me robot blazing speed say let's blaze let's blaze oh look my Force went up to 10 and the robot's blast is nine which is more 10 or nine 10 that means I've got more [Music] Force oh all right we did it robot blaz saved us way to go robot Blaze you're a hero Blaze you just stopped three wrecking robots and saved Axel city is there anything you'd like to say I guess I want to say that whenever there's trouble I'll always be here to help I'm robot [Music] please oh yeah I'm a speedboat monster machine wo awesome get ready to go team I'm increasing the propeller's rotational speed to [Music] 50 W go BL look here comes a fountain those fountains are going to keep flooding the racetrack unless someone turns them off I can do it all I need are my water skis yeah woohoo go Gabby okay fountains time to turn you off she shut off that Fountain all right now come on let's turn off the rest of these fountains whenever you see a fountain say Fountain [Music] Fountain woohoo nice going Gabby now keep looking when you see the next Fountain say fountain Fountain yeah only one more to go when you see the last Fountain say [Music] Fountain Fountain woohoo yeah way to go Gabby you turned off all the fountains and look the water is going down all right yeah now come on we've got a race to win wo yeah look there's Crusher he's almost at the Finish Line hang on guys we're going to catch him oh no blaz and his team are right behind me I've got to hurry and do one last big cheat I'm going to use this remote to turn on that giant [Music] magnet what's wrong Blaze something's pulling me backwards it's that giant magnet no that magnet is really strong to drive away from it Blaze needs to speed up and spin his tires really fast yeah we need their rotational speed to be 100 I know how we can make my tire spin that fast we can use blazing speed to give my tires raising speed say let let's blaze let's blaze look his Tire's rotational speed is at 60 70 80 90 100 I'm going to win I'm going to win I'm going to win I'll take that woohoo I got my remote control back team Blaze wins team Blaze wins the axo City Grand Prix all right woohoo we did it we won way to go team that was a great win now come on let's celebrate [Music] hi Tire teammates y all right the super team super Blaze and super AJ had strength [Music] power super pickle had ice [Music] power and super Crasher has bubble power ha look at me I'm making bubbles here and Bubbles gaskets someone's making a mess all over the city h who do you think it could be super Blaze I don't know but there's one way to find out we'll use observation everyone look and listen [Music] carefully oh I hear something it's a loud stomping noise and I see something big Footprints so now we know whatever's making this mess Stomps and has big feet help us look what do you see that's Stomps and has big feet that robot yeah uhoh there are lots of robots and they're wrecking stuff wherever they go they must be wrecking robots lug nuts we'd better count to see how many wrecking robots there are count the robots with me 1 2 3 4 5 five wrecking robots oh no no no no no no no no no it's okay super Crusher yeah if we work together we can stop those wrecking robots that's right cuz we're super team hey robot try these on for size ice roller [Music] gate woohoo yeah way to go super pickle you just stopped that Wrecking robot but there's still more robots on the loose let's count how many robots are left count with me 1 2 3 4 well you robots are new match for super Crusher and my bubble power I'll stop your trouble with a giant [Music] bubble ho nice work super Crusher you stopped another wrecking robot but there's still some left how many robots are there now three yeah and we better stop them fast cuz headed right for that birthday party oh no help come on super AJ we've got to use our super strength and stop those [Music] [Music] robots power yay yay you saved my birthday party way to go super team so what do we do with these robots now well here's an observation looks like these robots have a special button a button that can change the robots from Wrecking to cleaning all [Music] right it's working yeah the robots are cleaning up the mess they [Music] made clean clean and that's how the super team saved the city from Wrecking robots and made it the cleanest place in the whole world y the lights are off so dark Hey Joe is that you I don't know Gus I can't see what tarnation I can't see me neither it's too dark oh my for some strange reason the whole racetrack has gone totally dark now none of the racers can see where they're going are you guys okay well I think so how did it get so dark all of a sudden someone must have taken all the lights Wooh hey look over there wo it's a bouncing kangaroo lights from here lights from there I'll take lights from everywhere gaskets that kangaroo is stealing all the lights she's a light Thief to catch someone when it's dark out we'd need to have lights I think I've got just the thing [Music] these are your brand new speed lights wow with those lights you can see in the dark yeah I'm a light Rider all right now let's go catch that thief and bring back all the lights a carnival rides and Gaines a FIS wheel so many rides for me a Ste oo like this one woo and all of these look there she is all right light Thief give us back those lights uh-oh I can't get the lights back got to [Music] bounce L nuts I can't see where the light Thief went this Carnival is so big how are we going to find her I reckon we can help it's our friends and they all have speed lights yeah that's right Gabby make us tiny now we can help you catch the Light Thief together I reckon that light Thief is hiding here somewhere increase energy where's the light Thief hiding by those stuffed animals The Light be's getting away not this [Music] time we caught the light [Applause] Thief okay light Thief time to give back all those lights no I I can't give the lights back I need them but why why do you need so many lights without the lights it's dark well I'm I'm I'm afraid of the dark oh you're afraid in the dark no wonder she took all those [Music] Lads hey don't worry it's okay to be afraid of the dark yeah everyone's afraid sometimes but you don't have to have all these lights to make you feel better sometimes just a little bit of light is all you need wo look at that a tiny light just for me so how do you feel now I don't feel afraid anymore I'm Not Afraid cuz now I see a little light's enough for me oh no it can't be blaz [Applause] wooo I can't let him beat me to Lava Island I've got to stop him with my biggest cheat ever it's my giant robot Baker BL watch out a giant muin W there's only one way to stop something that big we'll use our power tires yeah we can use throwing power to make our tires super big and if your tires are bigger than the muffin we can drive over it and squish it flat to give our tires Growing Power say Growing Power Growing Power woohoo all right careful Blaze that robot is making the biggest thing yet a giant jelly donut wo that donut is 9 M tall then let's grow our tires to be 10 m count with us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Applause] woohoo way to go team and look there's Lava Island uh-oh the crunch is almost there we've got to hurry if we're going to beat him to that Finish Line time for some blazing speed give me blazing speed say let's blaze let's [Applause] blaze uh-oh hit the break HB caps lava destroyed part of the bridge oh well looks like only one The Machine's getting to the finish line now and what do you know it's me and you you can't let pressure beat us but without the bridge there's no way to get to Lava Island unless we drive through the lava drive through hot lava that's impossible nothing's impossible not when you've got power tires yeah go for it Blaze to give our tires the power to drive through Lava say Lava [Applause] powera Lava Island here we [Applause] come no one can be me to that finish line now not even Blaze and [Music] his power [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tires we did it team we won the race to Lava Island and I know the perfect way to celebrate party power let's party [Music] [Music] w [Music] I'm going to be the cleanest truck [Music] ever this doesn't look [Music] good Allen parts are flying away uh-oh this bad the truck wash is broken brok broken now I'm going to be dirty forever well maybe not forever hey Blaze if you can find those parts that flew away I can put the truck wash back together and make it work again great you can count on us Gabby I reckon them water sprayers got to be around here somewhere aha there they are the water sprayers are on top of that building hey Blaze how are we going to get him down from there yeah those water sprayers are up so high I see a way we can use this ramp yeah if we drive really fast up a ramp it can launch Us in the air right now the ramp has an angle of five that's too small to jump high enough it needs to be an angle of 20 let's count by five to make the angle get bigger repeat after me 5 10 15 20 stand back everyone I'll jump it very ta we got it now let's use our ramp to get that water sprayer up there did jump high enough our ramp needs to be at an angle of 30 help us count by fives to make the angle 30 repeat after me 5 10 15 20 25 30 hang on fellas I got this y r girl yay way to go stara all right guys there's only one water sprayer left but that top of building don't worry everyone AJ and I can do it but to jump all the way there a ramp needs to be at an angle of 40 help us get to 40 repeat after me 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 [Music] 40 AJ give me some speed wo water sprayer you're coming with me wo you got the last water sprayer [Music] thanks now let's go fix that truck wash yeah there all the parts are back where they [Music] belong come on blaz turn it on here goes it's working the truck wash is back in business come on everyone time to get washed yeah come on cowgir sh that tail C watching tickles Wooh staring I don't know what oh who hey what are you doing ow that's happen thing looks like it's your turn Blaze yeah go for it Blaze well all right then let's get clean oh yeah oops missed the spot all right [Music] [Applause] yeah looking good blaz everybody clean y let's hit the Seas let's ha get ready let's blaz let's blaz I made it follow me a give me some speed yeah let's blaz let's blaz 1 2 three and four here we go all of our seven eight let's play yeah good news crew according to the map the green emerald key is somewhere right around here we best get looking for it when you see the key say key key ha there it is but wait strange now I see another ship with a big horn shiv me timbers those be pirate Big Horns these pirate Big Horns keep bumping our boat hey bumping boats be their favorite thing to oh no the pirate Big Horns are blocking the way to the last key oh wall is me we'll never get to the key now don't give up Peg wheel to get past those big horns we just need a machine that can blow their ships right out of our way we need a Vortex Cannon remember a Vortex is a fluid that spins around in a circle in a Vortex cannon that spinning fluid is air and it spins around like this if a blast of that spinning air hits the Big Horn ship it'll blow it far away I've asked there be a pirate Big Horn heading this way help me aim my Vortex Cannon if we aim here will our Vortex hit the Big Horn ship no big wheel steer the ship a little to the right hey a now will our Vortex hit the Big Horn ship yes Yoo Vortex Captain Big Horn if we aim here will our Vortex hit Captain big Horn's ship [Music] no Pig wheel turn the [Music] ship now will our Vortex hit Captain Big Horn ship no we've got to turn back the other way yeah now will our Vortex hit Captain Big Horn ship yes Yoo now let's go get that Emerald [Music] key wo we got it oh Hardy hard we found all three cuz now we've got the AR key all right crew get get your keys [Applause] ready Blue Sapphire [Music] key red ruby key green emerald key T's opening get ready everyone we're finally going to see the treasure it's golden Balloons look there's more golden instruments wow shiv me timbers golden pirate hats packs music and balloons I don't believe it the golden treasure is a pirate party Su be Tim electric Char wooo W yeah wo W that was awesome you two come on let's keep going try and keep up yay nice driving Debby uh-oh Falling Rocks walks look out watch your tire it's coming loose oh no my tire are you all right Watts I'll be okay just as soon as I can get that tire back whoa whoa hang on whats you can't drive like that yeah not with one of your tires missing but then what'll I do let me help you Watts with blazing AJ I'll find your tire I promise come on gang we've got a tire to find all right good luck friends be on the lookout wat's tire has got to be close where do you see Watts's Tire yeah there it is hurry blaze it rolled into that cave you got it huh do you guys hear that it sounds like snoring it's sleeping Big Horns we better be quiet we do not want to wake up a sleeping big horn look there goes wat's tire uhoh but that big horn is blocking the tunnel to get to the tire we've got to find some way to get past him H what we need is a machine that's strong enough to lift a big horn without waking him up we need a grapple truck I'm a grapple truck monster machine woohoo all right it's grappling time now to pick up that big horn we have to get our grapple claw right over for him to get our claw over the Big Horn should we move our claw this way and follow the red arrow or this way and follow the blue arrow blue arrow yes grab a claw [Music] grab all right we move the Big Horn without waking him up come on let's keep going look there's wat's tire lug nuts but that big horn went to sleep right on top of it we'll have to be super careful to get the tire without waking up this big horn to pick up this last big horn which arrow should we follow the red arrow yeah grapp a cloth grab and now we can finally get W's Tire yes we got the tire wait a second that sounds like wo friend you did it you got my tire back that's right Watts now let's get it back on you where it belongs Fasteners [Music] please oh yeah on feels good to be driving again thanks you guys you're welcome Watts we're just happy to see that you're all better magic wand oh but I shouldn't use Pickle's magic wand without asking ah maybe just one little trick I mean what could go wrong all I have to do now is remember the magic word it's um Abra abraa oh I remember abraa purple popcorn pajamas wait that wasn't right that's strange my one balloon became a lot of balloons and they're taking me with them I'm been HC this bow spaghetti turned into a spaghetti tornado whoops that wasn't supposed to happen well at least nothing bad happened to me gaskets it's our friends and they're in big trouble oh no someone must have used my wand and said the wrong magic word don't worry pickle I know someone who can fix those magic spells and save our friends really who pickle the amazing pickle the amazing that's me look there's Crusher hang on B Bella wow uh-oh that big heavy pumpkin broke the roller coaster track lug nuts we've got to fix the track so we can stop that pumpkin quick let's measure let's put our ruler at the start of the empty space now follow the numbers to the end of the space here at the number four that means we need a piece that's 4 M long to fix the roller coaster leave that to me and my magic wand abraa pickles wow I made a lot of pieces now let's measure to see which one is exactly 4 M long which piece goes exactly to the number four the purple piece yeah it goes exactly this far to the number [Music] four hooray uh-oh to fix this last part we're going to need the biggest roller coaster piece yet we need a piece that's 7 m long here goes nothing abraa pickles which piece is 7 m long the blue one [Music] yeah y we fixed it now I can finally save my best pal Crusher a before he rolls off the end of that roller coaster to rescue Crusher we're going to have to go super fast and use blazing speed wow to give us blazing speed say let's blaze let's BL there he is quick let's say the magic word shout Abra pickle Abra [Music] pickle safe boy are we happy to see you are you okay big fella yeah I'm just sorry I used your magic wand without asking that's okay Crusher next time just remember to ask then we can say the magic word to do something really fun like this Abra pickles [Music] wo pickle AB pickle with my w i can whip up anything something silly something cute something bouncy or a boot something Incredible or addable hey AB pickle AB pickle AB pickle what we say engineering race cars slick tires supercharged engine aerodynamic shape Now to turn me into a race car say race car race car oh yeah aome wo I've got to try that daring time I'm a race [Applause] [Music] [Applause] car rev your engines check your shocks don't stop till you get to Eagle Rock On Your Mark get set go W Race Cars R it up ah I can hear birds chirping and I hear frogs croaking Z your saw cutting a saw but who'd be sawing in the middle of a race Crusher bet you never saw this coming I get it oh man this river is moving really fast and it's taking us farther and farther away from the race uhoh how we stop what we need is something we can use as an anchor yeah when a boat lowers its anchor into the water the anchor digs into the ground and slows the boat down say fellas I know what we can use for an anchor a wrench good thinking Starla Let's test it and see if the wrench stops us here it goes look the wrench sunk and is digging into the bottom of the river we're slowing down let's check our velocity with the wrench as our anchor our velocity went down to this number what number is this eight right but to stop we need to get our velocity down to zero let's try something else we need another anchor something that'll dig in really deep and we better find it fast because we're heading straight for that waterfall W hey guys how about this for an anchor a shovel yeah I bet that'll really dig into the bottom shoves away ooh shovel dig in deep check it out it's making our velocity go down to this number what number is this zero look we're stopping yeah ooh and wait till you see what's down there it's the RAC track come on follow me look there it is Eagle Rock W sorry slow pokes no one's beating this race car to the top oh man crusher's almost at the Finish Line looks like it's time for some blazing speed to give us blazing speed say let's blaze let's blaze there's the Finish Line I'm about to [Music] [Applause] win we did it we won the race and best of all we did it together race car [Music] ready you can ask your parents to subscribe to Nick Junior's Blaze and the Monster Machine YouTube channel for new videos every week
Channel: Blaze and the Monster Machines
Views: 77,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blaze and the monster machines, blaze, kids toys, toy trucks, nick jr, nickelodeon, kids, animated, cartoons, imagination, watch on Nick Jr., video, NickJr.com, fun for kids, fun to watch, speedy, Cartoons for kids, educational entertainment, nursery rhymes, nursery songs, kids songs, children songs, kids song, kids education, kids entertainment, gaming videos, racing videos, challenge, #monstertruck, games for kids, #mathforkids, ultimate rescue, #vehiclesforkids
Id: 7KHwnDw0si4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 41sec (3521 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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