Morphing into ELEMENTAL BOSSES To Prank My Friend!

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my French monkey is currently trying to beat Minecraft but little does he know that I have a mod installed on the server that will actually let me morph into any mob and after I morph into a mob I can use one of these four Elemental potions to throw on to myself and turn myself into that element look I'm literally a muted Blaze but as you guys can see smirkey's just crafting in his crafting table and I think that means we need to morph into our first boss to scare him and I think I have the perfect idea for what I want to barf into so to start off with I'm going to morph into this villager and normally villagers are a super lame mob and to start off with we're going to get the win to potion and we're just gonna throw this on ourself and you are going to see what we're gonna turn into so let's just throw this in three two one let's go and Puma as you can see we just turned into a literal tornado this is so cool and it's kind of small but this will be the perfect thing to start off with but don't worry guys we're gonna prank Sparky way better later on and what is he building is he literally building a house made out of doors this is so funny and this is actually perfect since we're a tornado we could go and destroy this entire house so before we start making Sparky fly around and stuff let's just go up and start throwing his blocks everywhere on his house like this what is happening oh my entire house got destroyed I spent so much time on this oh my gosh Frankie doesn't know how it got destroyed and he still hasn't even seen me so let's just do that again and oh my gosh this is gonna be even crazier this time because he's probably gonna see me what is happening my world is exploding me is because of that tornado Why is there chess everywhere oh these aren't just from my houses oh my gosh I think he sees me and he barely even like noticed me he just said oh that's a tornado well we have to show him that I am the one doing all of this uh tornado maybe you should stop destroying my house because it's getting a really little bit annoying for me he says it's getting annoying well it's about to get a lot more annoying so now since I'm a tornado I can actually make smokey fly up in the air so let's just go right next to him and look at this we're making him fly what is happening Wi-Fi flying tornado stop it now this is so funny smoke he has no idea how I'm doing this that way he might actually die of fall damage but maybe he could do a ladder clutch uh I'm just gonna possession myself above this like because I'm about to fall in three two one and I'm about to be in the water let's go I didn't die oh my gosh Marky just landed in the water and we just made him fly super duper high as this tornado that was so funny I have a super crazy prank that involves literally throwing another Elemental potion onto this tornado but I'll do that very soon because next I want to use this crazy swords attacks and if you guys don't know this sword where do you click with it it literally will shoot out a tiny little tornado like that so we're just gonna keep doing this at smoking he's going to be so scared what are you doing stop it now oh my gosh he's trying to tell me to stop it well we're just gonna keep sending tiny tornadoes towards him okay you gotta stop doing that cause I am gonna hide in my house and I can close off my house if I jump does he really think this is a good house well since he's trying to hide in this little door house he just made I think I have something even better I want to do so we're going to get the tornado spotted and we're just gonna spot a bunch of tornadoes around this house and oh my gosh it's literally picking me up what is happening okay I need to build a new house somewhere else now oh my gosh she's so sad but let's just keep putting these tornadoes all around him and he's gonna have no idea how this is happening what on Earth oh my gosh okay how can I protect myself up maybe I just hiding doors once again oh my gosh she's protecting himself in these doors and look he's completely barricading himself in Wood oh my gosh well since he's becoming super protected in here we need to throw an element on ourselves that kid literally completely burn down this wood good and there is no element better than the fire element because fire can literally burn through all that wood smoke he's placing so let's go down here get our fire potion ready and I'm not even gonna morph into anything else I'm just gonna throw this fire potion straight onto this tornado and let's throw this at three two one let's go and oh my gosh I think we just turned into a fire tornado look at all these fire particles around me this is insane and everywhere I walk I literally leave a fire trail behind me I can't even see anything cause all this fire but I just pressed a button and it got rid of all those particles but don't worry because everywhere we walk we still leave a fire trail behind us so now let's go over to Sparky's giant wooden Housey Bill and let's just walk on this a little bit to set it on fire all right finally my house is not in of course it's on fire I can't get a break I'm just gonna go and destroy all the fire and what the heck why is there so much oh my gosh he's destroying the fire but I don't even know if he's seen me yet I mean I am just a giant fire tornado though so I guess let's get a little close to his house and this time we're not just gonna walk on it we're gonna throw some fire dynamites in there what is happening I didn't stand on wood so I won't take damage what a smacking the kitty standing on wood to not take damage I know okay now he's standing on Cobblestone and he shouldn't be set on fire because Stone can't catch on fire all right there we go and now I'm saved I'll just rebuild my house when the fire is done burning it all I guess but wait is that another tornado no way that's a fire tornado oh I had Smokey just saw me I mean it took him a little while to see me I am pretty big but this time instead of just doing fire died by what I want to do is throw a lava Dynamite so let's just throw this right now and oh my gosh that just made a huge pool of lava what is happening I'm in lava how do I get out Smokey's it's a lot of it okay it looks like he just got out of the lava but he's probably super low on health because there's just so much fire everywhere what get away from me love and tornado oh my gosh let's just keep chasing them and what we're gonna do is we're gonna walk in front of him so we can set a big light of fire and he won't be able to get past us what is happening I need to run in wait this is all getting set to fire let's go look at all the love it's literally dripping down the mountain and smoking keeps turning around because we keep going in front of them one is is happening how do I get out of this oh my gosh let's just try and punchmark Into the Fire you are going to burn today but I need to keep running cause there is still fire but a fire can't go in the water let's go I'm safe now oh my gosh that's actually super smart so Ricky just jumped in the ocean and I guess he's right because a fire tornado cannot go in the ocean because it would just get extinguished but since he's now at the ocean I could actually morph into something that could completely counter that so let's go away from there and morph into another animal and here we go as you guys can see we just morphed into a tiny little froggy look at this this frog is so cute but it is about to not be cute because I'm gonna throw an elemental potion on this guy and I'm going to use the water element and would I throw the water element on this guy it should turn into a super crazy ocean frog and then we'll be able to go in the water and do crazy attacks the smurkey so let's build this water potion on us in three two one and here we go and oh I think it worked look at us we are a crazy ocean God frog now and look there's even a trident on our head to show that we are the god of the ocean this guy is so funny when he walks like look he just opens his mouth up and down up and down and oh this is going to be awesome Let's Go Fly her to the ocean smirk is in and what is he doing it looks like he's making a big ocean a house under the water I'm finally safe from the fire now and now I can get working on my house again oh my gosh Fergie just wants to build a house I feel a little bit bad for breaking up so much but this is going to be so funny by the end because we're gonna morph into insane stuff but for now for our first break us the ocean gone we are going to just start by throwing some trends at smirky because there's a trend on my head and here we go let's just go to smirk and I wonder if he's seen me uh what is that frog out there well it can't get in my house luckily he thinks I can't get in this house well let's just start throwing these tridents above his roof and into his house why it's throwing trying to tell me wait I need to build a roof so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go up and place a block there we go we're safe now oh that's actually pretty smart he's built like a roof so now I can't actually throw the Trident but don't worry because I have a way around that I just grabbed a new Trident called that tide Trident and this isn't any ordinary training because when I throw this at the wood it should get rid of all of it so let's throw this at three two one and here we go and boom I think it worked it down let's just keep throwing these at smirky why did my roof disappear how do I get get out of here now well I guess I'll just open my doors to walk around and try and avoid tridents that is not gonna work I'm just gonna keep doing gonna try to set him in oh my gosh Sparky is barely dodging these I think I might have to stop doing these challenges or else I might kill him and I'm not trying to kill him I'm just trying to prank him oh my gosh I am dodging these so easily this thing can't even hit me okay smokey thinks he's super good but I'm not even throwing the tridents anymore but now let me just back up for a second and let's get another water prank and I think I know exactly what I want to do we are an ocean God but if you didn't know the ocean God can also control the powers of ice so for example if I go over here and right click it should turn all of this into I said oh my gosh I think what happened is when I throw this thing it turns all the water around it into eyes because it literally just freezes it all and that's so cool so I guess let's just go to spare kid we can probably suffocate him in all this ice we're about to summon and let's go look at this we're putting ice everywhere probably has no idea how this is happening oh what is happening wait is this ice what what I'm so confused oh my gosh look at this I could barely see snarky in the ice away let's just break to get a closer look at him uh how do I get out of here I'm gonna drown eventually oh my gosh she's literally mining the eyes to try to get out but it's just summoning more water and oh my gosh it looks like he just placed the door oh wait I'm easily uh safe now let's go he thinks he's safe well he's about to find out something really bad for him because what I'm gonna do is get this Poseidon Trident and when I throw this it should get rid of all the ice and we can use this Poseidon shred its attacks so let's throw this at three two one let's go and boom it's all gone so let's keep throwing this and as you can see there's tons of bubbles around here oh what is happening well I'm just gonna make my way out the ocean cause I do not want to find out oh my gosh marky's leaving the ocean because we've done so many cursed attacks in the ocean but since he's leaving the ocean that we're gonna have to morph out of this ocean God because the ocean God will not be able to survive on land very long but wait this gives me an idea you see how there's a bunch of stone right here well what if we quickly morph into the Iguana we could get our next Elemental potion and for this Elemental potion we are going to throw the Earth potion on to ourselves because stone is the Earth and I am going to turn into a crazy Earth monster and I wonder exactly what kind of Earth mob I'll turn into but I guess we're gonna have to see it three two one and let's go and oh my gosh I think it worked and look at us we're some sort of Earth dirt creature we love it going by inventory to see this and white look at us where I literal dinosaur look at my face up there this thing is so cruel and look at how sharp it's teeth are this is gonna be epic it's Ricky's gonna be so scared anyway where is Smokey anyways and away is he building a massive platform in the sky let me clap up the stairs and see what he's doing and there we go we finally have a really safe house oh my gosh she's building a house and oh my goodness I wonder if he's seen me yet I mean I'm pretty big so he probably has what is that thing I have no no idea what that is he has no idea what this is well maybe he'll know what I am when I turn all the water under us into a bunch of earth materials uh what just happened to the water wait this is cool we can build a giant house now thank you Mr dog wait what the he thinks I'm a dog and he is saying thank you I have tried to prank Smokey here and he's literally thanking me for it well I think we need to up the pranks and for my next prank you know how dinosaurs literally got extinct from the meteor well what if we summon a meteor on this housework is building a destroy his house once again and lucky now he's in the water he looks like he's building another house okay we'll start off by throwing a meteor on this house right here so let's get the meteor Dynamite you just throw this probably right there and this should make a meteor lid right there look up there's a bdr and whoa what just happened to my house what the dog did he see that I am trying to build a doghouse right now I'm gonna put some dog food here too wait what's I think Smokey was trying to build a dark house for me because he thinks I'm a dog but I am not a dog I'm a super scary dinosaur okay I think we need to blow up this dog house too anyway he even gave me some steak I think he's trying to be nice but we're gonna try to be mean so let's throw this dynamite right now and oh there might be a meteor coming from the sky whoa what oh my gosh where did my house go away it's probably over this way I think Sparky is just super silly he said his house might be over this way but I just blew up his house with a meteor oh wait they're my houses uh I just gotta climb up the stairs and go to it and it should be over this way Anna oh wait what it's not here oh my gosh Mark you tried to go up the stairs to get to his house but it was blown up a long time ago but now the whiplup is houses let's blow up everything else with a ton of videos let's look up now uh oh I better get ready oh my gosh I thought of videos just struck the yard then whoa that made a massive explosion to the ground but like there's even diamonds there wait I am all the way at Bedrock now well I should probably climb out of here now Smokey's trying to climb out like he's just completely ignored the fact that literal Medias just came down from the sky to destroy everything but I think that means we need to just up the intensity of our brakes even more so for my next break what's something else dinosaurs like to do well I think I know dinosaurs like to spot an even more dinosaurs so it looks like smirky got out of there but now let's just spot a bunch of Velociraptors all around them uh oh there's more dogs hello guys oh Sparky thinks these are dogs but if he accidentally punches one of them you'll see how mean they are here dog I'm gonna build you a dog house and this is gonna be a house for one of you guys and I'm even gonna put some steak in here for you and here get over here and come get some food uh oh you do not want food oh my gosh she actually Butch one of the Velociraptors and look now it's Chase again but now let's spot an even bigger Velociraptors oh this dog is trying to kill me okay well I guess I have to kill the dog now get out of here oh my gosh he's killing one of the Velociraptors and he actually did it whoa and now let's get rid of the rest of you because none of you want my food oh my gosh okay I think we need to make all of these Velociraptors chase the man to do that we just gotta punch these guys that way I think they're already mad luck they're all chasing Sparky oh my gosh no I think we need to make these guys even faster so let's grab some speed potions this is horrible get me out of here wait but I have a really good idea what if I jumped out in the middle of this pit and get something to follow me wait he's jumping back into the pit to get the dinosaurs to follow him in well that's not gonna work because what I'm actually gonna do is go down here is this pivot Smoky spot even more and then throw speed potions on them oh no why are there we're down here they should have taken fall damage but now I can trap them down here if I swim off Mercury thinks he can trap him down there well what if I just spun more at the top this is gonna be so funny oh my gosh I'm safe now uh oh there's more behind me yeah you are never going to be safe ever again with me and your world spreck and look at Albany crazy Alpha Velociraptors there are this is horrible well now I guess I gotta get out of here as fast as possible because this is not safe oh my gosh smoke is just running away completely and I think we've been a little bit mean to have recently so for this next mob that I'm gonna morph into it's just gonna be a super tiny little cute parody and look at us we're super super tiny but I know this bird is kind of tiny and kind of lame but what we're gonna do is we're just gonna go to spare kid act really nice but then we're going to throw a with potion on to us to hopefully make us into even more of an Opie mob and then we'll do that mobs attacks on it but first let's be a little nice to him and go find them and look there he is right right there so I'm just gonna go up to him and punch him real quick to get his attention oh what is that thing what is that wait that's a little bird hello little bird oh I fell off a tree oh my gosh Becky noticed me and he's super happy to see something nice for once hate to be even nicer to Smokey we're gonna give him a bunch of golden apples golden apples what this is horrible I don't want that what he just threw out the golden apples but goldish's favorite thing so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give him golden armor because yellow's his favorite color golden armor do you know how trash this is versus even coming from oh my gosh she is so ungrateful I was trying to be nice by giving him yellow armor because that's his favorite color but he just threw it on the ground okay I think that means we gotta morph into our next mob so let me just go right here and get the wind potion ready and let's throw this onto ourselves in three two one and here we go and boom I think we just turned into a thunder Eagle oh my gosh this thing is so cool cool but now that we're at Thunder Eagle there's tons of electric particles around us and I think we need to do some lightning attacks on the spurkey and to start off with we're just gonna go all the way up to smirking it looks like he's building a huge wooden platform into the sky so here we go I wonder if he's gonna notice me uh hello bird you probably evolved or something but if you want to help me I'm going all the way up to space because I want to be an astronaut oh my gosh Rocky's building the space to be an astronaut well let's actually do the opposite of helping him and let's break his entire platform at all oh we might have just punched above Alvin a lot okay well I'm going back home now I don't care oh my gosh Mark is so determined to become an astronaut but now what we're gonna do is we're gonna throw a bunch of electric stocks for under him and look he's getting electrocuted oh why am I getting electrocuted this tickles oh my gosh she says it tickles but this is supposed to hurt smirky let's keep electrocuting him what is happening I probably should get off this soon because I'm losing a lot of help but I need to fulfill my journey by becoming an astronaut and he's still building up okay I think we got a new goal we need to make smokey stop building off so far next thing let's literally start striking him with lightning oh oh my gosh okay that has to be on literally half a heart well good thing I can eat some food let's go it looks like he's eating a bunch of food to get his health back so I think we need to strike it with lighting again and I don't think this is enough oh my gosh I'm so close to space just a little bit more Shrek is not close to space at all there are still hundreds and a thousands of blocks to go to get to space but before he gets there I think we gotta do something else and for that next thing we are going to spawn so much lightning and this is going to completely knock him off let's go uh oh what is that thing on the ground well I should probably go a little bit more this way and wait it actually saved me oh my gosh look at all the lighting striking up right now this is so crazy that setting his build on fire yeah this is not good at all but what am I supposed to do about it I'm so close to his face already Sparky is not close to space even though he's been building for so long but wait since there's a bunch of fire here this might actually start to burn down this entire build and wait and uh I think my build's burning down but this isn't good and wait look it all just got burned away and look his final platform's on fire I gotta build more this way if it's on fire that way uh oh and now what we're gonna do is just electrocute him a little more and knock him off this platform completely this is not good okay uh oh this is not good this is not good this is not good I have to go I have to make a clutch I gotta land it wait I actually landed wow I'm a pro oh my gosh you actually landed but to knock him off one final time let's just get this electric bow and just shoot him like this and bye-bye no the whole Forest is on fire but hey clutched oh my gosh it looks actually this ladder clutch she would have normally died from that tight limit but he ladder clutch on this ladder and look at all the fire around this I think that's from all the lightning I spawned all this sucks so now my entire Forest is gone but I don't care I hate trees he hates trees what is he saying well I think we did some really funny pranks as this electric Thunder eagle and now I'm gonna go back off a little bit and we're gonna morph into our next mob and so just like this we just morphed into a villager and I'm pretty sure I already know what kind of thing this is going to morph into I'm going to throw a fire Elemental potion on it and the original I'm choosing fire is because I think it's gonna turn into a muted Blaze and then I'm gonna fight Smoky and if he can defeat me I'll give him a bunch of blaze rods and that way he won't have to go to the Nether and I can help but beat the game and get to the end but let's just throw this in three two one and here we go and yes I was right we just turn into a beauty Blaze and look there's tons of blaze rods flying all around me and I think what we need to do is go at survival mode is grab some super cool lava Arbor and just put this on and I just grabbed some crazy fire weapons and now let's just go to spurkey and use this and fight him and look at this he's literally on a giant wooden platform this is perfect for me because we are going to burn this thing down oh what is that that is enjoying please I'm getting off here and yes I clutch oh my gosh it just clutched that I I don't think he clutched he took fall damage but wait I gotta tell them that I'm a friendly Blaze so let me get up to him real quick hey just place a sign right here and on this sign I'm friendly beat me in a 1v1 to get blaze rise and there we go I wonder if he's gonna read the sign I'm your friend uh 1v1 needs to get a blaze pet I don't want a place pen I want blaze rods watch Mercury is so bad at reading I literally wrote beat man I wanted me one to get blaze rods okay well since he doesn't want a 1v1b we're just gonna have to fight him ourself and Mr snarky might want to get a little close to me because I need to do this attack at you oh all right you said you're my friend but I do not want to play Sven so uh what are you doing we just lost your Crazy Fire attack Adam and let's do that again let's put these fire explosions everywhere what is happening I'm gonna kill you with my Shuffle he thinks he's gonna kill me with a shovel that's not gonna work cause I'm launching Crazy Fire attacks at him right now dead over here and okay it looks like the trees are kind of blocking my bat so let's grab our fire bazooka and fire this at smirky why are you doing this let's go get back here I've never seen a place of the Bazooka before but I think this is a first time ever why are you shooting me one of bazooka I'm gonna place down a bunch of doors a doors he keeps placing doors throughout this entire video but let's get on more of our fire attacks and keep shooting smirky oh my gosh this is crazy easy and I'm taking so much fault image let's go and now let's just up a few more times with the Bazooka and this is hilarious no way okay I gotta keep running where should I go what should I do I need blaze rods to get to the end I I feel like I should beat the Ender Dragon it seems fun oh my gosh my case just fantasizing about getting Blaze shots because he knows he cannot defeat me wait if I get to the end I can finally become an astronaut because that's like space Oh my gosh I think Sparky watch should go to the end to become an astronaut and I feel a little bit bad for doing all these pranks so maybe I might actually just give him blazebox even though he didn't defeat me so let me get some Blazer odds and I'll just go up to Ricky like this and I'll just punch him so he knows that I'm friendly and oh I'm kind of picking him up still or I'm gonna hit you with my shovel once again no no no I just want to give you blaze rods oh please shots okay thank you there we go and I also need ender pearl so let's go kill some Enderman wait you need to have the Bros 2 well I guess I'll give him those two let me get some end up girls and just got us back in dropped them all let's go I got some ender pearls now let's go find that Fortress thank you Mr Blaze all right it looks like smoke is gonna go to the stronghold and I guess we'll just meet him there and I just followed smokey all the way to the end and I'm pretty sure he still hasn't noticed that I've been following him but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't even mind since I'm a super nice Blaze but anyway since we're at the end we need to turn it to our end mob and fire and MOB we need to quickly morph back into this little iguana guy and what I'm actually gonna do is I'm going to throw literally every single one of these Elemental potions onto ourselves and it should do a super duper crazy morph and it should combine all the elements to make a crazy boss so I cannot wait to turn into that but before we turn into that let's just go see what smurkey's doing and it looks like he's building up the go and destroy all of the end crystals and Lucky's destroyed them and I wonder if he sees me what are you are you an Enderman Smoky just ask me if I'm an end of it do I look like an ender and what is he thinking well I guess I'll just pretend to be one and wait let me just draw on any Pearl there so it looks like I could teleport I killed some Enderman he said he killed Enderman well I'm just gonna act like I'm super bad at punch him off whoa chill I didn't mean it like that oh my gosh she is so scared it I think it's time to scare him even more we're going to throw every single one of these Elemental potions onto herself right now so let's do this in three two one and we'll start with the fire then the water then the Earth let the wind and oh my gosh I think it might have worked because look there's a name deck that says Godzilla 2000 and when I try to look at myself at the inventory I am too big to even see myself I literally only see my feet in my hands so I guess I'm not gonna be able to see my face because I'm just way too big and even when I'm in F5 mode I cannot see anything there's just tons of explosions I guess this is what happens when you combine all the elements and there's tons of fireballs coming out my mouth what is happening is that the Ender Dragon wow they're chasing a lot of stuff Sparky thinks I'm the Ender Dragon well I guess let's just fly to a bet shoot a bunch of fireballs at him uh hello Ender Dragon that's not doing any damage to me what does he mean I just knocked him off and this is so crazy we're doing so many explosions as Godzilla whoa okay I need to kill this Ender Dragon cause apparently this is the real one and it's fine go away are you kidding me if only I could fly oh my gosh Becky wants to fly well I guess I can make him fly if I do some crazy explosions so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go and grab a ton of crazy dynamites and we are going to do some insane explosions and here we go we got all of these things so let's just throw them all at once and have a bunch of TNT's spew out everywhere what is happening uh oh do not look up oh oh my gosh that's killing the ender dragon actually do that more because we need to kill that guy oh my gosh this Dynamics I'm throwing a setting out a bunch of see everywhere this is actually gonna do a bunch of damage to the Ender Dragon fun two more damage we need to kill this enter dragon in three two one killing killer kill it okay before I kill that the dragon I have to throw a 500 types dynamite and this is going to destroy the entire end Island and here we go look at that whoa that destroyed a lot of stuff I was that the ender dragon or was this literally Godzilla who did that it was definitely Godzilla that did that I think we gotta finish this off right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to the subsidian pillar and place down this death ray TNT and then we're gonna grab a flint steel I just like this thing right now and oh I think it's working look there's a little red dot right there and I think a Death Race should come from the sky oh what is that noise what is happening smack yes no idea what's happening right now and I think something's gonna come from the sky and I think his dream of becoming an asteroid is about to happen uh oh what is that I need to run I need a run oh oh that is not good enough Patrol okay I should be safe and oh I I am safe and look at this the entire Head Island just turn the lava and into the void and wow that was crazy okay I know what I need to do I need to go and hit this little island yes I'm safe now what is she doing well since he's at this Middle Island I'm gonna try and aim my Fireballs Adam from Godzilla and kill him this is not gonna work oh oh it might okay I hit myself on the side and now I am surviving oh he is in the lava and he's falling into the void again he is about to die now yeah look at that he's falling at the void oh at least I killed under jacket ah Smokey might have killed the other Dragon well I guess I might have killed the Ender Dragon but Smoky did die so it looks like the Portal's right here and he should be at the world spawn so I'm just gonna morph back into my normal self just like this and then we're just gonna jump through this portal and reveal ourselves to Sparky at Sparky Sparky what is that is that a monster just kidding I know it's you Cody hello hi smirky and wait what are you doing why is the ton of blocks everywhere I was trying to build a house but I guess I need help building the house again hopefully there's no more crazy monsters Smokey what are you talking about crazy boxes those for all me what the hell were those you those are monsters that was like Godzilla just now well shmirkey I have a morph bottle installed on this server and I was morphing into all these bosses like I am an iguana right now so Courtney that's an Enderman I saw one of those in the end this is not an Enderman this is an iguana and I'm sorry for pranking you oh okay Courtney well anyways that sounds really good good hey thanks everyone for watching the video and please subscribe because I'm stuck as a tiger why are you a tiger subscribe and click the video at the screen bye
Channel: Carty
Views: 280,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, carty, morph mod, minecraft prank, elemental bosses, elemental
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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