Minecraft, But You Morph Every Minute…

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today I have to beat Minecraft but every couple minutes I randomly morph into a custom modded mob this means one second I might be flying high in the skies as a parrot and the next second I turned into a giant whale I'd fall to the ground to my death yeah this is gonna be crazy anyways now I'm in the world and the challenge has officially begun any second now I should morph into my first random custom mob but I guess while I'm waiting for that to happen I guess we could just start off by biting some wood because that's why you always do when you start a Minecraft world right and wait a second I think the morph just happened and wait why do I only have half a heart what kind of Bob ass half are there's no way what did I just turn into I just turned into a literal Aunt are you kidding me this is the worst first mob I could have gotten I can't even reach the tree I am so small okay well I guess I'm just gonna have to live my life as an ant on a half a heart and just buy this tree while being super small this is so sad oh man what am I gonna do as an ant and wait what the heck why is there a little dirt Mound right here wait a second is this like an ant home I think it might be it since I'm in and I might actually be able to go inside of here and explore what it looks like so maybe I should just right click this thing and anyways let's figure this out let's go and wait where am I what the and wait a second look at this I took up in the ant hold what on Earth okay this place is actually pretty cool and there's literally Roots hanging from the sky I have no idea what this is and what's gonna be down here but wait look at that is there a giant queen ant there or what is going on in here okay I guess every time I morph into a random mob I get to unlock some sort of special ability from that mob and I guess I guess the ant's special ability is literally you could go in underground caves okay this isn't even that cool and these ants here are actually pretty big and scary okay get me away from that giant Queen and let's explore this place and okay I think I just went inside the food room because look at this place there's a bunch of leaves and a bunch of pumpkins and mushrooms which ants love to eat but then there's also these weird bald chest things wait can I open these and yes I can these are called cocoons I guess and they're filled with a bunch of food like rotten flesh and mushrooms and even golden apples oh my gosh this is super helpful and since this golden apples there might be enchanted golden apples in this place somewhere so let me just search all of these little cocoon things and loot them all up and wait a second I just opened this one and it's filled with a bunch of Bones and cobwebs but it also has an enchanted golden apple let's go okay honestly big and ant is not that bad I'm actually kind of liking the life of an ant I hope I can stay an ant forever and I hope I never morph into anything else this is awesome and wait are you kidding me I literally just activated the fourth but wait a second okay this might actually be cooler than an ant I am a mutant creeper right now Mutant Creepers are so cool and oh wait why is this ant coming towards me wait I'm out of there anymore so the ants are attacking me oh no I'm taking a lot of damage I gotta eat the golden apple okay I'm eating all my golden apples so I don't die right now how am I supposed to attack these I do not have any sort of weapon uh let me out of here oh my gosh okay let me just block this guy off and I think I am safe now but oh my gosh that was really really close I almost died as I muted creeper from an ant but anyways what kind of special powers does this muted creeper have because it does not seem to be that powerful wait maybe if I go in my inventory I might have some good stuff and wait yes I do it looks like when I morphed into a mutant creeper I got a bunch of different dynamites and wait a second that actually makes sense because creepers made attacks as explosions and sits up a mutant creeper I have a bunch of custom Dynamite for really really cool explosion attacks that I'll be able to do and I did leave that little ant that just tried to attack me behind this wood so let me just try this first Dynamite on that one and let's see what'll happen and oh my gosh what a chest exploded and threw a bunch of blocks everywhere let's just spare have a bunch of these dynamites and blow up everything let's go and oh my gosh wait I just took a bunch of damage okay I gotta eat another Golden Apple I am burning through these things but look at this I just completely destroyed this ant cave with just a couple dynamites and I still have a bunch of other dynamites wait let's see what these other ones do this next one's called a chemical Dynamite so let me just throw this here and see what it does and what on Earth that literally just bit a giant hole through the world and wait did that literally go all the way down the Bedrock let's throw another one and yes it did look there was Bedrock down there this is insane being a muted creeper is really really cool let's go if we just throw these chemical dynamites everywhere we can make massive holes all across the world this is so insane look at that we literally made our entire own cave system from just a couple dynamites but we still have two others that I want to test and I'm just gonna throw them both at once one of them is called an aerodynamite and one is called an erupting Dynamite let's throw the arrow one right there that the erupting one and what is happening oh my gosh what there's just a bunch of fire okay I don't know who thought it was a good idea to give me these dynamites because I'm gonna blow up everything let's go there's fire arrows and uh oh I'm on one and a half hearts okay I gotta eat another Golden Apple this is not good I wonder if we can unlock any more special dynamites outside mutant creeper but I really hope so but I guess let's just go and explore a little bit more and wait did I literally just morph into another thing I did not want a morph it and why is everything so blue I can't see anything wait a second I have a salmon fish and I need water or else I'm gonna die but I gotta eat a golden apple before I start taking damage and where on Earth would water be let me find some please tell me this isn't how I die and we oh my gosh I just found water at the last second okay thank goodness there was one of Heroes I would have definitely just died what is the timing of that I was just super excited to become a mutant creeper and now I'm just a salmon this isn't even a custom thing this is so lame but like guess it's I can only be in water I'll just follow up this little stream of water and see where it brings me and oh my gosh okay I just followed that all the way up and I am literally in the middle of a pond right now what on Earth this is so weird I can swim so fast as a salmon okay maybe this isn't that bad I mean I keep underestimating all of these mobs and it's pretty crazy to me that I'm literally saying that being the seven is one of the coolest ones yet just look at this guy swim everywhere this is awesome I am so fast okay now that I've been swimming around for a couple seconds I'm actually getting kind of bored what is there to do as a salmon other than just swim this is so boring I mean maybe I could try and build a underwater house I mean I got some Cobblestone from all the stuff I just blew up so I guess I could just build a house yeah yeah this is really boring too what am I supposed to do I can't even plant mushrooms under water well I guess I'll just keep swimming around this spot and hopefully I can find something to do and wait what the heck there's a shark right there a lot there's not even supposed to be sharks and pawns but for some reason there's a shark Wait has its sense to be yet I really hope it hasn't maybe if I stay still it won't notice me and oh I think I might see me it's chasing me Mr shark please stay back I'm trying to punch it away I love you just swim oh my gosh it's coming to me again I do not like sharks I gotta go okay baby being a salmon is not so peaceful and boring after all because apparently there's sharks at this Pond well remember last time how I had a bunch of different dynamites because I was a mutant creeper maybe I'll have some sort of fish item in my inventory because I'm a salmon and let's check and wait yes I do I actually have an aquamarine sword what is an aquamarine sword I have no idea but I did not have this before and wait look at this every time I swing with it it shoots on a couple bubbles so I guess this is like a close range attack and a far-ranged attack well this is gonna be perfect to take down that shark let's go fight that thing hello Mr shark where are you I'm going to completely destroy this shark and wait a second there it is look it's the shark okay Mr shark because I'm a save it does not mean you are allowed to eat me we need to kill this shark right now okay let's go up to this and just shoot some Bubbles at it and uh that didn't really do anything okay maybe we have to get a little bit closer on sneak attack of it look the bubbles are starting to attack and let's keep firing these things you are so done for this destruct there's no way you could survive by Bubble attacks and let's just get a couple more hits on this guy and this should be good to finish him off and there we go he literally dropped some intestines that is disgusting let's get rid of that okay and since I've killed that shark this spot is a lot more peaceful but what I just realized is we have gotten more for a little while I wonder why we're stuck as a salmon for so long I guess the game just wants us to be bored and wait what on Earth what speaking of more thing we literally just morphed and wait watch we are Herobrine what on Earth how did we morph into heroBrine I didn't even know this is a mob you could morph into well I guess now I'm here a bride so I guess I could just play the game normally this you ever have anything special about him other than being really really scary I don't even know but I guess let's just bridge out of this water since now we cannot breathe underwater anymore okay now that we're on land I want to check my inventory because with the last two mobs when I checked my inventory I had a bunch of the mob that I was morphed into items and if we have some Herobrine items that would be really really cool so let's check it out and oh my gosh we definitely have Herobrine items we have Netherrack Bedrock Redstone torches cursed diamonds and I think that might be it I don't know if I'm missing anything else but we'll check again later and look at all these things literally Netherrack and Redstone torches are a sign of Herobrine and I also have Bedrock anthy's cursed Diamond things what did these even do wait let me just throw it on the ground like that and why the I just threw that on the ground and all the trees lost their leaves if you guys do not know that as a sign of Herobrine and I guess I am Herobrine is that how Herobrine gets rid of all the leash on trees I guess it is Big Herobrine is so awesome and I wonder what else I could do I mean these are cursed diamonds so maybe I can make some cursed diamond armor or something let me make a crafting table really quickly put this down and okay I'll just start by trying to make a cursed diamond sword and wait that actually works look at this deck it is literally a diamond sword by Pink and okay this looks really really scary it looks if we can craft some cursed diamond armor and yes we can let's get all of this armor and put it on like this and wait it doesn't even show up on us but if you look at our inventory you can see all this cursed diamond armor and how OB it is so now I have a cursed diamond sword and full curse diamond armor and wait is there anything else I can do I mean I got some Bedrock so maybe I could trap some pigs in bedrocks so they can never walk again but that is actually kind of mean so maybe I would not want to do that and let's check our inventory again did we get anything else as Herobrine and wait how did I miss this we literally have a command block wait since we have a command block we can place that down like that and now we can go in the menu like this another way in here let's type game mode creative and then if we get like a button or something and we put it on the command block and we press it we should get creative mode and let's just put my name in there to make sure it works so let's click done and let me go just quickly craft a lever like this and let's put this right here and let's pull this thing and okay that was actually a little bit delayed but I think it might have worked because look at this I can fly around wait since I've been created both let's get a bunch of super open stuff to beat the game this is gonna be so Opie okay we're about to win Minecraft and uh are you kidding me no I was just in Creative modus Herobrine and now I'm a blaze this is so lame I mean I guess I can still fly as a blaze but I'm back in survival mode but wait the command Block's still there maybe I can flip the lever and get creative mode and yeah this is not working oh my gosh if I had just placed this a little bit sooner and got my creative mode items faster I would have been able to beat the game so much much faster but I guess at least I get to keep all my cursed diamond stuff but anyways since I am Ablaze this reminds me that I actually do need to get some blaze rods and once I get blaze rods I'll be able to beat the game go fight the stronghold and kill the ender dragon and I guess I can utilize this flying ability I have as a blaze to go fight the lava pool or something and then make another portal so let me go find one okay would you look at that it looks like I found a lava pool and wait a second so it's not about Blaze I should just be able to jump in here and not take damage right and yes I can wait that's actually awesome okay I guess I could just take a nice hot lava bath let's go okay but I gotta stop getting distracted because I might morph into something while I'm in this lava and that would be really really bad and let me build this nether portal really quickly so to build another portal really really fast you just have to put a water like that destroy this block build up a little like this and then put the water like that and now we can just fill all this in with obsidian so super duper quickly make our portal and every guy I think I'm done so let me just go in here and get my water and wait why am I dying wait I think it's because I have a place I can't go in the water okay I literally oh let's just died from water I guess that's what happens with your Ablaze but anyways let me go try and fight some flame steel so I can like this thing but wait a second I don't even need to get flint and stew I'm a blaze I can just shoot out like a blaze Fireball and light it I mean I hope so at least and wait I just pressed the red button on my keyboard and this Fireball just spawned in wait this is how blazes shoot their Fireballs I guess it is but anyways let me just shoot this Fireball right at this portal like this and hopefully this is gonna work let's go and let's go it worked okay now we actually have access to the nether I guess without further Ado let's just go inside this nether portal and wait wait we just morphed into something and I am in love right now okay that was pretty bad and okay I don't know why I'm on fire and why there's no under me anyway what did I morph into anyways that has so many hearts and wait a second I'm a muted snow oh my gosh this is insane look everywhere I walk there's just a bunch of snow wait that's actually really really cool but I just lost a lot of Health from all that fire that I just fell in okay that was pretty bad I should have known better than to Fly Above that as a place but anyways since I have a snow golem now and we have so many hearts we can go to the nether let's just go through the portal just like this and let's go I'm in the nether but wait why am I constantly taking damage wait I have the Wither effect for some reason my hearts are all black but there's not even any wither skeletons around here how did I get this effect wait am I gonna die wait do I have to go back to the Overworld what is happening okay back to the Overworld and for some reason I'm not taking damage anymore wait why was I taking damage in the Nether and wait a second I'm a beauty Snow Golem anytime you put snow golems in the nether they die because they are made out of snow and the nether's too hot for snow golems are you kidding me this is so annoying why do I have to be a snow golem I just want to loot the Nether and get my Blazers and get out of there and who knows I might be a snorkeler for the next 10 minutes and I do not want to wait 10 minutes so maybe I could find a way to go in the nether even though I'm a snow golem and I just thought of something genius we still have this enchanted golden apple that I found at that little ant Temple at the start of the video so maybe if we eat this right will we go in the nether we might be able to survive for just long enough to get our blaze rods and get out of the nether I just say really really risky operation because I might lose everything but it's a risk I want to take so let's take this risk and let's go to the nether okay so I'm going through the portal I'm just gonna eat this golden apple right when I get there and okay I have the Wither effect I have to eat this golden apple right now and there we go and wait am I actually regenerating Health right now I think I might be okay well I am running out of time because what's this regeneration and resistance runs out I am definitely going to die so let me try and find the Fortress ASAP please tell me that there's a fortress somewhere around here I've got to be running got a time and there we go there's a fortress okay that is actually really lucky well now that we're at another Fortune so I need to get my sword ready and we need to go find some places this is not a place for us don't call them to be this is so cursed I've just a muted Snow Golem running around in the nether taking a bunch of damage but it looks like I found the blaze bottom right here and what is that wait there's a muted Blaze right there though oh this is not good look at that why did a muted Place spot from that spotter that is the worst thing that could have happened okay well I have a muted Snow Golem so I might be able to take this guy down if I'm careful enough and wait since I am a mutant snow golem I might have some special snow attacks let me check my inventory and yes I do I have a bunch of snowballs and snow dynamites okay well I'm still gonna get attacked by this place so I have to be very careful and let me get a bunch of these snowballs and even this snow dynamite and we'll see if this could kill those blazes because blazes are made out of fire and if we use these snowballs on them it should do a bunch of damage to them and put out their fire so where are these blazes okay subscribe ball did it let's throw all these snowballs at them and see if this works and okay let me throw some more come on die and let's throw some dynamites at them and see what can happen Okay this is not working that way I'm just launching them back in wait I just killed one of them okay these snowballs actually work to do damage to blazes so I'm just gonna keep firing these uh and okay looks like there's a snow golem over here too so let me throw some dynamites at this guy I'd put a bunch of snow everywhere and let's throw more snowballs come on die die die die die die we're doing like a snowball fight right now but it's a snowball fight to the death and there we go we just killed that guy I didn't drop any Blazers in okay it looks like he dropped a few and wait what that place just dropped 10 play Shots okay I have to get out of here I am at such a time limit right now I am still losing health because I'm a snow golem in the desert so let me just come back the way I came real quick and okay I found the portal that I came from so let me go through here I dig my golden apple effects are running out and feel okay I think we made it out alive and we have 10 Hearts only okay that could have been really really bad and we could have just died and lost all of our stuff and what are the chances of that I literally was a mutant snow goal of that entire time I can't believe I have not morphed out of this guy yet this is so unlucky and anyways I do actually need to get some ender pearls because now that I have the blaze rods I just have to get some ender pearls to turn these blaze rods into Eyes of Ender and then I could go and fight the stronghold in any ways wait wait what's the morph literally just got activated after I got out of the nether are you kidding me what did I even turn into anyway watch how about mutant Enderman this is perfect I was literally just talking about getting ender pearls and now I'll be able to get ender Pros really easily as an Enderman and I'm pretty sure this is exactly where I spawned yeah look at that that's the little and dirt Mount I went in at the stars and wait since I'm at the spawn maybe if I build up like this and boom we can jump off of this thing and when we die down there we might chop a bunch of Ender Pearls and then since we spawn right back next to here we can just pick up all by Lou and those ender pearls and we'll have everything we need to go to the end so let's see if this works and I'm just gonna jump right now and oh I hope this works and okay I just respawned it and okay hopefully this worked let's go over there and let's go find my Loot and wait why do I have this little purple and there's Soul hand in my hop bar wait maybe this is the enderman's special ability and wait look at this I could pick up blocks and throw them okay I guess that's what happens when you're mutant Enderman that's actually pretty cool but I gotta stop getting distracted by this because my items are gonna despawn in five minutes and oh wait never mind my items are right there and it looks like all my stuff is still here and look at that there's a bunch of engine pearls on the ground let's go this worked exactly how I wanted it to so let's pick up all this stuff and put on my armor that I lost let me also clear out my inventory because it's getting a little bit messy and look at our hot bar now we have Blaze Raj and a bunch of Ender Pearls and we even have this and they're so hand that I didn't even realize we had before it is so cool how you can just throw locks with this thing if we continue to be an Enderman when we get to the end we could use this to do some attacks on the Ender Dragon but anyways let's figure out what direction this stronghold is in and it looks like the eyes are pointing this way so let me follow them okay after traveling for a pretty long time I made it to the stronghold and get away from me Mr spider I'm trying to talk right now I need to kill the spider with my hand in these blocks that we got just killed it that was pretty cool but anyways now that we're at the struggled we have to fight the portal room anyways the portal room right here okay that's actually some pretty good luck let me move these blocks out the way real quick like this and here we go and let's get rid of this annoying spotter because there's a bunch of silverfish attacking me wait maybe if I get rid of this block the lava will flow on the silver fish let's go that's actually pretty funny but anyways let me just finish this guy off and now we could go to the end anyways the portal literally already lit for us what are their chances of that okay I guess I didn't even need to get extra Eyes of Ender and let's destroy Ender Pro in here and go to the end and okay now we're at the end does this muted Enderman and we've been this guy for a while I wouldn't forget to turn into anything else for the rest of this video but I hope not because this Ender Soul hand has some crazy attacks and wait what the hell I can't see anything what did I even morph into I just said morph activated on my screen and wait a second I'm gonna end the dragon at the end okay I just glitched out of there and wait what I am literally the Ender Dragon what on Earth this doesn't even make sense there's literally another Ender Dragon here this is so weird being an Ender Dragon I don't even know what's going on right now okay well I guess there's nothing I can do about this and I guess let me just go over to all of these crystals they just start to destroy them so I'll start with this one and we'll destroy it with an ender pearl and oh shoot I just missed that okay let me throw that into Pro right there and there we blew it up and also just look at how many hearts we have this is so cool we probably could never die like this and I guess this is how the Ender Dragon Gets to live every day but we're not trying to be friends with this Ender Dragon oh no no we are trying to kill this at the dragon arson and the dragon let me just keep trying to destroy all of these end crystals like this and I think we've got them all destroyed now and this beats the ender dragon or at least the real Ender Dragon will not be able to heal anymore and just look at this I am literally at the dragon walking around on the floor this doesn't even make sense but this is so funny and I guess I'll just wait for the Ender Dragon to come down here so I can attack it with my first diamond sword and I am tired of waiting actually let's just go kill this thing myself okay come on this thing is so hard to hit I am way too big to attack this thing and oh shoot it's lodging me up come on Mr had the dragon ID to defeat your head with the game and oh oh it's launching with really high and wait what just said morph activated what did I turn into okay I didn't die thankfully but what am I I still have to sleep about a heart and what on Earth is this am I a literal whale I can't even see anything because I'm so big even if I turn my FLV all the way up I could barely see myself and yeah look at this I I just went in my inventory and I am a massive whale what on Earth I was just about to win the game as the Ender Dragon and now I'm a useless whale are you kidding me this is so trash I can barely even jump up blocks okay I do not ever want to up a whale again but I guess I'll still try and kill the end of dragon as this guy and okay the Ender Dragon's right here let me just hit them watch it oh my gosh I got lodged up again okay Mr Hunter Dragon I am going to hit you you best believe it let me just try and throw it at the protesting like this and okay I think I might have been so let me try this again and I think if I throw it at the pro at the end of dragon because I am so big I should instantly kill it so let me try Okay Mr angel dragon you are so done for let me throw this like this and wait did it work oh wait what the heck I think they had the dragon just died I didn't even see any sort of death animation or anything but there's a portal right here well I guess I just won the game and when it just said morph activated again and now I am back to normal let's go thanks everyone so much for watching the video go ahead please subscribe to the channel because so many of you guys watch all the videos but almost none of you guys are subscribed so please subscribe and click the video on this grid bye
Channel: Carty
Views: 346,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, carty, Minecraft challenge, morph, morph every minute
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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