Morning Rituals of Tony Robbins, Oprah, Steve Jobs, Lady Gaga and the Most Successful People

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all right so what is Tony Robbins Oprah Winfrey Lady Gaga Bill Gates Steve Jobs Mark Zuckerberg Barack Obama and I could go on and on and on about the most successful people in the world today and throw history what do all of them have in common they all have an empowering morning ritual meaning they take time every single morning and they proactively and consciously spend that time to take care of themselves first to help make sure that they're strong they're in a great state so that they can deal with the day and ultimately create the day and the life that they want they're proactive not reactive you see most people they're reactive they wake up they hit the snooze they check their email their Facebook they have stress anxiety they're worried about everything they have to get done that day they have an unhealthy breakfast and they're reacting all throughout the day the most successful people in the world they're all proactive they take time to make sure that their body their mind and their spirit is strong because when you're a proactive you take care of you first then you deal with all the obstacles and challenges you have for the day in a much different level you're not phased as much because you're rock solid so in this video I want to share with you guys some of the morning rituals of the most successful the most famous people in the world today throughout history and I've been studying this since I was 17 years old learning from the best learning from the people that most happiest the most successful and business and emotions and spiritually in whatever field that they're in so that I can learn and I can model them and that's one thing that I've learned is that all the most successful people or the happiest people or the fittest people or the people who have the best relationships whatever it is that you want they all do something differently than you they all have a specific practice a specific ritual that conditions themselves that helps prepare them to be at their best you know so really if you can model the most successful people in the world what they do then you can get a similar result to them as well you know successful people they're not just lucky there's certain things they do every single day and I believe that you are what you what you repeatedly do every single day whatever you do every day is what you become so I've got here on my my phone right here I'm gonna share with you guys because I've done a lot of research I'm assure you some of the morning rituals and the most successful most famous people the world today so first Tony Robbins the great self-help guru he is actually something that inspired me when I was 17 years old changed my life in many ways and I've been doing morning rituals by the way since I was 17 that's one of the the main things that's allowed me to make over a million dollars a year transform my body do fitness competitions you know it's contributed to my happiness my joy that I have my amazing relationship so I gave a lot of credit just to those daily conditionings that I've done every day whether that's gratitude or cultivating emotions or spirituality or affirmations whatever you know working out on my body eating healthy all those little things have helped me create the life that I now have that I'm very blessed for so let's jump into it Tony Robbins he calls it his hour of power or 30 minutes to thrive or 15 minutes to fulfillment and he starts off every single morning doing some form of a morning ritual you know he claims that a lot of his energy and a lot of his success comes from his morning ritual but he wakes up and he immediately jumps into a hot and cold pool and what that does is that wakes up your body wakes up your nervous system and just helps him be more alert and helps strengthen his willpower each day he also does something called priming where he spent some time meditating and also flooding himself with what he's grateful for and visualizing the day that he wants he has a spiritual practice as well that he does so Tony Robbins he has a morning ritual that helps him to be where he's at today and create the results that he wants in his life Barack Obama current president United States although that's gonna change soon but he starts off his morning ritual two hours before any scheduled event so think about the President of the United States who's a lot busier than you and I has a morning ritual he starts off the day two hours before any events that he has he makes his morning ritual the most important thing and he starts off working out 45 minutes first thing in the morning so he takes care of his body his health he has a healthy breakfast and a quote that I have that he has here is the rest of my time will be more productive if you give me my workout he also avoids coffee instead of and instead drinks water orange juice or green tea and another cardinal rule that he has as he avoids any criticism as well so he doesn't even read the newspaper or watch the news because you know you don't want to start off the day and already you know receiving all this criticism about the media and other people in the world they're all putting you down so he avoids a lot of the critics as part of his ritual okay Steve Jobs Steve Jobs gave a great speech and he reveals something that's really powerful about his morning ritual something that he does every single day and I'm gonna quote you guys what he says here but this was a speech that he gave to the graduating class of Stanford University he says that for the past 33 years I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself if today were the last day of my life would I want to do what I'm about to do today and whenever the answer has been note 4 Q many days in a row I know it's time to change so that's pretty powerful so he looks in the mirror and he asks himself the question you know would I want to do what I'm about to do today if it was my last day of my life that's pretty powerful so he reflects on his actions and how he's living his life and if it's consistently no he'll make a change of that which is pretty cool Mark Zuckerberg pretty simple one thing that's pretty interesting this there's I'm just gonna gloss over a few of them for you guys and if you guys want to know more by the way about morning rituals with most successful people in the world and you want to create implement one of your own then go to morning ritual mastery calm that's my website morning ritual mastery calm I've got an amazing program there that teaches you how to create and implement your own morning ritual that's based on some of the most successful habits of the most successful people in the world today and I'll have a link somewhere in this video as well but head on over there but Mark Zuckerberg he always wears the same thing every morning the same shirt because for him what he says is that one less decision to make is contributes to less decision fatigue so basically what he says is that when you have to make too many decisions every day you fatigue from that you know it's just too many too many decisions that you have to make so he tries to simplify this by when the exact every single day so it's one less decision that he has to make bill gates starts off this morning taking care of his body by spending an hour on the treadmill and he's actually usually feeding his mind as well he watches the teaching company while doing it so he's working out his body while also learning which is a great way to start off the day Howard Schultz the CEO of Starbucks I said says I get up at 4:30 in the morning 4:30 and I walk my three dogs and I workout so he does some sort of ritual for them for himself working out taking care of his body and also when you're taking care of your body in that way you're also taking care of your mind because your mind your mind and your body go together so it's a great way how about Benjamin Franklin you would wake up at 4 a.m. every morning it would involve proactively thinking about what do you want to accomplish that day he would ask himself what good shall I do this day and I'm pretty powerful so asking herself empowering questions visualize in the day asking herself what's my outcome what do I want to create today what good shall I do that's pretty powerful that's being proactive instead of reactive how about Richard Branson you know the founder of virgin he has a pretty interesting one he says that here's a quote that he has I leave the curtains on drawn and the Sun comes up at 5:45 a.m. and straight in my eyes I love bouncing up early and his morning ritual consists of a swim around his island or he goes kite surfing and then he also plays tennis before sitting down for a healthy breakfast so again these are people that are much busier than you or you or I and we're seeing a pattern here they all have something to do they do first thing in the morning to take care of their body their mind their focus their emotions in some way to prepare themselves for the day Jack Dorsey founder of Twitter his morning ritual starts at 5:30 in the in the morning and he meditates and that's followed by a 6 mile jog that he does Arianna Huffington she begins every morning with 30 minutes of meditation and she's so convinced of the benefits that she offers weekly classes to her employees meditation very powerful calms your mind helps you focus helps you deal with the emotions in a lot different way throughout the day how about Ellen DeGeneres you know her morning ritual begins with a workout followed by 20 minutes of meditation and she has said that the quiet and personal time is what gives her the energy to carry on with her busy entertainment schedule huh interesting how about Mick Jagger Mick chair get credits his morning ritual of working out six days per week to helping him reduce stress and amping up his trademark stand up stand him stamina all right how about Lady Gaga Lady Gaga's morning ritual begins with yoga as well as five minutes each day of self-directed love and gratitude through compassionate thoughts she does this every morning upon waking and carries the feeling with her throughout the day to help her stand tall in challenging times again these are the most successful people in the world today Oprah Winfrey her morning which will consist of clearing her mind with at least 20 minutes of meditation and this is a quote that she has about it I walked away feeling fuller than wood had come in full of hope a sense of a sense of contentment a deep joy knowing for sure that even and then the daily craziness that embalm Bard's us from every direction there is still that consistent the constancy of stillness only from that space can you create your best work and your best life that's what she describes after her morning meditation that she does you know actor Will Arnett says every single morning and ready to grab a gratuity list I write down 10 things that I'm grateful for every day and it always starts with my kids Olivia while the actress I start try to start every day and end every day by taking a moment to be grateful there's so many more Arnold Schwarzenegger of course you know starts the day at 5 a.m. does his work out it's a healthy breakfast he reads in the morning as well Deepak Chopra it starts his morning ritual meditates for two hours every morning he wakes up at 4 I am the author Stephen King you know what's this morning ritual you says that I have a glass of water or a cup of tea there's a certain dent time I sit down from 8:00 to 8:30 summer within that time every morning and he has his vitamins and it listens to music he sits in the same seat and the papers are still arranged in the same place and this helps him you know clear his mind and just be more focused which is really powerful you know there's just so many more that I could go on but as you can see the common consistent thing that they all have in common all these most successful people in the world is they all have a morning ritual they all take time for themselves they put everything else on hold because you have to make you the most important person in your life just like in the same way you know if you're in an airplane they always teach you that if anything happens you want to make sure that your oxygen mask is on first because when you are taking care of first then you can take care of other people you don't want to take care of others if you're not in a place that you are prepared to be able to do that so I'm big believer in morning rituals that's changed my life in so many different ways and it can help make an impact in your life as well so I highly encourage you to look at what is it that you're doing first thing in the morning because the truth is we all have a morning ritual whether we're aware of it or not you know the question is does your morning ritual empower you or does it disempower you does it help you get closer towards your goals and the life that you want or is it holding you back so when you consciously take charge of that first moment of the day and you spin it in a way to be grateful to take care of your body your mind your spirit your health your relationships to give when you do that you're gonna be an estoppel throughout the day it's going to change the way that you look at the day the way that you look at your life and of course how other people react to you as well so morning rituals that's the morning rituals of the most successful people in the world and if you guys want to know more then check out morning ritual mastery calm that program will help you create your own morning ritual and explain a little bit more about how you can take your life to the next level by taking charge of the most important part of the day the morning so thanks for watching this video make sure to click the link to go through and I'll talk to you soon
Channel: Project Life Mastery
Views: 1,117,282
Rating: 4.7254348 out of 5
Keywords: stefan pylarinos, project life mastery, morning ritual, morning rituals, morning routine, tony robbins, anthony robbins, steve jobs, oprah winfrey, lady gaga, bill gates, mark zuckerberg, barack obama, benjamin franklin, tai lopez
Id: Xb02qGHngb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2015
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