We Try CEO Morning Routines And Night Routines

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you want to see how serious I have about the CEO like I'm just like Steve Jobs all I need is a turtleneck this week we're gonna try CEO morning routines my morning routine is nowhere close to being CEO I'm gonna wake up early then I snooze I'm rushing to get out the door very erratic very chaotic I never eat breakfast in the morning I would much rather spend that time sleeping I want to feel like I've gone so much done before my day even really begins hopefully this week will be life-changing and a week from now I'm Oprah I want to be the next CEO will BuzzFeed it ain't gonna happen this is the very first night so a research team gathered a big list of things that successful and popular CEOs have done we're gonna do them throughout the week to see if they work every night from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. wind down by doing chores washing dishes tidying up taking out the trash so I tied it down clean my desk doing chores at night makes sense because then in the morning you can wake up to like a clean apartment dim the light and turn off all overhead lights dim the lights to 10% any more like Friday's contain percent dimming the lights really signals to your brain that it's time for bed relax by taking a bath with lavender oil epsom salts in the candle mmm every night I actually am a shower guy that's it's weird because it's not super clean I guess I needed to do a deep clean I have bath saw here I'm gonna eat it I'm kidding Kane told me not to honestly personally don't like baths I'm either disgusting you're sitting at your own filth almost ready like fishes spaghetti please I'm gonna treat yourself man in Arianna Huffington says this is what makes you successful I will sit my ass in this belt soon while I'm about to jump in the bathtub I got my candles and my sleepy drank but but to turn off the light so I'm laying down in this dirty soap water by since I was a kid it feels like I'm in my own little world to be able to get away from the city and work and just listen to soft classical music which I've never appreciated before until now I will say the bath salts are great it's relaxing the Labradors nice the candles are sweet this is like real sexy like what makes me wish I had some what this is pretty dope and I've done this myself from water I don't know why I haven't taken baths before as an adult I feel rejuvenated hopefully after the same way tomorrow morning at 4 a.m. 9 p.m. is when we're supposed to go to bed which is wild because I normally sleep at 11:00 or midnight after laying down read philosophy or poetry avoid any books about politics in the media climate definitely excited to get [Music] wake up before Y morning routines are important because your efficacy level and mood over the course of a day can be impacted by how you begin the day but I think that's a cool thing to say when people are like Oh what time you wake up 4 a.m. why no this research has indicated that our self-control is greatest in the morning for oh I have no control because I'm not Instagram in the morning I'm not getting up no there's no way waking up this morning felt terrible it's not my morning I want to go back to sleep I'm starving what reason would you need to be up at 4:00 a.m. do ain't nothing to do no one's awake this is dumb go back to bed I did press the snooze button once but I'm awake and actually I feel pretty good about waking up this early you know I'm gonna check my emails and get ready I'm not oh man this is too early get through emails getting through even a bit of that will make me feel happy I'm about to head to work it's only 9 a.m. and I worked out sent emails structure in my calendar did two loads of laundry showered and made breakfast feels like half a day so he passed and now I'm ready to go to work I woke up earlier than I've ever woken up before magically I'm later than I've ever been before in my life so this whole CEO thing it's going great it's about 7:30 and today went well like I feel great I wasn't very tired I feel like getting up at 4 wasn't that bad write a list of the top 3 things I want to accomplish the next day yo I've been doing that like halfway there I've been journaling for years son so I'm already CEO ready the CDC recommends seven or more hours of sleep per night for adults the extra hour of sleep has shown to lead to higher paychecks that's dope the study found that earnings increase four point nine percent with just one extra hour of sleep per week acting class tonight now I'm just tired I actually didn't get to take a bath today and I'm really sad about it because I have to deal with some work stuff I'm gonna sleep right now so I can wake up before I want to wake up at 4:00 so I can get more work done that's how much they don't wink about 4 o'clock in the morning but this time as mad fact I'll put my alarm clock right here I know I've got a read and and plan for tomorrow and go over whatever I do but I've never seen more sleep makes people more energetic and happy I've got less sleep and I don't have any energy for anything yo that's why I'm saying good morning people are more persistent than night people don't tell me that I'm a night person but this leads to them having a higher life satisfaction with the lower chance of suffering from substance abuse and depression and lower anxiety levels realistic things I'm thankful for if I need a boost of positivity in the morning we got these journals to write things were grateful for this will be nice reframe my thinking though I'm not stressed about the negatives that'll be easy for me because I tend to live in gratitude looking at the things that made me grateful was really great in the morning it gave me a boost of positivity and I really was like yeah I look forward to say this is gonna be fun plan out your day ask yourself if today were the last day of my life well I want to do what I'm about to do today dressed in a similar outfit every day ah oh no that's Mark Zuckerberg no first of all Mark Zuckerberg no like he don't shower so I'm happy that it will like take that pressure off of my mind but it's also sad because I have a lot of clothes all the things rich people they wear like the same similar the clothes I spent 600 bucks I guess it hurts my uniform for the week is a white tee and jeans that's a pretty basic combo I feel like most people won't even notice if you wear that all the time this is gonna be my outfit for the next speaker so I will say it saves time 20 or 40 minutes it usually takes me to get ready it was nice to not have to do that I go through phases where I wear certain colors all the time anyway that friend Mark Zuckerberg and I are on the same page I just got home but happen wearing these jeans use regular sneak really I feel like it's a lot easier to wear something like this because it makes like just so I don't have to think about what I'm going to wear I'm not wasting any time and I don't care the way to look I'm also noticing that each day I'm looking a little bit more like Steve jogging this is ridiculous wear clothes designated just for sleeping I've never worn pajamas as a kid my nighttime sleeping outfit it's a black tank and silky short so all these nighttime routines are to get your mind ready to sleep oh my god I am hundred percent failed last night somehow I didn't do any of my CEO stuff yesterday I was up late last night I didn't get a chance to do like the line down and I got to bed around like 10 didn't even have to put my like pajamas on I slept it and just gym shorts in this t-shirt it's just no joke how do they do it what are they gonna see late that's the question I woke up at 11 p.m. thinking it was 4:00 and then my body was just wide awake and then at 4:00 my alarm rang I kept snoozing it was just a mess I hit snooze 365 times waking up in the morning was hell of a lot harder because I broke the routine that I already had said there's something to set in this routine that actually really works there was a lot of work stuff that I had to deal with yesterday that affected me not taking a bath and then that affected me sleeping later and that affected me stay up later thinking about it I feel lost it's 628 I'm gonna start my night routine before I go to bed I'm making a promise to you that we'll never hit the snooze button I'm done with it let the world see you gotta try the that's assault all right I just finished my bath it was glorious even though it's 9:40 right now I'm okay with that I think that was totally worth it the rest and relaxation I was so tired from the day and now I feel great you can't substitute good morning habits for bad ones like checking your phone too much that's me right there yo Rogers all electronics outside of bedrooms I live in a studio so I'm gonna be charging my phone in the bathroom it prevents you from sitting your bed scrolling through Facebook or Instagram getting stuck in a YouTube black hole for hours I love having my electronics out of the way kind of loving this night routine and I feel like my body's already getting used to it it feels like you have to take care of yourself before you go to bed no more smooth what I need to do tomorrow mm-hmm that's the question [Music] hell yeah I woke up today where I hitting snooze after really cuz 4 o'clock in the morning I Steve main breakfast I cleaned up afterwards I made myself compensate you know I'll enjoy breakfast with my family especially as a CEO they're running from meeting to meeting it's good to know that they even set aside time to do that my family's back home we Kansas City a roommates are here but I told them to get up that this time they all cussed me out so I will be eating breakfast alone because I don't want to cook I'm making the smoothie breakfast with family which means me by myself we're gonna do one hour of working out these guys are CEOs and they make time to work out and I'm always like ain't nobody got time for that I made breakfast answered all my emails gave notes on people's videos been a productive morning it's only what like 6:00 a.m. right now I feel like the CEO schedules been working really well forgot to yell yeah before the CL video you come on in like 20 minutes late but now he's 15 minutes yeah we came in and he's already started working a whole lot more productive and if you're so good to wake up yeah it's funny because answering emails at 5:00 a.m. like all my co-workers in the morning are gonna be like why is Kim doing all this at 5:00 a.m. you know let's give him a raise not gonna lie this is the gin drink a little bit of wine relax and get the bubble zone it's like a little spy you critted turning off the light makes that first I supposed to be I'm not going night I'm a cook this Oh because I'm gonna relax son so I've been doing CEO morning and night routines for about a week now there's one about a routine that really helps you focus on doing the task at hand I've realized that I have trouble prioritizing relaxation I'm always like go go go go go even though these CEOs are amazingly fast and good at what they're doing they also make time for themselves and that is exactly what the nighttime in morning routines are meant to do the first two day took some getting used to things that matter working about four classes huh every time I woke up early I was able to organize my place to look nice you started your day more productive I love the bear big game-changer for being yo if you haven't tried bubble bath try it with hot water go a Spotify and put jazz vibes right put some candles on it's me myself I two hours of that I was in such a relaxed mindset the whole concept of winding down making it a ritual makes it fun like um let me reward myself liable to sleep I liked not having to think about what to wear I thought it was gonna be lame it was just one less thing I had to think about things I would continue the bed dimming the light charging my phone in a different room planning out my three things I want to accomplish the next day I stopped hitting snooze from now on moving forward I also really like being reflective start with positivity and then just to answer that question am i doing what I want to do bringing yourself to terms with your life and taking action over it is important CEOs are onto something what I've continued this CEO thing yes definitely and we haven't done it I suggest to you at least try it I'm so into it and it's clear why these things work for CEOs biggest done and so if you want to get done live like a CEO son start now wake up early not out I don't think this week maybe the next Oprah maybe a little bit closer maybe a Wendy Williams somewhere in there
Channel: BuzzFeed Multiplayer
Views: 4,348,793
Rating: 4.8635874 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeed blue, buzzfeed gadiel, buzzfeed kane, ceo, change your life, corporate, daily routine, entrepreneur, guys try, habits of successful people, highly effective, how to be successful, kane diep, life change, morning routines, morning routines of successful people, motivation, night owls, start your day right, success, successful people
Id: ec-qGLAnReg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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