The Mind of Jay Shetty: An Interview with Vishen Lakhiani

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[Applause] all righty so Jay Shetty as you know out of some 200 speakers last year in mine valley was awarded based on audience data as the best speaker at mine valley across all seminars all festivals all events for the entire year 2018 but what is also really wonderful to say about Jay is that in today's world and this is something that lights me up in today's world the number one personality on Facebook is not a kadosh Ian or a politician it is Jay Shetty a more a monk farmer monk who makes wisdom go viral Jay Shetty's videos have been viewed four billion times four billion times right but and this is since he started in in 2016 January 2016 but here's the crazy thing three billion of that 4 billion happened in just the last 12 months and he his growth is exponential and growing and he perhaps more than than almost anyone else I I personally know is helping create a world where wisdom becomes viral and something that you really want to consume Jay what can the mind value again thank you vision thank you so much thank you to all of you I'm so grateful thank you I'm so grateful inside to be here thank you for the opportunity vision and thank you to all of you for being here as well thank you for being here when you could be anywhere in the world you chose to be sitting on that seat so let's start with the opening question Jay sure you learned so much and you just got back from meditating in India in an ashram you know you're constantly evolving yourself what would be some words of advice you would give to the people in this room that's a big question so I take out 21 to 30 days every year to go and live back with the monks where I used to live in India so I lived as a monk for three years and everyday I've made a priority to continued my meditation practice which is currently two hours a day it's been that way for the last 13 years it's been the bedrock and foundation of my life so to that very big question that vision asked me my first piece of advice would be finding your daily rituals finding your daily habits finding your practices that act as the foundation because we're living in such busy hectic crazy times how many of you know that you have a schedule and still half of the things don't happen on that schedule right anyone ever been in that position or how many of you go through that process where you start watching something really educational on YouTube and then two videos later you're watching something about Justin Bieber's mum right and it's like and then and then you're like how did I how did I get there like out of out of that happen and and you end up getting lost in this world and so whether it's in a small way of getting lost through the content you know rabbit hole or whether it's getting lost by getting distracted from what's really meaningful to you for me refining my intentions on a daily basis is one of my favorite favorite habits and so what I do every day is I'll look at the plethora of options that I have available all of the things whether it's deals ideas thoughts projects offers whatever it is and on top of all of them I'll write down why I would do that and if the reason is often ego pride envy competition jealousy and sometimes it's compassion love joy passion purpose meaning fulfillment and so what I like to do is I like to refine my intentions which I classes seeds and weeds every day so I want to plant more seeds in the garden my life seeds of things that are like compassion love purpose fulfillment meaning joy service and weeds when we do things out of go envy competition and so every day I'm plucking out the weeds out of my life and I'm trying to plant more seeds how many of you want to be gardeners with me yeah and I do that every day because it's so easy for me to confuse the weeds as seeds it's so often that I've let ego grow so strong inside of me and took me forever to notice that was a weed so I have to do it every day so that's one of my biggest piece of advice I do it every single day it's made a huge difference in making sure I make the right choices the right decisions with people places and projects that I'm involved in and when you find the intention and it gets purer and purer and purer and not that we're ever fully pure but it gets purer and purer and purer you just see magic happen around you so many things will open up things that you never imagined so you hope that answers your question but it does in a now it just opens up so many other questions said you get you try to get your intention purer and purer and it sounds to me like what you're saying is you're going for the feeling that it's giving you joy bliss passion right how far ahead are you looking are you looking at your intentions for a day for a week for a month for a year I look at intentions from places that I go people that I spend time with and projects that I'm involved in so in every one of those areas and that includes everything from what I'm doing right now by being here so I'm with all of you so I planted a seed of an intention that I wanted to come here to be of service to all of you all the way through to what do I want to be doing in 12 months I usually don't make plans for longer than twelve months because the world changes so fast and everything else so that's usually as far ahead I think of but you know my vision do you ever get intentions like binge watch Game of Thrones 24 hours straight and then judge yourself for having that intention so I was with someone that I was coaching yesterday and they said to me says Jay be real with me right you know ever know he's like something I be real with me like don't give me the monk answer you know it's something my sister always says we don't go monk on me Jay Shelly likes you know I don't want to hear another video my want my wife or my sister do that often to me I said someone asked me yesterday like be real with me like what do you do when you just want to you know let go so the honest answer is I grew up in London I'm a huge soccer fan or real football and yes finally someone says it on our stage I never understood you Americans it's not I absolutely loved football and my favorite thing to do is play PlayStation with my buddies and play fifa I can do that for hours and hours now and I'm pretty good too so if anyone wants to play me a game of FIFA moves up but that's yeah I do I do get that and that's probably one of the those two things I love in that sort of in that category it's playing places and playing Fifa and the second is movies I'm a huge fan of movies I am a huge fan of Christopher Nolan specifically because of the stories that he writes in the movies he brings to life so I love movies that help me learn and have messages inside them because I believe that movies have the power to shift culture and shift conversation so I'm fascinated by the power of media and movies so I love consuming that content because it gives me more ideas in inspiration and I truly believe that we're defined by the stories we tell ourselves so when we see new stories through movies and media I see changes in culture happening Seifer I can't justify so that I just have death that I just have to take so we want to keep the questions spiritual and deep but also real yeah I like I like like you just insulted American football is football but you say you spend 28 days of the year in an ashram in India yes okay and you're like one of the most like you're becoming one of the most famous teachers on the planet what do you do with that ashram do you check Facebook or Instagram while you're there good question so I read an incredible study that changed the way I create and think and it said that the human mind can't be logical and creative at the same time how many of you have ever walked from a highly creative brainstorm where you were fueled with passion and then had to talk about numbers and business and write it stuff right anyone ever found that quite difficult it's quite challenging and the minds like trying to run for one side of the brain to the other side of the brain so what I do is I create in depth so I got really deep into my creation and then I got really deep into everything else that I have to do so before I went to India I created my content in advance and so when I was in India I was able to really switch off so the beauty of being able to be in India for 21 or 30 days or wherever I am in the world for that matter and then not having to think of creativity as stress or pressure I'm able to do creativity as a form of passion and service and so when I was in India I was able to not look at Instagram I was able to not look at Facebook I was able to completely switch off for 21 days when I was there earlier in January and I started my year in the way I wanted to so I was meditating for eight hours a day of spending time with my teachers who are mind-blowing and incredible and trying to learn from them and taking knowledge and wisdom from them and continuously praying to be of more service this year and make a difference this year so that's how I chose to spend my January I had so many people saying to me they were just like Jay it's January things going well in your career how can you take 21 days off right that pressure that noise my things are going good for you how can you take time off house like things are going good because I'm doing this all right like you know I had one of my teachers that is kept saying to me for years he goes if you want to move three steps forward you have to go three steps deep and so if I'm not going forward I know it's because I haven't gone deep so for me that's a big priority for me and that's what I try and do when I'm I try and do that everyday but I also believe in immersive experiences so a lot of us today we live in this world which is like ten minutes a day do it for 10 minutes a day everything will be great and that is great there's nothing wrong with that but imagine you spend with a boy or girl your partner who ever was something that you just started dating imagine you spent ten minutes a day with them how long would it take you to figure out whether you wanted to fall in love with them or not probably a long time and so when you go immersive you spend a weekend away with someone you know whether you like them or not and meditation mindfulness all these habits are the same the more you immerse yourself the more you get an experience that stays with you the more that you can live with that experience and keep going back to it for 10 minutes a day so I really believe in immersive experiences I love the ten minute a day advice but I also deeply believe having an deep immersive absorbed experience that completely takes over your whole body mind and soul and then you're able to carry that forever so I try and do that once a year that's amazing beautiful he said thank you thank you so much thank you so so you're a monk I used to be I'm married now okay but you still go back to monta to tour whatever they call it yeah one month school yes a year right Institute like monk refresher course so the monks are not very good at branding is so so when you're there hanging out with these other monks do they like ask you to teach them how to do Instagram or like like what how do other monks relate to you when you go back to the ashram one of the things I love to be with the monks again is that they don't care like they have no agenda they have no desire they don't want to learn anything about what I'm up to and and I love that because I get to switch off from that identity to and it's beautiful to be able to let go of every identity that you've taken on and then just be and so when I go there and I would have removed any identity that is attached to my ego any identity that's attached to who I think I've become that cetera it's it's nice to be humbled again it's nice to be it's nice to be not noticed for a particular thing that be dealt with in a human way in a completely human connection so yeah no they don't they don't care about Instagram so that's amazing now I noticed you have a tattoo on your neck I do and I noticed that there's even a Facebook group called what is Jae sherice tattoo I'm serious there's a Facebook group dedicated to his tattoo that's how big this guy is soon there'll be Facebook groups for your ankles your left thumb it's gonna get weird J beautiful Fame but what the hell is that tattoos so it can be yeah you know I'm gonna I'll tell the story about it I got my first tattoo when I was 16 years old and I never asked my parents for permission I went and got it came home I was bleeding slightly and it happened to be on the same day we had family visiting from India and for anyone who knows anything about Indian families like respect to like elders and families it's important those are good values but I walk in with my neck like half bleeding and I have this tattoo in my family my mom is just like like you know she's completely shocked and my dad's like cover it up cover it up like trying to get me a college anyway so I used to be a huge fan of spoken word and rap music going up growing up I've always loved language and words and so I was a huge fan of hip-hop and spoken word so I have a fist holding a microphone on my neck because it used to be the logo of the Source magazine in the 1990s which was one of the biggest hip-hop magazines of its time and I remember getting it done at 16 and a lot of people be like what's that on your neck and I said some microphone and they'd be like oh cool what are you doing I'd say I do spoken word and rap and they said all you should perform at our club so it was so we know I've never been asked about that stage you're like how useful is this information to anyone are we a MindValley are we a tattoo parlor I mean no but you know what it's it's so nice to get to to also learn about the real you there's so much wisdom from Jade out there we wanted to bring in some of your realness because I know you as a friend and you're like just epically cool so we'd love to take some questions from the audience okay now here are the rules when we do panels like this I try to make sure that the question that is asked is a question that is going to serve at least 70% of the people in the room okay so if you have a question for Jay raise your hand and we have mic runners ready let's start with Sean and Erick so you know one of the things that I wanted to ask you is I want to get your viewpoint on it because in shamanism we have this viewpoint that spirituality is not separate from life it's it means as someone whose spiritual even if they don't meditate or work with crystals are doing these things it means they're willing to evolve I want to know what your thought is about that yeah I completely agree I think that's beautiful and completely aligns with me I don't think see we look at everything about oh what can I learn and actually 1/2 of learning in my opinion is really unlearning everyone already has the answer inside of them you're not really learning anything new you just want to get rid of all the bad since you and everyone has that so it's not so much about like was this person going from here to here it's not really that it's like it's someone going from here to here and for me one of the ways I've always thought about is you can't take the world further than where you visited internally so for me every person that we're meeting already has that journey right there and all you're asking them to do is look inwards as opposed to outwards so no I've completely agree with you and I think that's a beautiful point that you've shared and I think it's something nice for us to know that we don't judge and label people we don't walk around think all those are spiritual people those are not spiritual people because yeah we're all we're all spiritual people and it's just that some are covered it's like the sun's always out but often it's covered with the clouds rarely hear a bit more lately but some it's the Sun is always out it's just getting covered by the clouds and that's us we've just been covered and we get covered by those clouds and they cloud our identity they cloud our perception so all we're doing for ourselves and others is clearing out the clouds and the more we do that for ourselves the more we can do it for others and the more we do it for others the more we do it for ourselves and it's meditation the only process that you use to clear out the clouds or is there other things that you explore I think meditation today is is a tool and and it's a great tool in your tool kit but it's really about how we're processing the whole time how we're living the whole time outside of that and so when I do two hours of meditation a day that my teachers would always say to me well what are you doing for the other twenty two hours you're awake right that would always be the question and so I read a study recently that said that men and women were asked either to sit alone with their thoughts for 15 minutes or if they didn't want to do that they could give themselves an electric shock is a true study 60% of men chose an electric shock true story and 30% of women chose an electric shock these are real normal people and when they were asked why they did that they just said I don't think I can say what am I gonna do for 15 minutes and so for me meditation is an important part of the cloud but it's also reflection introspection journaling the ability to have a connection that's deeper than you sitting down with people who can help you move the clouds because it's not always you on your own you need others to come in and help you do that so it's multiple things it's multiple things I think meditations are a key facet of it but not the not the be-all and end-all of it so we noticed that you speak a lot about relationships a large proportion of pivoter yourself on relationships and I'm just gonna be asked this question but you did have training as a monk and normally when monks give advice on relationship it's simply two words don't screw why where does that interest and relationships come from my fascination comes from four relationships from having failed there lots of relationships so growing up I had countless relationships that didn't work out and I was always trying to learn like what does love mean what what is love what is the ideal relationship why didn't that work out with that person etc so I was constantly reflecting and then when I became a monk obviously I was celibate for three years and didn't have any relationships during that time and at that time a lot of people come and complain to me about their relationships it's really funny when people do that it's like you're not married you will know what to do in my life love like that doesn't work that way so and I was always fascinated by those I was getting are so many questioned about relationships and I was like well I don't have any real life experience of figuring it out so when I left and when I met my wife and now that we've been together for six years and married for three years I was always reflecting on why things do work with us and and the parts that we are challenged by and so for me it's been a personal journey of growth and so the videos have made have been from personal lessons I've learned from helping others coaching others and working on my own relationship and that's the trifecta round all my videos is I listen to someone who shares a challenge with me so if you ever share a challenge with me you have to be okay with the fact you may end up as a story in one of my videos I'm just throwing it the second thing I try and find is I try and find a scientific study to verify what I'm about to say as a solution and the third thing that I do is I try and find a piece of wisdom that's thousands of years old that also aligns with that so for me that's what I'm always looking for and that's how I create my content because that way I can verify through modern science it's it's timeless wisdom that's been true for thousands of years and at the same time it's based on a real challenge that we're all going through that's amazing that's amazing I love how you just broke that down now let's take a question from the audience if you have a question so I've had this burning question yes how do you relate how have you related to deep spiritual learnings and at the same time being happy and content in the material world without going crazy interesting question I think that's this point of spiritual training so it's like when we when we're in mature in our spiritual learning we're just starting out when you first learn the first everyone remember the first time they learn something I don't like I'm never talking to my family ever again it's nice because you learn a little bit and you go oh my god I've been doing it all wrong and now I can't talk to that person I can't ever go to that event again and you start making all these big decisions based on something small that you've learned and so I think in the beginning of our lives because to protect ourselves which is a very normal desire and very good and very human we think okay I need to take care of this or now I'm gonna shut out from all of this but as we grow we realize we can give more back and so one of the ways I've always thought about it is if you look at the ocean and you see someone drowning you want to help them but if you go in too soon and you're not strong enough it's likely that you're gonna get pulled in and at that point it's easier to shout out to a lifeguard who can come along who's trained who's disciplined who's committed who can go and make a difference and so for me in my life I'm always looking at if I can't bring someone up I'm gonna spend time with them if they're gonna pull me down and it's drawing that line for me so if I've been ever scared about my spiritual rather than putting them down and going oh I'm not spending time with them because I'm putting them down if I can't lift them up then I'm gonna protect myself by not being dragged down but if I can pull them up if I can lift them up then that's when I'm able to go into that space and make an impact to make a difference and that line has really helped me not go crazy because now I'm not doing it based on a judgment of them I'm reflecting on my own abilities and flaws and the difference I can make and I'm taking a taking a stance it's like someone asked me the other day what is a complaint and we were talking about litter a complaint is you see a piece of trash on the floor you got r-la so dirty you've removed the agency that you can have an impact on that a statement is oh la is a bit dirty there's trash landfill I'm gonna pick that up and throw it away right taking that responsibility so when we're irresponsible in our spiritual lives we judge everyone and judge everything and we mature we start looking at through compassion empathy in connection and recognize we were just there a few years ago and that's the biggest anchor in my life is recognizing that I was addicted to and still am in different ways things that I don't believe a good for me spiritually and I was that that was that guy I was that kid you know and it's taken a journey and someone had to believe in me someone had to invest in me someone had to reach their hand without being forced in and pulled me out and so that allows me to continue to operate in the world I hope that answers your question thank you and so Jay when I saw you speak at wisdom 2.0 last weekend you got on stage and you quoted Martin Luther King it was a quote on justice love and a big theme of this event has been MLK his vision for justice as the application of power to remove all obstacles of love we just had marianne williamson take the stage here and talk about the importance of standing up of activism what are your views on this so I want to approach it from the from a slightly different angle as well how many of you spend a lot of your days multitasking okay good so a lot of us spend our time multitasking now studies show that only 2% of us are actually able to multitask and when most people hear that they're like yeah I'm in that 2% that's me all right I'm in that 2% you're probably not I'm not because it's only 2% of the global population of the world multitasking is a myth and I find that as spiritual activists as conscious change makers as change agents of the world whatever you want to call yourself all of us one of the biggest mistakes we've seen and this was the quote that I shared in a thought for Martin Luther King that I've really held close to me is he said those who love peace need to learn to organize themselves as well as those who love war right those who love peace need to learn to organize themselves as well as those who love war ie people are trying to build destruction in the world and distractions in the world a highly organized highly focused highly data oriented highly strategic highly processed driven and so we have to be the same and when you spend time with vision or you spend time with the MindValley team you realize their success is intuitive it is deep it is full of love but it is also highly strategic it is also highly focused and therefore it's effective and so for me my plea to all of you and to myself is whatever we're going to do let's get really strategic about it let's bring sincerity and strategy together let's bring data and dynamism together let's bring intuition and insight together right let's not let's not look beyond that and think all that stuff's gonna work out because I intend my intentions nice right your intentions not gonna run a mile but it will help you run the marathon but it's not going to run that mile that you need to do right now and so for me intention and action intention and attention both of them are required and so my recommendation is whatever your dream is whatever you inspired by whatever you think is gonna have a positive impact on the world bring both to that right don't settle for one of the other thank you and what you said so relates to marianne williamson who was here just two hours ago who said we need to wage peace as effectively as people wage war so thank you for that connection a big theme of this event let's take another question from the audience I hope I'm not boring you by the way hello yes hi Sunita here firstly I have to say I put up a vision board of both of you just about a year back say meet Jay Shetty and feel inspired to inspire the world and meet with Shane to lift humanity forward because what you both are doing is so amazing and today's my dream come true I'm seeing both of you on the stage so that's I just wanted to say and my thank you wait wait wait wait let let's do something come on stage let's get extra with this bowl come on stage [Applause] my team will take a picture and we'll make sure it gets to you okay you're gonna stand directly here and you're gonna ask the question directly here okay that's me okay look at the camera stand in the middle look at the camera [Applause] thank you now now now now you can stick that on your vision board now what was your question Savita by the way I flew all the way from Singapore for this oh so my question is you know virĂ¡g we go through the transformational journey and it's very personal we all start at different time line but what if we are not able to rally our loved ones into this journey like for example your spouse and there is a fear of you outgrowing them and also your loved ones like your parents won't understand your journey your kids don't understand your journey and you're in a different part how do we tackle this because I think it's important to bring them along we can't just leave our relationships just because we are growing so I want to know how do we rally them onto this journey and open up possibilities for them as well absolutely thank you thank you okay so I think the biggest and hardest lesson is that our family and our friends will be more inspired by our example than our education they're gonna change when they see us change they're gonna transform when they see us genuinely transform they're there they're not fascinated by how much you've learned and how much you know and you can do a headstand now and you know you can you know you can do all these chakras and mudras and you know all these Sanskrit words and you know like that doesn't move the people have no news since you were young oh I've known you before and that doesn't make an impact on them what makes an impact in them is your example and your transformation and the the amount you've changed I remember this was really tough so someone asked a similar question but in a not as nicely as you did you asked it very respectfully but I remember when I was in when I was a monk one this question was asked to my teacher and my teacher is actually very compassionate but this was one of his like heavier moments of life it was hard but he was asked by someone in the crowd they said to him they said I'm trying so hard to you know get my family to become spiritual and I'm doing everything and they don't listen to me and I'm trying really hard and it's not working and I'm doing this and I'm doing that I'm doing this I'm teaching them this and taking this and nothing's happening and my teacher said to them and they were a student of his and my teacher said then they said he said tolerate them as I'm tolerating you and so he actually said and he's super sweet like my teachers like seven years old he's been a monk for four years he's amazing he's only the sweetest people in the world and he said then I was like oh I was like you just got served yeah like it was one of those moments and and you know he's in robes and he says it really peacefully and everything but but the lesson I got from that the lesson I got from that is that someone's done that for us like someone's been patiently waiting for me to transform for me to grow whether to mentor a guide a guru a teacher whatever it is like there's someone in our life in any transformation who's also waiting for us so part of it is patience patience is a huge thing you're never gonna change someone or make them do something and half the time you just have to get out of the way the the part with patience that works is introduce them to who they're inspired by don't try and be their inspiration all right and I often say that too even even in parenting situations I when parents introduce their kids to people they're inspired by that will help the kids more than telling the kids to do the right thing and I've seen that happen so often when you when you look at sports as well like even if your father was the best actor or best sports player in the world or your mother was the best tennis player or performer or whatever it is you're never impressed by your parents like we're really impressed by our family when were younger we get gratitude later on but in our early days we don't have that but we need to meet people so if you can introduce your family to people dare inspired by that's gonna make a huge difference and the final one like I said at the start was just your example seeing you really change seeing your behavior change your language change your communication change that's going to give them the greatest confidence that you know what she's doing is right it works I had the proofs in the pudding the proofs in seen you actually make that change the answers your question thank you thank you thanks you know there are so kind yeah so what then what then is next for Jay Shetty what are you focused on next or rather let me rephrase that question what are some visions that you have or how you are going to serve the world thank you so when I started out I started this journey 13 years ago about my video content only three years ago when I started out I never thought it would work so I had a lot of limiting beliefs I never thought it would get this far I never believed that I thought I was going to work a full-time job come home spend all my time editing videos and hopefully do this on the weak handling that's how I done vision my life so I'm very grateful for all of you who've ever watched liked or shared a video on extremely touch that you've taken the time to even listen to me and I'm living a very blessed and fortunate life so I come from a place of deep gratitude and now that I've seen what's possible now I'm the opposite way now I'm like wow I can't wait now like now I'm really really excited one of my biggest beliefs and I read a study that inspired my beginning and it was that the most successful people in the world healthy wealthy or wise choose education over entertainment and the most unsuccessful people in the world unhealthy unwell fior unwise choose entertainment over education so I made it my mission in life to build entertainment first content with an educational heart and I was thinking how do we make wisdom spread at the pace people want entertainment how do we meet people where they are so that they can come on a journey with us how do we meet people because guess what hundreds of thousands of people will do horses millions of people will come to events but billions will always watch television and network TV and online programming how do we meet people there so a big part of my vision and goal is to create conscious content that will sit on all the platforms that everyone binge watches will be extremely entertaining that you won't even know but it will have the most meaningful messages behind it you will have the deepest meaningful messages hidden in the heart of that content and what's happened on social medium what I've been able to do on social media has proven to me that there's an opportunity for that right I read a study two weeks ago in an ink magazine that showed the most viewed videos on social media and 2018 and the top 500 most viewed videos and social media in 2018 were all positive they weren't news they weren't politics they weren't negative they were positive videos and that could have been comedy it could have been inspirational stuff it could been anything it doesn't have to be motivational inspiration was comedic but positive that was the stuff that was winning and so for me that's step one step one is creating a world where all the entertainment we watch movies media everywhere is highly entertaining but has messages hidden behind it which I think it's already exists and the second step is then working with incredible folk like MindValley in creating the educational background to give people a journey to go on so once they're watching something how did they then go on their personal journey of transformation it's really giving a real pathway giving a real method which is non-judgmental non-sectarian universal and timeless so that anyone can find it accessible and practical and that's a really key word actually making it really practical making it really easy not making it mystical so that people get lost for making a really practical so that people feel like they're handheld that would be the car making wisdom go viral Thank You Jay thank you thanks so much [Applause] thankfully I got on telly nigga quick thank you everyone I'm so grateful thank you I wish you could give it up for Jay Shetty [Applause]
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 132,862
Rating: 4.9227467 out of 5
Keywords: how to focus, jay shetty, morning routine, daily habits, daily routine, wisdom going viral, how to create viral content, viral content, how to concentrate, monk training, sadguru, Ellen Meets Motivational Speaker Jay Shetty, jay shetty monk, Jay Shetty Wins Best Health & Wellness Creator 2019, Inside the Mind Jay Shetty Episode 6, vishen lakhiani jay shetty
Id: I0rG5SkpSIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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