Tony Robbins Morning Ritual: Priming, Gratitude & Meditation!

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every day of our lives we live in a world that is incredibly complex and you have to remember we all have a two-million-year-old brain and it's not designed to make you happy it's designed to make you survive so it's always looking for what's wrong so why would we allow this to be because it's just a bad habit and so we need a daily practice and so I want to show you how I do this for me and I want you to create your own system based on it this mind serves me I don't negotiate with it remember I told you I don't say well I'll do this well maybe we can do it maybe I'll jump in the water now it's like it knows I'm not here to negotiate when I say it we do it that's what we want to train ourselves they do that whenever you want to make a change or improve something the first place you want to prove it is in your mental emotional state if you do something from a pissed off state from an exhausted state from a frustrated state from a weak state you won't matter what you do the thoughts are weak when you're in a weak place the actions are weak so the first thing we're going to do is I'm going to show you a simple breathing pattern and the breathing pattern if you're familiar with yoga it's like Breath of Fire it's similar to breath the fire and it's a movement is what's gonna look like is this you're gonna sit up in your chair with energy we're gonna raise your hands up as we take the air in and then you're gonna blow it up oh you're gonna blow it out your nose and we're gonna do that over and over again for 30 breaths you're gonna do this with your eyes closed then you're gonna drop your hands down palms up on your weight on your legs and you're just gonna feel whatever you feel you might notice some tingling you might notice a sense of peace you might just feel relaxed and then we'll do another 3 sets of 10 another 30 we'll relax and then another so what are three sets of 30 3 sets of 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 10 with a break between them when you're done with that you're ready to prime because it puts you in state priming is three options it's done in 10 minutes you can do more than 10 and many of you will enjoy it so much you'll go longer but the reason I do 10 minutes of priming is I wanted to come up with a daily discipline there was no excuse not to do if you don't have 10-15 minutes for your life you don't have a life so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do our 3 sets of 10 3 sets of 10 3 sets of 10 our eyes closed the first three and a third minutes of the ten minutes is we're gonna focus on three experiences in our life that we can feel deeply grateful for three of them and we're not going to think I'm like oh this this this we're gonna take them one at a time spend about a minute each and step into that moment in your life that you could feel grateful for it could be a little thing or a big thing it doesn't matter what matters is that you go there you know if I ask you what's it like to be on a roller coaster and you remember timing you're in a roller coaster and you picture yourself in a roller coaster over there you're going to give me a very different feedback then if I get you to imagine the moment you were going over the edge and you're in the front seat then you're gonna show me a different result you want your gratitude to be in the front seat not an intellectual gratitude out there so I take three minutes a minute each I come up with something different every time I think of a moment that I could feel so grateful for a blessed moment a beautiful moment a loving moment a sacred moment and I step in and feel it and flood myself with a gratitude gratitude is the antidote to the two emotions that mess up most people's lives what are they anger and what fear those are two Biggie's you cannot be grateful and angry simultaneously that's the beauty of it it's the antidote to anger you can't be fearful and grateful simultaneously so the more you cultivate and prime yourself for gratitude the more you can push through anger and fear very quickly and by the way when I do it I usually pick two strong ones and then I pick something really simple and I make myself really feel the gratitude like the wind on my face or the smell of the ocean if I'm doing it outside by my house or the look on one of my children's faces and I'll just fill that up and the reason is if all you do is get grateful about big things you're gonna miss most of life after we do our breathing step one of the three steps first the breathing then the three steps one gratitude three minutes roughly a minute each three different moments you can feel grateful for and feel it enjoy it savor it live in it next three in the third minutes second piece we're going to do is you're going to feel the energy in you and you a prayer or a blessing now I know many of you are not religious I'm not suggesting you need to be but almost all of us know there's a power in love you know if God was love and we didn't come up with all the other names for God you wouldn't have much argument between people so imagine that what you're going to do is imagine energy of God the universe whatever you want imagine coming down into you like a white light and breathing it down the end through your body down your legs into the earth and then coming back up and out again so it's and it comes back up and you have to do this with your hands but I'm trying to show you what the feeling is and while you're doing this what are you gonna do during those 3 minutes is you're gonna give thanks it's like a prayer saying heal my body my mind my emotions strengthen me make me the best I can be strengthen my love my passion my courage whatever it is that you value in yourself and you feel that happening of the 3 minutes I do that for about a minute and a half and the other minute half I then take that energy through me and I send it in a circle around to my children to my family to my friends to my co-workers to my associates to my partners to the people I meet on the street to my clients and so it's taking the energy and now you might sound like Lulu's stuff but the idea of allowing your nervous system to heal and strengthen just the focus of that alone for you as strong and sending to others as well so you can think it's all both but try it and decide based on the experience if you do in a while I think you're gonna find it'll a deep in that sense of gratitude because it becomes not only gratitude but healing or strengthening and a gift of those you love the last three minutes I call three to thrive you're gonna think of three things that you really want to accomplish or achieve but instead of like hoping it happens or thinking about it happening you're gonna step in your mind and experience it as if it's done you're gonna see it or feel it breathe it celebrate it like you've already achieved the goal what you're doing is training your reticular activating system and we talked about this the other day the part of your brain that notices things when you did you know before you bought that car outfit you never noticed them now you buy the crowd cars and outfits are everywhere how come because your Ras now that you own one says this is important I need to pay attention to this well when you get clear what you want and you see this done and feel it and create it in your mind and your heart and you celebrate it there's a sense of certainty than there's your body and your reticular activating system starts to go to work on making it happen so you spent a minute each one of those so basically three minutes each 3/3 minutes each and we're done if you want to do the actual exercise with Tony guiding you along check the link right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there there we go [Music]
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 242,812
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Keywords: entrepreneur, what tony robbins does every morning - powerful daily ritual, tony robbins, tony robbins ritual, tony robbins morning routine, tony robbins exercise, success advice, tony robbins advice, what you must do ever morning, powerful daily rituals, morning routine, best morning motivation, daily rituals, anthony robbins
Id: 6lFg_Im8Ly0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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