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Cannot accurately describe my love for Ultrakill.

The movement feels amazing, the weapons have incredible impact behind them and the style meter constantly pushing you to use everything at your disposal while not railroading you into specific tactics is something I want to see in more shooters. The soundtrack slaps consistently hard when it wants to, but the way it builds atmosphere Latest Update Spoilers: like in the dark mission from the Greed update or the bass guitar playing softly as you approach the v2 rematch are just so fucking good man. And now there's a hookshot.

If the future updates are half as good as what we've got now it'll without a doubt be my favourite FPS of all time, potentially favourite game of all time, it's that good.

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👍︎︎ 135 👤︎︎ u/Afroninja471 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

BPM is such an underrated game, I'm glad to see it here. It's real hit and miss with people, but when it hits, it hits HARD. I can't recommend it enough.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/SouthDreamlandKing 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Get To The Orange Door, while still in Early Access, is best described as "Legally Distinct Titanfall 2". It is one man's effort to take that gunplay and mobility and give it an overloaded neon/synthwave aesthetic. And the video is right, the core gameplay is air tight, it's just lacking content in its' current state.

The recently released(and aptly titled) Excessively Late Update is proof that this game is going places and I am on board for the ride.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/Finaldragoon 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

There are two good gems that aren't listed in the video.

Roboquest is a rogue-lite in Early Access that is super fun. It's like if Hades, Boderlands and Doom Eternal (yes I know that the video in the OP said that this comparison is played out) fucked and had a baby together. Development is ongoing and a lot of the rogue- minutiae is still being laid out (run progression stuff), but the gameplay is great. Buttery smooth movement, weapons are fun to fire, abilities feel good to use. Worth checking out.

Severed Steel has had a few demos come out and is releasing in full in the next few months. It's basically FEAR 1 style combat but with added parkour (wall runs, slides, dives). The demos have been great time wasting fun.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/durandpanda 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Does Tribes: Ascend count as a movement shooter? Since I'm still waiting for a game (that doesn't die in 2 days) to scratch that itch.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Dooder39 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

i got to the first boss of ultra kill and just didn't gel with it, unsure why,
Picked it up since twitter was saying it's got better movement and more fun combat than Doom Eternal which is my favorite game so I thought I'd love it but just found it a bit boring.
On paper it seems like my cup of tea but it just didn't grab me, no idea why

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/zac2806 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Not quite on topic, but I love unique/movement focused multiplayer shooters. Tribes, Alien Vs. Predator, Jedi Knight II, Titanfall, War for Cybertron, etc. One thing I've reflected on over the years is why are these types of games not more successful or demand more sequels among the general market. I've come to realize that.. FPS are actually a pretty niche genre.

Now I know that sounds insane for the genre that has overtaken the entire video game market but when you think about it, there's really only ONE truly successful multiplayer shooter at any given time. Sometimes you have one really successful one and a small select handful of other ones that are doing pretty well, as long as you don't look at it relative to the top dog. If you think about it, I bet you can name the top selling/top played FPS of most years/release cycles, because only one ever truly dominates in the public conscious.

Something about the genre just funnels people into one game at a time and that game is ALMOST never a unique or movement-skill FPS. I find it really fascinating how one of the most successful video game genres seems to cannibalize itself and leave little room for divergence.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jagosyo 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
every fast fps game will inevitably be labeled either a doom clone or titanfall inspired got a wall run that's titanfall weapon chaining that's doom foxy graphics and open space that's no video game that's my last car i've already talked about all the big multiplayer ones but there's still a ton of smaller single-player games i'd be doing a disservice to not talk about that and people keep recommending me games i've already played so this is a good way to dispel that the first game of the video is what was it called it was something like really subdued yeah that mega death is in its own pedigree of design it's faster than doom more vertical than quake when you die the first thing it does is laugh at you it's not funny there's a gun right where you flip a coin and shoot it and it [ __ ] ricochets towards the enemy you can flip that same coin switch to the rail cannon and then combo them together this game is all style all substance it's got slide hopping ground pounding a literal style meter go look up and tell me where it leads you i remember playing the first demo where within five levels i knew this would be a masterpiece oh hello boss room where's the boss can anyone see i'll let you in on a secret summer child the stage prop is the boss oh did i mention there's two of them now wait till you see the second phase when you first encounter a new enemy they're the hardest thing in the goddamn world but then two levels later you meet the hardest thing and suddenly that boss from four seems like a warm up some enemies are bullet fodder but then they're street cleaners who spot dodge your attacks drones who kamikaze themselves one boss might chase you down in close quarters while another is so big all it can do is throw long slow punches this continuous ramp up is so masterfully weaved that you never once feel like it's padding for time they'll introduce a concept play with it a bit and then subvert their own concept you start finding skulls which open doors right and eventually you need three different blue skulls to open this particularly big door but i can't find the third one anywhere this is how you actually get inside i'm so cool that's not impressive you know that's you just made a mess it also has my favorite boss fight trope i knew but stronger v2 is [ __ ] insane it's a madman it moves and shoots like a real player and the reward for beating it is you take its goddamn arm every time you think a baseline's been established it throws a new toy at you to learn that's on top of all the level mechanics hakita introduces to make each one feel distinct from each other it's the kind of game you go back and replay just to find all the secret crevices you were too overwhelmed to see before found it one down two out of three one more number three water control got a waterfall is down let's see what's behind a secret level perhaps if you haven't played ultrakill yet play it then play it again then play it again notice how hilariously overpowered you are compared to when you started i want to yell mankind is dead blood is fueled grass grows birds fly and brother i give ultrakill one pink or ten out of a blue where i come from that's an 11 out of 10. but if you want speed pure speed the game that you want to play gotta grab my gun get in line i've been following it to the orange doors development for about two years and it's crazy to see how much andrews fleshed out its visual identity tweaked its level design tightened up its movement this game to slowly come into its own as this ridiculously mobile fps roguelike oh that's a bingo every movement ability complements each other if you get good enough at it levels become this playground for chaining slide hops and wall runs into each other it's like freebasing the titanfall 2 gauntlet fresh off of a risk of rain 2 bender i don't want to understate how conceptually cool this game is everything about it sings to me in a way very few things ever have it's fast it's fun i respect andrew but god damn does this game not have enough enemy types enough level objectives there is virtually nothing to do in stages besides the exit door event which in itself is just shooting enemies till the door opens here's a few free ideas cover the level and obelisks the player has to go activate to make the door open have an exit event that requires the player to go scavenge your hunt for door parts to gather and assemble it themselves funk you i like the knuckle stages with a little elbow grease you could probably make a lot of different exit door events that cycle randomly every time you loop a level it would add a lot of replayability and incentivize players to run around the stages more intently for combat i'd love to see more airborne or even wall running enemies that can keep up with the player's top speed the game getting a speed boost is a welcome addition but god damn do these halo 2 grunts give me whiplash standing there menacingly the game nails all of its fundamentals so it really comes down to just getting more meat on its bones it's only got one boss and after two loops that becomes more of a road bump i recommend this game with a citation that until it's more developed you're mostly getting a reputable iou in place of where an actual gameplay loop should be no clue what to rate it i directed half maladroit half rock and roll part three good luck deciphering that the next game is a bit more fringe and so by extension really deserves a spotlight to be seen by more people i found this demo for a game called in chain best described as a souls-like platformer your lamp functions as a grapple but can only attach to wood surfaces there's wall running and diving which all add up into this bouncy slippery platformer but i haven't even mentioned the best part yet you can chain grab enemies and shake them down for ammo if you hold them into a die they become your skateboard the souls-like part of it seems to be the lamp-light bonfires and one-way doors you eventually open to create shortcuts to and from your spawn point put simply the game is non-linear any direction you move in will eventually circle back towards progress i'm ridiculously excited to play the full game when it's out as it stands the demo is pretty short so i'm holding my rating until then in the meantime if you want another souls-like platformer i would recommend blue fire i won't talk about it here but so far the genre is two for two on impressing me and chain is shaping up to be my favorite so keep an eye on it the cardinal rule of movement shooters is that projectile weapons are always more fun than hitscan now imagine super hot was vertical with a teleport and that's basically boomerang x at first the environments are small to warm you up but then they open up you're in a forest and a sewer they test you more and more with increasingly harder enemies to hit you can teleport to your boomerang which makes juggling above dangerous pits tricky slowly they introduce complementary mechanics to make clearing the waves easier there's also a giant worm named tepen i like tipping my only complaint about this game is that it's too short like three hours short even with that time frame they managed to cram in all this content they somehow fleshed out an idea while still only scratching the surface of what could be done with it some levels are super vertical some enemies have sweet spots that they try to hide from you the final boss of this game was really good but it also conceivably could have just been the first of several i'm hoping they released some more content down the line because i could easily clock in a dozen more hours i don't know what else to say this game's fun white album i know i'm kind of stretching the definition of a shooter by mentioning a melee based parkour game but in my video me go fast me say word clearing a level using just your sword and two feet is pretty novel there's the obviously intended ways the game wants you to kill things but if you're clever you can come up with more efficient routes to accomplish the same goal the whole game is an adventure of this sort of problem solving mobility is super high but there's also limitations that funnel you towards particular objectives or enemies at its best there's a combination of evading death while moving towards the end of the level but at its worst you're standing still solving logic puzzles that very clearly only exists because someone took the soft burst loud chorus rule a little too seriously in music theory there's a system for sorting or upgrades like a resident evil inventory which puts this interesting limitation on what you can use at any time i didn't find myself touching it much after i found the ones i liked that's what she said which i don't mind since it meant i could run through the levels uninterrupted it's the kind of game where they try pretty hard to convince you the bigger plot is important and interesting while being totally aware nobody cares and i just want to run around slicing [ __ ] what you end up getting is a comedically railroaded generic sci-fi story about morality and picking sides which you don't actually get to pick a side on and then the setup for the sequel that'll definitely definitely have zero emotional stakes in you will die a lot in this game and it will be very annoying but the dopamine of clearing a room will keep you from dropping it we'll call it uh half ratitude half okay human it's radical but a little pretentious clearing every room until i see thee and they call me at your mama till she hollered from my bbm in a way rhythm games are kind of like movement games especially when the game involves moving really fast the idea of having to shoot and on beat to the soundtrack forms a cool habit each fight makes your brain think like one two three four five click crack you can only have one item in each slot which means you have to make a certain decision like whether you prefer infinite jumps or projectile based shots as if it's even a contest certain weapons have funky reloads that end up being really tricky to fit onto the rhythm four shots four [ __ ] three reload beats excuse my math but that doesn't sound divisible by four thought this game was metal not jazz the soundtrack hits every note and weaves between build up hold on i gotta reload and done and pay off so well that i never got tired listening to it once you get a feel for this game it becomes addictive for such a conventional roguelike this rhythm element really fits in and gives the game a unique identity dodging bullet hell on low health while also staying on beat is way more stressful than doing it indiscriminately this game [ __ ] slaps everything will be alright easy don't read the video comments this album is good so i said i wouldn't talk about dusk but i finished this video and still felt like it was missing something quake likes tend to get grandfathered into the movement shooter genre they're fast but not necessarily designed around intricate platforming or dashy wall running combat likewise dusk rides this line between a horizontal speed shooter and vertical clay pigeon shooting range all depending on where you're at the most free range levels can become claustrophobic in a matter of minutes some levels involve platforming while some are all combat one level you walk outside and there's a goddamn hurricane barreling towards you how long you stay in these levels comes down to how fast you can clear it bunny hopping is ingrained in at regular intervals and introduces wall climbing bounce pads the level homecoming is so mind-bending i don't even want to explain it to you you'd have more fun just playing on your first life it's hard to tell where to go so when you inevitably die halfway through a level you'll end up having the speed run back to where you were from the start this means in the beginning you might tiptoe around but by the end you're freaking zipping through it with no regard for the enemies in your path the enemy types are pretty diverse too there's an alligator boss who has a simulator fight flaming sword knights big john and what i think is a quadriplegic kappabara dusk isn't super flashy or quirky it's not trying to butt chug your adrenaline with relentless subversion but it's well paced an evolution a boomer shooter that builds on the formula without abandoning the principles that made it work in the first place game is good white with a pinch of blue now stop recommending it to me justin's coming to knowledge on me it's [ __ ] study justin's coming to make you empty your pockets and once i have a gun
Channel: FUNKe
Views: 976,576
Rating: 4.9747777 out of 5
Keywords: FUNKe, ultrakill, orange door, boomer shooter, doom, quake, fps, indie, demo, ghostrunner, enchain, bpm, beats per minute, roguelike, platformer, dark souls, titanfall, animation, essay, dusk, new blood
Id: oRTh2aMgPY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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