More FNAF BOOTLEGS!!! Twisted Ones, Pizzeria Simulator, and Security Breach Action Figures

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being a FNAF merch collector is starting to get oh ouch that's steep I'm absolutely brilliant for waiting to buy these sets when they've stopped being produced but even then some of the merch being made now is costly right out the gate not that I blame them maybe I should just give up while I'm ahead there's always cheaper options out there for us Frugal buyers right oh right bootlegs [Music] wait uh I thought this was supposed to be about smart money choices sometimes it feels like nothing is cheap anymore but at the very least it does cost nothing to watch me criticize hunks of plastic cosplaying as FNAF characters let me introduce you to today's victims this bin of random bootleg action figures man it's been forever since we reviewed bootlegs we are jumping back into the past to kick off this marathon with a crunchy set of Twisted characters oh the Twisted ones yay I sure do love the goopy hallucination nightmare knockoffs with such memorable characters like big bad wolf bubble bath and Jaws no but seriously the Twisted ones are definitely not one of the more memorable incarnations of the FNAF crew mishmashing fan art models and official art is the gold standard for bootleg graphic design but that's new who's the shy boy security guard did the artist decide to insert their OC oh wait this is a bootleg product I forgot I'm not supposed to use my brain let's just discard the packaging and move on quickly this is what I paid for now I think this is the first time I've ever seen bootlegs more expensive than official merch except for maybe those Mexican bootlegs that were apparently gold on Earth but no worries I think this button will explain the heightened cost this is not the first time I've seen LED lights inside of knockoff figures I guess with the idea that these characters are robots flashing lights aren't too crazy but that's kind of only a half truth these characters are animatronics not beep boop robots maybe it's just his suit spring walking in which is why his face is so beautiful overall this figure is not shelf worthy by any means all right let's look at someone else Twisted Freddy uh no no it's not the Freddy on the cover of the novel The Twisted ones uh that guy is actually named nightmare he's not actually a part of the story um because reasons actually I don't know I guess it is obvious by now but the likelihood of The Nightmare animatronics and the Twisted ones being the same is probably Canon and the fun times maybe the Twisted ones novel confirmed the fact that these characters can look a certain way with their hallucination audio chip thingies and in reality are more of like blank slates but then also these audio chips have been found on the Funtime animatronics as well so there's that speaking of weird Canon Remnant this guy's got it all over his face come on you cannot tell me that that is not pure Agony right there I'll just be putting this on thank you missed a bubble bath in action figure form honestly the body mold is quite nice I mean dang somebody worked hard on all those details and texture it's a shame his face has to look so awkward he definitely had potential Twisted Bonnie is up next one of the more popular Twisted ones characters thanks to that Neato split jaw but oh boy this figure would somebody actually buy this thing if they seen it in a store I mean seriously these products I feel like rely on internet listings so people can't look too close before they've already spent their money oh yeah and did I mention why these figures have removable faces uh because I have literally no idea the Twisted ones aren't known to take off their faces in fact they never do ever it's definitely just another gimmick alongside the LEDs and twisted chica a figment of imagination because she does not exist there is no Twisted chica no you did not reality shift she is in no book no game but I mean maybe that just helps support the Twisted ones are the nightmares Theory even more because nightmare chica does exist Twisted chica must as well maybe I mean consider the fact that nightmare mangle doesn't technically exist but nightmare balloon boy does who do we see appearing in the Twisted ones novel lots and lots of evil little balloon boys interesting but yeah as expected this figure is pretty rough maybe a repaint could give it a second chance but it'll never reach Funko standards before we move on though we really gotta talk about this one be careful of the potential in tang and meant Hazard with neck hair of fingers if there are string wire wheels or rolling Parts in the product hair of fingers ew Twisted Foxy the first of the Twisted animatronics to show up in the book being mostly busted and buried hence the Funko mystery mini that confused me for many years and this figure is basically just Adventure Twisted foxy although the details of the extra jaw and busted up torso Are Much appreciated the molds of these figures really aren't that bad it's really just the face that is just unsalvageable now's the part where we review the Twisted wolf figure but no the bootleg creators decided to take the creative route and make this instead who are you Dave dressed as a security guard like in the silver eyes or is it the dreaded bootleg Jeremy coming back for round two no wonder the poor guy sliced his face off he even came with three different head coverings to help him hide away from sight this is easily the scariest figure of the set and not purposefully I will admit though I love the fact that these figures have so many removable parts I mean come on we can't just not [Music] [Applause] thank you well those Figures were decently entertaining to the eyes I'm sure watching them melt in a fire pit would be the cherry on top but at the same time I really need to learn healthier ways of dealing with my emotions let's move on Pizzeria simulator this time coming to us in the typical bootleg plastic crinkly bags a true Mark of quality let's start off with the least confusing of the bunch Rockstar Freddy okay we've all seen this one before the repainted Adventure Freddy returns for probably the fifth time nothing but his paint job has changed well I guess he was given a second tail yeah let's not waste our time on this one Orville the elephante he looks actually terrifying kind of difficult to describe why I guess I've always been afraid of elephants to some degree but maybe it's his human hands or the metal pipe you'll use to knock you over the head with it's a strange substances covering the back of his head no I'm not gonna touch that or you know maybe it's just everything this one is scary too he just he looks offended and scared for his life at the same time once again this figure is freaking filthy with immobile legs pivoting torso arms and head Mystery Minis can barely move but still somehow have more posability than these things my man El Chipotle that's not a sombrero my dude that's definitely more of an Asian farming hat and no way no freaking way did they actually make his beaver tail come out of the back of his neck what this figure is a legend oh my gosh we're leaving it at that but I have a lot of words for our next figure Fox patch okay no no no no no no no no is this even a FNAF character he literally looks like he walked right out of a Dr Seuss picture book He's just straight up pink and his parrot is blue this figure can't even be called foxy just no let's get to the grand finale of Freddy's bootleg simulator shall we scrap baby well they tried instead of a claw scrap baby here was given a rod definitely an even trade at least her other hand looks pretty cool but like the rest of these figures even a repaint can't Salvage them I'm not sure they have even a single redeeming quality in the faces oh my goodness the faces you'd have to grind them back down to nothing for even a chance at fixing them I think any kid would agree that having just one of the Funko action figures would be better than this bag of scrap plastic unless they have an Immaculate imagination now that I've washed my hands a few times we can leave these things in the past hopefully our last action figures won't be that sketchy with a very familiar looking box size the shape even the damage of it is so incredibly similar to the Funko rip-offs we've seen years ago oh I actually took down that video there were some things about it that I really really disliked and felt embarrassed about so I considered fixing it and re-uploading it but how about I just throw the good parts of it in right now we'll have a prolonged intermission with a blast from the past back when my drawn character had blue rabbit ears yeah I've always been a strange one to be honest I'm actually surprised these came in a box it just totally made my day just icing on a cake this box has a lot to show first off they did get one thing right the top left of the box the logo seems to be identical to the real one and they use the same image of withered Freddy that all the real merch seems to then next to that we have really a Source Filmmaker PNG of the toy animatronics not even the same characters they're selling and look how huge balloon boy is that is freaking creepy you know why they use the toy animatronics on this box this is just a guess on my part but I'm pretty sure of it it's because those bozos typed in FNAF toy or toy animatronic FNAF in Google and found these and there on the bottom you get this lovely withered toy animatronic edit that somebody made completely unrelated looking at this box there is so much wrong with it that this may even go unnoticed by some people but check this out six pack figures yeah that's not exactly something I think they'd get wrong before we rip this thing open let's take a look at the back there's a lot of room back there let's see what they did with it first off why is Grumpy Cat involved in all this seriously I want to know then they also decided to add three characters from the set they're selling and then suddenly the withered animatronics talk about strange and last but not least we have this image again that they've used for the third time all right let's get this thing going apparently Bonnie wants to be reviewed first so I guess we'll go out of our usual order here just by looking at him you can see that he's very poorly made there are giant seams all over him and the paint is pretty bad too it looks like he just sprayed whipped cream into his mouth his ears are hilariously small and sadly he's lacking a tail he even has eyebrows which we all know is totally a signature feature in Bonnie's totally now you may be wondering why his torso is a slightly different color and why he has this hole in the middle here how would you feel if I told you that this is a light yep whoever made him thought it would be a great feature apparently I will admit it's actually kind of cool that the light goes from color to color I was really not expecting that after a while of holding the button the light seems to start flashing really fast and then slow down again super weird but that all aside seriously why did they put a light in them I guess we shouldn't question it let's move on now let's take a look at whichever character Rose the demon lizard chooses I think he likes chica or maybe he's just hungry chica is this weird almost greenish yellow color and it looks like someone took a pencil and just scribbled all over her bib once again the paint is quite bad the facial expressions these guys have are just so Derpy to the point where it's almost creepy once again the light is kind of cool but it's also really really strange now let's take a look at our main guy Freddy are you ready for ready he has the worst paint so far he looks absolutely horrible the lighter color is extremely pale and it doesn't make any sense why they would use it next up we have golden Freddy which of course is just a terrible repaint of Freddy one thing I forgot to mention about Freddy is look at that side base I mean you can't get much worse than that or can you um well actually that's for another video trust me we'll get to that the way these figures limbs move is really strange they don't move back and forth like you'd think instead they just swivel yeah cause that looks natural the elbow and knee joints don't move at all so basically these figures can only pose by turning their heads or moving their arms up and down unless of course you want to pose them like this I saved the worst for last and I'm sure you'll agree with me on this one I can't even begin to say what's wrong with this this thing I mean honestly the body isn't the worst thing ever but the head is it definitely is just so you understand how horrible he is I'll let you look at him again in awkward silence for five seconds I apologize for any nightmares that you may have tonight I really can't bring myself to look at these things any longer there's only one thing that can be done create horrible salvages [Music] or something welcome back so as you can see these probably came from the same manufacturer somehow they're still in business the graphic design hasn't exactly improved as we're still seeing mismatched characters funkovanny out here rubbing her own rip-off oh and the back of the box has the rest of the Funko figures man these guys are just asking to be sued and oh my goodness would you look at that the exact same safety info as the Twisted ones packages we came full circle let's take a look at one of the relatively new FNAF characters Montgomery Gator though he has been spotted before in a very subtle manner which makes me wonder what exactly does this mean does it mean anything at all oh the joys of FNAF in 2021 I visited New Orleans and got to see some wild alligators up close and Heck if they aren't just the cutest look at this one it's eating a marshmallow but this Gator oh no that does not look like an alligator at all snout is just like what wait a second is that Freddy like why else would there be that seam there and the square teeth maybe I'm wrong but this looks a lot like a post nose job green Freddy but what's most unexpected about this figure the smell yeah these things stink like dead skunk it is not a plastic smell it is not Glam Rock chica she's a top tier chicken look at this cuteness seriously though why did security breach give us so many adorable characters it doesn't even make sense this figure though I'm not even really sure what to say it's really not that terrible I think the body looks plenty cute it's really just the mouth that's ruining it like yeah I think this is savable the guitar actually looks really good just painted a little bit wrong honestly this could have been a decent figure oh Glam Rock Freddy I have a lot less hope for you buddy why is he so disgusting this is supposed to be new all of these are supposed to be new uh it's probably just for accuracy's sake though I mean the amount of damage this character gains through a single night at the Plex is exemplary that aside though this isn't the worst mold I've ever seen the hands are sort of weirdly small especially for Freddy but it's something I could look over time for the furry Diva a parent sister of the big bad Wolfie and wow what this figure is not that bad I mean I guess I'm not completely surprised these look decent there's a reason I don't review all the rip-offs out there because a lot of times they aren't that bad main reason being they have something to copy off of the pizzeria Sim Figures were especially bad because they weren't trying to be exact copies of the Funko action figures similar and inspired absolutely yes but not rips like these are I mean my dude showed his work and the last figure for today vanny vanny for as hyped as she was and being positioned as the lead villain of security breach she really fell flat at least to me oh I think one of the main issues with security breach was the overhyping and over spoiling while teasing the game add to that the merch which also sold Vani as this big bad threat despite the fact that she's not not at all within the entirety of my security breach playthrough which is being uploaded here soon I died to this looming threat a total load four times compare that to the actual looming threat chica this girl freaking owns the pizza Plex man so there you have it a much needed vent about our disappointing villain now let's say a few words about our sponsor this bootleg of her yeah it could be better but what is she holding if uncle's vanity has a knife even that's confusing but this one is playing no games slapping a straight up tape recorder into her paws but that just about sums up our little bootleg review here's some footage of me randomly repainting Roxanne wolf because for half a second it sounded fun but yeah I own the Funko figures so there was no real point but in the future I'll likely dedicate a whole video to figure repaints there's a lot of potential out there anyway I hope you guys enjoyed today's video I am super stoked to be back I got a lot of stuff that I'm really looking forward to making but for now let's get hyped for that movie oh my gosh I love you guys stay safe stay away from rabbits and LC and next time bye [Music] don't forget to like And subscribe or else you will die
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 1,456,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys, andiematronic
Id: kGMsveQbNJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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