Craziest Things Found on the Curb

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good morning welcome to scrappin pallet man channel I found the chair almost passed it up looked like a box get in my truck oh I see the Popo morning now yesterday I went through this neighborhood looking for resale and picked up two beautiful end tables I know that table probably could let's go take a look at the table just looked a little bit thrashed but the end tables were beautiful and this table is kind of beautiful too but I left it just because it was pretty gouged up and I know someone could do something with this but is super solid yeah so the two end tables came with it so I grabbed those and a bunch of other resale stuff and I was just on a resale mission so I left all scrap because I didn't want the scrap wrecking the resale but I remember this like oh really another lamp in there I'll get the cord off of that passed up a door over there and got some doors songs stuck in my head people I strange when you're a stranger this is gonna be awkward but I think I can do it oh it looks fun I don't know should I not even take it they will tip it up and then tip it into my trunk here you can have the grass back that's gonna fit actually right in there [Music] comes with its own magnet excellent part of the collection now perfect weight is that plastic is plastic Oh tricked me is that a mower I see and the home owner showing up I think it is I'm parked on the wrong side of the road you okay if I recycle your mower almost okay okay I have a mower guy that I bring my lawn mowers to that he's an expert at it so this is not gonna go in the scrap pile then alright wonderful thank you almost works works some people ask me why do you lift your mowers like that cuz I don't want use my pack are these my arms this lamp looks nice don't know why that bottom is all wrapped up Oh cuz the concrete's coming apart that's why I'll bet that cords going through the concrete Jews take this tire that's a big old tire boy it's full its steel I'm not touching it because I don't mess with its rubber tires are notoriously hard to get rid of without having to pay for it now this on the other hand it's coming with me so I talked with an AC guy and asked him about how can I take oh this is not light about how I can take freon out of compressors and things like that and he showed me he showed me his system and it take it's about a thousand dollar system for him to recover the freon the refrigerant out of these were out of anything and yeah he's like he's like you can do it what it cost about a thousand bucks we think aluminum there's a chance it's aluminum I can tell by its lightness yeah I don't think I could do that with a steel chair oh god I do it shaky have a seat chair now you have a seat do you watch with alumina anyway Ryan I'm gonna do a scrap pickup I'm not gonna record it though so you guys just stay here in the truck try to run overall stuff here all right so I got my scrap pickup and yeah so we had a ladder it's broken so you got some motors for me and that's brass with some stainless steel inside that works but it works there's mosquitoes out here oh come on alright so that little fridge doesn't work but the main reason for my stop is I need to tie this stuff down so I'll see you in a bit this is the kind of little truck that I want to get yeah it's a little commercial truck well obviously with a flatbed and a tommy lift yeah I think it will happen oh I'm gonna put the goal out there right now within 12 months I saw just a little pipe sticking out might as well grab it I got a crick in my neck yesterday I had one of those in years and that happened at like for no reason I think I was just walking I was in it my neck just got this thing where I can can't really turn to the right there's a couple goodies in there yeah I got this Creek on my neck something else that hasn't happened in a while that I did this weekend besides a crick in the neck I played in the church band I did I thought that was a big old why do I want this just fine I'll take it I'm not taking that basket though is this yes I played in the band this weekend church band it was kind of different because we it was all for online I don't know why I'm keeping this I'm not really gonna do anything with it so uh and I played it the big Church in st. Charles first time I've ever played on that stage worshipping Jesus but it was it was pretty awesome there was no one in the audience we were playing we did a whole service to an empty auditorium put them back together and put them in here is this coming perfect morning Ralph morning Sam this guy behind me is a picker yep I think so I've seen him before oh do I see sporting stuff in the drudge where you got here shelf headboard sporting equipment some mud for your muddy shoes whatever they call a bag first things first though the food to boil yeah all right I'm gonna try to make it or they see the goalposts where the chair is already made it it's a little off but hey gloves yes yes yes no no scrap cool this will work I like that football it's already been kind of picked through a little bit my old shoes clothes scrap palette man colors yeah kind of want one of these for my house for muddy shoes yeah this has been picked through by either neighbors or Pickers you know that's a musical instrument there thank you very much yeah let's go vertical I think unless it's gonna get stuck on this not really that's good I've been framed this might be pushing it good oh you come with me you right up front a little something peeking out at me recycle me I can't know that Oh twist it didn't hmm couple weed eaters and a shark he looks like yep not there is a shark vacuum no but it's a shark Oh No thank you was gonna be the cord cutter they decided not to can tell this a metal pole or wood or what and it's wood got tricked no this community knows were a put there scrap huh their diesel scrap I just don't know what about it what are these is a diesel [Music] hmm doesn't quite work tissa yeah maybe kind of over there we go what is this little juicy bit of goodness on my truck I can't say get in my truck one and that's pretty much from here above same spot oh yes probably nothing in here wait a minute in my truck I thought you should get on your trunk pow wow that thing's heavy like heavy heavy why are you so heavy it was a big ol problem right there something burn up this is a bread maker so I do it I was almost a bad idea where it's not a bad idea it's good I heard someone yelling what is this thing it's a new wave oh it's a music player new way now this all copper and brass in here hmm but it is some of it sticks definitely sticks sticks enough it sticks where I'm not gonna be tearing a department now we're just gonna go is the question hey maybe this work a that works okay two more neighborhoods actually it's this neighborhood and then where that truck kind of came out of and that'll be it for my route I once had some scrap or should I say scrap once had me so I didn't show up but I was parked talking with a garbage man and he was telling me that four or five people it had called in got sick on vacation or whatever so he said he said this morning we looked on their chart there's a bunch of white out and different stuff so yeah so that's why I'm out this late and there's I'm not competing with any garbageman per se I got one guy trying to do all of this and remember they have to go down each street twice they have to go down this side of the street then that side of the street and they have to stop at every house so I am lucky that I can zip through my route one of their garbage day routes that's really what it is just within an hour - and it takes them and it's designed to take a couple garbage men all day to do a rout man it is beautiful out here absolutely gorgeous I think the mosquitos thinks it it's gorgeous weather as well they are out here a lot like fingernails on a chalkboard come on dude there we go step we go too far thinking right here oh my shoulder felt that one hmm not good and I got all kinds of things wrong shoulder acting up crick in my neck bad attitude hmm maybe okay well yes I can that worked out way better than I thought oh come on stop in the name of the law yeah you can get some fun out of it that might have been in the wrong one oops there we go yeah I don't think that stuff actually goes there okay how we doing you're doing good truck hmm you need some oil me a drink need a wash need some maintenance let me know what you need let's get some insulated copper wire 40 cents per pound that's right and yes there is a motor in here but motors are 10 cents a pound right now and it's about a pounds worth of a motor so yeah someone put a comment in my comment section say hey Acme don't back the cleaners and I just replied that that vacuum cleaner is about a 10 cent and motor in it and so even if I did 100 vacuums an hour it's 10 bucks an hour and plus I don't enjoy it that's really the reason why I don't do it there's a lot of roofing going on right now I mean like a bunch it works holds up 280 pounds huh should I keep you give you the someone does this work I was bright now it was only about three months ago where this whole Lake was frozen over yeah little windy but beautiful it's a little warm but the breeze just makes it perfect you're not gonna believe this so I'm here at Casey's mini-mart getting a drink and some scrappers stop by and bought the lawn mower right off me but check out their vehicle it's amazing yeah they bought it for 20 bucks right off the truck we're looking this scrapper truck so that's the Tommy gate lift Wow the are you seeing what I'm seeing Wow how long you guys had this truck we're two years and it's your trunk it's not part of being or anything okay wow that's a 2500 - so you guys put a ton on here a lot yeah like a 2,000 pounds yeah well this helps Wow it's sweet man or I'm gonna do one more tour around this thing because it's just that awesome oh you got the rims yeah that'd be sweet yeah there's my little baby truck that's a real scrapper truck two years huh yeah yeah I'm impressed Wow twenty dollar bill for my pocket now I have a little bit more room yeah pretty sweet deal all right so this is the last neighborhood in this route and I've only seen the garbage man twice and like no sections have I driven by I'm like oh yeah Gordon has already been here so yeah this has been some good scrapping all right so I didn't see anything in this neighborhood so yeah so this is wrapped up I got a couple things up my sleeve talking to a bike guy and I have a scrap pickup but the bike guy just sent me a text so I better ship this out oh dude get off my scale scale any guesses 4,400 pounds nope 4460 all right I like it that's a good number right there now normally that's just the pile of scrap look at all that and all that it's just there's so much scrap I'm gonna back up right try not to run over that hunk of metal right there [Music] [Music] beat them alright alright we'll see alright man okay alright let's see how much we were way off what do we see here I can't see anything 3880 Wow 38 that's a big old chunk of steel just sitting here there's that copper all right I'm gonna get it out of the road at least just hang on I just had to get that out of the road I'm not sure how they dropped or cut yeah so I kept that aluminum and the foot that's an awesome foot back and then some wire and a couple of things yeah so what I'm gonna do now I have another small scrap pickup which I don't think I'm gonna record and take care of those bicycles hit so I sent him I said the bike guy the pictures of the three bicycles a half we'll see if he wants them actually check right now all right so it looks like he wants both bicycles cool so I'm gonna get give him the black Mongoose and the yellow Schwinn that I've had for a while cool all right so we're gonna load up those bicycles but before that I just want to say God you were awesome thank you for allowing me to be a part of the band to worship you this God I know one thing is that in this world I'm probably not gonna be a scrapper up in heaven but I do know that I'm gonna be worshipping you and heaven so worshiping you down here and up there it's that's never gonna stop thank you for that guy I can't wait even I'm gonna wait I can't wait to see what happens all about it's gonna be so good give us the strength right now to do the next right thing because sometimes god I mess it up I don't even realize I did the wrong thing Lord until after I've messed up stuff hurt people's feelings Thank You Lauren the name of Jesus amen didn't catch it I got a grill I'm gonna look through this neighborhood real quick but I am gonna end this video right now because I got some errands to go run and I need to get my stinky self in the shower so I can be presentable about running my errands but just in case there's another piece of scrap out here I thought I would cig zag through the neighborhood so thanks for hanging out with me [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 107,828
Rating: 4.9119921 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: 8ASLD7A17qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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