More CHEAP but AWESOME mini effects pedals!

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hey guys what's up I'm Dan this is guns and guitars and little change of scenery today decided I was getting a little bit bored of the green-screen so I thought I'd just try filming at my studio desk so you guys will have to let me know if you think that's cooler or if you like the green-screen better just let me know in the comments I'd love to know your thoughts on that anyway last fall I made a video called these cheap mini pedals are actually awesome or something like that anyway it was just about some cheap mini effects pedals that I had discovered that I thought were really cool that that guys might want to know about and got super positive response from you guys and I got flooded with comments of effects that were not included in that list that you guys wanted to see some budget alternatives for so we'll just consider this video part 2 these are the effects that you guys requested so again I'm Dan this is Gunz of guitars let's get started okay guys just real quick before we get started I want to clarify these are not the cheapest options available these are just the least expensive options that are actually usable okay these aren't just junk that Tom top set me in exchange for a shout out these are carefully hand selected petals based on the feedback that you guys gave me that you guys wanted to see so I picked all these individually Tom top was nice enough to send them to me free for demo and review so huge shout out to Tom top I appreciate that but again they didn't just send me the cheapest petals that they had these are carefully hand selected petals and they did send me some other petals that sucked and I'm not gonna be reviewing or demoing those just because I don't have time to make videos about mediocre petals that leave something to be desired so these are just the awesome ones I requested these back in December so I've actually had them for about six months they've lived on my pedal board for six months so I just wanted to tell you I didn't just unbox these today to a demo for you guys I've actually been playing on these for a few months now and I actually really liked them so let's go ahead and get started okay as always for these sound demos I'm going to be recording directly into Logic Pro as I always do using the small tweed amp simulation as well as this focusrite scarlett USB interface great little budget recording there face if you're interested in getting into some home recording no effects on the amp simulation so any effects do you hear are coming directly from these pedals just so you can get just a good comparison let's go ahead and get started the first pedal that i'm in a demo for you is actually a pedal that was a complete dud in my last video i don't know if you recall from my last video about cheap awesome mini pedals TomTom sent me this pedal and it did not work whatsoever so they did promptly send me a replacement pedal which was awesome so i've actually had this pedal a little bit longer than the rest of these not only does this one work it actually works really well so i'll go ahead and show you up close here we've got our overall level our wet and dry mix and we've got our rate and then our sorry time then down here we have a mode that goes anywhere between room and then spring and then well I'll go ahead and demo it for you alright guys so the first setting that I'm gonna demo for you guys today is just the setting that I use the most and it's just a standard solid reverb for really just kind of wetting up your sound a little bit so right here I have the time set to noon I have the wet also set to noon and then I'm using the room setting so what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna play you some chords dry and then i'll click on the pedal play the same chords again wet and you guys can hear with this pedal can do [Music] the setting is also really good for single note lines so if you were to play something kind of like this let's try your sweat so pretty cool just really kind of thickens up the sound a little bit gives it a nice wet feel the next setting then I might demo for you guys I'm just actually gonna crank up the time and the wet signal all the way to max this is the other setting that I use the most and it's really cool for some ambient volume swells and stuff so I'll show you what I mean you so obviously that's without the reverb [Music] you you you [Music] you [Music] so again super cool really Airy really synth patty great for like church music also great for like some experimental stuff if you're into kind of those whale noises and things so really awesome parrot with a good volume pedal pair it with a delay pedal and you just get just singing and synth tones for days it's really beautiful so there you have an awesome Reaper pedal for just $35 if you get one that works my obviously my first one didn't work but this one works and it works awesome so pretty awesome for just $35 so now that we know that that one works and I apologize and may you guys waited a long time to see me demo that reverb pedal so thank you for your patience but now we can move on to the pedals that you guys requested from my last video so the number one most requested effect from my last video was a chorus pedal so here we have the amoun nano chorus and this pedal is super cheap at just 22 dollars and in addition to having your rate and depth like you would on any chorus pedal you also have this awesome mini toggle switch that toggles back and forth between normal and the down position and deep in the up position so it's really cool for just flipping on the fly between just a normal gentle chorus and clicking into a deeper more drastic chorus of course you can get more drastic chorus effects by dialing in the knobs but that's just a really quick way to toggle back and forth between settings so I'm gonna go ahead and demo it for you okay and for the rest of this demo I'm actually gonna leave the reverb pedal on I'm just going to turn the mode dial over to the well setting so it's gonna be a little less noticeable but I do like to play the reverb and I've got a reverb pedal here so I may as well but moving on to this chorus pedal to demo this chorus pedal I'm just going to leave the depth and rate set straight up at noon and then we're gonna toggle back and forth between the normal and deep settings so you can just kind of hear the difference between those two main settings and you can just kind of hear how the chorus just affects what you're playing so again just gonna play through those chords dry first well put some reverb and then I'll click on the chorus and you guys can hear the difference [Music] [Music] all right going back to normal just play some little dinky chords [Music] [Music] [Music] now I do have a couple of criticisms for this pedal the mini toggle for normal and deep settings is awesome but I just wish that it was a foot switch so that you can foot switch back and forth but then of course it wouldn't be in this mini tiny enclosure if you had two foot switches so that would obviously bulk it up quite a bit my other criticism I guess is that this thing kind of sucks out a little bit of the low end and that's pretty typical of most chorus pedals but some do it better than others so this one does kind of trade some of that low-end in exchange for the awesome like mid and high end sparkly goodness that this pedal has to offer so this is not a good option if you're a bass player you definitely need to look for a bass chorus pedal but for a guitar player it works pretty good again I wish that this thing was foot switchable but for $22 I mean really $22 awesome effects so I'm just being really picky here so now we can move on to the next most requested effect from my last video you guys really wanted to see a good budget-friendly option for a tremolo pedal so here I have the Rowan Trellick copter and this thing is only 25 bucks and it's an exact carbon copy clone of the newer Trellick copter so exact same controls just three knobs we got our depth our bias and our speed and with those three knobs you can dial in plenty of really funky sounding tremolo effects but personally I think this pedal is best used more subtly so something like this for this pedal I'm just gonna demo it with the depth at one o'clock the bias at three o'clock and the speed at 11 o'clock and obviously I am NOT going to be using the tremolo on this because it's a tremolo pedal so that would be so here it is first dry [Music] okay and now we're gonna do some just single note kind of picking through chords [Music] so you can see it really just thickens up the sound quite a bit I really like this pedal it's pretty much the only setting that I use it on even if I'm doing like kind of upper register triads a little bit [Music] you [Music] pretty cool a little pedal obviously you could go much more drastic with those settings it's called the trail a copter for a reason you can get crazy like helicopter style tremolos so very cool little pedal especially for the price so real quick change of scenery here I'm down on the floor I wanted to talk to you guys about a few things before we move on to the other pedals some things that you should be considering when you're thinking about building up a pedal board with all these awesome true-bypass mini pedals so the first thing that you should probably consider is getting a good clean line buffer okay never heard of what that is before it's basically a tone saver because as you connect a lot of these true-bypass pedals if you don't have any pedals that are buffered as you connect more and more of these or if you're using really long cables to connect to your amps and stuff your signal quality will degrade over distance so what a clean buffer does is it gives you a slight boost in a slight edge on your tone to help combat that tone loss just a little bit so this one here is literally called the tone saver clean buffer and it is the cheapest clean buffer that you can get and I highly recommend it I was considering when I was filming this just played in one pedal at a time into my recording software just so I make sure that I you know preserve the tone the best as possible but when I plugged in this clean buffer I found that it was just as good running through this entire signal chain as it was just running through a single pedal by itself so super worthy investment you guys should definitely consider that I would say if you're gonna be doing maybe four or more of these true-bypass pedals it would be a good thing to consider especially considering the price I mean you can't really put a price on good tone well apparently you can because there are a lot of really expensive pedals and guitars and amps they get you just a little bit more tone but this thing does really good for the money so definitely a worthy investment another thing that you should consider and these are things that I always forget whenever I just rush out to buy a new pedal I'm so excited I get home and I realized I don't have any way to plug it up because I don't have any instrument cables for it and then I don't know how to power it because I'm using all my spots on my pedal power so just some things to consider I'll put links in the description just for some good cables these here are made by Planet Waves and it's a six inch instrument cable and lifetime warranty Planet Waves is a reputable company you get three of them for $9.99 as opposed to down here these are monster cables that I bought back when I was making my living as a musician and I can justify spending $40 on a six inch cable yeah that's what those costs 40 bucks apiece again those are great lifetime warranty just go to Guitar Center I'll swap them out on the spot for you which is awesome but I'm poor now so well I was poor when I was a musician but I could justify it because I was making my living as a musician now I can't justify it so I buy these Planet Waves cables one two three got all three of them for $99.99 so link in the description for those and then this daisy chain right here I have it just coming off of this boss tuner pedal so but you can buy a daisy chain that will connect directly to your standard nine volt power supply and it'll power all of these mini pedals so definitely some things to consider maybe if you're thinking oh I like three of those pedals I'm gonna run out and buy them right now well it might be smarter for you to buy two pedals and a three pack of cables and a power daisy chain as opposed to just running out and buying three pedals and not being able to run all three of them at the same time so just something that I wanted to throw out there for you guys to consider because it's something that I always forget so I just wanted to give you a quick reminder okay now let's get back to these pedals okay now we're moving on to the next next most requested effect from my last video and you guys really wanted a good budget-friendly option for a wah pedal so here we have the more water pedal and this is not the cheapest wah pedal on the market it's just the cheapest one that is worth having in my opinion so at about $67 it's only about ten or fifteen dollars cheaper than the Dunlop cry-baby which is kind of widely accepted as the best value while peddle on the market but this thing still comes in a little bit cheaper and it boasts some features that the crybaby doesn't have so firstly look at the size of this thing it's tiny it's like the same size of any of these other mini effects pedals so typically a wah pedal would take up a huge footprint on your pedal board so not the case of this guy so he's really compact another thing it's super hefty very heavy-duty it's built like a tank you can stomp the crap out of this thing and it will take the abuse and then lastly and this is a really cool feature is that there's no actual like foot switch that you need to activate in order for the effect to come on it actually just senses your foot so when your foots not on it it's true bypass put your foot on it and the effect activates and so you play with your effect as soon as you take your foot off back to true bypass I haven't had any issues activating it or deactivating it it just knows when my foots on it which is pretty awesome so it works really well so check out how it sounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] so you just step off it goes back to normal pretty freakin cool little pedal especially for the price it's definitely tone wise I would say it's not quite as good as maybe a crybaby which is a similar price range pedal so that's probably a better value if you're looking straight for tone but this one's certainly a better value if you're looking for again that compact size super durable built like a tank and that awesome little just foot pressure switching you don't have to do any actual button activation just put your foot on it and it clicks right in pull your foot off clicks right out true bypass and everything so pretty cool little wall pedal I've really been enjoying that thing okay the last pedal of it I'm gonna demo for you today that you guys requested from my last video is an EQ pedal you guys wanted a good budget EQ pedal and I'm not gonna lie that's the effect that I was the least excited to demo because why do you need an EQ pedal you have an EQ built into your amp right but it turns out out of all these effects this is the one that I'm actually the most impressed by so this is the moon EQ 7 and it's a 7 band equalizer pedal which means you got seven different frequencies that you can choose to boost or cut to manipulate your guitars tone I have never had any EQ pedal before so I didn't really know what to expect but it's really cool because it kind of allows me to get kind of different guitar sounds out of my guitar I know that sounds really profound but I mean like this is a jazz master with p90 pickups right so but with this pedal I can make it sound more like a Telecaster or Stratocaster I can make it sound more like a Les Paul just by changing the EQ and because the pedal you click back and forth whenever you want so it's not like you have to run back and change your amp settings so it's a really cool little pedal let me just show you the two settings that I've been using it for this first setting it really just kind of brightens up the tone kind of scoops out some of the mids and it totally does it changes this from like a mellow jazzy guitar into a super bright like Telecaster style guitar so watch check this out and I'm going to play for you my one country lick that I actually know how to play hear that that difference is like night and day so gonna go ahead and click over to my neck pickup now so some of those kind of bluesy rock licks that you guys hear me playing all the time [Music] didn't play the same way so you can see kind of more like a Stratocaster tone in the neck pickup kind of a Telecaster tone in the middle position and then for the bridge pickup I'm actually going to change some settings down here on the EQ so then you're playing your bridge pickup [Music] [Music] okay so it doesn't quite turn this jazz master into a Les Paul but it does thicken it up quite a bit so for $25 really not bad to completely transform your guitars tone with the click of a button instead of running back to your amp settings so like I said already several times I was more than impressed with this pedal so it turned out to be pretty cool so thank you for requesting the EQ pedal so now I can enjoy the wonderful world of EQ pedals I'll probably buy maybe five more of these and then I can have my Telecaster my Les Paul my Stratocaster my jazz master my asset caster a huge thank you to Tom top for sending me these pedals to review and demo for you guys now I've only ever had really good experiences with a TomTom of course I have a YouTube channel so they treat me really well and I've heard maybe 50 to 100 accounts of people that have made purchases from TomTom that were satisfied with how they were treated in Hamilton and I've heard of maybe two or three cases where people were not happy with TomTom so if you guys are not having good experiences with Tom top you need to let me know because if they're not a good company I won't stop promoting their products now if you a little hesitant to order from Tom top Attili understand I've put Amazon affiliate links in the description as well you can buy them there you'll just have to spend a little bit more money Tom Tom definitely has the best price on these pedals so best price tom top and again let me know in the comments how tom top is treating you guys and are there any other effects pedals that I haven't covered do I need to make a volume 3 of cheap awesome mini effects pedals if there's any pedals here that are any effects here that I didn't cover let me know in the comments as well and I will see what I can do to find a good budget value options for you guys so as always Dan this is guns and guitars thanks so much for watching I will see you guys next week maybe I feel like making a video next week yeah
Channel: Guns and Guitars
Views: 375,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini effects pedals, cheap effects pedals, best effects pedals, best cheap effects, effects, pedals, guitar pedals, cheap guitar pedals, best guitar pedals, best pedals, budget guitar, budget pedals, budget effects, best budget effects
Id: 3QMlBsTD9q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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