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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Mono. Now, according to this game everything is watching you and we know what you did, you shouldn't have done that thing. How dare you even click on this video? Well now that you're here your only punishment is to be subjected to whatever the hell Mono is al- not the disease, I mean I'm talking about this game here that we're going to play and i'm actually gonna just gonna.. There we go! it finally took it took a little bit Hello, the developer of Mono here. Thank you for buying my game, however I must warn you. This game isn't functional. I've had reports of it crashing many times. I never got around to finishing the AI, it shouldn't be working but it is... and it's r- uh okay alright I won't blame you that's the only thing I saw- Ooooh good.. ok.. alright... judging by the wubbing sounds there's either a hella dub-step party going on next door or I'm about to be abducted by aliens or I've already been abducted by aliens and... everything is awful... hello..heLLO? Can I.. open you? NO? How 'bout... no..? Alright then.. I guess that one's just locked. Hello, what th- what am I looking at here..? What the- whAT AM I LOOK- oooh ok... shirts. I thought it was giant teeth there for a second there ok... ah got it alright... cool... i'll just- I'll just get out of my bed room, which is the most barren bedroom I've ever seen in my goddamn life... I love my single lamp... uh I love my white everything... ooh *door squeaks* Man the weather outside sure is weird... I don't know what that's all about but ok... Hellooooo... Neighbors... uhm.. I think I might be trapped in a computer... oh no... ok Well, I uuuh... The only thing I knew about this game before I got into it was that um it was like something about technology and glitching and uh ugh seems I might be in the thick of it.... I'm just gonna call out in my own house because that's a normal thing for humans to do- HELLOOOOOOOO ANY MURDERERS WANNA KILL ME? Actually you know a power drill murderer might be preferable to whatever hell is in store for me... Anti is that you??? huh? Are you glitching up the weather outside??? oooh ya silly biiii- Hi It's ok Don't worry about anything Don't..don't- don't ask why i'm saying hi right now because nothing happened you don't need to worry about a thing I'm totally fine. My computer didn't crash and then I was scared that this game was actually a virus, and it was going to be taking over everything that I loved and held dear. That didn't happen at all. Let's just carry on the game um Yeah I don't even remember what I'm saying 'cause it just fought with my computer for about 10 hours I had to pull the graphics card out because for some reason it just PFT DEAD. and I didn't know what happened and I got super super worried about it but, seems to be working now I suppose *giggles* So that's good *buzzing sound* HI. OK. Alright then. You don't need to do that. To me. For me to me. I keep wondering if the next step is gonna cause my computer to crash again. It's getting a little old but I don't want to put her to rest just yet and I don't want this to be the game to DO IT! *sigh* alright then. Probably just take a breather here because... oooh MAN Something strange seems to be going on in the neighborHOOD. Maybe I should call the Ghostbusters. Ah yes, my favorite channel. The "Blinding White Sea Of Regret". Oh my god what is happening up there? Ok, so if I'm not mistaken, I must be in a computer simulation and, uh, even though I'm ALONE IN MY OWN HOME I- I- I'm not gonna be WEIRD I'm just gonna shout out for anybody to be there... HELLOOOO! *scary sounds* I DID NOT EXPECT A RESPOOONSE!! Ok i'm gonna ignore that for a moment Ya know, and maybe you could take some of these Take them with you down to the hell hole that you came from crawl back in there. *kiss* *kiss* fuck yourself Ok.. Alright then... Why is everything untextured? Everything is just pure white everywhere you look. Oh god... Alright, fine then I'm brave I can face whatever that is Probably Wolverine scratching up my door Hellooo? Knock like a normal person if you're not gonna KILL ME *door slam* Hi. Ok. Alright then. Hellooo? You having some trouble in- "Do you feel alone out there?" Wait are you talking to me or am I talking to you? okaaaay alright then I'm just gonna... gooo on my way. Is anybody ELSE out there? *clanking sound* I gotta stop yelling at my things Hello Hi how you doin'? oh ok yeah... *clanking continues* *sound of sink filling* oh GOOD The blood I ordered arrived. I was wondering when that was gonna- fill the- Is it gonna flood my house? Oh good oh thank you Good thing this key floats on BLOOD I'll just take that I'm not even gonna wipe it off put that right in my pocket mmm YEAH That's why I ordered it What a convenient delivery... I'm gonna chance it one more time IS ANYBODY - ELSE - OUT THERE THAT WANTS TO KILL ME? Huh For the first time, we have silence! Ok so I got a key I don't think there was a door up here but... so can I - oh.. *door creaks* heeeey *scary sounds coming from the door* UGH I did not like opening that DOOR... That door was too SQUANKY for me *sound of something falling* Can you just- Can you just calm your damn tits! I've had a rough time here Ah That's ominous... Ok... Why did I come in here? Why? Why did I need to unlock this and go in the goddamn bathroom? I have no reflection. FUCK. Alright then... You want a piece of me? Huh? Anybody out there want a piece of me? *footsteps* I can see something through the gap. looks like some kind of railing or something.. Maybe more of my own house that I seem to be trapped inside of *footsteps* Ok, so there maybe have been... something in here that I needed... I can't see a THING! It's too DARK in here! Somebody turn on a LIGHT! I'm gonna go back upstairs. Better not be any "scares" waiting for me *door slams behind him* AAAAAAAAAAAH FUCK YOU ... *echoing footsteps* HI "You won't be for long" What? Alone? Or alive? Or slightly moist from the blood from that key? Which IS IT? *garbled sounds* AAAAHHHH FUCKING FUCK YOU! THAT'S NOT MY DESKTOP THAT'S NOT MY DESKTOP AT ALL!! I THINK I WOULD KNOW THAT! HUH. *exhales* Fuck. This is a puzzling piece of art.. Oka- oh hey Ok Alright then OOOOH are we just gonna be looping through this again and again and again? Is that how we're gonna be doing it? Oh I see how you play. Ok Alright then... I think I know why this game might have crashed my computer at some point ba doop oh let's GO *door starts to creak* OOOOOOOOOON an adventure... yeesh yoosh Ok so What do I need to worry about? Except for the exact same thing- *sudden buzzing sound* You did that before didn't ya huh? Imma RUUUN from yoOOU Oh this is open now. Well that's different. Hello? HellOOOOO OOO fuck Oh I thought I saw something in there. Maybe I do! Ugh Do I? God I thought I saw something moving in there.. Oh I don't like that! I don't know if I saw something or not But e- either way it scared me Ok... AAAAAH, GOOD OH they gave me extra! ooooooooohh.. Ok then... Well that's nice. At least it brings some color into my life. Can I open this? No? Alright then. *starts singing* doo doo DO LA DA DE DE DE Don't know- *singing is interrupted by loud clanking* Fucking OK all RIGHT then Can you just calm your TITS there? I need to collect myself before my heart EXPLODES! *door slams shut* FUCK OFF. this porch doesn't have the way out..? Huh. Also- Oh Hi Ok Hello Alright Ok alright I'm okay with this how you doing Hey neighbor! How's it going? "Do you feel safe?" Ah you know... Feel all right.. feel pretty good.. I can see behind the screen Ok What's behind the screen? "It's the border keeping me from being free." Ooooooooh you're a you're a darkiplier wannabe ain'tcha "Not for long." Are you Anti-Septiceye? i don't know what you are BUT YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE! YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE *clanking sound* Oooook I don't know what's happening Oooooooh. I was here the whole time, I didn't go away Alrighty then. Just gonna go back in my home, that I LOVE and don't want to get murdered in. Am I gonna get murdered in it? In the exact same place as before? OH, I don't want it. Ain't ready for it. I'm a BRAVE BOY. OH what the fuck is that? What's at the end of the HALLWAY- oh this don't look RIGHT. I don't remember this ROOM. Ok... "Press Left Mouse to use camera" Wow, ok, oowww... Huh boochi Mmmhmm I like that Huh POOF anybody else wants a piece of this? SHAMWOW Anybody else want a piece of THIS SHAMWOW arrrr ARGENTINA!...ok alright ok alright okay, alright, okay. SLAPCHOP SLAPCHOP! nobody? nobody okay alright thats cool Ok, alright then. That's cool, that's alright. oxyclean, buy one get one half off, okay anyways OXYCLEAN Buy one get one HALF OFF! okay anyway FLASH FLASH *singsongy voice* AAAaa ah okay I didn't see anything in there whoa blows Ok I didn't see anything in there. OOooh "Close out" okay all right out okay all right AYE Fucking Fucking Fuck-ing OKAY aye fucking fucking fucking alright *Loud Repeating Noises* but we tried that level apparently Ima retry that level apparently that's what I'm gonna do- every game death is another way of his escape or something like that pop up you know I could just exit out of the game but you guys want me to keep going! guys want me to keep going *mumbles* 'K, so this is the way, and there is that... okay so the idea is I think anyway there's nothing Mmkay, so... the idea is, I think anyway, there's nothing really else Krillin III don't know if this for certain but it seems like the whole concept is- he's just gonna keep on trying to get me to die because it said that every game death is another step closer for him to get free so if I get in here- "Close out-" maybe if I just- OH ooooh, I hit escape, oh, hi. Oooh tonight is the night- "Come find me-" I don't know if I wanna do that, I 'd rather stay home, eat some Cheez-Itz- That's- that's my ideal... night in I love that screaming you've done with the place. That's real good decorum- oh ok I'm here all right. Ah, oh, good I have my camera. Hello? Anybody want a portrait taken of them? K, and click it- oh, there we go, it's got a long cooldown on this one Shabooski- okay, alright then. *singsongy voice* Sheeda leep deep a deep a deep- BOW okay all right. Ahhhhh da beep FREEP- okay. Augh. Aw, man did you combine a siren into a migraine inducing- OOH hi there... I'm kind of worried about that... not gonna lie that's a little... that's a little concerning... What do you, uh... whatcha doin' there... Fido- Chica? Chica, are you okay? Chica, what happened to you? Chica? Chica... You know what- I'm not gonna antagonize that thing because I'm pretty sure that's probably death. Alright, you know what, I'm gonna go- I'm gonna go the other way because it was a hallway okay i got a couch in the way oh alright this looks promising i think is good yeah okay that's a thing is this the corner the thing is around there's no idea then okay all right I guess I'm fine okay here we go then I guess I don't know I don't like it habooski ok poof poof ok atleast I got some semblance of safety in the form of a toilet even though thats how I died last time imma go this way by my bed because that's where I feel safe okay I got another light he's gonna guide me oh good it's the teeth all right don't kill you I'll come a long way I don't have to go through all this again against funny feeling I'm gonna have to do that if I die okay I guess is your left what was that ooh that looks like that looks promising the screams are fading my skin is clearing up my acne is gone my spina bifida is cured oh wait nevermind it's all ab- crumbling back I'm a horrible monster fucking fuck you fuck you fuck you it didn't you're a liar you're liar oh good boot options mono Windows 10 I want to get out I want to get out oh ok I wonder which one i should boot gonna boot mono that what i'd li- what is that I don't I don't know I don't know I don't know oh I'm oh oh it's like a fnaf mini game oh it's so cute that's nice it's so cute it doing it by itself I can't tell no I didn't do that one it's doing it by itself okay that's weird all right don't know that's all about but I'm going to accept this as reality what happened I can't go backwards okay well is this is weird can't get out of it it's gonna get the high score i guess ok oh don't think i can jump that one....ow my butt I want to get out I want to get out I wanna get out oh yeah big bubble blowing baby whiner why don't you get over and get out yourself why you need to use me god damn it's the same place as before all right let's see what the different whoa ok wow that was fast I was not prepared for that oh I still have this ok alright then alright anything different in here no alright step by step huh alrighty then step by step what is our whoo alrighty then step by step indeed on mate partners Oh Ta--ah you're not gonna scare me again why not gonna see you again but you're not gonna scare me again I just want you to know that okay ah well then quickly take a picture of the other blood thing probably probably I made my mistakes I don't know if that did anything step by step I made my escape okay hi you gonna ask me if I feel safe again the answer is still gonna be yes oh hey okay that's new oh when did I get this addition onto my house mmm smell the spring weather oh goody goody goody goody ok here goes get skedaddling I'm on the street now Oh the storms picked up a bit but I got too much radio interference in my eye you chose me did I I don't know kind of like a lost puppy situation to me you entered back in and sacrifice for bit of yourself sure yeah okay you will be rewarded whoa oh boy i'm sure this could be good someday oh okay i'm impatient guy, I can wait I guess... Alright I'm walking down street not doing a whole lot okay all right no lost puppy no no no I don't want any oh hey come on now okay what? Did I do something wrong? what did I fail that challENGE? I don't know what I did? I kind olayed him oh there's more oh there's more oh boy hey police officers did you know that the universe is eNDIng? maybe you should do something about that or maybe it's all up to me for some bizarre reason really and that was a bit rude no need for that I was already going in I'm gonna shut the door oh thank you good thing that the thing the police officers leave the keys to all of the secure lock ups in their building right on the front desk you know just in case anybody needs them, alrighty then I don't know that did I heard a click ehh this is baad, fuck you fine I'll take it give me the key goddamn it fuck you and thank you anymore lockers gonna fall down on me huh, alright than good what do we got here hello is this where I'm staying? You let me out. Did I? I didn't know you were in that one "You shall be rewarded with the front doors" Oh Good oh why did I come in here then is this like a metaphorical letting out of a cave thing I'm waiting for my eternal reward Jafar is that you JafAR! JAFAR don't do it! JAFAR NO! Jafar! Hang on I'm gonna lock myself in the cage and you can't Oh! I can't run no more! Don't do it I'm almost therrree! Augh Fuck I knew it, I knew that's what I had to do I knew what I had to do knew it I knew it god it's the running system is really Borked got all my sprintingness ohhhh It does loook bad *in sing songy voice* Oh come on! Come on! oh fucking come on yes yeah eat a dick Eat, eat this dick. Hello? Did I do it" I took a selfie of my own victory there in the middle of this jail cell look how great I am I escaped into a cell *Mark saying something extremely quietly* Alright ah Fucking *high pitched screams* I didn't know you were coming this way. I don't know I'm doing a let's play "Did I not warn you?" I don't know who I am talking to here who are you? My name is markiplier how you doing nice to meet you "It's me the developer" oh cool let me guess you're trapped in here because your own creation uh got smarter than you ever thought it could be and then escaped and then caused a horrible monstrosity "Get out while you still can" okay all right then trying to been trying real hard real hard man "Oh no it's here I don't have much tuh-" blood splatter oh that that's nice I'll have to put a seizure warning on this 'cause whoo all right for your own benefit I'm a look at the ground 'cause that's that's a lot of things going on there alrighty then do I gotta go back in there? well what am I gonna do when I go back? I'm not gonna be able to do anything i'm just gonna fall over and die I can't fight this thing I've got no whip ehhh. okay all right then carry on have a nice day apparently alrighty then so is there something new going on in here that I need to know about oh gee thank you this is open that's nice but these are all closed except for this and this. hello? oh uh hey I need that well that's gone okay never mind then. why I this never I don't know what to do about--- holy fucking holy hell hi can I help you I don't want any okay alright I'm gonna jump off into the abyss here wee oh oh okay you tell me that was the correct answer oh yeah how did you get here I don't know man I don't know it's me again good developer yeah I suspected as much seems like you're the only way to get rid of this thing is to kill it oh just like most things "let's get you out of here first though okay there are three big buttons in the maze ahead pressing all three will reset your computer and allow us to progress but we beware it is also in there" okay all right game on then I guess god dammit it ends with a maze what kind of douchery is this there's a big button pressed it nailed that one let me give a high five for myself good job markiplier keep going get the other ones ignore the laser flight going on in the sky above anyone else see a big button out there anybody have oh I see another big button mm-hmm that's a good one that's nice good job markiplier oh shit I am fucked fucking goddamn it but what are you supposed to do about that ah titties this is legitimately my top speed at the moment trying to go faster but it's not working it's not working last button baby ah come on, c'mon! I did it my gosh you're oh I did it!" Is that it?" It better be! mmm I did it, I'm the best! "Did we do it?" I don't know you're the developer you tell me I ain't got a clue I'm just trying my best here man just trying to live day by day day by day "No, no it isn't..." of course not why would it be? check back in the full game" with what check back in the full what are you talking about "please consider rating on" Oh are you being serious or is this mono trying to get out of there because he's trying to get you guys to spread the game is that how that is working I see through your ruse here oh I see what you're doing oh that's what it meant by extended demo well holy shit that was just a demo wow that's a pretty impressive demo when it usually comes to demos in indie horror games it's like a 10 minute 15 minute if that adventure that was like a full-sized in the organ and pretty good too with good animations good scares a lot of good things going on here so heck yeah I'm gonna vote for that on Steam greenlight but bit of a dickish place to end it for me after all the things i did but either way still good so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought of this down in the comments below this is pretty good it got me a quite a few times so let me know if it got you too thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye! *Dubstep ish electronic music plays in the background*
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,887,449
Rating: 4.9540629 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, mono, exe, file, exe game, mono.exe, scary, horror, creepy, creepypasta
Id: n3RYa_rUQbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2017
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