$68,400.00 PAID 38 YEARS $50k in ART FOUND Scientology Gun ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT

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I think we have the beginnings of the science out we gotta call Tom Cruise no that's that's we need that's a good man that's the gentleman gardener was reappointed this is what good stuff is oh they in general they say we might have more art come on be from grandpa Albert Albert blocks gonna be my grandpa now so exciting this is the money shot right here Michael ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates of all ages we are about to go through more these boxes from its $1,300 potential goldmine you're gonna want to see what we find by the end of this video it's crazy the amount of a priceless potential priceless artwork we found we're going right to it guys we hope y'all caught the other video since you're having there's a playlist that will be on there $3,800 stores in it American goods return that's kinda weird yeah looks like they do it's come from Sweden but this could be something great very expensive maybe you want to open it no I just was case what it says bureaus Lord anything there's some type of if it's weird because what programs were they running in 1982 yeah we're going to have this looked at him okay open with care this in the boxes stood open pretty minor bikes this box is stood open for five years pin shot company no that's the UH that's the Scientology stuff but it doesn't mean there's not something in there that's collectible see how everything each individual thing is wrapped up let's see if some one of those yellow ones one of these books could be one of them could be another piece of artwork by Albert block Hubbard community you know what what if he worked for him exactly that could keep your name this could be important stuff I'm gonna have to have somebody look at this for us I know a guy who knows what about paper this could be original stuff from when they started all this right there this could be the prototypes yeah that's what else in here is it all just that stuff yeah I want to sit this one oh it's any insight oh there's towels in records yeah who's this nice kind of music did he like what's-his-name Bob Dylan uh-huh yeah I don't know that by looking at see my not just get a lot of good knowledge here I mean how many years you've been buying storage is not you only five yes what's your best find in a storage unit it's not what I think it is no okay let's say your second best fine gold watch where is enough mhm hey this Oh but Oh Bob Dylan right here that's the Rolling Stones yes where's your grand you design cars you say your best storage mine that's the Torino yeah where'd you get a 69 71 seven Bob Dylan Raven I remember when I told Rick to bid on that he said it wasn't very valuable you say you want to split it with me in that chop I say no I'm gonna buy it on my own okay you're gonna have to $500,000 for don't tell you that Rick Rick did I don't ever saying that just bound sound I boxes open for five years and we got nothing like it look honcho mm-hmm Julie yeah all right okay these books could be something we have to do some looking in all those we're just going to it one at a time ladies and gentlemen this box was airmailed from sweden everything i think that he shipped us on pallets he was leaving an impudent then it's kind of looks for mom now I mean it's like it's weird cuz it looks like it's gonna be cold and it's just we're paperwork and he kept but see why would somebody keep all this in this stores you know for twenty years infinite vistas big picture division let's look inside them we're gonna need some help on this maybe if anybody out there who's watching us understands what we are looking at now you can comment below we would love to know something about any of this this is what's a safe hello this brings ok openings yeah it's something it's like it's like specs to things it's like something they were starting or like the beginning of a book or I don't know they were into something they're gonna hit this is this is like racing this stuff old school yeah and what's this one a lovely lesson dear W they were doing like pen pal and stuff they're writing to each other you know to be honest not shall know I'm hoping for another coins but I think we did so good on those painting just I just have a feeling that yeah yeah record books I think is a recommend topic to be this is like a movie movie please be the lost Eagle song please be the lost beetle song come on killing me wanna be careful with the Thomas trivia the business is the Holy Grail source progress bottles b-59 sweeter program programs copying compare source programs I don't know there's guys who collect this I'm telling you this is the the master cassette for he was willing to uh motorcycles yeah that's the motor site we got a lot of those parts anybody else is looking for all your vintage original Norton parts we got you on that to be some queasy some exciting now I'm exciting um I can't think the pain is out of my hand I know math you ain't calling me that oh the suitcase million dollars come on a million would fit in there wouldn't it thousand okay he wants a hundred thousand I want a million so I get nine he gets worse under here was this was his briefcase for work probably huh what part kitty was he see Mackay was doing he is very meticulous let's seize his fame with power when he went to the beach they are very wise if you're you watching these thank you for the show but now it's our turn shout out to Barry says I'm on it you know what it is what's your guess I never see it I'm gonna guess telescope telescope you know microscope what do you guess no sir hey that's what the cables went to mm-hmm Walter black there's a little thing on the side Hubbard some sort of a hopper it's for the Scientology stuff hmm you see that yeah so that's the stuff do somethings they were in I think we have the beginnings of the science out we got a call Tom Cruise not the Tom Cruise you know but the Tom Cruise the movie star because he's behind on us that he might want to buy all this yes the whole kit for it probably fifty-five that must be the blanket he sets it on and then he does like reading so I don't know how what they call Scott coming but this guy's don't watch but Uncle Michael does no pull enough for the bike he liked his wine was this thing dedicated to Walter's 40th anniversary as Peter and Georgia mr. burns I want to see the ends I don't think it's it's it's good handmade but you anna has the strings at the end that's not Native American he with the most money wins I say and the most of what he called them huevos I'm pretty good I have the most huevos I can promise that it says it sounds like money well that sounds like it sounds like a bunch of money a GU in mm-hmm no what is it what is that you let me know my train it's a train what the thing ah that's a VE manual baby there's a nice one uh-huh I forgive you sure it's baby yes let's see it lets show their way that's a nice that's a nice one no that's what we need that's a good man that's the gentleman over which we point it oh it sure is real well you keep showing me yeah but that's okay it's in my name that's fine it's a real gentleman Tony - what's that worth it's a BB gun caliber 45 putting a half-dozen Eevee I don't know look at the if you look at the barrel that's not you know hmm yeah see well no as this made us a little more exciting 3838 purchasing thumbs kiss me I'm aka this is a hippie some people his hippie errors I have this is all good I think that's gonna be good yeah this is all good its business stuff no this is a good one it's a projector come on its own I'm going on this is good stuff is let's see science is all the same stuff right here uh-huh this is mass how thick it is what year is that paper in this paper in there's a different year than our first one yeah this is like 73 new is Mogu your mother it was so old the bullets were in first place person was that person hit ya around no we see some gold medal what is it Sam potassium yeah this is all science imagine if you would find one of us a gourd powder yeah this is this is everything for a science beakers this is Alameda stuff yes this is Alameda Oh ladies yeah this times a hundred the heat pyro soft water sitting next to me goes no se que parece Peru Brazil royal pour pour so bendy said it's like a James Bond tarragon oh yeah oh they examine those like we might have more art come on be from grandpa Albert Albert blocks is gonna be my grandpa now I get excited like as a safe puffy Tupperware but this is the fix-it French one this is special design yeah the plate is number you see the cake right there there's a special hey that loss system in West Oh Michael pinky may be focused on La Nina if I tell you I'll be loving so Villa post-keynesian are you giving a shout-out to your brother cuz he watches all my videos yeah that out to his brother for watching all my videos yeah I think I have a friend down in LA area he sells a lot of this stuff I'm gonna send it to him because he knows about original business wall to block a deprogramming auto tank all bomani burrows large miss this is impossible important step I'm intrigued to see in here I'm intrigued to see in those boxes that are under the wrapper that good I feel like once this one hasn't even been gone through yet no no ho man this is so exciting so exciting and I just can't hide I'm about to lose my mind and I think I like it oh my god more books or didn't work the science book huh a box in a box a box in a box it's heavy box looks like paper it's a fire box be a hundred thousand dollars I've never found a hundred thousand dollars in a storage unit and you need it it's a suitcase manuals lovely this is the money shot right here Michael come on please the jury please more paper more paper to be rare I think we need any good on this Carlos so the numbers up in the air only as much people can read it oh these are the numbers that the cloud Wow we've done the cloud division I've been itchy I see there's a little bio box oh yes baby address cards no notebooks business gosh my sweaty will find the keys for the motorcycle the license please yeah cuz that's like that's a little bit of money right yeah 1969 buddy uh-huh This Is England I think 40 good order again yeah that's still probably 40 50 bucks yeah a nice one huh he's come on hundred thousand dollars has just been sitting in this unit forever we got some cool books and literature this is crazy something so that's that's gonna be bad and now it's drawing paper so could it be more of his grandpa's art yes I'm looking for all that miscellaneous file those could be missing files gotta go through every one of these a hundred thousand dollars isn't fitting in envelope let's see honestly I want to look at every one of these because they could be something important it could be like stuff directly to cover and passports yeah Mon war oh my god he went the high water mmm well there's a beauty guy hahaha wasn't that Harvard no what's it maybe come on money money Pacquiao oh this is a good thing this is a for that rock and roll era check that chick million a year we need this make sure we don't miss this even better oh he wasn't look mm-hmm that might be something good in there that might be something good but if you look right here he was at Yale University see that mm-hmm let's look in these stuff let's look in this couple these things I want to know what's in those envelopes maybe the Fairmont Hotel no just savings savings how much money do you have in the bank not bad to have that type of money back then interesting where's the rest where's your money at Walter Walter seem like the type it kept it all in the bank possibly we got a fine-tooth comb every one of these things that scam was his girlfriend what up Walter he looks like a scientist type guy yeah I like this one cuz look it says Yale University yeah American Express just original receipts we find maybe somebody liked some of the stuff to the receipts instead people clip older all the box university of pennsylvania singing hate stuff missus stocks okay it's a very methodical man 1966 m every man's income tax okay taxes alright this was another great there's a lot of amazing finds I have no idea what any of this is that busy obviously worked for Hubbard possibly did some Scientology stuff some artwork the papers the intricity of everything is just overwhelming thanks for watching there'll be a few more in this video much love
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 24,397
Rating: 4.803371 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, abandoned storage, watch storage wars, found money, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage units, storage auction finds, abandoned storage unit auctions, auctions, asmr
Id: yvZogVUy8Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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