MONDAY MORNING SECRET 2021 | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon

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a few scriptures let's run through a few scriptures we're studying the bible now romans chapter 8 please help us media from verse 16. romans 8 16 to 18 tells us clearly that the spirit itself bears witness with our spirits that we are the children of god you see that now it says and if children then ask heirs of god and joint heirs with christ so the bible tells us that we are heirs of god and even joined heirs with christ second peter chapter one popular scripture when we read from verse three and four the bible says that we have been made um according as his divine power have given us unto us all things that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us into glory and virtue verse four says whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious promises that by these he might be partakers of his divine nature were called partakers of his divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust second corinthians 5 and verse 17 tells us it says therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creation all things are passed away behold all things have become new galatians 4 and verse 7 be patient as i run through these scriptures establishing our identification believers are classified according to identification it says wherefore thou art no more a servant but a son and if a son than an heir of god even through christ ii corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 calls us the righteousness of god in christ it says for he had made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in christ ephesians chapter two the most probably the most classic rendition from verse one of our a fourth theological exegesis of our oneness with christ and you have he quickened the bible says who were dead in trespasses and sins were reading to verse six wherein in time past he walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now walketh in the children of disobedience among whom also we had a conversation in times past in the lust of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and whereby nature children of wrath even as others hallelujah verse 4 it says but god who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins pay attention had quickened us together with christ for by grace are you say verse six it says and had raised us up say amen together and made us to sit in heavenly places in christ now please listen these are the fundamentals of our curriculum for growth and maturity you have to know who you are in christ and that this classification is based on our identification are we together now a number of other scriptures but these ones have have given us sufficient to show us from different angles how that we have been joined to christ but then the second classification is based on our function and assignment so the first classification is based on our identification but the second classification is based on our function and our assignment a few scriptures ephesians chapter 2 and verse 10 now you see what we are called now the description begins to change according to functions for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god had before ordained that we should walk in them so we are not only joint heirs we are not only sons of god we are his workmanship matthew chapter 14 matthew chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 jesus is teaching now ye are the light of the world here's another name we are called according to function we are light a city he says that is set on a hill that cannot be hid next verse neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it give it likes to all that are in the house last verse it says let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven when you begin to read from versatility tells us you are the salt of the earth he says that if the salt has lost his saltiness or his savor where we shall it be salted again is no good except to be thrown on a foot and trampled by men so he calls us light he calls us salt john 15 and verse 16 john 15 and verse 16. it says ye have not chosen me but i have chosen you and ordained you this is no strange word to us here to ordain means to commission to authorize to legitimize that he should go forth and bring forth fruits he calls us fruit bearers and that your fruit should remain our classification according to functions second corinthians chapter 5 and verse 20 second corinthians chapter 5 and verse 20. the bible says now then we are ambassadors hallelujah so you're not only a son or a daughter you're not only joint heir he says we are ambassadors representatives for christ revelations chapter 5 and verse 10 and has made us unto our god kings and priests and we shall reign so here the bible calls believers kings calls believers priests last scripture first peter chapter 2 and verse 9 very classic rendition it says but ye are a chosen generation now look the names now a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation a peculiar people the bible says mandated to show forth the praises of him who had called us out of darkness and into his marvelous light so the bible calls believers different names according to identification our oneness with christ and according to our functions according to first john chapter 1 the gospel of john john chapter one from verse six the bible uses a very interesting expression that would find being used consistent in scripture right to revelation it says there was a man sent from god his name was john the bible never says here interestingly that that man was a baptist scripture does not even recognize him as a baptist the bible does not even say he was a prophet the first description given according to john's synoptic account of this man who we later would call the baptist would later call a prophet was a witness the same john came for a witness his assignment to bear witness to the light that through his witness all men might believe here was john's assignment john did not come to prophesy john did not come to use water he came for a witness acts chapter 1 and verse 8 we're discussing being a witness now jesus this was jesus after his resurrection the bible says he carried with them again for a period of 40 days teaching them the matters or the things that pertain on to the kingdom and here he was having his final words with them so that he would levitate to heaven and he was talking about the restoration of the nation of israel and they ask him a question they say would you at this time restore the nation of israel he said it is not for you to know the times and the seasons that the father has put within his care verse 8 but you shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and to the end that ye shall be now he uses the same term for john for the church [Music] jesus calls us witnesses unto me then he begins to define the geography of witness both in jerusalem and in judea and in samaria and onto the uttermost part of the earth revelations chapter 1 from verse 1 the revelation of jesus christ which god gave unto him to show unto his servant things which must surely come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel unto john we're reading to say five or six the key versus verse five but let's read on who bear record of the word of god listen carefully and the testimony of jesus christ and of all things that he saw verse 3 blessed is he that read it and that hear the words of this prophecy say i am blessed and keep those things which are written dearing for the time is at hand verse 4 it says john unto the seven churches which are in asia grace be unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne verse five read with me please if you are a christian ready one to read and from jesus christ who is the hold on jesus here is called himself a faithful witness a witness that was faithful to the latter jesus himself is called witness there are not many times when the bible uses the same description for jesus for believers for instance god is light believers are also called light are we together yes now here jesus is called the faithful witness the same way he called us validating the fact that he said as he is so are we in this life a witness we are witnesses now write this down please who is a witness what does it mean to be a witness please pay attention remember that every time we converge and we gather the primary assignment of a true shepherd is to mentor to teach to train to raise to build to supply the spiritual meal of knowledge and understanding hallelujah a witness very interesting dictionary definition is one who has knowledge about a matter one who sees an event happening is called a witness if you get this description it should trouble you immediately [Music] a witness is one who has knowledge about a matter a dictionary definition one who sees an event happening so how in the world do we qualify to be witnesses when physically speaking we were not there more than two thousand years ago jesus came he died and now we are proposing an idea and according to the dictionary definition it says a witness is one who should have been there to have seen that event [Music] this is my definition of a witness a witness is a validator of a claim a witness is a validator of a claim [Music] another definition a witness is one who provides testimonial evidence of what he or she claims to know a witness is one who provides testimonial evidence this is a legal expression one who provides testimonial evidence of what he or she claims to know is a witness so a witness is a validator of a claim usually in legal terms now a witness is not needed until there is a contention of a claim is that true you do not need a witness in the court of law we have judges here and magistrates bless your heart and when you go to the court of law you do not need a witness until and accept and unless there is a contention over a claim then you introduce a witness watch this now a witness is a validator of a claim so if jesus said the spirit of god comes upon you you shall be witnesses that means that we are mandated to be validators of certain claims that he made for instance he said he was the son of god for instance he said god is love for instance he said it is not the father's will that all men should perish there are many many claims that jesus made god made from scripture jesus came as the express image of the father and he buttressed on those claims and jesus left the disciples with a warning and a caution that there are men and there are forces on earth that will spend their life investing their moment their days their intelligence to devalidate those claims and he said there are many scattered across your region from jerusalem he said to samaria to judea to the uttermost part of the earth i am mandating you to spread yourselves across the length and breadth of this side of my kingdom with a singular assignment to prove that everything i said is not a lie witnesses are we together so a witness has an assignment of validating claims the reason why we need to teach this is because the average believer does not really understand the responsibility dimension of being in the faith life largely speaking our theology ends just in an appreciation of what jesus did on the cross and then the fact that there are all kinds of blessings accorded us by reason of his death burial and resurrection and that is correct but there are responsibilities in this kingdom and the primary responsibility of a believer is not to be a businessman listen carefully it's not to be a man of god it's not to be a pilot an engineer many times we define ourselves by the geography of the witness not the revelation of the witness we're going to be discussing that most of the things we call ourselves i am an apostle i am a prophet i am a banker a ceo i'm a judge i'm a politician those are not the things and the people that we are those are just the geography of the witness regardless the geography the assignment is the same step into that system and you have an assignment to not rest until that system comes under the governing influence until the claims of jesus is received and institutionalized within that sphere you are not done are we together yes sir witnesses everybody say i'm a witness here's the average believer's understanding about the faith life if you're born again and you're fortunate to be led and mentored by a pastor that has sufficient spiritual understanding as far as scripture and doctrine is concerned then you are taught and mentored along the lines of your right in christ and so on and so forth and when you know that then we get busy with our lives isolating them from our faith life so this is church and this is god's thing are we together now so from monday down till saturday or whatever non-church day we believe that god stay out of my business i'm trying to build a career i'm trying to raise children i'm trying to get married i'm trying to have children i'm trying to have a business i'm trying to make money i'm trying to survive in nigeria we say and so we have created a dichotomy that when it has to do with the things of god we do it when we come to church we sing praises we fall under the anointing we stand up we learn we share fellowship and then we go back to what we call our normal lives the bible never teaches that there is no dichotomy your primary assignment here god is not caesar don't say give to caesar what belongs to caesar god is the owner of everything if you give to caesar give to caesar but god is not caesar he's either he's lord of everything or he's lord of nothing at all so there is no such thing as church and then my life no your life is interwoven into one singular assignment you are a witness sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday witness on jeans a witness on suit witness are we together now pay attention please if you do not understand this and you create a dichotomy to your christian experience you will number one give the devil room to shred the other non-church parts of your life in pieces he will occupy you and waste your time so you find people say oh god hold on i'm trying to make ends meet and god says who created this dichotomy you go and read your bible there was no such thing as god's affair and our affair all the people who had alternatives were idol worshipers and they paid for it or backsliding believers when the jews fell apart and they left god they went back to their own thing read the bible there's only one subject one pursuit kingdom that was why they had children kingdom that was why they married kingdom that was why they lived well kingdom that was why god showed up kingdom that was why they prospered kingdom that was why they multiplied kingdom now we have kingdom and other things the other things god took time to warn us about is the reason why we don't have time the time 24 hours was calculated to be enough if your focus is kingdom the moment you add something outside of god's original design time will never be enough please pay attention he calls us witnesses so here's what we do we believe the only spiritual time and moment in our life is when we are having a devotional in the morning or when we are praying or when we are fasting the moment we say in jesus name and say amen what we mean is god i've given you your quarter allow me do whatever i want to do if there's any need for emergency you just hang on i will call on you to help in my affair and now he's watching [Applause] no wonder many people live lives that seem to have a semblance of success and then after many years of toiling and laboring we end up in frustration carry all kinds of diseases and sicknesses that come from worry we are angry we are frustrated because we think that god scammed us and used us for his agenda and did not give us a portion for our own agenda is one of the number one reason why people are afraid of giving god everything they suspect he will interrupt their agenda and he will [Music] are we blessed tonight witnesses let me tell you this according to scripture everything in a believer's life every moment every activity must synergize itself to one goal one goal one goal being a witness validating a claim revealing jesus and bringing glory to him can i tell you this your life will find such joy when everything about you is connected to being a witness connected to the revelation of jesus connected to kingdom come now when you are trying to trust god for resources and your motive is that you will be an effective witness there's no need to be ashamed of it you can now pray with boldness lord bless me and open doors for me to be a millionaire and a billionaire do you know why because you can defend that desire if they ask you why do you like money say no no no don't mistake me it is not a blind pursuit for money i have found out that the nature of my weakness requires that there should be sufficient resources and so like a faithful person in pursuit of being an effective witness my first assignment based on the job description is to be a billionaire now you can stand tall and you are not just a money monger because your pursuit is connected to kingdom come are we together now there are people who the geography of your witness for instance requires that you are in government if we ask you why are you pushing the issue of politics why does it look like a do or die affair if you tell us look all my life i just sense i'm a politician that may be a sufficient sociological reason from from the kingdom standpoint there is no justification for that pursuit let me tell you this the condition to secure god's commitment is that behind the desire for your activity there must be a revelation and a motivation that i am a witness as a man of god why do you want a crowd of so many people i think is so that i can be that i'm anointed no god does not do business that way a witness a validator you see let me tell you these brothers and sisters people of god the reason why it looks like god does not answer many prayers is because he vets the motivation behind them not just what you are asking for or seeking for remember it does not take god time to bless to lift to change it is the corruption of our motive that makes it seem as if his ears are defined to our prayers so when you say god give me something he does not just say okay i died for you take he's not a stupid god just because he is love does not mean he's a fool he moves at the backside of your desire and vets and checks the motivation and he finds out that there is such a blind carnal desire to prove a point to do all sorts of things and he says no the urgency of my assignment and the desire for weakness will not allow me to invest in this corrupted motif your first assignment therefore would be to purify your motif to align it to kingdom come is god helping us you know why jesus was called the faithful witness the faithfulness part there was because when he came even though he was the world he had no business pursuing any agenda of his from day one at age 12 when his colleagues were jumping around and trying to understand how their environment was jesus was about his father's business that's what made him a faithful witness at the height of his fame when many of us would not even survive the things that come with that level of honor he was careful to say i do not do the will of myself he says i only do what i see my father do what level of submission and brokenness and total surrender no wonder the father said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased you have become my thoughts and my intentions in action everybody say i am a witness a validator of a claim [Music] satan local police and his cohorts demons have created systems and structures to see to it that jesus christ and the reality of his lordship is not understood and is not enthroned in the hearts of men and across every strata of human activities they have used all kinds of strategies remember when jesus resurrected the first strategy was to use money and pay people and say just say the disciples came and carried his body is still the strategy till today satan will pay and do anything provided you will switch and change your assignment and listen if you do not understand this teaching we will keep having piles of people in the church and will lose the potency of the power of god and the ability to transform society with the gospel a witness so if there are five politicians once all of them are celebrating election and this one is saying i want pdp i want a pc i want this one and everybody is celebrating and saying all sorts of things you return back and you are not party conscious you are assignment conscious you see that now now that you are there you don't just sit down say now i've suffered my first assignment is to recover every morning that i've have the years that the cankerworm and the caterpillar has stolen no sir no sir that is a mindset that is not kingdom see when we talk about defending god's interest we are not talking about being a fanatic god's interest is not for christians alone god's interest is for all men you if you don't understand god's interest it will look like some negative tribal or partisan kind of thing no god's interest is the secret to peace is the secret to joy and development if you truly pursue god's interest all on sunday will benefit from your leadership not just for politics but for everyone you have to know the god whose interest you want to defend he is love he is light he loves all men this is the one whose interest you are defending are we blessed tonight yes i live my entire life conscious of the fact that i am a witness and if i ever will be involved in anything i have to find kingdom come in it if kingdom come is not represented i am not interested it's as simple and as honest as that can i tell you this we must get to a point in our lives where everything we do everything we do is not just that we are believers but we are passionately we are indoctrinated with this revelation that god is depending on me to validate something about him he's using me like a painter's canvas and a brush there is something the world does not know about him there is a lot of misrepresentation about god and he sends you go and correct that perception so in the business world for instance they make all kinds of statements like until you cut corners you cannot prosper and yet the bible says god can help men prosper in the dignity of kingdom integrity but that confusion remains in that space because there are no witnesses so god would have to raise man the generic name is being a witness but he will push you to the geography of your assignment more on that next week but my assignment today is to wake you up from just the consciousness of ceo the consciousness of apostle prophet the name he calls us witness i am a witness you are a witness a validator so anywhere i see the name of the lord going down the drain don't say it's none of my business my that is exactly my business it is my assignment to work in partnership with the wisdom of the spirit and devise a strategy to correct that narrative so if i hear people say god does not heal again god does not help people again aha my ears are itching because you are calling my name there if i hear that people serve god and go down there is no dignity serving god it does not pay to serve jesus there is a misrepresentation of the father's intention [Music] you must fraternize with satan for you to be a gospel artist or an artist or whatever to go far you must fraternize with powers you must bow down to spirits then your ears are itching no and god says let me use you as a as a as a sample to show men that you can rise let me tell you this you have not yet seen the power of god until you are ready to be a witness you have not yet seen the favor of god you have not yet seen his ability to shift systems and structures until you are ready to be a witness a witness has a point to prove not your point god's point [Music] let me tell you how the nature of our weakness is for a long time god will keep quiet so that the accusation will be clear [Music] do not mistaken god's silence god's silence is a strategy that every time they say no one rises in this family let's go back and serve idols and he seemed to keep quiet and you are saying god move now that's not how he walks he keeps quiet because in his realm time does not matter in one day he can't do anything your entire lifetime is less than a day so when you say god hurry up he said i don't understand that language hurry means what eternity minus five years does not mean anything to him so he keeps quiet listen carefully when is time for him to arise when he prepares a witness he will give that witness something in the court of law that is called a token of truthfulness the name is evidence when you see god silent it is because he is preparing his evidence a witness is useless in the court of law if you do not come with evidence your evidence is a token of truthfulness the bible says the end of all strife is when you bring a token of truthfulness [Music] one who provides a testimonial evidence of what he or she claims to know sit down and write this please what is an evidence and evidence is anything presented in support or defense of an assertion and evidence is anything presented in support or defense of an assertion kela katapara katuskiata and evidence is anything presented in support or defense of an assertion and evidence is a means of establishing the validity of a fact please write it down and evidence is a means of establishing the validity of a fact hebrews chapter 6 and verse 16 hebrews 6 and verse 16 for verily men swear by the greater and an oath of confirmation is to them an end of all strife this is another name for evidence it's called an oath of confirmation [Music] you stole my money do you have a witness yes go and bring the witness whoever come were you there yes did you see it yes what is your evidence that's the next question will behind a witness who does not have an evidence it takes time as security people it takes time to build an evidence so all the journey all your experience is good and bad all the painful things the things that the bible says we know that all things work together it is a journey of building the evidence to your weakness all the times of pain the times of prayer in the night that looks like god is not answering you god why are you silent he said you don't know the case you are sent to defend that's why you don't know the kind of witness i have to build two years may not build that kind of case allah you are supposed to present god to a family that has believed in idols for 150 years all moses a road will not be enough pharaoh is a wizard a road will not convince pharaoh enough you will need a road you will need signs and wonders you will need miracles of nature you will even need his firstborn please sit down [Music] [Music] god is calling you into ministry and after ten years you are saying lord release me he says stay just keep praying god what is it about my own ministry my colleagues have gone ahead don't go anywhere let me tell you he's building evidence there is a level of power and grace that will come upon your life when he shoots you like an arrow in one day you will do what has not been done in one year hold on not everything in your life that looks negative is negative is the building of the evidence [Music] hold on do you know sometimes as the people who work with cia and intelligence for them to build evidence sometimes they will have to subject themselves to be part of the problem in disguise is that true could that be why you came from the family you came from could that be why when things were working for others it didn't work for you god had to how else would they believe god lived if you did not pass through such a thing so he started follow the prophetic drama your life has been acting that you are not seeing [Music] scene one both parents go to be with the lord from your breath and you're wondering lord why is my life like this and heaven the scriptwriter my goodness the scriptwriter is writing and just when the car would have hit you when you said jesus is left and you don't know is part of the whole thing a day will come when you stand and say jesus is lord if anyone dares to say prove it [Music] you're going to ask them i hope you have time because i have an overwhelming evidence [Music] so choose which one you want to see is it the fact that he lifted me from numerically is it from the fact that he blessed me in the midst of my enemies is it of the fact that he waited for every negative prophecy to finish then he started changing it one by one in the presence of everyone is it that he took me to a foreign land and blessed me there which of the evidences do you need that is alive and heaven stands to save my goodness my god what a weakness what a witness indeed what a witness indeed [Music] as a man of god hear me do not interpret [Music] things from a carnal standpoint it takes time to build evidence the stronger the evidence the more effective the witness so jesus said the ultimate evidence that i am from god destroyed this temple after three days since death is the last enemy that can be destroyed in your realm if i say i am lord you will not believe it whoever owns the earth must be able to exit out of the earth and return himself back so take my life if i come back then we'll see and they said with all pleasure we even release an ambroga for your sake we've been planning to kill you now that you've offered yourself with jesus joy when he hung upon that cross he didn't hang for five minutes he hung long enough for history to capture he stayed there [Applause] when they were driving him to gold gutter it was painfully slow are you saying why you read the bible and sometimes it annoys you just summarize it from pontius pilate he died no it's not witness enough it's not evidence enough so he begins to give the details they slapped him and he was quiet [Music] and he said i can call ten thousand angels yet i keep quiet and then when he hung up on the cross he said eloy eloi la max about tonight take notes that the father turned his back the the new bad theology they did not come from the evidence the entire exegesis of the new creation was derived from the witness paul studied all the evidences and that's where he built the case for the new believer i have been crucified with christ he said that happened only because there was an evidence of the cross today the sign of the christian faith is that cross [Music] nobody can deny that he hung on a cross [Music] when he died watch this when he resurrected he was not in a rush to come out he insisted until there was one person to see him and when mary saw him she said rabona he said don't touch me i'm just happy you have seen it now ron quickly before you forget run and go and tell the people that you've seen me i'm alive [Music] god is not done with all the arsenals of his evidence there is the last one coming one glorious morning believers and unbelievers alike whether you believe in him or not there will be a shout of a trumpet that one does not need speaker we don't need to buy line arrays from heaven when you hear that you're banking you're schooling you're preaching oh man it happened during caledonia i dropped the mic for you and i said said johnny we've been saying repent if you are not interested [Applause] that will be the ultimate evidence no event in human history would have ever happened like that a massive disappearance of people suddenly the king of kings would say no confusion you didn't believe in me now you watch me in the moment a twinkling of an eye is only you who see it oh all those who are not born again will not even know anything has happened they will just know that the earth has divided almost into two where are the other people this will become a bestseller after the rapture because this will be the only valid compass that helps people back no other book will matter what else is there and people will have to come and check we'll leave all these bibles for them they will read it [Applause] [Music] but that is the ultimate witness but for now there are brothers there are sisters there are husbands there are wives there are nations that there are territories that have vehemently refused that jesus is lord some call him a prophet some call him a wise man some call him an intelligent character that passed through history some called him a founder of one of the four thousand religions we have he says who do men say that i am and peter said no to describe you i need the holy spirit to help me i can't do this on my own thou art christ there is a world that is waiting for the demonstration the validation of every claim of jesus he's broken that project into several assignments what you call purpose what you call your assignment is a portion of your contribution to that universal project the name thy kingdom come there is a world listen to me very carefully that is still in doubt don't you say because there are churches full of people everybody knows god on earth out of over 7.8 or so billion people only about 2.5 2.6 billion people are professing christians including backsliders including those who may not pseudo christian activities that's not a good statistic and the father is saying where are they in nigeria there are all kinds of things plaguing and troubling the name of the lord in this country and god is saying i have men i have children but i need witnesses and there are many people who have said lord i'm available and he said being available is not enough if you are going to stand before pharaoh to advocate an exodus you need more than an instruction you need an evidence pharaoh is a wizard he does not let people go just like that and when the heat starts coming he can say okay you women go but leave your men and leave your children or you will say leave your children and like the nation of israel then everybody is going but you will need an evidence the entire journey watch this the entire journey of moses visiting and revisiting egypt was to one end to convince pharaoh that he met the god of the bible the owner of the people he was oppressing and he said thousa the lord god of the hebrews let my people go and pharaoh said okay i've heard you so if you met him what did he give you as a token of truthfulness and he said well for status he gave me a rod and when he threw it down while it became a serpent pharaoh looked at him and said shame on you and the god who sent you if this is what he gave you to come and make me release 2.5 people go back and tell him that 2.5 million people would not live on so small a witness could it be that some of us are already witnesses but the nature of the evidence that we're presenting the court will not allow our families go the the level of power that you have the level of grace that you operate in is too small for the kind of result that your assignment requires therefore paul gives us a formula that grace and peace can be multiplied so that you stand to a point where you have sufficient evidence acts chapter 10 and verse 38 it says how god anointed jesus of nazareth brothers and sisters with the holy ghost look at the extent the assignment of jesus required overwhelming witness [Music] as soon as he showed up he didn't have time to go to a radio station to say i'm here evidence is all around your mother-in-law is sick madame stand up the kingdom has come to you he garnered people and he said i want to teach you on this kingdom that i have brought and they listened they listened till they were hungry and some of them started going wicked man you wasted our time three days talking nonsense he said call them back i want to feed them and the disciples say don't don't aggravate these people they will kill us here and a young lad came with five loaf and two fish he blessed it and he says you the servants alongside the audience lend the power of this kingdom that we boast of go and serve and as they went the bread began to multiply ah it's not what you have is what is on what you have [Applause] what is on what you have if five loaf and two fish can feed five thousand then it is not the loaf and the fish is what came on it that's what you must pray for to come on what is in your account that's what you must pray for to come on what is on your mind sometimes it's not more things it's more grace on what you have [Music] is god helping us tonight my dear sister god has been on a journey with you for decades and you are wondering lord what is the name of what you are doing with me i'm giving you the name tonight he's building the case for the evidence that will make you a faithful witness apostle the only thing i know is that i had a dream years ago and in that dream god said i'm going to become a great prophet to the nations and that's all he would just make me to pray for three days just when i want to eat you say pray for and fast for three more days what is he doing with me my whole family members call me the black sheep remember a case is being built the day he sends you the rod that was used there will now become the road of power the day that he sends you that scar will now become an instrument of power i know what i'm saying run away from witnesses with no scars they don't have an evidence paul said let no man trouble me pilate you want to use it be used by god in this end time is not without scars a testament of your waiting a testament of your staying [Music] apostle i believe that god has called me but for five years we've not crossed 20 people in that church i love god i'm doing all i know to do be careful what you call small and be careful what you call delay the 20 people you are leading are not your members they are your leaders you have been training for that long members have not started coming members come when leaders are trained so the 20 people you have been laughing at and saying let members come let rich people come to my church shame on your anointing if you have to wait for blessed people to come when you make blessed people by that grace it proves you are called go around disturbing blessed people as though they are the ones who call you [Music] listen the training process of a witness is a hard training some of you i'm describing it to you because you are currently in the cave of adullam right now you are saying lord what is wrong with my life i'm a beautiful woman but nobody is coming to marry me i'm a wonderful woman i have done all i know to do and yet i'm not able to have a child i i graduated and 10 years 12 years nobody has come to give me a job be patient there is an evidence that is being built don't corrupt the power of the testimony that is waiting for you to impatience [Music] hear me behind every glory there is a story the story is what makes the glory desirable if the bible just said jesus came he walked he died he resurrected even me i will not give my life to him i won't give my life to that kind of story but then when i see his passion he went through this for me there must be something special about me that's how those you are called to serve thank you when they hear what you had to go through to be a savior they say you had to go through this to be a prophet is this the price of being an apostle is this the price of being the kingdom millionaire now they will not just clap for you because you're a billionaire they'll clap for you because you're a testament of endurance you went through this so that my children will eat you went through this so that nations will be built [Music] i once prayed for a politician who was so frustrated and he told me said apostle every time i want to stop i have spend money i campaign i do my best but then things don't seem to work out sometimes even when i know that you know everything turned in my favor i'm tired of all this i've been offered all kinds of options but i've made up my mind to stand for christ and i told him i said do you think god is wasting your time joseph would your story be if you were not in the prison would we really believe that god delivers the prison is where both good and bad people meet be careful who you point in the prison because the prison is the meeting place for both good and bad people joseph is in the prison the wine presses are in the prison jesus is on the cross the thieves are on the cross there is a place where both good and bad meet that's why when you don't understand what is happening with the lives of people keep quiet and pray because they may be in the prison there to help those who are in the prison are you getting what i'm saying now why are bad things happening to this person his brother just died his sister just died he's broke he's a failure shame on him you're an embarrassment to redemption children in the faith can talk that but those who have truly passed through the school of the spirit to understand they can just pray and say look relative to your service the result you are getting is not matching god is doing something just be patient there are times that you see the actor in a movie beating you even think he's dead just when you are about to sympathize with him you see his hands moving and it gives you a ray of hope but in the end of it you see victory believe us some of you may not like what i'm teaching you but the making of a weakness is not on the dining table with tea and bread the furnace of affliction is how weaknesses are made i repeat the fullness of affliction there are prayers you can never pray away you only pray for grace to pass through it is a baptism you must drink of and it is a cup that you must drink of and be baptized with that baptism apostle i want power there is only a limiting partition can do you must dig your own well there are times when people are sleeping you are awake and god is saying the anointing i'm giving you is not for a local assembly i'm sending you to the nations you study your bible you finish it god says start again and you say god you are not fair i finished my bible five times i have not preached one sermon that preaching that is teaching you you will preach and be tired and thank god for the residue of what you have now it says eat for the journey's fire there was a time in my life i would not spend up to two weeks except during election i didn't spend up to two weeks at home because of demand traveling travelling don't rush seasons in your life you will miss the season you are trying to rush out of right now don't rush man of god stop carrying complimentary cats around invite me god called me the fact that you have to beg people to believe you is a sign that your evidence is little or zero the key to publicizing yourself is to remain in the secret place you are studying scripture you are learning the day they give you a mic to preach in one conference you will so represent the purposes of god in a way that you will never go back while joseph was in that prison i remember him just saying god found these flames you have called me to be a great man i had a dream and in that dream i saw the sun the moon and the 11 stars but how would it happen and then god said son we have walked on this gift it's time to use it two people have dreams and he interprets the dream and even when one tried to forget him god now gave the king a dream and shot the heavens over the wise men the sorceress and the the one president said i remember my wrong there is a young man can i tell you this everything today that god is using as a weapon and teaching you how to fight with i promise you you will use it tomorrow your intelligence your beauty your grace your voice your fasting none of it is a waste you listen i i don't i don't watch so much of of television but sometimes i watch a channel called food network are we together and then there's this competition that they do sometimes you almost can guess what they will ask you to cook with the kind of ingredients that you see there so i want you to look at your life and look at the kind of weapons god is giving you it should suggest where you are going to the weapon of patience the weapon of endurance come on now you are smart enough to suspect and it's safe to suspect lord why are you giving me the weapon of patience why are you giving me endurance why are you training me to walk why are you training me to pray why will i pray seven days dry and god says you just do what i'm telling you david i'm training you with a lion and a bear but that's not what will give you honor they are only school masters the person you are going to fight is not a lie on the person you are going to fight is not a bear i can't use goliath to train you so i will use what looks like goliath so you kill the lion nobody says thank you i'm teaching you self-control you kill the bear nobody says thank you you are there in the wilderness then one day can i tell you this when your season of appearing comes huh it does not look like it you will get home in the morning and walk out like a normal day not knowing that that is a day having a sign to honor and announce you the young boy went to go and give his brothers food and when he went he saw a a beast with six fingers and six toes roaring at veterans of war and yet none of them had the courage to fight and immediately he saw them he remembered i have an evidence over i have an evidence he went to meet the brothers and they say if you don't turn back i will slap you now you think we think we're feeling sheep here he said this god disguised me using sheep but it's not sheep that i've been tending to the same way god used you he used a job to bring you to abuja it's not the job the job gave you a platform to come here and hear this truth he can bless you anywhere listen god is a master of using situations to move you to prophecy you can use a discussion at the back of your car to connect you to a destiny helper listen always see the mystery behind the activities you are involved with god can use a sick patient in the hospital and force you to get to that hospital because someone in that hospital is connected to your next level is not about the hospital if joseph was not in the prison how would he meet the wine presser that's why the bible says in everything give thanks complaining is an indictment on god's integrity you are you are only seeing part of the acting give thanks because there is something he's doing [Music] god is raising mighty man in this place god is raising people of power in this place god is raising signs and wonders in this place and he won't stop he won't stop till you look just like him [Music] [Music] you may cry but he won't stop till you look just like him you may be weak but he won't stop till you look just like this please don't stop please don't stop till my life looks like you please don't stop please don't stop [Music] god is teaching us how to interpret the writings on the world it was persecution that came as a disguise and spread the apostles to different regions when you truly become secured in the love of god you interpret everything in your life with respect to his love and with respect to your assignment there must be something you are doing oh god no for my brother to just die for my son to just die there is something you are doing i may not understand but praise the lord time is the glory time is the kingdom time is the power hear me believe us we must raise people who have a spiritual understanding and how to interpret things lord why am i in this nation why was i not born in the u.s or in the uk now you know the answer there is an evidence he wants to use you as a specimen of his power that nations can be transformed to men who love jesus let me bring you a word of encouragement i sense in my spirit that many believers are currently in the cave of abdullah there are families who are wondering lord why will i be fasting and praying husband and wife and yet we don't seem to afford a meal we are not lazy we've gone to men of god for prayer we've sown seed every time you've done right and things don't seem to happen something is going on behind the scenes i assure you every time you know you are walking in obedience and truth and yet things don't change god is preparing something sometimes it may be a table he's preparing before you witness i wonder what happened to potiphar when they anointed pharaoh when they anointed joseph to become prime minister i'm sure joseph would look at potiphar and say hello whatever how are you and potiphar says oh dear and he said no no don't worry please hear me brothers and sisters god brought us tonight to teach us the ways of the kingdom that more than believers more than pastors more than business people more than mothers more than fathers he's called us to be witnesses do you know mary's whole assignment was to give birth her assignment was not to be a preacher her assignment was not your assignment on act can be done in one day do you know that yes sir [Music] your assignment can be to give back to that prophet who will spearhead the revival no wonder demons saw it and they are attacking you attacking you attacking you and when that is happening god says don't worry i'm writing something could it be all dear politicians that god reserved you for such a time as this because he reserves his best for the last there are men of god here who are saying god is it seems like you are not utilizing the grace you have put upon my life when a football club is playing a serious tournament are we together now and when they find out that the team they are about to face maybe semi finance or finance is a serious team they will do well to keep their best players behind because it can be a strategy with the opposing team to enjoy and incapacitate the key players and so for the purpose of that final match god will retreat certain people and you will see such a professional player itching but on the reserve that's what is happening to some of you god it looks like you are disgracing me you are following my hand and god says don't no wonder you are not god you are my child because you don't understand you are not thinking my thoughts i'm waiting until someone makes a statement that over his dead body for anybody to rise in this family god says now you are ready to come out i want to unleash my finest i want to unleash my brightest and the day you step your feet in that place and you say i hear there is someone who mocks the name of the lord here and the man says be careful do you know how your father died [Music] said of course i know how my father died on the cross i don't know which one you are talking about then the man knows that you are not just speaking by the flesh again [Music] ladies and gentlemen it is by this mystery that god by his mercy has brought us thus far we did not come here by luck we came here by death the price for life death the price for life [Music] two things will happen here very quickly we're going to pray and there's going to be a very serious impartation here the lord gave me an instruction listen i sense in my heart that there are some of you who are coming to the end of seasons of training listen listen it may not be everybody be sensitive i sense that there are people in fivefold there are people who your faithfulness is like there has been a marking of your script in the realm of the spirit and even you some of you from early this year you started sensing when a woman is about to give birth i'm not a woman i may never be one i will never be one in jesus name but then listen carefully from the experience of those who have given birth the last trimester of a woman and the moments even days before she gives birth they are delicate moments is that true correct me if i'm wrong but i know that most women prepare their things baby things already they are not ready for stories they move around with it because any moment [Music] sometimes it can happen by two o'clock she wakes her husband he says don't come up you better wake up wake up because a miracle is about to happen let me tell you this i'm sensing in my spirit some of you the way you have been fasting the way you have been praying the kinds of disciplines that god has been subjecting you through please hear me oh esther could it be that it is time to see a hazardous or ruth could it be that it is time to see boaz joseph could it be that you are a day left to meet your king david could it be that the time has come to see goliath anyone who falls in the day of battle is proof you were not trained well could it be that god has seemed to be delaying you because your destiny helper is about to show up the day he entered into the country you started sensing in your spirit that there is a shift you even had dreams for some of you god uses simplitude he would not tell you exactly but you saw a celebration in your dream and you woke up and said for what in one room i have used similitudes i have multiplied visions i have come tonight as a midwife because it's time to push i have come tonight prophetically as a midwife some of you have been carrying these children for decades you have been carrying the anointing the the office of a miracle walker now reynard monkey has gone to be with the lord now many of these people have gone to be with the lord for many of them there are vacuums catering commands empty sample magnesiums there are businessmen who you do not even know of who control the economy of nations mantles are falling here tonight [Music] annoying things are falling here tonight miracles are happening here tonight for the kings to arrive for revival to return for the kings to be born for revival to return yay [Music] oh many years ago somewhere in zaria i used to go and pray every night and i didn't know what god was doing just go pray like a fool come back pray like a fool was barely learning things about the anointing i didn't know that it was an apostolic call to the nations i just kept obeying blindly i will never forget one night that was the first time i was going to minister to someone it was a lady late in the night i lifted my hands for the first time to lay my hands on her and then she went under the anointing i had seen this with beneath i had seen this with papa hagin now this is happening through my life my god is it a new season then the next time i remember going for a meeting and i stood out barely lifted my hands i began to see manifestations of god's power i said what is this i've always known about the call of god but what call and how far [Music] for four years now god has been telling you empty your account and you've been emptying your account like a fool lord what are you doing with me i'm telling you i've come to midwife that prophecy now you will understand that he's teaching you because of the kind of wealth you will be holding the world that is equivalent to the economy of nations and so he does not want your heart to be inclined to it please don't think i'm just entertaining you we're going to pray and you will receive something from heaven do you know why jesus christ did not do impartation from day one you read his mentorship strategy the guys were even angry wouldn't you lay hands on us we want to shine and he said keep quiet you will shine till you don't till you die but hold on and then when he had taught them to the point that when he resurrected he didn't even have time to celebrate his victory he said yes let's go back to the class when he was done he said now you tarry in 10 days time there is one who is called the paraklet the one who is the ultimate evidence you were not there on the cross but there is one who has been sent who was there it is in partnership with him that you can tell the world he reigns [Music] today we are able to tell the nations he's alive not because we were there when he died we were able to tell nations that he can lift you were able to tell territories that when he speaks he says what he means and he means what he says because the cave of abdullah by the privilege of god's grace has cultured us and is still building us into what today the world is celebrating you may cry but don't holy seasons hear me there are many people who do not know what god is making out of your life the bible says now are we the sons of god and it does not yet appear there are some of you your assignment is not in this nation you were only trained in this nation when god is done with you he will shoot you like an arrow the west still needs the power of god they brought technology we are grateful they brought all kinds of things we are grateful but right now with the kind of spiritual decadence i tell you there are saviors that are rising from the cave of adullam and god will start shooting them to asia europe canada us because there is a harvest that must be prepared the move of god that is coming is not just a move of crusades alone we're going to be discussing next week the other part of this when we discuss the geography of your weakness there are people who when god is done with you there is no power that can stop you from winning that election the reason is because god is the one putting you there to do what he has trained you to do two prayer points are you ready prayer point number one i'm available lord make me usable lift your voice and cry please pray don't be distracted i'm yours i'm your spray i'm yours i'm yours i'm yours i'm yours my life is yours it's yours it's yours forever it's yours it's yours it's yours lord i'm yours i'm yours i'm yours forever i'm yours i'm yours i'm yours my life is your city yours it's yours forever don't be ashamed of your tears [Music] whatever you ask me whatever you ask of me i surrender for this purpose you were born for this purpose you were [Music] i raised lord i'm available whatever you ask me [Music] let it be from the depth of your heart whatever you ask of me [Music] hallelujah listen listen i truly believe with all my heart that the caliber of men and women that god is raising for the end times i truly believe the world has not seen them yet many of them are silent in the cave of adullam nobody knows them some of them are not even on tv no ushers no protocol but there is fire the refiners fire is walking some of them are even in villages they are not just in cities wearing suits at the back of that heart at the back of that tree praying and saying lord i'm available hear me i know that there are many blessed people here thanks to god there are many blessed people listening and following but can i tell you this the kind of wealth that will lift the name of jesus in this end time i assure you we've not seen it yet no no wealth that will save nations in one day not just estates not just oil and gas thank god for these things some of you god is calling you into the ministry of kingdom wealth and financing but you are receiving the training of a prophet and you are saying lord is too hard the reason is because all of us are the same thing witnesses so whether you're a pastor or a businessman god will train you together he's telling the pastor first seven days you first seven days politician first seven days and you are wondering lord is it not too harsh i'm showing you the mystery now there are men and women here that god will be committing the resources of nations i'm telling you this individuals i have seen this many times in my visions there are some of you god has called you and is the ministry of influence gatekeepers of systems and structures and as it is now you are still like hadassah do not mind how you will get to the palace leave that to the intelligence of the scriptwriter yours is to stay some of you are like mordechai your honor is there you've helped many people but you've been forgotten still remain at the gate a day will come the king will not be able to sleep allow the scriptwriter to do his work [Music] whatever you ask of me whatever you want [Music] let me teach you something that you must learn [Music] every time isaac is delayed be careful if you are not careful you will give back to what will eventually fight isaac every time the season has come close be careful the devil can position hagar and heger will give birth to something that is not the promise the ability to stay to the end is where the stamina of the believer comes from some of you are one week left in your training some of you are one month left haven't done 12 years what is one month that you cannot finish your assignment is to obtain grace to push a woman will not say i've been pushing for the last six hours i will not push again for as long as she has strength and there's something called induction where doctors can induce the woman and labor can start please listen to me the lord sent me to this city and the lord sent us and brought this convergence not for showmanship it is because seasons i tell you this write it down seasons are changing in this nation i have not made any prophetic statement over the nation or prophetic teaching since i came to this city but god will grant grace and the times will come but for now hear what i am telling you the tide is changing spiritually speaking in the body of christ the tide is changing as far as the birthing of prophecy is concerned the tide is changing can i tell you this those who refuse to position themselves you will be surprised that god gave you an assignment but you'll see someone leaving your assignment because god will not allow your carelessness you know this thing about destiny is a relay someone's life is tied to your own fulfilling your purpose and if you are delaying god and delaying other people his bishopric can be given to another just because god called you does not mean he must use you no there are conditions you can use your will to say lord i'm not interested he will honor you and you will watch somebody living your dreams [Music] second prayer point [Music] further the staying power to finish this season of training i receive grace lift your voice and pray please pray please pray whoa whoa oh [Music] the staying power i may cry for i obtain grace with god praise to stay in ministry [Music] grace to stay as far as my assignment is concerned [Music] i can hear with the ears of the spirit [Music] and i see a mighty army rising yes i know they're coming from afar rising from a park [Music] rising from afar [Music] yes [Music] [Music] there was a man sent from god through kogi state sent from god through benway state send from god you are not from your state of origin you will only pass through your state of origin there was a man sent from god pass through the womb of your mother and your father now it's time for you to rise and understand your prophetic identity you have understood your biological identity you have understood your geographic and your demographic identity you have understood your sociological identity it's time for you to understand your divine identity now listen to me please look up everybody [Music] there is a pattern of the spiritual trainings that make up a weakness a witness is not only a witness because god said it a witness is a witness like a student you pass a medical student through a school and there are times dissecting cadavers you feel irritated the smell of formalin and all the inconveniences of learning anatomy physiology you're going through all that pain and you want to give up but then you remember that lives are tied to what i'm learning at the end of it when you become a consultant and god helps you to build a hospital and you see the thousands of lives that send you text messages and say thank you doctor thank you for professor thank you for not giving up when other people were crying thank you for continuing can i tell you this tomorrow nations will say thank you for coming for koinonia they will tell you they will say thank you you had an option you were tired from office from church but you came thank you for hearing what you heard thank you for believing what you heard and thank you for using what you heard he says thou art my battle axe my weapon of war i submit to you ladies and gentlemen people of god family of god that god is still searching for man not many can pass through the school of the spirit to be shapened and to be built this is the making of a witness this is how the great are made [Music] this is how champions are made in the kingdom it is a reason why when they rise and you talk against them whether in secret or in public god judges you because there is blood dripping on their altar constantly the blood that is a testament of their pain and their endurance [Music] let this week for you be a week of serious spiritual emphasis [Music] as you contemplate on your prophetic destiny of being a witness now you are about to receive something this would be an imperation you would live to remember please open your heart in one minute and say lord the grace that it takes for the new season in my life i open up my spirit go ahead and pray please pray oh come on come me manuel and run some cop tv israel oh come on come rejoice rejoice emmanuel has come to you peace israel he has come to you he is lifting you his ears right there he is restoring you is right [Music] he's anointing you this is rejoice rejoice emmanuel has come to you peace anointing you is israel advancing you peace in the name of jesus the son of the living god i declare father there are men and women here who have been in the cave of abdullah going through the trainings of the spirit fasting building going through shame going to reproach for the sake of the witness like john in the isle of patmos on account of the testimony of their witness they have endured many things they have received many stripes father i pray in the name of jesus to you oh god of my covenant let fire from heaven that is able to anoint and equip men and women let it fall right now at the count of three one two three take that fire take that fire take that fire take that fire oh the borders i speak to you arise by the spirit women in the order of honor sarah the border in the name of jesus men and women of the gospel i speak to you i bless upon you the grace for the prophetic the grace for the apostolic the grace for the evangelistic the dreams that you had i give life to them by the power of the holy ghost receive receive hear me there are some of you like esther the palace is your destiny it's time for that grace to come upon you i stand like a guy the keeper of the king's virgins there is an oil i'm about to give you you will need that oil for a hazardous to receive you therefore i stretch my hands made esther anointing come upon everyone here called into government called into influence take that praise take that grace take that place politicians take that grace members of parliament take that grace captains of industry take that place [Music] there are men and women who need to step into dimensions of wealth transfer because of the assignment it's not just about the products and the services that you offer alone that is principle but there is a grace that is connected to prophecy and destiny i want to pray for you lord mantles that make for wealth and prosperity not just for self-aggrandizement i stand by the privilege of god the god of heaven who is the helper of us all ebenezer the one who can help men i speak to you carry that mantle now carry that grace now upon your business carry that grace now in the name of jesus please pay attention we're receiving an impartation there are women here who are like mary what is in your womb is more than a child you are betting saviors i stretch my hands in the name of jesus i declare and declare by the power of the holy spirit the grace to step into prophecy may that grace rest upon you now your lifting has come there are music ministers here god has been training you but this nation has not had your songs africa is here to hear your songs i place grace upon your worship i give it wings by prophecy i stand by the road of the apostolic and the prophetic i push you speak to the nations sing to the nations in the name of jesus christ there are people here that have the destiny of saviors your families are at the mercy of your rising but it looks like there are power sitting on your destiny that have found that you will never rise i stand by the god of my covenant the one who called me any power sitting upon your prophecy any power sitting upon the next level of your life i come by two rods of the apostolic and the prophetic i scatter right now i scatter it right now i scatter it right now find visibility in the name of jesus christ [Applause] hear me there are some of you [Music] god has given you a king maker anointing you don't become kings yourself but you can enthrone kings and you can remove them it's a dimension of the prophetic but you have not worked in it yet in the name that is above all names i stretch my hands and i declare the grace to enthrone kings receive that grace now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus everything that your hands have started but mysteriously you have not been able to finish because there are powers that stand it says once again i desire to come to you but satan hindered us in the name of jesus christ in the name that is above all names i declare the finisher's anointing may it rest upon you the finisher's anointing take that grace now [Music] we're rounding off don't be tired hear me he said isaac dogged well and the philistines covered it he dug another well they covered it he took the third one and they left him he called it rehobot he said god has given me my own space can i tell you this i want to pray for you you must be tired of escorting people in destiny and not finding a place lord where is my place in this city financially spiritually that god is a god of portions i speak to you let me first speak to this city abuja hear the word of the lord i speak by the word of the apostolic and the prophetic the portion of god's people in the name of jesus deliver to them now deliver to them now and every nation you are watching from every territory and region you're following from your portion in that land the bible says as for the earth out of it comes bread he said the increase of the field is for all that even the king eats from the increase may your portion come to you in the name of jesus christ [Applause] two more prayers and we are done we want to crush the powers that fight visibility please understand what i'm telling you it says and i if i be lifted up christ cannot be glorified when we are in hiding god must give us elevated platforms of influence some of you in the area of loyalty some in the area of government in business by god's grace we have sufficient spiritual intelligence to know that spirituality blindly without influence will not be able to do much for the kingdom from a territorial standpoint [Music] are we together there is a grace that makes for visibility some of you have served god acceptably you have your small prayer groups you have your different platforms and you have been serving faithfully but you are now asking lord how will i be lifted it takes prophecy to lift you and here comes a prophetic word i decree and declare to you in the name that is above all names by the power that raised christ from the dead the platform that you need for the next season of your life to glorify jesus the platform you need for the next season of your life to bring nations to the cross the platform you need the elevated platform that translates to nation building that translates to kingdom advance that translates to the betterment of lives i speak to you by prophecy rise to that level rise to that level rise to that level rise to that level and i will not be [Music] let it be your commitment as long as one more time with understanding and i will as long is please be seated hallelujah amen hallelujah we did establish that believers are classified according to scripture in two ways two categories basically there is the classification that is based on identification and there is the classification that is based on function that the bible lets us know that we are one with christ for instance it reveals to us the implication of our oneness our ability to be one with christ and then the bible also lets us know that every privilege in this kingdom comes with responsibilities so it calls us kings fruit bearers light salt priests a chosen people a royal priesthood and then in acts chapter 1 and verse 8 he calls us witnesses we established that a witness is a validator of a claim please pay attention our online family pay attention the word of god has been taught now a witness is one who has knowledge about a matter a witness is one who is able to provide a testimonial evidence of what he or she claims to know and we said that every witness has a responsibility of providing an evidence and evidence is a token of truthfulness it is used as an instrument of validation a token and evidence is a means of establishing the validity of a fact hallelujah then we began to talk about the making of weaknesses we spoke a bit about how witnesses are made that believers do not just become witnesses in experience by default there is a season and there is a pathway that every believer should follow must follow and will take it from there tonight matthew chapter 4 and verse 19. we have a long journey and we obtain grace from god to do justice to this series if you're in agreement you may say amen matthew 4 and verse 19 and he said to them the heaven jesus follow me and i will make you follow me and i will make you so god is a maker of men but he only makes those who follow your assignment in the making of a witness is to be an effective follower praise the name of the lord an effective follower now please look up in making building a believer to become a witness there is a system of growth and a system of building that that believer must submit to to be holistically built to stature enough to represent the purposes of the kingdom please listen it is important if you want to be used by god being available is wonderful but not sufficient you must be available and usable again available and usable to be available means you are yielded you are ready to serve his purposes to be yielded means you have been trained and equipped so here's how it works when god finds a man he calls that man your calling is not to ministry your calling is not to serve the purposes of god your calling is to god every time god called men he mandated that they follow him it is when you are sent that you are sent as a witness you are not called as a witness you are called as a follower a disciple are we together now just because you are called does not mean you are sent there are many people who are called but they are not yet sent you your call can be genuine but you can send yourself into petition into perils into failure hallelujah there is a spiritual system by which witnesses are trained and are built and we must learn how to submit ourselves to that system of making it's a painful process and it's a process that requires that you obtain staying power from god you must remain until the dealing is finished listen if you jump the school of the spirit if you jump classes in the school of the spirit the class that you jump you will pay for it with your failure in the future in the secular you can jump classes and read up during an exam and just write and pass but in the school of the spirit every class has a destiny implication and you must submit yourself one class can take you two weeks to complete another class can take you five years to complete [Music] are we blessed tonight the throne room gives us a picture of how things happen in heaven and everything in heaven as you know by now reflects god and different dimensions of him everything in heaven is a reflection of the glory of god the angels the living creatures the elders the splendor the excellence everything in heaven speaks of the glory of god and it's interesting that among the many features in heaven are a set of beings that the bible calls the four living creatures have you read that in scripture for a long time i wondered what those guys were doing in heaven there i presume that there may be a class of angels or share roots as one of the accounts let us know that they are a class of sheryl beams but what they are there for exactly i didn't understand for a very long time revelation chapter 4 and verse 1 contained in the mystery of the four living creatures is the course curriculum of the training of weaknesses if you understand the mystery of these creatures that stand before god then you will know how to stand before god as a faithful witness there is no record that the witness is sick they always stand before god they present themselves before god revelation chapter four please we'll read verse one down to seven please pay attention after this i looked and behold a door was opened in heaven the first voice which i heard was as it were of a trumpet talking to me which said come up either and i will show you the things that must be after we're reading to seven verse two immediately i was in the spirit and behold the throne was set in heaven and one sat upon the throne three and he that sat was to look upon like jasper and starting stone and there was a rainbow round about the throne in sight like onto an emerald he's describing the throne now around about the throne were four and 20 seats and upon the seats i saw four and twenty elders sitting clothed in white raiment and they had on their heads crowns of gold versus five now and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which were the seven spirits of god verse six now and before the throne there was a sea of glass like onto crystal and in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind seven the first of that beast or that creature was like a lion pay attention john is describing his sights now and the second beast was like a cow and the third beast had the face as a man and the fourth beast was a flying eagle ezekiel in chapter one had the same experience even though his description you know there was a little difference but basically he was talking about what we have come to know as the four living creatures these four scriptures these four living creatures were very they were they were interesting creatures and for a long time it bothered me what would these kinds of supposedly ugly creatures be doing before god i thought there should be better creatures that should be looking at god the elders were not even before him but these four creatures having the face of a lion for one having the face of a calf for the other having the face of a man and then having the face of a flying eagle and then i would later learn that those four living creatures represent the different dimensions that every believer must pass through in order to attain stature and maturity those four living creatures represent the school of the spirit these are the dimensions that you must be trained in to be able to stand before god as a living witness and as a man of stature we're talking about the making of witnesses number one the face of the lion the lion here very quickly talks about dominion and royalty the bible calls the lion the king among the animals that move on land are we together now we'll just touch on it quickly and then we'll go to the core area we're dealing with tonight lyon talks of dominion talks of power talks of splendor so when you begin your dealing in the school of the spirit listen carefully you are exposed to your right in christ you are exposed to your authority in christ you get to understand that you are not an entity that you've been raised up with christ according to paul's gospel in ephesians that you have been made to sit with him you understand that you have exulsia capacity to legislate on behalf of the parliament of heaven that is the face of the lion the training that cultures you into an understanding of dominion every believer who wants to be used by god as a witness you must be able to understand the dimension of the training that is represented in the face of a lion you must know who you are in christ you must know that you are not a victim of situations and circumstances that you have been exalted raised up with christ the bible says but if all you know is that you have been exalted in christ you have been raised if that is all the dimensions you know it will come with a side effect the side effect is pride the awareness of the kind of privilege and the kind of honor that god has given to you and just living it like that will end you in pride and in arrogance so there are several people i know who i am and you are right but then you are wrong eventually because they do not know that authority in the kingdom has a purpose authority without a purpose would lead to destruction you cannot invest so much power to men and women and not connected to purpose it is dangerous to empower people without giving them a purpose so the face of the second creature the calf luke chapter 22 for sake of time we read from verse 25 to 27 he lets you know the face of a calf talks of servanthood a calf or an ox was used to plot the land now when he teaches you that you are mighty you are a king you are a priest you are not a known entity then he lets you know that the purpose of that authority is for service authority is not for self-aggrandizement it's not for you shopping people it's not for subjugating people is to be a servant and to serve the purposes of the kingdom luke 22 please give us from verse 25. he says and he said unto them the kings of the gentiles exercise lordship over them and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors 26 now it says but ye shall not be so but he that is greatest among you he will prove his greatness by being the younger and he that is chief as he that don't serve 27 for whether he's greater he that seated at meat or he that servant is not he that seated at meat but i am among you jesus said as he that serves everybody please say after me the purpose of authority is for service there are many believers with an imbalance of the idea of dominion we are obsessed with dominion but then that consciousness still destroys us because we do not know that the purpose of dominion and authority in the kingdom is for service if the only thing you know is the face of the lion you are an error the imbalance that comes with the face of the lion is corrected by the face of the calf so while i know that i'm a great man i am anointed i'm i have power i have dominion i'm seated with christ living that believer like that will lead to imbalance it will lead to pride like it's happening to many people in ministry in business etc so he lets you know that you are a servant that the reason why he gave you money he gave you influence he gave you a ministry is to have the privilege and the honor of serving god's people ladies and gentlemen believers listen you cannot tell the kind of honor and joy in my heart every week and every time i have the privilege the rare privilege of serving you the truth of god's word i have been doing this for many years and yet every week it is a privilege it is for this course that i travel around the nations i travel around this nation and regardless of how stressful it is i am motivated by the fact that as we continue to walk in the consciousness of this authority this dominion power we realize that just being a king without service makes you a wicked king and an irresponsible king god demonstrated that he was king by showing us that he was lord of the universe but he came down and he served if all you have is authority and dominion and you do not have the heart of a servant you will not go far as far as being a witness is concerned this is a principle that is true for ministry is a principle that is true for business it's a principle that is true for government the purpose of power is service if you are unwilling to serve there is no need looking for power are we together the face of an ox but then like the lion just knowing that you are a servant alone has its own side effect the side effect is that you can serve and serve and men can take advantage of you because of your humility people will use you people will take advantage of you for their selfish reasons and then he introduces the third face that gives you balance that even though you are a servant with so passionate love for people you are human the face of a man are we together now the third face lets you know it speaks about your humanity [Music] john chapter 11 and verse 35 the bible is not afraid to show us the humanity of jesus read with me interesting simple but very deep ready to read one to go change jesus to life ready one to read resurrection wept the word of god wept it is powerful to know that when he walked upon the earth as a man he was not a superhuman he was hungry and he let us know he was hungry he costed three because he wasted his time and did not give him food the humanity of men follow me you are a lion you have dominion you are one with christ why have i been given that authority the authority is given for service but whilst you serve you live in a world of men that is mad with selfishness they will walk you out they will kill you if need be so he teaches you that whilst it is true you are a servant you are human it is okay to cry hebrews chapter 4 and verse 15 please are we learning something already hebrews 4 and verse 15 for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmity this is my definition of compassion compassion is the ability to be touched with the feelings of people's infirmity the bible says but he was in all points tempted like us yet without sin so jesus was a man hebrews chapter 2 from verse 16. hebrews chapter 2 and verse 16 please he says for verily he looked not on him he took not on him the nature of angels but took on him the seed of abraham that means he came as a man wherefore in all things it behold him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to god to make reconciliation for the sin of the people last verse for in that himself had suffered being tempted he is able to succord them that attempted listen your humanity is an advantage it lets people to appreciate the also passing power of god in you you know for a very long time in the body of christ especially it has looked like an embarrassment for anointed people to reveal their human nature and members are very wonderful but interesting people because they can look at you and say i can't believe it you are eating swallow and you feel guilty for being human i say no no no i just had decided to break my fast of 500 days just for one day so i'll continue what in the world is wrong with saying i am hungry honestly hungry while serving his purposes and now [Music] they wake you up by two or three and say wow i'm disappointed why should i be sleeping and you're sleeping too and you feel guilty you apologize for sleeping many people have paid the price for strangling away their humanity [Music] jesus wept jesus was hungry jesus grew jesus was pained many people loved jesus because they don't know he was once human do you know why those who lived in his days hated him because he expressed his humanity very seriously he entered the temple one time and he saw people exchanging and they were making money from the house of god he did not go to the roman government to say look i am i'm zealous i came from heaven are you aware of that the bible says he was angry he didn't say he was laughing and said wow i said the zeal of the lord at him up and he took a whip and whipped them [Music] hallelujah your humanity is a blessing it makes people to be able to see you and know that truly there is an earthen vessel it is the excellency of the power that is of god your humanity will give you balance you know i've shared my story here very very funny years ago i used to feel guilty people would tell me remember apostles you were sent to us you told us that god sent you to us and i would feel guilty sometimes tired and sleepy and people will sleep they will rest they will refresh then they will come and meet me and say look i need counselling i need this and i've told them god sent me to them so one day this deliverer let me tell you where my deliverance happened i entered a catholic church and you know they have a crucifix there and the lord asked me to look at that crucifix i looked at it with passion and for the first time i truly realized that it was not me that died on that cross i am only a witness let me i will give you a scriptural proof of what i'm saying john chapter one please give us from verse six john chapter one this is a deliverance for us there was a man even though he was sent from god when he arrived the earth he was a man and his name was john 7. the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through his effective witness might believe here is a deliverance verse 8 he was not that light but was sent to bear witness to that light [Applause] yes sir you are not jesus christ you are not the king of glory you are one with him your dominion is shared dominion not absolute dominion please hear me when you are tired rest when you are hungry eat when you are paying cry when you are happy rejoice the face of a man is also in the throne room please sit down there are preachers who have gone through all kinds of things bereavements issues with their families and people look at them as though is a sin to be human and when you see the man of god crying in his office what is happening and he says you cannot imagine we need 1 billion 5 billion to complete this project i don't even know where it's coming from i am overwhelmed and here you you hear religious people i'm disappointed have you forgotten that god is still god is he not no no no no no no no when people cry don't be too quick to stop them jesus he didn't forget he was god when he was crying jesus had to query his father a lawyer a lawyer lamar sabachthani i can't believe this if men turn away from me will you also turn your face jesus expressed his pain when he was on the cross he said i thirst you thought you'd just be hanging there and say you are wasting your time when it's time to die just take my life no [Music] you are royalty the purpose of that authority is to serve no matter how great you are no matter how blessed you are no matter how transformed you are days will come in your life when your humanity will have to find expression maybe you may lose a loved one and for the first time you find yourself silent listen to me when you find people in that state do not say where is your god hold your hands and as you cry with them let them know that everything is going to be all right this is the definition of compassion the ability to be touched don't go to a place where people are mourning the dead and say where is the dead body don't act like that even if you want to raise the dead comfort those that mourn first are we blessed our humanity there are times when you may not be paid your salary for five months it is true that you're a man of faith but right now you look at your children's school fees you look at real issues before you and there are times you can go to the place of prayer and find yourself leaning on the window and saying god i don't know the name don't tell me you will not feel it when you hear that you've lost your loved one don't tell me you will not feel it when you find out that your church is gradually declining don't tell me you would not feel it when sickness is eating up your body ask job job was a man who feared god and eschewed evil but a time came he lost everything in one day and then boils began to come out of his body [Music] even though job said do he slay me yet will i trust him but the time came job said god we need to talk and god respected his desire and came can i tell you this the god that we serve is a god that is mighty but he is compassionate as a leader if you are only a lion you are dangerous you must be a lion that serves and yet you can connect to the humanity of men this is the imbalance with the faith teaching listen this man standing before you is a man of faith but faith is not foolishness faith can cry [Music] we will destroy the body of christ if we strangle away the humanity of men just to show the excellency of the power of god that's why the bible left that scripture there jesus went when you stand and watch billions of naira and dollars born because something happened to your company don't tell me you would just smile yes you will say be glorified but with tears in your eyes listen to me there are many people who have gone through things the making of a witness is a hard training there are times as a man of god you will be going through the same thing you are counseling others from and god will never speak to you about your own issue yet when they come here is the word of knowledge you are prophesying you are blessing people they are increasing and yet your life is not capturing the truth and the call to ministry mandates that you remain true to the call the face of a man there are times you do not lock your door to pray you lock your door and say father i am here and truly he comes once upon a time i think this is just a story to express a point i'm not sure is a real story a man was caught up to heaven and he saw himself walking he was shown a you know footsteps and whilst he was going he could see his footsteps and the footsteps of jesus then he got to a point where he saw only the footsteps of one man and then he said jesus but you left me at this point and he said no that was the point i carried you the one footstep was me carrying you because at that point you gave up let me teach you something about jesus your jesus on his way to the cross i hope you know if jesus died on the ground he could not become seen the law is that you must die on a tree to be a course he had bled to a point where he had no strength because the life of the flesh and then a time came he fell with the cross he was going to die on that ground there your jesus needed a man to help him reach the cross [Music] he was on his way to fulfill his own assignment and somewhere along the line even though he was a glorified christ he fell there a 33 year old man naked on the ground was about to give up and they called a young man called simon of cyrene he said please help him carry that cross jesus he doesn't say no no no no it's my business let me finish it he said please i need that help and they carried it to the cross where he died [Music] there are times you will need help in your life even though you are great do not be afraid to be open for help financial help don't say i'm divine my supply comes from heaven yes sir there are times you just have to be honest please help me i mean facing my spiritual work i am still in the school of the spirit and i am not ashamed there are many people who are sick they secretly go and swallow drugs and come out and say for five years i've not taken any drugs because they are conscious of being a lion doctors are not a cause to the faith life they are a system of god's mercy if you are sick release your faith you release your faith and it looks like things are not happening the way you want please don't wait until your health deteriorates and you die be honest enough to go to the hospital while still in the school of the spirit god's ultimate is that we become fortified to a point that there may not be need for those things but whilst you are on that journey take advantage of the supplies that cater for your humanity there are people today who have died the death of fools identifying and admitting their humanity would have saved them trouble witnesses witnesses are not spirits of god they are men it is just that they are of god there are people today who in a bid to show the excellency of spirituality have destroyed themselves can i tell you this i'm not endorsing carelessness but the body of christ must be careful with this godlike expectation they have over men of god and leaders great men are men the greatest and the best of us is still a man there is an and i can tell you where that mistake came from it came from us man of god in a bit to show the excellency of the power of god we feel ashamed of our humanity to our peril if only you opened up your heart and let people know you needed help you will be surprised how many people will be willing to help you but when you let people know that you are god you have so close a relationship with him they will leave you there and you get punished for not being trained using this third face again the lion royalty and power then a call to service the calf but men will use you and strangle you i told you here that a man of god a father of faith in enugu he called me to his office after his conference and he said apostle please be careful africans kill their prophets he's not being sarcastic he's saying once people identify the grace of god upon your life they will soak you dry soak you dry there are many people who are back sleeping today because of ministry they didn't have time for study again 30 invitations in one week and you keep walking for god and stop walking with god [Music] it is okay that when people call you and say what are you doing now are you praying or studying no i'm resting what are you doing i'm just having time with my family don't you love the kingdom again shut your phone from those those ignorant talk and focus on what god is giving you grace to do many many great people today focused on building things and they left their family they left the things that matter can i tell you this i have learned by experience that only three things really matter in this life when all the stakes are down number one your relationship with god number two family number three your assignment end of discussion there is nothing else that is worth dying for listen carefully your humanity was captured in the throne room you can be tired there are times you will need help yes you are a man of faith no matter how even if a nurse and a midwife no matter how professional she is when it is time for her to give back she will need another midwife to also help her be careful when you reject the ministry of men accept and admit that you are human are we together now there are many people today who cannot pay their rent there are many people i'm not teaching laziness but i'm saying many people's breakthrough would come cheaply if only they would open up their hearts to say they are men [Music] how are you feeling today great and excellent why are you crying oh don't worry this is the day the lord has made it's all right you are speaking faith but when you are with someone who can help you what is happening look i had a quarry with my wife this morning can we stand in faith and agree ah man of god you wrote five books on marriage and this is what is happening no no no listen i'm not saying this to be sarcastic you have to be very careful otherwise men will push you to a point where your life will become a disaster [Music] listen to my teaching why revivals die there is only one reason why revivals die the humanity of men jesus wept jesus was hungry [Music] there is a god-like expectation that people bring on leaders and it's wonderful we must rise to points where our lives are models enough but we must be careful in the midst of that we are men so you see a man driving his son to school and someone looks at him ah emoji you are driving your son to school and he says from today driver will drive my child after five years the child is closer to the driver than the father because he is doing ministry and the consciousness of being a lion will not allow him to connect with his child by the time the child becomes a teenager he calls his father uncle because he says you don't have a stake in my life you did not invest in that relationship [Music] is god helping us yes we are men we have needs you need money for school you need a house you need a sense of progress do not just spiritualize everything and turn it down there are times that even the great cry and when those moments come cry with honor [Music] someone lost a lot of money i think early this year or so and he called me is that apostle i cannot imagine what is the meaning of this [Music] the bible says the steps of a good manner as is please leave all that thing let me talk to you there is something called failing forward there is failure as an event and failure as a person are we together now if a plane is moving forward and you get up from your seat and go backward are you going backward that's how failure is while you are growing even though you left your seat in the plane the overall plane is still moving and you will eventually arrive at your destination the area where we need to address especially this humanity is the issue of sickness i can tell you this there is a theology that if we do not balance we'll destroy the body of christ i'm not teaching weakness i am a man of faith i've enjoyed the grace of god there are certain things you cannot pretend about with my kind of shadow i just returned from portacot i have meetings back to back up until thursday so i'm standing here i'm not pretending it to you but let me tell you this we have to be very honest it is true that we are people of faith but by the time you are 50 years 60 years biologically speaking you may not have the kind of strength that you had when you were a teenager running around again there is need to redefine the way you do ministry but if all you know is being a lion save journey do not let experience teach you it can be a very bad teacher are we blessed the face of the lion royalty dominion the face of the calf servanthood a call to serve with humility and meekness but whilst you serve no one far becomes too far it is okay to say hold on please let me rest i am a man being a man is good but like the three faces there is also a limit to it because your consciousness as a man many of you are happy now that i said i'm a man you are happy that i said we are humans so that when you don't pray you say that after all apostles said i'm a man you don't fast that level of carelessness will tell on your spiritual life in a way you are not prepared for so there is a balance the last phase the face of the flying eagle the flying eagle means you are divine and that there is a system of restoration where you it talks about the duality of your nature it never said the eagle he said the flying eagle the eagle that lives both on land and in air it reminds you that even though you are human the presence of the holy spirit has created an advantage that you are natural but you can be super natural [Music] are we together now yes [Music] it said that the eagle when the ego wants to renew its strength it will rise to a high altitude when the feathers are old i learned that from the book the spirit of leadership by my greatly revered mentor in life and in death dr miles monroe that the eagle would rise to a high altitude and be there for a very long time it would defeat itself and shed off the old feather and survive the cold at that altitude until a new feather begins to come and then when it is fit it doesn't just fly its source soaring means that it will study the current of the wind and it will follow it listen to me it is true that we are humans but god did not leave us to our humanity there is a divine component i will not leave you comfortless so he gave us the holy spirit in the midst of pain you can find strength in the midst of stress you can be renewed so it is not an endorsement to just be happy about your humanity and to leave it there the balance to it is that you are divine it is this divine nature that made the patriarchs of all to stand even at the face of death and even though naturally their humanity should sweep them with fear but they did not denounce christ an energy that the men who killed them could not explain where it came from the eagle they stood until death you read about the matador of most of the apostles of the lamb some were turned upside down somewhere where hung and killed in transverse sessions understood can i tell you this if you realize that you are divine that even though i am a human yes this is the man joshua salman but there is his divine power that can come upon us it is with that power we can heal the sick it is that power that grants us the grace that even though we are humans we can comprehend truth at a level and a dimension that is not given to ordinary men the excellency of the power the workings of his grace in our lives will clearly show that even though we are human we are divine this is why ordinary people can build supernatural things businesses ministries this is why although we are humans i can speak to you and say in the name of jesus may the spiritual climate over you change and it will change because i am not alone and i am not all human there is a divine component the bible calls it that treasure that is an ethnic vessel so don't move around just saying i'm human and allow sickness to ravage you and allow failure to defeat you and allow the vicissitudes of life to beat you down there is an advantage that we have in this kingdom of light we are royalty kings and priests the lion we are servants serving nation and serving the kingdom with all our hearts we are humans we can go through the things that happen to men there are battles but we will never be defeated because there is the face of the flying eagle listen to me you want to be able to stand before god as an effective witness you must pass through the school of the spirit where you are taught how to be a lion royalty you are taught how to be a servant the calf you are taught how to maximize your humanity a man and then you are taught the reality of your oneness with the holy spirit that culminates to your divinity when you are done with this body of knowledge you are ready to be sent he can send you to the field and you will go and stand on a crusade ground and the first thing people see is your humanity and they look at you and say what is this it never well before people really got to know me the way they know me today um every time we travel to a region especially if that's my first time usually there will be an array of protocol different people waiting to receive joshua salman and so when i arrived most times i used to wear gene and apollo just listening with my earpiece listening to worship or something and as soon as we come down from the plane you see the people looking around where is he sometimes they come and meet my protocol no you see the one they meet a few people then when they find out i'm the one you can see the sheer disappointment on their face this is what we were waiting for for two hours and then i smiled back at them let's go to the crusade ground you are only seeing a man but i'm not only a man there is a flying eagle this gives you confidence so people don't bully you because of your humanity royalty service your humanity your divinity all of these dimensions must be captured in your life to present the holistic picture of the christ this is why the four living creatures stand before the throne they reflect who god is [Music] that he is royalty he came to serve he came as a man but he is the christ [Music] now look at your life and your area of training with the spirit you will find out that for many of us you've only been training allowing god to train you as lion you bully everybody you shout someone says look i think um is it that you're like no no no no don't talk to me like that i'm a lion [Music] and there are people who would never accept any good thing i'm a servant god blesses them they reject it and cast the blessing they need it but they reject it they call their service humility and that may be true but eventually they find out that their humanity catches up with them is that true yes and then for those who are human find out that they are reduced from that realm of royalty and power and they become beggarly because they have allowed the elements the vicissitudes of life they have justified the fact that every failure is permitted in their life after all i am human so he brings you the balance that you are divine you are divine [Music] we will rise in your name i don't know you reign [Music] we will rise now please very quickly let's discuss a few things we have to pray so you understand that in the making of believers there are things that you must pass through this is what you learn in the cave of adullam it's not an empty lecture it's a lecture that will move you from face to face this way you will be an effective witness whether in ministry in career whatever it is you can be a billionaire ceo and watch one of your staff crying and you don't look at them and say you don't cry in this corporation no because you were trained as a man you can say come she's surprised my boss that exalted man is now giving me audience because you were trained well you can be a ceo and one day you will come and meet your lead staff the security man and say you know what i just came from my office to tell you happy birthday and the man wants to run away i can't believe this my ceo who is busy up there has the thoughtfulness to tell me happy birthday because you were trained and then just when he wants to trivialize you he sees an an entourage of people who come to remind him that that man who was a man is also a lion [Music] the lion the calf the man the eagle one more time the lion the calf the man the eagle let's do it for the last time the lion the cat the man so you carry this consciousness go back home and when you see someone who has remained a man for too long you tell him look i have cried with you but it's time to clean your tears the holy spirit did not leave us comfortless don't dwell in your humanity for too long it's time to rise and accept and become an eagle when you see someone who continues to excuse failure in his life you can literally look at a believer and knows what is missing in his life immediately when you see someone with pride most likely you know what is missing now good students [Music] when you see a man of god bragging on stage and saying all kinds of things you know what to pray for him now you don't look down on him but you can go back and say lord i'm seeing only a lion here he has not learned that the purpose of honor and authority is for service when you see someone who is serving as if you die you are seeing death near him you know what to tell him mr man rest [Music] rest [Music] when you see someone who is just carnal around speaking as if he's not born again all these faith people faith faith faith we are humans a lot of continua victoria is carter you say yes you've gone too far in this kingdom we are divine we are in every way supernatural listen to me this is this is this is this is a discipleship class building you to stature and balance so you can teach on faith this week and yet you are attending a burial next week and you don't feel guilty for being there people look at you and say you are in this barrier and he said well i was just passing and the holy ghost told no no no no you came for a burial because you are a responsible shepherd over people i have to move to something else now write this down please everybody our corporate mandate our corporate mandate we're dealing with part two now proper you won't believe that everything i'm doing is tying up at one part two [Music] we we have a corporate mandate please pay attention we have a corporate mandate there are two people the power of god is coming on right now i just saw light just leaving me no you don't have to stand just two people i just wanted to help them i just saw that light there is there is a season of dealing while i was talking about these four faces some of you you are still in that class that school of the spirit and god just wants to give you a witness this night that he's with you through these seasons of training two people the power of god i just saw come on them they are within this place in the name of jesus i decree and declare right now please help them by the anointing of the holy spirit fear not god is training you fear not god is building you isaiah 43 and verse 1 and 2 says fear not i have redeemed you i have called you by name you are mine it says when you pass through the waters i will be with you through the rivers it will not consume you and when you walk through fire it will not consume you i bring you a word of comfort by the spirit pass through the school of the spirit there is a making that you are going to in the end of it you will become a witness indeed ordained god will legitimize your operation and you will do much for the kingdom our corporate mandate write this down please now please look up the word gospel means news good news a declaration and for you to understand our corporate mandate as believers you must understand the gospel very quickly there's a separate series on kingdom advance that we'll deal with later on but now just to touch on it we have the gospel is twofold please look up please look up let me attention the gospel is twofold the first dimension of the gospel affects the hearts of men the second dimension of the gospel affects systems and structures the first dimension of the gospel is a message that saves the second dimension of the gospel is a value system that transforms we must embrace these two sides of the gospel to be able to transform society now i'm teaching you in this section the keys that make for transforming society for nation building can i tell you this this is not just a message for believers it's a message that captures you need the ingredients to change state to transform nations and to transform territories there is the dimension of the gospel as a message that saves the jurisdiction of that dimension of the gospel is the hearts of men [Music] the gospel as the message that saves what is it it is the revelation of the father's love listen carefully revealed in and through the substitutionary sacrifice of jesus that means the father commanded his love towards mankind and creation by sending jesus jesus came as an expression of that love the lord was targeted primarily to man being the zenith of his creation but then by extension to the entire creation are we together now the revelation of the father's love revealed in and through the substitutionary sacrifice of his son jesus the object of that love being man and then creation by extension to the intents that if they understand that sacrifice and they believe that report they become recipients of the life of god what the bible calls eternal life is away so here's how the bible puts it for god so loved the world that he gave his then at that time he was his one and only begotten he's no longer his one and only begotten today he's the first born of we the begotten are we together now but at that time he gave his one and only begotten son to the end that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have life everlasting [Music] this is important so that is the dimension of the gospel that saves by believing that message the message of the substitutionary sacrifice of christ his death his burial his resurrection you don't stop there his ascension and his exaltation the gospel of salvation does not stop with resurrection he did not just resurrect and went to the air he got to heaven perform this high priestly duty and he was enthroned and sat at the right hand of god the father that's his current position today so the journey starts with heaven the throne of god he left it and came as a baby passed through the womb of a virgin walk the earth for 30 years performed the ministry for three and a half years he died as an exchange and brought many sons to glory resurrected and is today seated [Music] when you believe that report you are a recipient of god's life you are a recipient of god's spirit are we together but for a very long time africa listened to me for a very long time this is the only dimension of the gospel that we have focused in the missionaries when they came in from the west they were sincere people i had the honor and the privilege a few [Music] weeks about two weeks ago to be at the first cathedral and the oldest cathedral in this nation i had the honor and the privilege of seeing the instruments that were used by bishop samuel ajayi crowder it was such a time to connect to history i had the honor of seeing his bishop chair that was 150 years old i'm not ignorant as far as church history is concerned by the grace of god i can tell you that the reason why our society is the way it is is because we paid attention to one side of the gospel and we did not bring that balance we paid attention to the message and we ignore the value system the message only affects the hearts of men it is the value system that affects society so we find out that men are saved but the society is not safe [Music] we have a corporate mandate a two-fold mandate please write it down the first mandate that every true witness has the first mandate that every true witness has is to establish the lordship of jesus christ in the hearts of men to establish the lordship of jesus christ in the hearts of men through this spiritual agency that the bible calls the gospel the first corporate mandate of every witness regardless geography is to establish the lordship of jesus christ across the hearts of men and the instrument that we use according to scripture to make that a reality is the preaching of the gospel of salvation how shall they hear except there be a preacher how can the preacher come except he be sent how beautiful are the feet of them that take good news we must be definite about evangelism another name for what you just wrote evangelism is the key to global harvest and by the grace of god for as long as there is breath in us we will see that in our lifetime that we bring many to the cross many to jesus they will come to the saving knowledge of jesus as a ceo as a man of god as a medical doctor as a family man you know that regardless the geography of your assignment we're coming there that ultimately your first corporate mandate as a witness as the universal church the ecclesia we have the assignment [Music] to ensure that christ is enthroned in the hearts of men this is why we continue to strive day and night to see that the gospel penetrates everywhere this is why people pay millions of naira to see that crusades are held this is why people make tracks this is why people send missionaries to the end that this mandate be achieved and in the name of jesus we will not fail not in our lifetime again i repeat in the name of jesus we will not fail [Music] the second corporate mandates that we have corporate mandate means regardless of what you are called to do this is ultimately where your attention should be number two to establish the lordship of jesus christ across every strata of human activities to establish the lordship of jesus christ across every strata of human activities that means to infiltrate systems and structures with the value system of the kingdom listen to me the value system of the kingdom does not profit christians alone there are people who are watching me now there are muslims there are non-christians there are other religions from across the world the gospel that we teach the truths that we communicate are not for christians they are for the entire creation of god are we together so there is the message that saves there is the value system that transforms every society is a reflection of the degree to which it has embraced the value system of the kingdom or otherwise so you can find a territory that has rejected the message but embrace the value system you see it in that technological advancement you see it in a very low crime rate you see that corruption is minimized these are all the value systems of the kingdom you don't have to be a christian to embarrass the value system of the gospel it is the strategy that makes a society civil it is a strategy that that when you when you deploy the value system of the kingdom in leadership in governance in nation building you will build a dexterous and transforms society what is the tool that is used to achieve this influence write it down influence is the name given to the key that enthrones christ within systems and structures evangelism is the key that enthrones christ in the hearts of men but influence is the strategy that enthrones christ across systems and structures please write that word down and underline it we're having some time to study we're going to pray what is influence two definitions very quickly please write down don't be tired don't be tired of writing you are learning by knowledge shall the just be delivered hallelujah influence write it down please influence is the capacity to have an effect on the mindset the beliefs and the convictions of a person and a territory is called influence the capacity to have an effect on the mindset the beliefs and the convictions of a person and a territory is called influence second definition let me repeat the first very quickly i'm rushing because there is still an aspect we must touch this night by god's grace influences the capacity to have an effect on the mindset the beliefs the convictions of a person and then a territory let me give you the second definition this is my definition of influence influence is the ability to compel men to buy into your convictions without using force or cruelty the ability to compel men all on sunday to buy into your convictions without the use of force or cruelty is called influence [Music] that means if i make you i sell my belief system by the dexterity of the results that that belief system commands it compels you to buy into my belief system i have influenced you listen to me christ will never be enthralled in our nation in africa across systems and structures if we reject influence for a very long time we have marketed a gospel of spirituality that is good but incomplete we have rejected influence to our peril so the average believer right now is under situations and circumstances territorially speaking read your bible and see the power of influence when the right people are the gatekeepers of systems and structures then christ can be enthroned notice my choice of words the right people not religious people not fanatics in fact not even just christians it takes more than a christian to transform society it takes a weakness there are many christians who have assumed positions they use that badge of christian and god there and continue to mess up because they have not embraced the value system of the kingdom we only trust witnesses in this kingdom a witness is one who has passed through the school of the spirit a witness is one who is governed by the fear of the lord conscience and posterity is god speaking to us please look at me i made up my mind as a man of god that by the grace of god i will never raise a people who just know god and love god by the grace of god i believe in influence every influential person is welcome to my life i don't drive them away i don't join this ignorant talk that people say this how we drive people who should we should be there for we have driven politicians we have driven business people away we have driven captains of industry no one to mentor them to help them to correct them we leave them to continue to mess up and we complain the formation is always king priest prophet the captains of industry can go but behind them are priests and prophets that can speak the council of god not for the purpose of money until we restore the order of king priest prophet our society cannot be transformed please listen very carefully evangelism and influence therefore are the power keys that are responsible for enthroning christ and his purposes first in the hearts of men and then across every strata of human activities what happens when christ is enthroned in a territory number one his value systems are honored the people within that defined territory lived by his value system it is a beautiful thing to see the value system of the kingdom honored that way you will see that crime will reduce why because there is an effective management of resources the leaders come they are people who are governed by conscience posterity the fear of the lord let me tell you this regardless of whether you are a christian or not you can embrace the value system of the kingdom a value system that is referenced from scripture and you can defend it as a beauty nation this is not some fanaticism about christians no we're advocates of truth who are passionate even about nation building so whilst on one hand we are committed to helping to see that christ is enthroned in the hearts of men we cannot be deaf and dumb and blind over the state of nation when jesus came everywhere the gospel was embraced the territory also grew the territory became a witness that the value system of the kingdom walks [Music] when jesus walked upon the earth he began to teach what we call the beatitudes he gathered five thousand men regardless of their practice and he began to teach them the modus operandi of the kingdom the value system of the kingdom [Music] it is a value system of the kingdom that will restore honor and dignity and productivity it is the value system of the kingdom that will cause young men to not trivialize the sacrifice of the elderly it is the value system of the kingdom that will teach young people that money is not the only thing needed to respect people the value system of the kingdom are we blessed is the value system of the kingdom that will make a young man to prepare to leave his father's house the moment he finds out he's responsible he must be prepared to get out of that place and go and be responsible not to be 40 50 years in his father's house complaining and stealing money and living there he has not embraced the value system of the kingdom because if you know god well and you understand his system god is a god of portions it is not god's desire that you serve forever as far as family and other things are concerned a time will come your portion will be given to you also is god helping us tonight please look up i presume that most of us here have allowed the gospel as the message that saves there is almost no one here who will necessarily fight the lordship of jesus there are thousands who are following by television thousands who are following online and most of them have come into that point where you believe that jesus is lord i congratulate you evangelism remains our pursuit in life and in death however the gospel as a message that saves walks on the heart of men but it does not automatically transform society we need to reintroduce to the body of christ the correct concept of kingdom influence influence imagine with me if michael jackson ever said i love jesus [Music] i assure you that one statement would probably win more souls than many crusades put together why because he has sustained through mastery through competence through his results he has given himself a niche as far as the table of greatness is concerned and on the strength of that exalted platform there are many people who can buy into his ideologies [Music] pray in the spirit in one minute as we delve to the last section [Music] brother [Music] our lives are changing by the power of the holy ghost hallelujah god bless you please write this down very quickly now we want to discuss the geography and the jurisdiction of witness we have understood that we are witnesses to the degree to which we validate the claims of jesus and we become promoters of his message and his ideology we have also understood the dimensions of the gospel that make for the change of state in a man's heart his reconnection to lord to the lord who is christ and then the value system that transforms society the jurisdiction write this down please the jurisdiction of your witness is determined by three factors the jurisdiction now we want to talk about the allocation how do i know where i've been called to serve the purposes of god it's called the jurisdiction of your witness you don't just guess where you want to serve the purposes of god there are divine allocations and i want to show you now number one the first way you understand the geography and the jurisdiction of your weakness is through your abilities write it down please your abilities are a secret code given by god to help you know your place of witness your abilities talk of your potentials they talk of your giftings please look up when you see me hold a syringe and a stethoscope what would be your guess about who you think i am so those tools can suggest you can call me a carpenter with a stethoscope and if you see me with nails wood and a hammer what does that suggest so your giftings and your abilities are pointers to the geography of your weakness the jurisdiction and the geography of your weakness are determined by number one your abilities that includes your potential and your giftings number two your passion and your pain together your passion and your pain are power keys that help to show you your place of weakness wow so your passion is not a waste and your pain is not a waste can i tell you this the most dominant pain in your life is a direction to where you will be a savior also in fact part of the requirement to be a savior is that systems will be created around your life to pass through and connect to the people and with the situation you'll be delivering people from if you ask those who walk for instance in the healing anointing they will tell you there are people who at one point or the other have had to suffer infirmity so when they stand before people there is a memory bank from whence the anointing can come strong from we do not become witnesses in innocence now there is a requisite level of passion and pain pain is a gift if you truly understand it [Music] so someone who was raised alone without a father without a mother had to push through understands the pain of growing without mentors had to survive all kinds of temptations when that person sets up an ngo to raise other people and to mentor young people you see the passion you will see at work there did not just come because of his search for money or fame it came because of there is a history that supports and sponsors that passion show us the ancient past will you lead us along eternal highway we want to follow the ways of jesus listen do you know many times when you survive your seasons of pain you don't come out with results alone you come out with an anointing to deliver people who pass through the same thing every time you are coming out of seasons in your life don't just jump out 10 years of poverty and hardship and you just came out you didn't just come out there is an anointing if you look well and from that anointing you can begin to release people you are a failure if people come after you and pass through the same thing you pass through where then is the deliverance you have gone through it for them [Music] listen to me [Music] your passion and your pain are power keys [Music] i have been sick myself i know what it means to be afflicted i've been afflicted by demon spirits that's why when i cast out demons and when i minister to the sick there is a passion mixed with pain that becomes the host for the anointing to flow to that person when i stand and i see people oppressed i know what oppression can do and so i come with that fire could it be that through your pain and your passion god has been speaking to you that there are many people who must arise they must drink from that well of your pain and that well of your passion do not waste your passion i am amazed as a man of god you know i pray for people all the time people want to start all kinds of things and sometimes i cannot believe the passion that people have in certain areas that i completely don't have any passion for whatsoever [Music] day someone came and met me and he said he wants to do goat business you know to take goats from the north and take it somewhere and i noticed this guy was not just looking for streams of income it was like he shared dreams he even wrote things and in my mind i said wow this is interesting is it that you just want a stream of income while you wait for a job he said no he truly believes with all his heart that is the will of god i prayed for him with all my heart why because i don't have that kind of passion so i have to respect his passion he has to come from heaven for him to have that kind of passion it's true i have seen people with all kinds of passion you come and say my passion is to raise young girls to raise young boys i love people but i'm not sure that i have that unique expression of passion take note of your passion take note of your pain they are pointers to the geography of your weakness and then number three divine ordination i'm showing you the three keys that control the allocation of your geography and your jurisdiction as far as being a witness is concerned number one your ability you can know where god has allocated you through your abilities your giftings number two your passion your pain number three divine ordination as we find in jeremiah chapter one you read from verse five down to twelve the young boy jeremiah had an encounter with god and god began to speak to him before i formed thee in the belly he says i knew thee and before thou camest forth from of the womb i sanctified you and ordained you to be a prophet to the nations next verse the little boy said ah lord god but behold i cannot speak i have a deficiency in speech so in this case now he may not have that ability and then he had a disadvantage of age but he says say not i am a child for thou shalt go to all that i shall send thee and whatsoever i command thee thou shall speak jeremiah so there are times that god can call people i'm saying this because not everyone in ministry and not everyone divinely ordained has that gifting there are times god calls the least qualified people in terms of oratory in terms of intelligence in terms of exposure divine ordination can define your allocation as far as your weakness is concerned if you're still with me say amen now write this down this will be our final session and then we pray mike chapter 4 verse 1 and 2. [Music] our jurisdiction of witness we're dealing with the secret number behind societal transformation how do i know my allocation how do i know how to represent the purposes of god this is a concept that is gaining ground in the body of christ today is called the concept of the seven mountains write it down please the concept of the seven mountains just a little historic background and then we get to discussing it very quickly the in 1975 a man by the name bill bright the founder of the campus crusade alongside lauren cunningham who is the founder of youth with a mission ywam both of them together developed a strategy a strategy for bringing godly change to a nation by reaching the seven space or what we call mountains of societal influence so please look up mike chapter 4 and verse 1 and 2. let's read it and i'll explain a few things then we begin to tie this but in the last days the bible says prophet micah is teaching us now it shall come to pass that the mountain not mounting in scripture in many regards is symbolic of spheres of influence are we together now when the bible talks of mountains it talks of spheres of influence the mountain of the lord the house of the lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills and people shall flow to it verse 2. it says and many nations shall come and say come let us go to the mountain of the lord and to the house of the god of jacob and he will teach us his ways and we will walk in his path for the lord shall go forth from of zion and the word of the lord from jerusalem the concept of mountains is very important every society please listen every society has fears of influence systems and structures that shape the mindset the conviction of that society and they are categorized into seven nigeria america uk asia every continent every nation every city every community is built and governed by these seven spheres of influence that means if you are able to take the value system of the kingdom to these mind control systems then you will be able to transform society changing a society is not difficult it starts with ensuring that there are weaknesses across the strata of human activities representing the purposes of god if you are with me say amen there are seven of them let's list them very quickly number one is called the mountain of religion religion as a sphere of influence religion as an institution this is the first mountain where the purposes of christ needs to be represented please look up what is the assignment of the mountain of religion they are the communicators and the preservers of faith morality spiritual convictions they shape the spiritual convictions of society so if god is calling you to be a man of god apostle prophet evangelist teacher pastor that is the mountain you are sent to you are assigned to preserve the purposes of god within that sphere can i tell you this africa is a very religious continent on average every week like today there are millions of people across the world who are seated in different churches cathedrals and they submit themselves under the mentorship of spiritual leaders many have been doing this for decades and they will do it for the rest of their life an average of every day has a religious or a christian program happening in this nation that means a society is among other factors a reflection of the quality of its spiritual leaders with respect to the truths and the doctrines that are communicated you can random peak people across the market square the road everywhere and examine their spiritual convictions as a report card to the efficiency of what the witnesses on that mountain are doing or otherwise so if god is calling you into ministry he's not just calling you to have protocol to wear a suit to wear tie to be a leader over people to have churches and branches the assignment is bigger than that the mountain of religion this is where spiritual error comes from this is where confusion comes from this is where idol worship comes from any wrong spiritual communication if i teach you lies and i teach you rubbish because you love me and you believe i know what i'm doing you will receive what i'm teaching you hook line and sinker it will become a mind control system many of you here are captains of industry by tomorrow you will take that wrong ideology that my misguided or incomplete gospel has given you and now you are a leader over 4 000 people those people who have to submit to that ideology men of god have a very serious responsibility every individual you are talking to represents families corporations government there are politicians here at the highest level by the grace of god they single-handedly have access and influence to millions of people within their regions that means one person who gets a correct spiritual conviction by reason of a proper mentorship of a sound man of god you have saved millions of people you have saved regions the mountain of religion number two very quickly the second mountain that needs to be captured to preserve the purposes of god and to transform society is a mountain of family every armed robber comes from a home everyone disturbing society comes from a home every champion who is affecting society positively comes from a home family is the bedrock of every society it's often said that charity begins at home it is not only charity that begins at home anything begins at home good or bad [Music] discipline begins at home productivity begins at home responsibility begins at home family life is very important there is a reason why god designed family life the way it is so the father has his role to play as far as raising a child is concerned the bible says train up a child in the way he should go not the way you want him to go your first assignment as a parent is to find out the blueprint of that child's destiny then to raise that child consistent with the blueprint you have been given train up a child in the way it should go i submit to you with every sense of responsibility and respect that most of the people that evolve into failures in society their failures started from lack of proper mentorship that should have come from father and mother they were allowed to freelance their ideas about life and they began to hand pick ideas from all kinds of references the average family today depends on school to do their work you ask most children where they get their convictions from my teacher said my teacher said not that he said if you're fortunate to take your child to a good school then it's safe for you if not so then there is trouble waiting for you we must restore the order of family let the child start learning how to pray from home let the child start learning how to give from home not by the father giving instruction train means lead the way you know how a train moves a train moves in coaches so when the bible says train up a child it means do it let him see not just tell him to do it children are not good listeners but they are good imitators are we blessed yes when the father demonstrates priesthood i'm glad today is father's day your children are sleeping and you get up as a priest in the family let your children know you serving the lord let your children let me tell you what will happen while you are walking around the house laying hands and praying one day your little son will follow you he will cry and say daddy i want to follow you you will say go and sleep you will refuse one day when you travel you one kneel down where he has seen you kneeling down he will be trying to pray in tongues he doesn't know what he's doing but you are training the child can i tell you this we can transform society when we begin to bring the value system of the kingdom in family by the time the children are watching daddy and mummy fighting insulting themselves tearing themselves by the time the children witness irresponsibility from the father always flogging them back home as a result of school fees and yet they see the father celebrating ceremonies every two two months with an amount that is ten times the school fees there is a subliminal message you are giving that child once he becomes a teenager he embraces rebellion with joy he keeps that vendetta and waits until he's empowered then he will come back with a revenge mission may god help christian families to be true representations of not just godliness but responsibility and productivity otherwise let me tell you this one generation of neglect is all we need and we recycle ourselves back to to societal decadence i'm sorry to say it and i don't mean to insult you but have you checked the last time have you checked our children and our little ones and have you seen the level of disdain they have towards the things of god [Music] growing up if visitors come to your house and you don't greet they won't flog you but you can know what will happen later on not by prophecy there are there are coded looks languages that already inform you of what is waiting by non-compliance i'm not talking of being abusive if they gave you money you will thank the person and hand it over immediately but right now they are giving you money and is your child who is collecting it i'm bullying everyone we didn't interrupt the conversation of elders growing up no if elders come you go and sit down you greet them and sit quietly now you can be discussing serious things and a child will come and play and be slapping you and the parents are laughing discipline is part of love we must restore discipline and hear me please hear me please if for any reason you did not have an opportunity to be properly mentored and you are grown it's still not too late there is the holy ghost there are pastors your assignment is to listen [Music] are we together yes sir listen family it's important we must learn your children should have the first revelation of jesus not from a pastor from their parents the prayer the fasting the times of teaching and mentorship the lord is restoring family in jesus name mountain number three very quickly is the mountain of education i'll touch on that very briefly because we have to pray the mountain of education this is very important the intellectual transformation of a society and a people christians inclusive depend on the quality and the health of this mountain it was an embarrassing thing to know that people do malpractice but right now is something that even sells someone can pass through an entire system from secondary school down to university or masters and not be able to defend anything because someone was paid to write for him i'm not being sarcastic i know that times are hard and so on and so forth but i'm telling you something is wrong we must be able to guide the kinds of teachers this is why god must give us grace to have solid christian schools that in addition to secular education must inculcate programs even if not nationally approved let it be approved by heaven to train the children once they lend those things inculcate causes spiritual growth honesty morality and conscience teach the people things teach the students how to greet how to respect how to be serious how to save most people never learn about money till they become adults by that time is too late it's a reason why when most people are not employed they are in a state of of of penary if they are taught up the economic system of the kingdom from infancy by the time they become adults it will not be difficult to be self-sufficient at least whilst they wait for those bigger doors to come school is very important who teaches your child is important because in most cases that person has more time with that child than even you the parent [Music] imagine a school where you pray and call upon the name of the lord where the teachers are born again and sound and teaching not just for salary they know that in addition to salary they are witnesses [Music] are we together yes can i tell you this [Music] most of the scriptures that i know today it came from secondary school i'm telling you sincerely we were we had scriptures for every month no matter who you are [Music] you take sweets and you throw it on the ground you do it once twice three times they will call your parents may god grant us grace as a ministry to build a school that reflects this kind of ideologies in the name of jesus there are some of you here who are directors of schools go back and check your course content not just from a secular standpoint is kingdom come represented in the training process of the children edit your teachers don't let teachers dress anyhow and come and speak anyhow languages making dirty calls in the presence of the students they are learning there must be a code a modus operandi if they are not interested they can leave your school and go somewhere else but for as long as they are under your covering it doesn't matter whether it's a christian teacher a muslim whatever it is they must be able to inculcate values that are consistent with kingdom come this is why i'm sorry to say this but this is why the failure rate you see the intellectual degradation that is happening among our children [Music] they receive the best of education and the rights simple exams and you see results that bring pain to the parents there are still teachers that are trying to make up their papers i'm not insulting them but i'm saying they ought not to be teaching [Music] education in most nations right now when you are done from nigeria here and you go to their nations to further they subject you to a system that stabilizes you first they are not sure of what you have done say thank you for what you have done but right now you are not just going to start msc or phd directly we will have to submit you through some to acclimatize your understanding and most of the students are shocked at the level of ignorance even though they are graduates there are many graduates today who cannot defend their certificate honestly and intelligently they cannot write an intelligent letter they cannot write you know is something is wrong a graduate is writing a letter and abbreviating a lot of things like he's sending an sms we have to trust god to work on the educational system in the name of jesus next the mountain of politics and governance the mounting of politics and governance i may not say so much here but i hope you know that it's important to find christ represented in our parliament and i'm glad that we have a lot of parliamentarians here we have people here in the senate the national assembly honored to have you all around presidency thank you so much it is an honor and a privilege to be able to share the truth of god's word because we must pray for these people and we must see to it that they stand not as advocates of religion now inculcating the value system of the kingdom in governance equity moral excellence productivity development at a territorial level this country is wealthy and blessed with both human and material resources we should not be crying this lamentation should not be not for nigeria we are a blessed nation africa is a blessed continent it is largely a leadership problem and so we must trust god to raise men and women in government you know anyone who is a politician don't go around clamoring around them and looking for them as though they owe you money politicians are not in office to give you money they are in office to serve many times we insult politicians but i need to speak a bit for them too the pressure that comes from lots of people who believe they are stakeholders in that office is what compels them to many times delve into dishonesty because we men of god have our court that we want other people have things that they want these tribes people have this this one has this and before you know it the money allocated for development has to be sliced into different pieces to appease people we must pray for the leaders and allow them to do the needful because we'll all be benefactors of it you still like me say amen politics and governance i trust god for a time when our national assembly the the state houses will be full of men and women who call upon the name of the lord not from a fanatical standpoint but a standpoint of spiritual orientation with the value system of the kingdom like daniel one man represented in government brought glory to the name of the lord through the dispensation of three kings let me tell you this if you're a politician and you are committed sincerely to bringing the value system of the kingdom that culminates to development you deserve prayer and support i'm not partisan i don't play politics but then you cannot separate the apostolic ministry from territorial and societal development we are intertwined we are sent to all and sundry people who have no agenda should not be voted into office no they should not from a counsellor level to a local government level it's not just the issue of god for terrorism and politics we must be honest and be guided by number one the fear of the lord number two conscience number three a sense of posterity in truth if christ carries sooner or later all of us will pass and give way for another generation when kofi annan was u.n secretary general he made a statement on children's day he said let the children not suffer the consequences of their parents carelessness we must think about the future beyond our current comfort and bring forth new indices that measure success not just an entourage of people not just money and houses posterity this is what must govern our leadership philosophy there is need for a thorough reorientation of our political system and governance i know that there is a remnant of people who are passionately committed to building this nation but we must pray that they continue to grow into a force that is enough to be able to make kingdom come and to transform this nation the anthem of nigeria says the labour of our heroes past shall not be in vain takes selfishness and insensitivity to make it in vain may god help our politicians may god help our members of parliament from the presidency down to the local government in the name of jesus christ number five media very quickly media [Music] media is the fifth mind control system this is quite a unique one because now the era of technology and social media makes it a double-edged sword it can promote the kingdom in an instant and it can bring reproach to the kingdom in an instant the media is very important it is true that whoever controls the media controls the convictions of people there are many types of government now the media is also a government [Music] the happenings around the world have taught us very painfully that the media have more power than we think we have underestimated the power of the media we must trust god that god will raise men and women who will capture the media for his glory in the name of jesus christ number six the arts and entertainment this is the sixth mountain that must be captured for the kingdom the arts and entertainment [Music] musicians filmmakers sports people and all kinds of people this is the mountain that attempts to mentor society on how to be successful and how to celebrate success we learn how to celebrate success from this mountain and it matters who is teaching you the decadence in society today came from the propositions that came from this mountain in discipline lack of responsibility have come from this mountain because the people in this mountain are people with exceptional results that's the condition to be there whether it is footballers movie makers musicians and all sorts of people you have to this is where celebrities live [Music] we must trust god to raise people from this mountain that's why we continue to work on our people to be competent competent to be able to present the christ [Music] the mountain of arts and entertainment it is amazing the kind of influence that this mountain means we need men and women who love jesus passionately and can excel and while the whole world is lending you their attention you can direct them to jesus even as a celebrity unashamedly you tell them jesus is my lord i love him you tell them my excellence can be traced from the value system and the philosophy that is referenced from scripture if you celebrate my excellence then you have to celebrate the reference from whence it came it is scripture and there are many of you here who god descending to this mountain if you are sent to this mountain your first assignment is to be extremely successful that's what gives you the leverage to get there but when you are there you will look at all and sundry and let them know that jesus remains lord while they clap for you you direct their uploads to jesus from my heart to the heavens jesus be the center it's all about you yes it's all about you from my house to the heavens jesus be the center it's all about you the last mountain and then we pray the mountain of business and finance this is a very serious mountain because this is the mountain that funds every other mountain can i tell you this our civilization is economically driven whoever controls the economy controls the decisions controls the leadership there is no point shying away [Music] the bible says the rich rule over the poor very dangerous statement you would not expect to be found in the bible the rich rule over the poor and the borrower a slave to the lender please listen to me i want you to fight poverty with everything god gave you not from a standpoint of flesh i want to prosper so i have a car so i have a house kingdom come cultures your interest to be more than that it is mundanity to just seek for things but when kingdom come is in view you must trust god for as long as believers remain poor deprived subjugated there is not much that can be done for the kingdom and when i talk of wealth and prosperity i'm not just talking of meeting your needs you are not wealthy when you just meet your needs it doesn't take so much to be able to meet your needs we're talking of people who stand as prophetic killers to see to it that the cause of the kingdom is advanced single individuals who are as blessed as nations i tell you in this end time there are people that god is raising take it from me there are there are there are financial apostles that god will will shoot like arrows men and women who will command levels of wealth i have seen this many times in my visions but the wealth is not in them has not possessed them these were men who prosper these are men who prosper even as their souls prosper their humility their character their sameness is still intact and yet they are custodians of billions they can advance the gospel with their resources they can save a nation in one day there are people god is raising i assure you it's a financial renaissance that god is bringing people who understand the purpose of money more than just buying a car more than just buying estates more than just flashing designers there is an agenda can i tell you this the name of jesus is heavy it takes resources to lift it up [Music] next time you say be lifted high think of what you are saying there are many people who have written books today that god told them the books should go around the earth and save people but they are limited because of resources to be poor and broke is evil let me tell you this the problem i have with poverty is not that it is bad is the effect it has in the gospel think how terrible it will be that whilst a service is going on like this the nations are following tv stations are having this plane right now you know all the people following from different nations and then the gen goes off why foil finished how does that sound to you [Music] i love you forever i love you forever i love you forever lord it's my commitment i love you forever i love you [Music] [Music] forever [Music] he lifted me foreign [Music] we're about to pray listen what you call purpose or your assignment is simply the role that you have to play as far as these mountains are concerned religion family education politics and governance media arts and entertainment finance when he sends us as witnesses we must receive the matching orders and stand everyone to his station [Music] so while the business people are supplying resources the men of god are there preaching doctrine and truth the media people are promoting the council of christ the celebrities are mentoring a generation through their results the family people are raising the next generation and preserving the heritage of godliness it is only at that point we can say thy kingdom come and thy will be done can i tell you this this is what we are called to do more than church more than conferences there must be believers who are saved but matured enough to station themselves therefore like the national anthem of nigeria let me speak to believers arise or compatriots there is the call of that captain our captain is calling many of us have been wallowing away and he's telling you where are the billions that should come from your effective witness oh businessman i sent you to real estate not only to build houses and show you are the youngest millionaire i sent you because there is an agenda you're a man of god i gave you access to 20 000 people not just to build an empire you mentor them or media person i gave you a tv station i made you a celebrity what have you done for the kingdom [Music] i gave you a passion to earn a phd to become a professor to be a vice chancellor to be the leader of an international institute not just so that you will employ your tribesmen there but so that the value system of the kingdom will be left that long after you are gone christ will be enthroned because you brought an order that is consistent with scripture can i tell you this jesus is returning for a church that is victorious we are not weak people just going around doing some service singing praises praying and going back home this is our assignment as witnesses please rise up on your feet two prayer points tonight prayer point number one i obtain grace to be faithful oh god as far as my witness is concerned i will spend my life revealing jesus bringing glory to him lift your voice and pledge that allegiance inside and outside supernatural we will ensure that jesus christ we will ensure that jesus christ [Music] [Music] send me your god as the man of god build me make me frame me and send me to represent your prophecy as an apostle a prophet an evangelist a pastor let me take your [Applause] last prayer point for tonight you are going to pray father every increasing every equipment every mantle every anointing it takes for me to represent you properly as far as the geography of my witness is concerned i obtain grace from heaven lift your voice and pray if you are married obtain grace to give back to jesus if you are naomi obtain grace to mental rule if you are something obtained grace to be a church on behalf of god's people if you are daniel obtain grace to reign in politics if you are joseph obtain grace to preserve israel from sermon if you are moses obtain grace understand power to move god's people from egypt to the promised land if you are joined the baptist stand and serve sincerely advocate the coming of the christ if you are honored the prophetess stay in the place of intercession and pray down salvation if you are joseph of arimathea acquire the grace acquire the estate so that the master will have a place to lie and so that resurrection can happen if you are esther use your beauty use your intelligence to rise to the probe and help preserve stand in truth in the name of jesus christ listen to me when i learned this my life had a definition immediately there is a reason why you will go to bed there is a reason why you will wake up in the morning there will be no more shadow boxing mtg stings because this assignment you see is time targeted from the day you are born there is a countdown you don't have all the time if you get born again at 30 time is already against you i made up my mind that as far as it depends on me i will bring joy to the heart of the master many have gone ahead of us some run this race with excellence some did not run with excellence their lessons are all together for us to learn the bible says seeing them that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight on the scene that don't easily beset us and to run with perseverance the race that is set before us ceo now you know that the favor upon your life is not just because you are intelligent there is an assignment tied to it politician is not only because god granted you grace to win elections there is an assignment tied to it there will truly be a revival in africa there will be a renaissance not just on crusade grounds alone i believe that in our lifetime we will see africa rise as that continent that will present jesus to other nations in the name of jesus christ witnesses there was a man sent from god his name was you the same came for a witness that through his witness all my belief he says it is because of peace that i have said that you shall receive power there are people here you may not have the opportunity to go to the house of assembly but remember you are mary your assignment is in your womb make sure you give back to jesus well take care of jesus for us because he is a savior if you are elizabeth realize that your womb is carrying a prophet [Music] don't let john the baptist fail if you are hannah don't just mourn your barriness realize somewhere is coming rather than focusing on the barriness we prepare to raise samwell because he is the prophet who will ordain saul he is the prophet who will ordain david for this the kingdom the power and the glory forever [Music] forever [Music] forever is [Music] [Music] go back home this week and get a notebook begin to work on this series write down certain things get certain things clear about your destiny and open fire towards destiny no going back bond the bridge behind you my generation must see me serve the properties of god that at the end of your life it will not just be that you came grew married had children met somebody and died that's not a good craft for your life that kingdom comes through my life that's why we sang this anthem i'm going to make an altar call right now two minutes please our time is gone you are here and you are saying apostle i need jesus fast no compassion wherever you are just run and come out and come and stand in front of me right now i mean run like this fire on the mountain there's no need to preach any other message for you while we sing this song i'd like you to come and stand here all the overflows you can come and stand in front of your overflow run to jesus he's giving you a new beginning right now run to jesus run to jesus christ celebrate them as they come don't sit back there it's time to make a decision for him [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Music] this is one of the reasons why we save sinners this is one of the reasons why we ask people to come to jesus is not to just increase the membership of a church is so that the body of christ you don't have to kneel my dear people lift your right hand whether you're on the floor or you're standing i know some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears let me a few minutes believe us say after me lord jesus those of you in front here all the overflows you're following from any nation i'd like you to make that commitment mean it from the depth of your heart you're not reciting a poem the bible says he must be born again say after me lord jesus i believe that you are the son of god tonight i have heard your word that you desire that i be saved and to be a witness i have come just as i am i declare that jesus is my savior is my lord and is my king i declare that the power of sin satan and the grave is broken from my life from today i am a recipient of eternal life i am a child of god i grow in grace and i go forward ever and backward never in jesus name keep the hands lifted father thank you for these ones you have brought them by your spirit some of them are crying in genuine repentance let tonight be the beginning of a new season in the name of jesus christ i pray that the power that saves the gospel being the power of god unto salvation may the power that saves walk in your life in the name of jesus according to the authority of scripture i declare your sins forgiving i declare that god gives you a new beginning from today in the name of jesus you rise a new person you go forward ever and backward never welcome to the family of faith in the name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen gentlemen and ladies thank you please i'd like you to follow the gentleman who is smiling and waving a placard at you there will be a few councilors who would receive you right now let's celebrate them as they go let's celebrate them as they go [Applause] hallelujah praise the name of the lord you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: BX7LiXoz-5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 17sec (14297 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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