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hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm call me Chris you can call me Chris and today my mother is coming on the channel and I asked you guys to ask some questions for both of us and while we're doing that we're going to be making gingerbread houses just to spice it up and because we're both very competitive so it'll get good so without further Ado here is my mother everybody clap I'm on it she's nervous yeah oh I forgot to give you guys a compliment do you want to give them a compliment do you watch any of my videos I do want okay but I always give my audience a compliment you are looking so Rosy today Rosie that's a new one I haven't used that before okay see there you go I do watch your videos that's great Rosy and happy well hopefully you're happy well now you're gonna be happy you're going to be happy because you're going to love this video anyway we are going to be making gingerbread houses she didn't know this but I got you in different houses because she's not creative and I know I'll win and she's very competitive but also we're going to be doing a q a I asked you guys if you wanted to ask us questions so we're going to be doing that yeah let's get to it also I got um Oreo gingerbread houses and I was gonna invite Jacob to do this with us but I ate most of the other ones let's start off with the first question loser Juans did you ever sneak out of the house me or you I guess both of us 100 you did he yeah oh yeah you guess you did I did all the time did you know when I snuck up no probably not you Jessica because she ass styled us oh yeah yeah Jessica my older sister she butt dialed my parents once when she snuck out and I was lying in her bed to cover for her just in case they came to check on her poor job don't do that but when one of you got in trouble both of you got in trouble because we were always in competes with each other Mr didell's asks how is this wearing and when you use the lord's name in Vanna don't like it so I'm gonna try not to swear this video or use the lord's name in vain I mean the swearing I swear yeah you smell like a trucker I do I do but I just don't like it when you use the lord's name and things yeah okay I won't do it what is the best thing about me that you are absolutely authentically you that's it I just started you are kind and thoughtful you've been making us all smile and laugh since the day you were born I'll pay you in venmo on the way up thank you for saying thank you that's just the beginning but yes those those are those are the things that absolutely jump out you just bring so much joy to our life Madison Slaughters well asks what was Chris like as a child I have to say pretty much so as you are success I play dress up still yeah I do voices still yeah all of the things I used to talk to myself a lot you did she probably went to the corner because she got in trouble an awful lot because of the swearing at a very young age and your Grammy puts you but you stood in the corner more than all of the other children put together just an overachiever you would try to sneak in little toys into the corner so you could play with them right because you knew you were going there all the time but it got to a point where we knew that you were going to take the toys so we took them all away from you and you just started playing with your fingers yeah I would talk to myself with my fingers and you would make up little characters and that was like very early on yeah that was well like the age of like the age of three onwards yeah little characters so born and bred this way asks do you have any regrets with how you race your children geez and Ash that's intense loaded questions yes absolutely I've lost my temper far too many times yeah she oh my gosh when she can lose her temper Justified because we were [ __ ] I don't understand this house or I guess what the hell was that Lee Jessica we're filming you can come up though if you want you can join Jessica I was not supposed to be here but she's here you can help mommy she's sucking ass well at this gingerbread actually I don't know if I'm building this road to be honest okay surprise guest Jessica how accurate is my impression of you in my videos first of all don't lie all of our friends enrolled to say completely accurate absent the Minnesota accent it's not Minnesota it's Canadian and it's just to make it sound funnier okay but yeah she doesn't talk like this but I think it's funnier sometimes she does if she's under the influence she sounds a little more but many have many of the actual scenes are 100 accurate thank you so yes it is completely accurate it's just the the the accent is a little embellished obviously you can hear me speak right now tell her that sounds like and the class of Minnesota and the glasses are a little exaggerated our sweater you wear our house coat what are you talking about but not all the time like that oh what was the biggest fight we ever had can you stop what's the biggest fight we have ever had oh I got a scene for this one sorry I actually don't know for this one probably I want to pinch you up against the wall okay yeah she admitted to that on camera perfect yeah 100 I did she did why was that I don't remember I think I was just I figured you know what you know what I do no I wasn't but I you know what I do to piss people off yeah I do this when she's like you disrespecting me and I'm just like she said okay and that's all right I honestly deserve it that reminds me of this no don't they respect your parents it was it was a terrible mothering moment it's okay but remember when Christina did the same thing to me and I took an empty pizza box oh yeah right I just like she went the [ __ ] out of my pizza box yeah she was not small hitting me up is a two-year-old no she was not as strong I was like 16 Maybe 17. [Music] social services please don't come for me no she was almost ready 26 I'm like help me I live in my own house no she was not a small child Ravine Fatima asks who's your favorite child you have to answer that that's a horrible thing no I do not have a favorite chocolate I know some days some days I do okay so today today yeah today Alyssa no hey don't answer for her today I'm gonna say it's Christina because because she put my makeup on today I did put your makeup on I was gonna say your eyes look so nice oh thanks because I didn't oh now she's the favorite because she complimented her honesty right policy yes it is oh yeah you got to be honest otherwise I'm killing this house where are you what do you do D King Studio asks what did you think Chris would do for a living when I grew up like when I was a kid what did you think I would be crazy I didn't know either I still don't know to be honest so you don't know you don't have anything uh no just wait hold up I thought she might be a cop actually yeah I did take a lot of criminology when I went to University she was sassy if Jessica was doing this competition with us she'd just be eating this Isaac she did eat some of mine Liberty asks can you do any of the voices that I do can you do any of my characters voices I'm terrible you're you're down try to do try to do try to do Riley I can do it again for me okay that was pretty good pretty good can you do um little Russian accent Russian accent all right she can do it she's like I can't do it she's like I am from blush that's pretty better than you I should be honest I'm awesome you're good at Chad though but Chad's pretty easy dude is your mom okay with you mimicking her sub totally yeah she doesn't care totally good okay I get to meet Chad if I do chat in this video I think she means Chad Krueger maybe one day for those of you don't know I'm actually like Fast Friends with Chad now I'm not yeah I know maybe I will be oh 5K 4r says what's your mom's number people think you're hot yeah old lady tell her she shot in the comments you know it that's okay you don't have to do not take a pity on me this one British it's working oh my gosh this is a dog Chef oh what's Joshy wait wait Joshy wait man asks what's your favorite Tick Tock of mine actually I think it is your very first one oh the Costco one I like to have a lot of fresh fruit around and chocolate chips in my pancakes okay write it down so you don't forget she would just throw her lists at me yeah that was a good one it was your favorite you throw the pants yeah yeah that one yeah it's totally Christina and it was her very first video it makes me sound so and then I asked Mr Peter asks any family traditions that are a must which is good for Christmas yes we do we have family traditions yeah for Christmas specifically huh that's not that didn't work at all gracious I thought it would stick it's not working honey can I have glue Traditions Mom oh sorry Traditions Christmas Eve we usually order Chinese food we do and nobody else played we play games we do we play card games we play board games we watch Christmas movies yeah always the same ones every single year we never give a new one a chance we always watch White Christmas and National Lampoon's Vacation National Lampoon and it's a beautiful life that's right Shiny Happy Matt says most amusing story from my childhood oh there's so many okay this might embarrass your weed a little bit embarrassed on this have you seen my videos okay so when you were being potty trained it was you had been potty trained but you still needed some help you know myself I'm wiping things up and you had finished up and dad was in one room and I was in another room and you were calling for help to like wipe up you were like okay I'm done and so I thought dad was going to help you and you remember this only because you're so small so like you know you're all of like two yeah and Dad thought I was going to help you and neither one of us came and you're like okay I'm done and then the third time you said hey Lucy I'm home and I have no right solution yeah you did it in an accent and everything explaining to do and I have no idea where you picked this up from it's like Dad and I were crying laughing I was like two who is this like three or three maybe it's like how do you even know Lucy and Desi Arnaz and you were like you must have been at Grammy impossible and you were like hey Lucy I'm like naked my diapers on my feet I'm like I don't know what you're saying it's just like ridiculous Jason Selva asks were you strict you know what you give me a bad rap so no so you were but it was good no yeah I'm glad she was yeah like so I was strict I mean I have some regrets you too I was a little bit more strict with I kind of loosened up that by the third and like by the fourth by Jacob which was the same thing in my house there's four kids in my house every time like I'm the baby by the time I came around my grammy and Pops were like yeah we raised Jacob and Alyssa I'm exhausted right well and the same thing my brothers and my sister right like by that time it's like I mean pops were like going off to the Bahamas if it wasn't for me Jacob would be dead that's not true is it true anyways let's get back to the question so I was a little bit strict specifically with with the dating game yeah we weren't allowed to date nobody but uh it didn't work out they just they just didn't listen to us anymore I'm glad anyways in high school to be honestly but anyways it was stupid I was stupid she's a good parent I'll leave it on this no you're great mom I'm gonna shower thanks for your help honey welcome let me know if you need more help I'm actually doing pretty good okay was I'm was I a mistake the stop signs asks was I a mistake absolutely not yes I was you were blessed I was born during a divorce wasn't I yeah I'm a bastard but the best surprise Jackson just surprised me a surprise and a and a and a blessing all in one yeah so um yeah so I uh her father and I her one father because she has two biological dad and I were getting uh separated at the time that I found out I was a couple of months right now that's why my name's Christina my great grandma's name is Christina but it started with the CH but my mom was feeling really like possessive possessive and she's like I'm gonna put a K in front of that because my mom's name is Carol Okay She's mine yeah exactly did you ever drop me on my head as a baby no just a little few times hmm I got got into practice by the time you came along AAE Torres asks is your mom single mom that's that's people are uh that's very sweet she's gonna have an ego now last Valkyrie asks are you guys closer now that you're grown up yeah I think so and that I've moved out I think uh we actually talk more little that I moved out yeah I would say so I mean we've always been close no we have but I just I think that yeah yeah Angel asked what are your icks about each other let me tell you well we have the same icks though like we hate when people chew really loud yeah we both have misophonia we diagnosed ourselves yeah with misophomia um like the video if you have that as well just know it a lot of noises that annoy you you know what bug thing about her she does this eye squinty thing she goes like this one one eye Squints a lot more than the other it's like when she's scolding you she's like yeah she's doing it right now that's something I do that really annoys you um besides saying the lord's name and name that really I know it does I'm working on it I don't know it's just things that come up in the moment yeah sometimes you just get cheeky with me and I'm like hey I'm your mom yeah that's your care Ivan asks mother how old was your mom when she had you how old are you 26. you're my age I don't even have a person yeah I know but I was I was kind of a but I was also born while she was having her first divorce divorce she's been the first divorce my dad's been divorced a few times not that there's anything wrong with that no any of you out there if you've had more than one divorce like something happens right yeah like yeah Don't Settle yeah that's fine yeah she was pretty young I was very young and you know what let me say there's nothing wrong I was very young and I was very foolish in that I went into my first marriage thinking that I needed to change your dad yes your first dad and you know like that and that I was just very young and naive and there's nothing wrong with him I just he wasn't my person yeah and so I was very young we're only married for seven years yeah no and yeah and it was like it was very awful of me it's like you just wasn't my person so yeah that was just foolish of me Sarah asked what's your favorite singer oh I have a few but like it's more of a band like Fleetwood Mac that's fine yeah Stevie Nicks that's where I get my taste from what's your horoscope she's a Gemini yeah but I don't really um I don't even know what that means I'm not even I'm not a horoscope thank you she's a Gemini I don't know what that means tell us in the comments below yeah it's just that Jessica ate my icing and so I ate all my cookies and she actually did pretty good here show them just a minute you gotta put a little little step here just to just jizz it up oh is that a bad thing just gotta pick it up who did better let us know in the comments below oh you've got a little chippy yes there we go they're pretty good you did actually pretty good I didn't think it would look as good thanks anyway thank you so much for joining me on my channel thanks hopefully you guys enjoyed this this is my mom I don't know what you expected a lot of people I think are gonna be like oh my goal she looked exactly the same in the comments below it's like yeah I walked out of her hoo-ha okay honey anyway if you like the video please like the video it really helps with the channel also subscribe if you haven't subscribed this is obviously business oh this is two cameras yeah and uh I will see your beautiful face in the next video okay bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 1,432,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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