Trying DUMB 5 Minute Crafts

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oh my gosh what the duck I am absolutely suspended by your beauty right now did you share some of that and stop being shellfish all right cut it out hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm call me Chris you can call me Chris and we are trying five minute crafts because you guys have asked me to a million times and you know how much I love going through this torture let's get to it [Music] all right chip hacks let's go out as a giant chip we are gonna make that aren't we oh yeah we are all right I got oh this looks like it's so much effort all right slap it on there I don't know if I have that stuff and a tortilla all right I got tortillas you slap it on there you zest it up a little bit you stick it in the oven and then you got a giant chip I am skeptical but I'm a little excited let's do it hello and welcome to the kitchen where Chris does five minute crafts I think I changed the name every single time I do this but that's fine anyway we have our lovely assistant Kevin hello there we go look at him look at him hello we're gonna try some tortilla chips let's do it all right ready are you ready first things first we have reps all right and next we need tens I have a pan who would have thought or a baking sheet what do you call this baking sheet I don't I don't have that um parchment paper so we're just gonna lay it on this [ __ ] all right and I have full of oil and I think we need salt and pepper which we got that was fruit what you just saw there all right I think I need to put my hair up otherwise I'm gonna get hair all up in this chip all right let's do this welcome to my baking show all right first thing first we're gonna change this camera angle put it down here don't be nasty all right hi guys so I don't have two cameras so we're only gonna have this angle so I might be doing this sometime first things first we got Daddy what nothing anyway we have the wraps scissors okay open the wraps [ __ ] there we go there we go wrap sauce this puppy up we got olive oil just need to open this up look at that we're handsome olive oil do you like that I think I just took this on oh wait no no oh my God you have to put it on the pan first I think or the baking sheet shut up let's just dollop that on there oh that was probably too much all right well spread it out oh my God yeah get those Brushy spreading things okay I can't find one but I have this thing which is uh who's your daddy all right here we go spread that around yeah yeah good slap it down spread that on there I feel like that's good all right there's no such thing as too much lube and you could take that to the bank oh Mom I hope you're not watching nice and wet and oiled up and now we are going to do a little bit of pepper and then we're gonna do some salt because we're salty [ __ ] I'm gonna get creative with this okay I'm gonna take it like 10 steps further than five minute crafts I think we could season it with something else what could we use I have like popcorn seasoning oh Kevin I'm a genius we could make a giant salt and vinegar chip oh my okay so I have this popcorn salt and vinegar seasoning I'm so hyped right now God damn it I'm so smart [Music] all right now I'm gonna take this baby right we're gonna cover it oh Kevin how the [ __ ] did your hair get in here I'm really excited about this because it smells just like salmon on this I'm gonna douse this baby maybe that's a lot I've never been so excited this fails I quit everything oh the oven's ready now we wait and now we wait till the dance break oh yeah this is my jam that literally took over an hour it said 200 degrees for 10 minutes my ass okay I had to Pump It Up to 350 for 45 minutes and it may have been because I doused it in olive oil maybe but I think it made for a better chip look at this work of art oh it smells glorious look at that I don't even want to touch it guys I don't cook that often okay so this is probably the coolest thing I've ever made in my life well we're gonna try it I feel like I want to try like the crispier side because I'm a crispy [ __ ] all right here we go somebody called Gordon Ramsay because I just out did him sister that is Lay's hire me adding the salt and vinegar seasoning was genius oh my good Lord and the salt and the pepper I am a chef you could do this with so many of the flavors oh I had ketchup seasoning I can make a giant ketchup chip five minute crafts smartest thing you've ever done you get a whole half a star more you were negative five now you're negative four and a half all right well let's see if Kevin likes it come on mommy made you something I'm gonna give it a little piece sit there you go no eat it he likes it yay it's Kevin approved oh no it's a bright sun and oh yes we've seen this one we have clear tape and we made clear tape sunglasses and we put it on her face and hope to Jesus our eyebrows don't come off with it all right let's try it all right well back in the kitchen and I've got some clear tape it's actually my brother's sock hockey tape sake tape Kevin dude so we're gonna use this and we're just gonna put it on our eyeballs I guess as if I needed less eyelashes or eyebrows can't see through that at all that's great I don't know how to measure this I also have like an ample amount of markers because I don't know which ones work is anybody else like have markers that don't work anymore but they put them back in the marker drawer just like in the hopes that it might work one day I feel like that was like my parents putting in my room when they grounded me they're like maybe she'll get better if we put her back in there take her out in a couple months it never worked by the way anyway so just go with the thick boy all right I feel like if I do this should I cut this I'm talking again by the way I'm gonna check it myself although I do that a lot too so yeah all right I feel like if I do this that's about where it needs to be I shall move this off keep my fingers there put it on the table now it's stuck to the table that's fine anyway I'm just gonna mark it it I don't know if that's even close but I honestly can't see [ __ ] oh wait did they do this while it was still on the tape that would make sense there we go we're good all right oh I don't know how big my eyeballs are that's how I measure to put like nails on the wall to hang up paintings oh my paintings and pictures are like slightly sideways because I refuse to bring out tools to actually do it properly okay that's probably about right I know this tape is a little thinner but you know what that's all right we're gonna have like this 90s sunglass Vibe dad sunglasses you know like the ones that he wears fishing yeah second one oh I butchered that I didn't even measure my eye for this one that's all right I feel like I know what I'm doing now I said I feel like I know what I'm doing now what the [ __ ] is that coming out with my own line of sunglasses next fall oh God the Signal's not reaching from my brain to my body parts oh it will make it look like sunglasses I'm gonna draw a line between them I don't know if she did that and I'm not gonna look back to reference because lazy uh-huh how does it look because I am blind wait I can see a little bit oh it's actually you know what I can actually see through a little bit I'm gonna test this out Kevin I know that you're not a seeing eye dog but I need you to I need you to be one come with me come on come on because I can like kind of see but I can't see see you know what I'm saying I think the mirror is right here this is what we look like right now I'm going outside I've got the doors locked okay let's go into the sun you know what kind of works not gonna lie I can't see so does that mean it works I don't know okay next all right we are out to our desk we are uncomfortable story of my life I had back problems all right is there a solution to this because if there is I'm excited all right we gotta I don't know if I can bend like that uh blood to the into the pelvic region all right she looks calm and zesty all right I'm excited to try this let's do it okay so I don't have a yoga mat excuse me sir but I have a carpet so we're gonna do that Kevin's gonna watch from there okay I have a lot of lower back pain or pelvic pain whatever I got pain everywhere all right so let's see if this helps at all okay if you're gonna have a not great view that's all right zero flexibility though so not that hopeful all right don't look at mom like this am I doing it I can't breathe I feel like I'm giving birth I can't even get my legs to the ground I feel just enormous amount of neck pain oh God okay get back up that was not worth it all right next all right we got a shirt and it's got a hole in it so we don't want to waste it though we're cutting the collar ah and we all going to put it on a oh Kevin come back so handsome Kevin hello and welcome back to my kitchen I'm now wearing a sweater because it's a little bit chilly and I'm wearing non-prescription glasses because I think they make me look cute we have our collared shirt one of many that I had because I went through a colored shirt phase and now I never wear them at all so this will be good okay we gotta cut this [ __ ] up boy yeah to be honest I don't remember how she cut it exactly but I'm just gonna cut it like this I don't know if this is gonna fit around his thick ass neck no offense Kevin but we'll see this is great cutting up a collared shirt repurposing it for my flu feed dog look at that look at that we need it seamstresses I guess we're not seamstresses they would like so [ __ ] I'm not gonna so [ __ ] all right let's put this on Kevin all right my love can you sit oh oh God your neck is too thick not yeah you got a thick neck it makes you look handsome that's okay we can improv we could do that maybe I'll just tuck it into his collar she's an innovator Evan hates this so much oh my God wait Stay Stay he's gonna live up let's just sit sit what's this can you see his collar it's it's not it oh it fell off I don't have a thick net I wonder if I could get a work on me oh look at that well sorry mom's gonna take this one actually I feel like I still need to make him something let's try something else we don't waste anything in this household so now this will be my little collar you nasty oh my God wait this is a moment am I making a fashion trend right now is this a thing am I a trendsetter anyway I was going to make white I could just put this on him we could be matching okay wait Kevin's Tail's wagging he's excited this might be the most high key low-key stupid but also genius thing I've ever done in my life all right here here this is what we're gonna do we're gonna put your arm through here I'm so sorry it's both fashion yes okay that's okay it's fine folks he's fine oh my God oh my God he looks so Dapper oh my gosh look at us and I'm a cutie couple oh wait still waiting never gonna come up with one because we our perfect match Kevin you look great [Music] I'm so sorry I'll take it off okay next and we're doing our hair with a vacuum cleaner straight forward simple I'm into it let's do it all right last and probably least we're gonna try to do our hair with a vacuum I should have emptied this before look how nasty that is I'm not gonna empty it it's fine I'm Dusty trash too so but I'm gonna switch it up a little bit I don't know where I saw it but I saw somebody put a ponytail like on this thing a little premature and then you like vacuum your hair and then stick the ponytail on it so we're gonna try that all my hair gets pulled off cool oh no oh no wait I should do it this way okay this is good I feel like I'm gonna come at it from like this angle get it all in there oh no sure do I look beautiful well I look like I've had a great night you know it's the morning after all right well I think that was a success to be honest okay well I hope you enjoyed the video I am in pain and I have regrets and I also made a really good giant chip so a lot happened please like the video if you liked the video just for me I went through a lot for this video also it helps out the channel and if you haven't subscribed already why but why this is obviously business so please subscribe and uh Kevin you got anything to say subscribe yes exactly that's what I said I will see your beautiful face in the next video okay bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 3,446,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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