MOM FORCES Daughter To MARRY RICH, She Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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remind me again why i had to come to this of course you had to come it's my company holiday party besides there's someone i want to ah there he is let's see oh could have spent a little more time on your hair priya mama there's nothing wrong with my hair and are you not wearing lipstick oh my goodness let's see mama you know i only like wearing gloss and besides why do you care anyway mama please stop i'm not gonna wear any lipstick fine anyway there's someone i want to introduce you to oh my god you better not be trying to set me up again i told you i don't want to be in a relationship right now oh why not when i was your age i was already pregnant with you hello look isn't he handsome and newly single and the best part is he makes a big six-figure salary i know this because i'm in charge of reconciling the bank statements oh wow that's not creepy at all mama i don't care how much money he makes when my new app takes off i'm gonna make more than any guy come on priya first it was acting and now you want to build an app what you need is a solid foundation and the way to do that is to have a good husband who can take care of you wow i'm out of here hello oh hello nice to see you nice to see you too and remember please call me auntie this is my daughter priya the one i was telling you about oh hi it's nice to be your mom talks about you all the time oh does she arjun is the head of the engineering department your parents must be so proud yeah they said uh either engineer doctor or complete failure and i can't stand the sight of blood so i chose the only other viable option you're a good son listening to your parents priya always listens to her mom don't you priya yeah i heard about your engagement i'm so sorry thanks it's honestly for the best the only hard part is uh no more home-cooked meals ah you don't have anyone to cook for you i feel so bad for you you know why don't you come to our house for dinner priya is an excellent cook she makes the best dosa really i mean i do love dosas mama you know that honey why don't you come tomorrow at seven o'clock um are you sure i don't want to intrude or anything you will never be intruding you're like family please come anytime yeah okay sure that sounds really great actually i look forward to it i can't believe you told him i know how to cook when i can barely even make mac and cheese a good wife knows how to cook how else is her husband going to eat i don't know maybe he should learn how to cook for himself or even cook for his wife don't be silly it's fine i have plenty of time to teach you to cook before the wedding what what wedding i barely even know the guy do you know how long your father and i knew each other beforehand two hours before our marriage okay this isn't india mama and i'm not even trying to date let alone get married i'm super focused on building my business right now priya if you listen to me you won't need to start any type of business urgent makes enough money to support both of you is that really what you think i want for a man to support me no i want to make it on my own not rely on some guy he's here okay don't talk about any of this kind of stuff in front of him okay wear this ew no why hello hello auntie hi oh these are for you oh thank you veda thank you oh come come come in we had just got done cooking oh okay hey hi come have a seat thank you get ready to have the best dosa you've ever tasted i can't wait please don't let my mom fool you i had nothing to do with making any of this to be honest i kind of had a feeling maybe she didn't make the whole thing but she did help a lot here you go oh this looks incredible the chutney here you go thank you so priya tell me about yourself what do you like to do oh i'm actually kind of boring to be honest but i've been super focused on building this new app really an app wow yeah um how it works is that it's like kind of oh yeah let's not talk about this little idea of yours i keep reminding her that she needs to concentrate on more important things in life like building a family you know once she has kids she won't have time for all this you know careers are important too mama not as important as marriage righteousness well i i think being fulfilled is what's important right whether that's through family or a business see your silly little app isn't a career it could be priya you're embarrassing us in front of our guest not at all actually i'd be interested in hearing more about what you're working on really yeah give me your elevator pitch okay so basically it's like a ride sharing app but just for women you know to make transportation safer and i'm gonna call it safe her that's brilliant yeah actually have an old college friend up in silicon valley that might be interested in hearing something like that have you met with any vcs yet no i haven't actually but i'm still developing the ui so after that i think i'm gonna ria it's rude to keep talking about yourself let's talk about our guest arjun it's my fault i asked why can't you ever be more supportive i've invited this lovely boy here and all you can do is keep talking about some app how can i support that some app you know how important this is to me since arjun has been here he hasn't even taken a bite of his food it is getting cold now let's talk later and eat now why do you always have to undermine everything that i do or say or want to bria stop talking back a traditional indian girl talks less and listens more wow really well then i'm sorry i couldn't be the traditional indian girl you wanted me to be priya where are you going i'm sorry about that i don't know what got into her you eat i'll be right back okay [Music] why did you leave you're making such a bad impression so i don't need to impress anyone i just want to be myself and i hate how you're always trying to push your values on me it's because i know what's best for you priya after your father passed away you know how hard things got for us i work so hard every day and we can hardly afford this small place i don't want you to struggle like this too then shouldn't you be teaching me not to rely on a man but to chase after my own dreams dreams don't come true in real life priya trust me but if you were with urjin you wouldn't have to worry i wouldn't have to worry about you your whole life would be set so please come back out there with me i'm sorry but no i can't lead someone on when i'm not interested i don't care how much money he makes i just want to focus on myself and what i'm doing mama i've already made up my mind you are making a huge mistake priya and one day you will regret it we'll see priya's sad that her mom doesn't believe in her but at the same time she knows that she has to follow her dreams she puts in a lot of hours working on her app starting with drawing all of the design concepts by hand over time she teaches herself how to code and is even able to come out with her very first beta app she begins to pitch her concept to different investors at first she's so excited to talk about her app but that excitement quickly starts to fade when she gets told no over and over again she almost feels like giving up that is until she meets someone that finally says yes [Music] of course it didn't hurt that she had the right introduction [Music] a couple of years go by and it turns out priya's silly little idea worked her business is boomy and she becomes a really successful ceo [Music] and then a while later priya's mom comes to pay her a visit at her new place hi cop thank you wow is this your new place yeah not bad right oh not at all come oh thanks wow oh my goodness you learned how to make dosa i can't believe this i actually didn't make those oh then who did auntie how are you arjun oh what are you doing here oh well pre and i are um we're dating but don't get too excited we're taking things kind of slow i rabbah this makes me so happy now it explains it i was wondering how my little priya could afford this place by herself oh well i had nothing to do with that it was all priya oh really yeah i'm just in charge of the dosas they're not as good as yours but you should try but you made these dosas but isn't that priya's job well priya handles all the bills i handle everything else actually works out quite nicely that way especially considering how much more successful she is than i am what's this wow i i can't believe this it's not so bad for a silly little idea huh i hope you're proud of me so so proud virgin yeah go get the chutney let's try these doses of yours okay [Music] wow this is such a beautiful dress that's my dress you're not playing cinderella tonight an indian cinderella you get to be one of the step sisters what i just want to say i'm sorry this thing is just so uncomfortable let me help oh and slip
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 14,057,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: k7Oq4zYN4uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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