Modern Horizons Commander w/ LoadingReadyRun l Game Knights #27 l Magic the Gathering Gameplay EDH

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That Hermit Druid activation was amazing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 389 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/otnavuskire πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man that "favor" at the end was awesome! What a game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 277 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BobMortis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bear force one!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 199 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WumblesTheGay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

that's gotta be my favorite ending to a game knights, the "math is for blockers" twist and calling in the favor had me cackling.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 155 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/boozkoo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh man, Graham was on fire with the jokes this episode. I was rolling in the beginning: "By the authority falsely invested in me by yourself previously." GO BEAR FORCE ONE!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 148 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Qant00AT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The best part was when Graham used Grizzly Fate with Threshold and Flashed it back in the same turn for 8 Bears, which happens to be the exact scenario described by Alex while talking (to?) Surrak in the Clanmanders episode of Friday Nights

Edit: Thank You Kind Sirs for my first silver!!!!

Edit 2, Electric Boogaloo: Holy Crap! Someone gave me Reddit Gold!? Thank you kind sir!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Scoruge πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This game was amazing. Best episode of Game Knights yet.

I criticized some lackluster episodes in the past, but the last couple of episodes have been genuinely fantastic to watch. Did you guys change your approach with regard to deckbuilding, or is it just that things are working out as opposed to some of the other episodes?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 119 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chaosof99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Movie length, suspense, plot twists, great puns, and a decission in the first minutes of the game, that came full circle on the very last turn.

This game had a better story arc, more entertainment and more consistency than 90% of these so called β€œBlockbustersβ€œ. Chapeau!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 112 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Garagatt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Might be the best episode of Game Knights yet. Such a fantastic game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 132 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KC_Wandering_Fool πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up everybody welcome to another episode of game nights this show is sponsored and brought to you by Wizards of the coast now today we are playing a commander with the new cards from modern horizons and we have some of our favorite returning guests but before we get into all that we got to give a shout-out to our sponsor card Kingdom dot-com / command zone that's the affiliate link you want to use to buy all of your magic products singles anything at all you're gonna buy magic cards anyway if you just use that affiliate link when you do your supporting game nights command zone extra turns all of our content and the other way to support the show is directly at slash command zone patrons get to watch episodes of game nights a day early as well as chat with us on our discord and it's a great place to hang out we hope to see you guys there yes and one final thing before we get started as always we're giving away a ton of stuff so just stay tuned until the very end of the episode if you want to have a chance to win all right let's get into this episode of commander modern horizons [Music] how is it everybody welcome back to another episode of game nights today on the show we have two of our favorite guests returning hi I'm Graham stark from loading ready run you might know me from all the stuff loading ready run does that isn't about magic but more likely from our pre pre-release events or Friday nights and I'm very excited to be back for my second episode of game nights hi I'm Kathleen from letting Ronnie run and in addition to all the other cool things the Graham talk but you might recognize me from the official Wizards D&D channel where I wrote and ran a campaign set Ravnica called by law and order and I am super excited to be back for my second episode of game nights so today is all about modern horizons and it may have the word modern in it but there are a ton of new awesome legendary creatures that are gonna be great in commander the deck I'll be playing today is a whole gang arisen necropolis the text on this card is really unique for starters you can't pay mana to cast this commander but it has two important keywords convoke and delve this led me to build a deck that's gonna create a lot of creatures for the convoke half and put a lot of cards into the graveyard for the dealt another one of the interesting things is you can essentially play this commander over and over again without ever paying commander tax if you do it right I rarely play this color combination so I'm really excited to get my graveyard engine going and out value all of my opponents and of course I have to play a mono black commander so today my deck will be led by young moth ran physician this is an aristocrats deck which basically means I'm gonna play a lot of creatures but I want them to die because every time a creature dies I get some sort of benefit from it I draw cards I make tokens or a dream life regardless of what happens though value will behead the deck I built is more upon the boundless the great thing about this card is that you can play any that hasn't been represented up until now and I chose avatar I chose this tribe because generally speaking they're very big and more fawns gonna make them cost less which means I'll be getting in the mouth earlier and I'll be swinging in before my opponent's even know what hit him we've been making jokes about a bear tribal commander deck for years in Friday nights it has been a running gag how many two drops do you have not just two drops two twos for two bears Sentinel slivers white and a sliver still counts as a bear I call this deck bear force one people constantly message me on Twitter talked to me at conventions at magic fests and they want to know the decklist and I have to tell them it's a scripted show it's a joke the deck doesn't exist until now I'm building my deck around a EULA queen among bears now we have a legendary bear who is a bear and I EULA isn't just amazing but she cares about bears the strategy from my deck bear tribal if it's a bear it's in and if it makes bear tokens it's in if it's a decent green card you should probably play and Commander it might not be in because I had to make room for a lot of bears but the point is bear force one is in full effect all right let's get it on let's play let's battle claws are out I'm ready to fight welcome back Graham and Kathleen to game nights as always this show is sponsored by o j-- prohm we have excellent ultraPro play masks what nice we just first time man yeah we did I mean don't you always first time it yes so I'm realizing a problem yeah we don't have anyone tonight both been on the show before that's right we were supposed to do I mean have either of you been knighted I think you need to be knighted if you're gonna be conferring some sort of realm based blessing on people where's the thing I'm gonna do the thing by the authority falsely invested in me by yourself previously I dub thee sir Josh you are now actually a game night feels good yeah all right and Jimmy yeah by the power vested in me by the state of California I dub you sir Jamie go forth and make new nights because you certainly weren't doing it beforehand yeah we would never do that when we make them them from now on yeah yeah yeah welcome to game night stand all right everybody ready yep you bet you all right I will draw fritter I will play a temple garden tapped alabaster awesome draw play a snow-covered forest I have no reason in the deck to be running snow-covered lands but their full art now and they look sweet so I guess that's a reason past ijen okay draw I will play a jungle hollow tapped and gain a life pester okay on tap draw I'll play snow swamp go ahead it snow covered yeah all right tap drop return I will play a reflecting pool and then I will tap that reflecting pool for a green and I'll play a soul ring this card is a pretty good top deck even on turn two not quite as good as turn one but I do have a 7cm sea commander so any kind of ramp I'm happy with and I'll pester all right untap and draw I'm going to play another forest and I feel like I have no other option but to play this as my to drop a EULA queen among bears well I you'll is not the first legendary bear she's just the best I mean look at her she cares about bears she makes bears bigger she makes your bears fight you guys everything you want to do in a bear commander deck on turn two geez just a tutu but stick around and that is gonna be my turn Jimmy alright untap and drop your turn play Burton catacombs I'm going to crack and blues on life I'm gonna find overgrown tomb and put it into play on tap and take two more okay Graham I know that you have bears and they can fight each other yes no they fight they fight other creatures yeah yeah oh he's gonna play something that you could kill if he doesn't want you to kill I want you to kill it I'll remind you that the Bears only fight if I play other bears but your deck is all bears it's all very I don't have to make promises to people damn you I'm just I'm just putting it out there as I will most likely be the person that has you know it's like a target but but I would love for it's not to be all right I'm gonna play her Madrid oh this card might be one of the most powerful cards in all of commander and my deck really wants to put cards in the graveyard and there's no card that does that faster than her Madrid the only problem is it's a 1/1 Graham can kill this guy anytime he plays a bear so that makes me nervous I don't know if I'm going to kill it at my first possible opportunity but the fact that Jimmy keeps insisting I shouldn't makes me think that I definitely should faster - you Kathleen alright on tap and draw I'm gonna play my second swamp and I will play a la SOTA prover when it enters the battlefield and create an army token and it's a 1/1 you and what army so my deck is about making value by sacking creatures and having things die so this card even though it looks kind of like a nun exciting common there's two bodies on one card and for me that's great I'm done go ahead Josh on your end step I am going to cast enlightened tutor and I am going to find a rustic study and we'll put that on top of my library Oh No and then I will untap and I will draw that for turn and then I will play a windswept Heath I'll crack it take one and I will find breeding pool and that will enter the battlefield tapped and then I will tap reflecting pool for blue and play ristic study unfortunately bears can't fight ristic steady bears famously never went to college this is one of the best cards I can think of to get out early in any commander game it's gonna mean I'm gonna have tons of options of what I want to play I'm gonna keep hitting my land drops with this in the soul ring I feel really good about my start alves turn on tap draw so I'm gonna tap 3 to avoid ristic studies for all do vien bears oh nice fun fact ball do V and bear is one of 9 functional reprints of grizzly bears and they're all in this deck so that's gonna trigger a EULA and I get to choose either I could put 2 plus and plus one counters on one of the bears or I can have a bear fight a creature I don't control such as I can say the Hermit druid here's the thing I really need my Hermit Drude to stick around that's how my deck gets things going everyone else's develop not their board so I really have to convince Graham not to kill it let me activate it once grant just wants a naked killing so you can kill it immediately and I'll never ask anything of you for the rest of the game I don't think that you should let Jimmy do that I just want one activation Graham okay what what are your what are your full terms okay how about remember when I saved Josh's life that one time he just got one full on favor for me at one point I would just give you any point in the game you can ask anything of me and I have to obey by it this is a huge that's massive massive for you also tells you exactly how good that part is for it right that's the room how it make me more likely to kill it I'm just saying a lot of what Jimmy's saying is frankly falling on deaf ears at this point I'm not looking to make alliances or start politicking on turn three but that's a strong offer how bad could it be if he gets one hermit druid activation off alright I will let you roll the Hermit druid once and I will put two counters on Iowa all right I'll see you in later the game when you need it most Cheers also I'm gonna attack Josh take four I have no blockers all right that's certainly after approximately 3000 years of debate Graham has decided no he doesn't need to kill the hermit druid and Jimmy can have all the gears of his terrible machine in working order which I'm sure will be no problem at all whatsoever Graham you're too nice this will be your undoing all right I'm going to untap and draw a pattern I will play a lance and pester mm-hmm interesting hermit drew it can be really scary especially if I meant like 20 cards into my graveyard so I'm just gonna wait and activate it at the last possible moment right before it's my turn again all right on tap draw I'm gonna pay three four blood artists so you can't draw a card off mystic study oh boy here we go I know that Kathleen's whole deck revolves around sacrificing creatures for value so blood artist and effects like it of which there's only a couple of the deck are pretty important luckily I you'll Isabela t lets me take care of utility creatures like blood artist but I already have this perma drew to worry about maybe I shouldn't have made this deal with me and Jimmy past the turn so I drew zero cards I'm very sick setting that round at the table yeah all right victory victory okay I will untap and I will draw a plain ancient tomb and then I will tap four seven who and I will take two from ancient tomb and I will play more ofon the boundless nice and I'm going to name avatar was a good movie mm-hmm yeah but what creature typing your name so here I am I'm playing my seven CMC commander and it's turn four this card is really gonna set me up for the later game because the important part of the textbook is where it reduces the mana cost of my future avatars that I cast so I'm feeling pretty good here and then I will pass turn alright I'm tap and drama card unfortunately I can't get around ristic study this turn so I'm tapping four okay to play River Bear the snow is melted so evidently some bears have island walk and I'm the only player at the table playing blue and I do have an island that's a little bit scary I guess I'll forgive it Graham if you will just kindly finally do the right thing here and kill that her Madrid please so if I don't kill hermit druid now Jimmy gets to activate it and then untap and activated again and that's too scary I can't let that happen and that will trigger a youlet and so I will choose to have the boulder vien bears fight the Hermit druid all right I saw this coming from a mile away but that means I get one sweet activation of this hermit droid and it's gonna be awesome I'm sure that's not gonna put like 30 cards it has been and power out his commander on like next turn but I'm sure it's fine it's probably fine all right in response I will activate the are Madrid and reveal cards off the top my lair until I blow up basically and please Jimmy don't mill like 20 or 30 cards off the top just reasonable amount five seven that deck it happened right okay [Music] you're right it wasn't as devastating as you said it would be how many basics do you have in your deck like seven on the one hand I feel bad for Jimmy but on the other much larger hand that's hilarious it's pretty funny you got it a bit one card it does graveyard because he goes who do is yeah so I'm a druid has died alright now that you have moved through the five stages of grief I would like to remind you I have a blood artist trigger but it would be cruel to take the light from you so I'm gonna ding Graham and gain a life that's fair well in return you have to power and I have a 4/4 so I will attack you with a EULA okay I'm gonna block with my zombie army okay so zombie army dices rip and that will trigger my blood artists is that me again of course yeah all right that makes sense Jimmy go ahead oh I was really relying on that hermit RIT to make this turn explosive but now I kind of have no place feels bad okay I'm tap and draw what do I got here Oh exciting I'm going to catch a soul ring but I'm not gonna pay extra so draw your card oh thank you and then I'm going to cast a zathras necromancer kathleen starting to assemble the pieces of the puzzle but she doesn't have a sack outlet yet no other humans right now either so we'll worry about it later are you gonna pay the extra for ristic study I am this time okay I'm done go ahead Josh alright untap draw okay well well know that this does much but I'm gonna play stomping around untapped so I'll take two and then I'm gonna tap six I'll take two from ancient tomb and more ofon reduces the cost by one and I'm gonna play molten primordial whoa the downside here is that my commander it only reduces the cost of this thing by one mana and also Jimmy doesn't have a creature so I only get to steal two however it is big and I am gonna get in for some damage here and it will take control of the zathras necromancer and the EULA I was not thrilled about it but she accepts her faith and then I will go to combat and I'm gonna swing the molten primordial at Kathleen and the EULA and the zapper necromancer at Graham I will block these effort necromancer with River bear so is a third necromancer dies and I get a 2/2 zombie I take for from my own bears and I'm going to block with my laser tech reverse this is really good for me while those three sort of battle it out I can sit in the back and rebuild my board and make sure that I can get to a place where I can actually do something scary thing is josh has already put a ton of power and damage on the board and it's only turn five so I have two blood artist triggers so I will gain two life and Josh you will lose two life fair fair okay and then I will pass turn and you guys will get your creatures back well hold on before right before you end your turn I'm gonna pay one and I'm gonna cast a file targeting your mold and primordial because it's got one damage marked on it yes Josh in revenge for my use a through necromancer and the minor amount of value I might have gotten I'm absolutely defiling your stupid thing oh there's a risk study trigger on your spell you don't have a mana so Miss America to drop you can just draw a card draw and then I have a blood artist trigger so I'm gonna gain another life and you're gonna lose another life so now I talk to you for seven in your game life that's disheartening no I will pass turn you can have your bear back I would have been feeling a lot better coming out of this turn if I still have that primordial on the table losing that at the end and not my favorite it puts me in a weaker position than I wanted to be in alright untap draw I think this is gonna be a deeply unexcited turn where I play a moss diamond and I will pay three mana for to avoid rustic studies well I just didn't have all these cards I get it I don't really have any other bears in my hand and I'm also low on land and the ristic study is crimping my ability to do stuff so I'm just gonna play this and set up for future turns and I'm gonna send bears everywhere Kathleen I'll attack with a Ola Jimmy I'll attack with a bald even bears and Josh I'll attack with River Bear okay I have no blocks so you take two I'll take two I have no blocks I'll take four and I cannot block because of island walk I will take 323 yeah she's okay so that Island walk already super annoying look at my life total it's turn five I also have an ancient tomb if I get too low I can't even use it and if Kathleen's gonna keep pointing those blood artists triggers at me this is a little worrying actually that's my turn go ahead Jimmy okay I'll untap and drop return I think ristic study has had its time in the Sun I will cast assassins trophy targeting eristic study and I will pay v1 extra so it'll get destroyed and I will go find a basic land thank you Thank You Jimmy not only does Josh not get to draw any more cards but now I get to play all my spells on curve this is a win for everyone except Josh alright I'll pass down you Kathleen oh how exciting untap draw and then Hey alright I'm gonna completely tap out woah for butcher of malok here hey remember worrying about Kathleen later later is now that's really bad for me because I need creatures and she does not care if she has creatures she still has no sack outlet but it's starting to get very worrying I'm playing singular big threats this is a way for Kathleen to actually control how many creatures everybody's allowed to have this is really bad for me my deck just can't function with that card on the battlefield unfortunately I can't really like do any punching so I'm just going to have to pass the turn okay I will untap okay I will draw I'm gonna tap three I'm gonna play elemental bond nice this is just another card draw engine and honestly this is the reason that I wasn't too mad when ristic study got blown up also there's another reason okay so more fun reduces the costs of cards by whoo burn mm-hmm so her dragon cost for mana Wow now that is a cost reduction not to mention this creature can't read other people's life totals really quickly and effectively so even though josh is at a low life total it doesn't matter when everyone else is dying to this massive dragon and then I will go to combat mm-hmm Kathleen I will swing at you with morph on for six so I kill my butcher male care of my blood are so I get one trigger and you lose a zombie which is not very exciting to me so I think I just have to take six commander damage yeah and like it I don't like it but I have to like it and that's it I'll pass all right I'm tap up keep draw so I'm staring at my hand thinking how am I going to deal with this 1111 Oh dragon and then I remembered to read my cards oh right tap five uh-huh play Vivien read nice oh this is great with this card's negative ability Graham can just smack that dragon out of the sky given that almost assuredly Graham's gonna point that at my huge dragon maybe I can work the politics here and simultaneously get rid of something that I need gotten rid of on Kathleen's board wait we can make a deal oh really you kill a bunch of malok here and I'll sack their dragon to it that's a solid proposition if you detects that zombie though I won't I promise take a traffic Josh this deal is actually pretty great for me because I want the butcher Malik here gone as well and it's gonna cost me a bear but those Bears days are numbered anyway as long as the butchers around okay I'm gonna - three vivianne to destroy target creature with flying and it'll be the butcher of Melek you alright when butcher Ballack here or any other creature I control dies each opponent sacrifice is a creature alright I sacrifice my ball do vien bears I sacrificed my dragon Josh that's three blood artist triggers one two three Oh for the firt of them making the deal right yeah yeah yeah yeah you know I'm starting to feel a little bit ganged up on just cuz I have my combo pieces out you could make a deal with me would i betray you yes but come on and then I will attack Jimmy for four and Kathleen for three I take three how take four bear damage and you bear the damage I cannot bear it that Bears hit every player including you yeah Jimmy go ahead alright i'll untap and drop return okay I will tap five mana and I'll play it get rock monster frog this card does a ton of things it's a great blocker on the ground against Josh's creatures but also it can draw me a ton of cards because my decks all about milling itself this is the beginning of a value engine that can get me back into this game and I'll pass the turn to you Kathleen alright on tap draw I can't do everything but I can do this I'm going to pay for for yog moss my commander alright now we're getting somewhere the best part of this card aside from all of the other text and the nice art it's an instant speed sack outlet plus he completes me seriously very cute artwork you go yog moss prayer alright then I'm going to play a grafted war gear all right Kathleen doesn't have Grafton war gear in the deck to make her creatures bigger it's a free way to sacrifice a bunch of your own guys by just moving it down the line and then you've got all these death triggers and it's it gets it a hand and then I'm gonna cook it on my blood artists all rights is now a sweet 3/3 I mean Graham do you have any blockers right now I do not I'm gonna go to combat and Graham I will be attacking Vivian with my blood artist that's understandable she did her job yep she did don't I'm a gun okay I will untap and I will draw then I will play divinity of pride and it only cost me three because it more fun the bad news here is that I'm below 25 life so it's just a 5/5 the good news is it still has life link and the thing I actually kind of need the most right now is life so this can help me get back on my feet it's actually kind of a really good card in this moment and then elemental bond is gonna trigger so I'm gonna draw a card and then I'm gonna tap six paying two for ancient tomb old oh oh and I would play consecrated Sphinx oh wow Josh now has two threats in the air he's gonna be able to gain life back and draw a bunch of cards this is definitely bad and all I'm hoping for right now is that Graham and Kathleen both recognize that and continue to point their targets at him my hand already has a lot of cards in it because of the ristic study earlier and the element to bond so I'm actually playing this card out as bait I'd rather that all the other players use their removal on it so the divinity of pride will stick around because at this point my life total is more worrying to me than card advantage I got plenty of cards and again elemental bond will trigger and I'll draw a card and then it will play sheep shearer which only cost one mana because it Maura Fon nice that's terrific for you right here okay this cards like potentially another divinity of pride a little blood artist has been slaving away creating masterpiece out of Josh's blood and nobody is appreciating it little ol Josh I thought he was a patron of the Arts then I will go to combat and I'm gonna swing at Graham for eight yeah I can't anything about that I take eight including six commander damage okay then I will pass the turn all right untap draw Sphynx trigger i will draw two cards when you draw fair enough okay bear fight I wanted to do this but I think so okay so I will play rune claw bear and I'll pay two more mana for forest bear feel like my concentrations can die that is exactly what's happening there I will use a Yuma's ability to put two more counters on a EULA so she's no six six yep and then I will make a EULA fight the consecrated space normally you'd be really sad to lose your contra Kratos Fink's and only draw two cards but the way I look at it is that he didn't kill divinity of pride so I'll count that as a win that's gonna trigger my blood artist yep tink what do you hate so much I'm almost free I'm most afraid of your deck I'm sorry judge wow I don't know what Josh ever did to Kathleen but she's putting every single player it's triggered it just straight at him you know what I'm kind of happy that I don't have to be the one that's trying to place him around I can just sit back and enjoy the fireworks my only viable attack is with River Bear so I will attack Josh with River Bear yeah that I wouldn't walk easily my friends well it swims in and batches Mia for three and I go to 14 that island walk bear all the blood artist triggers I'm at 14 we're getting down to a life total where I get past the turn and just die before it ever makes it back to me I don't like it it's scary that's gonna be my turn go ahead okay I will untap a beginning my upkeep I'm going to choose to sacrifice herb or tomb of Dogma to the get rock monster that's gonna triggers ability so I'll draw cars off of that and then I'll draw a card return hmm this doesn't make me happy but I do need to do this I'm going to tap for and I'm going to cast splendid reclamation so I'll get an herb or any burning catacombs back into play taps so I just used my whole turn just to get two lands into play and well it doesn't feel good but luckily I'm still flying under the radar here as long as this keeps up I have a good chance of coming back I'm just gonna pass the turn to you Kathleen alright untap strong okay I got to pay one for a blood-soaked champion this is not an exciting creature because it can't block but it can come back multiple times speaking of value this is my own pet card I don't actually think it's good in this deck but I do love a good lash rise so I will create germ token meat and equip it to that so it's a bite back it's a 5/5 now Kathleen's engine is online she can sack the germ and then gain life off of her blood artist trigger and then pay life to equip the living weapon it's just kind of efficient now that I've done all that I also want to use yog moss ability to pay life sacrifice a creature goodbye blood-soaked champion and then put a minus one minus one counter on your shape sharer okay and I draw a card then I'm going to pay a life sack my germ - yagh moth put another - 1 - 1 counter on your shape sharer okay so that will kill it yeah and I'll draw a card all right that will definitely trigger blood artists three times I'll go to 11 how many times is that blood or is triggered in this game million this is actually really bad I was counting on the Extra Life link damage when I cloned my divinity to like get me back to a healthy life total I mean I'm in rough shape here I'm on the ropes then I will pay - and put my last ride on yog moss so he's now at 7 9 dog moth wearing a lash ride sounds terrifying alright do I have any good attacks I don't think so go ahead okay I will untap I will draw I'm at 11 so going into my turn here my only thought is like how can I buffer my life total I will play a mana confluence huh luckily Jimmy has that herb org so I can tap this thing as a swamp rather than pay life for it otherwise I don't even think I'd want to use it right now so many of his lands hurt him okay I'm gonna tap three and I'm gonna play sword of sinew and steel whoa well hey there's new swords doesn't really affect me it gives a creature protection from Kathleen's deck and behalf of Jimmy's deck but I'm very lucky I don't have any Planeswalkers anymore or artifacts that josh cares about and I'm gonna pay - and I'm gonna equip it to my divinity of pride so my divinity of pride is now a 7-7 flyer protection from black is very very bad for me and then I will go to combat and I will swing at the mini of pride for seven in the air at Kathleen yes I have no flying blockers so you will take seven one two three four five six seven I will gain seven and then sort of sinew and steel will trigger will destroy the last rise uh-huh I deserved everything that just happened to me right now but it doesn't mean I'm happy about it if we can't deal with that life linker anytime soon well josh is just gonna get right back into this and then his superior board state is gonna be even more threatening and then also using herb org I will tap three black and because morph on I will play gasps Lord of few I'm playing this card right now actually because I'm hoping that the threat of stripping cards out of Kathleen's hands will bring her to the negotiating table she's been coming at me pretty hard and I need to deflect her maybe she can start going after Jimmy or green this is actually super bad for me and I need to figure out a way to kill this thing and then elemental bond will trigger and I'll draw a card then with a - and I'm going to equip this sword of cinnamon steel to the gas lord no it's really hard for me to kill no does it have protection from bears no protection from bears yeah that'd be a sweet card bro there's and that's it I'll pass I'm ten and draw despite having cards in my hand I'm like behind on a couple different axes so I cast shamanic revelation that's what I gained for life and I draw for crunch nice I've been trying to craft a board state where I can get more value out of this card but hey four cards and for life that's not bad and that's my turn all right with the gas lord down on Josh's side I'm just gonna not attack him with River Bear this turn so that I don't draw his ire because I've only had him for 13 that's probably forgivable right untap on my upkeep get Rock Monster will trigger so I will sacrifice the or Borg again and draw a card for that I would drop a turn I will play a lance and then I will pay one life and sacrifice my burning catacombs that's gonna trigger the get rock monster so I draw another card and I'm gonna find a snow-covered swamp and then I'll go to combats Graham because of the you know the niceties from before I want to meet you so Kathleen I will swing you for six deft touch I will take six okay there's a lot of stuff on this board right now and I've been sitting back doing nothing for a while but if I let this keep going on I don't think I'm gonna be able to catch up so it's time to hit that reset button second main I'm going to tap three and I'm going to cast toxic deluge for seven that kills everything on the one hand this is great for me in the way that it's bad for my opponents on the other hand this is also really bad for me because my whole deck relies on getting creatures to stick all right so I lose four creatures I also lose four creatures I lose one creature I lose two creatures I mean it gets the blood artists off the table I guess and it kills that Island more bear there is some upside but I was starting to feel okay with my life linker and now no board presence this is pretty bad as good as my board was Josh's was way worse and now I get a million blood artist triggers I have eleven blood artist triggers to put on the stack let the board wipe down actually way less scared of Josh now and so maybe it's time to start pecking at Jimmy and Graham because their plans are starting to come together Graham you can lose five life and Jimmy and Josh can lose three each all right I'm at 25 I'm at 21 I'll go to 15 I'm at 35 I'm sorry kathleen's it how much life okay in my second main phase I'll play the ramming app excavator again my deck has a lot of self mil so being able to play lands out of my graveyard is card advantage and it's gonna catch me up even faster and pass the turn to you oh how exciting untap all this I'm passing the turn here and I honestly feel pretty good everyone's been knocked back down the peg and I've started this small little value engine so I think I'm finally gonna start doing something all right two for a cordial vampire Oh this young man is very polite and has the ability to bash my opponents in the face for a lot it's a lot of other things die which so far has not been a challenge this game so I have high hopes for this well-mannered young man then 5/4 op Nikolas the hate twisted oh come on I'm not worried that she's gonna use up Nikolas on my creatures I'm worried that she's gonna use them on her creatures that she wants to die anyway to also get to draw cards Bob Nikolas is just sweet in her deck also it's gonna slowly kill us and then I'm gonna hook up that war gear to the vampire so he's four three okay and past the turn okay I will untap and I will drop return and I will take one from of Nikolas he's so hate twisted he is twisted with a okay I'm gonna tap for taking two from ancient times I don't play with alcohol ah very nice the token order E is always powerful and it's a pet card of Josh's but more so it's just that the deck that he's playing is unpredictable to me it's five colors it's running enormous creatures with bizarre abilities he could have anything in his hand would it even be an episode of game nights if Joshua myself didn't play a copy of Adele kanuri and with that pass turn at the end of your turn luckily I have a new card that I can cast even though I'm almost tapped out I'm going to play force of vigor whoa I will exile heroic interventions so I don't have to pay for it okay and target definitely padalka nori hmm and the others probably just the sorcerer oh wow this is one of the new cards from modern horizons and normally I would think it was pretty sweet except it's pointed at two of my things but one of those things is bedell can't worry so I can respond okay so in response what I'm going to cast smothering tithe but I'm gonna maintain priority so that's on the stack okay and then on a pay three I'm gonna cast two fairies protection oh dang yeah so here's the thing by manipulating the stack in this manner I'm actually gonna phase out and then after I'm gone the smothering type is gonna hit the battlefield so I won't be there but my smothering tithe still will so I'll still get the treasures from everybody else's turn okay I'm gonna phase out so all my stuff is gone but after that resolve smothering title result so you have no permanence but you have smothering tied and then they all come back on your next turn correct that's bad look at the play Josh just made this is so cool and people continue to doubt the power of a dog Inori you know what's crazy is I still get messages and tweets at me that people saying that vidal Couture is not any good what and what did they just see what happens we need to watch this episode of game nights they clearly did just see what happened yeah well that was an amazing play and if you want to make amazing place just like that well you're gonna need the cards so go on over to card Kingdom comm slash command zone buyer smothering ties by your vidal canora's at card Kingdom and you'll support the show as well as be able to make some sweet place and maybe even with the new legendaries for modern horizons yeah modern rising look sweet I cannot wait to get my hands on those cards myself and when I do I want to put them in protective sleeves made by ultra bro who is our other sponsor you know they make the play mats the sleeves all the accoutrement battlefield with and make it look really sweet if you want to support all of our content then supporting our sponsors is the way to go and ultra pro simultaneously just makes your battlefield look sweet and protects all your stuff well speaking of being protected let's see just how much damage you can get up to with all those smothering ties triggers by the time it comes back to your turn yeah I mean let's not get too excited I'm a very low life total I had to make that movie I was gonna die at least it was a really cool move okay I'm gonna phase out so all my stuff is gone so you have no permanence but you have smothering tied and then they all come back on your next turn correct that's bad but now it's your turn all right well then I'm on tap and I draw card and like two things happen I take one from a mix Alice and I have to choose whether or not I pay two or you get a treasure correct yeah I'm not gonna pay okay so I will make the treasure okay and then I'm gonna pay for to bring a EULA back and then I'll pay three to play the forebearers blade it's for bears for vampires yeah I thought it was clever with my fairies protection smothery tie the stack all that but then grant plays for bears blade and I realized you just can't out clever those loading ready run people this is a good card especially five multiple creatures sometimes I'm gonna need trample don't at me go ahead okay amazing I'm going to untap and draw a pattern I'll take one damage from Bob Nikolas and then do you want pay for some other times I will not pay I will get a second treasure and then for my graveyard I'll play variant catacombs thank you - ramming up excavator and I'm going to play the ultra of dementia yeah so anybody that plays commander a lot knows this is a super scary card it doesn't look like it's doing a lot but free sacrifice outlet I'm guessing Jimmy's gonna self mill this is a combo enable II type of card and I'm scared of what he's gonna be able to pull off oh good more ways for Jimmy to get stuff into his graveyard I'm sure that won't beat the power of some sort of really busted shenanigans and then I'm going to pass the turn to you Kathleen alright on tap draw card would you like to pay for smothered no I don't think I will okay I will create a third treasure Ben Graham I'm gonna attack you with this cordial vampire it's a 4-3 that's very kind of them I graciously take for damage from the cordial vampire okay that's important because blood so champion has raid so I can pay to to return it to the battlefield nice and I can also pay another to play a doom dissenter I've got good sacrificed fodder I do time to draw some cards because I need answers yeah I think I'm gonna tick down off miksa list a three I'm gonna destroy my doom dissenter when it dies I got a 2/2 zombie and I got a plus one plus one counter on my cordial vampire so he gets rewarded for using his manners can you draw two cards and I get rewarded by drawing two cards yeah see see how much value that is she draws two cars and gets a zombie when you draw those two cards that's too smothering tired the triggers would you like to pay for mana well I'll pay two mana okay you get one treasurer all right go ahead Josh fades back into reality okay so all my stuff will phase back in and then it will in tap and then we'll draw a card and then I will take one damage from Optics Tillis for drawing back card and then I will play a steam vents tapped I'll just pass the turn so I'm in my favorite position in commander which is the ability to do nothing because of the Dow kanuri so go ahead Graham Oh I'll respond later all right I want out and draw take a damage from Nicolas and that's gonna trigger smothering time again do you want to pay no I'm not gonna pay okay I will make my fifth treasure all right I'm going to tap three four growing rights of it lemak I'm gonna reveal open wall bear so put that into my hand all right now I'm casting Kamal's summons oh nice okay this is kind of interesting I get a couple of bears too that creatures in my hand but hey bear party so here we go another reason why Vidal kanuri is so awesome because I would never have done what I'm about to do at sorcery speed because I wouldn't have known that Graham was about to play that card okay in response I'm gonna tap 11 taking two from ancient tomb going to 9 wolf and I'm gonna play reap the past and return 9 cards at random from my graveyard to my hand but I only have nine cards in beggar so I'll just return my tiger to my hand oh boy oh that's not good all of the threats that we've spent the entire game dealing with are now back in Josh's hand so this is like drawing nine cards but more importantly six of those cards are creatures which I'm about to turn into bears okay I reveal the two creatures my hands I reveal one creature for my hands I'll reveal six creatures from a hand I reveal three okay let's make something that many bears Josh got twice as many bears as me there's no justice what's up now bear deck who's got the most bears now it's not really a bear sound like they sound more like it's not really what bear sound like either so I have three triggers for a EULA one of them we're gonna put two plus and plus some counters on a EULA also gonna put two counters on a bear and then I'm going to fight one of Josh's bears with the big bear okay one of my bears dice are only a five all right that's my turn at the end of my turn growing rights of it lemak transforms into it lemak cradle of the Sun nice this was a very important rebuilding turn I have my commander out I have an amount of bears I have basically a guy as cradle to make a bunch of mana next turn I can get to start really doing some stuff at the end your turn I'm gonna crack my brain catacombs pale I search my library for a swamp and then still on your end step I'm going to tap five and I will flash out the dictate of Erebos oh I don't like that I have this card in my deck as well but it's it's way less good when Jimmy has it because it means I can't control when things die but having a bunch of stuff die isn't necessarily bad right now because of Josh's board I would rate this development is a four out of ten this is super bad for me because any creature Jimmy plays is just a removal spell for my creatures and I can never get a foothold on the board now that resolves yep yep now go to my turn that will untap and I will draw for turn that will have two triggers so I'll lose the life from Optics lists and then when you draw that card smothering time again you want to pay no I won't pay okay I will get a treasure and then I am going to tap one two three four and take to the information - and I will play the sling gang a lieutenants oh boy Selin rinse it out feel like create two one one red goblin creature tokens you thought they couldn't play read you somehow still managed to make goblins yes this might be my new favorite card from honor horizons it is totally sweet sacrifice outlet on the stick makes tokens fits perfectly with my deck strategy this is pretty bad it's got a sack outlet on it with that dictate of Erebos Oh Jimmy started to put some pieces together here this is not good okay so I am going to sacrifice the siege gang lieutenant and both goblins to do three damage to Josh and game three life to myself so I will go to six and I will go up to 19 so everyone needs to sacrifice three creatures because of dick to the variables okay so yeah 12 triggers for corneal vampire so what is it now 1716 I give it trampled or anything now okay that's a big thing there's a big so pull light though okay Kathleen you have the most life so I'm gonna go to combat okay I'm gonna swing these three creatures at you I take six damage I am not worried about being attacked I'm not gonna lose the game because of this come at me come hit my squishy life total in my second main phase I'm going to sacrifice all three of these creatures to the altar of dimension targeting myself that means everyone needs to sacrifice three more creatures by gonna you'll abide by all the creatures okay so we have Jimmy stacking all of his creatures this doesn't feel good what's going on here and I'm going to mill six cards into my graveyard okay here's the thing I don't care if I lose my creatures here because I'm about to get them all back all right you guys ready for some fun times sure my second main phase because Josh returned his grave here to his hands I'm gonna cast a living death you want to know what's really not good when your opponent casts living death right after you got all of your creatures out of your graveyard and put it into your hand oh this is literally the best thing that ever could have happened to me so much value is coming back oh I get some bears back this is bad everybody else is gonna get stuff and I'm gonna get nothing Oh Josh it but you're not so happy that you got all your cards out of your graveyard now are you buddy okay is it resolved yeah all right so I get back River bear rune claw bear ball do vien bears and forest bear I will get back raving up excavator permit druid the get rock monster and sling gang of lieutenant's which gives me two one one goblins I will get back a blood-soaked champion a doomed dissenter a butcher of malok here Lazzaro tap river who comes in with a zombie army token as a threat necromancer a blood artist and a cordial vampire Wow Jimmy giving me such a wonderful gift you put all the combo pieces back on the board yes oh I actually didn't really consider how many creatures Kathleen was gonna get back from this - I was just so happy because Josh doesn't have a graveyard anymore okay I'm going to tap all my creatures and I'm gonna delve away three cards and I'm gonna cast who got the arisen Acropolis hey my commander is finally here it's big its powerful but here's the thing I don't mind if it dies because it means I can just get more value out of my graveyard and never have to pay commander tax okay how is this work as soon as I said one thing that just changed back and forth right yes the question you got to kill the blood artist well I don't know how to kill the blood arrest right now it's healing a problem at this point we kind of realized something she is butcher of Malachor and I have Dictate aver bows so now basically if Jimmy or Kathleen have a creature die then that makes the other person have to sacrifice a creature which then makes this first person have to sacrifice a creature which will cause this feedback loop where everybody's just gonna have to sacrifice all their creatures but Kathleen also has a blood artist which is just gonna trigger like a million times life totals are low enough that if everything dies Kathleen's killing Josh for sure but might be able to take Jimmy or I with him so did Jimmy just kill us talk about unintended consequences so this is very good for me but they keep talking about me I mean you know she's gonna kill you next right she's not yeah I understand that yeah yeah so Jimmy just was my enemy a second ago he's pointing damage at me he was killing all my creatures however Kathleen's about to win the game based on this living death so we got to put our differences aside we got to work together we got to figure out a way to get out of this the one important thing here is that Kathleen doesn't have an instant speed way to sacrifice her creature so that gives us a small window of opportunity here to make a difference I can help get rid of the blood artists I need you to let my thing resolve okay so Josh and Jim here conspire against me only because I have the highest life total complete boredom and an overwhelming army that just seems like sort of unreasonable and against me well the first thing I'm gonna do before any of that is get rogue lets me play two lanes turn so I'm gonna play virgin Kat comes from my graveyard I'm gonna pay one life in second and then I'm gonna draw cars off to get Rock Monster I'll lose a life time up Nicholas would you like to pay first motor time no you can have that and then I'm going to sketch out a lands and that is going to do it for my turn and I will pass it back to you all right on tap draw you want a paper smothering time oh yeah I will make the treasure Josh and Jimmy have already been sort of like plotting against me so I really don't have a lot of control over the situation so at least I can choose when to light the fuse on the dynamite so whatever they're planning it's happening now I'm gonna cast exsanguinate first six boy Oh burn Oh now this most certainly spells death for me because josh is gonna be knocked out of the game and I'm Kathleen's first target when it comes to blood artist triggers we got to go to damage control how are we gonna solve this now we need to do some yeah well that's on the stack I have a response I'm not even sure how this is all gonna go down I guess we just got a he's got to go for it and see one two three four five six seven treasures that I will sack for seven red mana and because of a don't worry I will flash in molten primordial so I'll target from Jimmy's board the ramen F excavator I'll target the blood artists from Kathleen and I will target to the forest bear from Graham now normally when someone goes and steal your creature you can sacrifice it in response but if I do that that's gonna start the chain and then Kathleen is gonna get all of the blood artists triggers so I have to let Josh steal my creature here which feels bad okay so I get those creatures mm-hmm now that I have that blood artist from Kathleen and Jimmy's in the clear to start sacrificing creatures this is also good for me because I'm gonna be able to gain a bunch of life all right let's get this party started I'm going to sacrifice these three goblins putting three dictated variable sugars on in stack okay so we're all have to sacrifice three greener teachers I've only got three creatures I'm not part of this I'm reasonably confident that I'm not going to die here so I'm gonna let Team Command zone and Kathleen deal with it and just sort of sit over here and watch so there's 12 blood artist riggers on the stack and three butcher of malok your triggers there is a lot of triggers and so much stuff going on now that this sacrifice chain has started when she sacks four or three we also stack three more I'll respond by stacking all three to the altar of dementia so I'm gonna mail myself the stack is getting out of control tons of stuff is dying all right so I've sacked three more creatures so the blonde rest has died at this point - yep but at the end of all of it here's how it shakes out and when all is said and done I will have four zombies three of which are tapped due to zathras necromancer and doom dissenter and the butcher of Melek here and the butcher of Melek oh good and then will resolve my fifteen blood artists triggers so I'm gonna gain 15 going to 20 and Kathleen because you are gonna gain so much life off of that exsanguinate which is still looming I'll point all 15 blood aren't triggered at you that's fair and then I'm going to mill myself for 15 cards womp and thus linking lieutenant triggers are gonna resolve so if Kathleen you will lose three life and I'll gain three okay and now we're down to the exsanguinate finally right yeah four six so we all lose six and you gained 18 I'm at 13 I'm at 14 I'm at 14 I'm at 29 Wow I think I did okay I get to keep my butchered milk here I've got a Nicholas still I got four zombies Josh isn't dead but that could have been worse all right so first I'm gonna put the grafted war gear on to my zombie Wow he's now five four okay then I'm going to attack you Josh was a butcher of Malachor I have no creatures I will take five and go to nine oh that works to go to nine this is the most commander thing ever thirty minutes I'm trying to figure out the rules interactions between a stack that is sky-high and we're all finally resolves on the dust settles well we're all pretty much in the same spot and Josh gained like two life and before I pass my turn I'm gonna activate op Nicholas destroy one of my top zombies and draw two cards okay so when you draw those two cards obviously you can't pay so I make two treasures all right past the turn I'm pretty worried about those zombies on Kathleen side of the table because they can just attack and kill me so I'm on borrowed time but it feels like house money anyway because I was pretty sure I was gonna be dead at this point okay on your end step I'm gonna sacrifice two treasures and I'm gonna flash in shape share so this is the only creature I can play and it's actually lucky that I can play one at all because I can get rid of the objects sillas at this point that one damage is really really bad for you I gotta get it off the table five any chance to stay in this game and then I will untap and I will draw and I will take one from Bob Nikolas going to eight all right I'm gonna activate sheep shearer and I'm gonna make it into a copy of butcher of malok here and I will swing for five in the air a table next to us goodbye up Nikolas you did solid work my friends alright so with the planeswalker gone that source of damage is off the table also my shape chair will stay as a butcher of malok here until the following turn so some creatures die maybe that's a way to get rid of some of those zombies that Kathleen has plus I've still got Vidal kanuri I've got stuff in my hands maybe if I'm lucky I can get another turn here it's possible and then I'll go to discard exact way too many cards I'll discard eristic study skyshard claim and windswept heath go ahead all right I'm gonna untap draw for turn so when you draw awesome other guys no you can have you can have more treasure yeah so you have a dictate aver bows yes you have a butcher of Malek here correct you currently have a book volunteer correct all right I'm just not playing creatures this turn yeah creature that's not I'm not long for this world they'll just die so instead I'm going to play a EULA's influence and Meurig and a-- petroglyphs yes I forgot that was symmetrical hey fun fact to you that Murr agonda petroglyphs affects all vanilla creatures not just mine whoops you know what our creatures with no abilities zombies the last thing I needed was for Kathleen's zombies to be twice as big the gram just kill me you give her all four fours oh yeah I did all right go ahead okay that's my turn I'm going to untap and I have an upkeep trigger of Genesis so I will pay three mana and I'm going to return an eternal witness to my hands oh boy so with Genesis and eternal witness he can just get access to any card in his enormous graveyard and he can just sack eternal witness to the altar and do it again next turn while making his graveyard even bigger now Jimmy's deck is cooking up and so I think I'm in a lot of trouble I'm gonna go to my draw step instead of drawing the car I'm going to dredge a lie from the loan so I'm going to dredge three cards into my urine and put this back in my hands so you didn't even draw cards there so you don't have to pay for the tithe you're right you did it okay now let me think if there's something I want to do here good crossing grip and get the padalko Ori but I just done it really great well you kill me I don't kill you you don't kill me I won't cross and grip it as long as you're okay with me not dying I won't kill you okay I don't want Josh Duhamel adulkin Ori because it makes all my attacks really bad but Jimmy could deal with it and I could just get Jimmy later see politics okay I'm going to tap three mana and play eternal witness I'm gonna target crossing Griffin in my graveyard with that eternal witness trigger on the stack I'm gonna respond so having heard Kathleen and Jimmy make their little deal I can't let crocin grip get into Jimmy's hand because it has split second and once he casts it I won't be able to respond with my Vidal kanuri so I just gotta put stuff on the table now okay so I'm gonna tap five white sacrificing two treasures and then five in a combination of red and green mana confluence dealing one damage to me and I'm gonna play divinity of pride and do of calamity all right yeah okay these two cards will block some of the zombies and with the live game from divinity of pride I have a chance to at least survive it's gonna be dicey because I don't know what Kathleen is gonna play on her turn but at least I'm not dead on board right now and then elemental bottle trigger on both those so I will draw two all right I will get cross and grip back to my hand well now that josh has no more mana left while his Vidale Kanuri doesn't look that impressive so maybe I can just impact the board in my own here and I'll just get rid of that card later I'm gonna play Pachuca bog and I'm gonna exile your graveyard Kathleen okay that's irritating but I don't actually have like a lot of spell slots in this deck devoted to graveyard recursion like I've got a couple things on creatures but I have other payloads this is fine it's irritating but fine okay I'm going to tap 3 and I'm going to play plague engineer so the choice is avatar zombie and again Kathleen you're giving me a grants on my fear so I'll choose avatars come on this means my davinia pride is gonna die when it blocks a zombie and won't gave me as much life it seems like a little thing but this could actually be the difference between me being alive and me being dead and then I'm going to recast okay okay that's the best part about hoe gag is that I can just keep playing him out of my graveyard for super cheap because I just delve and could Volcom out I don't need to tap a single mana and then I'll pass the turn to you Kathleen alright doot-doot-doot untap all my dudes and things let's see draw some other intangible trigger do you want to pay you know what I will okay so cabal coffers is my land Oh neck now top four for sex late in the game cabal conference can generate a lot of mana so I'm not looking forward to what Kathleen does with it I just hope she doesn't do anything too crazy so he's got two blockers I have four attackers I do have a life linker so that would give me three life bringing me to ten and so you'll take a maximum of eight alright so choo-choo Josh c22 chooses you okay so I blocked the butcher with my divinity of Pride and eight seven six with my days of calamity and I take eight but gain three cuz the life link from their video prize leaving me at two and then a whole chain reaction is gonna start going yeah because I have a butcher Malick here you have one and Jimmy has a dictator our votes which basically will result in no creatures left on the board when this is done but before all that happens I'm just going to set all of these to my altar of dementia and then mill myself for twelve so same result but I get to melt myself yeah I'm actually okay with Josh not getting knocked out there because the others are still gonna see him as a threat and if the three of them can just ignore the idiot bear guy in the corner maybe I can re-establish some sort of board presence this time the butcher of Malachy ER dictate of Erebos feedback loop working in my favor it does get rid of all the lethal threats out there now I have ten mana so I can cast a ward I which an apprentice necromancer a grim haruspex and bitter blossom oh that's a lot of stuff so Jimmy's deck is cooking off Josh is hanging on like a limpet for dear life that I just cannot kill so I'm just gonna play out my whole hand and I'm gonna hope that I draw something good when grim herro specs and all of the other creatures I just put out start dying because I don't see them living but I really do need to draw cards at this point I'm getting a little worried and I will also put the grafted work here on my ward i witch so it's now a six for go ahead Wow I did nothing I was gonna be in tapping but I'll on tap and I'll draw I'm afraid that he's on tapping yeah but I'm actually not that afraid to life yeah you know what could kill him he was at six up there yeah I know okay so I'm gonna start by paying three and casting Keira okay oh and then I'm going to - Kiara and untap my soul ring that seems very good one thing about Videl Canora is it doesn't really do you a lot of good to cast a planeswalker at instant speed because you can't activate their ability so i got to play this one out on my turn but it's good because with her - ability i can basically play her for only one mana then I'm gonna tap six and I'm gonna cast consecrated Sphinx oh right and - draw - one for Chiara and one for elemental bond how many cards you in your hand eight haha wait this is another creature that I want to play on my turn because I want to get the card draw out of it on everybody else's turn this is my one wrap two victories to find some answers to that dictate of Erebos stop what Jimmy's doing somehow be able to block everything Kathleen's gonna throw at me I know it's a lot to ask it it's a long shot but hey I'm gonna try Karn advantage really only works if you have enough time to take advantage of all the cards are drawing in well Josh is at 2 so I don't think that's gonna be a big problem for us and then I'm gonna go to my end step I'm gonna clean up by discarding and lightning tutor okie dokie I am tap and draw a smothering guys no I get treasure yeah you get a treasure you want draw some cards - yeah when you draw I will also consecrate thanks Josh you keep drawing cards all I need to do is literally connect with like one of my dudes and you will be an X dude in this game but you keep drawing cards and if you draw cards you could draw answers this is very frustrating and then cap six and bring back a EULA between dictate aver bows and the butcher at mallik here all of these creatures constantly dying well that's just really bad for the bear deck sorry Graham and then I'll also tap one for this oven wall tracker who is not himself a bear but as you can see is very good friends with the Bears very good for this way he's in your deck this is just in case something else dies I have a little bit of a sacrifice protection and I'm done okay I'm going to untap upkeep genesis will trigger I will pay three and then we return the journal witness to my hands and then I will drop for the turn mothering tab you can have a treasure Josh okay I will draw two cards from consecrate thanks when you drop yes yes you will that's strange Josh didn't use his mana to cast something with Vidale Kanuri before I was allowed to untap he knows I have crows and grips so he's definitely up to something just don't know what it is I'm going to tap three and I'm gonna cross and Griffin your for Dalton orrery Josh yep Madoka Ori dies finally thank you thank you thank you thank you this means I might be able to just turn some man's sideways I'm a little suspicious that Josh doesn't seem to be concerned and that he didn't cast anything in my end step before Jimmy had a chance to use the crocin grip and then I'm going to tap five taking two from ancient tomb hmm and I'm gonna cast spider spawning Oh Sees twelve creatures in my graveyard [Music] [Applause] situation report Jimmy just made 12 spiders and he's gonna make at least 12 again next turn Kathleen has just dumped her hand josh is it - I'm useless this feels like that's the card that just won the game based on how he's acting I don't think Josh plans on dying this turn but I don't want him drawing any more cards so I'm gonna find a way to get rid of that consecrated sphinx before I go to my end step I'm going to sacrifice one of these spiders to alter of dementia triggering dick to the bear bus to milling me for once okay so we all have to sacra yes I sack oven wall tracker I will sack my consecrated Sphinx I'm gonna sack my ward I wish but I can't describe one sure I'll keep that on top and then I get to draw card smother eat I don't have a treasure okay and pass the turn all right untap upkeep I'm gonna make a fairy robe and take a damage on my bitter blossom drawcard for the turn would you like to pay for some other time you know what sure okay I got a lot of mana I don't have a lot of mana so do you have any blockers I have zero blockers yeah Josh probably has an answer here but if I don't try to finish him off he's gonna get me for Jimmy's gonna get me also if he uses an answer that's one less answer for later so first I'm going to tap and sacrifice a Prentice necromancer return butcher of Malachor to the battlefield it gains haste grim Harrow specs trigger I draw a card so other guys know you can have your treasure now okay then I'm going to attack Josh with the grim hair respects and the butcher of Malek here okay well I'm facing lethal and I really have no choice this is the only way I can stay alive okay in response before damage I'm going to cyclonic rift overload it alright yeah okay sacrifice seeing three treasure I'm gonna choose not to sacrifice my stuff because I believed I want to give Kathleen the best chance at still killing Josh okay it's actually like very good for me one could buy spiders to butcher goes back to my hand instead of being exiled into turn you know what I've seen some better cyclonic grips in my day because this isn't winning Josh the game on the spot and he's still at to life so it's kind of like a desperation move of anything okay so I'm gonna bring back yaagh Moss recast bitter blossom and crimp I respects the obvious downside is that Josh still inexplicably manages to live another turn but yeah I guess past the turn I was like I'm still dead on my next turn but I bought myself one turn I mean I know I'm at low life total and I'm about to die and everything but the thing that's bumming me out the most is that I can no longer cast things at flash speed at least for now and then play alchemist refuge yes flash again I'm glad Jimmy got rid of that Vidale Kanuri because it'd be real annoying if Josh can keep playing things in instant speed all right I'm just gonna pass the turn and I'm gonna go to clean up anybody start hello fountain overrun tomb and rampant growth go ahead grandma you could have one of those enter on tap if you pay to life all right I'm gonna untap draw for turn would you like to pay for some other time no at this point I don't think it matters anymore all right I'm gonna cast how you look considering Jimmy and Kathleen still have their grave packed effects in their hand maybe playing creatures is a mistake but I came here to cast bears so tap three for pail bears yes you know I respect how hard Graham is working to rebuild his board after the rest of us are just relentlessly wiping it like turn after turn it really really talks about like the resilience of nature life finds a way I'm gonna put two counters on the pail bears and then I'm going to cast Gore claws terror of causes yzma and then I'm gonna put two counters on a oh now they're all big my deck is really good at making a lot of little creatures and with dicted of air bow swamp Grahams deck just isn't really well positioned against mine so as far as whatever he's doing over there I'm not worried about it and go ahead I'm gonna untap on my upkeep Genesis will trigger I'm going to pay three mana I'm gonna get the sling gang lieutenant back to my hand you off return and Josh you may create a token okay look I've been trying to stay out of it not be a part of this squabble but josh has just been hanging around for way too long so I think it's time we finally end things in my first main phase I will attempt to resolve slinging lieutenant in response I am going to activate alchemists refuge and I'm gonna play dominus of fealty that's gonna trigger elemental bond and key aura so I'll draw two okay I think I have a couple of outs he has a counter spell I know that I'm one counters all my neck so it was a tense moment I know right um so I cannot stop that so it resolves all right slinging with ten resolves making to Jimmy's nice so I'm gonna tap for five tank two for ancient tomb and flashed out dictate aver bows I'm going to sacrifice two of these goblins and point them at Josh's face okay so yeah this is gonna kill me and there's not a lot I can do about it I have a choice here I can just go quietly into the night or I can help out the bear deck it feels like Graham has just been way behind this entire time and his deck it doesn't match up well against what Kathleen and Jimmy are doing so I think I'm gonna help him as much as I can before I'm out of this game which is in about two seconds alright so with those on the stack before I perish I will tap seven and I will play diluvian the primordial oh and I'll draw two cards cause of elemental bond and Q R and so I get one in Center sorcery out of everybody's graveyard although you don't really have a great road anymore Kathleen so I will choose the assassins trophy from Jimmy okay and I will choose force of vigor from Graham with force of bigger I'm taking out bitter blossom and dictate varus and then with the assassin trophy I'll take out the Cabal covers my cabal coppers in response I'm gonna sack the sling gang lieutenant to do one to you Kathleen getting me one and then that's gonna have three dicks have every buggers on the stack none of this is gonna keep me alive I'm definitely gonna get knocked out but maybe just maybe we can see what that bear debt can do all right everyone now has to sacrifice 3 total creatures I don't like that and then Assassin's trophy later it's gonna kill the cabal coffers meaning you can search for a basically and put it onto the battlefield okay and I'll find a swamp and put it in plenty okay and then force the vigor will resolve destroying my dictate of Erebos oh good and then Josh you're gonna take to damage and I'm gonna gain to I die so what exactly is happening there is he is he like throwing goblins at me I appreciate that in his dying breath Josh did try to do whatever he could to help the bear deck at least the dictator veremos is gone so I might be able to actually keep a creature on the board and with all that being done I will pass the term back to you okay uh untap and start my turn let's see what I draw so on the one hand josh is finally out of the game on the other hand now Jimmy is just like on the full value train so this is actually just super bad news for me I'm gonna play askers deck high priest and cast a grafted war gear and equip it Oh all right go ahead gram this is great Josh and Kathleen have fought it out the entire game and they've ground each other down and now she's out of resources my plan has totally worked at this point it's just a mopping up exercise for a deck like mine all right untap there's the moment when the Bears do their thing yeah I hope so turn and then I'm gonna tap eight yeah oh nice play a 2/2 that's my turn okay I have some bears I have some ways to make bears but they just don't do enough unless I use on the table so I tap out for my commander hope I live at the turn Wow that's all Graham does on his turn that is such good news for me it means I am so far ahead of the other players that I don't think I can lose at this point untap Genesis is going to trigger and I'll tap three to grab the deep forest tournament back to my hand I'll draw for the turn and then I will play the deep forest tournament for five and when there's the bow field I make for one one green squirrel preacher tokens oh how good for you I need a lot of creature cards on the battlefield because it's finally time to utilize a car that I played a long long time ago and it's gonna get me a lot of value and then I'm going to tap five mana taking two from ancient tomb and I'll tap the West Bay Lavi I'm gonna sacrifice all of these creatures okay I'm gonna transform West fail Abbey into Ormond all profane prince Oh No Jimmy's engine is online but he had very little life now he's got a giant indestructible life linker which means it's gonna have a lot more life I'm gonna go to combat okay I'm going to swing at you Kathleen for nine in the air I take nine in the air and I'm gonna gain nine because of life link so I will go to 18 and I'll pass turn retro black and green not great at dealing with indestructible no all right well draw my card for the turn and then Jimmy I'm attacking me with my scurs deck high priest that's four damage take four and go to 14 then I think I don't have much of a choice I'll play blacks on Zenith [Music] for eight okay sorryi EULA doll is dead I'm sorry there's very few ways to get rid of an indestructible threat specifically when you're playing mono black but black Sun Zenith does it goodbye Orman doll don't come back well this isn't a huge setback but it definitely slows down my game playing by a lot gram you can go ahead alright on tap draw well I don't know how much longer I have to live so let's just try this tap three yep Beastmaster ascension okay this cart needs me to attack seven times I have zero creatures but what else am I gonna do I don't think this was the board state that Graham was imagining when he put Beastmaster ascension in his deck bear force 1 or bear force done yep that's it go ahead okay untapped I will not pay for Genesis I would draw a card for the turn I'm going to pay two mana to cast light from the loan I'm gonna get guys cradle back into my hands we really get was fire spawning and then I'm going to cast eternal witness mm-hmm that is going to target victimized seems good and then cast victimized I'm gonna sacrifice the eternal winds to bring two creatures back to the girl field taps I'm gonna target deep forest hermit and siege gang lieutenants so I will make forth squirrels and two goblins that's so many things I will play my land for the turn and I'm gonna flash back spy respond gave me 11 spiders [Music] and finally I'm going to tap two squirrels and eggs out five cards to cast ho gak Hogue AK Oh gak Jimmy's deck is popping off the value he's getting from his graveyard is unreal did the clock's ticking for this whole game and I'm gonna pass the turn alright on Taff Jimmy just has like effectively infinite creatures now and I have an answer for it but eventually I'm gonna run out of answers but I don't think he's gonna run out of ways to abuse his graveyard I'll cast dead of winter all non snow creatures get minus X minus x times letter taxes and there's no permanence to control which is yeah I know it doesn't get ho gak okay in response I'll sacrifice three goblins to make you lose three life and I'll gain three life that seems very reasonable and everything else dies kentley stop please I'm getting so much value every single turn that Kathleen has these perfect answers to everything that I'm doing look again I'm not that worried about it because I can get it all back from the graveyards but it's a bit of a pain man she's just had the answer three turns running this is amazing and then I gotta play a midnight Reaper I need more answers so this is gonna dug me but I need to draw cards and I feel like it's just a like a tutu is not even that bad I'm gonna play a crank scrambler then I'm gonna put that grafted war gear on my grave scrambler so it's a five four all right go ahead gram I believe in you at the end of your turn I'm gonna tap for I'm gonna flash in Java nature's Herald very nice she has a bear friend Kathleen's deck and my deck we are tenacious but Jimmy can just keep doing filthy stuff every turn there's a limit to how long we can hold on for untap and draw I'm gonna cast Moss diamond okay and then words of Wilding alright this card is really cool but I kind of wanted it under different circumstances because at this stage I just need to draw the cards and I'm done okay I'm going to untap pay three man in my upkeep to get acidic slime back from a graveyard for Genesis the draw a card I'm gonna play acidic slime and I'm going to target your grafted ward in the skeleton oh look and that kills microwave scrambler and whenever a non totem creature ai-controlled dies midnight Reaper deals one damage to me and I draw a card okay I know that Kathleen has a butcher of Malachor in her hand so I got to get rid of any way that she can sacrifice a creature on her next turn because that's just gonna set me even further back let's go to combat okay I will swing at you for 8 with Hogue ACK I'm gonna take 8 so you'll go to 6 this looks like the end of our phyrexian hero once Kathleen's out of the way grim is just gonna be a pushover those bears they're tutus just push them right over I'll play the altar of dimension then all past her at the end of your turn because you ever gives all green creatures flash yes I'm gonna play an elven wall bear ok and when it enters the battlefield if the creature died this turn put two plus one plus one counters on target creature I'll put them on the bear so it's a 4/4 all right go ahead alright untap draw for the turn then I will play what you're a Malik here all right I think we've now seen a playset of butcher of Malik here out of Kathleen's deck and I'm gonna convoke out Feast of Fools whoa and it's got devour too so I gotta sacrifice my butcher of Malik here in my midnight Reaper and then it enters with twice that many plus one plus one counters on it and I get to draw two cards and you each have to sacrifice two creatures oh no not again folks I'm gonna level with you this might not be the right metaphor my deck to damage off the midnight Reaper I am going to sack these creatures to the altar of dementia and mill myself for 10 okay this is maybe not the world's most optimal play but now I have the only creature in play which is 707 flyer and Jimmy's life told us like 15 it's not that high that's like two smacks and then maybe if Graham could keep a bear on the board mmm maybe I'm not out of this point yet all right could at least be kingmaker I thought this game was gonna be over like three turns ago but man Kathleen's neck is proven to be so resilient past the turn okay untap oh the choices yeah now I got to figure out if I want to draw a card or not and I'm looking at my hand and I'm thinking I want to draw a card I am positive that I'm completely out of this game and then I draw my card was it the right decision it was it was the right to say that was a hundred percent the right decision nice I'm gonna cast grisly fate with threshold huh I get four bears Wow you're on theme and then I'm gonna flashback grisly fate a stealth rifle I still have threshold so I get for additional bears this card is exactly what I need right now it's an instant board it's an eight for one and the best part about it is that the name of the card is a pun this is very important to me considering Graham has Beastmaster ascension all of those bears can now turn sideways and attack on his next turn and become seven sevens this is the worst possible time for Graham's board state to become relevant look I still think I'm gonna win but it's proving to be way more difficult than I thought I'm still not sure it's gonna be enough even if those bears are seven sevens next turn Jimmy can just play stuff out of his graveyard every turn he can put up enough blockers I haven't been able to keep a creature on board for like two turns this whole game just let me untap with these noble beasts Jimmy go ahead okay I'm gonna untap Genesis triggers again and I'm gonna get avenge represented card back to my hands I'm gonna draw for the turn sure maybe Jimmy will deck himself I might I'll play Avenger of Zendikar how many lands do you have I have 14 lands total so I'm gonna make 14-0 ones I will lay a land for turn they're all gonna get plus one plus one and then I will tap are on reef the vast wood to give them all another plus and plus one counter so they're all two three two threes including this Avenger and there's fourteen of them I don't mind chump blocking just stay alive for a little bit because I'm definitely winning any game that goes long boys I can just keep recurring cards like a vendor herbs in the car over and over again and there's no way that Graham's gonna get past that that's it i pasture okay on tap and draw I'll cast carrier thrall and sister of skulls I'm playing all this stuff it doesn't matter but if Jimmy decides to get clever and like split his forces maybe I live one more turn I don't know probably not then I'm gonna activate Westville Abbey and make a clerk you go to three I go to three I am definitely going to die so at hell's heart I stab at thee I believe in you bears Jimmy I'm attacking you for seven in the air okay I cannot block I'm gonna take seven to go to eight this is huge this might give me a chance to get the Bears around the plants what a weird sentence the one saving grace here is that Beastmaster ascension importantly doesn't give trample I can chump lock those guys all day go ahead Graham all right I'm gonna untap and draw and then I'm gonna tap it Lamacq and two forests for ten mana oh boy to replay a EULA and I'm gonna tap three to play are you as influenced okay this is a new car for modern horizons and it's gonna turn any lands that Graham draws into bears and with Beastmaster ascension one land equalling to a 7-7 pretty good value it's not as good value as having a vendor of Zendikar every single turn but still pretty good value and then I'm gonna go to attacks yep yeah I'm attack you with it bears okay so I get eight counters on my Beastmaster ascension which is more than seven so these are all seven sevens my expectation here is that he has to block it's gonna vastly reduce his numbers and then I won't beat it on the crack back and maybe I can kill him next turn I can't just let him sit there because he'll keep recurring lands and make these plants arbitrarily massive okay I'm gonna block with eight plan tokens okay that's fine so I'm gonna go down to six total after combat I'm going to discard a forest to AOA's influence make it bear okay I'm gonna have it fight the adventurers in the cart okay yep it kills the Avengers in the car and I'll pay three and play the four bears blade I was gonna sacrifice Avenger of zendikar anyway because I can get it back every single turn so RAM is definitely putting the pressure on but I'm still not super worried they're just creatures on the ground without trample go ahead okay on my upkeep I will pay three mana to get a vendor of danacarr back to my hands on my draw step I'm gonna dredge life from the loam instead so I mill 3 I'm going to tap 7 to play the Avenger of Zendikar I'm gonna make 15 plants seems good right he can just get things back so killing the Avenger might have been worse than just leaving it alive all right I'll pay two and they'll cast life from the lone and I would just get three lands back okay I will play a land 4 turn all my plants get plus one plus one I just don't see how this engine is really gonna be brought down Jimmy is just going now he's just chugging the one thing I got to worry about is Kathleen's flier so as someone once famously said I don't have creature removal but I do have player removal okay I'm gonna go to combats I have six of these here you have one two three blockers and your three life so Kathleen I'm gonna swing at you with four three fours okay I can take one plant with me plant go bye-bye and then at this point our brave and beautiful mono black heroin is reduced to nothing but a pile of rubble by a bunch of plant tokens I deserved everything I got so now it's one on one Jimmy's doing amazing unfair graveyard recursion malarkey and I'm doing just like deeply fair look at my army of bears it's not looking good for our hero our hero being me and then I'll pass the turn back to you grant all right on tap and draw my thought process is if he just swings out I'm dead so I need to reduce his creature numbers however little I can just so I have a fighting chance my top five okay for game trail changeling it's a weird-looking bear but it's a bear it's got trampled trampled I realize now fighting Avenger doesn't really buy me enough time so I will have it fight one of the bigger plants okay and then I will equip my forebears blade on this bear so this bear token is a 10-7 with vigilance and trample and I will attack you with it okay this is a big attack with a lot of damage coming at me but again I have infinite blockers so I'm just gonna line them all up and I have a ton of stuff I can just swing back and end the game so not looking good for him on the crack back okay I'll put enough in front of it to kill it right so it's four of these and then one two three four so I killed the big one and three little ones okay and this bear dies and then the four bears blade gets passed to its friend bear between the one I fought and the three he blocked with I managed to take out four plants but I don't know if that's gonna be enough go ahead all right I'm just gonna untap hook keep draw I got a ton of stuff I'm just gonna end this right here right now not make this last any longer play lands everything gets pumped up one more time so those are four five floor 5s and these are all two threes and then we're just gonna swing them all in yeah I don't know I didn't do the math math is for blockers all right so if I blocked the four fives with bears I block the Avenger with a bear I'm lucky she got left on two three four five six so wait let's resolve damage okay so these all died yeah and then six of these died and six plants will be left oh you're the one and Graham takes twelve and I go to one one I go to one I'm one what maybe math is for attackers to did Jimmy just throw this oh no I gotta make a ton of blockers here otherwise I'm just dead on the crack back oh no oh no four five six seven eight nine ten and one of them is a tenth Rambler yeah oh no no no how many creatures can you make but you need a lot I do need a lot is there anything I can do in my graveyard right now I don't think so yes like this yes like this okay okay okay okay I'm gonna tap guys Crale for six mana yeah okay I'm gonna sack all of these plants so I'm gonna put twelve cards into my graveyard okay I have to get something into my graveyard I am recurrence somehow okay what I'm gonna do what am I gonna do okay well this goes into my graveyard ah warm harbors perfect this is a great card in my graveyard is gonna get ton of blockers I'll cast worm harvest to retrace it discarding a strip mine I don't know how many lands are in his graveyard but I know that most of his deck is in his graveyard he's gonna be able to block my bears and live and then kill me on the crack back next turn I really thought I had a chance here okay so I have one two three four five six it's less than I thought I know seven eight nine nine that's it give me like 20 9s not enough I need way more than nine all right I get nine worms I have 19 power of trample and he has to block all my other seven sevens how many lands you have in your hand stuff none no I played them to get the counters okay so what can I do uh there's nothing in my graveyard there's nothing in my hand there's nothing on the battlefield how many ko God okay I'm gonna play sprout swarm okay and buy it back I get one severally I'm close to enough what am i doing am I gonna die I think I just threw this game I'm gonna meld two more cards by sacrificing two worms it's children in the maze of it screw up my mill the last cart my library it's a command tower well I done that stuff that just one's totally on me but I'm going out my own terms Jimmy Wang style well you know what I'm a cat skull clamp I got no cards in my library and I will move to equip it to one of my creatures the skull clamp is gonna let me draw out of my own deck which has zero cards so at the very least I am dying on my own terms and not to a bunch of bears hold on hold on Jimmy who are we to deny the Bears their meal if I may yes as a favor oh no could you let the Bears finish the job never mind Graham I owe you a favor you get to kill me with bears past 10:00 at the untap cast mother bear it gets to enjoy this yeah yeah Mama's finally home I'll put two more counters on I EULA yeah the queen among bears and I will attack you with all these bears well Graham you win well that's the game and I got mauled by a bunch of bears no give me an Oscar before I die I attack with all my Bears and I win the game it's always so much fun to play commander with people that you know so well graham and kathleen awesome friends and great guests and it was great to see everyone's deck do their own individual things and go off modern horizons looks really awesome and the new legendary creatures mine in particular opens the door to all of these tribes that just haven't been well represented until now you want to build is travel you want to build a horse tribal how about goat tribal well more funds there for you also don't build goat tribal that seems like it'll be really bad bear force one was victorious really it's all about a EULA she finally makes this deck get its teeth and I'm so happy with how the deck turned out oh my gosh what fun what value always doing things and killing other people's things and doing things that kill other people's things I felt very powerful I didn't win but I felt very cool you know one of my favorite things about game nights is the variety of ways there are to play magic not just different formats but also within the format's loli run is known for having just wacky stipulations and building decks in the way that's meant to create more fun than anything else and at the end of the day you know you don't always have to play to win and I definitely prescribe to that philosophy so even though I lost this game in spectacular fashion I'm just glad I got to have a lot of fun doing it and it's a memory I'll never forget alright you made it to the end of the episode congratulations nice yeah yeah you deserve some congratulations for making it all the way to the end I don't deserve any congratulations cuz I did not make it to the end of that episode and I miss played like crazy but I had fun and you made it to the end idea I guess so I guess so big thanks as always to ultraPro for providing us with the sleeves the deck boxes the play mats that make our battlefield look super awesome and stay well protected and it's time for the giveaways ultra pro and card Kingdom both have thrown their hat in the ring and we're gonna be sending up some free swag to you all here's how to enter if you're on facebook go to our Facebook page find the post that's sharing this link to this video and in the comments tag a friend or someone that you think would also watch this episode of game nights if you're on Twitter just tweet out a link to this episode then use the hashtag game nights to enter and remember as always we are gonna be choosing the winners one week exactly from the release of this episode we'll be announcing those on Facebook and Twitter all right that's all that is that's all there is that's all we've got all right everybody thanks for watching we'll see you next time peace [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The Command Zone
Views: 3,260,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game high school, ted wong, vghs, wong, jfwong, jimmy, magic, the, gathering, mtg, magic the gathering, strategy, game, trading card game, deck, commander, general, elder, dragon, highlander, josh, lee, kwai, cards, Card Game (Game Genre), command, zone, podcast, the command zone, mana, Game Knights, GameKnights, gameplay, lrr, loading, ready, run, loadingreadyrun, graham, stark, kathleen, de, vere, bear, force, one, yawgmoth, ayula, tribal, morophon, avatar, hogaak, modern, horizons, ppr, aristocrats, dredge
Id: elOZ2EnWlCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 32sec (5552 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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