Midnight Hunt w/ Cobra Kai's Xolo Mariduena l Game Knights #48 l Magic The Gathering Commander

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Not to rules lawyer, but shouldn't Josh have gained 1 life at 1:05:18? Decimate destroys all targets simultaneously, meaning Voxy's creature died at the same time as Josh's Meethook Massacre. Josh's MM would have "seen" her creature die as they both entered the graveyard.

It probably would have not changed the outcome of the game, but this means Josh would have survied Xolo's attack with 1 life left and Voxy would have had to commit a resource to Josh to kill him.

EDIT: My bad, she doesn't go by "Lady Voxy". Sorry, never heard of her.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tartacus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

i love that dilemma at the end of the episode. its a great application of game theory.

Neither player wants to take the deal, but neither want to be the first to refuse it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 133 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MagisterSieran πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad the werewolves actually got to do a bit of something, despite it seeming like there weren't many turns this time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tzekel_Khan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It was amusing seeing the wild vs. free argument here because literally two nights earlier I had to convince a table why we all needed to vote free because cards out of hand are always less of a gamble (and better for our card advantage) than cards from the deck. You can’t live your life assuming your opponent has a consecrated Sphinx in hand.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/super_powered πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun episode to watch. Now I kind of want to build a [[Dragon’s Approach]] deck…

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sunday_Comics πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This Episode was absolutely amazing. Super entertaining game, and Xolo from Cobra Kai was an awesome player and diplomat skilled in edh politics. Very exciting to watch and I can only recommend others who have not seen this episodes yet to go & check it out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LifeNeutral πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

this was a fun episode, it was refreshing to see josh make such a silly ass deck (in a good way), rather than just the best/optimal/what will make for balanced gameplay on TV type deck. We know josh is good and has access to great cards, I would like it if he played more random/wildcard decks in the future because, lets be honest, thats more real in my experience than the tons of rhystic studys and land taxs. At leat in my experience of casual edh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/palaminocamino πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like the three way standoff at the end. It’s happened to me many a time but it’s rare to see it explained clearly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/strolpol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was one of the better recent episodes, while they need to go back to a more underproduced format to draw people back, I thought the game was good and nobody threw it, which is awesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 76 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alejandrodeconcord πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up everybody welcome to a brand new episode of game nights the show is brought to you by wizards of the coast we have a really exciting game today we are playing with the new cards from midnight hunt we have two amazing guests we have cholo mariduena from the popular show cobra kai and we also have the awesome streamer voxi battling it out in a really epic game but before we get into it we got an exciting announcement we have a brand new sponsor channel fireball oh why why whoa it's craig okay what is wrong with craig apparently he's looking for some like really rare card i've called the store i've scoured through all of my friends trade binders all i could find was this borderless pre-release promo foil well that's pretty good no i was looking for the altar borderless pre-release promo foil but the only thing foiled now is my plan for the perfect deck if only every local game store was in one place some glorious temple to mtg selection perfection oh you should just check out channel firewall marketplace channel fireball marketplace is that new i can't believe it they have every card imaginable is this a dream uh no craig it's a website there's no better place than the new channel firewall marketplace to find absolutely any magic cart you could want it's a single online location that connects you to hundreds of real game stores making it easy to compare prices and ensure you're getting the best deal out there plus channel fireball marketplace vets every vendor so you know you're supporting local game stores by buying from professional licensed businesses with reliable professional service instead of getting bent envelopes from some stranger out of a basement starting on october 1st if you're looking to buy magic cards check out channel fireball marketplace go to channelfireball.com command or enter code command at checkout to let them know we sent you support the channel and save money on the cards you need at channelfirewall.com in the first month if you buy from the channel fireball marketplace you could be entered to win so many awesome things including a bunch of foil soul ring promos that josh and i both signed and there's just so much you just have to go to the website to check it out they're gonna give away a black lotus oh my goodness uh that is definitely something to wait for and we've got one more thing to announce before we get into it yes we have launched a brand new kickstarter we are bringing back game nights tokens right as you can see amazing artwork by josiah cameron has some of your favorite game nights guests depicted as some of the most commonly used tokens in magic and uh the artwork is amazing graham's probably my favorite one as a two-two bear i'm torn between kathleen as the vampire or olivia as the buff squirrel pretty awesome that's so olivia and we're doing something that we've never done before we're offering these tokens also in a premium gold bordered foil version that look just absolutely amazing and we love the art so much we're also creating a double-sided play mat featuring all of the art you got josh on one side they encourage it and me on the other but hey here's the big thing the kickstarter's limited time only yep we will only be making this stuff for the duration of the kickstarter if you don't get your order in while the kickstarter is going on we're never going to sell or make this stuff ever again yep and we get emails every single time a kickstarter campaign ends asking oh can i still get it and the answer is no so it's a limited time sale make sure you click the show more box below this video and you'll see the link to that kickstarter so you can get your pledge in right now yeah don't waste any time hit pause go place your order for the tokens and then come back and uh watch the episode speaking of watch the episode yeah stick around to the end because we're gonna be giving away a bunch of stuff but also we should probably get into the game let's go i feel like that sounds like scooby-doo [Music] how's it everybody welcome back to another episode of game nights on this episode we have a really cool guest from one of netflix's most popular shows what's up guys my name is solomon and i'm super excited to be here on game nights you might recognize me from cobra kai my fellow co-star brother jacob bertrand was on another episode of this show didn't come out with the dub but i gotta avenge him josh and jimmy are going down we also brought on one of our favorite streamers what's up nerds my name is voxie you might know me from twitch.tv voxy i stream mostly limited usually in the evenings eastern standard time so if you're around for some late night drafts come on over but i'm super excited to be here on game nights today we're going to play with the new cards from innistrad midnight hunt this is one of magic the gathering's most popular planes it's themed around scary monsters and gothic horror there are angels vampires zombies but this set is mostly focused around werewolves and the fight for day and night the deck that i decided to build is tovalar dyer overlord the plan is simple step one get a lot of werewolves step two transform said werewolf step three make werewolves that have just been transformed bigger when knight falls so to my opponents the deck i'll be playing on this full moon is ludovic necro genius be afraid be very afraid this is a graveyard deck i want to put some of the scariest and most powerful creatures in magic's history into my bit and when my commander transforms i'll use the cards in my graveyard to make a massive monstrosity and then when i attack them with this nasty beast my opponents will be the next ones to join the zombie army the deck i'm playing today is sagarta champion of light hope is not lost my plan is to flood the board with a ton of humans then if i have a bunch of creatures on the battlefield with different power my commander's ability is going to help me get even more humans out of my deck and then hopefully my army can fend off all these spooky monsters the commander i'm playing today is florian valderrian scion choices choices choices so i did something a little bit unique for this one this is a dragon's approach deck see this little text right here that means i can have as many of this card in my deck as i want i have 30 of them so the dragon's approach will help me dig deep into my deck with florian's ability and florian's ability will help me find even more dragon's approach so i get to use a lot of cards that are normally not good in commander and of course a lot of really big dragons so if my burn spells don't take my opponents out the huge flyers probably will alright players it's time for you to become a part of my experiment all right let's battle let's do this things are about to get hairy all right welcome everyone to the table first things first we need to reveal the cool innistrad midnight hunt themed ultra pro playmats nice all right foxy because this is your first time on the show it is time for the knighting ceremony i dub the dame voxey arise pleasure and we also have another newcomer so i dub thee sure show low arise way too long too long for this i'm so ready welcome to game nights only one may stand all right you guys ready yes i will draw and i will play a force per turn one of the new ones has to turn do you boxy all right go ahead and draw i'm gonna play scattered groves comes in tapped and passed to you jimmy okay i'll drop return i'm going to play a polluted delta and pass her into you josh oh man such fair magic i appreciate y'all i just want to say that because i'm going to go draw for turn play a canyon slew tapton pass all right nice so this is a little bit of an oddity for a game on game nights nobody has a turn one play hopefully this means everybody's off to a little bit of a slow start i think that plays right into my strategy because it's gonna take me a little while to get going draw my card per turn i will play a mountain per turn i will tap two and play hesig naturalist and when that enters the battlefield because it has day bound it will become day ah the sun is here ah cool this new mechanic is all about whether or not it's daytime or night time when those creatures enter the battlefield if it's night time they're coming in on their werewolf side scholar really takes advantage when his creatures are in night time so we need to play at least one spell turn to make sure it saves day time and i will pass the turn to you foxy all right i'll untap draw for turn i'm gonna play a forest and i'm gonna tap one for a shadow spear and i will cast champion of the parish oh very nice turn to champion of the parish along with turn to shadowspear that's hard to beat once i play a few humans champion of the parish is gonna get big and shadow spirit gives trample so it's gonna be able to punch through and i'm gonna be able to get a lot of life this is gonna be pretty great for me that's perfect because it doesn't become night time yeah yeah good job i'll go ahead and pass turn to you jimmy okay at the end of your turn i'm gonna crack my polluted delta paying one life going to 39. i'm gonna find a sunken hollow and that comes in the battlefield tapped sure and then i will untap and draw for turn i will play a fancy new swamp and then i'm going to tap for two black and cast dalty voidwalker cool this is one of my favorite new cards from this year it's so effective at keeping things out of opponents graveyards even better you get to cast them yourself so i'm hoping the other players will cast something that i really want to take no i need things in my graveyard what really sucks for me is that my deck is heavily graveyard focused and as long as this dealthy voidwalker is on the battlefield my stuff can't go to the graveyard and that's really really bad for me okay and then i'll pass into you josh all right i will untap i will draw man that blows so it's only turn two i'm already faced with kind of a big dilemma avocado can play but it's just to put things into my graveyard which won't happen because of jimmy's delty voidwalker however if i don't cast a spell then it becomes nighttime and show those werewolf gets a lot better i don't know what i should do it's tempting isn't it josh did not play a shingle well now it's pretty bad if i play what i was gonna play okay i will play a mountain then i'll pass it again all right so it makes me a little bit nervous that josh doesn't play anything because apparently what he has in his hand that jimmy could take is much scarier than if turning to night time all right uh it'll be past my turn and since you didn't cast any spells on your turn thank you josh it will become nights and i will transform my werewolf uh-oh i mean this is kind of the best case scenario i was hoping that one of my opponents wouldn't have a turn to play and this is perfect for my commander that's about to come out and then i will move to my untapp draw my card per turn okay and i will tap three four toevalar dire overlord oh no but because it is nighttime he will come in on his nightside so here's the midnight scourge so show low's commander is here it's a little bit more scary because it is night time so it comes in on its nightbound side it's stronger side it's bigger side i may have just helped him out by not casting a spell last turn i'm kind of regretting it and i will move to combat yeah and lord of openwald i think is coming at you josh yeah well i obviously have nothing so i will take three and go to 37. all right and because one of my werewolves still combat damage my commander will trigger and i will draw a card pretty sweet uh sorry josh it's just three damage i hope you'll be able to forgive me but a boy needs to draw his cards you know on that attack trigger i will get a red man up but i won't have anything to spend it on so i will not use it and i will pass a turn to you foxy all right i'll untap and draw for turn and i will tap three and cast cultivate all right so i'm gonna find two planes [Music] and one will go into play tapped and the other will go in my hand nice but when you cast the cultivate it doesn't actually go to the graveyard the doubtful voidwalker is going to exile it and it's going to get a void counter on it oh so you can cast that yes nice doubty voidwalker exiling it means that i get to play this spell if i want to and i'm feeling pretty intrigued i mean this is one of the best spells you can be casting on turn three in magic and i'm gonna go to combat okay i am also gonna swing it josh uh yup no block still i will go to 36. and i will pass the turn to you jimmy okay i'm going to untap i'm going to draw my card for turn you know dorothy boyd walker is very good but i really like cultivating yeah pretty good in demir right here yeah i could wait a little longer with my dalty voidwalker and do something more fun but i think i got to be an adult and do the responsible thing and ramping right now seems like the best thing i can do in my position i'm going to sacrifice the dothi voidwalker to play the cultivate from exile for free nice so i'll find an island and now i'm going to play tapped and i'll find a swamp and that goes into my hands oh i'm just glad to have that dowthy voidwalker off the battlefield it opens up my graveyard-based strategy so that my deck can try and do its thing so thank you jimmy for ramping that's a weird thing to say and then i'm going to tap three mana and cast frantic search come on so draw two cards and discard two cards i'm gonna discard a fraxion tower and an overwhelmed archivist and then i will get to untap three lands and then i will tap two and cast talisman of dominance and pass turn you could catch your commander right there yeah i don't wanna do it i got stuff so everybody's least favorite thing to see a blue player do is pass the turn with mana up so that's either a kill spell or a counterspell either way i don't want to know what it is all right so it goes to my turn and before my untapped step because jimmy casts two or more spells it will become daytime daytime so the werewolves go back to being human yes i'm a little bummed out because when a player casts two or more spells it becomes daytime which means my werewolves get a little less good but luckily now that my commander's out i don't really have to worry about that as long as i can keep three wolves on the battlefield i'll be able to switch it tonight whenever i want all right and then i will untap and i will draw and then i'm gonna play a mountain and i'm gonna tap three and i will play my commander florian valderrian scion choices choices choices sweet vampires have joined the party so i really like my commander on the surface it looks like it kind of gives you access to only one extra card per turn the thing is if you do enough damage to everybody you're actually digging pretty deep into your deck so it becomes closer and closer to like tutoring for the right things and in my deck we know there is a specific card that i'm going to want to find over and over again yeah that's it then i will just pass the turn all right i will move to my untap step drop return all right i will move to combat okay so i don't have a land in my hand right now but my commander's about to draw me some cards so i'm gonna need to swing with my creatures and hope that i get a basic land so i can put it in or any land for that matter so i could put it in so let's go for it so jimmy my commander's coming at you and voxy kessig naturalist is coming at you and on that attack the naturalist will trigger and i'll get a red man all right one red floating go to blocks i have no blocks i'll be taking 2 and go to 38. i cannot block as well so i will take 3 commander damage and go to 36 and because i dealt damage with two of my werewolves my commander will trigger and i will draw two cards oh sweet so i'm dealing combat damage i'm able to draw some cards but i drew the worst land in this situation the only land i have is temple of the false god which will do nothing right now sadness all those cards drawn all those cards drawn ooh that is a really sad temple of the false god that card is not very good if it's your fourth land careful what you wish for you got the land but maybe be a little more specific next time so now you have four mana you're still floating that man uh with the four mana i will use a two and a green to cast silver fur partisan this is sneakily powerful normally you'd have to pass the turn and cast no spells for it to turn to nighttime but show just needs to have three wolves or werewolves on the battlefield to change it on his upkeep so we have to take care of this otherwise i think it's gonna spiral out of the control i think i have more than seven cards one two three four five six seven eight rough life over very rough right and i will discard hound tamer all right and i will pass my turn all right i will go ahead and untap and go ahead and draw my card per turn before i play my lan for turn i'm actually gonna tap three and play a tireless tracker ah smart that makes sense so this card is great to get out early because it's just gonna run to value town for me so not only am i able to draw cards but every time i crack a clue it gets bigger so over time this thing's going to be a monster and when there's a battlefield champion of the parish will trigger and i'll get a 1-1 counter so it's now a 2-2 pretty good and then i will play a planes and whenever atlanta is about then or my control i get to investigate nice and then i will tap two i'm gonna play thalia's lieutenant oh no it's so good and that'll put a plus one plus one counter on the rest of my humans wow but because it's a human champion of the parish actually gets two counters wow so how big is it now it's a four four four it's nothing it's a big deal so this sequence makes me rethink my assumptions about boxy's deck i'd assume she was going to go wide with her deck and make a lot of creatures but it appears instead like she might be just swinging with a few really big creatures which makes the trample on that shadow spirit a little bit scarier and i will go to combat and jimmy i'm coming at you with the champion of the parish wow he is a true champion because i can't block it i'm going to take four damage and i'll go to 32 life and i will pass the turn to you jimmy we're getting beat up yeah at the end of your turn i am going to tap a blue and a black and i'm going to lose a life because of the talisman of dominance going to 31 and i'm going to cast siphon insight cool interesting now the question is is who do i target with this this is an interesting card from jimmy all of our decks are pretty specific with the things we're doing a one-off werewolf a one-off human a one-off dragon's approach not that great so i'm honestly not that scared about what he's gonna get i do think i probably want to go you cause werewolves are less synergistic i think true humans are kind of good on their own whereas werewolves need although he's gonna switch it tonight true it's a good point it's true all right uh i'm gonna target you show low with the siphon insight because i want some wolves too and i want to howl so jimmy targets me and it's a bit of an interesting move because most of my deck is werewolves and wolves and if jimmy doesn't really have any synergy with it doesn't make sense maybe he'll get lucky but i'm not too worried i'm going to pick this one and then this card will go on the bottom of your library oh man what is it the card i got is really cool and extremely powerful so i gotta set up my board state just a little bit more and if i get this thing resolved oh it's lights out all right and then i will untap and drop return i'm going to play a swamp return and then i'm going to tap a blue and the black and i'll cast my commander ludovic necrogenius be afraid be very afraid it's alive uh when it enters the battlefield or attacks i mill a card and i mailed a persist which is kind of the wrong card to mill so jimmy plays his commander and it's pretty good i mean he's milling cards he's doing everything he's supposed to be doing so i think we're okay with him for right now but if he starts milling some good cards and is being able to copy those i think we're gonna be in trouble and then i'm going to tap one two three four as well as exile four cards from my graveyard and i'm going to cast treasure cruise and draw three cards seems good because of that secret trick that i stole from show low's deck i want to have a lot of cards in my hand so this is a perfect set of play right now pass the turn all right i will untap i will drop hmm i need to land i don't want to attack because the crack back is so punishing i'd really like to leave my commander up on defense because that first strike is really useful when blocking problem is i need to hit my land drop and i don't have one in hand so i'm gonna have to deal some damage so that florian can help me get some extra card draw all right uh i'm gonna go to combat and i'm not gonna hit either of them because they're very scary so jimmy i'm gonna swing at you with three three first strike well unfortunately uh 2-3 does not look good against that so i will take three commander damage and i'll go to 28. all right on my post combat main phase because uh my opponents have taken three total damage i'm gonna exile the top three cards in my library one two three interesting dragon's approach though i see where you're going with this deck josh ah i see what josh's deck is doing now dragon's approach worked so well with his commander and now i'm finally seeing the strategy come together not to mention if he gets a bunch of those in the graveyard and cast one then blammo a very scary dragon comes along with it oh none are a land okay well i did not hit a land off of florian but i got something that's almost as good all right so i'm gonna choose dockside extortionist as the card that's exiled that i can play and the other two will go on the bottom of my library okay then i'm going to pay two and i'm gonna cast ruby medallion oh smart pretty good and then because it costs one less now i'm gonna pay the red i'm gonna cast that dockside extortionist from exile i have a nice and there are only three artifacts and no enchantments how is that right one talisman a clue token and the shadow spear so that's three all right so i get three treasure tokens could have been worse so seeing a dockside only get three treasures is kind of sad but good for me so i'm cool with it and then i'm going to sack one of the treasures immediately to play a locket of yesterdays what interesting locket of yesterday's really doesn't work in the commander format generally but it is very very good in my deck because i plan to cast a lot of the same sorcery over and over again and then i'm gonna sack the remaining two treasures for two red and i am going to play wheel of fortune which costs one less because of ruby medallion aha come on i don't know about the other players but i want to have cards in my graveyard so this is an incredible moment for me i don't like seeing wheel of fortune i don't like discarding i don't want to lose the cards in my hand but everyone gets to draw seven so best case scenario i draw some good stuff and they don't okay so everyone's going to discard their hands and then we will draw seven new cards each this card is always really really good but the fact that it makes you discard what you've got in your hand plays right into my strategy and really puts me on the edge of having a breakout turn here soon i have three dragons approaching my graveyard now oh but it's four that i need to exile when i cast one so the next one i cast will not get me a dragon josh has three dragons approaches in his graveyard which means if he gets one more in his yard and is able to cast another one we're gonna have some big dragons on the battlefield and i have nothing that can deal with flyers and important to know i discarded wonder into my graveyard and because i control an island that means that all my creatures now have flying oh that's bad see isn't that fun i didn't draw a land [Music] then i really helped you i really helped you because you were gonna be like you know nine turns from now yeah exactly um okay then i still have not played my land for a turn so i'm going to play a rakdos carnarium uh and that will bounce my mountain back to my hand nice uh and then that's all i can do so i'll pass the turn this was a pretty good turn for me i was able to get a bunch of dragon's approaches into the graveyard set up my ramp i still hit my land drops i think if i can just keep my head down i can do some explosive stuff here coming up all right i will untap and at the beginning of my upkeep because i control three wolves and or werewolves my commander will trigger and it will become night all right so everything flips over yes to the scary side and draw my card per turn this is just bad on top of bad not only does shiloh have control of the day and night cycle but he's got a really big board state can give anything trample and draw cards when they do combat damage he is fully set up and ready to roar or howl i guess i'll go to combat and jimmy silver for partisan is going to come at you and so is lord of the olvenwold okay and my commander will come at you voxy yikes fair i will block with nothing so i'll take 5 and go to 33. and that is commander damage unfortunately i also will not block and i'll take six going to 22. look i could be chump blocking here but my deck is all about my commander being out i'm just gonna hold off and take the damage and hope my next turn is explosive enough so that i can stabilize and on that attack trigger i will get a red mana from lord of the open wall and on the combat damage trigger i will draw three cards man that is a good werewolf commander lance you already know in my second main phase you got it i'll put down a forest a cool forest and your temple of the false god turns on oh so all of a sudden he went from four mana to like nine two three four five six you have seven mana now nice so i'm dealing combat damage i'm able to draw cards and i finally pull a land drop to activate my template default god everything is coming back to plan and then i will play arlen cord planeswalker nice i will activate arlen's second ability and she will put a two-two green wolf coconut onto the battlefield and then arlen will transform into arlen embraced by the moon my bite is worse than my boss oh ireland is super scary she's going to be able to pump up his team of werewolves every single turn i'm already on his radar he's already swinging at me so someone's gonna have to do something about this hopefully i can figure this out and with the remaining three mana i will play emmerwolf a little bit of a weaker emerwolf is a great card it's an anthem effect it gives all of my wolves plus one plus one and i don't have to worry about the day night cycle because they're always going to stay on the night side what's better than that i will pass the turn to you boxy and as your turn begins because i cast two or more spells it will become daytime but since i have emmerwolf they will stay on their nightside wow can't transform cannots transform it is the everlasting night you know one of the downsides of werewolves is as the game goes on it's easier for the opponents to cast multiple spells and kind of flip back today constantly this irmo wolf it means that show low's back in the driver's seat he gets to lock his werewolves onto that scary side and makes his board a lot more powerful and i will pass the turn to you boxy i'll untap and go ahead and draw my card per turn i'll play a bountiful promenade and because atlanta entered the battlefield this turn hairless tracker will trigger and i will investigate and i'll make a clue all right and i'll bring in sagarda champion of light hope is not lost all my creatures are set up to trigger my commander exactly how i need them to i'm one of the few people with flying creatures i feel really good about this and then i'm going to equip my shadow spear to champion of the parish how big is it now it is a six six trampling life-linking cursed badass i'm gonna go ahead and move to combat yep yep okay let me make a case for myself i'm coming at arlen with champion of the parish and jimmy i'm going to come at you with tireless tracker okay so voxie attacks my planeswalker and i could double block but it just doesn't seem worth it i have other stuff in my hand we just drew seven cards i think i'm gonna let arlen die hope it is the right decision okay i'm gonna i'm not gonna block i'll take four i'll go to 18. you're at 18 already i want to talk about it all right i will not block and arlen will die she has perished i will go ahead and gain six life because of the lifelink going to 39. wow with the place walker off the battlefield i feel really good i gained six life i have a decent battlefield i've got a flyer i'm not worried about anything and jimmy i'll pass you all right i'm gonna go ahead and untap and drop for the turn i'm gonna play a swamp and i'm gonna go ahead and tap two lands i'm gonna play a thot vessel sweet alright now it's finally time to show the world what card i stole from show low's deck this one's a beater and then i'm going to tap everything for six mana and i'm going to cash all this car from exile and it is savala stampede oh boy come on oh no so er starting with me each player is going to vote for wild or free so wild means i revealed cards off the top of my library to a real creature on the battlefield free is a card in my hand on the battlefield so i'm going to vote for free so this is a really really good and scary card no matter which way you vote here's how i view it though if you go with wild jimmy not only gets a permanent into play but it also comes out of his deck so it's like he drew that card so it feels just better for everybody to vote free yeah he gets the permanent into play but he has to use a card from his hand to do it and he already voted for free which means his best card's already coming out what's the odds that he has four really awesome cards in his hand by the end he's probably just dropping lands or something so hopefully it's not that bad you're choosing from your hand yes i'm going to choose wild is better no no oh i think free is almost always better because he draws the card virtually if he gets off the top of his eye right now i'm not drawing it but it's the same as drawing it right it gives him an extra card this is a card from his hand he loses the card from his hand yeah so and if he's already putting the best one out because he that's what he chose yeah okay then what's the chances that the second best and his third best are better than a free card plus when he gets on top of that all right so originally i didn't want to give jimmy the option to just play something from his hand but the way josh kind of laid it out kind of convinced me to go that way i am going to vote for free another card from his hand i too will vote for free i guess i'll vote for free all right this is good show and voxy they're listening to reason here they went with the right call what are the odds he's got four really awesome things in his hand right listen i think the important thing to note is that all choices are bad in this scenario right like there's not good ones you're just hoping for the brave or the least bad i'm not gonna lie normally i'd be a little upset that josh paul taking everyone to making the right choice but looking at my hand oh it's gonna turn out bad for everyone josh definitely convince you guys to make the right choice because the first one's a consecrated sphinx the second one's the scare of god throw in shieldred and the fourth one's mystic remora how savage jimmy plays everything from his hand and it's mad expensive i got rope and doped damn you josh liquid one of the odds he's got four really awesome things in his game right he had four really awesome things in his hand maybe we should have voted for wilde [Music] so definitely the right choice because who knows what was on my library it could have been scarier than any of these it could at least his cards out of his hand whereas otherwise he would still have those cards but also whatever he got i still think it's better okay so now he's got two card draw engines a way to recur things from his graveyard and somebody that makes a stack something every turn which is bad for me because my board is laid out exactly how i want it to for the perfect swing next turn thanks josh you still vote for free everybody out there see this is the worst thing about this show it's now where he's gonna be like haha josh is dumb and vote for wild from here on out don't do that it's still free it just went bad this one time why are you guys laughing you vote for free you vote for free so they think they can ban me go those tireless pilgrims well they can't because i quit i see now that i have far too much value for commander so i'm going to honey the fantastically free browser extension where there's no such thing as too much value honey and i are much the same while i could be found in thousands of decks honey supports over 30 000 different websites so no matter where your online pilgrimage takes you honey is there to save your money just like i save new players money on five color mana bases well until recently all you have to do is go to checkout and click apply coupons honey will find you the very finest promo codes with honey finding deals is even easier than casting free spells why just yesterday i was able to save 25 whole dollars on a new button down oh another price drop i'd love to sales but i must go loose there's value to be found if you don't already have honey you 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approach is a sorcery which means every time i cast it i get a treasure you add in the fact that i've got locket of yesterday's and ruby medallion and it means that i can basically cast my dragon's approaches for free just to let you lean on a little secret free spells are good then i'm going to play my land for turn and i'll immediately tap it for a red and i'll cast dragon's approach oh so now i have four dragons approach in my graveyard but i need to cast one more in order to get the dragon and do the thing but the problem is i don't have any more of them in my hand luckily my commander is pretty good at digging for specific cards and then you all will take three i'll go to 37 i'll go to 36 and i'll go to 15. so first draggage approach comes out not a big deal i can take three damage i have life gain what i'm really worried about is that second ability if he has enough copies of dragon's approach in his graveyard he can go to any dragon that he has and we're not far off from that right now so i'm getting nervous that is a instant or sorcery so i'll get a treasure from the storm kiln artist pretty good mr grimoire is going to trigger are you going to pay for it josh no you get to draw all right i will okay then i'll go to combat i have no good attacks so i will not attack but in my post combat main phase you all take a 9 damage show my commander will trigger and i am going to exile the top nine cards in my library and i get to choose one and play it until end of turn i think we all know i'm hoping at least one of these cards is the blurb line so i will reveal the nine cards as much as i would like to cast a lot of these things i don't have the man for it so i'm going to choose a dragon's approach and the rest will go on the bottom of my library and then i'm going to tap a red and cast that dragon's approach josh that's going to trigger mr grimora are you going to pay nope go ahead and draw all right on that cast trigger i will get a treasure token from storm kill artist oh geez oh gosh okay so you all take three damage again i will go to 34. i will go to 33 and i'll go to 12. okay on this one when i cast it i can exile it and four other cards named dragon's approach for my graveyard which i have four and then i get to tutor up a dragon and put onto the battlefield that's bad so i have the pick of any dragon in my deck there are dragons with haste dragons that like destroy creatures when they come out or deal a ton of damage so i'm gonna choose one that draws cards all right so i'm gonna find a null spine dragon oh so when it comes to play i can discard my hand and draw cards equal to the damage dealt to target opponent this turn so it's gonna be six cards ah so i'm gonna choose to do that so i'm gonna discard a bunch of stuff that doesn't matter and draw six well josh consecrates thinks sees each of those cards being drawn so i'm gonna go ahead and draw 12 cards yep enjoy it jack i hope you have a plan you just let jimmy draw 12 cards why are you okay with this do something does it really matter how many cards jimmy has if he's dead let me discuss with you i can do six more damage what why to a creature no to jimmy excuse me look i have two dragons approach do you think the two of you combined could be able to get through six damage if you deal six damage this can kill him next turn yeah you got it on board so josh says he thinks he can get jimmy down to six and i have emmerwolf on the battlefield which can't be blocked by any of jimmy's creatures because he doesn't have anything that has red or green in it so i think if i'm able to buff up immermorth on my turn maybe we can kill jimmy one thing to note i don't have any dragons or approach in my graveyard anymore so they cost two so i'm gonna sack my two treasures and i'm gonna play dragon's approach okay on that cast trigger are you gonna pay for mr remora no i'm not okay i will draw a card oh gosh josh is trying to get me as low as he can and he's making deals with show low on how to kill me so i'm going to cast fierce guard and ship and counter it okay yep it gets countered wow this is one of the best spells in my deck because i can cast it for free and doing it on a spell that josh's 30 copies of feels really bad but my life total is extremely low and i have to mitigate that damage somehow what's bad about this is jimmy's going to be at a little higher life total when it goes to show low's turn what's good about this though is that schiller's gonna have to spend a little bit more resources maybe to get rid of jimmy which is fine by me i do still get the treasure for the storm killed artists correct because you cast a spell yeah and now because there's a dragon's approach in my graveyard subsequent ones only cost one red man so i will sack a treasure and cast a second peggy's approach are you gonna pay for the basic remora no i'll draw a card all right and then uh everybody takes three i will go to 31 i will go to 30. i'll go to 9. i will get the treasure from storm killed artists for casting the second dragon's approach i feel like i did a lot yeah show low all right i will go to my untap on my upkeep children will trigger and i will sacrifice my wolf token okay drop her turn on your draw step i will draw two cards because of concentrated sphinx just gotta do nine damage man so i'm put in a bit of a tough position because i can kill jimmy but in order to do so i kind of have to spend my whole turn doing it i don't get to develop so i'm hoping that josh and foxy will see that and give me some immunity and not swing at me this next turn all right jimmy has his whole deck in his hand i think we can all agree that jimmy is the greatest evil here and that he needs to perish josh if you would be so gracious and allow me to swing my lord of oven world at you i can have enough mana to pump up emerald and kill jimmy does that mean i have to like not block and kill it yes yes yeah because i yeah i have to tap out to do this so i'm asking for full immunity so we can't attack you or do anything to you on our turns i would appreciate that yeah okay if boxie takes a deal i'll take the deal i accept okay so in this deal all i have to do is not attack show low next turn as long as jimmy dies i'm okay with it because i do not want to sack any of my creatures so i take the deal so i'm gonna move to combat josh lord of overworld is coming at you and jimmy emerald is coming at you and it has intimidate has intimidate which means it cannot be blocked except by artifact creatures or creatures that share a color with it no blocks okay i also will not block as per our deal awesome before damage before combat damage is dealt i will get a red mana from lord of the oven wall and i will use uh tobalar's activated ability to make him a 9-3 oh no oh man taking all that early damage is really coming back to haunt me because there's nothing i can do about show those creature and that means my game is just gonna be over dang actors you can never trust them okay um well unfortunately for your boy jimmy wong he has nothing he can do so i take nine damage and i die i was sure he was gonna get out of it i was sure and then i died to not a pack but a singular werewolf wolfing me up so now jimmy's out of the game there's only three players left i think i'm fine and i will take four and go to 32. so on combat damage i will draw two cards off of tobler oh yeah i'm gonna go to my n step and i have nine cards in hand so i will discard two and i will discard hunt master of the fills and cultivate nice and because i didn't cast a spell during my turn it will become night night time is the right time it's party time with jimmy out of the game i have to hold up my end of the bargain i can't attack show low this turn but not a big deal i'll be able to focus on josh i'll worry about show a little later all right i'll go ahead and untap draw my card and before i play a land for turn i'm going to tap 5 to play maya redegard protector interesting so maya seems really really good because now landfall make a human means that voxy's creatures are gonna get pumped up over and over every single turn the synergies in her deck are really coming together i think she's probably ahead now that we're down to three players and that is a human so when that is battlefield both champion of the parish and thalia's lieutenant will trigger and they'll get a plus one plus one counter all right so we got a four four and a eight eight and so i'm gonna go ahead and play a windswept heat that's like more than one land drop so i'll immediately crack it and i will find a forest i'll put that on the battlefield and i'll go down to 29. oh no that's two landfall triggers so i'll get two clue tokens and two human warriors because of maya and that's two humans entering the battlefield so i'll get two more counters on thalia's lieutenant and champion of the parish oh my lord so you've got a six six and a ten ten yep so my deck is doing exactly what i want it to do every time i play a land not only do i get a clue but i get a human token as well and my deck thrives off of humans so it's all up from here all right and i will move to combat so josh i'm sorry but i'm also not really sorry i'm gonna go ahead and uh let's swing sagarta champion tireless and lieutenant oh on that attack sagarta's covetability will trigger someone looks at top five cards in my library and i will reveal lenore autumn sovereign oh okay and that'll go into my hand and the rest of the four cards will go on the bottom okay well i believe what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna block sagarda with my null spine dragon and i'm not to block the two six power creatures or the 10 10. wow all right yep let's go to damage no spine dragon and cigar to trade okay and then i take 22. [Music] i go to 10. i'll gain 10 lifelink and go to 39 and sagarto will go back to the command zone all right max so you got two mana left i am just gonna pass over to you josh okay i will untap drop return so i'm feeling really desperate at the beginning of this turn my hand consists of three lands and one card draw spell let's see what we can do i'm gonna start by tapping two and i'm gonna play sign in blood nice so target player will be me and i will draw two and lose two which is pretty painful when you're at 10 but you got to do it so i'm not gonna lie it does not feel very good when you're at 10 life to pay two of that to draw two cards unfortunately my two cards are kind of duds i mean one of them is dragon's approach but at this point that's not helping me a lot uh on that cast i'll get a treasure for a storm kill an artist not bad i have to ask you a question am i allowed to cast dragon's approaches because are you gonna kill me with the dragon's approaches unlikely it'll deal damage to her as well so yeah you can kind of okay i mean listen i want to uphold our deal if you say no i won't do it no no so i technically did say that josh couldn't swing at me and that's what the immunity was for but also one dragon's approach as long as it doesn't pop off with it i'm not too worried all right and then i'm gonna play one red and play dragon's approach so each of you will take three i will go to 28. i will go to 36. and i'll make another treasure because of storm-killed artists all right and then i will go to combat no attacks post-combat florian will trigger i mean the good news is florian's gonna let me look at some extra cards here but i only get to pick one of them i can't even think of what single card i could find that's gonna make much difference and i will reveal the top six cards of my library and they are two dragons approach burghy faux warstone bloodthirsty blade and flame channeler hmm so burgie is a really powerful card and uh usually that's what you want to cast however it's easy to forget it has another side and i think that's going to be more useful to me here i'm going to choose bergy and i'll put the other four cards on the bottom of my library and then i'm actually going to cast the reverse side of bergie which is harnfeld horn of bounty oh interesting and that only cost me four mana because of ruby medallion okay well this is interesting because remember i started the turn with way too many lands in my hand this is gonna allow me to turn those hopefully into spells josh playing the backside of bergy can only mean one thing he doesn't have a lot of dragon's approaches in his hands so he's about to go digging so i'm going to discard a swamp to exile the top two cards in my library dragons approach oh carter goes everyone yeah but i only got two men left well time to do it again then okay then i'll discard another card which is another swamp exile the top two cards of my library oh there's a dragon's approach i'm gonna cast that dragon's approach i'll burn the treasure to do it but then storm killed artists will make another treasure so you'll each take three i'll go to 25 i will go to 33. so that means there's now four dragons approaching my graveyard so if i hit one more i can do the thing again okay we're actually starting to get going here because the dragon's approaches are basically free to cast because of my locket of yesterdays and that treasure token i'm making the question now is how many of these can i string together all right then i'm going to discard a mountain to do the harnfeld horn of bounty thing again did hit a dragon's approach and then i'll burn the treasure just like last time and cast the dragon's approach but i'll get the treasure back so you take three i will go to 22 and i will go to 30. so josh plays his first dragon's approach three damage who cares then he plays the second one and it's like all right six damage that's not too bad and then he plays the third and it's like wait a second where is my life going and i feel i'm getting the short end of the stick here all right and i will do the thing where i exile four dragons approach for my graveyard and the one i just cast and go find a dragon oh yikes josh didn't really concern me up until this entire turn and now i'm a little bit frightened this is going great but remember i'm having to discard a card to reveal those cards off the horn and i'm slowly running out of cards in my hands luckily i have enough dragon's approaches to go find another dragon and i know exactly what i'm gonna get and i will go find bladewing the risen wow and bladewing will bring back the knoll spine dragon in response to the null spines trigger i'm gonna discard my nesting dragon to the horn to exile the top two cards in my library i can play them this turn oh and then the null spine trigger will go off yeah and i'll draw nine because you've each taken nine damage to this turn oh no jeez so not only does he have an air force now but he's drawing nine cards not too long ago he spent twenty percent of his light sold to draw two cards and now he's drawing nine oh this is going really really well now because i've refilled my hand which means i can keep going and now instead of just trying to stabilize i'm looking at show low and voxy's life totals and i'm wondering can i finish this out can i win the game on this turn okay well i'm gonna sack my treasure and tap one because it cost two mana now to cast another dragon's approach of course so you'll each take three i will go to 19. i will go to 27. all right that's one dragon's approach in my graveyard i'll make a treasure from storm killed artists now they cost one red man because of locket of yesterday's and ruby medallion so for the one red mana i will cast another dragon's approach so anyway i started casting bang bang bang everyone takes three i'll go to 16. i will go to 24. my life total just keeps going down make the treasure again that's two dragons approaching my graveyard i'll cast another one oh we're going to 13. we'll go to 21. he's kind of comboing off here and that makes me really nervous all right so i've got three dragons approaching my graveyard i've run out of them in hand so now i'm discarding cards to the harnfeld horn of bounty so this card is swamp exile two no so one of them is a dragon's approach i will cast it i will go to ten i will go to eighteen i can see the fear start to wash over show low and foxy's faces they realize this could be it i'll discard another card to the horn exile two cards get another dragon's approach i'm at seven life if josh just hits three more of these dragons approaches i'm dead please no more dragons approaches please no more dragons approaches so i'm going to discard again a mind stone exile the top two because of the horn no hits oh smash i'll discard again and try again come on just a couple more dragons approach i can do this no more dragons approach no more dragons approach here we go one two no hits i only have two cards left oh no padre nuestro que estas en el cielo then i'm going to discard another card and i'll exile two more cards down to one card with we're almost there just just one more please whiff please whiff and i'll exile the top two one two damn well whatever i will do the same thing i'll cast it you'll each take three i'll go to four i'll go to twelve oh i came out of that scafed not unscathed but skate all right that last hit it may not seem like a big deal because it doesn't knock out show low but i am able to get an extra dragon onto the battlefield i will exile four more dragons approaches from my graveyard to find a dragon and put it onto the battlefield thank god no more dragons approaches but now i'm remembering he's gonna go get a dragon that can do just face damage to me and show low just take us both out but i'm not even sure what that could be and i only have one more dragon left in my deck so i'll put it out there it's a tyrant's familiar all right sure so josh is not able to kill me this turn i'm thankful to the game night gods but i'm still pretty low i have the lowest life total i'm gonna have to think of some crazy place to get back in this and then i'm gonna cast the dragon's rage channeler from exile using my last treasure okay and i do have delirium so it's a 3-3 with flying and that's all i can do i will pass the turn so at the end of my turn here look at my board state at the beginning of my turn i had almost nothing and now i'm feeling pretty safe i got flying blockers i got huge stuff i don't think they're going to be able to punch through i think i'm going to be able to live and get another turn all right are you passing the turn i am passing the turn all right it will become day on my turn because you cast more than two spells yeah i think i did they still won't transform but it'll be daytime all right i will untap and i will draw this could be your last turn i know so my turn comes around josh has a bunch of flyers on the board so if i don't kill him this turn he'll just kill me on his turn voxy has a bunch of stuff on the board so if i don't kill her this turn then i'm dead on her turn i gotta try to make something happen here and being light bulb well i'm gonna go for it i will tap out oh for crater hoof behemoth oh crap that makes sholo's board ginormous and everything has trample crater hope behemoth is out somebody is dying this turn everything will get plus five plus five and transfer and trample until end of turn that's a lot of damage it's a lot of damage so i'm doing the math it's pretty obvious he can take out either me or voxy but i don't think he can take out both of us with crater hoof behemoth on the battlefield i have enough to kill one of you guys not both of you guys unfortunately so show has to make the best choice for him in this situation and hopefully that's taking out josh and not me remember that okay take him out not me so i'm in the classic commander position if i kill josh i'm dead on voxy's turn but if i kill voxy i'm dead on josh's turn peaky blinders so i'm gonna make a proposition wow proposing he's very political in this game and i will kill neither of you what if i get immunity from death on your turn and your turn so you're saying they cannot kill you you must stay alive i must stay alive josh says pass turn the next time you cannot be dead yeah and you can't kill things on my board so it's full of mutant we can't do anything with you full immunity wow this is really interesting it's pretty shrewd because by attacking either of us he loses this gives him a third option what do you say if we say no you kill us is that the deal well if you say no he kills one of you for the person who says no first so show us kind of got us in a headlock here the first person to say no to this deal is going to die so what are the options here we both take the deal boxy and i and then she has to attack me with everything which i think i can survive other choice is i take the deal and she doesn't in which case she dies and then the third one is i don't take the deal and voxy does in which case i die and in the fourth scenario both voxie and i refuse the deal in which case shiloh probably kills me because i'm the one that did all the damage to him just now so i think the only rational choice is take the deal right what's your answer i'm gonna say yes okay i'm gonna say yes too this is great voxy and josh are open to my deal so they accept it as long as they uphold their end of the bargain i might be able to live another turn so maybe i have a chance in this game after all so you're gonna play crater hoof and not attack anyone precisely pass the turn to you foxy so this is a first a game knights first maybe a commander first somebody plays crater hoof behemoth and then just does an attack and passes the turn never seen that before at the end of your turn i'm actually gonna go ahead and crack a clue and i will draw a card and i will put a plus one plus one counter on tireless tracker so it's back to a six five yes geez all right go ahead and untap all my stuff and draw my card per turn show low has a terrifying board my lip total was at a nice 39 but now i'm too low i kind of have to figure out how i'm able to swing with my biggest creatures do some damage gain some life and then not die to the massive gruel stampede that's coming my way next turn so i'm going to have two force and a planes and i'm going to play champion of lamb holt [Music] okay yikes this is going to make my creatures punch through damage and eventually once it becomes big enough they'll be totally unblockable so now i just need some creatures and the champion and the lieutenant will get another counter and i'm going to go ahead and play my land for turn hairless tracker will trigger and i will investigate and i'm going to get a 1-1 white human warrior token from maya not bad when that token enters the battlefield i'll get a plus one plus one counter on my thalia's lieutenant champion of the parish and now my champion of lame hold as well yowza human tribal and then i'm gonna go ahead and tap five and play the enduring angel not today oh wow jeez so this enduring angel is a new card from innistrad midnight hunt it's a pretty big pain in the butt to be honest it basically means i think you got to kill this creature before you even try and knock foxy out and my deck's already having trouble with all that lifelink this angel is kind of my safety net it's going to keep me from losing the game to damage out of nowhere and when that enters the battlefield champion lam holt get a plus one plus one counter okay so nobody can block with creatures three power or less or less okay voxi's sequencing is really really on point here she makes sure the champion of lampole is out so that it gets the advantage of all the subsequent triggers i mean i'm just bracing myself because we made a deal with show low foxy cannot attack him so she has to be coming at me i think i have to go to combat i think you do yeah so josh i'm gonna swing at you with the champion the tracker the lieutenant and two warrior tokens and i can't block with creatures power three or less creature power three or less cannot block so this attack ends up being more of a headache than i thought it was gonna be because i'm not able to sort of chump block with my smaller creatures so now i'm gonna have to throw away some of my bigger creatures just to stay alive okay i am going to block my tyrants familiar and null spine dragon on the champion blade wing will go in front of the tireless tracker and the storm killed artist will throw itself in front of the lieutenant i'm going to choose to kill the tyrants familiar okay so it dies and the champion of parish dies no spine dragon survives my blade wing just dies tireless tracker lives storm killed artist just dies lieutenant lives and then i take four damage from the tokens going to four and i gain 11 because of the lifelink going to 23. wow so voxey's gained almost 30 life up to this point that shadowspear is doing a ton of work i'm worried somewhere for sure i'm gonna pass my turn to you i feel good my life totals back up to a reasonable amount josh is in top deck mode i'm pretty sure i can deal with show low next turn i feel a lot better being in this position i will untap all right so this is not great i'm only at four life most of my creatures just died i can't even cast the main card in my deck because i promised show though i wouldn't hurt him at all i really need a board wipe that's kind of the only thing that might get me out of this i will draw give me one guess what it was okay well i'm gonna discard my dragon's approach to my horn of bounty to exile the top two cards in my library meat hook massacre oh so this is another new card from innistrad midnight hunt really cool really powerful it's a board wipe that becomes an enchantment however i can't make x big enough to kill all of voxy's board it feels like it's not gonna be enough i'm probably not long for this world all right uh i'll go to combat and i can only attack one player because i've made deals so foxy uh-huh there's a dragon's rage channeler and a seven five null spine dragon coming at you both fine i will block with enduring angel on your three three as well okay my dragon draits chandler dies to first strike damage and then you take seven i will take seven go into sixteen all right post combat florian triggers we're gonna look at the top seven cards in my library and i can choose one of them i'm not even sure what it could be toxic deluge or something nope i don't even apply for that but here we go boom i get oh that's not good i can't even cast through a possibility i'm not allowed to cast most of this stuff so i guess i'll choose flame channeler as the card i can play this turn because the two two is a blocker true yes it is true true then i'm going to before i cast the flame channeler i'm gonna tap four your smallest thing is a three three right yes okay and i'm going to cast the meat hook massacre for x is equal to two so that i can retain our deal that we make nice okay so everything gets negative two negative two i lose three tokens that means i gain three life i can go to seven and then before i pass my turn i will tap one and play the flame channeler that i revealed off florian yeah at this point there's nothing i can do if foxy gets another turn with her board as it is right now i will die i can't block because of the champion of lamb hole so i'm relying on show low being able to do enough to her and nothing to me so that i get another turn it's a long shot but you never know yeah are you passing the turn i am passing the turn go for me all right i will go to my untap oddly enough i don't want to land here i'll go to draw gotta land for sure that's a land but it's a shiny land i'm looking around the board and there's a lot of things i gotta worry about josh has a fly that's lethal to me voxy has a flyer that's lethal to me it also stops her from losing the game plus she has the champion of lamp hold which means i can't even sit back and defend because all of her stuff is gonna be unblockable on her turn so there's a lot of things i gotta deal with okay i will tap to a mountain and a forest for decimate ah oh i will target enduring angel shadow spear the meat hook massacre and bountiful promenade come on well that's a start gets rid of a flying attacker but the champion lamb holds what i'm worried about it's stopping me from blocking i really need children to kill that thing i don't have any answers for the champion of lampolt but a good way to get rid of josh's flyer is by swinging out at him addition by subtraction josh i'm moving to combat and i'm swinging all but one at you oh come on i didn't really think about the fact that i have a lethal flyer so show low's scared of me and also he gets to draw some cards so it's understandable let's be honest i would do the exact same thing to you or anyone to draw cards all right uh i think i'm just dead here no matter how i block aren't i so you might as well just block nothing right i'm still gonna block two things i'll block the two biggest things one with my three three and one with my five five all right and you'll take seven and i will go to zero and then i die to an army of where what's that oh seeing show attack josh that's a desperation move that means he needs to draw cards from his commander to do something about me and because two wolves dealt combat damage to you i will draw two cards this is it i'm drawing two cards hopefully i can find some answers for that board state i have one shot one opportunity to seize everything i ever wanted one moment am i gonna capture it or am i gonna let it slip i am praying he draws no answers with that trigger we're hoping for specific cards here yeah we are so i draw the two cards open my eyes did you draw the card you're looking for no oh my god and i'm looking at two lands gg foxy you won this one pass the turn let's end this real quick and i will pass the turn to you foxy all right i'll go ahead and untap and draw my card per turn and i'm going to play a sungrass prairie so i'll make a warrior as well as a clue my champion of limb hold will get a counter is five yes okay and my thalia's lieutenant will also get a counter all right i'm gonna go ahead and move to combat show low i'm attacking you with everything ah and remember because my champion of lame holt's power is five your creatures of power four or less cannot block all right i guess i'll go to blockers and take mine way more than nine lethal [Music] i will take death and in the end the ancient tale of humans versus werewolves humans came out on top whoa no you're this no shadow spear nice no [Music] good [Applause] game so then i swing out with my army of humans and win the game victory so even though i didn't come out with the win i had an awesome time what a clever play with the creator of behemoth there at the end he managed to find a third option which gave him a small chance being able to play with the new set was absolutely awesome i am so thankful and so honored to be on game night today this was one of the coolest experience i've ever had in my life everyone built some really cool decks at the table today it's great to sit down with people that you've seen on screen but not in person i'm glad that i was able to get knighted the next time i come on not only will i be 15 pounds muscle heavier but it'll be no mercy all right you made it to the end of the episode congratulations to voxy and human tribes yeah the werewolf scourge has been defeated that's right shalom looking at you buddy also the dragons approach scourge got defeated yeah and i got defeated this is the zombie the frankenstein is actually the fly the fly that's right that's a good point that's a good point yeah fly skirts got defeated the real villain the show for just knocking me out like that oh my gosh really fun game thanks everybody for sticking around and watching and again big thanks to ultra pro who sponsors all of our content you know they do the really awesome sleeves deck boxes play mats that are themed around each set so if you love midnight hunt if you love werewolves if you dislike jimmy then all you want to do is get ultra pro stuff sleeve in eclipse sleeves all your decks so that your cards stay in mint condition they keep looking pristine you play all that stuff into a nice ultra pro play mat or stick it into a satin tower in fact all that stuff eclipse sleeves satin towers you know uh midnight hunt themed playmats and things that stuff we're giving away actually ultra pro is giving away i should say yeah if jimmy if they want to win all this cool swag you know that's themed around the set how do they enter well first you can't hate me to enter yeah that's just like i said just like just like okay okay all right here are the steps first you can enter in one of three ways you can enter all three ways if you want three chances to win on twitter facebook and instagram if you go to twitter just post a tweet using the game nights that's knights with the k and copy a link to this episode and include it in your tweet if you're on facebook head on over to our facebook page and go ahead and share that post or tag a friend in the comments that you think might want to watch this episode and if you're on instagram just use the hashtag gameknights and remember you only have one week from the release date of this episode we will be announcing the winners a week from now and that is your entry period so go get it there's tons of awesome alternate art stuff with ultra pro this time around i'm so stoked to give this stuff away as well as signed play mats from all the players on the show so you want to check it out go and enter you have one week to do it and before we go another thing you want to go and do really soon here is check out our kickstarter for the brand new game nights tokens this is series 2 featuring 10 brand new tokens with amazing art by josiah cameron featuring some of your favorite game nights guests as iconic creatures tokens that you'll probably be using in your decks josh has this incredible treasure token i am a five five dragon there's yeah it's really fitting lots of inside jokes here you're gonna want to enjoy it but as always this is a limited time kickstarter so if you want to get in on this maybe get those special gold border premium versions turned out so good oh they look great or a very special double-sided playmat we've never done this before make sure you check out that kickstarter all those links are gonna be in the show more box below yeah again the kickstarter's limited time only so make sure you get on over there otherwise you could miss out it could be too late yep all right everybody we really appreciate you watching the show there'll be an extra turns out uh in about a week so you got that to look forward to and of course we've got midnight hunt still more stuff to talk about and crimson valley on the horizon so hit that notification bell subscribe all that we'll see you next time everyone [Music]
Channel: The Command Zone
Views: 771,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video game high school, ted wong, vghs, wong, jfwong, jimmy, magic, gathering, mtg, magic the gathering, strategy, game, trading card game, deck, tactics, commander, general, elder, dragon, highlander, josh, lee, kwai, cards, Card Game (Game Genre), command, zone, podcast, the command zone, edh rules, mana, Game Knights, GameKnights, gameplay, arena, brawl, historic, oathbreaker, innistrad, midnight, hunt, mid, crimson, vow, werewolves, voxy, xolo, mariduena, cobra, kai, miguel, tovolar, sigarda, ludevic, florian, wizards, coast, wotc
Id: 7cKbAy_F0lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 6sec (4326 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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