10 Tools Every Blender Noob Should Learn

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where does this plug in um let's try connecting that line uh over to this note that's not good there's a lot going on in blender and if you're new it's a lot to learn i should know i'm a noob and i'm really bad at blender oh guys that's not that's not the video's title can we take that down sorry the title is 10 tools every blender noob should learn yeah i want to talk about the tools that i use most so if you're just starting out and you're feeling overwhelmed hopefully this will help so number one apply your transforms when i start off any new blender composition i hit shift a and i start working with a brand new shape then i can resize it into any of the basic forms that i need so if i'm drawing a house or a building it takes a lot of cubes sometimes those cubes are flattened out sometimes they're drawn out made into big rectangles sometimes they become a door frame or a window if i try applying things to those shapes sometimes it does weird stuff for example this plank started out as a cube if i want to bezel the edges and i hit command b no this is wrong and i hate it it's bezeling it like it's still a perfect cube the proportions are all wrong but if i apply a transform command a and then i go to add the bezel with command b yeah that is the effect i was looking for so if something isn't behaving the way i expect it to often it's because i forgot to apply my transforms now my center point is weird oh yeah a little bonus for this one sometimes this resets the center point of your shape i usually don't like where it puts it so i right click it and say set origin to geometry number two let's talk about the loop cut the loop cut is a quick and easy way to subdivide any object i can take those points and move them around and make this shape a heck of a lot less boring you need to memorize this shortcut command r command r command r say it with me you are going to be loop cutting everything's cubes cylinders planes goombas also i should point out you need to be in edit mode in order to use it now this does work on any shape when you bring up the subdivision tool you might have to reposition your mouse to make sure that the cuts are facing in the right direction or the direction you want them to go in and if you have a mouse wheel you can scroll up and this will increase how many subdivisions you have going on scrolling down will reduce how many you have then you choose the position you click once more and boom locks them into place all right number three we're gonna be making some lumber is that a metaphor this is totally a metaphor when i'm building out a scene and i have a handful of shapes that i'm gonna be using over and over and over again i basically build very simple versions of those shapes that i can use the same way a carpenter would use lumber it's a lot faster for me to duplicate a board and then resize it to the shape i needed than it is to remake that board every single time this of course can be any compound shape that you find yourself using over and over again like a window or a lamp or a book as a bonus blender has some really great import options i now have a starter file with a bunch of starter assets in it and so whenever i start a new project i can just pull in whatever assets i need into that project and i can start building right away with a lot of those pre-built objects already good to go saves me a ton of time number four array now one of the tabs along the side here has what are called modifiers there's some really awesome ones in here and you could do just amazing stuff but i'm gonna talk about my favorite which is array array duplicates your shape and you can choose how many times you want it to be duplicated and how much space you want in between each one of those shapes so these stairs here i didn't just place them one by one no i changed the height and the spacing on the array modifier these pillars yep you guessed it that's just an array the roof that's an array so you get the idea i'm gonna throw a bonus in here when i made these car tires i used a ray again i drew the tire once i hit a ray and then i had my back tire but then i added a second modifier called mirror i set the car shell as my object to reference and then those tires just magically showed up on the other side of the car too so that way if i add more detail to the tire at some point in time it adds that detail to all four of them i love this you know what else i love this new pencil i've been trying out it's called the eon from today's sponsor still form this is not only the most beautiful pencil i've ever used it writes endlessly no really it comes with different tips that you can swap out magnetically the eternal tip literally never wears out it lasts forever and the marks it leaves are smudgeless that means it's not going to leave any stains on your clothes and the line that it leaves behind is waterproof if you are looking for a darker line you could always switch over to the graphite tip for a more traditional sketching experience if you're going for something that you can smudge and erase they're even working on a special tip that'll work on screens now i'm a sucker for beautiful designs the flat sides add a design accent that also keeps it from rolling off your desk and it's available in different materials with different finishes and different accents so you could really customize yours if you want to try one of these for yourself they have a kickstarter happening right now where you can get some extra backer benefits and a huge discount it's well on its way to being the most successful pencil kickstarter in history so make sure you check out the link down below in the description and order your still form eon today number five rotating only when you're looking straight on at an object i got used to this pretty fast because it got pretty messy pretty fast and this isn't so much a tool as a best practice but when you're rotating something in 3d it may look like you're rotating it the way you want but you're probably rotating it on more than one axis at a time this was one of the hard things when i was learning how to think in 3d space so before i rotate anything i always tap on the x or y or z axis first that way i know that is the only direction that i am rotating this thing and it'll stay flush and smooth on the other axes while i'm doing that number six inset say i want to put a window in my building i could loop cut it a few times and then push that plane in but there is a specific tool designed to do this and do it faster and it is called inset when you have a face selected tap on the letter i on your keyboard and move your mouse in and out to choose how far you want it to go now once i started using inset i found all sorts of cool and interesting uses for it far beyond what i originally planned but in order to really explain that i have to talk about number seven which is extrude inset and extrude are like peanut butter and jelly if your pb and j had a hole in the middle of it once you have inset something you can tap on e to extrude it or pull it out or you can push inwards on that as well once i started using these two things together the number of things that i could model expanded exponentially i want to make a pipe cool i extrude the top scale it out extrude it again then i inset the top and i screwed it again but this time i dragged down on it it's a thing of beauty number eight materials are hard how do i cheat oh i got the lights on again great what'd you do no idea confession i am still epically confused when it comes to applying textures to my models i've gone through a lot of tutorials so i get the gist of it i understand how these things work but if you said hey brad could you apply a material to this object i can't do it without a tutorial you'd mess up the lights i'd mess up the lights you're right so i use the cheat mode in most of my models i'm just adding colors and things like that using the materials side panel i can color things from here and i can also change the parameters if i want to make something look metallic or kind of plasticky i can do that right here this is obviously really really basic you're not going to do anything advanced here but if you're just learning the program i find tackling these things in bite-sized chunks is a pretty good idea so you're not overwhelming yourself all right number nine let's make movie the camera easier when i first started when i wanted to change my camera view i would move the camera up or down and then i would change the rotation and the angle of it and then i go to the preview and see how far off i was and then i go back and i do it again it was a huge waste of time what a bad idea instead what i do now is i tap on my camera view and then i go to this tab on the right in view lock there is this little check box that says camera to view now i can move around my camera and wherever i end up is what my camera is pointed at takes a couple seconds instead of a couple minutes and when i want to go back to working i just uncheck that check box and just start moving around again easy peasy number 10 is speeding up your renders now i love peaking and seeing how my image is turning out while i'm working on it i also like working with the rendering engine cycles which as you probably know takes up significantly more computer resources than eevee which is the rendering engine that's on by default but it looks so good it looks so good you guys there's nothing i could do to speed up that but there is something i can do when i hit f12 to render out that final image because it could take several minutes to actually render that and bless your heart if you're doing an animation we gotta speed that up in the rendering properties the default rendering passes is four thousand every single one of those four 000 passes is making the image a little bit crisper each and every time but right now i'm i'm just posting this stuff to social media i don't need 4 000 passes to get a good looking image so i'm going to knock this down to 10. yes i said 10. i know it sounds crazy but just try it when it's done it actually looks pretty good and it's going to save you a ton of time and if you don't like the quality and you want more that's totally fair just bump up those passes to 20 or 30 or 50 or 100 whatever it needs to make you happy it's still gonna be way faster than four thousand so those are my ten blender tips what are your tips what's gonna help me out let me know down below in the comments thank you all for watching and i'll talk to you in a couple of days [Music] you
Channel: Brad Colbow
Views: 497,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech, technology, art, illustration, drawing, wacom, ipad, apple pencil, procreate, review
Id: KfSQh2dFCik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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