Modeling a 3d wall from a 2D image in Blender

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you [Music] is not a comprehensive tutorial about how to use blender just a disclaimer for you there alright so what we're gonna do is we're going to go here and import images as planes if you have not done that in your preferences enable this plug-in images as planes so now we're going to zoom down here and find picture we want and we will omit import that import images as planes there it is now we need to switch over to at least material view and just a note I've had problems with this in evey so I'm going to switch over and make sure we are in cycles because some of the polygon normals do not seem to be aligned and I cannot get them to fix so this works in cycles guaranteed so here is our flat image on a flat plane first thing we're going to do is click on the x-axis so that we are looking straight at it we're going to go into edit mode and we are going to start adding in edge loops at any part that we want to cut and bring outwards so we're going to start here drag it up and start cutting these where they go so click and drag over to frame out our windows click and drag another to frame out the size of that one I'm going to do all of the vertical ones around these windows and then the horizontal so I'm pulling those sideways as so and then now the ones that go across horizontally putting an extra one there in case I want to push that part in a little bit and then the bottom edge I'm going to do the ones horizontally for the ledges that go underneath and now we want to go in and crisscross cut all this stuff to where the window frames can be accounted for here and cut out so we're going to drag up for the top window frame here and then we're going to drag up for the top window of that window frame that's to the left and I will do the middle ones and now the underneath that one and then of course the bottom edge and the bottom edge of the lower one and we're gonna have to do that one we're going to undo that because I accidentally need to do this from the underside and that can't be you there I've got to go from in-between right here and bring that up just to where it's touching the top of that frame so I believe all of our cutouts are done except for this middle section here I figured that out now I need to make sure that we have all of our middle window frames cuts and all of our inside frames on the sides going up and down cut and there is a little parallax in this image you can see that window frames a little left there's a little bit narrow it's okay we'll just cut it a little bit close like that and then this one's a little bit wide so we can cut that one just a little bit wide not a big deal a bridge that out so that should be everything cut out including the interior window frames now we have this little triangle piece that obviously sticks that up there and you want to use the knife tool and we can just go through here and cut out a nice triangle approximating it shape press ENTER and that is good to go now you can see that when I turn we still have a flat image with all these crisscross cuts in it so what we want to do is select in the polygon mode here while you're in edit mode you select polygons and we want to select the polygons that are going to I'm gonna go ahead and go into cycles mode we want to select the polygons that are going to be the parts that we're going to pull out so to select everything you want to pull out like we'll start with this top beam and go to extrude region and just pull it out as far as it needs to be pulled out I say about there and when we look it's now a three dimensional pulled out part and you do this to all the parts you want so the first thing we're gonna do is go ahead and pull out these under the ledges that are underneath the windows by clicking on everything you can just marquee select these if you like as well might make it go a little bit faster just make sure you don't get anything you don't want and then of course we go to extrude region turn to an angle so we can see better and pull those out as far as they need to go now there will be stretching on the text right here but I'll show you how to fix that in a little bit now we select all of these stuff inside each window frame including the glass pieces so it just marquee select all of those polygons as well as we can and do that on every window and then now we push that in making sure we're still recorded okay and now we push that in as far as the window frame will be and now we go back and select only the glass panes this side you can see has a long pain so don't get confused and leave that center section out that needs to be the whole thing when you select these one two three and these guys one two three and now we push those in just a little bit beyond the window frame so they have a little dimension to them also those will be getting treated separately here in a second so there is all of our three-dimensional stuff except for this little guy up here we forgot about him we're gonna do something fun with him I'm gonna go ahead and pull this out as far as we need to about like so and now that we have that selected I'm just going to click over here to edge mode and select these straight-out edges as well and now we're going to bevel those by pulling out the bevel tool and it'll those corners - and I say we give it two segments that's probably enough three is fine and you can see now it's got a nice rounded more realistic shape now you can see that some of these edges are a little bit crispy they're a little bit too hard so I'm gonna go and select alt and click across that whole edge I'll select that whole edge I've got a shift alt to get all of it and then now we're going to go ahead and bevel those down just a little bit I'm gonna add at least make those two and now we'll get a nice edge to that the light can hit and make look better so we're going to go ahead and select these edges as well all the way around the window frame so we have to shift select to get more than just that one edge and that should be fine there we'll save let's go ahead and do these why not get the whole thing and we'll go ahead and do the uprights and the bottom and just while we're at it you got to make sure you turn and get the other side cuz there's one missing right there so we're gonna get all of the window edges all at once so you just want to keep holding down shift and keep getting those edges alt and shift will complete a selection through throughout a row of edges if that makes sense make sure you don't have anything you don't want selected make sure you don't have anything selected that you don't want [Music] and shift and there we go now we can bevel all these windows at the same time using a bevel tool here and we just pull out slightly just to round that edge off we're going to go ahead and give that two segments so now we have our windows and our edge of our roof and this little guy popped out if we want to we can go through and correct some of this stuff here there is no texture to any of these polygons the texture underneath here has been stretched if you can see here it's just been stretched when we pulled it out so to fix that we just turn the lights off no I'm kidding work to fix that we need to go into our UV and select the polygons and fix them I will show you that now so basically anything that looks stretched which is going to be right up to our bevel we're gonna select those polygons they're going into polygon mode and just clicking on every single one of these that looks wrong that should be fine up to this point now there are quicker ways to select these but this is a good way to visually show you what is involved here I'm gonna flip around make sure we have all the ones on the side I don't want to make him in any mistakes by rushing through this it's one of the reasons why I am not doing it the other way some got these guys they try to find [Music] I possibly might speed all this part up for the tutorial after we're done recording it okay all of those are selected so now we need to go into our UV editing tab now on this side we have our UV view this is just the texture you will see the polygons once they are met on this side of course we have our object and our selected polygons and what we want to do is to unwrap those using cube projection we click it they all show up over here we want to drag these into a place I've mark you select them move them and drag them into a place that has the proper texture we want to use on them and this is fine and if you notice when I change this back to object mode and back to where we can see the material view they should be correct you can see that right here that now there is no stretching in the tops of these if you want this texture to be finer we will just click back on there and it's just a matter of making these pieces larger and you can see the texture move as I move these along the texture now if you want greater resolution just enlarge the size of those blocks and your texture will increase and that will allow you to increase the resolution of the texture on that area now if you want to you can copy and paste this to make a larger piece save it off you can also add texture to this top edge by going into edit mode again selecting all of these polygons along this area along this area and adding texture to them by moving them around in the UV editor [Music] you would have Mikey selected this but I forgot I would have Mikey selected this but I would have missed the beveled edge and I might as well just do it all at the same time okay so now that that is selected we can go into our UV space once again UV do this as cube projection we now have a section of it here marquee select it and move it up to the area you want it to have the same texture of and you can increase the size to increase the resolution and then it will have now a nice brand-new texture on it go back into layout we can add a little we can add a plane and move it down to give it a little bit of grounded to give it a bit of a grounded look scale that up a bit and if you wanted to of course we could duplicate this shifty click and move it over and extend the length of the wall or select both of them shifty left click and move both of those up and now we have an entire building all right very simple technique to show you how to build things based on [Music] you
Channel: Shawn Darling
Views: 101,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s7Ej6SES7YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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