Modeling FROM PHOTOS in Blender Using the FSpy Add-On!

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what's up guys justin here with the back with another blender add-on tutorial for you so in today's video we're going to check out an add-on that helps us set up our camera so that we can model inside a blender from a photo so let's go ahead and just jump into it all right so this add-on is called f-spy and you can download it by going to f-spy dot io i think it used to be called blam or something like that there was an older name of it and it's changed names but now it's and so it's an open source software that's free to download that basically helps you set up all your perspective lines inside of your model so that you can quickly use a photo as a modeling reference and so first of all let's talk about how to set this up because it's a little bit confusing so you need two things when you download this add-on so there's a an installer for the standalone program that you're to use in order to set up your perspective lines and then there's also an importer that you need to download and install in blender so start off by downloading this file right here so this is going to be the standalone you can just click on this download button right here and you're going to download the one that's appropriate for you i think i think i use this first one right here and so what you want to do is you want to download that so it's going to download a file like this and you want to extract it and then you want to go into the folder that you've extracted scroll down there's an option in here for f-spy and so when you run f-spy what that's going to do is that's going to open up an application on your computer that looks like this and so let's talk a little bit so let's go ahead and bring in an image just so you can get an idea of the way this works and then we'll talk about how to install the importer in blender so what this does is this is really good for matching perspective lines for photos and so i've downloaded a barn image from wikipedia commons and i'm going to bring that in so you can see how it asks you to just drop an image or a project here well i'm going to drag my photo right here and it's going to import that image and so what this does is this allows you to set up your perspective lines so that they run to your different vanishing points so if you remember a vanishing point would be like if you were to draw a line along this edge right here and an edge and a line along this edge right here what you would have is you would basically have a point off to the side where things would vanish right where those lines would intersect and things would vanish and so what we're going to do is we're going to set this up so that you can use these lines in order to quickly model inside a blender so the way that we want to do that is we want to start by taking these points and we want to set them along the perspective lines of our image so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to drag this to this corner and this to this corner right here so you can see how what i'm doing is i'm aligning these based on the perspective lines inside of this image and so usually when you're working with exterior models the better perspective you have like this is a perfect perspective right here because you can actually see what directions the perspective would go if you get a photo of a barn that's like straight on or something like that it's not going to work as well you can see how i'm just taking this and i'm just aligning these with my perspective lines inside of my image and so the other thing we're going to do is we're going to click and drag this three point axis to this corner right here and so this point is going to be where this photo aligns with the ground plane inside of blender and so there's other things you can do too there's multiple different kinds of vanishing points in here and other things like that we're not going to worry about those too much for right now i'm just going to drag this up just a little bit because what that's doing is that's basically moving my blue axis so that it runs straight up and down right so this aligns with this corner of my barn these align with my perspective lines and so what it's going to do is it's going to take all this information and save it in a camera view that we can then import using the importer in blender and so for right now we're going to go ahead and call this good and we're just going to go up to file and we're just going to do a save as and so i'm going to save this as f spy for youtube and click on save and what that's done is that's created an f-spy file that can be downloaded into blender and used to set up your camera view that you can use as a reference image so now what we want to do is we want to go over into blender so we're going to go into blender and the first thing we need to do is we need to download and install the importer right so the importer is going to be the basically what we can use to do an import of that camera information and we need to download and install that so to do that and i'm going to show you from the beginning how to get here because it's a little bit confusing we need to scroll down on this page and we want to download the official f-spy importer add-on so we're going to click on this button right here in order to do that so what that's going to do is that's going to take us into a github folder so this is where people get a little bit confused because what they do is they either download this whole thing so this entire folder by clicking on download and clicking on download zip what they need to do is they need to scroll down and there's an option right here for download the latest version and so when you click on download the latest version what that's going to do is that's going to take you to a folder with a zip file and this should be a fairly small file it's only like five or six kilobytes so if you're getting a file that's like 40 megabytes you're downloading the wrong thing but you want to download this f-spy blender and then whatever the most current version is in this case it's 1.0.3 so i'm just going to click on this to download it and then we're going to install that inside of blender so we're just going to go into blender we're going to do a edit preferences and we want to install that zip file so you're going to look for the fspy blender 1.0.3 file that you downloaded so when you double click on that now import fspy project will show up in here and you can click on this so as soon as you've enabled this we can now import the f-spy file so to do that all we have to do is just go to file import and you should now have an option in here for f-spy so now you can just click on fspy you can go find that file that you saved earlier so i'm going to go into videos add-on tutorials f-spy and we want to find this f-spy for youtube file so i'm just going to click on import fy file and what that's done is that's imported your image and notice how it's currently aligned your image and your camera view so that basically your perspective lines you can see right here running off to the side running off to the side are aligned with this image so one thing you want to make sure that you do because you're probably going to zoom in is you want to tap the n key and make sure you've turned off lock camera to view so that your camera isn't moving around you want your camera to be kind of fixed at this point but if you look at this you can see that this is now aligned with the axes inside of blender and so it's really easy to start adding objects and modeling based on this image one thing to note is if you orbit out of this you can see how you're going to lose that right like now i'm out of my camera view and i can't see that image anymore if you ever want to get back to that just type the zero key on your numpad just to get back into that camera view and so the only time you can see this is if you're actually within that camera view but now we can come in here and we can model and i'm going to delete out my default model but we can now model based on this image so the way that i would do that is i would start by doing a shift a and just adding a cube right so i'm going to move a cube in here and move it up just like this and you may want to rotate out of here and move this so that it's aligned with your corner point right here and then type the zero key to move back into that and you may have to do some fine adjustment but now we can start modeling this so it matches up with the image so and i find the easiest way to do this is to type the z key and go into wireframe mode and then i just tab into edit mode and i start making changes so for example i can select this face and i can move it along this axis so i can do the same thing for this phase and so notice how when i make these changes this is actually aligning with the image inside of my model so because of that i can use the proportions of this image to model out my building so i could then add an edge loop right here i could take that edge move it up i could take these faces and i could extrude them up so they align right here and so you can see how basically what i'm doing is i'm just using this photo as a reference image so you can come through and you can add as much detail as you wanted to using this photo so then you could also come in here and maybe if you wanted to model out like the doors or something like that i could add an edge loop in here and align it with the top of my door just like this and you can see how you could also rotate out of this and look at it in like solid mode if you wanted to to get a better look at the way this works then you could type the zero key to move back into the f-spy camera in order to keep modeling so this is a great tool for getting our proportions right and modeling from photos if you're interested we could talk a little bit more about maybe how to use textures from the images in order to texture the faces or possibly how to do like an interior image something like that but leave a comment down below let me know what you'd like to see more of what you're confused about with this add-on if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new blender content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this i really appreciate it and i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 24,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender photo modeling, blender model from images, blender model from photo, blender blam add-on, blender fspy add-on, blender f-spy, blender fspy modeling, blender fspy tutorial
Id: 5rAsGzzNLio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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