How to do Camera Mapping in Blender

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today this is Andrew price here from blender Google calm and in this video tutorial I'm gonna be showing you how to do camera mapping using blender so what is camera mapping camera mapping is the process of taking a still photograph and then making it so that you can move a camera through it so this sort of technique is used a lot for movies and TV shows and essentially any production where they want to save on either like a helicopter flyover like you could instead of paying for a helicopter to fly over a city and use that video you could get a still photograph and then move the camera I basically use camera mapping to make it look like a video that's what I've done in the past like back in my early blender days I made this little short animation of a burning building and then I did it again later on in the early blend guru days for the smoke simulator tutorial I did essentially the same thing did camera mapping for New York City and then I did it again for the camera mapping tutorial which I did again pretty early on in blender guru days and see I've actually already done a tutorial for this so you might be wondering why am i doing it again and well I wouldn't really normally redo a tutorial except I've been bombarded with emails over the last couple of months by you guys I don't know what has sparked this sudden interest in camera mapping so maybe somebody can let me know but I've been getting tweets emails all sorts of stuff from everybody saying please do another camera mapping tutorial because your old one isn't relevant anymore apparently in the old tutorial I reference the sticky function the sticky texture coordinates which aren't in blender 2.6 so people are lost and they want help so that's what this tutorial is it's an updated version of that so that's what we're going to be doing so this is the finished scene that you can see right here so as you can see looking at the scene it's pretty basic looking geometry it's not as all at not at all as complicated as it looks in the video and that's because essentially all we're doing is just taking that photo and then just slapping the different portions of the photo onto this very basic blocky looking geometry it's essentially like if you know back in the days the primary school days when you would have to do a diorama it's like it for your diorama if you got a photograph and then just cut out like left wall right wall and just cut out each individual portion and then like stuck it to the sides of the box you know the floor goes here the ceiling goes here and then you know if you looked at it head-on it would look like the original photograph so this is essentially the same thing with a little bit extra sort of tampering so that we can you know move the camera through it and you know without the illusion breaking so um yeah done it I've done camera wrapping enough to sort of know some of the the downfalls of it and how to work around some of the problems and stuff like that so hopefully I can share some of that in this tutorial so yeah I think we can go ahead and get into it so go ahead now and open up a new scene in blender just check which version I'm using yes this version ok cool all right so the first thing you want to do whatever you're doing camera mapping is uh first of all delete everything except the camera now I'm going to make this camera front on so going into front view mode hitting ctrl alt number pad zero and then I'm just going to position the camera sort of about there okay now next thing you need to do is go ahead and load in your background image or basically the image that you are working off the reference image so this is an image that I got off stock images what was it called stock exchange anyway I'll put a link to this image it's a great image um I probably had a look through like got to be close to like 600 or 700 images before I found one that I figured would actually work and anyway this is one that I kind of liked that's what we're working with okay so now you'll notice or maybe you won't notice but looking at this it is actually stretch it's kind of like squished down and that's because this background image is going through the camera viewport so actually that's one other thing we can change right now is change it so that it's only viewable from camera not from front or back or anything like that so just from camera okay so it's looking out from the camera which means that it is using these dimensions which we set in our render panel right here so if I change that you can see it's now stretching our image so in order to get it correctly mapped so there's no inaccuracies later on you need to make sure that you're working off the same dimensions as the original photograph so if I open up Windows Explorer this guy right here I'm going to click on this image and you can see down here the dimensions are 2500 by 1 9 4 6 so 2500 1 9 4 6 like so awesome so now that is the exact dimensions of the original image like that you can see that it is now an exact yeah the exact size as that okay cool also now the next part unfortunately is the most painful part of the process and I hate doing it every single time but it is very important um this is yes is pretty frustrating I have to sort of get ready for it okay so we have to basically set up our scene so that it will work with the photograph it sounds pretty basic but it's hard let me explain okay so this looking at our scene here it's essentially a cube I mean you've got a curved Silla you've got a curved a you know rooftop like ceiling whatever but essentially it is a cube so let's go ahead add in a cube and I'm going to I press tab and then Z I'll just sort of move that up so that it's resting on that origin point like that okay and then now if I scale that up like that and then let's just give it a little bit of length as well whoops so okay so now if I just grab my camera I would want to make this camera so that it is basically in line with so our cube is in line with the dimensions of the room so I need this face the one on that back there to be acting as that back wall of our photograph so if you have a look what you'll notice is is that no matter how much I move this camera around that the floor doesn't ever line up you'll see that this one over here is sort of out there this one's over there and then you can move the camera left and right to sort of adjust it but it's always not quite right so then you go oh yeah I need to adjust the focal length and then you go through the process of checking out the focal length like trying out like oh maybe it's 28 millimeters and then you sort of adjust the scene and it's a back and forth long process so I would advise you if you are looking for images to go off I would advise using the site Flickr if you're using a different image not the one that we are using here because Flickr allows you for one to search for Creative Commons images so you're not going to get sued by someone for using their image in the wrong way so you can search for that but also they frequently give out the camera information which will tell you what focal length the photograph was shot at so then you can take that focal length and then just put it in the the camera settings right here now in this instance we actually don't know our focal length because we got it from the stock exchange website so we would have to experiment go back and forth and it would be just a yeah mmm it's a horrible process I actually almost gave up on this tutorial because I was so frustrated in this initial stage I couldn't get it right anyway I happen to know that 24 millimeters works good for our scene hooray so I now all I need to do is just position this camera so that it's going to work so I'm moving the camera because you can see that looking at our at our background image here that inside there shed the photographer's standing basically on the left side of the warehouse because obviously we're standing on the left side of this column which is in the center of the building so I've moved the camera slightly to the left like that and I just need to rotate it along the z axes like so something that okay and then maybe because it's slightly tilted a little bit like that that's pretty good and then with our cube here if I just sort of drag that out a little bit it's probably a little bit too much something like that there you go that is pretty good actually or is it mmm maybe it is not maybe we should stretch it out further see now this is see what I mean it's just annoying you know cuz yeah all right that that works it what I've done here in the space of about three minutes I swear took me like three hours and the initial stage so don't be surprised if the if the initial part puts you off the rest of it this is the hardest part once you've got this sort of lined up for whatever scene you're working with the rest of it is pretty easy and I have to say that outdoor scenes are far easier than indoor scenes because indoor scenes it's a lot easy to see if something's not right if the floor doesn't match all the walls up there or something like that outdoor scenes there's a lot more leeway because you don't have corners and things like that so um yeah anyway okay so the basics of our scene are pretty good just position the camera there that's pretty good okay whoo awesome hard part is over so next thing I'm going to do is actually go ahead and delete this front face so that our camera can actually see into the scene and also I'm gonna delete the ceiling because the ceiling we're going to add later and it's going to be like curved cylinder surface there and now I'm actually going to make all the walls and the floor their own separate object so I'm in face select mode hitting P and then hit selected P selected P and selected so that has now made each of these their own separate object that's because we're going to be working with textures and filling around with each of these as they are their own separate object okay cool so now that I've done that I'm just going to select both of these walls here and I'm going to scale them down so that they are in line with our back and without yeah with the walls in our scene basically you can see I still the walls aren't perfectly right even like you can see that I actually know it is hmm yeah it's not perfect yeah like see you see what I mean that one's off you know sees I mean yeah you can experiment all you want but the end of the day you can still be wrong I think I haven't to know that some of these supposed to be a certain way mmm no I think it's fine I think I mean you know it's not perfect it's pretty good but it's not perfect but it'll do I think it will do for our scene so again you'd have to spend a little bit more a bit a little bit longer on this getting it all lined up perfectly but that's essentially if you want to have a look at my finished scene and you know if you wanted to copy the exact rotation and location and all of that of my camera you're welcome to do so but we're going to carry on with the tutorial okay so now that we've got these essentially four elements left wall right wall back wall and floor we can get into Photoshop which is where we're going to be doing a lot of the magic of this tutorial we're going to add in the the other two elements the ceiling and this front wall here later on as well but yeah so first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to focus on this floor now the way the camera mapping will work is that we want to make it so that when our camera moves to the right like that that even though there's a column in the way when we move to the right we can actually see dirt and what would normally be in the warehouse right behind this column here so you rotate right and you can see dirt behind that so the only way to do that would be actually to take this original image into Photoshop and then use a clone brush and other tools like that to actually sketch away at that column to basically fake it to predict or imagine what would be behind whatever object is blocking it so that is essentially what we're going to do so let's open up a new well that's what my finished one here looks like I've just been fooling around with it so this is this what we're going to do is we can open up our original image you ting using Photoshop I use Photoshop because I like it you're welcome to use most of the tools I'm going to be using here are available in so it doesn't really matter all that much I won't get into my rant on not in this tutorial okay so essentially I just want to isolate the floor so I'm just using our what is called the polygonal lasso tool so I'm just going to select the floor like this now you'll notice that actually this floor like the floor that goes to about there I don't know how to describe it but basically this wall on the left side of our warehouse is actually further in then this wall that's over here and you'll see that when you click here and pull out like it's all in line it's all in line and then you pull out to here and you'll notice that there is a gap between this wall and this wall so basically I'm just going to select like that just to select this maximum amount of the floor as I can it doesn't matter if you get a little bit of the wall as well all we really are focusing on is the floor if you get some other parts of it in there as well it's not a big deal at least in instances like the floor when you do stuff like the brick wall that's facing the camera yeah I'm sort of getting ahead of myself but that that will be a problem if you if you do this anyway I don't mean to confuse you but sometimes I do okay so I'm just creating a very basic outline like that and then we'll click OK cool so now that I've got that I'm going to hit ctrl C and then ctrl V and so what that is done is it has created a separate layer like this and it's created it in exactly the same position as it was before now that is very important if you're using or another piece of software and you move it to a separate layer or something like that and it moves it to like the center I hate it when programs do that but if it does if it moves it then that's a problem you need to make sure that it is perfectly in the exact same space as it was before otherwise it will not work with your camera mapping so just make sure of that okay so now that I've isolated it I've just noticed also I've got this time thing down here just kind of annoying I'll turn that off home line there we go okay now I've got the full window okay so as I said before we need to basically use the clone brush tool to paint or predict or imagine what would be behind this concrete column here now it is actually pretty easy to do so in this image because it's just plain dirt and the way that the dirt is it looks pretty good like it it all sort of looks jumbled up regardless like dirt so you can just take a portion of it and it doesn't look like it's cloned very well very much like some in things like if you've got a street scene or if you've got people or things like that it'll get really difficult but in this instance it's actually very very easy as you can see right now like it's pretty hard to tell that it has been cloned so it's essentially just taking little parts like this really easily and I'm using by the way a brush with a 90% hardness if you go too soft like if you set the this hardness all the way down to zero then it'll blend in a lot easier with the dirt texture but then what you'll have is what looks like by the end of it like a murky like a blurry looking result because you've got a brush which is so soft that it's kind of blended in all of the detail that was there previously so yes so that can be a problem so I generally use something around about a 90% hardness if you use 0% sorry not 90% what is it yeah 90% if you use a hundred percent hardness if you go completely hard then what happens is that it's too obvious that you've used a clone brush like you can actually physically see where it has been used because it doesn't blend in with everything else properly anyway just sort of giving you a few little tips here so this part down here doesn't matter all that much because there's actually going to be the the wall like where all this little rocks and all this other jumbled up stuff is so it doesn't really matter about much of this really excuse me I've got a bit of a cold really bad bad day to be doing a tutorial I went to the dentist this morning and on the day that I woke up with a terrible cold so I came in today to do the tutorial and my face was numb because they injected me with you know the stuff that makes your face just feel like jelly and so I was like talking like no no and I decided I'd wait until the the drug wears off before I do the tutorial but my throat is still sore anyway okay so now that we've got this we've eliminated that column so what we can do is go ahead and save it as a PNG and it's very important that you save it as a PNG not as a jpeg or anything like that because we actually want to keep that transparent background which is something I didn't say was important but it's important make sure it's a transparent background not black or white or anything else that you've conjured up um I've got all these folders and chopped three you can see I've tried this tutorial a few times sort of practice I always try to act out the tutorial at least two times before actually recording it some days I'm lazy like today oh no well I did it twice today but sometimes I do it like six times to practice but today I was like yeah two is enough so I'm anyway okay so looking back at our blender scene right now I'm going to select this floor right now and the first thing you need to do is to actually UV unwrap it now this is the part which was a problem for people in the last tutorial because previously there was a sticky texture coordinate' function and what that did was essentially it took the coordinates that was shot from the camera and then used that to use it to to map so how do we do that in blender 2.6 because there is no sticky function well my theory as to why they eliminated the sticky function is because it actually does the exact same thing as project from view so without plane here selected if we go you this is by the way looking via the camera you project from view and that will do exactly what the sticky function used to do so that's why they've made that decision that's my guess anyway okay so we've gone project from view now if we go let's just go to the alright node editor and also I'll split this and I'll make this a UV image editor just so you can see what's happened so you can see that's where the plane is sitting enough in our camera view and that's how it's UV unwrap so project from view does exactly as the box describes like that okay so for the material are we going to do is use a emitter shader emission share like this what was that hey subserve scattering huh how about that it's the first time I seen that that's pretty cool that is because I'm using a it's a build of blender one of the later builds so that's something that brett van la mole has been working on are the subsurface scattering for you know creating faces and stuff like that so that light passes through objects it's a feature that people have been waiting for for a very long time and it's in the latest version of blender so anyway just got a bit excited there cuz i saw that for the first time okay so we're adding it an emitter shader emission shader like this and then once you've done that go texture and then select image texture by the way these options here these are in a order it's like somebody opened it in itunes hit shuffle and they're all just jumbled up that's because again this is a later version of blender and they're doing a bit of work with the python nodes and so as a result of that these all got shuffled every single one of them so don't be surprised if yours doesn't match the order that's on here okay i'm connecting that to the color of the emission shader now for our image texture here i'm going to hit open and we're just going to select the image that I just saved earlier the floor dot PNG I'm going to hit open and now if we look at it without rendered viewport shader do you can see some of the image texture has shown through but it's all weird I mean look at it that's just weird okay so why is that happened the reason that has happened is because there is not enough geometry for some strange reason I'm not entirely sure why but blender needs more geometry than the current four vertices that we've got on our plane here so you need to subdivide it a few times actually you know what because this is a rectangular pyramid present rectangular shape shape it's a rectangular shape I'm going to use the loop cut tool to make a square face like that and then I'm going to go sub serve and it's just a good idea to always make sure that you have square faces as best as possible rectangular ones can cause problems later on anyway doing a bit of subdividing like this I'm not using like an exact amount just enough you know something like that should be fine and once you've done that go back to your UV image editor and then hit you and then select project from view now there is a problem you'll see another property is always another problem we've hit UV a what was it project from view but it now actually doesn't match the floor that we had before and the reason for that is because we've got an image loaded in to the UV image editor which has changed the way that this will paste it across because it's used to seeing a one by one image ratio so because this isn't that it's now put it at dis proportions so if I delete that then here you project from view you can see how that changed now if we load in that image boom now it actually lines up better well it's sort of outside of it because the original image was sort of wrong anyway but anyway it is better so it's a bigger annoyance of mine I'm not entirely sure why they're keeping that like having it so that it uses the image dimensions of the UV image editor I've tried to report it as a bug or you know to the developers but they're not sort of taking my word for it so we're keeping it for some reason anyway I'm not here to complain let's let's take a look at it rendered and there we go boom awesome it's worked and you can see it looks cool the columns gone but it looks like the warehouse floor is now completely open to the camera so that's going to be cool when we add in that wall and then the camera can move around it and you'll be able to see that dirt behind it so if I just select the camera you can actually see what happens just moving around and you can see how it's all working so that's cool awesome alright well the next thing we're going to do is um do the wall the left-hand wall or the left wall so we're going to jump back into Photoshop and just using the same Photoshop file as Mahalo just going to hide the the floor layer just focusing on the background I'm going to use the exact same tool that I used before the polygonal poly plugin all poly polygonal lasso tool and I'm going to select just like this this left wall some people say should never use the lasso tool lasso tool is for is for unprofessional fools also I've heard I guess because it's not very accurate and it can create like anti-aliasing issues and if you were to like try to use the lasso tool for for like hair and things like that then yeah it's it's not very professional for something like this I mean come on so everyone always says you're supposed to use the pen tool which I don't really agree with so yeah anyway um okay so I've just selected this wall here and I've missed some for some silly reason and how I did that so I'm just going to hit shift just to add to the selection boy this is slow okay just like that for also okay so just select that and I'm going to hit ctrl C and then ctrl V so again making sure that it hasn't moved is in the exact same position as it was yeah just like that okay so in this instance because we've got this front wall that is a this whole sort of would you call that an arch an archway doorway whatever sort of like blocking the camera view because we want the camera to be sort of moving through the scene you would be able to see this wall stuck to that wall if we don't paint over it so essentially I need to make this part like as in oh I'm going to switch my tool to the last suit tool I need to make essentially this part here I need to make that part disappear so one of the easiest ways I found and this will pretty much only work for this scene or a similar scene like it but I can actually take just this part of the window this window frame like that select that move that over there drag that up and I'm just going to select this portion like that and again I've sort of missed a point let me just hit shift again just to make sure I get all of that wall there yeah don't miss it again how did it have any no that's all right oh I think it's because uh you can see there's a little bulge that I've missed there yeah that's one thing I haven't really addressed yet but you will have to note that there is barrel distortion in most photographs meaning that these walls here are actually slightly curved so anyway we don't really need to focus on that so I'm going to select this portion here I'm gonna hit ctrl-c and ctrl-v and you can see it's moved I don't know why it moved it but I hate it when it does that anyway now that I've got that I'm going to move it to the left and then I'm going to hit convert you know first of all I'm going to turn down the opacity of it cuz this is going to help us for this next step I'm going to hit ctrl T which is going to allow me to change the proportions of that part of the image excuse me and I'm just positioning it over where this window is going right here and you can see already the effect that it's having it's it's instead of doing the clone tool because the clone tool in this instance I think wouldn't really be that useful because it it's generally used for you know like what we did before for dirt and things like that actually I just saw on the news on the news website North Korea was actually found to have photoshopped one of their latest photographs that they put out they were photographing or you know sort of showing off to the world the hovercraft so they had like a photo of their armies sort of disembarking from hovercrafts onto land and her they had like six hovercraft in this image and like four of them were found or three or four of them were found to be photoshopped like they they'd used the clone brush tool or something to uh you know to to fake it sort of uh make it look like there they have more whole crops than they do anyway I'm gonna hit a laugh at them but you know you can get caught out if you're not good with the clone brush tool word to the wise anyway so this essentially now what I'm doing is I'm just taking this eraser tool with a soft edge and I'm just erasing part of this layer because it's a separate layer over the top of the other one just to sort of blend in that window edge with the other one and now if you zoom out you can't even see the difference you can see a slight difference like here at the top where the pipes don't really align and if you wanted to you could fix that up but it's not that noticeable so we're going to leave it that's fine okay cool awesome so I'm going to go ahead and OH make sure we turn this opacity up to 100% I've got to do that looks even better now there you go cool I'm going to hit save as and go PNG and save it in the same place that saved my other one and I'm going to call this one left wall okay who go back to blender and we're just going to do the exact same thing that we did before so actually I'm going to use the same material I'm going to put this one call I haven't given a name let's call it floor I'm gonna make it a separate one call this left wall and now we'll give it our own image texture which is left wall and again subdivide subdivide subdivide delete that image because we don't want that to be that problem that we had before go project from view then add back in the image so that it actually aligns and then now we go rendered and boom it is fixed this big gap there for some strange reason file a look hmmmm oh dear yeah you can see that our floor doesn't actually fit doesn't actually fit the scene as well as it should see now that is the reason why this sort of thing is frustrating because it should fit but doesn't which is very annoying so ah you know what I think I might actually be able to save this and I don't mean ctrl s I just sit up oh yeah oh yeah it's a little better yeah just gonna move those walls out a little bit yeah I think I'm saving it I'm do it right now yeah okay let's uh I have to because I've now moved everything project from view again let's go to floor left wall delete project from view if this works I will be amazed because I wasn't really looking forward to having to redo this tutorial so let's hope this works it's pretty good in fact look it's perfect nobody will know the difference yeah that's actually what I did in the final one as well actually just there was like a gap in the floor on the wall so I just grabbed the floor and just moved it up slightly in you can tell so there you go I mean it's not those professionals it should be but it works oh by the way some people might be asking Oh Andrew why don't you use the light path node light path and then connect the ease camera a to the strengths and then what that will do will mean that it appears as its original image to the camera without casting light on anything else and that is true that it does do that but I actually want it to cost light on everything else because I'm actually gonna be adding all the elements to the scene like beams and stuff like that so having you can see that lighting is turned off like it's no longer casting lighting on any of these other objects here so I'm actually going to leave the strength as one and leaving it as one will actually actually also give it the original image strength like it's not overblown like if you set that to - but why is blender stalling yeah you can see anyway set it to one and it's fine okay now you could go into Photoshop and do the exact same thing for the wall on the right hand side but I'm not going to do that because that's a waste of time because you guys can do that by yourselves yeah yes you can because it's essentially doing the exact same thing that we just did so I'm going to save time by not doing it in the tutorial all right so I've just got this right wall here I'm going to subdivide it and I've given it its own separate material and because I've done this multiple times before I've actually already got my right wall which is this guy right here I've loaded that in it looks like that did I not hit project from view I didn't okay delete try that again and now right wall now that are awesome okay cool now the only thing that's left is the back wall and this front wall right here so I think we should sort of hurry along because I'm getting bored I don't know about you guys but I don't know maybe it's just cuz I've done this so many times I'm just sort of like the back wall again how many terms do I need to do it anyway you can see what I'm doing now I'm just using that same tool Plaga no lasso tool selecting the basic shape like that hit ctrl-c ctrl-v make sure that it hasn't moved in anyway and in this instance it's kind of annoying because you've got a large portion of the image which is blocked by this column here so you could use the clone brush tool but that's a lot to clone so I'm going to do pretty much something similar I did before is because you can imagine that the the the building is symmetrical it or is it called a symmetrical or symmetrical I can always get the confused basically it's a mirror so you can imagine the left side looks the same as the right side so I'm going to take that to my advantage I'm going to copy that move that to the right hit ctrl T right click flip horizontal and look at us go we a bunch of cheaters yeah that's pretty good I mean really all you need to have is like just this this line here there's beam this pipe as long as you can sort of see that it would connect in the middle there and that is pretty much all you need to make sure that it's going to work like the perspectives and whatever but that's pretty good okay so you've still got I'm going to merge these two now by the way merge also merge this the left hand wall as well we never did that did we merge okay all right so we've still got this big column in the way but there's less of it to actually to fix up so that's essentially all we wanted to do we just want to save on any sort of pain that would otherwise be inflicted on us if we were to to not have that and so this is going to be pretty boring if I'm just doing this so you know what I'm going to use this platform right now to share with you use yeah voice my opinion uh I don't know how how many of the blender listeners out there I've traveled the world much and maybe gone to a country where you don't speak the language I'm in Korea right now and as I said just went to the dentist the first time I've ever done dental work outside of my own country which is Australia and let me tell you it's a completely different experience because when you speak the language you can ask the doctor the dentist you can ask whoever whatever you're receiving medical treatment what's going on and they will tell you what they're about to do oh we're going to do a filling this is going to hurt you know and you don't realize it but that really takes the edge off you like you're sitting in a chair you're completely vulnerable you've got people standing around you with sharp knives and sharp tools and it's a very stressful situation and you know if if you don't if they don't speak your language you don't speak theirs basically they just have to soldier on through it and you just have to bear the brunt and it is terrifying let me tell you I've had I've got friends in Korea also English speakers that have had the same experience they've gone to the dentist or doctor or something like that and they've actually just ended up in tears because it is such a stressful experience to to not be able to ask what is going on what are you about to do how long is this going to take is this gonna hurt I mean it's a it's essentially I mean I'm maybe I'm exaggerating it feels like a torture session and it also doesn't help the way they do it in Korea is very very similar to did you watch that movie ah what's it called zero dark thirty when they dragged the guy into the interrogation room and they put a bag over his head so he can't see anything - like disorientate him so what they do in Korea when you go to the dentist not even joke it well it's not a bag but they throw a sheet over your head so you can't actually see anything either which is it more terrifying because at least you know if you can use your eyes you can see whatever knife they're picking up and go oh yeah this is going to hurt in a second if you're just standing in a dark room and people are randomly punching you at differ intervals it is frightening and you're just flinching preemptively so that's all I was doing eventually at one point I was like do we have to use the blanket because I'd like to see and they're like oh no we don't have to use it oh if I'd known I could have just said that it would have saved me so much pain anyway I'm sort of rambling here hope you don't mind me just sort of filling the time we've almost made that column vanish actually wasn't going to put this part in the tutorial cuz I figured it would be too boring I just I wanted to get that off my chest that little story so that was a perfect platform for me to share that cool yay actually one thing I might do I'm going to just grab that part just so that it is asymmetrical or symmetrical or whatever you want to call it I'm also going to make these little grids there just to make it look more professional cool and if you wanted to straighten up like that row that we've got there and sort of like make it so that it's in line you could do that as well but anyway it doesn't really matter all that much I also in my final one I actually added in some graffiti on the back wall I'm not sure if any of you spotted it but if you did well picked all right I mean not well picked well spotted anyway okay so I'm just going to save this just like I did for the others I'm gonna call it back whoa cool all right and now for this one let me just use reuse the same material that I did before let's go write wall and I'm going to call this back wall and we'll just add L actually no first of all before we do that subdivide it several times go like this delete that image you project from view there's a lot this is quite repetitive this tutorial I must say there's a lot of the same old stuff we're going to do something a little bit different here because you'll see when it renders like this that we've got this whole like black portion up here so I'll just show you how you can fix that because we used a transparent image we can make use of that very easy excuse me very easily by using a mixer like this drop that in there and then if we use a trend snot translucent transparent shader drag that in there and then take the Alpha output and put that into the factor input and then flip these two around bomb there you go now it's actually using the transparency that we saved in our original image so this little setup will do that so essentially we're combining the emission with the transparent and using the actual alpha values of our original image to define which part is emission which part is transparent so that's the little setup that we've got that for that okay and you've got a little gap there between the wall which you could fix by I don't know moving in that wall or yada-yada you get the point I'm not really going to show that that's fine okay all right final thing we're going to do how long is this tutorial whoo get on like 40 minutes okay let's see if we can hurry this up a bit we've got to do this front wall here which is pretty easy I'm just going to add in a plane and let's just position this that on the origin point so I've just moved it so the origin point is still on the ground now if I move this forward to be about there I'm going to scale that plane up just like that good all right so now I just need to map out the basic shape of this wall here and we're going to be doing a little bit of extruding to sort of give it more detail like these little steps on the walls there so just as we're doing the basic shape only focus on what like the bricks that are on the first or like the top layer if that makes sense so I'm just going to extrude that up on these dead axes extrude this out - let's say they're extrude that out - they're extrude this down on these set axes like that a little bit further so it touches the ground and then we'll do the same for this side here as well it's pretty easy stuff just like that don't be put off if I'm doing it too quickly and like if you're working on your own scene and it's taking a lot longer as I said I've rehearsed this tutorial yeah so I already know what's going on okay cool so I'm just going to do some loop cuts here so let's just do a loop cut oh yeah the loop cut is we're going to be doing a loop cut on every place where there is a little step so looking at our image you can see there's a stuck I should move this so that it's actually the full size image so making a little step there um is that even a step I can't see yeah all right yeah all right yeah that'll do okay all right so every time I create a little step I'm just going to extrude inwards so actually let's let's bring this back move that down drag that down split it and then can review all right extrude that there okay so this is just creating a little step like that so that's what it looks like there and then every time I do that by the way I got to delete this face that appears when that happens okay so this might be a little bit disorientating this part but I got to do it quickly because I don't want to bore people okay so that one their face select and then extrude delete that face all right and then one final one over here as well and then they select extrude it whoops extrude it back delete that face and there we go okay so I'll just do the exact same thing on its other side ooh so yeah even know if you can see a little step is yeah that's all right some people might be wondering why we're not using the mirror function the mirror modifier or something for this instance that would be inappropriate not because it's a cursed language that's a lame joke but because because we're using camera mapping and stuff like that you've got all different elements and different angles and camera and stuff like that so it this wouldn't really work that well you've really got to fake it just to make it work in in your scene so there's a lot of like bending of vertices and non flat walls and all the extra stuff so if you're using a mirror modifier as well that's really going to throw everything out of whack so that's why I'm doing this piece by piece and that's really all it is to it yeah there's I mean camera mapping is pretty easy I must say really it's just one of those things which just takes time just have to be patient so put on some music or I don't know whatever you do listen to a podcast if you want to and just work at it it's I actually like this kind of stuff like the monotonous boring stuff it's the stuff where you have to think which always trips me up where I'm just like oh I have to stop my music and actually think how I'm going to fix a certain problem that's the stuff I don't really like but anyway okay so I've got that and now I'm just going to do the same thing for the left and right hand wall but you know what this is getting boring so I'm going to pause the tutorial and just show you how it looks when I finished this whole facade here hey hey there we go you can see it's all finished yay and you can also see it's a bit of Chi tree going on these walls aren't aligned they're not flat it's alright it's gonna work don't freak out it's going to be fine okay so now that I've done that well close the window let's reopen it again immediately I'm going to UV unwrap it but actually we actually need there to be more vertices even in this scene even though I've done all this extra geometry I'm going to create some extra loop cuts just so the blender doesn't freak out with the lack of geometry and and do things weirdly so something like that I'm going to hit project from view and then yeah you know I I think you can figure out how to crop out this portion of the off the mesh you just used this polygonal lasso tool and you just go like that you select it pick one by one and you go Bing and there it is any control C control V and then you save it and then you end up with with this essentially when you put in more effort anyway and then you you go back into blender just like we did before and I know all right move that across grab this up go node editor and let's go materials and I'm going to select the back wall I'm gonna use this and then let's call this one front wall and I just realize I haven't moved the camera around to show you how it looks when you're like adding all the stuff that's the coolest part all right so I'll show you that okay front wall okay and then let's go into rendered viewport mode and there we have it okay cool so now I can show you you move the camera look at that how cool is that you move the camera wherever you want and it just works how sweet is that so one of the downfalls of camera mapping is that it's most fake whenever the camera sorry it looks the most fake on the ground so you can see here if I going to skip this view mode you can see that the scene looks pretty good like all the walls or the front faces all that stuff there but the floor especially when you move the camera up you can see it looks all stretched and blurred out and everything so that is one of the downfalls of camera mapping so you have to work around that so my final animation I sort of kept the camera above the ground like not focused on the ground sort of like pointing upwards so that's a way that you can get around that but yeah that's basically it so um yeah you can see I mean we're pretty much coming to the end of the tutorial thankfully because I'm pretty sure you guys are sick of hearing my voice now I'll show you how to quickly create the roof yeah the roof add a cylinder and let's give it more vertices to play with let's go 64 vertices and I'm just going to scale this up rotate it by 90 degrees and what I want to do is looking at our image here oh yeah I should know if selected faces let's delete the front and back faces like that okay alright and I'll just go up alright let's have a look okay so I'm looking at the background image should get full view there we go and I'm looking at the way that the roof is shaped like that I just want to position it to be pretty much that that's pretty good there okay cool so now if I select delete that face there and then that face there and I can select all of that and then delete all that cool so now I've just got that portion of the mesh so now I can move that down I should have done that when I had the full thing now it's all wrong yeah that's pretty wrong now oh well yeah why is that yeah that's pretty weird and pretty weird all right let's drag that over I might actually be because I was looking the wireframe mode perhaps yeah it's not so bad from the non wireframe so now I'm just sort of faking it a little bit by pushing and prodding it hoping that it will fit the ceiling where the ceiling is supposed to be so I'm scaling along these z axes sort of making it more of an arched ceiling like so yeah that's pretty good yeah it's not bad I mean again all this stuff just it's amount of the amount of effort that you put into it is what you're going to get out of it essentially I hate when people say that but it's true you really have to just spend extra time on this to to make it work so I'm going to add a few loop cuts in here let's go you project from view and I'm going to use a premade image because I don't think you guys need to know all that Photoshop stuff I'm sure that is something that you guys can sort out let's go you know what I'm sort of losing it now I could just copy one of these ones couldn't I let's go front wall let's call this ceiling delete this and we're going to use the ceiling image so now we should have the ceiling is in place so if you want to know how that was done it was gradually the hardest part of this whole process to create this ceiling here because if you have a look at the original image there's not actually much ceiling to go off so essentially there was a lot of the clone brush tool but it was like stupid slow clone brush tool like having to select like one little portion like this and select like that like one by one and then like maybe once you've got one clean square like duplicating that square and sort of moving it around and just and then once you've got a bunch of squares you can duplicate that to create rows and that's essentially how I got that ceiling there and then in my final one I added a bunch of beams and bars and stuff which I can show you here which is just this which is incredibly easy to make it's just cubes which have just been rotated and moved around and stuff to create what you can see there and then I've created a few chords and stuff and again this is just playing with the scene and it this step is really what's going to like sort of push the scene out to be a little bit more realistic like look more like a video because if you've only got geometry there it can sort of look fake to the viewer but if you've got in some physical objects like beams like a lot of all this extra geometry here then it'll work really well and this geometry isn't camera mapped by the way it's just like a blank black material but because it blends in pretty well with the rest of the scene there's not a problem with it I also added in some particles these guys right here like some slowly floating around particles just to make it look like a dusty kind of house type image but anyway I'll show you one other thing as well and that's just for things like if you have a look at the scene you've got oh I should have just left it what it was before you've got bricks and stuff coming out of the ground and if you move the camera around like if I select the camera as you move over the the mesh you'll notice that stuff like especially this brick right here you can see that the brick is being stretched and that is a problem because when the camera moves through it if you've got stuff like that stretching like stuff that really should be raised up out of the ground it's going to look very fake so that's something I'll show you right now how to fix and it's really easy all you need to do is doing pretty much what we did just before using this tool here I'm just going to select this brick right here I'm just going to focus on this guy just very crudely selecting it like that hit ctrl-c ctrl-v and then you've just got that guy right there I'm going to hit save as save PNG and let's go save it where I saved all the other ones let's call it rocks and then you go back into blender the one we're actually working on not the finished one this guy okay go to solid View mode and then just from the view of the camera where you had it where you've been doing everything before make sure you don't move the camera yet well that's what you're looking at there oh good grief oh yeah cube is way out away okay so it's got to be sitting on that plane okay let's move that up okay position it just over the brick like that we'll scale that up drag this across and then I'm going to rotate it as well just so that because obviously the brick there is rotated so a little bit like that and something like that and this is where having that transparent image that the background in the original thing is going to come into play is what I'm going to do is let's just change this to UV image editor let's go you project from view and then I'll give it the material of the back wall and I will create a separate material called rocks and I'm just listing off instructions right now basically I've come to the end of the tutorial but I know there's some people that want me to explain pretty much everything so I'm basically just explaining it for people who care everybody's already left the room there's just a few stragglers left on so if you're still listening hey and that's it there we go we've got that rock now in our image so if we move that rock around you can see it is actual physical object so when the camera moves over it like well I on what am i selecting here camera there we go so as the camera moves now and especially if the camera comes down low to the ground that object will now be sticking up out of the ground so it actually looks a lot better basically and because you've got like a duplicate brick now like if the camera is above it you can see there is two bricks so the way around that would be just to what we did before just with the ground here you just take the clone brush and and you would just oh get out of it man alive and just trying to do this quickly and just clone out that brick exactly like I just did then and save it over the top of the floor that we just did before and that would be that so yeah that's pretty much it guys so what you would do then is for the actual the fun part the actual camera movement we would change the resolution to be 1080p make sure you only change that resolution once you've come to the end of your process and you want to start moving the camera around so then if I just set this where this camera is sitting right now go location rotation smooth that out the way and then let's go to frame 250 let's move that over let's position that there and then let's go i location rotation so now if we just this is how I make it so blender doesn't render the entire screen almost the whole camera but not quite now if we play through that animation it's a little bit fuzzy but you get the picture it's working fine and that is how you do it guys that is camera mapping in a nutshell so there is some awesome camera mapping examples out there the best one is one that I'll place directly below this video if you're watching it on Blender guru make sure you watch that video it's mind-blowing it was by a user who did it using cinema 4d doesn't really matter you could do the same thing in blender it's incredible make sure you watch that video because that'll really get your inspiration juices firing but yeah that's it guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial hope you make some cool stuff if you do make some cool stuff upload it on YouTube and post it post a link beneath this video I like seeing what you guys create and that is all from me I will see you next time bye
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 332,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, cycles
Id: B9r9tKX5olY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2013
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