Impossible Dovetail Joint Modeling Tutorial | Autodesk Inventor

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welcome to GFI carbs read up being away for the last couple of weeks that's why it's been a bit quiet I've been away working in Australia land but what back so to get back in the swing of its I'm a little bit out of practice we're gonna just start with a nice little simple brackets ish simple ish tutorial a nice easy code tutorial of this impossible dovetail puzzle which I found whilst I was away on a channel called clique spring now one of my viewers pointed me towards this channel a couple of months ago it's a guy who has his own workshop he's crazies on YouTube channel and everything that this guy does is next-level it's just perfection from the video quality to the stuff that he makes is phenomenal highly recommend you go and check this channel out is amazing is really educational it's just fascinating to watch how stuff's made and he does it to it the highest of quality from what I can see so go check him out right so I don't think this gum pretty obviously this guy didn't didn't invent him impossible dovetail joint but he's made quite a nice adaptation of it so the the dovetail joint is obviously a woodworking joint and impossible dovetail is two pieces which are seemingly impossible to put together in manufacture but there's a trick to it the puzzle is that the two pieces slide out like so so you slide them together and then there's a pin that goes through the middle to lock them together so the puzzle is you remove the pin then you slide them away from each other where whilst most people the puzzle is that you know people be pulling them apart try to remove the third section of the dovetail just straight up rather than sliding so that's the that's the thing but it's a good little puzzle it's a good little model to knock up an inventor is a tutorial it's relatively simple so I thought let's start with this let's start with its right so as with most of my tutorials I am making this up as I go along so I couldn't tell you right now what we're gonna learn as we go we're just gonna do it it's pretty much why I change the habit of a lifetime right let's go so it's not this is not really a stop at every point and explain what I'm doing type of thing this is just you can just follow me as you as I go right just follow me I'll try and go as slow as I can within reason without dragging it out for too long but just follow us a go kneading so I'll learn is right so we're gonna start a new IPT fire and you invent a part I'm gonna create a new sketch new 2d sketch and drop it on the XY plane right we use an invented 2016 here by the way and you can do I kind of imagine I'll be doing anything I don't think I'll do I'll try not do anything that won't be available on earlier versions of invent now I can't promise that cuz I don't know what I'm gonna do so we're gonna go for the XY plane right and that's let's look front on I don't have any sizes right I have no idea what sizes this guy's used it I don't think it matters right I don't think there is a set size or or anything really doesn't matter mmm you can check out his website a thing he does host files which you can pay for and download them straight away but you know it's just make us it was it were so one hundred fifty five hundred fifty I think that's probably a she about what size that is if you look at his hands one hundred and fifty mil maybe a bit big of a foot doesn't matter 550 550 let's finish that and that's just to be proper let's edit that dimensions double-click him and then link these two together right so if we do decide Lee I want to change that the both change right let's just let's just be proper about this let's do it right so finish the sketch all right I'm using a 3d connection Mouse here right that's why it's sort of moving and orbiting around whilst I'm not pressing any buttons go check out 3d connection mice if you've no idea what that is I was when I was in Australia I genuinely write no word of a lie I was staggered to come across a guy who's used inventor for over ten years and had no idea what a 3d mouse was I was staggered but that's a thing but if you want to zoom in or but you can use this button here obviously and then just do this that's a thing you can do that you don't need a 3d mouse they're just they're just extremely convenient right then we're going to extrude we're gonna pick the this square and then we're gonna extrude it up by 115 let's just keep it completely square 150 both ways so we'll go in 75 and 75 and then okay so there's what block right how we're gonna do this right well I think what we'll start by doing is defining the profile of the dovetail itself I think the way I'm going to approach this is I want to create a multi bodied solid the end result will be an assembly but I'm going to model it as a part file because it's quite a tricky piece right it's going to be would be extraordinarily difficult to model this up as two separate parts and then bring them together so the the bottom-up approach would be extremely difficult so we're kind of going top-down that's where we'll go I'm just going to start with a part and then we're no or not we all gone bottom-up i reaiiy I'm jet-lagged honestly that that's where my brain is right now I literally can't even add up to numbers but we'll carry on right so gonna do 2d sketch then we're gonna drop the 2d sketch on this side face this is where we're gonna define the profile of the dovetail reet so a project Jian reais project this side face yeah right that just gives us something to snap on you so that burns the edge of the cube on our sketch and it's just like I said gives us something to snap on you and now because we're gonna be we're going to be using a 3d feature here of a profile I think it might be a good idea to make these construction lines so just highlight them all and then hit up button there and that turns them into construction lines and that doesn't make sure that later on invent it doesn't try to use those edges with any 3d features right so let's let's sketch out the dovetail profile so we can just do this approximately right we can just guess it right just guess it for now roughly sketch it out and then we'll there we'll put the dimensions on later so let's say from there to there whilst you sketch and make sure you if you've got a line that you know is horizontal just snap right just snap and then snap there you go you can see the truck in fact to come along and then snap recently so there's the ish dovetail joint right that's the issue profile of that joint there let's jump back to right so there will go there we've got it let's go back to a better picture that's a good picture right so just looking at the size if that's about 150 mil I would say that's about a third of the way up so I would say about 50 mil 45 to 50 mil in terms of the the start of the of the bottom piece right so let's go for that right before we start putting sizes in though let's get the constraints done let's get the geometrical constraints down so we'll do a line and then we'll make this a Senate line and we'll just snap that at the green dot in the middle and then snap that to the green dot at the top right and that puts as a sent line the reason I'm going for accent line is because I need to all of this source stuff centralized in these two lines here need to be symmetrical because it is a symmetrical joint so we can do that sort of stuff so let it let us let us do a constraint a coincident two constraint between the middle of that line to that right so that that pops the middle of outline smack bang on the sender and let's go symmetry symmetric constraint between that and that and then that so that makes those two lines symmetrical around the sent line so that's the geometrical constraints don't actually that's all we need to do so for the sizes right dimension from here to here so that was neither actually let's make it 45 say 45 that'll do right and because we made the constraints as we went when we were sketching it out roughly this line here is automatically I think it's a coaxial constraint it's coaxially constraint to that line there so they're always in line with each other at these two here and then I think let's just go back to the the actual duct so from there to about there well if I've made that 45 that gap there looks slightly smaller so let's say let's say for let's start with 40 and see what that looks like so dimension from here to here 40 and then there's put a couple of angles in let's say oh that's not good no let's undo that let's say yeah 80 all right yeah it'll do it'll do right and then the final constraint I'm not actually sure I'm assuming it's the length of this line here that's the way you do this if you're not entirely sure you know you've still got unconstrained entities and you're like well where does it need a dimension just hold the left mouse button down make sure you not in the dimension command hold the left mouse button down on the line and just pull it in yeah yeah it's the length of that line so let's go back and again that looks quite wide actually so let's say maybe 55 perhaps ish 55 let's see what I was going to put our dimension there 55 no it needs to be a bit bigger than that let's go for 60 it could probably be a bit bigger but like I said it really murder and that's the sketch done right so we've got the profile of the dovetail joint done now I'm thinking I'm thinking here I just finished this sketch I'm thinking I'm gonna sweep this so I want to sweep this and I'm going to split the block using the sweep so what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a work plane so you hit this button here and then you want to put a work plane it probably doesn't matter what level the work plane goes here but I want to I'm gonna intersect a work plane right there at the same angle is that so that gives us a sketch plane at the same level as the bottom of the dovetail joint there right so then we're going to sketch on that work plane and then I'm gonna project this little dot here and then I'm gonna snap a line to that point and then whack it out about that right so this is the path in which I want to sweep this dovetail joint along at this point right I know I've got in my head where I'm going with this at this point you're probably thinking I've absolutely no clue what you're doing yet don't blame you I don't blame me okay I just kind of get these I've got a vision and that's become it comes with experience and you get a vision of where you want the model to go and you just kind of Stampede your way towards it and if it doesn't work then you just stop the video and you start again I guess how you undo it install again I don't know right but I think I know where I'm going so we're going to create an angular constraint no no angular constraint a dimension between there and then snap to over we know right so what we need to do is create a construction line so hit line hit the construction line button and then we want to snap to the green dots that's sort of our origin for this sketch and then go along the length of this line really doesn't matter then dimension between there and there and then make this 45 degrees right because it's if it is a 45 I think it's 45 degrees anyway and when you look at the when you look at the block opened up that that angle there this is what this is where that lines go and although I'm starting the sweep pattern from their corner that I think that is that looks like 45 degrees might might not be it might be about 30 I don't know it doesn't it still doesn't matter it doesn't matter you can make I mean once you finish this you could actually make it if you wanted you could 3d print you know it's not actually gonna be used to hold furniture together by any means so doesn't really matter if it's not entirely accurate anyway right we've got that line done right that lines done let's hit finish sketch and then has to turn this work plane off I don't like leavin what I don't like leaving work planes on there get in the way and then we're going to sweep so we're gonna go for sweep and then we want to pick the option for a surface and then we're sweeping this here and then the path is that there there we are right so that's gonna give us a swept surface through the block you might now be able to see where I'm going with this if not then just just persevere just bear with me all right we're gonna click okay and then what I'm gonna do right because that's just one that's just one side we're gonna kick circular pattern that and the rotation axis is gonna be the origin z-axis right that's the sent line right the way through the block now you only this this highlights the need to make your sketches symmetrical when you first start a model because you can now use these axes and these planes as sort of rotation pivot points and sent lines what not so we're gonna make two and then we're gonna click OK so what's it was circling this around the z-axis times two placement boom there we go all right now gives us this then what I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do think I need to join these two together right so we're gonna stitch right so we're gonna stick right on Oh stitch yes what the health stitch basically stitch right we've got two surfaces here right one surface to services stitch joins or combines the services together to create one object so we're going to then use that one object of thing because I'm hoping it works we're going to use these two surfaces to cut this block so we're going to stitch that and up together and then when I'm there I think I might have drugged right so stitch that and that there we go apply and then done and then you should get stitched surface and that's just now one yeah that's just one surface now right and then this is the moment of truth I think and ready to do this so we're gonna go for split right split is something which I need to create a separate tutorial for because it is a it's a really useful command it's so much use but we're gonna go split we're gonna split solid the split tool is gonna be the stitched surface and we're using this is like a guillotine cut this solid hit apply it cancel all right click on a stitch surface and turn that off and look at that yes that's actually worked a treat right so now what we should have in solid bodies solid too and then solid three so at bottom half and top off right you can rename these so we'll just rename this to bottom piece and then this one here is gonna be the top piece and what we should be able to do really in theory is just right-click on the top piece and then look at that as work an absolute treat so let's go back there so that bit is that bit so that's just looking at and then yeah that's pretty much going on that's just orientated to about there yep yep bang on right I'm happy with that okay so that's the bottom the top piece done the next thing you could do you could do the sheik do the champers he's got a couple of basically towards the end of his video not obviously highly recommend that you watch the video from start to finish because it shows you were machining it it shows you the the tools that he uses to make it but you can see he's got a he's got a couple of champers around here he took a like a file and just shaved off the sharp edges you could do that if you want to and there's also it's a slight bit of when there needs to be doesn't there needs to be a bit of clearance between the two pieces or else they're not gonna be able to slide together so to achieve that what you could do what you could do is turn off the top where would I shave this all I need to shave some material off so I'm thinking I'm thinking right let's not on let's shave a bit of material off the bottom piece all right so let's turn off the top piece and let's use thicken and it needs to be just absolutely minimal so let's say no point no point 1 mil I'm actually made more point to Milne up on one those a bit unrealistic I say no point 2 mil and we're gonna shave you and then we're gonna shave some material off that that and then that but we want to go inwards right because thicken usually creates material you can see what it's doing there is it's gonna thicken this these faces up so it's gonna add no point to but if you switch direction it's gonna actually remove 0.2 millimeter riyal and that gives you like a bit of clearance between two objects so you hit apply boom we got that right so that's that's that bit done and then we'll do the same here there there and there on that and then just zoom in just make sure it is still gone the right way yes it is apply boom okay right let's turn on the top piece now and we should see some clearance yeah yep you'll be happy with that right you could also make a bit of clearance on the you know on this on the bottom surface so let's turn off the top piece again so you can maybe maybe thicken that down a little bit and I'm not gonna go though I'm not gonna because really what they would source these these the top in the bottom face would slide together it's just these pieces here that you would need a bit of clear and so on so I'm happy to leave it at that okay so that's the top you still right so let's let's turn them both back on the next thing we need to do is create the hole for the locking pin now this is pretty simple just create a sketch on top of the face here and then you could you could you could just draw a circle in the next ruler circle through but if you want to be if you want to be a baller right you can do it properly you may put a point there it's just a sketch point there and then start up the whole command and you could say right well this is gonna be just a simple hole it's gonna be drilled all the way through and then it's you know six I don't know I don't even know what it was me 12 mil I don't know I just made it there is he I think it's quite big isn't it it's quite a big drill piece that he's using to puncture that through so let's say save fifteen so bigger still isn't it 2000 outdo that I'll do 20 ml through wall it's obviously not tapped so that's just okay and there you go Oh sugar Sugar Puffs right because this is a multi solid body what we need to do is we need to edit the feature and we need to tell the whole command to pierce the hole through both solids by default it's just Pierce in the hole it's drilling the hole through the top solid but we need to say well no include this one as well so it includes both of those pieces as it's drilling the hole right that's done all right and okay what next well we could do the pin I mean the the pin isn't it's not really a purchased part either guys made it himself again in the video you can see that he's towards the end he's using all kinds of uses a big metal rod actually makes it up a big metal rod and then he starts polishing it and buffing it and chiseling and all kinds of things it's really quite fascinating to see you getting made but there it is there that's the finished piece so it's not anything that you're going to get out of inventors content center so I could probably do with just making it ourselves so so let's make this ourselves let's create a new sketch on top of here let's project through the edge of the hole and then let's just draw a circle say so big and then a bit of clearance stick another point too so there's going to be 0.2 ml clearance between the pin and the block finish the sketch extrude that to that face there so that's gonna be the length of the pin the pin is always going to be however long this will however tall I guess the block is so in the future if you did decide to change the size which was 150 by 150 then the pin will always adopt to suit the length of the block so that's that and then click make sure you oh you've got to click this button here new solid and then click OK new solid makes sure that you do get an actual new solid body representing the pin or else I'll just blend the pin together with one of the top of the bottom pieces which you don't want so we're gonna say locking pin there we go right and then we need to create the head for it rights this is going to be a little bit is it gonna be tricky how we're gonna approach this right let's let let us let them write let's create a sketch on here finish that straightaway and the way I do these things isn't necessarily always the best way right it isn't it's just how things just come to me in my head and it gets the job done in most times i would say nine point five times out of ten I'd do things with future proofing them in mind so if stuff I'm not butchering it I'm not sure cutting it up just might not necessarily do it the absolute perfect efficient way but now am i right so I'm gonna create a plane intersecting that point there and then it's going to be aligned with the exit plane and we're gonna sketch on here f7 boom so that slices the graphics and get rid of the word plane switch out the way oh right so how we're gonna do this how we're gonna do this right so we need to create the profile for the dome that needs to be like I saw a half circle so let's draw a line from here coming out to about yeah oh that's not even straight line from yeah out to about here right Timms Assizes I'm gonna clue ain't got a clue let's say or 20 mm maybe looks about right we can change this later on but it's a 20 mil looks about right and let's go up to about here again I have no idea what the height of the pin is it's just really whatever whatever looks right and then finally we're gonna do an arc from here to here and then saw like that that'll do yeah and then this is the thing that I'm not really but this probably more efficient way to do this but because I know I'm gonna revolve this into a circle this arc here needs to like tangent tangentially tighten it was that right tan Junction it needs to be tangent at the top there happen to be a perfect revolve so what I do is I do I draw like a temporary construction line there and then I tangent the arc to that boom so that makes sure that that hits that line at a perfect tangent and then as I do with this maybe eight mitten well that's not good so when you constrain that too yeah oh that's why cuz thats not even projected right so when you project that dot there so that gives us that point and then I'm pressing escape by the way when when you can hear a click that's person escape and then when a coincident that point there to that point there boom they will go right that's fully constrained splendid finish the sketch and then we're going to revolve that axis is that and then the solid is going to be the locking pin and then okay right so that's the pin that looks ridiculous it looks too long and too flat do I care yes I do so let us there is let us that uh just make that a little bit higher and say ten and make that maybe eighteen finish that that's a bit better right so let's turn off that bottom the top piece just control click both of them visibility and there's our pin right I know it doesn't look anything like that it's not a shiny but it's close knit close it'll do it'll do in terms of textures we're going to apply the textures in a bit that's when it starts to look more realistic but for now that's as long as we've got the form and the function okay and we're good right there we'll go there we'll go right for champers right the Sham for command if you do want to get rid of the hard corners the Sham for command is a pain in the ass in in vendor it's not as anywhere near as efficient and as slick as fill it so you can't do like select all or anything like that you can't even window select you've got to click edges at a time that's why I kind of really bother to do it but I think the guy did Shum for these corners so might as well just do these or do the outer edges of the block cause I guess that's where people pick it up as my sweet hands go so I'll get rid of these hard corners that this is this is how slow it is or that's really need to do something with a chamfer command that's not really a priority there was it and it's that is that all that's all the corners of the cube all the edges of the cube and then in terms of a distance it's not really to millas it was he's block on there it is I'll say about one mil I'd say one mil do a job right one help there we go okay right so there's the champers put on okay right we're gonna save this let's save this into enemy workspace oh this is gonna be the in in boss dovetail part right you'll have noticed that this has been modeled up as a single part all the way along but it's an assembly so what we've got to do now is we explode the part out into an assembly in the way we do that is by hitting manage and then we go to make components so this is gonna make an assembly from the part well yeah it's pretty clever it converts your multi bodies so body one body to body three and it turns it into an assembly with part 1 part 2 part 3 but all along even afterwards the IPT is the master component you make a change to the IPO you'll see it happen in the future you'll see them right so you hit make components and then you click that that and then that so that includes all three multi bodies in this assembly so the target assembly name well that's going to be called impostor tail we'll just call that impostor of Delta I am save it in a my workspace folder yes that'll do the bomb structure is normal it doesn't matter cuz we're not sending it out or any clients or any fabricators nothing like that's what don't really need a bill of materials for it and then click Next I think we're gonna accept all of this stuff I don't either I'll tell you what will untick untick use color override from source component because you can you can assign textures to the multi bodies and that will then filter through into the assembly but I've personally found it more manageable to apply the colors in the assembly rather than in the pot it's entirely up to you you can do both ways you can mess around with it it's up to you click OK and I'll say you're probably not getting us just a vault prompt there we go that's the assembly so we've now got an assembly called the possible dovetail part 1 part 2 and part 3 what it's done as well is it has construed grounded them all so there's no constraints here now if you want to be if you want to be an absolute Pro and you wanna be ledge you can constrain this to mimic real-life movement right tell you what it's a tutorial it let's do it so we're gonna pick up the locking pin and the top piece right and we're gonna we're gonna unground them so we're gonna leave the bottom piece grounded right how am I gonna do this and right right right right right right I'll tell you what you could do what you could do if you wanted to just test this right let's turn off the locking pin for now right let's turn off the locking pin right let's put that and then that so hold down control pick these both up right click and then click contact set on the right click menu go to inspect and then activate the contact solver and what you should find providing that we've done this right you should be able to slide it along like that look at that see oh it's okay it's working an absolute treat and you can hope look there it is slotted back into place come on this is where and when this contact solver gets a bit jiggly there we go all the way through as working like an absolute charm so you can see it's all making contact as it's going in but you just got it now that's well and truly coos right then you just press ctrl and said and that'll just undo it back into position there we go right then so yeah that's I guess that's it really I mean you could you could constrain it in place properly how would we do that how would we do that right which way is this slidin right that's slidin that way so let us edit this part here and then create a work plane click work plane between that face and that face there right so that's given us a sent line going in the direction of travel return do the same in this part here double click that Paula there that's the bottom piece work plane there to there turn constrain mate you want to flush between that work plane and then that work play in there hit apply ok and what that does that just make sure is when now when you when you're sliding it the parts don't separate all on that axis so in now can just go dead quick so it's not actually making contact between these two faces here so that just works a lot better should be able to just come on there you go in like that right controls erred to put a in a place here we are and then if you want to actually get it legit right 100% legit in your locking pin gone put that buck in there and then put the locking pin on the contact set as well and now this ain't going to go anywhere until you pull the pin out like that and then right that's that's the locking pin working the locking pin itself isn't constrained though so oh it is actually well no it's not it's not constrained it's just it's it's in the hole based on that being a contact set right so it can't move either side because because of contact so what we really should do is put a constraint between the center of the lock and pin and the center of the hole and then I suppose when you leave it at that and then you could just pull it down until it hits yeah but you can see the whole block starting to move now so I really don't want to do that lets just constrain it properly between do an insert insert constraint between that edge and greet and there you go that's your impossible dovetail joint complete well it's not where is the let's better put some colors on it right let's just finish off with some there's some nice colors so the locking pin alright let's that's let's let's open that up separately right let's put the let's put the textures on it away from the assembly just so there's no interference in terms of a material I mean if you wanted if you want to like understand what kind of weight this thing is and then you can apply materials under texture so let's let's hit the material drop-down list and let's go for I think he made it out of he did say I think it's just a steel rod isn't it so you could just say steel Christ how many pretty Steel's or let's just say steel cars yeah whatever doesn't really matter and then for a material it's it's pretty shiny he's got a pretty pretty polished so let's go for chrome chrome polished it's looking juicy and we'll save that okay and then that's it's the locking pin done right so I would share which half's heart which right so the bottom half that bronze one and the top Hoffs the brushed on the mini one so let's start with brushed aluminium so let's open that up and the materials that you get will be dependent on what library you've got active so I'm using the invent the Autodesk appearance library if you use in the the inventor appearance library then your mom you won't get as many I think I've turned off the inventors I don't but use the Autodesk appearance library if you forgot if you've got it because you got a lot more colors and a lot more textures with that right so let's start with it's brushed isn't it so let's go for brush so anything brushed in here and brush just brushed yeah that's more close to the bottom one isn't it let's change that aluminium used to be just one called brushed aluminium is that gone it's just not that anymore is it does that displeases me Neil is most displeased or a desk where's brushed aluminium gone chrome polished brushed I suppose yeah I think the brush marks are a bit thick so what we can do then is edit the texture right did didn't use that one so we can get rid of that one so chrome polished brushed edit that and then when it changed the we need to change the relief pattern so we'll click this swatch here and then the part the sample size is 12 let's put 6 in so it's about 1/2 it yeah it's about right in it and I'll do write the direction of the brushed is right if I'm not point 10 was I do not much I always leave that I'll do and I'll do it looks of all right so that's the top off done but save him close that down and let's why is that not right now it's updated like what the hell is going on right that's that's okay I'm sure the brush sizes were changing that never mind I don't care so let's open up the bottom part and change the we didn't do the material on the top off did we know when you change the texture but not the material so let's make this it's made out of bronze a brass bronze a bronze of color brass so we'll say brass just brass and then for the texture I want to use that brushed texture that we use first time around brushed yeah we'll go however I'm not happy again with the pattern size there so let's edit the brushed texture let's click the swatch and change it will 824 quite big rise just drop that down to 6 same size as the other one 6 by 6 and ok I mean we could go and bump up to it and all that kind of thing but it just doesn't matter really for the purposes what we're doing doesn't matter and then okay yeah there we go in the content I'm going to turn off the work plane so if we've assigned the material they tell me so it can say that I should shut that down and then do you come yeah yeah we need to sign the material at the top off so let's open up the top off and change this to it's just a block of alum anybody's got so we'll just say I mean or aluminum as the incorrect Americans called it well done so there's even possible dovetail joint if you wanna make a look dapper now you can put your shadows on and you can you know the grounds wrong right so if the shadow ends up on the wrong spot which it clearly has just hit one face of the cube like that and then as long as you're looking at its side on right click on that face of the cube and set the current view as front and not I put the shadows on the bottom shadows are on reflections are on perspective realistic and then you can put it in a gray room or something you know and it's it's in fender it's never gonna look brilliant is it and there's you dovetail joint olden so along the way along the way we learned we learned how to sweep stitch that a surface modeling the departing multi body solids explosions in two assemblies so what did quite a bit there actually you know that was plows pretty good and probably without happy with that right so now at the end result is you've got your dovetail assembly which actually does have a parts list of sorts with it so there's your parts list you can go to the parts only and you've got your bottom PC top piece and then the lock and pin so those are the three pieces that make this up and that is driven notice that when you do open up each one of these parts by the way there is no modeling features here because these parts are driven by the original component that you modeled up using features so what you did what you do if you want to change the assembly you change it from within here so this is like the skeleton model it's driving the assembly anything you change here will immediately update and change where it doesn't know you might have to hit the Update button but it filters through into this final assembly alright then that's the impossible dovetail done nice thought you totally get us back at the swing of things if you found that useful do please press like if you learned something along the way that would be great if you just let me know cuz I'm so I'm still looking for things to do that apply to a lot of people and people can learn from I do get a lot of requests for quite specific niche things and I'm like I can't really do that it's so specific to what you're doing that it's not really gonna help anybody else so I'm up for suggestions the kind of guarantee that I'll do them but more for suggestions anyway so thank you very much guys like comment subscribe if you haven't already until next time toodles
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 20,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, 3D, Inventor, tips, training, guide, modelling, part, assembly, best practice, Solidworks, AutoCAD, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, Impossible Dovetail, Modeling Tutorial, Split, 3D CAD
Id: kRLpPY6dn-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2016
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