Frame Generator Tutorial (Beginner) as Fast as I Can | Autodesk Inventor

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a good day and welcome to how to frame generate as fast as possible originally penned for a 30-minute long tutorial going into deep depths of how it works and I thought sorry people just wanna know how it work so I'm just gonna show you how it works for the both basic levels so in Inventor first thing you need to do critical is to go on your application options go to the content center tab and then you need to make sure that you've got the right access options set you're either desktop content or vault server chances are you're not vault server oh you'd know about it so make sure desktop content is set copy that path to the clipboard go over to Windows Explorer paste that path into Windows Explorer and you need to make sure you've got your libraries there may if your libraries aren't there you need to go to your inventor install media which you had at one point cuz you installed in vendor and then launch it and tick the box for desktop content libraries that will install them and then you're good to go read sket starred with frame generator Scooby quick it's great right gonna jump into an assembly this is gonna be the top level of your frame and there's a number of different ways of making frames but I'm gonna go with the most easiest and convenient way so we're gonna hit save right off the bat and then give our frame and name so I'm gonna put it into a folder called frame as pretty original and we're gonna call a frame top-level FR one two three four always give everything in your friend everytime inventor asks you to save a file always give it a unique number it's really important or the next time you make a frame you'll end up with the same number in the same file name and that's not a good place to be right once you've done that we need to create a skeletal model the skeletal model is it's like the underpants servi framework it's like a bounding box where the frames are going to be placed so you're gonna click create and we're gonna create a new skeletal model called fr one two three four cuz that's the name of the top-level assembly so we know which skeletal model goes with which top-level assembly let's call it s k - 0 0 0 1 and we're gonna put it into the same frame folder and the bomb structure make sure you set that as reference really important it excludes it from being in the parts list because this thing doesn't exist click OK and then click in the empty space and now we're ready to start drafting up our skeletal model so I'm just gonna create it like a box section I get to a table or something that are a cabinet so we're gonna click start sketch click the xy-plane and then we're going to drop down to point sent a rectangle and let's call this with equals let's make it as I don't need to buy a meteorite so with equals thousand millimeters and then pressing end is not the best thing to do I didn't get there the dimension on so click dimension on that side place that and we'll call this one length equals 1000 millimeters and then press ENTER Reid so that's our that's our dimensions for our bounding box click finish sketch zoom out a bit I hate it when it does that that's really irritating and then press extrude and we'll go height height equals 500 right so we'll have it thousand five thousand by five hundred and I will change the appearance of this to be clear because this is just a skeletal model it doesn't exist and then there's our scale model what you can also do and just so you know where we're heading with this this is a framework for the framework so we're going to place frames on the edges so there's gonna be a frame member going along they're going along they're there and all the other edges but if you want cross members or that members that don't go from point to point you can create additional sketches on here mate and go I wanna also want a frame from like here going up to here because because I've got my reasons that I'm not prepared to divulge but yeah there's gonna be a frame there you can do that not a problem right click return and then click Save just it's best to save it as often as possible because it says it's all a desk and then go to the design tab and then you should have your frame panel here click insert frame and providing that you did the thing at the start where the content center needs to be installed and you've checked that it's there you should get this a dialog box with all the standards and the placement methods so there's a whole bunch of different standards you can work with I'm just gonna go with ISO and then you've got all your different channels here once you've clicked it and clicked it off you can press the down arrow on your keyboard to cycle through the different profiles and it just shows you a preview on the right-hand side of what they are I mean I'm sure you can read it'll say square section or the circular section so I'm gonna go with 10 $7.99 - 2 square hollow section and then you can see here that's what it's going to look like pick your size I don't know 50 by 50 by 2 and any material I will stick with mild steel if you're gonna give it a painted finish you can indeed do that if it's gonna be painted black you can go with your smooth black is probably the best one or else you get a weird texture on it so we'll go with smooth black and then you can start clicking your edges to place your frames and there you go that's what it looks like when it places the frame originally it routes it through the middle of the edge you can see that's routing it right the way through the center line of that that edge and that's because it's picked here you can go like that then you can bump it up by 10 mil if you want to you can rotate it by 45 degrees if you want to and put it on this so you've got a whole bunch of options that I was going to leave it as Diddley default and then we can start dropping frames on the other edges you can multi-select using drug so you can do this huh don't do that if you've got a sketch on the edge because here we've got a sketch line and a solid edge you know put two frames on top of each other and that will confuse the hell out your parts list and you'll be it'll throw the weights off so don't do that so there's a crossmember and then there's the the other solid edge there you go and then you can click OK and then it's gonna say create new frame you like oh I did this bit no this is a sub-assembly it's gonna create underneath the top level that it's gonna organize the frames in so we're gonna get roughly 13 frame members and it's gonna it's gonna categorize them all and place them underneath this sub assembly here again this needs to have a unique number so we're gonna save FR 1 2 3 4 because it's underneath Fr 1 2 3 4 - no frame - 0 0 1 and then it creates another skeletal model this is just a bit of reference geometry that inventor has to create you've got no input into it you don't change this part at all ever but we still need to give it a unique name so if fr 1 2 3 4 - in skeletal model or something like that - 0 0 0 1 and then click OK and that's gonna then create another dialog box full of lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of digits really more this is if you're not bothered just click OK but be aware that if you ever do create another bit of framework using the same profile iso 50 by 50 by 2 you'll end up creating a whole bunch of frames again with the same file names as the one you made right now and that's never a good place to be so if you want to give these unique names unless you use in Vault I'm not gonna go there you've got to do this manually so you've got to click the three little dots and then we can start giving this a you this is ridiculous I know but it is what it is right now so I can call this the frame itself - zero zero zero one and then what you would have to do to give all the parts their unique numbers is hit save like this yeah this is a thing this is a thing I'm not going to do it for every single part but this is what you would have to do to give them all a unique number but there you go they click OK it'll then create all the frames paint them black drop them in and there you go so we've now got FR one two three four there's our skeletal model which controls the edges in the cross member and there's our sub assembly called FR one two three four frame or one and there's all the bits underneath it and that's your frame super right from this point onwards you can start using the end treatments if you want to you can turn off your skeletal model if you don't want that anymore so you can right click on the the one you made and turn off its visibility but yeah the end treatments you got a whole bunch of tools here like mitre if you want to my to something and then put a to milk up in for a weld you can take miter click the two beams you want to miter click apply and then there you go there's your might there with your two mill gabon and you can just carry on boom boom OSH pick pick fish bitly piddly Baddeley boop there you go alright that's my drink we've got things like I'm not gonna go through the mobile of got like trim and extend we've got shrimp to frame trim the frame is is no I don't like that one shrimp trim and trim slush extend is quite a nice one this lets you pick multiple frames in one go so we can pick all of these four up members and then you can orbit around select the face you want to trim them all back do and Oh trim all four members back to that flat face and then yeah it got notch not just another good one so if you want to notch that cross member into this upright you can pick that and then that and click apply you know cut it back and then it profiles it around that beam which is which is nice if you want to give it a bit extra legs to put some feet on you can do that I'm just probably just lost want to show click the member say how much you want to extend it by say 300 mil and then click OK and then there you go that's you can do that on each to the emaan you have to do those want it tight unfortunately apply you can't apply and just keep clicking I don't know why doesn't it you multi-select that's a that's a thing but you know you know it's eventually it'll get there and if then invented later on if you want to remove any end treatments you can't do and click remove and treatments pick the say that one now that's got the notch on it'll delete the notch each one of the frames is listed as a browser node down here and you can expand them all and see the the end treatments which you can't delete it with frame generator individually and if you want to do that you can change frames if you decide not have put the wrong size and you can click change click the the crossmember for example and then you can put in a new size so it can drop this down to say 40 by 40 by 2 but it will replace it with a complete new frame and give it a new file name so if you don't spend it half an hour putting in file names at the start it'll yeah it's it's just a undone everything you've done simply do it again and there you go there's frame frame generator that's very very quick as fast as I can possibly do introduction to how you make frames in the frame generator from this point onwards you hit save and it's good to go there's other things to consider is things like the bomb structure of your frame so you'd go to tools and then documents setting not that one document settings go to build materials and then you have to decide whether or not this is a purchased unit or is it born in so is it normal or is it purchased and that dictates how the bomb behaves in some in some instances and you've also got assemble and then build materials and it'll group all your parts of on the structure tab if you enable it and it combines them all together based on lengths so as you put the materials go your parts list when you place that and we're drawing which you can manipulate if you want to there you go very very quick as possible introduction to frame generator everything is adaptive so if you do go back to your original skeletal model and you decide right or actually I want to I want to drop this bit lower down and I want to make the I want to make the unit a bit longer so dropped out of 1500 this is completely and fully adaptive so all the frames will update to suit your new sketch or your news your new Underpants your new boxes but yeah I go nuts that's a very basic introduction for finishing this up for the third time thank you very much if you if you like this video if it helps do press like if you want to see if you want to see a more in-depth one which which will go into things like editing profiles and create new frames that are on in the list that you might want additional sizes I can cover that kind of stuff so let me know in the comments if that's something that you would be interested in thank you very much and I'll see that one [Music]
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 233,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, tutorial, tips, training, guide, modelling, Fusion, 360, 2018, frame, generator, steel, stainless steel, metal, box section, square, circular, tube, frames
Id: 89PX745HTfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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