How to Model a Turbo Impeller | Autodesk Inventor Tutorial

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you are watching TFI readings if you just happen to be passing these type of videos tend to be found by people in the youtube search results and they're just watching and just move on that's fine but if you want to see any videos that do in the future and I've got a five yeah back catalog of inventive videos may then get subscribed and check out all the old videos that I've done and indeed subscribe to see all the new ones anyway let's get crackin over to Autodesk Inventor 2019 I'm just before get started I need to go over some settings that might be different between your inventor and my inventor go to file and options or tools application options you can copy the settings from this tab copy the settings from the sketch tab I've got my hardware profile set to quality I've explained that in a different video what the differences between quality and performance I don't want to go off on a tangent on that and that's the display tab color table I've disabled enhanced highlighting and most importantly on the file tab configure default template I've got mine set to measurement units and millimeters if you're working in inches that's fine you can just convert what I type in to inches but I'm using a millimeters because I'm in the United Kingdom of brexit Ville and then we'll close this down and we'll get starred right everything that I'm doing is is in Inventor 2019 I can't guarantee that what I'm doing will be available in earlier versions it should be dating back a couple of versions fine but anything older than that I don't know what to tell you me I've got I've got to work with the latest version I can't not use something because someone might be using a 10 year old torrent version of invent it you know what I mean so where that says nothing to do about that but we're gonna start with an IP T and it's just one last thing so as I know this is annoying and irritating but I'm gonna be covering a lot of advanced features later on you can follow me as I go but if I was to explain every single thing that I'm doing and why I'm doing it this video would be three times as long and that would put off a lot of new starters from watching it if it's that long so I'm just gonna do it I'm just gonna get it done model it up and you can follow me as I go but they'll come a point where a lot of the things that I'm doing a very approximate dragon services are and draw on splines which aren't exact just try your best to do things as close as I'm doing it so let's start may that does so enough of the waffling right 2d sketch on the XY plane and we're going to do a center point circle from the center yellow dot pull away and we're gonna type in dire equals 26 in millimeters press return escape finish sketch and then that's the start of our turbo impeller base profile it is a very small object you can you can increase or scale the the numbers that I'm putting in by 10 if you want it's just the the suggestion for this video came from a guy on the ETF I discord server whose modeling about an impeller for a 3d printer so it is a very small object extrude up by one mama okay press return and then we're going to do another 2d sketch on the XZ plane this time f7 a slice the graphics project cut edges which is on this drop down here window select right the left to pick up these three edges down there and then convert those into a construction line which is is useful for a little bit later on regular old line command snap to the mid green dot here move up on the vertical so it snaps to the vertical and then type in 10 and press return move to the left on the horizontal snuck to the horizontal three return and then escape and that should give us something that looks a little like this and then we're going to jump into a three-point arc snap to this endpoint here and this is approximate click around about here pull away click make sure it doesn't create any constraints or any glyphs appear as you doing it click that green dot that green dot and then roughly there right click and ok go up to the perpendicular constraint click that there there to the the construction line right click and okay what I'm gonna create a horizontal constraint between the joint between the two arcs this one here and the midpoint there and then we're gonna tangent between these two arcs right click and okay and everything should be blue and fully constrained it should say fully constrain down here and it looks looks absolutely delicious actually very finish that sketch revolve that profile should be automatically picked up and then the access is the yellow line there then okay on that and then look at me isn't it isn't this 3d card stuff easy man it's easy 2d sketch on the bottom of that face project geometry that edge there and then right click and okay and then we're going to jump into an interpolation spline ya know it's is where things start to get very proximate and we're gonna select the edge of this circle so it snaps to the circle click approximately there approximately there and then approximately there then click the tick right that gives us a spy this spline is the sent line of the blade so it's it needs to it doesn't need to be exact but roughly like say for example dimension between that point and then that point there right click aligned only it will make this roughly six point five right clicking okay and this is no good you can see the splines starting to bend out from the circle and then here we don't want that so we're gonna grab this endpoint here and just put it down to about there and then we're gonna right click on the dot activate the handle and we're just gonna twist the handle so it's about yeah that's fine at this point here I want to just grab that and move that about there I think we're good me I think that's fine for this center of the blade so that was all very approximate just dragging stuff around that's what I mean by it's gonna be difficult for you to follow and every time you do this it's going to be different unless you do start putting dimensions between the points and and yeah I'm not gonna do that I finish the sketch and I'm gonna extrude that wouldn't you convert this into a surface extrusion we're gonna select that sketch line and then we're going to grab the arrowhead and pull it up and we're going to change this distance to be ten yeah that should be fine it should fall short by button work by exactly a millimeter from the top and then OK on that and this is where things start to get quite advanced we're going to go to create freeform convert that into a free-form surface 4x4 let's keep it I would want to make it too complicated then okay the more surfaces if you were to go eight by eight or six by six you'll get more squares which means you've got more control over the profile of the fan blade but I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible so you can that in the more squares you've got the more different mind will become to yours over time and I want to try to avoid that happening and but we're gonna delete a couple of faces here we're going to delete hold down control on the keyboard delete that not and that not and that I think that should be enough and then okay and then delete this point here okay that looks alright actually quite happy with that so this is the that kind of the top of the fan blade that's fine then I think I want to delete that edge there okay all right let's see what let's see how this turns out it's I think probably tell him I'm kind of made of practice but I'm kind of making this up as I go along with honestly so I don't know how this is gonna turn now it's so different every time you do it so edit the form gonna click this point here change the space to local and we're gonna pull this out by roughly roughly four millimeters doesn't have to be exact as roughly four millimeters yeah I think that should be fine except that what I'm not a fan of is this line here bending like that this is very difficult to change so what we're gonna have to do once that's done is subdivide this back in to do we need to do that do we need to do that I don't think it matters actually because this curve here is inside the solid base you see that line there the change in color that's the inside of the solid anything this side is gonna be inside of the solace of nothing and matters what could possibly do is grab that point there and then use local space and then twist the yeah we could possibly do that just rotate around so it's slightly less kinked yeah that's that's almost no no it's not is it no it's not grab this put it about in there ah yes that's fact you know it is that's fine that's fine I see if this works right okay on that most of the bend is actually inside of the solid so it doesn't really matter and then we can finish the free-form right we can right-click on the exclusion and turn that off because we don't need him anymore and looking we can now convert this into a solid so we're gonna go to thicken quilt new solid pick are freeform change it to be nor point five both ways and then okay and you should get something like this right yours might not work if it gives you an error you'll have to go back into the form and make sure there's no bizarre strange joints in any of these it should be I mean this isn't this is far from straight but it's fine it's workable but you can grab sort the edges and then change it a local space again just sort pull them around and you know it's it's it's how you want this blade to be I can't tell you what you want it be like and just grab that point there I'm gonna move it slightly in further roughly there yeah so that's good that's good okay on that finish the free-form yeah that's a bit better right okay I'm happy with that okay the next thing I'm gonna do is you see this termination here is not good so I'm gonna go to direct edit to pick this face and then pull it just by I don't know to mil pull that out and I apply that and then what am I gonna do next what are you going to do next Neil I'm going to combine expands if no solid bodies I'm going to combine these two into one solid mmm-hmm then we're going to do a ruled surface this is this is the advanced stuff that I'm talking about a ruled surface combined thick and quilt all that kind of stuff it's stuff which I shouldn't really be explaining to you why we're doing it and what's happening but just I'm just doing it and you can follow along and so make your own mind up on what's happening click this bottom edge here and then we're going to no I'm not no I'm not I've jumped ahead I'm gonna delete that combined and I'm gonna do the rule surface before the combine click that edge there flip this around it doesn't have to be that far up it just gotta be we're gonna use this surface to trim away this excess here so it just this height just needs to be higher than that face there so I'll just talk about that okay we're gonna go to a split this we're gonna go to trim solid the split tool is gonna be that this solid is gonna be that one there and then make sure the arrows pointing outwards you can flip it with this and then okay and I should trim that back right that's fine that's fine right we're done with a ruled surface we can turn that off now we can combine that and that into one solid there we go don't worry about this or a patchwork quilt effect that's that's just inventors that's just invent as we have showing you that there's some kind of a no there's there's no continuing to continue continuity that's the word among for between the services but that's fine if you change the the view type to analysis it's it's not bad it's it's not great but it's fine you know through a 3d print nice for example it would be fine okay and then also have you turned it under realistic you don't see them either okay all right back shaded with edges and she would put some fill it's on this now I think we're probably kind of thing but right to put some fits on we'll go for a it's going to be smaller than like we're gonna have to go for 0.2 and we can pick up that edge that edge and then edge this might start failing so a fing oh god it's failed its failed its failed coup please come back please come back oh come on come back come back come on please please please please pretty please don't fail me give me some fellas me thank God for that right if it if it just doesn't work you can drop the size of the fill it down by 0.2 to 0.1 perhaps because it's is quite large and that's fine yeah I'll do that'll do I'm not gonna put a fill it around this edge here I don't know why I just don't wanna I want to change the type to a smooth G to fill it as well if that doesn't work for you can just leave on a tangent fill it but I'm gonna change it to a G - I'm happy with that okay and then what's the next step you know just asking myself questions I'm thinking out loud shall we shall we all right we're gonna go a sketch on the top here and then we'll do a center point circle of say three mil in diameter finish that sketch and then extrude that as a cut to that face there and then another sketch no I'm not I'm not gonna do this bit next no escape on that right circular pattern we're going to patent the entire solid and then the axis is going to be the z-axis and we're going to create 19 of them and then okay we're almost done that's that's almost it the couple of things left to do is just like textural things and a couple of extra Phillips but apart from that this might take a while depending on how fast your your cpu is because it's very computationally expensive this bit it's got a lot of Philips and other services to to patent but it'll it'll be done in a matter of moments but once this is done if you're depending on if you're actually physically making this or not you might want to model an extra key way in the top here's a shaft I don't know awesome isn't it like say for example you could sketch on this top face yet and then let's see how would we do this we project that edge there and you could just draw a center point rectangle there to somewhere like that and can we dimension there no that won't work we'll just go for something like that and then dimension not to be 2.5 do point 5 finish that sketch and then you can extrude this as a cut down by a millimeter or so maybe that's to Fox that's gonna go to the blade 0.5 yeah the reason I didn't do that before hunt was when we did the pattern it would have patterned this cut which would give us an undesirable result that doesn't look great as it I'm just looking at it's just something not quite right about that I will change this down to you know maybe fear that 1.5 all right then couple more Philips 0.1 is fine on the bottom edge here or can we should probably fill it these edges here as well maybe window select them like that that's fine it's missed that one we'll do that one all good me all good okay I'm not and you've got yourself a table and ballet main actually drawn from the bottom there okay that is looking absolutely baller this this rootless form has turned the visibility of that off and mate we're done we are done material I am using your desk material library you might be using the embedded material library you can click one of the other ball can change this to be whatever it's actually made out of stainless steel ABS plastic whatever it is change the texture I'm using again or desk appearance library change this over to a steel stainless those kids are peers and it's a stainless polished that'll do hell yes that looks good right-click the top face of the cube and then we're gonna set that current viewers front I might have jumped off the edge of the screen but just yeah set current view is front view changes to realistic turn on all the shadows we're just doing this for a fact now really this what kind of done turn on reflections turn on perspective mode mate and you've got yourself a tip one pal even better mate if you've got a 3d mouse you can just sort of turn it like this and then it looks like it's spinning and for no other reason other than it looks and I don't know what I'm doing that for but yeah there you go as you did one fella right you can save that off you can export it as an STL and go and print it or put it in a drawn DXF it up or whatever you need to do with it may whatever you need to do with it but there you go there you go as your turbo impeller and that's it yeah so hopefully that was follower ball if not I don't know what to tell you it's a difficult one to do when you do and draggable free forms if you do make any mistakes or you want to change the blades you can you can go back to the original form and then grab the points and then pull them around change that space back to local oh it's pointing down now isn't it hmm don't like that let's grab that edge there don't you know maybe drag it along a bit further okay if you make any changes to the form at this point because it's patterned nineteen times it's going to take longer for it to update the the the thickness and then update all the patterns so it does become a little bit more time-consuming once you've done the air once you've done the pan but I should work it should work if it doesn't work you've probably just dragged it a bit too far and it can't computer fill it from perhaps that might be the case I want you to apply those fits to the edges you are risking any changes to the body of the fan and not actually computing correctly because the Philips might not solve around all the edges but I'm confident this is going to work and be fine yes look at that look at that right how effect this is as an actual turbo I'm not convinced as very minimal airflow going on around here but you get the idea you get the idea alright mate that's it thank you very much and thanks to Kevin who suggested this idea in the TFI discord server if you're in if you want to be involved in that get chatting with us and talk about ideas and stuff and you have to sign up to patreon Chuck in anything you want can be just a dollar and you'll get your access into the discord server um but thanks to everyone who has it so far thank you for watching this and I'll see [Music]
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 23,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, tutorial, tips, training, guide, modelling, 3D, CAD, turbo, impellar, compressor
Id: 0ym35Mrit0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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