Modding The Sims was a Mistake

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we'll know very quickly if this is works yeah it's worked so um yeah the face we can scale things a bit more than the normal confines of the game would allow us I think this works for pretty much all the features of the face - so like everything you can think of it just lets Lena Bergman see the Bergman family household [ __ ] pretty it's just tea does it work on the kids no it doesn't work on the kids I I stand corrected Oh his tea are clipping out there you go he's got some beautiful locks Claire Bergman out of vampire oh he's perfect just the way he is perfect just the way it is Rico Bergman like no can I make her make his like fangs any bigger no I gotta be real careful he can stab someone with his chin I had a dark form to your vampire but can I make it sort of like he just does that no no that that that affects both of them oh no oh no he's stuck oh let's play with genetics - we do Lena and Rico know that she has no head no oh there we go okay yeah she got she got Lena's genetics this time this would be Yesenia Bergman I want to make a man who looks fine from the left and right which is the moment you turn his face it's a real ghost what's the smallest I can make all these features oh no it's like a caricature but it's an actual person oh god she's got quite the teat when she opens her mouth to be Caitlyn Bergman okay I gotta make Phineas and Ferb's testicles fries oh god you can see his eyebrows in there somewhere well that's his mustache Oh God Phineas what tell me he discovered like don't do math kids it changes you your appearance deteriorates rapidly as Phineas Bergman even I like his portrait he's do sure it's gonna be so difficult to work out which member of the family you've selected do what i'ma just eat and the rest is stretched pieces need one more simple can kind of see a tiny face look at the hair though still on him like that that's a massive ponytail in relay in proportion oh the family we're ready to move in oh I'm not gonna lose track of two of them now head flips through the seagull and that's fine okay all right that they should think they can all live there now beds let's double up his chairs too which is perfect this is a button to set them on fire as I work I didn't seem to do much oh no no Phineas is ablaze okay extinguish him we don't want to kill him right away put out the fire Phineas okay he's never looked better enable autonomous killing for active household Oh how long are they gonna live if I turn that off what [Music] wait no he was killed Rico ironically his neck was snapped he doesn't have a neck oh the police are here to know that they have guns oh I got turned out of killing off how where was that Sutton I gotta turn it back on disable autonomous killing god they're just pointing guns of us there's so many police officers here add that to the family what is going on why are they picking up that sim I'm just this once keeps being beaten up by two caught by the cops they keep firing their guns I'm just trying to go to bed just stabbed his guts get this man out of here it just keeps shooting in our living room just really know much to keep me I don't know what's that oh no it's affected Gustavo as well it was afraid of this alright let's let's just go out to the bar I will take you see know what let's go to the museum hottest spot in town tracked deadly insects this is just mosquitoes everywhere I'm gonna turn back on autonomy she will open gunfire for this wait no they killed Oh how does that work even come from it's so sudden but you laugh at Ringo Ringo is dead are you gonna go laugh at Ringo go go home welcome back to the Bergman residence only five of them left wait no stop that no - no you can't just I thought I turned it up just have it she clips true the house wouldn't she like has a nap it just just gets get some resting it's been a tough day most of the family are dead we don't need all these beds anymore we should go go to visit the restaurant go to Gustavo's juicy chops choke on grilled cheese what is this work that's not what I expected oh it's Barbara it's hard to tell because I had it's missing but oh okay she just shot them free chic she's on a rampage now just shot that shoot sim like she's just killing them up like once this sim walks and line-of-sight she's gonna die that's another one dead why is that the only interaction she knows I was stabbed chest what oh no she's med school she got taken out by this much the plotter so happy she's dead - is just - it's just home alone he's just having like a quiet thing can you stop killing Sims I don't all day to reap souls you need to go to dr. Phil this serial killer at large is just like shot seven people in a restaurant they need to go on dr. Phil bill he'll he'll sort the foul where's that going no - they're just add another debt to the family it's two of them the hell let's crash head with booty well he's dead let's just add a new debt to the family brain Oh get out of there get out of there no no no murderous thoughts joke about politics don't murder people go I can add the ghost of debt to the household it's those three deaths in our family it's going well now it's all set up - she didn't do anything creepers new skill and mischief all I have to do a trick with the hand buster I feel like a practical prank is in poor taste when you have shot several people with a handgun now you see it and Claire came back from school - very sad she's just crying in her sleep it's terrifying we have we have this random ghost - lets get her out of the family but whatever you're done making your sugar cookies test Oh whoo she got her event we might need to take her out she's even worse than the rest of us yeah even pets freaked out why his - in his underwear - she just gets up again she can't die just the leader from the family like the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy except you know grit grimaces Psychopaths know all the police are back he's being apprehended in jail - just got arrested I don't understand deadly trails what just happened hey what is this the police officer just became a vampire who's this well they just dropped dead this man no why did no extinguish the child we need to get this guy out of here it's just tab his cuts there we go all there's more police here already what keeps doing this who's this okay who who are these characters and what is hello just parroted my help this goodness Graham is in an urn but apparently he's happy all the way is he in jail still I just cancel up he's okay dead - having a nap Clare's have an arrest and then prison - is just got back home now yeah you could resume your eggs and toast you might you might be hungry no no don't set him on fire stay wish them extinguishes extinguish all as well he's just taking the sad poop wait what just happened someone shoot a gun they're on fire and yet evil debt stop panicking don't write the save me extinguish the flames save our child oh no don't tell me they're all on fire break into plants simple no I made dash into a place that hasn't helped okay get this stat to join the family no they're already dead - is now board the fire alarm is blaring but like no one is coming to the house I haven't seen this in a while wait oh no it's it's doubles it's fire what is he doing here locked door everyone it's probably the most peaceful the family has been this entire time I was snatched Oh God the police are just out here like crying but no he's dancin there oh it's because the door was locked they could the police couldn't arrest me because I closed the door oh that's it that's not good for law enforcement in this edition oh it kind oh you did it - now you can watch TV in peace are there many families left at this point oh god what happened to my birthday party Oh I mean I've been mostly preserved compared the rest I want thighs not looking too good is Kevin still alive oh yeah no I think that's Kevin there what George was there yeah there is he's okay thank God the only option extreme violence when it comes to animals is stock guess that's all it should be no but you can also set them on fire let's let's not do that having a fun whole time he's settled down a bit now yo uh I just let's just put Kevin out of his misery kevin has suffered enough what dice is terrified meanwhile that's feeling playful okay well we've had our fun it's time to go out okay the spice is like I'm gonna make a sandwich [Music] [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,265,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Irish, funny, gameplay, Sims, Sims funny, Sims funny moments, Sims mods, Sims funny mods, Sims kills, killing Sims, Sims funny family, Sims funny house, Sims funny gameplay, Sims 4, Sims 4 funny, Sims 4 funny moments, Sims 4 mods, Sims 4 violence, Sims violence mod, Sims 4 guns, Sims guns, Sims gun mod, Sims 4 death, Sims 4 funny death, Sims death, The Sims, The Sims 4, when playing God in the sims, rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgamecrowd, stream highlights
Id: glePWNkd6E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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