I gave 300 Minecraft Players one plot each to build a city

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we have a city look at this everyone's gonna be assigned a lot to make their own building there's like a very tall height limit you're gonna be able to fill up buildings next to each other for the first time - so like for these blocks here like the border on each plot is along this line here you can make like walkways between shops we have an interesting thing in the middle here to this bit patch of land this is no man's land anyone can build whatever they like in the middle of every building so build your own selves your own back alleys if you want we have actual street lamps too and show this off like they've got these little like kind of adding end rods these actually light up when we turn the city tonight city skylines oh no that's terrible what do we name our city actually we do need a name for this entire place czar Ohio can't be an actual city name Ohio is taken you Ohio why is it always oh hi oh this building looks like it's already got quite a sturdy foundation oh no it's a cardboard cutout right now never mind it's the I have this Lego set it's a modular bookshop I kind of recognize it now it's got the little Plaza bit that's why it's half of it - he's gonna pop they're like townhouse next to it someone is just making the Lego store presumably it's a house made of Lego bricks Oh someone's building a giant Toblerone I never thought I'd see it again Oh God someone's making the house from up yeah they're just gonna be in the sky and there's just like an empty lot here no this guy's making the house snow up to but it's like on the ground still here's the house from up and here's the house from upper someone's just convert her a lot into like a park this is beautiful yeah like if you don't want to make a building you can just make a public park for the city like we're gonna be sorely in need of those you know this guy's just made like a giant chicken and memorial to the cluckums family uh-huh here's the house serve up once again I you're gonna be seeing a lot of the house from up oh good god these guys are working together cuz there is like nine will there's eight Lots here but like all of these guys are trying to combine their Lots right now we have a construct shouldn't say oh I love this like this reminds me like actual Lego city builds because like when you never share what to do with space you just get like a few diggers and you just like set them all down like some plank tiles and some loose bricks some really nice-looking homes too oh and then there's the bone palace someone's just making like a rocket to leave this city okay Doofenshmirtz is looking pretty good said that they've done a very good job of recreating it here the sanctum says sanctorium eventually yeah it is you've got like the big kind of window glass here he's fair play for representing that in Minecraft like this minecraft does not do angles that well began to max Geralt on in progress oh god cuz he transforms into like a skyscraper Toblerone is coming along it's so difficult to Sutton to see it but it does actually say Toblerone there my space hole of all things oh no no that they're aware though yeah there's a lot of cobwebs on it the stone the jungle temple is coming along really well this looks like I know it's an ancient city temple but this looks like a cult Church or something like that that you would find in the heart of the city cuz it's always the really weird shape build mess occult why is Bob horses school of account now I thought they did magic it's just gotten with the times now and like adjusted it's like people didn't want like levitating objects anymore they need their taxes filed Oh someone's done it I can't believe this a man has fallen in a river city you just need like a massive sign that says like hey or something so what what is this thing I keep looking at it and I'm just not sure oh no it's it's demonic Shrek onions have layers now this is pretty cool we got a cherry blossom tree at a hotel that's coming along here this looks really classy I like this like it's super slick and modern design someone has made King Kong but when Mario and Donkey Kong that's actually so cool he's like an American space has come along elitism incorporate our stall is one block large open ensue and procrastination incorporate oh okay oh no this is the destroyed house from up it's being knocked sound no longer up house it got knocked down the WIC McDonald's is moving in his balloons were not strong enough oh no oh that's quite distressing to see Carol didn't make it oh the Droid has come along Roger the Droid actually you've made his gun too and like have the iron sights on him this guy's had an interest in use for the free space like how it says no with these end rods to there's some nice apartment blocks is IKEA too now oh they made a parking lot for the IKEA sister Lego palace cinema dot movie yes I think it is Toblerone Plaza has come along so well he's arguably like one of the coolest looking things in the entire server right now but it's not a cloud it's the bat-signal is it oh my god I see it now yeah look at it from below it's just kind of going up in tendo they've got like when their characters like in a box any supposed to represent their franchises they smash there's Animal Crossing that's Star Fox that's narrowing their fire emblem is it oh yeah I think it's Marsh a prequel Museum hello general Kenobi now this is podracing yep signed anakin didn't like the high ground is all your fees famous moments represented the helix park is looking really nice too very cozy area a man has fallen to the fountain in lego city but uh oh this is really cool looking it's just like a tower and there's like a snake coiling it I love fat the tower is looking really cool here I like this one oh this is the gym yeah the kind of finish we could see it from above before but now it's like you have to go true it see and use the trapdoors to navigate all the Larry cake is come along really nicely to art RT bday collab cake build caramel loaves you would so do the ragtag ride art team but cam plus plus oh yeah like thank you to everyone that made this for my birthday to like that was such a cool gift but people didn't see this on my Twitter there was like a collaboration wish like I like I was like 20 or so artists and they made they represent they made a giant layer cake and every layer like represents like a different gamer series from the channel and so like the kind of layer and the cakes again here it was just really cool to see you know the water Plaza what does the same oh all these signs say fish because they can't spawn actual fish they're doing their best this spooky mansion is it Luigi's Mansion Mario yes it is oh we got a little ice rink this is cube ice skates here Spider Park aka dissapointment land this is the worst theme park I've ever seen it's just spiders and as a brown spots are poisonous I'm pretty sure oh that's so cool looking it just made a castle in the middle of the city god that's a complicated struck look how much time that must have taken oh good lord but the actual amount of detail that thing is like astounding it's just like a massive sword this is the goddess sword from Skyward Sword yeah why has someone of all things made the Church of Scientology in our city Pikachu clan makes oh oh this is pretty cool this is like the Swiss Embassy by the way I'm from Ohio and I can confirm you're all made of corn god dammit but there's no one saying the contrary like I'm gonna have to just believe them at this point all here's Big Bend - that's actually pretty cool you know excuse me it's supposed to be on digital time now no this is like the future like we're past the days of analog I'm even know what it's supposed to be but it looks cool and we have a shop that just sells corn mmm and and this is the M&M world oh my god find your name Eminem name tags minecraft and man's and I have a store for this in London I'm not sure why it exists of all things oh my god someone's trying to do a little stadium Jesus fair place here oh we got glass incorporated it's just one massive window we sell glass you know purchase from us you should sell your spleen deaf oh not a coast here's the bathroom oh no now the city is really starting to take shape they add it luigi onto this building too I love it oh look at this lovely place that's a cool design two chairs oh here's the twitch office add button play 60-second ad no one likes it but press it I can make a real meta joke and press this on in the game I didn't also run an ad oh the boys have come along look at this they've got their own stack I love seeing foul links just making it into the bill it's like this Bethesda Oh No buy or follow shirts to get a canvas bag welcome to Bethesda gift shop even the gift shops on fire you guys remember we have Skyrim fallout 76 kitchen gun DLC oh the modular bookshop has come along club green this is the green villain we saw earlier welcome to club green oh wow it's nice it's an actual like club the house from up oh god it's been properly destroyed now sold to wake models oh no Duryodhana's come along as well oh my gosh look at them someone just made pac-man one of us see arcade they merged two died they merge two together we got pac-man and Donkey Kong now the sponge roller coaster we saw at the start has been developed somewhat hug on the sponge land caution spicy wah Opelousas cities come along gay incorporated the construction site has been improved massively like Jesus Christ I got a full-on crane I love this apartment design that we've done it's like they've liked modern apartments but then they also have like some garden space hot dog stand in progress owned by that thing oh you selling hot dogs yeah why is the hot dog sentient them oh the arcade machine that they full-on done pac-man in it now a love that was so cool we got pac-man a raised claw machine you only win GUI geez smash bros $1 for life Animal Crossing 24 cents a minute that DDT are all they've even use the arrow tells as genius pretend this is the Mercedes symbol Oh your money is appreciated you are not capitalism in a nutshell Mercedes logo not peace symbol we don't support peace oh they made a Cthulhu ask horror in the free space Jesus Christ that's a lot of teeth oh we got it till we got a toad house that's actually very cute stop here for like an item we got a giant cactus that's a house - that's really cool-looking cactus Corp employees only violators will be prickly cactus corporate family and needles comes together oh no Roger pear head of security barrage software oh the receptionist oh this is [ __ ] amazing looking I made like a full-on pagoda I think I really like this they got the tatami floor - using wheat that's awesome there's a miniature build of the plots trying to her one true God sans and the Y fused into one terrifying power boy you ask yes it was where all the time making this you've beaten the signs of Ouija jokes death so I made another and now we must repent for our sins this is wick Manos I think oh my god it's a miniature scale it's like the jungle gym there's the lava the lighthouses come along the tree houses here there's another snake here - oh it's like these ones are just so cool this guy's got a talent for just make these things like twist around it was chunky King Kong on the spire Oh with God people made like a military compound - and they even got like the classic like Donkey Kong level there - this one's really cool III like how they've done the exhibits on this oh my God look at it it's actually so impressed of how this build has come together Fairplay that everyone that was involved with this like it looks astound and Ireson build exhibit where's my visa mom says my tear on the Xbox by Picasso the train stream the mall build the Animal Crossing stream the Netherlands the Lego builds a Louvre made by Jonas load festive deer Cho Bant palainian sand bagel city bills fair play to everyone involved in this one like it looks as stampton Oh someone made just a giant chess set - in the city this is just crash landed between everything it's a colorful city you know it's a bit of like a mess as it always is with the builds you know it's never gonna be perfectly corn in it but it's a city I know it's identifiably a city yeah this reminds me of like the end of like the lego movie or something where like they're just building things in tandem but in harmony like everything's next to each other as everyone wants to tour this as well for anyone who like have access to the server if you supplement which you're welcome to tour it to your heart's content after the stream server is open 24/7 there was an archive of every build stored on the server now you can just hop on and explore the city I am gonna be taking a bit of a break from build streams for the next while just cuz there's other stuff I want to play doesn't mean I'm never gonna return to them it just means there's a lot of stuff my writer has one final thing I was about to ask we're gonna see it at night and this is where the street lamps come in because it's all lit up so we made an aquarium exhibit to like I'm captain still catching stuff that I did not see because like there is so much just packed into the space dire little world look at that you could we just Chuck a meteor at this one [Music]
Channel: RTGame
Views: 8,327,254
Rating: 4.9482255 out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RTGameCrowd, RT Game, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft city, Minecraft city build, Minecraft city tour, 100 Minecraft players, Minecraft 100 players, RTGame Minecraft, Minecraft RTGame, I gave 100 Minecraft players, Minecraft one chunk, Minecraft one plot, Minecraft build, Minecraft build server, Minecraft server, Minecraft city server, Minecraft city world, RT Minecraft
Id: eqKkfDFf8iQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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