Modders Are FIXING Starfield's Biggest Problems! - 15 Best New Mods

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Starfield mods are starting to get really good in this video we're going to take a look at several new mods to fundamentally improve how modding overall will work implementing tons of quality of life features but also just some cool new content and overhauls for Starfield and in the past couple of weeks we have genuinely gotten some of the best mods yet so today I want to show those to you do you ever have those prolonged gaming sessions where you just forget to eat like oh wow I should have had lunch about three hours ago this happens to me constantly while modding Bethesda games and I definitely don't want it happening to you so I'm gonna help you out with today's video sponsor factor with Factor you'll get a giant box of meals delivered right to your front door you won't have to see a grocery store this week if you don't want to factor meals are incredible because they're never Frozen so they actually taste good and truly what the best part about this is these meals already in two minutes or less there's no cleanup involved all you need is a microwave and a fork and you're gonna be good to go and lately Factor has been seriously stepping up their game with these Gourmet plus options like I just recently had some filet mignon as a nice Wednesday function this is some actually good steak I walked away from this meal feeling pretty happy but hey maybe two minutes is too long for you I'm not here to judge but Factor still has you covered as they have a ton of incredible add-on options their shakes and smoothies are absolutely terrific but they also have tons of choices for a quick breakfast before you start your day the factor is even now owned by hellofresh so I'm able to bring you discounts from both Brands because yes since you watched this video I'm gonna hook you up head to or click the link below and use code Juice Head 50 to get 50 off your first Factor box today that is half off and all you need to do is click the link below or just type in juicehead 50. gravity effect weight will make it so planets gravity levels will directly impact how much various items weigh your character down so in some super low gravity planets all of a sudden most things will be under one pound and you're gonna have tons of carry weight free but while some other planets with higher gravity you'll find things to be far heavier this spot's likely going to be a bit polarizing for those who were already frustrated with dealing with carry weight and inventory manage in Starfield as of course now some planets will make that even harder to manage but I honestly think it's a really nice immersive touch and a decent amount of the time you're on low gravity planets where you basically don't have to worry about carry weight at all now and from the same model author we also have power of Three's tweaks which will make a variety of Handy gameplay changes you can now pick up items without stealing them so you can just hold and move things around without NPCs caring about it if you do get a bounty and pay it off you'll no longer have to go to jail this is way nicer as now you simply pay your fine and continue doing whatever you were doing previously books that are not Quest items or can't be sold won't be picked up anymore and while docking on ships the sequence will now be in color which is honestly super refreshing and both these mods along with a ton of the other mods I'm going to feature in this video are using the newly released address Library which is great news for you because what address library is going to do is make it so these mods won't need to be recompiled and updated every single time Starfield gets an update do you know how Starfield just updated earlier this week and you had update a ton of your mods well thanks to a dress Library you probably won't have to do that next time you'll just need to update the Starfield script extender as well as the core address Library mod but all the other mods will still work which is a huge feature star UI HUD is easily one of the best Star field mods available right now this will be a near comprehensive overhaul of your HUD and Implement a ton of quality of life features to it right off the bat the Looting menu will now be far more Compact and easy to navigate all items will have icons associated with them and this is incredibly handy so you can easily see what an item is or even just what is the actual junk item that serves no purpose with this trash icon or even if taking an item would steal it things will be highlighted in red now but even further there's a handy value to weight bar for items in the world so the more this bar fills up the more valuable that item will be per unit of mass it occupies if the bar is full it's very likely that this item is worth picking up and selling later on in general looting is going to be far nicer with this mod installed the details of items are moved to the edge of the screen which is some of the essential info in the centers while some of the tags you could place on items but it even adds in the ability to take everything from an enemy's inventory with ease just by holding down a key to take everything some of the font and icons have been changed in other parts of the HUD and there's even a nice indication on doors now that are a load screen as opposed to just a regular door and if you're somebody who's not a fan of some of the colors added you could turn all of those off and honestly this mod is incredibly customizable so if you want to you can create some pretty wild HUD combinations with this and some users have already been doing so and posting it online overall this is an incredibly powerful mod that you could really use in two ways just download one of the presets and take it out of the box or it's an incredibly strong HUD configuration tool so you can make starfield's HUD look exactly how you want it and lately we've been getting quite a few mods to improve the visuals in the rest of the game also Starfield HD reworked project upgrades many of the ground and wall Textures in starfields who still have their original style but definitely look far less blurry you'll notice this difference around some of the the major cities and will even upgrade the faces of those random NPCs that wander about cities and this part definitely makes a big difference some of these NPCs do genuinely look a lot better as right now this mod mostly focuses on the ground and wall textures but it's definitely going to be supporting more in the future and a great tandem mod to add on top of this one is HD NPC optimized this will overhaul the face textures of all the interactable NPCs to make them look slightly better most of the time I noticed the upgrades while talking with other NPCs during those conversations when seeing their faces but in general a lot of NPCs will just look better with this mod installed although if you are after a more comprehensive visual overhaul Nas just dropped natural and Atmospheric space is coming from the marathon that made NAC for Fallout 4 and Skyrim and what this mod is going to do is remove some of the brown visuals from the game and really more so compared to some of the other visual mods out there that's going to up the Vibrance of Starfield you can see visual differences from planet to planet but things just feel a bit richer and almost less depressing compared to vanilla Starfield mods like this are of course always going to be subjective but I really like the direction taken with this one it very much so feels like Starfield enhanced as opposed to trying to make it look like something completely different and for that reason I have to imagine a lot of you are going to like this but what is probably the best option to boost your FPS right now in Starfield we also have streamline native there's going to be another dlss integration mod but this one has a really cool and standout feature just like the other mods it'll Implement dlss 2.0 or 3.0 and in the background I'm using dlss 3.0 with a nice 30fps boost in Aquila City but this mod also supports Nvidia reflex and actually implements a functional menu so you can tweak some of these settings around dlss in game which is huge now many of the other dlss mods have this functionality considering performance is similar it definitely makes this mod a standout in my personal favorite because I can actually tweak things now or at least actually tweak things while in game in addition to this we are seeing some custom content make its way into Starfield the UC spacesuits wardrobe will over overhaul a variety of the United Colonies spacesuits to have a sleeker and I think just better look this will upgrade the visuals on several spacesuits packs and helmets to create a few additional good options really great if you're going down the UC questline and if you want full-on Star Wars immersive lightsabers will replace several of the weapons in Starfield with lightsabers so now some melee weapons will look and sound like a legit lightsaber which is honestly a lot more fun to use in combat the melee animations in Starfield are amazing they look really great and swinging around all lightsaber just makes you feel far cooler until we have official mod tools replacers like these are going to be much more of a standard it's not going to be nearly as easy to add in new content but at the same time I honestly am not going to miss many of the melee weapons and I'm perfectly fine with having a lightsaber in their place but another mod who just recently dropped that is fundamentally changing how mods are made for Starfield is the console command Runner this will trigger console commands automatically while you load the game which is exactly how a ton of mods right now work in the past you would oftentimes have to edit ioni settings and do a bunch of steps to get those mods working but now with this mod things are a lot more seamless and simple and you probably already noticed a ton of mods requiring CCR like Atlanta Shipyard all parts which makes it so the new Atlantis ship vendor will now have every single ship part in the game typically to get all these ship parts in Starfield you need to jump around to about five different locations but now you can just get it all from this one vendor actually functional food and chems is a huge one as it's going to boost up the duration of chems but more importantly increase how much food items heal you for so food items can heal a functional amount finally and food builds become genuinely viable in combat which is honestly great for the game's meta I really do hope Bethesda makes some changes here officially at some point because right now food's just kind of useless a lot of the times but if you download this mod it won't be it'll actually be quite powerful waiting reinvented is a massive mod for some of you it'll dramatically shorten the time waiting takes by allowing time to pass in chunks like four hours at a time and if you're somebody who's spending a lot of time sleeping or waiting in Starfield this is a real game changer it'll make those wait times significantly shorter armor drop trance will boost the likelihood of enemy NPCs dropping their armor by default in Starfield this is super low but with this mod you can have it so they'll always drop their armor or even make it so it'll happen half the time and a bunch of values in between and if you want to boost up the difficulty of the game in a very natural way legendary spawn is another great mod that will increase the likelihood of legendary enemies spawning on higher difficulties so in hard difficulty you'll get twice as many legendaries as normal and on very hard legendary enemies will be three times as likely to spawn so you'll see those enemies with those large tiered health bars far more often and honestly this is a pretty fun one because again it does make the game a bit more difficult but in a very immersive and natural way overall Starfield mods have been getting really good as of late and if you want to enhance your game even further check out this video where I show you a bunch of other mods to recently come out information
Channel: JuiceHead
Views: 172,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: juicehead, starfield, bethedsa, starfield details, starfield news, starfield features, todd howard, bethesda starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield music, starfield lore, starfield mods, starfield hands on, starfield secrets, starfield easter eggs, starfield impressions, starfield review, starfield review juicehead, starfield tips, starfield hidden features, starfield tips and tricks, starfield walkthrough, starfield best new mods, starfield quality of life mods
Id: FwAZ4AFVy4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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