Modded Minecraft Survival Isn't Hard (EP 1)

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yeah this is me you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation let me tell you it's not a fun time in order to tell you the story we gotta start from the beginning hello family welcome back to another video yeah this is modded Minecraft what are you looking at yeah you better avert your eyes gaze upon that way double pig look at that we already got a village right off the bat anyway this is modded Minecraft uh there's a whole bunch of mods here I I don't even know how I can um how do I show you these mods I have no clue oh wait I can I can kind of show you most of them look at these there's a snowmancy mod we got the undergarden we got mousies mobs of course because it's my favorite mod ever buy Amazon mod that changes the terrain and it doesn't really look like it's changed right now but once I start getting into this like you can already see different biomes over there we got the Orcs And they roam around and they try to murder me if they see me they chase me to no end I hate those guys there's a redwood forest over there yeah this is modded Minecraft 100 days was kind of getting boring so I figured you know what why not start uh wait what let's go I have two two backpacks I only want one of them I'm only using one of them yeah uh rocraft was kind of getting stale for me so I'm taking another break from it and I don't feel like doing 100 days right now so I'm also taking a break from that skeletons stay over there there's a well over there I don't think there's anything in that well I added a whole bunch of mods and if there's any mods for 1.18 that you guys like and you want me to use let me know because I'll I'll keep adding to this mod pack I sent it to a couple friends and I guess I guess they kind of like it I haven't heard any complaints yet I know when you first make a mod pack you don't really know what to do in it or where to start in it but I have a couple things I want to do in this mod pack what in the the tree is growing into the house maybe the house was built into the tree who knows switch up your thought process this table right here is going to come in handy because there's a whole bunch of things I want to do with that a whole bunch of weapons I can make look at these weapons okay wait first of all there's a rose gold sword the wrath of Zeus for that sort I needed oh my God for that sword I need a diamond sword and another right star and I I don't have either of those right now but yeah there's a whole bunch of cool stuff in this mod pack and there's like a whole bunch of new blocks that I can use like these fences there's even a type of wood called wigglewood and I don't even know what to think of that I think it's in a different dimension though I put a whole bunch of stuff in the nether I put a whole bunch of stuff in the end we're about to have some fun doing 100 days 200 days of things is not as fun as doing a series so I think I might just stick with a series for a little bit and every now and then maybe I'll upload RL craft but I kind of want to get away from that I know you guys like RL craft but it is genuinely the most exhausting thing I've ever done in my life stack of bread not too shabby not too shabby a stack and a half of bread is even better yeah rocraft kinda got a little stale for me and obviously like that's to be expected you can kind of tell every time I take a break from it that it's gotten stale but I always come back to it because I still like it I just need a break you know what I mean yeah I'm saying yeah I'm saying do I have a bed I do have a bed all right let's get to exploring the goals I have for this episode are first I need a place to stay I need a house obviously that's that's always number one this guy's just freaking out I don't even know where he's going he was he was so excited to get into the water so a house or shelter for number one number two I want to make the double-edged sword which is a diamond sword and an amethyst Shard here it is here's the double-edged sword right here this is what it looks like when I attack things it'll it'll also do damage to me so yeah but it's very strong and I like it so I want it and the third thing I want to do is make the undergarden portal which just requires a diamond a couple iron and a couple gold and I think stone bricks as well for the portal frame so it shouldn't be too expensive but those are a couple things I want to do and obviously I expect to do a whole bunch more uh than that in this episode but yeah so I have 20 Redwood logs I should probably what if I just make a house being protected by the redwood forest and you know I'm in this place I don't even know what is this called lavender field crazy I don't think I want to live in the lavender field but uh I definitely like the Redstone I mean Redwood logs I hope you guys are having a good day and I hope you guys do enjoy this series uh no matter how long it is this series could be two episodes this could be one episode this could be 45 episodes we don't know yet Calvin why don't you ever finish a series my ADHD simply doesn't let me can I not make a crafting table out of Redwood really I don't even need one anyway let's go head on over to the Little Sandy patches oh and I have this backpack so with the backpack it's literally an entire another inventory which is cool as hell so I can just put all the dumb stuff in here uh call it a day and I think I could still wear a chest plate too because it has its own thingy backpack must be empty before I can remove it now that's kind of a scam it's just a little bit of a scam I'm also going to try to keep these episodes along too because I feel like that'd be cool as heck cool is Tech should I I don't really need them I have a whole bunch of bread no I'll leave them for now I guess I'll leave the califications alone for right now hey I put floating islands in this actually kind of sick bastard excuse me do you mind hey yo what'd you say um the pig said to subscribe thank you y'all better listen to him that guy means business somebody better sober right now nah no way this is the prettiest biome I've ever seen in my life I think I want to live somewhere over here what are those [Laughter] what is this what what are these are these alive they're not alive what is this you know what I like them I like them a lot they look like they're just like them guys are for serious they own corporations raccoons I got stuff for you for you go one for you and one for you there you go have a good day raccoons yeah I really do think I want to live over there like there's just a whole bunch of lobsters the trees just look really pretty and there's probably a bigger biome of those but I don't feel like I'm gonna find it anytime soon so I think I'm gonna live here for right now oh yeah there's a Grizz here my man Grizz oh I'm living here with Grizz hell yeah I'm pretty sure I lost my bed oh wait no I didn't it's in my backpack forgot I had that I forgot I had a backpack oh I'm not taking No Chances with that guy my fault though I took too long finding my bed for this dude to spawn two of them I might build my house like right here I think I'm gonna build it right here okay when I'm done with these slabs I should be done with the house and then I can move on from there might just make this a little balcony a balcony sounds nice oh my God I'm gonna break something I'm gonna break it I'm gonna break something Something's Gonna Get broken bro just showed up decided to disgrace my home one that I worked my hardest building why for what reason what is the reason somebody please let me know what is the reason oh yeah oh yeah a nice little balk not a problem yeah I like that I like that a lot I like my little Barn looking home even if it did just get blown up by a creeper I like it now this is some chest storage okay I need to get as rich as possible I'm about to go mining yo look at this guy where's he going he's just flying soaring minding his own business oh he's coming to me that's insane he landed I'm gonna oh I'm gonna get him remember when you took my bread remember when you took my bread now oh I hate singles I dare you to come back down here I dare you I hate seagulls I will square up with a beach chicken any day I ain't squaring up with that thing though my God big giant Dino lizard man here we go digging straight down in modded Minecraft is actually insane gotta hear a zombie so I think it's working oh it worked block that off here for a second [Music] that was absolutely terrifying I didn't even mean to do that this is actually giving me an optical illusion I don't like it anyway I'm about to spend the next couple of hours getting as rich as possible this episode so uh yeah I hope you guys are ready for that I'm about to become stupid Rich my first bit of iron very nice very nice spend some iron to make an iron pick so we could make some more iron picks in the future we gotta spend money to make money it's simple business wait wait wait wait wait this is amethyst I need this so I need an amethyst Shard and a diamond sword and I gotta put them in a smithing table to get the sword that I want so let's try to find some diamonds foreign what the hell hey you gotta go your time's up bud did you get that chain armor at can I get some he dropped something weird hold up drop the loot bag what is a loop bag what does that do what a nugget once again find a chicken nugget in the wilderness a chicken no I can't I can't eat it I gotta keep it I gotta keep it I gotta keep the chicken nugget my cat's name is chicken nugget I have to keep this chicken nugget dude I love my little chicken nugget bro is just the greatest guy ever wait I think I could use a glow ink sack for something hold on I could use a glow ink sack for the persecutor and I just need a smithing table and an iron sword and an ink set and a glowing ink sack so let me see if I can get that real quick this isn't the sword that I want but I'm gonna make it anyway might as well cook it up since I'm waiting and what do we got in the loop bag what what yo this loot bag was a ship this loot bag was a sunken ship that's insane I can make the sword oh no no no no no no and you're dead all right iron sword and a glow ink sack to make the persecutor marks your target with glow I I don't what is this six attack damage this is five I'm definitely using this then all right what can I hit where is something at I want to hit something I'm angry I just want to take everything out I'm gonna punch this guy right in his nose that was kind of cool and if I find a spider I could actually wait I saw a couple spiders a second ago there's a spider over there oh this is sick hold on and I have an arrow oh bet then there were a couple spiders man all right nah [Music] [Music] get out of here foreign this is the worst day ever man I don't even know where I was huh why did I do that I can still see them down there oh my bro come on dude I just got back here come on you give you get off this guy dude for the love of God was that a roach where's my shield at did my shield break dude no way where's my pick no pickaxe I'll make an iron one my diamond is gone had to have been from that creeper that blew it up they blew up my bread am I gonna have to eat this chicken nugget guys I just found diamonds I'm on half a heart I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna break something I don't even know what happened look there's diamonds everywhere in this cave I'm over here mining these diamonds I look down see I'm not recording and I'm getting jumped it was insane and I don't even know what who are you wait what you got yo give me that yo give me that oh yeah give me the coal yo you got a lot of stuff what could I what else can I get from you I can get a fortune 4 pick on breaking Fort oh nah you I want you to come with me where you headed because I want to bring you back home get away from my diamonds he just look around he had to make sure that I actually just hit him he literally had to make sure I died twice in this video to some dumb stuff and another chicken nugget you better not have what's this what's this glowing oh I'm glowing I was in eight vein dude yo shout out diamandos I found the diamondification to fight if it kissedness oh oh I just killed your friend like why are you here more diamonds there are diamonds everywhere bro if I bring that Goblin with me everywhere like I'll be able to trade and and I'll never have to smell anything ever again I'll just I'll never have to do it he's going to be my little slave we as a society have moved past using slaves well I mean we really haven't we've just changed the name from slave to Citizen anyway you need to come with me I'll never have to smell anything bro I need him to come with me wait I can make my sword all right sticks two diamonds there's that and there's this oh yo massive double-edged sword this is actually kind of cool I wonder how much health it does it has 10 attack damage what's the netherright sword netherright sword has eight attack damage and a guild another they both have eight so I have a 10 attack damage sword that reloads very fast all right let's see how it does with the zombie okay it two crits a creeper but still takes a lot to hit things was it worth it was it really worth it because imma just have to keep eating dude he gave me a loot bag let's see what's in this one Frost wand what is this are you saying that I won't fall if I use this I am a frost Walker oh let me not use that sword hold up I could jump with it easily the coolest thing I've ever seen my favorite thing right now is that I don't have to go back home to do anything I can just put everything in my backpack and not have to worry about it until until I get back home the best feature is this backpack and I know there's a chest under here what we got what do we got prevent Works spores I've taken that because just in case I see an orc hey yo there's a portal I don't want to go into The Nether this episode because I feel like the nether itself should just be its own single episode like this I I put a lot in the nether I put a lot in the nether a bell project I'm breaking and efficiency I'll take the Bell why not I found a cool little mine shaft thing what's back here this is all Kabul what is back here I guess nothing this mine shaft is insane oh all right I'm gonna make the diamond pick and I'm gonna make some diamond armor let's do a chest plate and Boots because why not I'm decked out now I look sick what do I do with glow sticks what oh foreign got another one that's okay bruh wait I could make the bow that I want to make nah let's make the bow hold up it is three gold like sticks and string and now I have a natural Infinity bow which means I could just oh I could just help this thing you're joking what is that dude this thing's crazy messing with my frames a little bit too sheesh no literally who built this discover the renovated mine shafts with hidden rooms there's hidden rooms where the rooms at hey yo where the Roomba I feel like this is one of these hidden rooms foreign another bundle wait oh my so what do I how do I get everything out of it uh oh that makes perfect sense that's awesome this makes no sense at all I'm lying are you running okay oh my God he was running what just happened could somebody please tell me what just happened I see no signs of Foul Play I don't know what just happened no signs of Foul Play involved if we could just move past the situation that'd be great oh lapis okay so it's just a room of lapis very nice what's this arrows oh my so cool these glow sticks are awesome look at those diamonds over there why didn't I Rush fortune 3 I don't know just came into my mind now should I do it anyway I don't really want to but am I gonna yes sir that way I'll really be able to mine right now I'm just kind of scraping the barrel all right I'm Gonna Leave the caves now on my list of things to look for it's more Villages whatever has bookshelves basically whatever has a bookshelf that's what I need I ate my last bread so oh wait is that a village I'm out of food I I should have went home but I didn't instead of oh that is not a village what is that is that a desert no don't tell me that's a desert temple are you see that's a desert temple that thing is massive bro there's no way I'm going in that what is that get away bro stay over there oh wait there's stuff back there I can see things I hope there's not like a maze or something in there mining fatigue three this is just not a good idea this is absolutely the worst idea I need a cow there's no way I'm gonna be able to do anything in here I gotta break blocks and I can't do that can somebody tell me what this means I'll even save the cord so I can come back I'm not there's no way I'm doing that right now is is the mining fatigue forever all right here we go hope my idea works foreign I did not know that there was going to be that much look at all that Redstone was there TNT the whole way down nothing what a waste of time folks oh thank God food we are not surprised that I'm excited about food there's probably rooms all over this thing oh what no way oh my foreign yet stays in one spot I'm insane I'm insane sharp four give me that I'm absolutely insane oh my I am I'm incredible another God Apple I gotta get out of here I'll fight y'all later I'm leaving I got what I needed I'm leaving is is that a scorpion I do not want to see what that thing does at all all right what did I get in this Loop bag another shipwreck that's fine that's fine I got TNT out of it what is that that is a sandstorm okay yeah nah nope there's a village bro that thing what is that ow dude I need to get out of here poison three though I know exactly what this is okay so this is the orc uh the orc Village these Orcs are very strong dude I don't even know how can I get in here oh there they are they're very strong and very fast and I wanna let me go in here first and see if there's anything in here okay so here they come yeah I'm not fighting you guys it's not happening there's no way I'm fighting you wait I got this place by myself oh yeah yup iron scraps give me them everything give it to me all Give It All all the iron scraps even if they're not scraps give me them a flame book I'll take that yes sir oh nothing okay fine how did they get in oh I see how they got in arrows Just Bounce right off of that dude good to know what what I don't want mining for the egg oh a loot bag what what is going on what foreign what is this dude what is it you too bro come here I'm not playing with these bugs dude oh man what do I have debilitating sting what does that do you know what no I won't do that to them I don't like them but I won't do that to him I'm actually lying through my teeth right now I'm doing it to them I don't care I hate these things everything want to give me a problem today I'm gonna give them a problem today how's that sound okay it seems I've been thrown in jail and big dude right here don't seem to oh what are those just running around what are these I feel like I've been traveling for years I don't want to sleep here because of my my home spawn point I should probably sleep here this is a nice little village it's just a little guy not really much to is that a castle mountain I found a castle look at this look at this dude you see this Castle dude oh they look like they mean business are these villagers I'm praying to God that they're not like the villagers or the pillagers or whatever the hell they're called praying to God these are nice Castle folk nice Medieval Times oh man ow all right table two hit me and I have diamond armor on and Diamond pants cool I'm full diamond and I have a sharp four diamond sword um you know what I should take out I should take these out too because you never know I could I could die see I almost got snuck up on that would have been terrible I feel like I'd be able to clear it if I had a little bit better gear yeah dude all right all right all righty man they really got the Gallows all right you know what let's do it foreign I'm not really worried about me it's y'all oh man now I'm worried about me bro the Golem already died so are the Golems not strong in here anymore I am confusion worst day of my life this is absolutely the worst day of my life foreign what oh my God foreign man y'all are really in jail how am I supposed to help y'all these guys aren't very nice I gotta go oh God it's the evoker yep that's definitely time to leave that that signals it is it is for sure time to go what am I gonna do with all this I don't want any of that I want to know what's in the main houses oh wait I forgot about my last thing I want the portal frame and for that I need stone bricks so you guys are actually helping me out oh they are not helping me out these guys are no help I don't even know where they're gonna come from now I knew it yes sir my shield has two durability left and and I gotta get out of here I'm being stubborn because I really want to know what's in those buildings there has to be chests in the middle buildings right three two one all right I made it in the church once alive but now twisted around it is used by mortal and men to punish their own kind foreign is it a noose genius literal genius that's me that's what they call me they call me genius guy bruh really nothing is it even worth it to look anywhere else not really super good stuff in here but it's okay lava waxed probably makes things fire resistant all right you guys are getting too loud I'm definitely taking these books I need these I just realized my desktop audio was off that entire time bruh oh I can make gaps I basically looted the entire place I just need these last few bookshelves and then I'm out all right the village is that way and I gotta go that way to get back home they really made sure nobody's getting out of here too like they locked that all off man wow they even have people patrolling oh
Channel: Cxlvxn
Views: 512,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RLCraft, minecraft, cxlvxn, calvin minecraft, cxlvxn minecraft, minecraft smp, survival, RL, Craft, SMP, Hardcore
Id: riB3Sbsfc0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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