I Fought Every Stage 5 Dragon in Minecraft Hardcore

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don't please stop dragon oh my God [Music] I am tired of dragons so I started a new hardcore world this time we're on oh a village we are on a newer version with almost all of the RO Craft mods installed and there's a couple things I want to do in this video first things first we robbed the villagers second okay so Diamond pants yo he's rich as let's sit and let's talk for a second you remember my last video you remember day 95 right oh my god dude I can't where am I gonna go bro oh my God yeah I'm very familiar with day 95 so listen I'm going to defeat every type of stage 5 Dragon there is and I'm gonna get the eggs hatch my own dragon and make a weapon for each of them viewers of the 60 Vixen Channel I know you have never seen a Lightning Dragon before from me I don't even know how to fight one of them bro what but today we're going to beat a lightning dragon and a nice dragon and a fire dragon and I'm going to have little dragon babies too you know not like Donkey from Shrek I mean like I'm gonna use the eggs and hatch my own drag you you understand I'm thinking that I should actually get ready to fight these dragons and get all prepared and then come back I know you guys have seen the heroes origin story 20 times first things first we get wood yeah watch this oh my God what is that hey we got a diamond pick let's go I need to goes for it yo we found the boat let's go this boat is stacked this is so sick so oh my God yo look at this oh a globe oh my God it spins and it tells you your chords that's actually amazing oh I hate the jungle yeah buddy we in the nether give me all that gold fair trade for these piglets I'll give them their money four ender pearls last thing we need is some glaze fries all right let's get out of here we're going to the end we're almost in the end let's go where the Ender hose at I mean Enderman head wait that sounded so wrong let me grab this XP and the Egg and then we gotta go get the elytra [Music] our wings get out the way here we got new wings okay now that you're all caught up let's really get into the video I know I did a whole bunch of things in like a short amount of time but I we still got a whole bunch to do before we even kill a dragon so let me show you guys what I got so I don't have a house yet or a base but I have all of this I know it looks like a lot but hear me out it's not at all I have nothing I am broke the best thing in here is the globe but we do have like 56 dragon bones and um I didn't oh I didn't kill any dragons yet they were just dead dragons that I found in the deserts but what I need to do is go grab some books for enchanting I don't think I I don't think I have any so I guess let's just let's go do that I have alluding two and a sharp three book though which is shoo damn bro every time I go to the end I always forget to put a Way Stone in the in the stronghold I'm so annoying I hate myself how do you guys deal with me how do you guys watch my videos I would be screaming at the screen right now if I was y'all you probably do scream at the screen I'm not sorry a few minutes later hello Mr stronghold did you miss me probably not all I did was come in here and steal I am convinced libraries just do not exist in better strongholds that's just that's it oh I haven't even told you what kind of weapons I want to make yet originally I was only going to make scythes but I think I should make a different weapon for each Dragon so whenever we kill a dragon we'll figure out what weapon we're making definitely making a scythe for one of them though these are so fire I think that would be epic awesome amazing and maybe even a little bit of Swag what is oh wait this is the library let's go piercing protection too feather falling for I'll take it oh my God I don't care about Quick Charge reading books libraries it's all boring oh oh they need to stop putting chests around if they're not gonna put anything in them okay I was not scared I don't even know what you guys are saying anymore whatever it is it ain't true shut up get on my face I might turn this into my house damn they got him trapped where are they I am breaking and entering right now [Music] why is nobody home I am disturbingly scared right now y'all are broke oh my God they're actually broke can I go save this villager villager thank God today you are not a dragon because who would have been Sol my friend I'm gonna shoot now let's shoot them what's good slice yo I found a dead Dragon which one is this probably an ice dragon yeah give me all your bonials stage three ice dragon what is that whole bunch of meats over there yes sir what y'all know about Mis what do you all know about me y'all don't know nothing about Mis and don't ever tell me y'all know something about me because I know y'all lying fibbing telling stories oh what excuse me gentlemen do you know where any good real estate is um just going that way yeah that way oh this way yeah Mom thank you I appreciate you yeah man no problem I love me I love them so much you lying ass moose I feel like I'm on that show naked and afraid but I'm in Minecraft and I'm not naked or afraid what is this ah it's a portal nothing Village we got somewhere to stay maybe I'll make one of these places my house I really don't want my house in a snow biome that that's just my issue yeah I'm not saying here I'm gonna find another Village okay you know what I've been running for a very long time and I'm over it all of it snow everything snow so I'm gonna try to make my way back around this way um and see what I can come across but uh I'm all the way up here so yeah I'm finally out of the ice mountains and Ice planes I'm so happy at least I know where these biomes are though because this will come in handy like crazy when I look for the ice dragons but we still need somewhere to live so that's what I'm looking for get off the bed huh yo what is this thing oh oh I love eat and rest traveler we've got you covered yo oh oh so this is this is heaven basically I love it here I love this this is where I will live this is exactly where I will live because I am nowhere near creative enough to make a house on the first day or the first video and we got an enchantment table let's go we are so close to getting revenge on dragons and then getting my own personal Dragon yo come on Prop 4 Unbreaking three man here we go nice I'll take prop 3 on the legs and prop 4 on the chest not too bad I should be able to handle damage pretty well now should I do power four I guess I can do a Power four for this power four Unbreaking three nice you know what I'ma Do It I'm lucky oh my God dude I'm stacked maybe maybe I didn't think this through all the way how am I supposed to fight a dragon right if I don't have a flying Mount do you know how hard it is to kill these dragons it is it's terrible I'll be sitting here all day Maybe not maybe not definitely putting feather falling on my boots no way imma fall out the sky and break my ankles I'm too lazy to see if this mod is actually in the mod pack but I'm gonna see if I can hatch my um my Ender Dragon if this doesn't work I'm gonna look so stupid but it is what it is you know what I'm done being scared we're gonna go we're gonna go find some dragons okay that is not a dragon get out of here what are you leave be gone demon making me waste my arrows okay how strong is this thing I have a power four four heads dude what's wrong with it is it growing head eight head there are eight heads now do they all have a brain do they talk to each other what is this I have so many questions why are there eight heads on this thing I got no hits on that thing and it gave me poison four one two three four five six seven eight nine heads I think that's some scary stuff going on here oh I hate those things as long as they stay away from me I don't have no complaints okay I have one complaint and it's this fly get out of here yeah what nasty I've passed so many of these houses and I haven't gone in one mainly because I'm just I have dragons on my mind but maybe it wouldn't hurt to go in this one this one looks like some kind of blacksmith shop yeah yeah I'll be taking all of the oh oh yeah iron block yeah no way bigger insane you see that do y'all see that that has to be a fire dragon and I think he sees me okay side note that flying animation looks amazing stop don't please stop dragon [Music] oh my God [Music] oh my God he's still chasing me that was kind of crazy ouch how am I gonna do this it's just it's not gonna work how am I still getting lit on fire if I'm underwater Oh they could swim I've played UHC Dragon I play SG you are not catching me I'm gone completely forgot I had a fire resistance pod I have three minutes to kill this dragon [Music] oh my God oh never mind he's dead he's he's big Dead Oh Mr fire dragon I need your blood damn wait that means I didn't get any scales oh is that a woodland Mansion just out in the open I'm supposed to be looking for Dragons but like I can't pass up some totems where are y'all at I hear so many of them but don't see the person I need there he is totem number one bro this Mansion only gave me two totems like what what is this what kind of rich people are you I continued exploring for more dragons I found a ruined portal and then I got chomped on by an alligator unhand me Beast let go of me alligators everywhere bro what you looking at Fat Head do not come over here bro oh great not only do I have to fight the Cyclops there's also a dragon over there yo on God bro do not come over here now we can't see good I should be able to focus on the dragon now what is wrong with it why isn't it attacking me I'm scared I'm lagging just wants to eat me eat me maybe I should have went with five maybe I should have went with fire resistance right [Music] there has just got to be an easier way to do this there is definitely an easier way to do this I'm going to the nether right now to get some fire resistance potions because there's no way I'm fighting fire Dragons without them I actually spawned in a really good spot because there's a fortress around me there's a whole bunch of Magna cubes in here so I can get the magma cream and then I can head to the Fortress to get all of the Netherwood that I'll need I'm gonna pretend like I knew what I was doing when I was making these potions and that I didn't look them up on the wiki like I do every single time it's just you know I made fire resistance potions look at this guy virus yeah I found the dragon let's go oh this one's a green one pretty big shoot fire if you have fire resistance just as a slap in the face got him nice why is he vibrating what was wrong with you all right 18 scale is not bad I hate these birds I knew I was gonna have to deal with them I was just hoping it wasn't going to be in this episode yeah you better run scram get out of here I found another green dragon what the oh my God he's gonna grab me oh such an awkward spot to fight that was a very nice kill of the overgrown winged lizard I wouldn't say these dragons are hard to kill but I know that the Stage 5 Dragon is probably gonna be way harder to kill than these things how unfortunate this guy is just not gonna see what's coming uh should I should I intervene nah bro I'm helping the Cyclops I should give them fire resistance how am I taking damage I drank a fire resistance I don't get how I'm taking damage I gotta run underground so that I can eat oh my God I have like a minute and 20 seconds left to fire resistance kill that Cyclops yo if he didn't kill the Cyclops that's actually crazy got him this one's kind of pretty that was a huge stage three I have so many scales oh my God oh all right dude all right okay all right yo land please land [Music] I'm sorry to whoever's house this is oh I'm gonna get caught [Music] I have no arrows [Music] oh he's dead I have 10 arrows but that's not enough another stage three so far we've killed like four or five stage three dragons most of them were Emerald one of them was bronze um I think it's time to find a stage five now but first we have to go back home okay we are back at the base this is everything we collected from the fire dragons we killed so what I'm gonna do now is make some dragon armor and then we're gonna make a disenchantment table so for that I'm gonna need gold so I gotta make an enchanting table there we go I don't even know how this works oh so if I okay this is how it works so I can basically put all of my enchants on my uh on my dragon armor so let's do that real quick one two three I don't know how I didn't notice this but you can actually take all of the enchants off the helmet just by using more books look at this oh my God it actually gave me all the pro yo it gave me all the prod needed some more XP so I killed a couple animals and then I started enchanting my dragon armor I'm back at zero levels and I don't have an Ender Dragon to boost my levels again damn but you know what we are stacked and I think it's about time we go find a stage five fire dragon so yeah I will be back once I find it oh hey dude what's good with you owie you killed my buddy ow the trick with this guy is to wait until he slams his head into the ground and then hit the diamond sword on his back that's how you kill big metal man [Music] thank God Jesus I'm out here looking for a dragon not Tony Stark that guy actually made me pop a totem that's while out looking for the stage five fire dragon I found another one just destroying a village I started fighting this one without drinking a fire resistance potion that didn't even realize but I got lucky and he didn't hurt me so that was cool get handled big man get handled trapped by the very Village you tried to destroy yeah isn't that Karma okay look so I'm exploring these caves right now all right look so I'm exploring these caves right now and there's a ferris rotnot right in front of me right I was going that way and then you know I got a little distracted by this guy so I opened up my map and I moved down a little bit and boom that that's a stage five Dragon right there this is definitely a stage five Dragon so I don't really have to kill this guy again so I don't really care about him we are like right next to a stage five Dragon so let's go handle this guy okay oh my God here we go foreign you could try to escape all you want big dude I'm not letting you and you better pray to God you're a female dragon because if not I'm Coming For the Rest again I'm so sorry please be a female I killed I killed it that fast no way why do I feel like this dragon's just gonna get up and be like psych gotcha foreign let's go Mother of Dragons just call me Daddy all right that should be it for the fire dragon I guess I gotta find a couple ice dragons and then the stage five ice dragon right my armor hasn't even taken a beating yet damn I'm not gonna hatch this egg until I come back because I want to hatch them all at the same time so when I get an ice dragon and a Lightning Dragon that's when you'll get to see the baby dragon and then we'll pick from those three which ones we want to be our pet wait I almost forgot I have to make the weapon the flamed dragon bone scythe dragon bone Scythe grab a bottle of fire dragon blood and then we put them together like this yo nah let's go all right we're gonna disenchant this and then enchant this yeah hey yo this is so sick who wants to be my first victim that looked like it hurt 2 000 hits this thing has two thousand durability God damn okay so I've been exploring the ice part of my map and I actually found a Stage 5 Dragon but I don't want to kill him yet I don't want to fight this one yet I want to fight a couple a couple normal stage three stage two stage three ice dragons how do you even fight an ice dragon like is it smart to is it smart to use fire weapons it probably is I should probably put fire aspect on this bow yo I found my first ice dragon holy oh my God it sees me already dude how am I gonna kill how am I supposed to kill this thing I'm in its element [Applause] this one looks really nice I don't want to kill it oh I'm sorry buddy I'm sorry I didn't get the damn it I didn't get his blood oh okay your breath stinks but that's all right let me out no I'm not fighting that guy I'm not doing it it's not happening you can't make me nope come on big fella okay this guy's actually attacking what am I supposed to do against this what do I do against this what do I do against this get back get back get back get back go away oh you're not that scary super scary [Music] come here you're going down dragon I just fought an ice dragon with my bare hands weight before I collect my stuff do not want to forget going to need some of your juice that's fine what the hell was that I came from in there no thank you where did this dragon come from isn't there a nest or something because I swear I've been here before maybe it was like maybe it was small I've been running into a whole bunch of small dragons but I'm definitely not putting them in the video because it's just I I three hit them and I don't want to count that as a dragon kill hi they look so cute I love them oh stay back there stay back you don't want the smoke you know what I want the smoke you run up on me I'ma run up on you sir word since you want to fight what's up then run it stop playing with me man I am the Omega what is that UFO up there what is that looks like a phoenix or something oh I'm not scared of you go over here all right I'm still not scared of you what is he doing yo this thing might actually kill me never mind good night I think it's time we fight the stage five Dragon I think I think I'm ready I just I think I'm ready how many arrows do I have 50 50 is not enough damn here we go are they like stuck in the caves now because I remember they used to just body themselves out unless this guy just can't do it for some reason I don't know yo big guy that's the ceiling your opponent oh is down here oh what is happening okay he's biting his way through things like I said he would okay I'm eating this and I'm going in my hand's not on my keyboard wait I only have a diamond longbow oh my God he's right on top of me I mean she I hope it's a she please be a sheep I want your egg give me the egg please don't leave we will have big problems if you leave this game oh my God it's left the cave no no it's gonna be impossible to kill now oh I killed it yay we killed the dragon bruh let's go we killed a stage five ice dragon no probi no probie oh my Lord and look at y'all y'all could never take down this Beast me I took this Beast Down it looks even better during the day amazing look at this let me get all up in that yup Moment of Truth didn't have an egg oh it did not have an egg damn it did not gave me so many scales though oh my God I found another one was good big guy yeah you ain't leaving you're stuck in the den with the Beast no Mister it's me I'm Beast should be super slippery too he shouldn't be able to get close to me you can shoot all that ice you want big guy you're coming with me oh [Applause] okay I got one hit it doesn't want me to get any hits It's Gonna it's gonna kill me this thing might actually kill me this one's going to kill me oh my God dude oh my God oh my God I didn't have any gaps in my inventory I'm such an idiot please be a female dragon bruh so they hate me oh wait I beat two stage fours damn wait I don't think I beat two stage fours I think one of them was already dead if I did even kill a stage four I I don't know yo look at how much stuff I got from these dragons this is insane and now it is time to make the weapon for the stage five ice dragon maybe I'll make maybe I'll make the bow yep I'm making the bow and then I'm gonna turn it into the ice dragon bone bow perfect oh my God yup let's enchant the bow we got power five flame and Unbreaking on an ice bow what flame but you know what it is what it is and I'm using it this is amazing I have the iced white dragon egg and I have the fire red dragon egg amazing okay where do I find a Lightning Dragon if you guys are using this minimap mod and you want a little life hack turn your render distance all the way up Let the game load and you'll just find whatever you're looking for and if anybody calls it cheating you're ugly ugly and stinky most likely you gotta understand I don't have 20 hours to record on these videos and I've been playing Spider-Man that gives you a mini map I just you know I I'm doing it I'm using it get off my butt cheeks I read that lightning dragons are nocturnal so they'd be up at night while all the other dragons are snoozing and this guy is definitely awake at night wait this is a fire dragon you lied to me I thought you were a Lightning Dragon damn you damn you you want my fire dragon flesh okay I'll eat one and then you guys you guys can have one hopefully they don't catch on fire [Music] how what just immune yo buddy what happened to you who killed you who did you like this oh it's a Lightning Dragon they don't really look much different than the fire dragons I don't think [Music] oh they got the three spikes I guess huh do I have an ice skull on me no I don't all right so I'm exploring the caves looking for a Stage 5 Lightning Dragon trying to make my way back to the base and look at this wait is this A Dragon's Nest what the what oh my God what I didn't even see this guy he was probably watching me the entire time this is not a good place to be fine a stage five Lightning Dragon already bro what [Music] [Applause] [Music] what am I supposed to do against this he's flying in caves [Music] there are big words on your own time please just don't die in the in the lava I gotta put water down dude the Lightning Dragon is so scary [Music] I killed it I killed it I killed it I killed it I didn't even get the dude I couldn't find any of the regular lightning dragons that's fine I guess oh my God Lightning Dragon Blood that's so cool all right let's uh let's get his scaliers hopefully they don't burn was it a female I don't think it was a female oh no it was a female yo I am having a great time I am I'm just having a fantastic time doesn't look like I got much from this Lightning Dragon but that's just because I killed a single stage five a little bit upsetting but it's fine I still got the blood in the egg so listen we are working with everything we are just in business right now we are so back attach these eggs what do I need for them I think I need to make a dragon's horn how do you make a dragon horn bones and a stick cool easy enough bones and a stick bones and a stick one two and I need one more earth-shattering Roar say less you know that from like Alex the Lion you know what I'm saying yeah Madagascar it's my movie my goat movie I got three dragon horns I can put all three in one and I think I need a dragon staff a skull and two stickifications I have that I'm definitely gonna use the lightning dragons wait where's the skull where's the where's the stage five skull now I just feel like a goofball I think I only need one of these now how do we how do we hatch these eggs oh my God this thing is here dude yo maybe I can kill it now so in order to hatch our dragons they need like specific things the fire dragon has to be surrounded by fire obviously you know it's kind of that's just what happens the ice dragon I think I have to surround it nice but for the Lightning Dragon the Lightning Dragon has to be hatched in rain so I I as soon as it rains I gotta go outside and I gotta put the dragon egg down just like how I'm trying to put down this 19-headed snake you know what we're reaching the end of the video and if you've made it this far then you you obviously like something about me so if you want to continue to support me and the channel check out the links in the description I got some pretty cool lunar cloaks that I know you guys will like all right shut up enjoy the end of the video I cut her head off bro it's on five health oh my God I'm gonna die wait he's back down to one head finally and they get nothing from that I took two gaps to kill yo I hate that thing whatever it is I hate it snako with many heads okay while you guys sit back and relax I'm gonna go do some wait I actually don't have to go anywhere yoink definitely needs some Dragon meal I basically have everything I need to hatch these dragons but I gotta go out and get some more food so I can make like eight Dragon meal I I don't even know if that's enough thank God I got looting on this Scythe because I'd be sitting here all day okay um I have 17 Dragon meal oh my God wait it's raining hold up okay he's in the rain um let's get these two going because I kind of want them to all hatch at the same time and I'll put this guy in water like that I think that has to turn into ice wait why are Phantoms out I've been sleeping put this guy inside I guess hopefully fire spread isn't on oh this guy's hatching too let's go I definitely want the Lightning Dragon this guy's getting all the dragon meal these two can grow on their own he's getting the dragon meal dude I can't believe I almost forgot I'm gonna try to make the dragon bone halberd real quick so let's do no bruh no I have to wait until it rains again no dragon bone halberd Lightning Dragon Bone halberd halberdier did I hear a dragon oh what did she take she took some kind of block I don't know get in here thank you yup my fire dragon is a female dragon look at this thing how nice reminds me of my cat Koji I call him toe jam are you hatched yet oh my God where is it no where is it wait there it is yo what's up with you oh my God I look amazing Dragon man now we just have to wait for this guy I I really want that guy you go in there you go in here get these two are now in their horns and now I just have to wait for it to rain again yay three days later it's raining again so let's put the dragon down and hopefully it'll hatch this time please don't bait me please hey Calvin what'd you do today you know nothing watched an egg dance in the rain for 10 minutes ah oh you look amazing you're purple yo eat this okay this guy's a little too big for my shoulders that's a GG in my book that's easy peasy lemon squeezy and it stopped raining just in time perfect but there you go I got all three types of the Dragons oh my God he looks so dude this guy looks amazing you mean to tell me this is what this guy looked like when I walked up on him down there up in the caves and everything I just I can't get over it leave a like And subscribe if you're new and I will see you all in the next video bye bye guys
Channel: Cxlvxn
Views: 554,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RLCraft, minecraft, cxlvxn, calvin minecraft, cxlvxn minecraft, minecraft smp, survival, RL, Craft, SMP, Hardcore
Id: qpJKAU5T-0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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