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do you guys talk about our all craft is hard look at this i'm winning what you gonna do big guy what you gonna do if you didn't know apparently there was an update for ro craft that made the mod pack even harder than it was before back in 2019 when i first started the auro craft series i had literally no idea what to do or how to win i knew nothing and now that it's 2022 we're in a new year i still know nothing i read a whole bunch of comments saying you guys wanted me to try this so here i am i hope i don't randomly get struck by lightning again that was horrible i think about that almost every day this is the hardest rl craft yet if you guys do enjoy please leave a like here let's set a light goal this time let's go for let's go for 12 000 likes and i'll upload episode 2. anyway i think i've rambled on long enough i hope you guys are excited as i am and ready for this series you know what i don't even know what i expected playing this game i spawned in a ravine how am i supposed to get out looks like i'm gonna be collecting dirt this is amazing this is this is the greatest game ever i love this mod pack more than life itself i swear i wonder what i should do for my first episode maybe get some enchants i know i gotta level up again bro i gotta do this again i'm gonna do it better this time i think i think maybe this time i'm actually gonna build and and get some stuff done go a different route instead of the tide guardian armor and golem armor maybe let's try to get some dragon steel armor this is the series something i don't know whoa something down there i'm not staying down here no i'm not staying down here i'm leaving what is that thing what is that what is that thing where are the yetis what is this that is this not a yeti are you mean you look like a big giant dog um crazy what does he do what does this do oh all right listen these are this is just not a good biome i might have to restart this is this is just oh maybe i don't have to restart hello let me into the end you know what actually this might be a good place to stay i actually i think that there's yeah there's some stuff in this harry potter room i like it i'm a fan of it chain skirt bro these skirts are actually really funny look at this i'm wearing a skirt oh we got a bow this is good okay why am i burning burning you're clearly freezing to death okay listen i died to hypothermia it was my first attempt okay it was my first attempt give me cut me some slack if i could get a game with a good spawn that'd be amazing i think that i think that i could rule the world with a good spawn no joke i think i could do that bad spawn after dumb death after bad spawn you know you kind of get a little tired but i'm not gonna give up oh wait is this a good spawn just when all hopes seemed to be lost i had finally found the right seed all right let's get ready to die to a mob oh this is a great spawn this is amazing this is a fantastic spawn i went exploring around this village getting my basic necessities i climbed a tower in one of the village buildings and i got a bow some armor and some arrows it's so important to have a bow and arrows early game you can keep everything coming at you that wants to murder you away and it's not like it's really hard to get the bow either you only need two agility look at this i found a crown in one of these chests yes i am king of this world would you believe this they put locks on these chests i'm assuming this is how you can't cheese the battle tower anymore top chests probably have locks on them coming to this realization i'm actually kind of upset when you find a village in rl craft it's pretty easy to get started i walked over to the market area and stole all the wood out of these people's chests i didn't steal this stuff it's borrowed i don't have the intention of giving it back but it's borrowed okay i crafted my stone pickaxe and immediately started tearing down a village home listen if there's cobble around there's no way a mining stone for rocks and then turning it into cobble it's just no oh man why is it snowing it should not be snowing here right now forever after it should not be snowing snow means mobs snow means snow means dark don't like don't like don't like don't like do not like dislike this i do not like when it's night time i need a clock bro i need a clock one is night time ow is that ice bro oh i'm gonna make a boat um what else should i make i should put this bed down because it's sunny outside now all right somebody's got some bipolar weather here's the plan for the video now we are going to level up defense attack and mining to eight and then we are going to sleep or not because this guy showed up oh thank god i'm good at dodging god i'm good at dodging holy now that that's out of the way because we slept we can get on to the next thing as i was saying before i was so rudely interrupted by that guy we have to get the defense eight attack eight and mining eight we also need a place to live and i'm gonna need a better weapon than a stone sword so yeah that's what we're gonna work on today to get some of this coal i'm so nervous to mine anything because everything pops out of whatever shout out to lycanites no way that's turkey no way you're coming with me come on you're coming with me mr turkey we need to go find a place to live and you're gonna be happy and healthy and you're gonna be with me forever i don't make the rules i'm sorry mr turkey i think that maybe i will possibly live here right here on this land right here because it's very far away from everything and i feel safe and i'm gonna keep mr turkey safe by putting him in this cross down here where oh come here you you stay in there and you don't move because you can't move um here here's an obsidian block for you you can have that but that's all you can have and here's an apple okay this is where i will live right here is where i will live and stay and be myself this is where i will be so the plan for this is to have some kind of like underground little bunker thing that i can run into i think i usually start off underground more than anything so uh that's what i'm gonna do here there's also a lot more arrows in there first before i do anything i'm leveling up to agility too so that i can use this bow i don't think i want something like that thing running up towards me so it's gotta go yeah no you whoa yeah no you gotta go we're gonna mine up some surface coal and get a few xp levels um this might be one of the quickest ways for right now i think i'm gonna take my time on this series and kind of like you know kind of be a little laid back i want to build i've been getting kind of into building a little bit and getting a little bit better at what i'm doing don't get me wrong i'm still horrible at building but you know we're getting there we're getting there that's why i chose this place too it's relatively flat and i can see around you know how it is last thing i want to do is get snuck up on by a dragon that's that's the last thing i need all right we got mining up to three now i'll take some of this cobblestone too because i don't feel like mining stone for rocks what is in the sky what is that bro what what just spawned up there maybe i'm asking the wrong question it's probably not what is that it's who is that oh god all right it's it's a big thing probably some kind of floating village thingy that i don't understand and probably never will all right i'm gonna need a better sword than the stone sword i'ma just need something way better than a stone sword wait can we get mining for oh my god look we got mine e4 all right we're good we're good mining four we can get some iron ore oh wait that's bars mine and four uh hey yo finn get some iron ore hey yeah hey okay iron on the floor how to level up two level four to minus iron ore hey okay hey okay let me stop yo do you see how far away i'm mining this stuff no way anything is going to jump out and hurt me there's no that's that's pretty bad that is actually very bad i don't like that i don't have any iron either it seems relatively peaceful here i i don't want to say that right now because i know that i always get proven wrong but it genuinely does seem relatively peaceful here so i might stay here for a while bro no there's got to be a way to like not have to do that there has to be a way i know there's got to be a way to not have to do this i just i don't know what i don't i just don't know what i can't cheese the system yet i don't know what it is let's get some of this maca meat hey looks like he's walking on water if you don't know makami gives you a lot of absorption hearts when it's cooked um if you didn't know that you definitely did a lot of people know that everybody knows that who am i kidding in my defense i forget very easily okay okay not get too crazy here i don't have a bed anymore the last thing i need in life is anything to spawn anything at all that's the last thing i need oh i might not make it back to the stuff nope i'm sleeping are you good turkey all right good turkey is still good very nice very nice the turkey is okay i would like to update you all i really wish that wasn't locked up there i would love to have some of the marrows do you guys think there's anything in this creepy house bro i do not want to go in there i don't know why i think i've been in this house multiple times like playing ro craft in general and i just this one looks really creepy oh see what i mean see what i'm saying that that's what i'm talking about that was like that was terrifying i hate this game with a passion i hate it so much turkey there's a rock seeds for you yeah he ate the seeds shout out to the turkey i need to start mining out uh this little area here i'm about to give you guys a little bit of a mining montage for this little house um guess who's not getting the song [Music] so [Music] you've got to be joking bro you've got to be joking go away go away get away from me i'll beat you up through this wall get away from me i hate that guy so much always whisper into my ears shut up hate that guy bro hate that guy he really wakes up in the morning to be that guy it's ridiculous never in my life in my 24 years of teaching never have i seen anything like this behavior wow i have a lot of cobble holy all i know is that i need some glass because i need to fill this up like i need i need to cover this hole i'll put everything up in here why not forget about it all right all right little sandy island not bad what's that a hot air balloon who flies these things like there's so many of them all right i need sand for the glass for the top of my thing and then i think i need some logs so i might have to go over there i was watching a video a couple days ago some guy he made a little underground thing and it had like a little tiny sunroof with a couple pieces of glass but i was like i want to make a whole roof out of glass and it would really only make sense if i did it in the ground first so you know it would be helpful i could see the dragons above me even though there's not really much i could do after that aside from probably die at this point probably die i only have full leather all right while that's melting uh let's go get some wood tempting that's very tempting i almost stopped everything i was doing to collect that iron oh i don't want to like move around too much and spawn in more chunks because things like to just spawn out of nowhere i don't want to spawn a dragon's den or anything along those lines i don't want i want to stop moving i just want to stay in this area for right now something bad is going to happen i feel it you can't change my mind i'm getting a little nervous you almost got hit by that tree lady you better move next time for really it's dangerous out here in these streets i actually forgot how pretty this modpack is i i love it i love it what are you hey wait what is that no way that's the house i think it is oh that's a good house that is a very good house almost kind of makes me want to ditch my hole over there no no i'm going to stick with me building it i'm going to stick cow listen i'm going to stick with me building my own house that's what i'm going to do it's just going to be me you too mr cal it'll be me and you and i guess whoever wants to party okay let me go back there let's level up attack just once after this i'm gonna go try to get some levels uh when i'm done getting the base down of this house you know i might be i i genuinely think i'm on to something here can i tell you guys something i didn't even measure the blocks how how wide it is i i didn't measure any of this i don't know how deep it is i just i i'm just building i'm just building can't say the same for most of the people playing this mod pack for real shots are being fired send them at who you would i'm joking i'm joking the more pics i go through the more heartbreak i receive hi nymph see i swear some things are alive because it looked at me right when i said something to it it didn't look at me the entire time until i said hi to see i don't like things like that that's all cooking up let's head on over to this village maybe i can find something that gives me levels in here or something hello village a whole bunch of bread thank god this actually seems like a really nice village it's too bad i'm gonna have to steal from it guys check this out look at this i can play the piano spoiler alert nothing in that village gave me anything good or anything with levels so i went back to building my house now that i got some stone bricks i can kind of see what it would look like if i were to do that so let's go ahead and do that really quick low-key kind of starting to feel like i'm in jail a little bit but that's fine i'm actually kind of having fun planning out this little house thingy i feel like i should have gotten way more stone than this weapon where's all my stone at what happened i think i turned it in the cobble pretty sure i turned it into cobble i think i'm gonna make this floor birch planks because i love the way birch planks look in this version just know that at one point in minecraft's life birch planks were the only way to go bruh i am so tired of stone pickaxes i need to really start working on getting other stuff i forgot i had so much wheat oh my god bro i forgot i have bread that'll literally last me for days well it looks like a little jail cell in the ground and i don't i don't necessarily like that i'm not that big of a fan of that okay right now i need to go out exploring and i need to find some stuff to help me win the game because i have nothing right now and i'm gonna need some stuffing because i oh wow wait stuffing wow yum thanksgiving all right let's stop talking about food turkey i won't lie to anybody here i am very nervous to leave this turkey alone is it summer time i always forget that you have to take your armor off in order to like cool off in this game now all right this lava has to go please god give me strength please ro craft gods give me strength i don't know who or what i just killed but i killed something you gotta go you are bad business is this thing 100 how do i do damage to you why don't you taking damage [Applause] wow so arrows really don't work on everything um that's a very upsetting i'm actually living a very long time in this world right now and i'm happy this might not seem like a long time to you guys but this is a very long time that is really a far drop um i let my curiosity get the best of me and i couldn't help myself but to climb up this waterfall what is this place what is this place bro i'm scared i'm gonna get hit by one of them elemental things [Applause] dude this is like a hobbit hole i have decided that this should not be up here it should be down there and if this was down there i probably would be living in the food of course i'm taking the bread because you know that's all i'm making baby that's all i'm making all right let me stop bro there's so much food up here i'm about to keep this as the bread bank now i'm gonna bring this all with me i'm gonna bring it all down there because i can't live up here it's too oh for the turkey i got name tag for the turkey and a name tag for another turkey when i find one that kind of sounded like a video game thing oh locked i guess i'll have to find another way in oh i could be a voice actor i was about to say chat where am i going but i am not streaming so this must be the dining area no that doesn't really look like a dining area is this outside no i don't want to go outside yet i want to go this way [Music] all right now that i got everything out of there um i think it's safe to go back down now where did i think and i'm gonna level up defense all right i leveled up mining a little bit and i love it up defense let's get the hell out of here oh i love how water works in this game bro that place had so much food i just went grocery shopping in the island in the sky all right i think it's time to make a stronger weapon uh let's do this i think that this is how you make this thing what is it um no i want one with good stuff sweeping 20 attack speed and i have reached distance cool i think has nine attack damage right out the wazoo but so does a stone act so what's the point all right i think i'm gonna go over to that house that i saw earlier let's cook some of this food this talking about food right now is actually making me hungry i am genuinely getting hungry from talking about food in minecraft talking about my craft food turtle turtle turkey what did i say turkey's name is turtle hey you guys decide you could leave a name for him in the comments let me know now that i'm thinking about it i can scratch off almost two things on my list of things to do this episode i made the better weapon which is this halberd by the time i get the uh attack up i should be able to make another one but out of iron i basically already have a house and a place to sleep i bet you guys didn't know about this nah i'm sure you all knew about it i know you are all smarter than me i almost died now bro all these arrows oh that's very annoying next episode i'm going to research how to uh how to pick locks in minecraft oh my god thank ho god my god okay wait eight mining eight attack eight defense okay um let's bump up magic too so i can heal wow that xp tone bro wow that was that was literally all it took was that xp tone to get what i needed golden apple juice i i don't think that this works yeah i'm stealing from you what you gonna do about it nathan you gonna do nathan about it a little bit of gathering for a fishing rod i think i need four for that and agility can go up oh i should probably make something that uh kind of points it out a little bit more than it just being wood on the ground i want to know what this golden apple juice does i should have known i basically did everything that i i wanted to do but i feel like i'm not done yet i think i'm gonna set up a room down here for the enchanting table and then we'll see what happens from there [Music] yeah yeah i like that i like that in there i'm gonna need you to stay down there oh you're stuck in here wow i feel like i'm playing hcf right now that's cool that's funny another way stone right next to a village whoa whoa birch chest i'll make that the cobble chest because who cares about kabul it'll be in the worst looking chest ever yes phenomenal that can be food i don't care that looks like a food chest anyway that's wood this doesn't really look like a cobble chat okay i'm thinking way too much about it me and turkey we're really living down here we are we're really doing it this is us you guys are about to see our story i'm gonna need some lure for this world too i'm gonna need a whole bunch of stuff and things before this episode ended i still wanted to explore a little bit more i made a new halberd this time out of iron and then i made a full set of iron armor don't want don't want don't need okay let's go exploring look at this guy this guy is massive holy bro is that a cyclops then no that's definitely a cyclops then it has to be oh yes it is guess what i'm killing today oh i'm about to murder me a cyclops it's a rat literally only have a stack of arrows and this guy could probably one tap me can they step over the fences is that allowed uh maybe not not so tough guy you know i kind of feel bad for doing this you let the sheep of them go ridiculousness you are a mean person oh that was scary my last resort of help is going to be my water bucket if he somehow gets out of there oh sh okay so okay so you can get out of there you're just choosing not to all right so you're you're an issue then you are you are actually an issue you have issues too big guy with one eye you have a lot of issues oh man thank god he can't get out bro are you nodding your head yes you you want me to kill you is that what this is okay he wants to die this guy gotta go yeah your eye where is it gone can you still see me why can he still see me i shot his eye he's dead no he's dead yeah i'm sorry buddy it's over for you do you have any last words my friend did you just try to kick me even on his deathbed maniac maniac a guy was a maniac my computer is having a heart attack but i was walking and i saw these fall down from the sky right in front of me and i think there's like two more somewhere else i think it's iron armor and uh ah there's an iron armor and there's the chain armor uh they just fell from that building all the way up there and i know that there's some stuff in there but i don't think i want to get it i think i just want to take this armor oh god that's gross you see on the upper hand if i come out of this dungeon alive i will have return scrolls or or uh recall potions and i can come back home but if i don't come out alive i lose my first episode and eventually probably shrivel up and cry because these take this game is so hard i don't have any light oh that's kind of light okay well that was just dumb of me i thought i could throw it and the dynamic lighting would oh that's a bad guy down there that is a very bad dude another one bro i'm so scared
Channel: Cxlvxn
Views: 893,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RLCraft, minecraft, cxlvxn, calvin minecraft, cxlvxn minecraft, minecraft smp, survival, RL, Craft, SMP, Hardcore
Id: nbDzhdrQ4J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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