Dumpster Diving at Apartments - Christmas Decor, Kitchen Stuff, and More!

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what's up it is potentially day one of College move out we are out here at some apartment complexes we've driven through the campus and they don't have the big hallay dumpsters up and ready yet but we've seen a lot of students carrying stuff out of the dorm rooms so we're getting very excited we're not sure how much we'll find today if it's going to be crazy if it's just going to be a normal dive but we are out here and we can't wait to see what we find was there anything in this one I it doesn't look like it yeah a little empty on the first one it did rain last night which is a little bit unfortunate it did but do what you do nothing at the very first stop y'all but we're so excited to be out here y'all know this is like the craziest time of the year for us as dumpster divers so we're excited to bring you along with us all right this one looks like a lot of trash is kind of blown around so grab it up oh a wet wet McDonald's bag Cheetos okay slim pickings is kind of slim one more thing okay recycle empty well there we go nothing there we moving on oh it is not a false alarm stor bins oh yeah you already know it's College mve out the first one of the Year wow and it's full of little secret odds and ins okay yeah absolute remarkable fine yes all right one of 50 yep there we go first one of the year and stuff in there too oh there is this little ottoman is has some catfur but it can be cleaned up H I say that in the light of day I see a lot more stains on it but oh what you got I don't know but it's a big old bag I like the bag obviously it's for a Christmas tree oh it's more big old bags find more bags and inside this bag come on more more bags oh a beautiful of blue bulbs those are beautiful okay it was Christmas all along oh it's got water down in there that's okay we'll have to dry it out yeah I feel like a lot of stuff we find might have to get dried out now oh there's another bag of bulbs on this side oh that was it what was in there too silver beautiful silver and blue that's a good theme it's a good theme it's a great theme great them great them now I kind of do want to take this cooler yeah it seems pretty nice actually yeah with the lid and what's in it just one bag oh and look how the lid hinges yeah that's a pretty nice liade I'm actually very familiar with life made coolers shout out gome cones days shout out gome cones days okay and then this bag yeah I saw did you see that thing this yeah I think I did see that that thing you think I think I did that's a scratcher oh how used up is it not that used not that used at all bones would definitely scratch that we've never tried them with a round one oh they were kind of doing that's like a Christmas scratcher Valentine scratcher this one's a little bit beaten yeah seen it's better days a cat bed do you think that would wash yes worth a try let me sniff it you sniff it while I look in here here's us this is our job Zod age 12 K vaccinated 18 lb waa she's a big girl she needed that round scratcher yeah gray and black there's all kinds of stuff in this bag yeah hey don't I grab oh a carig and some pans all right should just take the bag or should we yeah let's take it it's got all the stuff in there oh my goodness this is what it looks like now when we're out here when the students are moving out you get a full truck bed pretty quick this is just the first dumpster that we' found stuff at what's in there litter box e gross full of litter gross gross gross I don't want to dump it because I kind of feel like we need to be going that way you uh yeah sure that might be for the tree yeah oh that's true some big old bulbs bulb what is that oh it's like it's kind of a gross looking bag but you see what oh yeah they're um they're not bulbs um this isn't a ornaments they're not you don't also call them bulbs I didn't think oh that's poop on the side that we're touching yeah I noticed that is a what okay maybe we can put this in a different box or also I think it's full of litter in there I think it's that there's litter on the ground over here a lot of litter oh I'm dealing with a lot of feline feces right now that's gross that's really gross is making me not like my job ooh towels yeah those are good for donating yeah oh oh very cool pretty pretty nice huh they are nice are they swim goggles or sunnies I think they might be more about style than anything I see but I don't know I can tell that just from looking at you wearing them or shape it's like they might be swim gogg it's like they're definitely swim goggle adjacent oh here's what these too hard to clean with all the fur dirty no one ever wants them dirty and no one ever wants them oh I see all the glitter yeah this one is covered in past mistakes will you grab that little cookie tan out of there though how's that that's nice oh and that's got stuff in it let's open it up before we just take it home with us really it was not at all what I would expected real facts from prescription lid prescription pill bottle Lids what is this place that is so weird that is bizarre okay that down there more Christmas ornaments more Christmas ornaments I think we'll have to take them and we'll just I guess we could if we got that red bag out we could dump them all into that red that's a good idea Christmas bag and it's just one spot where should I hook the camera so I can do that you could just set if you wanted to show it why don't you just set it that way all right y'all I'm going to put yall there for now and I'm going to swap these bows out you finding anything up there uh like a big cord okay cool cool and like I don't know if this is worth taking it's like only has one of the balls oh well we've found one of those in the past we don't still have it but like maybe we would find another ball okay I didn't know what it was when we found it last time so we didn't keep it oh wow here's like a bunch of um like packing GI that's good or wrapping ornaments we should just put that right in there yeah that's great okay this big Bulb Has literal poop on it yeah I don't we don't need to save them all I don't want the ones with actual po I think that's fair okay I'm going to toss something in I don't want it to spray on whoa see that's what's in this whole bag yeah that's what I'm like I don't know about this bag there if it's too far gone that's okay you can't save everything much as we'd like to try okay let's do that and let's I'm tossing back okay okay okay check out all these ornaments I only added a couple more to this side over here those two big ones and then this bag now is full they definitely had a theme of silver and yellow o actually not going to put this in there because of oops the bottom being wet got a little on the paper but there we go do you have a bag for more oh yeah let me get another one not what I would have expected to find College move out I guess they're just done with Christmas or maybe they're like people that do themes every year oh and they just get rid of it that's good it's a good plan [Applause] yeah okay okay there we go he's grabbing ornaments the tree is in here or at least part of it uh but we're not going to take the tree we are learning to uh leave a few items that we either have trouble rehoming or take up a lot of storage in our garage and Christmas trees fit uh both of those so we are going to leave the tree it is funny though we were talking the other day about like a lot of people get artificial trees now and they're supposed to be like able to last you forever that's why you get the artificial on so you can just store it but now we see a lot of the artificial trees in the trash oh look at that little one or is that just the top or of it this is like the top I think there's only two of the three pieces in here that I found at least but yeah they're connected it's all connected it's all connected These are nice someone is definitely going to want these yeah I mean it's like definitely Christmas ornaments yeah and lots of people do silver change his mind they're definitely Christmas ornaments yeah people do silver and blue themes a lot he like the Cowboys oh right or just like the color of snow and cold oh shoot it's like the worst part of Christmas taking all the ornaments off the trees yeah guess that's why they didn't do it that's why they're like nah we'll just do a new theme next year oh that pretty one over there on that side everyone's up walking their dogs now I know okay all right pretty good yeah pretty good here let me have the hook real quick thank you uhoh uh oh that one's trash grab that one and then there's one more I see nice okay and now this big bag is empty it's a little bit damp but depending on what we find it'll be fine to use okay great all right there we go truck bed from one dumpster right there oh one more Bowl on ground by the car there we go and let's see let's see a trash trash one those classic mirrors yeah broken mirror [Applause] always what about in that black bag give it a PO like what did I pull out of there so efficiently you you really grabbed it um all right right yeah this one not excuse me excuse me okay oh no this one's getting to him not really seen anything all right on to the next one all right on to the next one right away it looks like a lot of trash but let's let's get to the bottom of it it's not all the way to the bottom [Applause] [Applause] but I don't think there's anything in this one yeah this one's trash just kitchen trash all the way down all right there we go moving on whoa what do you see some broken ceiling fans that's actually like the exact kind of ceiling fan I was imagining for our office there's one in this one too oh yours is more broken mine still has the light shattered disrespected yeah something nice simple flush oh there's one canvas under there we got to save it got to save it we're always saving dumpster art yeah we got a pretty good col collection of it going we do we'll do a gallery someday oh that would be cool it's like these people threw away their art thinking it wasn't very good but turned out to make them compl Fleet Stars absolutely famous it's a huge see how big it is oh no going have to start clearing bags my friend and a little bit of wet ephemera wet wet emera do you need the hook or the Grabber oh I think I got it incredible snag see what she says looks like someone's riding a bike on the back that's art that is absolutely Motocross art absolutely incredible wind can stop mistaking from forming Calamity H okay cryptic yes wind there is it m mying it's like I'm my king oh wind St M King from forming Calamity still doesn't really make much sense but there a lot to figure out the back is where it's at okay back to this canvas folks yeah watch out all right let's clear bags let's clear these fans off oh no oh no what did they do that on purpose I don't know but it is totally Ed here watch out I'm going to try to just see how much I can pull it oh there's like a big black hole in the center oh what wa they put a t-shirt on the bag it's like a it's like a puppet show it is a puppet show all I still feel like we should take it this one will go in the museum check out the bag yeah that's that's great do a performance okay [Music] um hi kids do you throw things away stop it bad what do you think incredible incredible work yes great okay wow what a what a show we come into a side Channel near you dumpster puppet diving oh my gosh okay pretty good yeah um that's it though so all right let's move on yeah there we go we're moving on the next puppet show see you at the next Curtain Call all right anything left no oh there's something under here oh it's a big old rug oh there's one tote under this really gross bag let me hear you want to hold on to this I'll go grab the Grabber of uh oh what did you find you find oh we find these a lot actually cigarettes all in it yeah I like that's good hope like I don't know how clean that's going to get I might leave it based on other things that smell that way I just leave it on I don't hear anything you got it it's just an empty box okay empty box one large giant rug okay that's it folks move on moving on Red Bull than monster uhhuh oh there's like a little toothpick kind of thing dental floss you want that just saying it doesn't even look that used he wants that oh right it's kind of a cool art pencil H canvas oh another canvas potentially a uh Encore puppet show we can only hope oh and look at all those want these I want these look at these paper protectors oh that's perfect for ephemeral type items I know that's what I'm thinking oh it got sunny out here y'all let's see oh wow oh kind of nice yeah a little bit of abstract some maybe some painful emotions M that's hard that's hard it's in there folks yeah I kind of like it yeah it's nice there's also one more item that uh oh wait okay you've got to go you're you're bad oh watch out with that is this thing I think it might be ruined do you see how this is like a big oh like a I think it was an Old Shell but it's painted I thought it was another I do see how it's painted yeah so that would have been kind of cool would have been neat got no back no drawers yeah it used to have a have potential yeah it did didn't it well that's all right we got our canvas and our paper protective sheets which I literally have wanted so perfect got them for free oh a big old broken cat scratcher yeah huge broken and very huge yeah all right all right guess we'll take this and head out not bad art collectors I forgot to make my little sheet of the things I wanted to find during College move out but that one would have been on there great okay y'all good stop moving on you want those boxers the ones with poop on them I didn't see it yes well do you want them or not yes I do okay he'll take [Music] him oh it smells terrible but oh it's empty empty look how pretty this was oh wow yeah that was truly elegant yeah it was true beauty shattered beautiful in the next life yeah there he is we're following him oh you forgot that one maybe he already got it maybe he did cuz he would have had to been going from the other way all right well we got beat by the truck to this complex garbage man and the maintenance man dumpster ders two mortal enemies yeah exactly sorry sir yeah you're fine I'm sure you're friendly you're probably a nice guy but you're my mortal in oh oh he's getting recycling bins recycling man interesting whoa a lot of water don't have to worry about him okay that's why you skipped that dumpster well we looked out with this mattress yeah that's nice that's why we came to this one that's why we came here folks you guys hold up a second while we load this mattress up give me this I don't know oh know I don't know is it empty yes he might be the recycling man but someone's been picking up these dumpsters it's not empty but nothing I care for no I don't really know what these things in this box are it's like what is these like place mats [Music] maybe you think they would run through the dishwasher it's like there's so many of them I don't know what they are yeah I don't know they that's something I can think of but they don't really have the that one texture placement yeah it's kind of weird some chips two cups without lids you think those are worth taking oh we just have them at the garage sale I guess yeah all right unlimited cuffs okays it's like sometimes you got to just take what you don't even know what it is you don't have to bad advice maybe someone will tell us what those are maybe so all right there we go y'all that water that dripped on me is gross smell okay we're moving on okay so he's a real dumpster man so these dumpsters over here are Prett much got stolen right out from underneath us should we scoop that up first yeah let's scoop it up first it's nice nice elegant beautiful it was $39.99 wow really yeah some people are spending big bucks they sure are all right what else like a little kid chair sure yeah that's all right do sale kids oh oh a scooter oh little tiges little TIG scootering wet there you go and she's off great that works I think there was also like maybe a stroller but there's a couple that's a chair that's gross TN up seen better days couple strollers in there actually oh it's moldy I can see on the back oh that's not kid safe there's a second one it might also oh disgusting oh some grapes it comes with grapes comes with a few grapes looks that one looks better but yeah actually should we take that one okay try it at the garage so what oh paint that's going to ruin it unfortunate unfortunate about over here oh so many flies oh so many flies oh look at them all in there little rotten meat All For You disgusting shouldn't have freed him all right let's get out of here he's out of here oh oh my gosh remember when you did fall off that one scooter yeah you don't have to breing and we just cut and we never confirmed that you were okay or anything I wasn't that was great I never bounced back from that fall no you didn't let show them what we got all right give them the tour okay we got our first storage bin of College move out although I don't think technically this was College move out College move out adjacent yes so storage bin got a couple pencils and pins in it an ottoman that looked less dirty in the early morning light a curig a little catch pan a little uh dish drawing rack little metal one in there some nice uh paper for wrapping up delicates couple towels we love to wash and use towels if they're in Nice condition and then if they're not donated to the animal shelter they love towels a nice little tin the paper well the paper and the paper protectors which is exactly what we want this for to be able to protect our ephemera so perfect the round cat scratching pad and the little cat bed needs to be washed one cat toy whoa one very nice Christmas box with lid small cord the big liade hinging top styrofoam cooler for your Hunters your Fishers your Lake dwellers that's probably what we are we got the puppet show canvas we got the $40 home decor we got a canvas under there that I can't reach homemade art we got two big little bags of the ornaments silver and blue there's the other one there beautiful beautiful we got the little chair the little TI scooter scooter and that big old bag under there which I'm excited about oh look I didn't know this one has a little you're just out of there yeah you're you can just go so there we go and our puppet show yes the puppet show I can't quite make out what it cover is watch out for this I already stepped in this puddle and got pretty much a spping foot soed yeah your shoes might be grippy but they're not water resistant I think this is the face of a king do you see that this is his hair mhm that's what I think it is but I'm not sure is this his brain where the puppet show is coming out oh maybe it's like the puppet show is his imagination I love that I love that yeah not bad so not bad and I think it's great to know that College move out is coming it wasn't today but it's coming you thank them right now I'll never thank these people oh my gosh just kidding thanks let me try again thank you thank you thank you thank you thanks for watching thanks y'all yeah we appreciate y'all thanks for watching more official college M about coming soon and we will see you then bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 45,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dumpster Diving, Dumpster, Recycle, Trash, Garbage, Digging, Dumpster Diver, Kelly Sparks, Breafkast, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster divers, family channel, documentary tv, tv show, trash picking, curb alert, dumpster finds, apartment dumpster, retail dumpster, waste reduction, educational, reduce reuse recycle, recycling, texas, north texas, college move out, reduce waste, positivity, waste management, dumpster dive, trash picker, reduce reuse
Id: Na9oj-0Xlq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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