Why Aaron Carter's Twin Sister Thinks 3 of Her 4 Siblings Died Young

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there are five siblings three are gone through substance abuse drug abuse mental health why do you think this happened in your family and to your family well there's certainly a generational dysfunction issue here that comes along with it Aaron Carter's twin sister Angel opening up about her siblings dying at a young age your sister lesie died in 2012 at the age of 25 Aaron 2022 he was 34 then Bobby Junior's sister was 41 died last year in 2023 in interview with Gail King on CBS mornings Angel talks about their upbringing with big brother Nick Carter and what might have led three of the five of them down the wrong path there was a lot of love um but there was a lot of chaos going on at the same time and what kind of chaos just you know fighting the par my parents were just fighting all the time and you know just dysfunction in the home and you know No Boundaries no stability um you know no one to talk to it just felt like you know if I had an issue going on I really couldn't uh have my parents to lean on to Angel says she thinks money played a big part in changing the family's Dynamic Nick with his career with the Backstreet Boys and Aaron's solo singing career my parents were poor and they had never seen anything like this before so once the money started coming in it just it really changed the dynamic because money became the moving force in the years that followed Aaron struggled with addiction and his mental health I drink wine I smoke weed I mean there I I have anxiety problems I take medication for anxiety like I mean it's just it's just what it is you know did you think Aaron was close to turning things around he was your twin and I always think twins have a very different Bond than other people there was a time for many years where I always had hope but in the last few years of aon's life uh I just was waiting for him to snap out of it and sadly he never did MH so I you know I I did lose help it's definitely been tough uh for um you know my family um something that we're still processing um to this day last year Nick opened up to ET about how the family was coping with Aaron's death I don't think we'll ever really get over it it's it's just a it's been a lot for us but um we're finding ways to kind of take a a really tragic situation in our family and um you know do something with it we're really just still I think processing you know all the stuff that that we've been going through for the past uh year but Nick and Angel want Aaron's Legacy to carry on with what he loved the most his [Music] music that's an unreleased track titled recovery which will be on an entire album dropping May 24th and part of the proceeds will go to the nonprofit the kids mental health Foundation formerly known as on our sleeves I mean children's mental health is so important and you know we want to create a world where mental health is a vital part of every child's upbringing children need to have their innocence and Aaron did not he was working like an adult from a very young age and he just wanted to be home my sister and I we started working with this foundation called on our sleeves which deals with uh mental health and um you know how how it's been affecting you know everybody out there in this world so um I'm really proud of her um for what all the things that she's been doing and learning morning
Channel: Entertainment Tonight
Views: 111,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aaron Carter, Angel Carter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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