Moab 240 - 2019

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- This is probably, like, the, well this'll be the hardest race that I've ever run. - I don't know why you're scared. It's only 140 miles longer than you've ever done before. (chuckling) - OK. - Do it. - Process. Confirmation! (deep breath in and out) Oh! (indistinct voices) - [Announcer] If I get lost, - [Crowd] If I get lost, - [Announcer] hurt, - [Crowd] hurt, - [Announcer] or die, - [Crowd] or die, - [Announcer] It's my own damn fault. - [Crowd] It's my own damn fault. - [Announcer] All right, big cheer! - (crowd cheering) - [Announcer] You guys have got this! Remember, you're not here because it's easy, you're here because it's hard. When it gets hard, you're gonna push though that. You're gonna get through it, just like you want to. - [Crowd] . Four, three, two, one! (crowd cheering) - And here we go, the starting. - Yay! - Woo hoo! - Yay! - [Crowd] Woo hoo! - Good job, guys! - Come on, come on! - Go Wes! - [Crowd] Whooo! - Go Bryan! - Go Wes! - You'll have to get that one, when you're at Tahoe. - Here's the trail for ya. (dirt crunching) (dirt crunching) - All right, good job, you guys! What fun is this? - [Wes] Isn't this lovely, here? - Oh it's just gorgeous. (crowd cheering) (whistling) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (air whooshing) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) - [Wes] I'm at about, 14 and a quarter miles, on our way to the second aid station right now. We're having a really good morning, the weather's amazing. It's not too warm, and we're just really enjoying lovely, lovely views. (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (clapping) - [Leah] Hey babe, we're parked over here, if you wanna come to the car. - Good work, man! - Thank you, thank you. - [Leah] Whoohoo! How ya doing? - Good. - [Leah] Good. - [Karen] Sarah said, "There he is!" - I did run this road section, fairly quickly. - [Leah] Yeah. (breathing) - 46, and those other shoes. - OK. - Oh my God, this pack. - Wow is it heavy, are you OK? - Yeah, its-- - OK, bye! - [Crowd] Woo hoo! - [Leah] (blows a kiss) (mumbles) - [Leah] Delight? (loud laughter) - [Leah] I like that, a lot. He is a delight. - [Ben Light] It's all - [Ben Light] in the attitude! - [Leah] Bye babe, see ya later! - [Ben Light] It's all in the attitude. - [Leah] He's right-- (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (footsteps slow) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) - [Wes] Wow. (mumbling) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (air whooshing) (laughing) - Whoa! (sniffs) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (air rushing) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (air whooshing) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) - Well, we've been running for about six hours now, and everything seems to be going pretty well. Feet are feeling good, body's feeling good. I'm trying to take it, on the slow side, taking a pace that feels easy. This course is really, really beautiful, man. Moab does not disappoint. (heavy breathing) - Whew! We're running in sand, really fine sand. All right, well, I'm let's see, its a little after three o'clock, just just left the, third aid station a little while ago. Making progress. (heavy breathing) (deep breaths) - Well, it's a little after four o'clock, and just left, a water stop, five miles outside of the Hurrah Pass aid station. And now we're climbing up, and we're heading towards the Breaking Bad aid station. So we have a little bit of climbing to do, and then, we'll see what happens next. (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (spits) - Well, it's about five o'clock, and still heading towards the Breaking Bad aid station, this is a long segment between aid stations. It's a total of about 25 miles. (air whooshing) We're just cruisin' along. Everything's great. Havin' a good time, feelin' good. I'm happy, and enjoying these lovely, lovely views. (heavy breathing) (laughing) (dirt crunching) (air whooshing) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (dirt crunching) (clears throat) - Now the sun's going down, can't even see it anymore. It's hidden behind the mesas. - So we say goodbye to the sun on day one. (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (scratching on mic) - Well, all right. It's ten 10:26 p.m., I just left the Breaking Bad aid station a little while ago, at mile 50 something, and now I'm headed towards the Indian Creek Aid Station, where I'm gonna see crew again, so I'm really looking forward to getting there. Feeling really good, my legs are feeling great, considering the miles, and toes are feeling all right, Yeah, we'll see how things keep goin'. Talk to you soon. (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) - Well, it's a quarter to four, (coughs) and I just left the aid station at Indian Creek. I rested for a little bit, and I changed some clothes, ate some food, and so now I'm heading back out. But it's so cold, I'm really bundled up. (clears throat) Yeah, hopefully, things keep goin' well. So far, things have been great. (heavy breathing) (air whooshing) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (air whoosing) - Well here we are, in the morning of day two. It was cold last night. A guy ran past me, about an hour ago, and he said it was 17 degrees. Oh man, it was freezing. So I'm looking forward to getting to this next aid, warmin' up a bit, before movin' on to the next aid station. I'm lookin' forward to a warm day too. (heavy breathing) (heavy breathing) - I'm almost to the aid station at Bridger Jack, which will be mile 102, and I'm feeling really tired. I think it's a combination of the miles and, lack of sleep. So, spirits are a little bit lower, but not too bad, actually. Havin' a great time, though. Running with a couple guys from England. They're sittin' over there - Woo hoo! (laughs) and, havin' a good time. So, yeah. Day two continues. (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (footsteps slow) (air whooshing) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (grunts) (rocks shifting) (heavy breathing) (exhaling forcefully) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (mumbling) - [Leah] Wes. - Yo. - [Leah] Hey. - He's an animal. - [Leah] Yeah, I know. - I'm a lot later than, we thought. There was, some crazy stuff, man. - What a terrible section. - [Leah] Yeah. - [Leah] Hey y'all, - Hi! - Hey, I'm alive but, also, dead. - How we doing, sir? - Oh no. (crowd clamoring cheers) - There he is! - Yeah. - [Tony] How ya doin' man? - [Tony] Good to see ya. - I'm suffering right now. - [Tony] Yeah, that's OK. - [Tony] Get some food in ya, get some rest. - [Mike] Great to see ya, man. - [Wes] You too. - [Todd] Wes, dude. - [Wes] Toddles! (laughing) - [Todd] You're kicking ass man, - [Todd] proud of ya. (laughing) - Mom everything's OK. - [Karen] I know, Leah keeps telling me that. (crowd laughing) - Everything's OK. This was just a really hard section. - Tough section. - [Harry] You're doin' it, you're doin' it. - (sighs) - Can I reset your tracker? - Absolutely. - Oh man. - Do you imagine doing that first part, with the rivers, and the ups and downs at night? That would be awful. (air rushing) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (rustling bushes) - (clears throat) I hocked up a couple good loogies last night, too. I think this dust-- - It's kind of a bummer, running at night, you don't get to see, stuff. - Wes is about a hundred and thirty four miles in now. And just kicked ass going up that hill. He's still really really strong, both mentally and physically. - It's just after 7:00 a.m., (dirt crunching) - All right Wes, tell us how awesome you feel. - I feel mostly good. This segment started out with my right hamstring hurting, though. And, it has not gotten better. I think it's gotten worse. I guess, considering how far in we are, how many miles I have on these legs, I'm doing great. (laughs) - All right. - Well, there's the third sunrise of this race. We're at about, oh, maybe 135 miles, something like that. - Three. - Three miles to go to the next aid station. And now, here in the second half of the race. I have pacers. This is Tony. And he and Mike, and Todd, are gonna take turns pacing. - It's a beautiful morning (dirt crunching) (air whooshing) - [Tony] Yeah, We're walking back to it now. - You survived! - [Leah] Woohoo! - [Tony] He is doing great. - [Leah] Yeah, you seem like your doing really well. - We had a good time, we had - [Leah] yeah. - Yeah, we had a nice trip down the mountain, - [Leah] Yeah - sunrise was really beautiful. - [Leah] It's really pretty out here, yeah. - Yeah, we had a nice time together, it was good. - Awesome. - [Leah] Your hamstring? OK. - It's my right hamstring, - [Leah] OK. - It hurts like a mother. So, Tony reminded me, that the poles would help take some of the pressure off of it, - [Leah] Oh, good. - So I've been using my poles. But it's the kinda thing where it's draining my energy, and it makes me sometimes - [Leah] Really. - want to cry. Anyway, we'll see if we can make it better. - [Leah] I can fix it. Yeah. - If not, it's just gonna be a really long day. - [Leah] Yeah. - Kissin' his girlfriend up there, While he's getting worked over down here, - [Sarah] It looks great from this angle. - [Wes] When you're in the middle of the knee, it hurts. - [Tony] Like right here? - [Wes] At the bottom. But it doesn't hurt when you-- Ooh! (water sloshing) - [Leah] Their water's frozen. - [Leah] I love you. - love you. Oh, you need a kiss. - [Leah] Yeah, I do. (kisses) - [Leah] See ya in a little while. - See ya in a little while. - [Leah] Bye, guys. - See ya! - [Leah] Good luck! (dirt crunching) (air whooshing) - All right, well, it's 10:40 on day three, and, as you can probably see behind me, we're on this dusty dirt road. I'm feeling, generally, pretty good, but my hamstring started to bother me this morning. We're just continuing along, one foot in front of the other. I got Todd pacing me during this section. He's gonna take me to, Road 46, which is two aid stations away. So we're just, making progress. Not really running right now, because of my leg pain. We're trying to keep a brisk pace. Making progress, and definitely, in good shape for finishing this thing, well within the cutoff time. So I'm very happy about that. (dirt crunching) (groans loudly) - Oh. (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) - Absolutely. (crowd talking) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) Well, Todd and I are almost to the Road 46 aid station, where Mike's gonna take over pacing. And then Mike and I, are gonna head up into the La Sal Mountains, for two different segments, back to back, to get us up and over to the other side. And that will be what we do overnight tonight. We're hoping to get to this aid station before dark. And it looks like we'll probably do that, but the sun is gettin' pretty low in the sky, as you can see. So, pretty soon it'll be dark. And day number three will be coming to a close. But still a lot left to do. (noisemakers clamoring) (cheering) - [Wes] I'll run the last five feet. (crowd laughing) - [Todd] He killed this last section. - [Leah] You killed it. - Dude, so good. - You did so good. - [Karen] I think you got extra energy-- - He killed it. - [Karen] Hi, good to see you - [Harry] He nailed it. - [Mike] Yeah, he did. - You are doin' it! - [Leah] You want to go sit down for a minute? - Yeah I would. - [Leah] Yeah. - I'd definitely like to-- - It's so nice that it's daytime, - [Leah] Cool. - (laughing) Good job! - [Leah] Over here. - I would like to sit down, - [Leah] Yeah, - And - [Leah] Would you wanna put your feet up? - Yes, put my feet up, and I'd like to, maybe, just rest for a minute. - [Leah] Yeah. (cheering) - Good job, Joe. - [Joe] Still tough? - Still tough. - [Joe] All right. (laughing) - I swear, he's getting stronger as we're goin', like, that's no joke. (laughing) - I'm doing good. - [Bryan] Joe said you were doing a lot better, - Yeah. - [Bryan] Awesome. - Yeah. - [Bryan] you be here a minute, or? - I think I'll be here for a little bit. - [Karen] It's so good to see ya in the daytime. - [Leah] I know. - [Karen] When it's warm, and not in the dark, and cold, and shivery, and can't even see ya. - [Harry] 27 degrees and ready to snow. (laughing) - Also, I took ibuprofen, I think that also helped. - [Leah] Oh yeah? - That hurts so bad. (mumbling) - [Leah] K. Seat warmer's on, so (sniffs) - [Mike] Welcome to your fourth day, (exhaling deeply) of the Moab 240. - (exhaling) Really? - [Mike] Day number four. It's Monday, November-- October 14th now. - It's midnight? - [Mike] Yeah. - Did we go off the course? - Granted, it'll work. - This is the, new, - Oh, is this the new? OK. - It's the new thing. - That sucked. (laughing) - Oh. - [Mike] How ya feeling? - Yeah, this has been hard. - [Mike] Yeah? - My, hamstrings, I don't feel like, are my biggest problem, right now. My biggest problem right now, is, - [Mike] You need a hand with that? - No. I don't have any energy. (clears throat) - Yeah. (sighs deeply) - Holy cow. - We're gonna do it though, but like, I liked your comment earlier, "It's gonna be ugly." - It's gonna be ugly. - It feels really ugly. (laughing) (heavy breathing) (big exhale) (groans) My eyes hurt. They just wanna close. - What time is it again? - [Mike] 1:10. - So we still have a couple hours to go? - [Mike] Yeah. - [Mike] It'll be a little after three before we get there. - Yeah. - [Mike] Doing well, though. You're hangin' in there. - [Mike] You both are, considering (laughs) (dirt crunching) (big sigh) - It's 5:40 a.m., and we took a small nap, at the Pole Canyon aid station and now we're climbing up the La Sal mountains. We're almost to the top of the first climb, and it has been brutal. So, so, so steep. I got Mike with me, and he's really been helpful, keeping me moving. But this is so hard (exhales forcefully) so, anyway, we're gonna head up there, towards the moon, to the top of this mountain, and then head back down. (beep) Oh, and there's my reminder to eat some calories. I better do that. All right. (breathing heavily) (dirt crunching) (clears throat) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) - Have you seen any other water sources? - [Wes] Not like this, no. (heavy breathing) (leaves crunching) (air whooshing) - [Mike] He's got a very short distance to the aid station. - [Mike] He's been a hell of a trooper. - [Mike] And I think all he wants right now, is sleep. (mumbles) - [Mike] Any thoughts about these last two legs, Wes? - They were (clears throat) It's hard to talk, (laughing) - They were very difficult. Wait, we gotta go up that hill? - [Mike] Yes. - Oh. - [Mike] That is though, this is the last turn. - [Mike] You're almost there, man. - I'm so tired. - Point three, oh point three! - Point three, woohoo! - He's so close! I'm gonna, here, I'm gonna walk down a little ways. - OK. - So I can get a, wow he's moving fast all of a sudden. - [Karen] He's smellin' home! - That's right. - It's amazing, you know, how you could just-- Create things to talk about, yeah. - Is that them? - The problem is, the (wind drowns out sound) - Might be. I bet it is. (crowd talking) - [Leah] How ya doing? Good. You're killing it! Kicking ass! - [Mike] Yes, he is. - [Leah] Oh love. - [Karen] You're killing it, man! - [Todd] You look great. - [Tony] I'm not gonna lie, you look like crap. - [Tony] You're supposed to. (laughing) - [Karen] Keep going, keep moving. - [Wes] This was - [Karen] Hi. - [Wes] A terrible. Roads... the river. - [Tony] Dude, you're doing awesome. - [Todd] Yeah, you sure are. - [Tony] You're kicking ass. (wind drowns out words) - [Mike] I'm not nearly as tired as him, - [Mike] This guy's a fricking rock star - I was bawling when I walked in, there. - I was bawling when I saw her. - [Leah] Yeah. - Do you want some-- - I actually, (mumbles) why is this so hard? (mumbling) - [Leah] Sorry. Almost got it, babe. - If it was easy everybody would do it. - There we go, that's right. - If it was eays everybody would do it. - You guys are bad asses. - That section was a heart breaker though, - There we go. (crowd drowning out voices) - (sighs) Dude, you're doing so good. - I could see you guys were leap-frogging this whole section. (sighing) - Good job, dude. - You gonna be OK? - (sniffs) I'm gonna be OK. I just haven't slept. - [Leah] Yeah. - I've only got two hours, that's why I'm so-- - Are you gonna sleep here? - Yeah. - And then, today, we had to go over, well last night and today we went over, the mountain, what's it called? The, whatever, the big mountain-thing. I can't even think of what, my brain doesn't work for words anymore. It's great to be towards the end of this journey. - [Bryan] Yeah. All, right, thank you. - All right, man. - [Bryan] Well I'm glad you're here. - Get out there. I'm proud of you. - [Bryan] I expect to see you. - Yeah, you'll see me. I'll be there. - [Bryan] Put the wheels on. - I'm gonna sleep, first, though. - [Bryan] OK. - Just about, if I go dead center. - [Wes] Not hills, they were walls. - [Tony] Mike said that's the hardest hiking he's done in his life. - [Leah] Oh my God. - Say's he's never seen anything like that, he said. - [Race Volunteer] 52, are you hitting the trail? - [Leah] He is. Yeah. - [Tony] 52's headin' out. - What? - [Tony] 52's heading out. - Happy trails! - All right, let's do it! (cheering) - [Karen] You guys are gonna do it! - Love you! - [Karen] Love you, Wes! Bye! See you at the next stop! - Love you! - You're awesome! - Woohoo! (cheering) - [Tony] Wes just left aid station mile 201, he has run over 200 miles at this point. - I knew this was gonna be hard. I didn't know, it was gonna be this hard. That doesn't mean I wouldn't have done it, but, it is so difficult. I came here looking for a challenge. I think I got it. I can't wait to finish it now. - [Tony] We're a couple of miles outside of the 201 aid station at this point, Wes's pace is very impressive, this is not a dead man walking pace, he's actually moving with a purpose. Wes is certainly moving, with relentless forward progress. (dirt crunching) (air whooshing) (dirt crunching) (footsteps slow to a stop) (water rushing) (heavy breathing) (groaning) (large sigh) - I gotta get a photo of this. (sigh) - Well, the sun just went down, on my last night of the Moab 240. I've got Tony pacing me to the second to last aid station. and, right now, we're excited, because it's all downhill from here to the next stop, and (clears throat) finishing is well within reach. Oh, this is exciting. See ya in a little while. - (whispering) There's three of them, I think. - [Tony] Got a long downhill here. - (deep breathing) Wes is about, a hundred and-- sorry 208 miles in. The sun has set, as you can see. I can't believe how quick he's able to still move, after the number of miles and hours that he has been out here. - [Tony] Let's see here, its 8:30, on Monday night, Wes is just cruisin' down the road here. All right Wes, give us some thoughts. - Well, we're almost, we're in, I guess, one of the last stretches of this segment. We're on like, a dirt road, we were on, like, a highway earlier. It's such a weird feeling, that this is almost over. Moving forward, trying to get towards the end, so we can call it quits, and get that buckle. (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) - [Karen] Whoo hoo! - [Wes] Hey, hey! - [Karen] Hey! - [Karen] Look at them go. - [Tony] he's just gonna... - [Todd] Wes! - [Mike] Hey, rock star. - Just one more to go. - [Mike] Yeah! - Woo hoo! - Woo hoo! - [Todd] Dude your, you got this! (laughs) - [Karen] Can I give you a hug? - Yes you can give me a hug. - Aww. Oh man. (laughing) - Where's the aid station at? - All right, well, Leah and I have left the last aid station, and we're heading towards the finish line. So, Leah's my last pacer, say hi. - [Leah] Hi! - And, we have about 15 miles to go now, until this thing's finished for good! - [Leah] Woohoo! - And, feeling great. Really excited to get to that finish line. So, (sighs) yippee! - (groaning) Well, I just took a five minute nap. (sighs) I am so tired. (sighs) Hopefully, I'll get a little bit of wake up out of that. - [Leah] Yeah. - You're getting closer. - Yep, every step is progress. - Yep. - (sighs) All right, more stepping, more progress. (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) (sticks clicking along with footsteps) (heavy breathing) (dirt crunching) (heavy breathing) - Well the sun is starting to come up. The fifth sunrise of this race, for me. That's unusual, but what a beautiful morning. And what a beautiful view, as we do the last miles of this race and head into town to finish the Moab 240. - Ow. (heavy breathing) - [Leah] 230-some miles, and he's still faster than me. (breathing hard) - [Leah] There. No, your fine. You're fine. (kiss) - Love you. - [Leah] I love you. Woohoo! - Let's go man, you got this. - [Leah] Yeah! (laughing) - Wooo! - [Leah] Wooo! (crowd cheering) - [Leah] Ahh! (noisemakers clamoring) (crowd cheering and whistling) (sighing and groaning) - Oh. (laughing) (mumbling) - Aww. - Oh! (loud laughter) My daughter! My daughter's here! (laughing) - My ex-wife is here. (crowd laughing) - Thank you. - Awww (sighing and groaning) - I'm here too! (crowd laughing) - We're all here. - My turn, my turn, my turn! (crowd laughing) (mumbles) - Was that a surprise for him? - [Daughter] Yeah, I told him I couldn't come. (laughing) (camera shutter clicking) - Aww. - This was the best-- - Nice. (crowd talking at once)
Channel: Wes Plate
Views: 180,668
Rating: 4.9489412 out of 5
Keywords: Moab240, Ultrarunning
Id: iyXfhhEMqxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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