THE UNKNOWN | The Hardrock 100

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I watched this earlier today! What really struck me is that no matter who you are, a professional running the hard rock or a college kid running trails in Michigan, the best thing to do is run against yourself. The competition is simply a bunch of other people who love to run, encouraging you to keep going. I could never win the hard rock, but maybe one day I'll finish it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/a_bongos 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] some days life just really kick you down those mountains they say fight back we deal with that uncertainty and that unknown confidently at the end of the day just have to keep pushing and climb that down [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] we've got some Olson in the rough patch right let's better year a we get to take him my lungs down our lungs not working I take a breather which is the diaphragm working again you can head up I just couldn't I couldn't catch a breath I couldn't get that sick nauseous feeling out of my chest out of my stomach and then I started throwing up like crazy and that helped for a little bit I started moving again and I was able to just make that you know just house small change in my body from laying on the ground to just starting to move again and made it up that time and it wasn't pretty but basically I just put one foot in front of the other the rest of the day never really had a powerful moment where I felt like I was moving but I got to the rock and kissed it for my first time and that was the most challenging moment I've ever had in my life and chasing the rock in 2014 it's still my favorite runs a date and accomplishing that having my family pushing and prodding me along was such a amazing experience and brought us even closer together and it just shows what hard rock does it just it brings you closer together your family your friends your the strangers you meet along the way aren't strangers anymore they're your best friends and when you experience hardrock everyone just around that area just becomes family you [Music] Silverton the mountains the pounds that make up this course but just build with grip the pound you're not going to get rid of it so strong and it's just super fitting to run the hardest foot race in the town that was built on grit what time did I have a few - about an hour after which I'm going to turn it over to Oh God mr. Killian miss Ana and you're going to do the hard block run in hard rock so special for many reasons first and foremost all the people that put it on and care so much about every single person that's out there and there's no favoritism towards whether you're your first or last everyone is out there just trying to make sure you're having a great day and reaching that rock no matter how long it takes you you know the ups and downs along the way getting to that rock is just a really special moment and everyone's like who's done it then you think of just the history of Silverton all the the minds around the place these people came to this new land and they were just trying to survive just trying to take care of their families and just giving it everything they have and there's just so much love and energy and sacrifice and determination and grit put into those mountains race Morrie and I I woke up and I felt Olympic I felt ready to just take on the world I just had this like bubbling energy inside that even though is super early in the morning I'm like the day's going to be a good day and I've only had that happen a few times and racists when when you wake up and everything is just going right the morning before western states in 2012 I woke up and were next to my wife and we like looked over at each other and just smiled and we don't have to say any words we just knew today was the day and I woke up and today felt like that like this is going to be a special day [Music] when you wake up in the morning and feel ready to go like that that's just a like right away such a good feeling the life [Music] [Music] I was able to just really collect myself I had a few moments to just sit at the starting line and just focus on my breath for a while [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they'll send us on our way and it's very like homecoming type feeling where everyone just comes together and just excited for the day excited to see what comes I really took a step back and realized that I pushed it too hard in 2014 and this is a year that I was going to be smart I was going to be patient [Music] [Applause] start the big climb up to Grand swamp pass and one of my favorite parts of the race and I don't like below and above it's just so beautiful [Music] [Music] how are you killing in the back bus [Music] let's answer the oven hot way to the day [Applause] made it into Telluride you know it's just a park it down there so many people telluride such a beautiful town I was just so happy to be running down there feeling good you're family you see your crew and that just really lifts your spirit dinosaur roar yo Yori 10:15 [Applause] in 2014 I felt much more warned at that time so I was really excited that I was feeling good to go up the big path of over Virginia's is a huge climb I felt really good leaving Telluride and just waiting to see what will happen next back in the San Juans back for round two of hard rock and everything it has to deliver and prepared mentally better than I've ever been prepared for a race and I feel really spit I've been running up and down 14 years that I'm feeling strong then just mentally prepared I think I started off too hard the first year and so this year I is not worrying about the competition I am just trying to run my own race and just kind of see how it evolved from there I think I have a really good game plan of going into this one and being patient and just present in the moment and hopefully I can just use all the lessons I learned and apply them to this year and you know matter of the results just hopefully have a satisfying experience and give it my all it's work casing [Applause] [Music] countable other visitors are cited but it ain't I came back [Applause] [Music] so I got down off of Virginia's slippin and slidin on snow trying to go to say not very pretty again I just started feeling really nauseous my stomach was all off and I ended up having to go into the bathroom a few times and and then a long camper a road I just everything fell apart I was having all these DejaVu moments from 2014 I was throwing up everything that was in me and people are starting to pass me and eyes just losing heart and I had to stop on the side of the road for a little bit and I just can really defeat it in that moment I just put everything into this race and I'm just having a really tough time after Virginia's and going down camp bird road and it's being passed by more and more people and my confidence it was just cooking back Brian Paul came past me and Brian knows how much this race means to everyone and he stopped he could tell that I was feeling miserable and just gave me the biggest hug and he just told me that I'm so much more than a racer trying to get first place told me that you know I'm a good father I'm a good husband I'm a good ambassador for the sport and it just really touched my heart right there and I was keeping it together before that and then I just started bawling having Brian just give me a big hug and and tell me things are going to be okay and you'll get through this tough time that moment just really meant a lot to me and even though I was defeated even though I was throwing up all the place even though I was laying in the road I wasn't ready to give up yet he came in and he just sort of collapsed onto the ground and I could tell you know everyone it was very obvious that he was really exhausted and he's not feeling like himself you know that's when the race gets real that's when it's not about place and it's not about time it's just about feeling the emotion feel the energy of all the people that are behind you and everyone else a part of this race that you just don't want to give up and you just want to keep giving your all even though you're always feeling pretty shaking at that time as a crew and a pacer as I see it is do whatever I can to kind of help them and meet them wherever they are and it was my hope that that he was going to continue on and you know sure enough he got back up and we walked out of your way and you know hiked back up the past [Music] [Music] you really have to embrace the unknown you can try all you want to script it how you see the day going and have these plans but the mountains don't care they're indifferent to whatever plans whatever hopes you have you have no choice but to just embrace the moment and be present and accept whatever comes your way when it's Rocky when it is hardest point is when the magic happens [Applause] what's your number [Music] hey bro [Music] [Music] [Music] soon time [Music] [Music] it was great we went up to the highest point once you get out all gravy look when we put it behind us our pace picked up every foot we got away from handy I started to feel that energy again I'm wanting to push wanting to be an animal out there then all of a sudden me and Matt just started charging down to Cunningham the last aid station I don't know what came over me but I think the pain that I was feeling the exhaustion I was feeling all that didn't matter you're running six seven eight miles downhill rocks are flying everywhere dust is kicking up it was so much fun all done that was just a kid out there again [Music] location man purple nice to the normal car [Music] [Music] [Music] as I entered silicon that's where everything comes to the surface all the emotions throughout the day all the training all the life just comes alive I'm just flooded with gratitude for the moment for my family the crew my Pacers there's so many people that show me love and support and I couldn't do this without them [Music] for me finishing this race there was a turning point where I know I have much more in my legs I know I have much more of my heart I know that I had a few rough years but I knew there was something coming alive in me that there's more to come [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Billy Yang
Views: 1,197,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardrock 100, timothy olson, darcy piceu, matt hart, kilian jornet, xavier thevnard, jason schlarb, the north face, ultramarathon, ultrarunning, 100 mile race
Id: d7iwV1vr5_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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