Event 12 - Atalanta - 2020 CrossFit Games

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Event 12 - Atalanta - 2020 CrossFit Games

10 athletes. 3 days. 1 title. Tune in live for the final event of the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games where we crown The Fittest on Earth.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Buddyhuggins 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2020 đź—«︎ replies
the 2020 reebok crossfit games is brought to you by crossfit start your fitness journey find a local gym or sign up for a training course at crossfit.com by pure spectrum the company that introduced cbd to the crossfit community let pure spectrum be your advantage by fitting the number one post workout recovery drink in america visit drinkfita.com for your special trial offer and buy reebok visit reebok.com to shop the official 2020 crossfit games collection the ranch in aromas california the site of the first ever crossfit games of 2007 13 years later it is the site of the final event of the 2020 reebok crossfit games and rarely do things live up to the hype that is not the case with event 12. dave castro revealing atlanta to the athletes just moments ago [Music] okay the final event for the 2020 crossfit games at atlanta we've uh introduced the name to you guys now we're going to fill in the details this event essentially was the foundation for the rest of the season phase one and some of the stuff you did here was dictated by this this is one of the first things programmed and thematically things were built around that for example the twists on all the girl workouts so you guys remember in the beginning we had a multitude of girls in stage one that were variants here coming here to day one day one day one was a twist on the first ever crossfit games workout atlanta will be a twist of another workout we've done female workouts we've done previous games workout game workouts and now we're going to do a hero workout we're going to take a classic hero workout and have a little twist to it not just any hero workout but the hero workout of all hero workouts the hero workout we consider our first ever hero workout murph murph is run one mile 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 air squats run one mile that middle section unpartitioned is 100 200 300 often times people will do a partition and it's 5 10 15. 5 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 air squats 20 rounds that right there is the equivalent work of cindy what we're going to do is we're going to take that work pull it out and toss it then we're going to reach into the bag and we're going to find cindy's close relative mary we're going to grab her and we're going to pull her in and replace her in that work 20 rounds of merry is five handstand push-ups 10 pistols 15 pull-ups on partition that is 100 handstand push-ups 200 pistols and 300 for once atlanta is run one mile 100 handstand push-ups 200 pistols 300 pull-ups run one mile but of course it's based off of and built off of merc there's another little item in this bag 20 pound weight vest for the men 14 pound weight vest for the women we'll do at atlanta with a weight vest run one mile 100 handstand push-ups 200 pistols 300 pull-ups run one mile that's your final test for the crossfit games and it'll also be done as one key the two center lanes will be matt and tia right next to each other then two through five and two through 5. this is it it starts at 3 o'clock start warming up if you need to oftentimes the anticipation is worse than the reality but the reality of this event is pretty bad but pretty cool that the men and the women are going to go together the first time we've seen that for a finale at the crossfit games let's start with the men's side of things and the leaderboards are very similar matt fraser has clinched samuel quan has locked up a spot on the podium the question is whether that will be second or third the battle for the final spot in the top three is between mederos adler and noah olsen just 40 points separate them same story on the women's side tia toomey she has clinched catherine david's daughter will finish on the podium question is whether we'll be second and third and 40 points just separate haley adams brook wells and carrie pierce thanks for being with us today everybody as we wrap up the 2020 reebok crossfit games sean woodland and chase ingram bill grunder will be here with us as well and nikki brazier is at the ranch in aromas this is easily the hardest event we've ever seen at the crossfit games i gotta talk to reebok about some new gear because i just threw up my shoes and dave castro announced with that does anybody check what's in his coffee cup once that event was programmed this is by far the hardest yet most i really like how we explain you put it all together it really does make a lot more sense after reading on paper the way you put it together nasty nasty event although it's not out of the realm for a games athlete to test them with this but this is by far the hardest one i've ever seen well let's start on the men's side where matt fraser continues to put together the greatest individual performance we have ever seen at the crossfit game the only thing we've seen him do is have two second place finishes and be like what's wrong with matt absolutely nothing matt fraser has been decimating the field from start to finish and that started in stage one he's had little pushes here and there but again we are witnessing the most dominant athletes who ever graced the field of the sport samuel quan man one more we gotta give this man his due he's been he's been even killed the whole weekend long he's had his hands at ten and two and driving the speed limit down the highway but it has paid off to put him in a second place position at the end of 11 events sami plot right now again has clinched a spot on the podium and now the only question is which one will it be second or third on the women's side tia toomey doing basically the same thing that matt fraser is doing and she just continues to write her legacy here on the sport how spoiled we are that we get to see two of the greatest athletes to ever compete at the crossfit games side by side tia claire toomey nine wins on the weekend has had six straight event wins going back to yesterday and the way she's handled the sprint the way she's handled the odd swims i cannot wait to see her side by side against that coming into this final event meanwhile hayley adams is in the position to be the first american woman on the podium since julie boucher in 2014. she's sitting in the driver's seat at 19 years old hell she just got her license for crying out loud but she's holding on to that third place position and when you talk about something outside the walls of the gym that hayley adams has the potential to be one of the best at this is the event that she wanted to maybe not that she wanted to see but it's a good one for to test her against the other three american women but dave castro as we all know is the man who cooks up all of these events justin berg is the general manager of the crossfit games and he's the guy who makes sure that dave has everything he needs and berg spoke with nikki brazier earlier today well i'm with justin berg the general manager of the crossfit games and justin this has been one wild wacky year to say the very least and i know that it's been an incredible feat just to get to this point how were you guys able to pull this off and really i think why was it so important for you to get it done properly i think that's the biggest question the why was we decided it was important for our community that includes athletes affiliates fans people that work out on a daily basis that this event was too important to quit just because it was hard as the crossfit community we are the kind of people that don't quit because it's hard there's lots of good reasons to quit and difficulty is not one of them and we decided early on that we were not going to just focus on what we couldn't do we were going to focus and we were challenged by our new leadership to actually find out what could we do this year that would be unique and that would raise the bar for future competitions so the first priority was to bring it home to the ranch where we had a lot of control but also we could honor our history and at the same time we could do something that was launching the sport forward in a really positive direction we've tested so much up to this point and the performance that we've seen from matt fraser and tia to me so far has just been unbelievable going into this event what are you expecting to see well first matt is undeniably the fittest man on history when he steps foot on the floor tia is undeniably the fittest woman who's ever competed in our sport when she steps foot on the floor and they've been tested across a broad range of challenges this is a test that dave thought was one of the toughest it's also one of the most complete on a daily basis each of the events and then concluding with this type of a capstone event that's so difficult such sort of a top shelf event it's especially special because when they take the floor it's not determined who the most dominant athlete in our sport has been but you have this unique opportunity where the fittest woman at the peak of her career and the fittest man at the peak of his career will be on the competition floor at the same time in the most difficult crossfit event that dave's ever programmed and so like a lot of sports you would debate that in a talk show or you would use stats to make the final decision and we don't have to do that for our sport they're going to duke it out on the floor and that's unique to the crossfit games and the crossfit community thanks so much justin atlanta the final event of the 2020 reebok crossfit games i honestly don't know what to say about that one maybe we can rename it i don't know what else to say and you're right sean but the more we look at it this is a really a classic devastating test you're taking murph you're taking mary they've done murph twice at the crossfit games they did marry last year at the crossfit game so this is not actually unfamiliar to throw them in together and test these athletes let's bring in bill grunder the third member of our broadcast booth here when you saw this what was your initial reaction well the initial reaction was a smack in the face without a doubt i mean those are large numbers but again we see that with murph we went back and looked at the movements and we have seen elements of this maybe it was half the number of handstand push-ups or half the number of single leg squats with the pistols but last when they did marry they did this volume of the of the pull-up so it's not out of the range but it's tough all ten athletes on the field at the same time and the two champions will be right next to each other in lanes five and lane six it'll be interesting to see maybe they have a little individual competition of their own right now sam quant catherine davis daughter in second place overall and it's haley adams and justin medeiros who sit in that third and final spot on the podium right now [Applause] second atlanta is underway one mile run 20-pound weight vest for the men 14-pound weight vest for the women there are 602 sport repetitions in this event and this opening mile counts it does it counts as one on our scoring table as we're looking what am i looking at is actually matt and tia just hanging back watching things unfold realizing they have an entire marathon of reps and movements to go and just letting them and letting those that need to duke it out for something fighting for podium style duke it out and one of those is carrie pierce if you looked at the numbers you based off her performances in murf and her performances in mary on paper harry should be the favorite for this event on the women's side i i would almost go as far to say she should be the favorite across the board with men and women's side but it makes me nervous that she's jumping out to the front on the run the runs is not her strength she needs to save her strength for the meet that 100 200 300 and the fact that she's jumping out here in the front she's going to be pushed by haley and i don't know if that's going to be the best move for her especially when you have the champs tia and matt was sitting way in the back coasting event 12 is presented by fit aid and this is as much a physical test as it is a mental one it is and it's because of the volume of work you have to do no one has ever thought about doing an unpartitioned mary version of murph with a weight vest so this is a unique test of strength fitness but most of all will because it is the end of a long long weekend and the quiet your mind what does that mean you have a long time and a lot of reps to get out of your own head whereas you can't look and think about the 300 pull-ups while you're doing 100 handstand push-ups you got to stay inside your own head because there's going to be a lot of times where those negative thoughts and those negative voices come creeping in for out what could be the 50 to 60 minutes of work these athletes have to compete in and those voices get so loud when you're out there by yourself like that with no music no headphones no crowds it gets loud really does haley adams and carrie pierce out early here on this first one mile run and let's talk about just the breadth of tests that we've seen here if you remember back to saturday morning the toaster bar lunch accessible to anybody anyone can do that event because that's the simpler consumer grade crossfit we'll call it this not consumer grade product this is the event that if you are a coach owner or program for your affiliate you need to lock inside a box get a double key turn accessibility and then bury it into the abyss of the of the uh of the ocean because this is one that every like everybody wants to do the hard event at the games everybody wanted to do and i don't know why the marathon row the next day check this out it took me two years to note up for that one but this is one that is not made for your average above average or even very good crossfitter you just saw the overall standings for the women haley adams sits in third place overall she's looking to become the first american woman on the podium since julie fouche in 2014. if carrie pierce is going to overtake that spot she's got to beat her by two places and then if that happens then we talk tie breaks but in order for her to have a chance that's carrie pierce to get on the podium she's got to beat haley adams by two places which is totally doable carrie can beat haley and she only needs tia to middle so it's completely possible and that's but that's looking at it on paper this has been a long weekend a very a very arduous weekend we've seen kerry have some highs and lows so even though on paper this is an event that's almost taylor made for her bar in her history or with her history does she have the mental capacity to push haley's just been chomping at the bit at every chance you get so this is going to be a big battle for those two and that's what comes in the will and the want to can she yes but does she want to because that's a big ask for an event like this haley adams is in the lead carrie pierce behind her and then you saw the pack of athletes they're now making the turn and matt fraser and tia toomey running this together right now and in the back and why not and it's not a matter like they're mailing it in they have a full understanding of where the event is going to take shape and it's not the 100 handstand push-ups and it's not the 200 pistols but it's the 300 pull-ups and the last run oh yeah is where this event is really going to start to take shape i mean how many times have we seen even the crossfit games when murph was handed out who wins the mile you don't see him after that so what is going to happen we see we see haley really pushing the envelope here she is pull i mean making it large distance between her and the rest of the field she has to make sure she's smart about that in her head but she looks like she's very comfortable where this isn't a joe scally moment in 2015. i don't want to throw anybody under the bus there but oh you know i think he can take it he knows what he did that's the five-minute mark on this opening one mile run of the final event of the 2020 reebok crossfit games and just to sum up one mile run 100 handstand push-ups 200 pistols 300 pull-ups and then a final one mile run all the men and all the women competing together the first time we've seen that at a finale at the crossing games i think it's very very cool how dave set this up how he put it together and not just the event itself but putting all the athletes in one massive heat putting matt and tia side by side in the lane next to each other because at this point in time as they're you know they're the longest victory lap of all time maybe the hardest of all time but what it is is it's an opportunity to see greatness side by side competing in the same exact event haley adams with the cross-country background so really no surprise that she's out front on this one mile run but we'll see how that affects her as she works her way back to the barn and she'll start those 100 handstands i really think she's got some nice things holding forth she's got that cross-country background she has that gymnastic background she did well in mary last year when they had in 2019 games so this is a great opportunity for her to really make something happen and we've seen her really grind when it gets dirty she hangs in there she really does a great job with that has a great training crew at crossfit mayhem and for a 19 year old she has a really strong mental game as well as a great physical game now whether or not she winds up finishing on the podium you're clearly looking at the future of the sport right now 100 haley being one of them and maduro's being the second one i've you know she's 19. madaros is 21. i'm i'm excited to see the dominance in the greatness it's just a showcase superstars superstars and legends of the sport making their history as we go step by step but what the future holds it's not going to be the same old players over and over and the new blood is leading this event so far i know it's early we have yet to get to the you get to the handstand push-ups but i like her composure this she's almost unflappable there's things she's good at and thinks she's not but either one success or failure seems to bother her hayley adams making her way back to the competition floor carrie pierce behind her and then catherine david's daughter was in third david's daughter second place overall coming into this event she has just has to avoid a disaster here to hang on to second place if she finishes third or better for the women she's going to clinch that second place regardless of what the other athletes do so she's in the driver's seat as far as second place is concerned now here comes hayley adams 100 handstand push-ups now the rest of the field working their way back to the competition floor i'm honestly really impressed how everyone is being overly composed i mean they know it's a race grant and matt and tia they can they can afford to hang back even though that's not necessarily their style it doesn't really matter if they have it clinched or not um but the group as a whole really seems to not to be giving this this event the respect that it deserves yes they're not just going like okay i'm gonna get out there and get crazy they're being very respectful so that they can finish this strong and appropriately at the end justin moderos has just inverted himself he's in lane three he's getting to work on his 100 handstand pushes no moderos like haley adams youngest man in the field sitting in third place and for order for him to give that up either jeff adler or noah olsen is gonna have to beat him by at least two spots and if this weekend proves anything that's completely doable now the way things have shook up just 40 points separating noah olsen and justin medeiros what's going to be interesting with maderos is i think this element right here is going to be his weakest part we saw him run great on the run uh we know he's got a lot of leg strength but where he was weak was in the total in that strict press so you are going to feel it in the shoulders definitely here so i want to see how he's going to break this up keeping his small numbers to be able to get past especially that that last 50 is where it's going to get dicey for them 602 total scored repetitions in this event the first one mile run counted as one and then 100 handstand pushups so at the 101 rep mark the athletes will move on to the pistols and haley adams is through now 49 of those 602 score full score repetitions as carrie pierce is making quick work of the handstand push-ups and now she is in the lead oh he saw the same thing in mary i'm surprised she's even kipping at all because she did the entire merry event last year with strict handstand push-ups she's through 51 of the 100 handstand push-ups 15 reps back of carrie pierce just making methodical work of these right now [Music] we said the miles the buy-in to the 100 handstand push-ups the 100 handstand push-ups is the buy-in to the pistols and then the pistols are the buy-in to the real work that's the 300 pull-ups they're gonna have to do on the tail end the athlete who tested this were all either one of them when chrissy arrimo o'connell was sub 50 sub 50. and everybody else was under an hour which is faster than my normal murph of right pull-ups push-ups and air squats carrie pearson her sixth straight crossfit games really had an outstanding performance last year and it was a derivation of this event mary where she really put an exclamation point on what she was able to accomplish in 2019 carrie pierce now 78 reps in 602 total scored repetitions and at the 101 mark that's when she'll move on to the 200 pistols you're mentioning carrie being you know first time she's in 2015 or her sixth appearance the 2015 class of women are well represented here oh tia toomey carrie pierce brooke wells and that was the comeback year for catherine davis daughter after missing at 14 and having marginal success in 12 and 13. so really that 2015 group of women has been a hall of fame class of athletes on the men's side jeffrey adler is your leader through 62 of the 100 handstand push-ups live up on noah olsen right now there's another element to this gymnastic component that is the weight vest what was normally considered a body weight benefit the added of the weight adds that strength element to it as well carrie pierce is done with her 100 handstand push-ups and now on to the 200 pistols remember pierce is in fifth place overall if she wants to move up to third she's got to beat haley adams by at least two spots something i'd really like to see is sitting in the position she was on the leaderboard after 11 events and the first two events of today really did not play in her favor whatsoever it was a brutal sprint not the best swim so it's really easy to come in here and mail it in especially with the difficulty of this event but what does she do it looks like she took what these are two events combined that i may be the best at of the field bill like you had said earlier so i love to see her in this position that she's not taking the 12th fin off she is going for it and she still has the potential to get up there in the top three let's send it down to nicki who is right by the competition 4 there at the ranch something very interesting is happening down here you guys in lanes five and six matt and tia are training partners obviously and they almost appear to be attacking this workout like they were partners in their gym back home they're taking the same breaks doing the same rep scheme i can't quite hear them but it looked like they were kind of like looking over at each other talking hey okay let's get let's come down let's get back up on the wall again just really interesting to see them in the air so fraser with five to go he's your leader for the men right now adler sits in second olson in third maderos and then sam quant and now fraser and tumi moving on to the pistols i think they shop at the same store too they train together and shop at the same store together carrie pierce continues the lead for the women through 49 now 50 of the 200 pistols matt fraser your leader adler seven reps behind him followed by olson madaros and quant the fraser even went to the ice bucket there and dunked that hat into it before he put it on his head you'd be surprised how much of a massive difference that makes if you're thinking about overheating you see that a lot in distance events say like triathlons they have these ice cold towels on the courses and you wrap that around your neck and it the cooling effect it has is dramatic so that's a savvy move by matt fraser absolutely remember that was the big issue with the first work that we did was all that heat exhaustion so if you can keep that heat down especially that that's where all your heat goes from your head cool that down smart move frazier your leader for the men right now through 120 of the 602 total scored repetitions at 201 pardon me 301 is when he will move on to the 300 pull-ups there's jeff adler who sits in second place he is the only other man on the pistols right now through 11 of the 200. and these are the most reps that we've seen for these movements in any games workout ever i mean they only be matched by mary from last year where the best of the best did 20 to 22 plus so the volume when it when it was first announced seemed excessive but they've done it before the biggest wrinkle to that is the weighted vest element of the volume itself it drop it does change that dramatically on what that would do on the the body towards the end yeah absolutely i mean the the it doesn't seem like much but it is a ton of giant insult dinosaur noah olsen in his seventh straight cross a game's appearance looking to finish on the podium for the second straight year but right now fifth place overall and he's got to stay ahead of justin medeiros and jeff adler in order to get himself back into that position carrie pierce is your leader for the women as she is almost halfway done with the pistols now through 100 of those haley adams the closest woman to her she's through 62 and counting so a sizable lead right now for carrie pierce if she wants to get on the podium she's got to beat hayley adams by two spots and you know what in all reality what kerry is doing she might be pushing it harder now than she needs to but she's trying to bank a little bit of distance between her and in the likes of like uh haley adams haley's a very good runner carrie classically isn't a very good runner and so she needs and she needs to do so well so she's got to try to push that envelope as much as she can i mean it might as well run the wheels off yeah she's got a three last event she's got a 300 pull-up leg break between the pistols these are your leaders in this event matt fraser bottom left kerry pierce on the right side fraser is through 67 of the 200 pistols jeff adler is in second behind behind him olson's in third and then medeiros and sam just got to work on his pistols 301 that's the number that carrie pierce was looking for before she will move on to the pull-up bar in this event keeping with the theme that we have seen all weekend at the ranch things just get turned up to 11 when you go to a roll unless you're talking about the music volume and it's all the way down men's scoring hat top of your screen shows matt fraser through 185 now of the 602 total scored repetitions sam quan who came in in second place overall looking to stay there he is going to finish on the podium but right now he is in fifth place for the men in this event there he is just going the speed limit checking his side view mirrors maybe adjusting the rear view mirrors putting on this seat belt making sure everything checks out the long event got a lot it's we're barely to the 20 minute mark and this is gonna take nearly an hour so he's got a lot of room left to make up some ground on these athletes carrie pierce is into her final set of 50. and as far as the gender battle goes right now four of the women are ahead of the men right now tia and matt moving together i think you'll probably start to see a shift of that moving once we get to the pull-ups your time out handstand push-ups even the run good to go pistols good to go but that high-volume gymnastic pulling the men will have a slight advantage on that unless it's carrie appears and kerry pierce should probably do all these pull-ups strict and not bad an eye but we may see that gap close in the second half of this event jerry pierce creeping closer to that 301 rep mark tiatoomi right now is in fourth place in the heat she threw 107 of the 200 pistols haley adams keeping piers close to her although by 40 reps but remember in order for haley adams to surrender that third place spot to pierce pierce has got to beat her by two spots so right now haley adams looking okay i like where she's at again staying poised keeping calm waiting till we get to the pull-ups before things start to take shape and knowing full well that she does have that last mile as an advantage for her coming into the end fraser continues the lead for the men one of the nicest things you could ever have and you chase you know that you've done team stuff when you have your teammate there pushing you keeping you going if it starts to get a little rough that always helps people along same thing happens in the seal teams on firefighter crews or whatever the two champs on the floor are the only ones that have now have that team camaraderie where they can kind of push each other let everyone know that hey you're fine not that they wouldn't couldn't do that on their own but that just makes him that much more deadly to the rest of the field that keeps them so calm because they have that protection of their team no one else has that on the floor well they also don't have to worry about one of them beating the other just because they're doing opposite competitions from each other so it that is it has it's nice to have someone in your ear or someone to talk to yeah matt will have that with other athletes say like you know his buddies on the competition floor but he's still trying to beat them yep him and tian next to that guy i like that it's a very good idea to have it's like just someone to stay positive with for a long duration event like this jerry pierce is just about done with those 200 pistols one rep to go and she will now move on to the 300 pull-ups she has done a hundred push-ups run a mile and 200 pistols in 21 minutes and i was so curious about what the first set was going to look like are we going to go set the five in man she just tanned wow okay all right we're going with tests okay so matt and tia now are on their final set of pistols and they are just content to stay right next to each other and work as a team here i am very curious and excited to see what happens when they get to the pull-up bar yeah i feel like let's see they're gonna go two ways they're just gonna stay in cruise control finish the event together side by side or are they just waiting for the big part of this event which is the pull-ups kerry pierce is your leader 323 now 24 reps and counting when she gets to 601 she'll take off on her last mile haley adams who is in third place overall is in second place right now in this event and looking to become the first american woman to finish on the podium since 2014 at just 19 years old 35 of the 300 pull-ups check back in on the men's race where matt fraser is through 178 of the 200 pistols jeffrey adler meanwhile has 50 to go as does noah olsen so noah olsen is two spots ahead right now of justin medeiros and remember that is what has to happen for olson to have a chance of finishing third but jeffrey adler came into this event in fourth so olson ahead of him right now but he's got to continue to hold him off if he wants any shot of getting back onto the podium there we still got a long way to go long way to go finishing 200 pistols both these athletes are within 50. although quant just passed a hundred olson is through 166 and counting fraser through 193 and adler through 164. now 165. haley adams is just about done with her pistols and she will join carrie pierce on the pull-up bar catherine davis daughter is catching up as well david's daughter has closed the gap with haley adams so three women on their sets of 300 pull-ups as matt fraser and tia toomey have now finished as well and they will move to the pull-up bar so now the race titans and that's good for kerry pierce if she's trying to get into that third place position on the podium you've got two former champions chasing down the one person she needs them to be carrie pierce is through 69 of the 300 pull-ups david's daughter through 15. so she is past adams now for second place in the heat adam sits in third she's through 15 and now pulling almost even with dave is out here so that's the fight right now going on between kathryn davis utter and the yellow and haley adams in the blue carrie pierce needs some help from catherine davidson right now and he's some big sets everyone's ripping off start with 10 10 plus pierce is dropping down to sixes and fives no olsen putting the finishing touches on his set of 200 pistols and he will move to the pull-up bar going to be good for noah high volume pull-ups i'm really impressed with the tempo that he was going to those pistols he was right next to adler and adlu is it was almost a second and a half two seconds breaking between each rep no one was able to wrap those out and really kind of probably kind of rapid fire matt fraser is your leader for the men he is through 10 of the 300 pull-ups noah olsen is the only other man on the pull-up bar although jeff adler is getting close to joining him man fraser through 20 of his 300 to me through 20. so they're just content to keep the exact same pace here sam quan is trying to stay in second place noah olsen is looking to leapfrog into the top three and right now he's got one person between himself and justin medeiros get exactly what he needs to have that 40 point difference then he start playing the tiebreaker game if that's where it stands by the end by the end of the event you mentioned sam quant he is in the back there behind matt fraser on the right he has 50 pistols ago justin medeiros has 20 to go sam quant again has clinched a spot in the top three he's in second right now but both adler olsen and even mederos all have a shot of moving into the top three with him [Applause] carrie pierce still leads for the women through 111 so more than a third of the way done with her 300 pull-ups and one of the things you can start to see where you see the fatigue is in that drop there's almost a snap in the shoulders you might not feel it in the first hundred like these athletes you're gonna start to see it by the second hundred in the 200 indies athlete and the last hundred's gonna be rough here are the overall standings once again coming into this event catherine davis daughter has clinched a spot on the podium haley adams right now sits in third carrie pierce 40 points back of adam so she has to feed her by two spots in order to even have a chance to get on the podium and right now pierce is getting some help from the woman on the left of your screen katherine david's daughter dave his daughter even with haley adams right now on the pull-ups both into the 80s dave is out through 88 adams through 85. dave zutter is going past her but it does seem like she's working a bit harder for those pull-ups than hayley is here you're right chip away at that 300. see that snap in the shoulder yeah that's going to get nasty and it's less of a guiding down into a nice smooth sweep for what a butterfly pull-up would be but almost a drop in that jerk at the bottom like a free fall totally well this is one of the things like when you talk about in the regular crossfit gym the danger of doing keeping pull-ups like this is that you don't have to strengthen the shoulders yet obviously these athletes do but you can start to see even when they get fatigued how you're going to have that snap and how you're going to have that shoulder work carry pierced through 437 of the 602 reps and the two champions rep for rep working at the exact same pace razer through 80 pull-ups to me through 80 pull-ups 10 at a time still neither one is in any hurry right now noah olsen is two spots up on justin medeiros olsen's got to make up 40 points and beat medeiros by two spots for him to have a chance of getting into the top three meanwhile sam quad the man who came in in second place overall still in fifth place in this event on his pistols he's only got a couple more now the man who has finished first and second today and the other two events will move on to the pull-up bar and begin his set of 300. now i'm sure you guys are just like me i love to chalk i love to chalk my hands and the reason it's so important here you get your hands sweaty with all this work that you're doing if you have that grit moving see their grips moving on that if you get a tear now yes this will ruin this event for you so you have to make sure that you're being very smart about your grip very smart about how you're holding onto the bar and what you're doing to take care of that that's what happened to saxon is the 30-minute mark appropriate to do a disclaimer of no one should try the city yeah when do we get this to labels on this one well like you said if you're a coach take this event and block it away and don't let anybody i'm just gonna bury it down deep and never bring it up again now bill what you said about chalking up and that you're not wanting your hands to move how you rip on a pull-up bar is actually when your hands slide excessively on the pull-up guard that's how the tear happens it's not a sticky bar if your hands don't move rarely are you going to rip as often as if you were just rubbing your hands back and forth where that friction causes the rip in the hands kerry pierce is through 467 of the 602 total scored repetitions she is through 169 now 170 of the 300 pull-ups katherine davis daughter has opened up a little bit of a lead on haley adams and that's big for pierce see if you look at what you're talking about chase where their hands are on that bar the idea is to keep those knuckles on top of the bar so there isn't a whole lot of moving around the chalk ideally is to kind of keep them dry because if your hands are sweaty and it slips and that drops now you have a lot of movement you do not want movement of your palm on that bar haley adams looks like she might have a little blood on her hands right now oh the right hand looks like and i've been there you just can't chop that enough you can't out chop the blood once it starts well look at carrie's grip look at how little movement there is when her hands are on the bar whereas you see is now it starts to happen for haley as she's going more to that fingertip grip which doesn't put as much palm on there because usually you rip those calluses right at the base of the fingers on the top of your palm not really the middle one you want to stack that on there and try to lock in here's your leader for the women in this event matt fraser your leader for the men through 139 now pull-ups and counting as he approaches the halfway point tia toomey right there with him she is in fourth place in this event for the women both toomey and fraser through 140 of the 300 pull-ups uh to be a fly on the wall right now between these two guys i want to know what they're saying so bad what do you want for dinner in and out it's what we're going to do tomorrow noah also meanwhile in second place for the men still maintaining that lead over adler and medeiros kerry is working hard for those last reps now carrie pierce with 100 pull-ups to go [Applause] looking for her fourth career event win here and remember she beat everybody last year and mary including the men chip doing almost 345 pull-ups at the time now it wasn't with a weight vest but it shows that she has the capacity oh yeah and the stamina to sustain herself in a high volume event like this catherine davis daughter is widening her lead over haley adams david's daughter looking to finish on the podium for the fourth time in her career well not just widening the lead on haley but really starting to gain on carrie pierce up in the front all we've been doing is talking about how carrie's out in the front out in the front and catherine is just slowly creeping up i mean she's almost just 10 reps behind the one the one person pierce has been cheering for this entire time has been catching david's daughter and now captain is dangering the plan of her trying to middle between her and haley appears has got to stay ahead of both david's daughter and adams for her to even have a shot of getting into the top three i mean if they get on the road and and carrie and catherine are close it's not going to be a that that's not a race well katherine davidson when you asked her what do you think of that final event supposed to be the toughest ever she says i hope so yeah i hope it is i don't want to do it so david's out are now chipping away at carrie pierce's lead and she is within 10 reps appears through 220 pull-ups david's out of through 210 pierce back to work pierce is down to four reps at a time hayley adams is in third but now tia toomey is starting to creep up on her and brooke wells is way behind 127 reps off the pace being set by carrie pierce right now so pierce is down to fours started with tens catrin is staying with fives so every set they do she gains a rep which doesn't sound like a lot but when you're doing 300 shares 300 weighted pull-ups it adds up pierce through 232. haley adams is through 200 100 left for her on this movement this is a problem for you know when you when you tear your hands early and the problem is like normally in an event it's something you can just kind of deal with once you once it's over but with that weighted vest it it puts so much more stress and pain in the grip if that is the case fraser and chew me now both through 200 of their 300 pull-ups 28 career event wins for matt fraser and he's about to add a fifth crossfit games championship the best thing for hayley adams meanwhile is for kathryn davis daughter to get ahead of carrie pierce that would really take the pressure off of hayley adams although tiatoomi is lurking yes she is [Laughter] carry pairs through 246 of the 300 david's outer 10 reps back hayley adams is through 211 of her 300 pull-ups that's 10 sets of five and that would be enough if they stick with that five to four tempo that catch and could catch her by the end of these 50 reps for the men matt fraser continues to lead noah olsen is in second he's ahead of jeff adler and he's ahead of justin medeiros [Applause] and hayley adams is just you can see both of her hands now look like yeah it looks it's hard to tell if that's the grip of the tape but there's it looks like there's red on both grips oh now that how do you feel you don't shake your hands like that so one of the things she could do is so she could turn that hand around it would give a little bit different pull on the on the palm feels weird it's awkward but again you're just trying to limp yourself through this last handful a handful nine pull-ups you gotta do but anything to take the pressure off that palm carry pierce still leaves for the women only a 10-rep lead now on catherine davis daughter appears through 264 of the 300 pull-ups davis otto through 254 adams now only four reps ahead of tiatumi [Applause] noel olsen keeping in second place for the men he is through 220 of his of his 300 pull-ups david's out of the former two-time champion comes in second place overall now five bet reps back of carrie pierce catch and look strong now here's the job of the coach this is your job is to navigate your athlete through the weeds and what i mean by that is when things just get to the brink where you're you're completely exhausted you're mentally drained you don't know where you are that is your coach's job to get you through the end cap stay with fives 10 second rest kerry you're getting caught stick with three shorten the rest those are the jobs of the coach that's the chess game behind the scenes that is why your coach is there is to navigate you through the weeds at the end of this event so just 20 reps to go now for carrie pierce 601 as the march is trying to hit and then it's one final mile run dave was over now nine reps behind carrie pierce toomey meanwhile has passed hayley adams you heard that kerry still sticking with four on the left side of your screen cat going back up she's again hanging on to fives carrie pierce now with just seven reps remaining pop up don't rest that much for a set of seven if it's not going to happen pop up do a four do a three and get out of there david's daughter creeping up now within four but pierce back to work geez just do singles now get yourself out of that out you got to get out of that area and get back on the or get out onto the run there we go nice and that's it for carrie pierce one mile remains catherine david's honor seven reps she's gotta hide pierce she's gotta run for her life she is like she's being chased down by her gun she will have a sled dog on her heels so she's gonna have to pick up the pace carrie pearson giving herself a really good chance of maybe getting into the top three right now she's got to keep at least catherine davis daughter between herself and haley adams now david's daughter is done and will try to track down carrie pierce tia toomey and hayley adams meanwhile are trading third place i love how carrie's going for it she's not holding back she's trying to get as much as and here's part of it too we're talking about the game within the game breaking spirits one of those is that you're running up to someone waiting a few seconds and then sprinting by them so they won't chase you the other one is getting out of eyesight yep so they can't get the start of the run and that's what kerry did because there's a big turn coming off that 90 degrees from the rig and if katrin takes the corner and can't see carrie it might keep her from trying to chase her down in the very beginning piers trying to go from fifth into third again she has to get at least one other person between herself and haley adams in this event in order to even have a shot to do that and right now she has two kathryn davis daughter who's chasing her on this run who has yet to come around the corner tia tubey who has passed hayley adams now and third is also helping carrie pierce look up over her shoulder and sees catherine davis daughter finally round the corner and i agree with you 100 percent uh chase that she tried to sprint out because if you watch the tip of how they're running captain was trying to try to catch her breath to get set for that run kerry was running for her life meanwhile haley adams is still on the pull-up bar but she is inching closer to that man 300 mark she is through 274 of the 300 pull-ups like hayley is toughest man oh she's a beast tough as nails i've seen so many athletes rip hands like that and go to their knees and cry in their milk and haley hasn't batted an eye she hasn't complained in fact she's doing bigger pull-up sets than she did when we saw earlier this girl is so dang tough meanwhile the bottom right noah olsen who is in lane number one has tied matt fraser and now leads for the man he's through 295 and counting of his 300 pull-ups that's big for noah olsen olsen coming in in fifth place overall 465 trying to do the same thing that carrie pierce is doing vault from fifth into the top three and olsen right now has matt fraser at least he did between himself and justin medeiros olsen on the run as he has done with his 300 pull-ups and matt fraser just got off the pull-up bar as well olsen makes the turn here comes fraser wow and toomey and razer waited for tia [Applause] so if noah olsen can hang on to this lead and he can keep fraser behind him in between himself and maduro's olsen's got a shot he's got a shot at getting on the podium how big would that be for noel olson after everything he's been going through all weekend long coming off the second place finish last year almost leaving him for dead a few times along the last three days if he can find himself on top of the podium it might not have been the stellar finish or event that he wanted but when everything's not going according to plan and you still have a performance like this this is a good booster for what maybe next year could potentially be for no one gary pierce is still ahead of catherine davis daughter and she still has david's daughter and toomey between herself and haley adams now noah olsen is on the run and looking a little labored here with his gate and pierce passing david's daughter so carrie pierce looking for a huge event win here and for kerry this is all trusting your training how many times has you said we've been hammering running hammering running i hate running but we've been hammering it it has all come down to your training when it comes to the end matt and tia continue to run together pretty appropriate given what the two of them have accomplished this weekend carrie pierce looking to try to accomplish something that hasn't been done since 2014 and that's put an american woman on the podium haley adams is finally on the run gutted through those 300 pull-ups that is a tough 19-year-old kid now big for carriers yes she just passed catching but it's the same thing we said at the very beginning of the run you saw her she saw you get some distance get as much distance as you can pierce passing olson who is your leader for the men right now i'll tell you i'm overly impressed with karen pierce right now i thought she would have slowed down a little bit i thought she would have kind of fallen into that mental trap but she just closed her eyes and went for it and the fact that she's still holding on to this tempo look how slow noah was running kerry pierce is crushing this run noah's got to be careful because he's in a good spot right now he's your leader in the event but fraser is creeping up on him noah's got to keep fraser behind him in between himself and justin medeiros in this event and maderos is on the run matt better tell tia to start running faster if they're going to stay together carrie pierce a while ago took a look over her shoulder and did not see catherine davis out there so carrie pierce saving her best effort for last and looking to lock up 100 points and possibly a spot on the crossfit games podium bottom right noah olsen your leader for the men matt fraser is creeping up he takes a look behind him to see what's going on fraser olsen and maduro is the only three men on the run kerry pierce for the second straight year has an event where she not only is going to win but also beat every other man to do the event amazing amazing a testament of fitness a testament of preparation a testament of will i am at all one of the most curious performance one of the most incredible performances i've seen at the crossfit games as far as i'm not talking about matt and tia their deal but in a single event just smashing through all of it just the entire thing carrie pierce just is going to will herself across the finish line and she will win event 12 and looking to get herself onto the podium and end a drought for the united states that has lasted since 2014. [Applause] 47 56 56.68 seconds if i had shown you this event and said that is the time that's gonna win it there's no way either one of you would have believed me i said you misplaced the four to seven days it was supposed to take not 47 minutes thank you carrie pierce will block up 100 points david sutter and toomey are still ahead of haley adams and that would mean that pierce is not only crazy but also on the podium matt fraser and tia toomey have passed noah olsen the question now is where is justin medeiros says catherine davis daughter is going to cross the finish line davis daughter will finish on the podium for the fourth time in her career 75 points and i don't know how but all smiles right now for katrin davis daughter as she closes out her 20 20 reebok crossfit games with a second place finish she goes sub 50 on event 12. i've talked a lot about her trying to do comeback events within the games itself but this is a comeback year for katherine davis daughter coming off the injury that she had coming out of the open for her to do this after what she's dealt with so far this might be one of the most impressive performances i've ever seen by catching david sotter matt fraser is going to win another event he has left noah olsen behind him and he is running with his training partner and fellow champion tia toomey miles man to look back and knows like you had your chance at the turn bro don't you dare don't shoot there so noah also needs to hope that jeff adler can chase down justin moderos on this run because olson needed someone between himself and baderos to have his best shot at the podium but he still might be alive we have to see how all this shakes out matt fraser another look over his shoulder so much communication going on between these two we've seen matt turn his head to talk turn his head to look around really haven't seen tia do a whole lot of turning to talk but these guys are in full communication this entire race home stretch to me and fraser making the turn together one final right turn and then back to the finish line two of the most dominant individual performances that we have ever seen at the crossfit games that's the distance that stands between matt fraser tia toomey and history match fraser rewrites history tia toomey continues to make it the perfect end to a nearly perfect competition the two greatest of all time stand alone they are the fittest on earth and the fittest in history and now noah olsen just trying to hang on to whatever hope he has of making it to the podium he'll get across in second place now that'll be good for 75 points [Applause] 540 total points for olson right now which puts him 35 ahead of justin medeiros at this point now here comes hayley adams who is hoping to hang on to third place overall and it's looking like it won't happen but what a future ahead for hayley adams what she showed up last year she grew up this year haley adams is here to stay oh she's gonna be around a long time too that good this early beast here comes justin medeiros looking to lock up third place and 55 points and he is in and that 55 point total runs moderos unofficially to 560. right now that keeps him in third place behind sam quant who came in with 590. now jeff adler will come in and he will earn for fourth place 35 points great moment between sammy and matt fraser and matt gets it he's not the only one putting in the work the support system he has is sammy and everyone else around him they put in a lot of work to make sure he can succeed the way he does and he recognizes that jeff adler now starting to walk sam quant is still on the pull-ups so adler the only man now on the run you know with jeff adler i was so curious at the start of this competition what he was gonna do i didn't know if he mentally had enough meanness to really get after it but i'm real impressed with some of the things that i saw with him i mean he had some ups and downs for sure uh but he threw some hay makers too yup and wasn't afraid and this is the first time i haven't seen him not be afraid i thought like honestly talking to him earlier i just didn't think he was going to be there i didn't think he was going to be in their head in the head but he impressed me sam quant down to singles he came in with 590 points so he earned 15 assuming he gives the full effort here and that'll give him 605 and should this is all unofficial should keep him in second place overall so father making the turn home and bill as you said before i was feeling the same way about jeff and it's funny about jeff he's kind of taken the no olson route because we remember him from the the volunteer days from the dubai crossfit championship and now look at him where he's at we saw the same thing for noelson back in the regional days with dave castro sometimes people say you can't train that competitive switch but you can because we saw tia do the same thing and look what it's done for her in 15 and 16 especially that mental weakness that she had and that self-confidence that wasn't there is now gone and has created the monster that we see today with tia tumi if adler can get there with the skill set that he already has i'm excited to see what he's capable of in the future oh yeah i mean you know round those edges off a little bit get a little bit more experience where you you get used to taking some risks and not being afraid to fail not being afraid to let someone win and get out there and mix it up so you really see where you are and yeah you're right he's going to be a force to contend with for a while jeff adler closing out his 2020 reebok crossfit games with a fourth place finish in the toughest event ever in games history and he will earn 35 points for that effort and certainly impressed at times in this competition and was only one of the two men to actually beat matt fraser in an event now brooke wells the final woman out on the course there's two athletes left brook wells and sam corn and wells looks like she has a sizable amount of blood smeared on her shorts i mean we heard that from the demo team no one was left unscathed testing this event and it's bound to happen this isn't unfamiliar maybe you're seeing it for the first time it might seem like a murder scene running down the last mile but this is just kind of par for the course that happens in events like this sometimes it really isn't that but it is one of the worst things that happens it completely shuts you down and that's what's so impressive about haley adams is the same thing happened to her but we didn't see her slow down or stop at all i mean that she was able to stay on the bar even though she was slipping and dealt with it haley adams with basically a boxer tape job on both of her hands and she's there with taser perception adam's obviously disappointed but i think when she has some time to sort of reflect on this she should be really happy with what she accomplished here if you're not impressed with hayley adams i don't know what you've been watching the past year if you're not a believer now that she is the future and someone that is fully capable of winning this eventually i don't know what you guys were watching all weekend and even what you're watching now is like yeah you should be it's good to see him upset that's the competitor right there if she was like you know what i'm proud of the job that i did that she would have she doesn't have that killer instinct she should be pissed i mean of course she's gonna be proud of how she did but the fact that she the fact that she didn't win that's the competitor the competitor wants to win always here comes brooke wells and once she crosses the finish line nine of the ten athletes who started this event will have finished it sam quan the only man left out there on the final one mile run one day will come where those tears of happiness were sorry tears of sadness for haley adams are going to be tears of joy it's just hard to think that she doesn't have a crossbow championship in the future after what you saw here it's not an if it's a win now brook wells will close things out one hour 19. seconds for brooke wells are we at the hour mark so disclaimer those watching this for the first time please do not try this at please do not try this at home we want to make sure as we hit every 30 minutes we put it out there this is a super human event these are super human athletes and this is just an event that is not made for mortal men and women san juan has made the turn on the left again came in with 590 points and it looks like unofficially he's gonna stay in second place a lot of people didn't even mention his name in stage one as far as a guy who could be in the top five maybe maybe top ten then i'll be honest it's not like we said his name a whole bunch over the last three days but the cons consistency is key but also consistency almost kind of gets you lost in the shuffle you're not doing horrible so we talk about you you're not winning an event so we talk about you and he's just staying in his lane he's not speeding in a school zone right now he's keeping it straight down the middle so his performance the consistency is something that was very impressive on samuel kwan you think about just i mean you just think about the the mental emotional and physical toll that these last three days of taking on then you cross the finish line and all that just is released at once think of it like the trail run we saw friday night where they you know you you when you're in an event like this say just the event you're doing everything you can to keep that switch on you're going to ignore the pain you're going to ignore the suffering you're going to ignore your breathing and when you cross the finish line you turn it off at the end of 12 events in three days and everything that they've gone through all year long those emotions come out right the realness rears this every head because they're done they don't have to suppress that and not even just the emotional side of that but the physical pain of that i mean you can block out these athletes are very good at blocking out the pain and the discomfort of the events that they're dealing with and the cumulative effect of that then when you cross the finish line on the last event you have the emotional release then you feel it you feel all the pain of that weekend right after that so right it's a big big emotional uh drop after everything we saw catherine davis on her second go sitting with noah olsen katherine knows she can take the best off right i mean she's still got the thing off it's keeping her warm i think she's on high alert we're going to do real murph this time sam quant is putting the finishing touches on this last one-mile run it's like ben bergeron speaking with brooke wells there hey that's the realness of competition it's tough you know let's just go back and get invested let's go back a handful of months here we didn't even know any of this was going to happen right the fact that we got to have the crossfit games the level of programming that we got for the crossfit games the competition that we had whether or not matt and tia ran away with their first place position the rest of it was i mean honestly one of the most remarkable battles for the second to fifth that i've ever seen of all the ten years that i broadcasted across big games i mean this it's been one of the most incredible races of all time how many times can you put history on all these different pieces i don't understand now sam quant just about done that with that one mile run and you just heard noah olsen saying that was probably one of the hardest workouts i've ever done oh yeah i want to know what the ones really i'm shocked what was second well and it's if you took it if you look at this compared to the swim repeat event matt was saying that was one of the hardest ones he's ever done noah said i didn't think i was going to finish the third round so when you look at that short interval and then you have this mega long i got two minutes of spectrum san quant will take fifth in the event but it's going to end on a positive note for him because it's looking like he will finish in second place overall unofficially but san juan a podium finish here at the 2020 reebok crossfit games good for that guy wow he's a new dad he trains by himself he's dealing with the craziness of that life and here he is competing at the crossfit games and not only competing very well but also finishing on the podium your 2020 crossfit games champions matt frazier and tia claire toomey wow red the two greatest of all time nine crossing games championships between the two of them i just that event that stacked up what they did together is it was a very cool nod to each other they know what they've both gone through over the years and the support that they've given each other through this was almost exemplified through this event but i'm very very very impressed with carrie pierce beyond measure [Music] carrie pierce put on a relentless effort here was the first woman on that final run and you could tell she was gutting through this and just giving it everything she had to hang on to that lead she was fully tapped fully tapped by the end of that run and one of the most amazing completions of an event that we've had this entire weekend and then the two champions crossing the finish line together and they wouldn't have it any other way as they make their run into history carrie pierce 100 points and the event win catherine davis daughter will finish second followed by tia toomey haley adams was trying to hang on to third place overall she takes fourth in that event and brooke wells finishes fifth let's go to nikki brazier who is with your four time fittest woman on earth tia toomey wow tia first congratulations on an incredible finish and an incredible weekend i want to start by asking you about this event specifically dave castro said this was going to be the hardest event in games history now that you've completed it do you agree um you know i think that every event has its own challenge you know i it definitely was a challenging workout um especially it being the last workout of such a long weekend but you know it i don't want to take away the challenge from other workouts either and so um you know it was a great test of fitness it was an honor to actually be a part of it you know being a hero workout and a spin off a hero workout um that is it's always an honor and you know you're not just doing it for yourself and your team you're doing it for a much bigger reason and that's what our sport is all about yeah i was actually going to say i saw at the very end you were cheering on some of the athletes who were still working and i think that we see in you as elite athletes what we aspire to in the gym every day when we cheer each other on what is it like for you to be a figurehead of the sport in that respect uh i mean it words can't really describe you know it's it's a huge honor to be a part of this community and just to stand on top of the podium at a weekend like this um but also be a part of something bigger it's what everyone strives to work for and and you know strives to be better within themselves and i think that um you know we can't forget about that at the end of the day and uh for me you know being surrounded by all these people here and just after a year that we've had but we've all been able to come together and celebrate such a unique and and great sport um and it's only just beginning words can't describe how incredible that is four championships now under your belt and every type of test that we've seen imagined thus far how confident can you really say now you are the fittest woman on earth yeah um you know i i definitely feel very confident in saying that um you know it's it's a huge accomplishment something i'm very very proud of but i wouldn't be standing here today if it wasn't for my husband and coach shane my training partner matt fraser and and then our whole team and family and friends that are constantly there supporting us and being with us every step of the way um you know i've i've never spent so much time with two people shane and matt than i did this year and uh and i had an absolute ball and it's it's quite emotional i think that you know we've come this far and this is where we are well congratulations thank you thanks guys tia toomey an amazing champion and a fantastic advancement for the support you can you know you often see champions with some of the best or even other teams like they're reading from the screen right i'm going to say what i should say on camera but that is a genuine champion a genuine competitor a genuine friend to all those around her and like i said a first-class example example of what crossfit is about through what tia does for the sport and not even as a competitive crossfitter but just a crossfitter in general i mean she's very proactive trying to be a great figurehead for just crossfitters around the world younger i have two daughters of my own i want them to look up to her and be like that's cool i can be strong like her and still be awesome [Applause] what a great moment there between t and chain now we look at the men's final results here for event 12 matt fraser picks up yet another win noah olsen put up a great fight he'll think second justin medeiros will finish third looking to finish on the podium as a rookie followed by jeff adler and then samuel quad nikki brazier is with now the five-time crossfit games champion matt fraser first congratulations matt on an incredible weekend taking a look at atlanta to begin it looked like you and tia were almost just back in your in your gym training together you were waiting for each other you know setting your reps together how much of that was your plan moving into this event uh you know as soon as the workout was was announced you know it's an absolute beast of a workout and it's so easy on something like that where it's unpartitioned as soon as you hit that red line you know it's hard to recover from it um so you know t and i were our main concern was hit the minimum work requirement um and just get across the finish line because we had enough points so you know we we just went into it of like let's keep each other company to you know we train together every day we have a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses so it's like all right we'll hold each other accountable um that ended up working out pretty well pretty well yeah but yeah it was just uh it was comforting but i mean it was a special moment you know we we spent countless days countless training sessions doing that exact thing together in the gym uh so you know one last one last one for the season you have so very consistently proven year over year and competition over competition that you are so leaps and bounds ahead of some of the other athletes in the field what do you think makes you different the way you train the way you prepare mentally and physically um you know i i don't know how to compare myself to other people you know i don't train with any of my competitors i don't see what they're doing in the gym out of the gym what i do know is that i have the absolute best support team you know uh when it comes to sammy at home you know taking care of me training partner and tia uh coach and shane matt o'keefe as you know manager agent friend uh as he calls himself the caddy on games weekend um every decision i've made over the last five years has been uh is this going to better my performance so you make enough of those decisions day in day out uh they add up now i feel like every time we do one of these interviews you're so focused in the moment you're only looking at the task at hand you're only looking at the one event that's in front of you now this competition is in front of or is behind you rather as our five championship titles what do you look forward to next um i don't know we don't have a return flight booked we don't know when we're going home we're uh i think sam and i are just going to take some time for ourselves um and uh roam the country and do a little have a couple life talks see what's next well well deserved congratulations thank you matt fraser wins 10 of the 12 events should have won 11. finished second in the two he didn't you talk about some of the greatest individual sports performances of all time will chamberlain with 100 points in a single game uh tiger woods winning the u.s open by 50 strokes in 2000 what secretariat did in 1973 i hope one day we're able to look back on that and include this performance in that conversation we should we absolutely should and it was something that we said all weekend long for those like oh it's boring they're going to win is like do not overestimate how many times you see these replays these history making moments like i wonder what it was like to watch that in person we got to do that this weekend we try to explain to you guys who are watching with us how special this moment was i soaked it in myself for sure we saw this weekend was something i think we'll talk about for a very long time and i don't think it should be included i think it will be included it's that important he was that dominant he is that good um and i want to get one of the team leader jerseys that they've been wearing this entire weekend it never came off impressive 100 and just a great again another great ambassador for the sport and for people to look up to incredible matt fraser you're five time biggest man on earth tia toomey wins her fourth in the ever changing year that has been 2020 two things have remained constant matt fraser and tia toomey they each add another championship to their total four for toomey and five for fraser and i don't think they're going to be done anytime soon that's it for the competition we'll return with the awards ceremony stay with us here at the 2020 reebok crossfit games [Music] [Applause] foreign the 2020 season is over but the beginning of the 2021 crossfit game season is just months away the open gets going with the announcement of 21.1 on february 18th go to games.crossfit.com to stay up to date with the latest on the 2021 season and how you can register to take part in the world wide open the stage is set for the awards ceremony let's head out to the ranch and nikki brazier welcome to the 2020 reebok crossfit games awards ceremony tonight we look to celebrate the athletes who have made it to this unique and complex final stage and award those who have emerged as the fittest on earth we'll begin this evening ceremony by recognizing our newcomer with the rookie of the year award and 2020 has been a year full of the unexpected one of the biggest surprises of this year is a games rookie who challenged the reigning champ with three second place finishes on day one the 2020 reebok crossfit games rookie of the year is justin medeiros [Music] [Applause] now another special award and here to award the 2020 spirit of the games is nicole carroll general manager of education for crossfit since 2007 we've presented the spirit of the games award to those who embody crossfit's values during the most difficult of competitions those who exhibit the character commitment and sportsmanship we seek to cultivate in our training and our sport this year's games were possibly the toughest yet and all 10 athletes persevered through this grueling physical and mental challenge with exemplary grace grit and courage it's impossible to watch them and not be inspired it was equally impossible not to take notice of one athlete who is especially cheerful and fearless in the face of adversity who is especially determined to be her best self and encourage others to be their best selves as well she embraces the suck with a yes and the even suckier with an even louder yes with a smile and a wave she says bring it catherine david's daughter embodies this spirit of optimistic perseverance and undaunted determination she is your 2020 spirit of the games award winner hold on every year's new year and every year we need to keep rising and you can have a very bad year and it's not a great year for you and again that doesn't define you either so each year everyone is getting better there's always like some point of a weekend i get a workout that like fires me up literally the thing that went from mine was yes [Music] something that i've like really been talking to this year is like truly appreciating and just knowing how good these girls are i know they're trying everything to get better and i want to rise to that and then raise the bar for them too [Music] and now it's time to award our individual podium winners here to present the 2020 podium medals is 2009 games champion tanya wagner starting with the third place female hailing from crossfit dynamics congratulations to carrie pierce carrie is the first american woman to podium since 2014 and the fittest american woman four out of the five last year at the games she is the first individual crossfit games this is her first individual crossfit games podium finish and her sixth consecutive individual crossfit games he went fifth place overall for stage one of the 2020 crossfit games one stage two event wins in atlanta and four career games event wins congratulations third place on the men's side from crossfit fort vancouver congratulations justin medeiros justin is the 2020 crossfit games rookie of the year he's the second youngest male to podium at the games ben smith being the youngest and this is his first individual crossfit games went third place overall for stage one when we saw before we got here into stage two in second place on the women's side from crossfit new england congratulations to katrin david's daughter catchment is a two-time crossfit games champion also in 2015 and 2016. four crossfit games podiums the third most podiums on the women's side of the competition she's got six consecutive crossfit games top fives which was eighth individual crossfit games competition for her she was fourth place overall in stage one she had two stage one event wins one stage two event win and 13 career game event wins overall in second place on the men's side congratulations to samuel quant from mallard crossfit this is his first crossfit games podium finish he was fourth place overall for stage one of the 2020 crossfit games this is his fourth individual crossfit games competition he had one stage two event win in swimming stuff and two overall career games event wins in first place on the women's side congratulations to tia claire toomey from crossfit mayhem the list of accolades is long here this is her fourth consecutive championship she is the fittest woman in history is her sixth podium finish which is the most of all time on the women's side her sixth consecutive individual crossfit games which is first place overall for stage one of the 2020 crossfit games she has four stage one event wins nine stage two event wins and 24 career games event wins overall you and in first place on the men's side congratulations to matt fraser hailing from crossfit mayhem record-setting fifth consecutive championship the fittest person in history that record is extended to seven crossfit games podium finishes this is his seventh consecutive individual crossfit games appearance his first place overall for stage one of the 2020 crossfit games four stage one event wins and ten stage two event wins making 28 career games event wins the most of all time and there you have it your podium finishers for the 2020 reebok crossfit games matt fraser sam quant and justin medeiros and for the women tia toomey catherine davis daughter and carrie pierce final overall standings for the women tia toomey 1025 out of a possible 1200 points catherine davis are hangs on to second and carrie pierce with a dramatic and gutty performance in that final event winds up in third place overall i'll tell you there's so much to unbox here that you just gotta soak in for a little bit obviously ts4 catrin's second place finish let's just put her in there on the mount rushmore female athletes and then carrie pierce's performance this weekend especially at the end was magnificent absolutely we didn't think she was going to have that in her we talked about that before does she have that fight but man she came through in space beautiful finish kathryn davis out of spirit of the games on her fourth career podium of finish on the men's side matt fraser with 1150 out of a possible 1200 points sam quant just cruises into second place overall and justin medeiros in his first ever appearance at the crossfit games he finished his third he won rook of the year rookie of the year matt fraser also won rookie of the year well i'm not saying that he's there yet but a bright future for justin madero i'll tell you what absolutely for him rookie of the year a lot of there's a lot of issues when dealing with hype and expectations and mederos met those this weekend and samuel quant totally christened halted us all weekend long so good for samuel quan yeah you know samuel quan i love the fact that he got in there he was a silent assassin the whole time but definitely played his dude made his mark justin madeiro's that youth hunger i loved watching him battle event after event one thing is for sure they're going to need a much bigger trophy case in cookeville and remember it's the end of the 2020 season but 2021 is right around the corner and the beginning of the crossfit game season is just months away because the open gets going with the announcement of 21.1 on february 18th go to games.crossfit.com to stay up to date with the latest on the 2021 season and how you can register to take part in the world wide open this is the end of the season but it also feels like the beginning of a new era for the crossfit games well we needed that we didn't know what was going to happen so you know what just this weekend just set everything back in motion the way it's supposed to be bring on the open everybody here we go it was a bleak time a year ago and earlier this year even but with the new regime i have copious amounts of excitement looking forward to next year heck might be looking for the open for the first time in about three years thank you for being with us this entire weekend everybody for our entire crew here in morgan hill for bill grundler nikki brazier chase ingram tanya wagner i'm sean woodland get training everybody because the open starts in february [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 2,242,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness
Id: gGnsQRI5sM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 47sec (7247 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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