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A combination of the light and the camera.

Many flashlights regulate brightness by a process called pulse-width modulation. The light is flashed on and off, and the brightness is controlled by adjusting the ratio of time spent on to time spent off. When done well, this is invisible to the naked eye, but it's still visible on camera under the right conditions.
The reason it shows up on camera is due to the rolling shutter effect. I don't know enough about that to explain it well, but it's basically an effect due to the way digital cameras take photos.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Virisenox_ 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

From the start where I linked the clip to about 35:55 the headlamp being used cause these weird lines on the screen.

Is this issue caused by the camera or the light?

I know Black Diamond/Petzl lights are undesirable. I run a Skilhunt H03. But as I am starting to do more filming on the trails I am curious what is the cause of those lines.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Wolczyk 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2018 🗫︎ replies

Both. It's a function of how the light works and how the camera is set. This always occurs, we just can't see it with our eyes (or at least perceive it consciously).

Most camera sensors read out linearly, meaning that the whole image isn't expose at once across the sensor, but more like a fire-cracker chain going off within whatever shutter speed the camera is working at.

Sometimes these shutter speeds coincide with the PDM of lights- Canon's DSLRs include tech called "Flicker! Detection" that senses when your shutter speed is going to "line up" with the so-called flicker-rate of the light source, and warns you, so you can adjust your shutter speed so your exposures won't vary. In video, this reads out as lines as we see here, and you may also have seen it on your local TV news channel when they film someone at a computer screen or TV monitor that has the same effect.

This also sorta-happens with rotors of helicopters and planes- I think we've all probably seen one of the few popular videos of this "hovering helicopter" effect.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dotMJEG 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you have to know with 100% certainty but you've done the homework you're ready you're going to do it and then just keep putting one foot in front of the other [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you train diligently you do all your homework your body knows what it's supposed to do but you have to learn to train your mind however paired mentally and physically over the past couple months I think that racing and competition will kind of take care of themselves [Music] some course records for a reason and so many legends around here but it's just kind of shooting for it and who knows maybe I can at least get a lead and feel good enough to just maintain that and in my bidding of where I'm pushing them I find myself pulling away and what not feeling comfortable that I need to kind of step back manage being smart and not burning myself and I look around [Music] now my child the body and if you have any doubt whatsoever any misgivings ripple has starting line you do [Music] to me it's all up here it really is [Music] [Music] everything about perfect [Music] [Music] with you like Joe like job out [Music] Oh [Music] you yeah [Music] Oh [Music] to actually meet the decision to run western before ever and Bandera but and I still let it sit for a week before I finally made my decision okay but now there's a reason runs bender it was a wreath of yellow okay it was a golden ticket race it was us championship hunter kay trail race it had $1,000 prize my sister lives in San Antonio I got to stay with her and I have I work at a bike shop so I'm able to take off a lot of time when I want to take off time yeah yeah I went did ya [Music] that additional time additional distance that that were you at all you work like you're like you know doctor miles not at all okay and that being said because everyone has to make the jump up to 100 miles at some point ER and the closest distance you can make that jump run is 110 right so from that of literally everyone's making the jump from 50 miles or 100 K unless you're just going straight into 100 which I don't think there's too many success stories that right just yeah so everyone's doing at some point going to happen and for the most part if you're good at 50 100 K distance you can at least translate it right do you hooked anyone and think okay this person was able to do that then they went to 100 miles and did really well I know that I'm as strong or as talented or as fast as them honestly I think I'm pulling the most confidence from running with guidance like SAS and that being said from like the Coconino cowboy guys with temporary Cody Reid Nico brazo kind of basing things off of them and then also with team run Flagstaff and marathon our guys in town feeling other runners who I know are crushing it good shape with rum those marathon times half marathon time I'm hanging in there with just about everybody right now I would say it's tough start dipping around five flat maybe under like 4:00 4:30 to 5:00 flat it gets uncomfortable but at the same time the fit is totally there and I feel just the workout specifics around that fast aren't rare so I can feel fitness running is totally there so not necessarily ultra runners that I look to cat give me that contractor but like I run with Nick Hilton that Garcia Naga yet like all these guys in town and [Music] like they've continually put up good results sure and so I can feel stuff and I I just know I think they're going really I've reached the most amount of miles I've ever done a little more I've hit two weeks back-to-back at 140 but it wasn't just 140 of going out and jogging miles I got 20 over 22,000 feet of vert the first week about 14 in Chains the next week but also is running 20 mile runs in two hours flat with part of it under 5:30 yeah like six eight miles of it under five through them like literally good fitness workout and I've never done that in my training I know myself I'm at a new level of fitness and new capabilities with that I wouldn't say I've done western states is a different hundred mile and then it's a runnable 100 miles and it's also downhill under mine yeah when people read or listen you think you can set a course record what's today they will think this guy's just kind of an arrogant ass kudasai already and there's no question that this board requires a huge degree of confidence and like you almost have to be Aryan pretty well I think but I think yeah but what I mean what what do you think of that reaction to your sink have to dream it you have to have those dreams if you can't if you don't see yourself reaching those goals you're never going to do it and whether you're a person that talks about it or doesn't talk about it you have to believe in yourself and really have to see yourself doing those goals and at the end of the day yeah right now I'm in a position where I think my training has done well enough that I'm gonna set of course record I left mistake yeah you [Music] [Music] oh do you not see there's no lying if you ate this they have a question or they'd later I think of 16 how many hundred miles to be completed you're up all right how many are to even running all true Megan we do okay hot okay most up and then what I have no heaven I like it [Music] watch me okay Patrick you through whatever okay there's a great report one kangkang the rest are can take our next learner has won three major events in a row to JFK 50 the ban general hunter pay and the link Sonoma 50 setting course records in the latter two running his first hundred mile er tomorrow from white staff Arizona Jim wall [Applause] [Music] and then they're going to say go it's 5:00 a.m. hopefully hopefully if they've never missed it so yeah I'm starting with two bottles and a thong and I'm starting with an expert icing a pattern in one of these so race is tomorrow finally here kind of go to bed just kind of pre-race nerves are setting in but happens before every race so I think that's a good thing kind of time to put up or shut up and going to be a really long awful day that just hope everything goes smooth kind of gotta roll with the punches as you go in but lots of things will happen that I'm not planning on kind of want to do a rope and dope to start but at the same time only if people are going out faster than course record split of course are good splits or slow or like ahead of where everybody's running I might start setting the pace but yeah just kind of time to put the work together and do it on race day yeah I mean that's the unknown see they're going to be there or it's not and hopefully it is and hopefully today's just really magical I mean that's kind of what I'm hoping for [Music] I mean I think you have to start smart indoor really long right it'll be my longest day of running I think yeah you can't dig yourself a hole early early in the race if everybody's running slow I mean you got to compete and basically think about that and think about who may be in contention [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] here [Music] I would say when I feel a weakness in a race I take advantage of it a hundred miles you could feel a weakness in a race at twenty miles in but you still have 80 miles to go people have second wins even though you make a strong move it's not 50 miles where you can outlast it necessarily but at the same time the way things have been going thought process is going more and more towards like focus on split so I can essentially run away from confidence like seconds falling down I look well yeah I need to start rolling a little bit 805 4 which is the next section pot yeah yep [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah so Jim came through here he was about hand lift he spoke minutes up on our place a little bit more than that on the closer I could was I believe pull him to slow it down going a little quick he looks really good though he said he doesn't have any issues he listened to me he said he's going to hopefully listen to me and he's gonna back off this next section is a bit downhill and we need to say this before still so but he looked he looked pretty fresh oh so originally I came out here when I was about age 12 the crew faced my dad and since then I've come out almost every single year Peter coos someone run the race myself or help out any way I can from run the race four times finish two three times so my history is very long with the race factory it just brings great memories coming out here with travel with my dad and it can't be you yeah it's a special place to be for me it's pretty cool to have someone that I ran with in high school it's kind of come full circle of a half Jim now be a potential winner and me helping them out to get to that considering this is what my one of my dreams is always to in Western first connection 200-mile running the history behind it and and the big thing is honestly going back to my father inspiring me to run this race and then a lot of a lot of the old-timers like too heavy I come back there just like a reunion meeting all the people I've met over the past how many years now put on 18 years watching gym and running with Jim is very inspiring and reignite some good flames so go ahead and go to the right good it's beauty super you go inside this way I fluttering about I'm good I'm not collect a menace behind you so then of course maybe - yeah they're like right at course okay everybody all Amy in Canada run yeah Punjab no I think you're good China slaughter [Music] anyone no or drop the map real quick [Music] he still looks like he's running 800 meters sprint on the track but he's calm though so that calmness goes a long way that makes them you know more in control of his decision thing he's not run out of fear but he has unreal freshness right now so I don't know to say other that's it's not it's not natural it's not normal definitely a supernatural right now aren't you okay [Music] [Music] like any father you know nervous in everything my first priority for him is that his his health is safe you know and then you not pray if it's God's will that he can win the races and perform well he's kind of very particular about things you know in detail is very important we're trying to make sure that everything is just the way he wants it so that nothing gets disrupted and we can keep things going for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you in the front road up here not open or yeah I'm going to eat it after Robinson flat to Devil's Thumb is where I think if I'm not in contention is where I want to make up ground there's no reason to think I can't be with the front or in the front at Forest Hill I haven't given the race after Forest Hill as much thought because I don't know how things will be and it's a lot of trust and just knowing that James will be with me [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you like Sonoma 50 a few months ago and set forth records again there are 100k also Mangano Commission OMA visited first 100 lire [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] give a good meet you commenting at least you know whatever yet furthermore stuff really little break between you guys going on do after the river yep feeling good there you look up on miles and I like the feeling all dead but look back at it good great beating man it's working you need another happy box you think it helped happy work I still have this hold what I like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] yeah okay sir yes Jim Lampley and what you drugged your braking course yes yes [Music] Oh I'll take one for your dad that's kind of a no classes of you here you are rocking be sure to go right up here that's sure to go right [Music] you sorry how much long as the client raise it later on is quite after that there should be a man you are this and just take a Dipity tap it on you step it down you can tell phase is just cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he is sitting on the full Canyon Trail Road he needs to take a break he is tired and you know he we have a helper that is going to go down to the corner we're sure the flag is back you know he descried and get that positive [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you have enough water in life the only three miles in the car [Music] right you can cold it off get the occupation yes [Music] and it's only [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] every way you can you tell are your leg drive yeah my chair right there [Music] [Music] maybe next year for the end or the Empowered or again just go run it run it back do the curl to be like that next year you gonna grow up oh yeah I don't know them for like a year and a half dude but it just gets me curly and curlier though like it doesn't gain thing Beauty presence of my uncle challenge yeah you're so I 100 what about you again I think I can take them all yeah here's one good but when I come a good light hi all you've got the noise are you holding a little light on throw it on there me we can get brighter don't you take it three more hours hi know maybe like an hour garbage here tiny carbon thank you [Music] yeah you get coming outside benefit on it where's Ando here come there's 99 font size and gameplay 6 iron position this is pretty though huh yeah you want to see this a knife you got your do my mother look so excited walk with it but my run is my room 13 to speech to the minute we have to go that's the goal will be you know anything Oh normal song what's up here we go over right next up ginger and welcome over Betty I just have to come back we're going to get a buckle today yeah we'll be good oh why did Matt oh yeah it's a yeah marking the first hundred oh my lord according to show from here now when you're walking the 27 minute mile [Applause] we're gonna make your tourney yeah we are okay yeah why can't them morning it's down around the corner you're going to finish this [Music] [Music] [Music] oh shoot [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] clattering I'm looking to walk so - yeah [Music] waters here [Music] [Music] interesting [Music] with [Music] won't we you like the race for lady battles before missing the curve roaming about paddocks divine out to the breakage 49 so [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] we're talking back it is [Music] Thanks is it like you all this relevant yeah [Music] your rivals [Music] blue Pez return probably went out like two miles past it but all right before you race the whole hundred you know good day and the first one under my belt proved a lot today to myself yeah and I think mentally and physically I was pretty defeated and just kind of getting going after that uh didn't give me a shout but uh burnin hard for a long time and kind of that late in the race it was pretty just demoralizing but uh I don't know how its embodies embodying the ultra spirit and that's was about we got it done and great and wouldn't want anyone more than angie miller to win it he's up in Flagstaff guy still took it so I super awesome for him yeah really excited a little bit play good I was moving I was moving like decently for sure probably what until I I was hoping when I hit the highway I was like maybe it would be the right one because I knew there was a little bump climb but yeah I got that in and just like not even close and like basically a lost dog on the side of the road so what happens yeah sure and the overall just great experience can't say enough about the volunteers out there everyone's so nice and supportive and this would go a really long way and just building my career and great experience and it's all a process no matter the result at the end of the day and finishes count so yeah I don't know I guess I was told like someone came back with a bunch of flags from there I'm not sure if the flag got pulled or not I definitely didn't see it I think I was told to turn was like three-quarters of a mile past where it was so I wasn't looking for it at that point either so it was just stuff look whatever I'll be back yeah but oh yeah that was eventful but I saved it and I still got through fine I think next time I'll hang on to the rope yeah and also it took me a while before I realized I could stand up so yeah it was all good thank you thanks Megan yeah yeah for sure great day for sure great age group from Flashdance Jim Walz Lee yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll be back yeah all right back in 98
Channel: Summit Love Productions
Views: 407,805
Rating: 4.9176526 out of 5
Keywords: jim walmsley, western states endurance run, western states 100, hoka one one, found on 49, western states
Id: DZb7jBYL9y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2017
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