Mixed Conditionals - Smrt Live Class with Shaun #13

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all right everybody welcome back to another class happy Wednesday afternoon if it is Wednesday afternoon where you are it is here for me in sunny Vancouver if it's Thursday or whatever time it is or whatever day it is wherever you are I hope you're doing well if you're new I'm showing okay I'll be your teacher for the next hour or so welcome and I'm sure you've already noticed if you're in the chat again if you're new we've got Lane we're a friendly moderator there to help you if you have questions or comments for me during the class you can just put your questions or comments in the chat and we will try to answer them as best we can as often as we can if we miss a question you can put it back in the chat or remind us maybe we're we maybe we're waiting to answer it a little bit later okay so hi everybody some some some familiar names and faces out there I guess see Paul's here and John's here or Selma's here Rose is here but she's not sticking around for long but that's good lots of other people too so many people aaron lots of guys lots of gals everybody's here okay so let's let's get started alright let's jump into it let me go here here there we go here I am okay so let's let's begin let's begin with story time all right I'm going to tell you a little story today okay and and then I'll tell you why later all right so it's story time first the story's about this guy this guy's name is Tom look at him sleeping so peacefully in joining a nice sleep yeah so this is Tom this is Tom's alarm clock all right this is the alarm clock that Tom accidentally turned off when it went off at 7 o'clock in the morning so he overslept all right he didn't get up for work that day maybe it was a Tuesday or Wednesday he slept in oh this guy this terrible looking guy is Tom's boss okay so Tom's boss is not happy with Tom because he slept in and he missed an important meeting so Tom's boss calls him and says we need you in here right away get here right away okay so Tom's up he hops in the car and on the way to work on the way to work he has a little bit of a car accident okay just a little fender bender the the one on the on the left maybe is Tom he's okay but he hurt his neck a little bit okay so he hurt his neck Tom was taken to the hospital emergency room they had his neck checked out but everything's everything's fine don't worry okay all right because when he's at the hospital he meets Nancy all right Nancy's a nurse and she works in the ER the emergency room all right he she fixes up his neck obviously Tom um is interested in her and they they have a little conversation when he's fixed she's fixing up his neck and then he later goes back when his neck is feeling better and he asks Nancy out on a date okay so she says yes they go out they have some coffee with some hearts in it and they fall in love isn't this a nice story this is a fantastic story so romantic so they they fall in love they hold hands they drink some coffee and then eventually they get married okay Tom and Nancy get married on a little bicycle and they ride off in a field they buy a house well it's actually more like that okay but maybe it feels like that but it looks like that so they buy a house alright this is I hope you're enjoying my story so far and of course once they get the house what comes next of course a beautiful beautiful baby boy alright this boy he grows up a little bit he gets older he gets active he's lots of fun they love him and his name is Jack alright so Jack comes along and totally changes Tom's life for the better right he's happy now Tom's got a beautiful wife he's got a beautiful little boy and his life is fantastic yeah so he couldn't he couldn't get better for Tom all right so Tom's deep guy he likes to sometimes go out for a walk by the lake here as you can see and he thinks about his life right he likes to think about how small things that happen in life little events in life can seem small at first but when you look back on them you see that they're very important very significant all right and what what Tom's thinking about here on the wharf next to the calm lake all right he's thinking about that day so many years ago when he overslept and he was late for work all right so what he's thinking about is that if he hadn't overslept that day if he had not hit the alarm clock if he had woken up at his regular time like every other day then Jack wouldn't exist all right so this is what we're going to be talking about today this is this this idea that's going on in Tom's head all right if Tom hadn't turned off his alarm clock by accident that Tuesday morning jack his beautiful son who changed his life would not exist today or you could also say this if Tom had woken up on time that day his boss would not have been angry but if he had woken up on time his life would be very different today no Nancy no Jack no house right so the reason for this story all right the reason for this story is this is what we're talking about today all right we're talking about something called a mixed conditional this is kind of a grammar lesson for the day and it's actually by special request somebody put in a request for mixed conditionals and asked if I would teach them a little bit about it and I thought that was a good a good lesson to cover because it's a very useful structure to use you speech in writing yeah it's very useful so we're going to talk about I see Selma's maybe someone's worried that I don't have coffee I'm not sure I don't know if some was worried about my lack of a cop here but don't worry I've got something to drink but its water though this it's not as good but I'll take it anyway okay so mix conditionals this is what we're focusing on today all right so the first question is this what's a mixed conditional what do we mean by this okay and that's a good question so a mixed conditional is a mixture a combination of the second conditional and the third conditional okay so it's a using the second conditional and a third conditional together in the same sentence to show a specific type of relationship between ideas and events okay so in order to fully understand the mixed conditional we need to review a little bit about what we mean by second and third conditional just a quick quick review and then we're going to talk about mixed conditionals and then you guys are going to do some work for me all right so the second conditional as some of you may know is used to express a a hypothetical situation in the present we're talking about now or we're talking about the future but it's it's hypothetical okay so what do I mean by what's hypothetical this is a very important word this is the the word of the day all right is hypothetical which means it's an unreal situation it's a imagined situation it's an idea it's not real it's a perhaps a theory okay so that's that's what we mean by hypothetical now the reason I I I want to emphasize that word hypothetical is because sometimes students say that we use the second conditional for things that are impossible all right now it's not as simple as that the second conditional is not just for things that impossible it can be for example if I say something like I I wish I had a a Pegasus I wish I had a horse that could fly if I had a horse that could fly I would ride it to work every day all right now obviously that is impossible and this is the second conditional okay I don't unfortunately I don't have a magical horse all right but it doesn't have to be impossible it could just be hypothetical meaning not real so forget about the magical horse let's talk about a sandwich I'm a little bit hungry today all right I wish I had a sandwich now if I had a sandwich especially if I had this sandwich um I would eat it happily right now while you all watched all right now this is probably not going to happen I don't think lane or Julian or anybody is going to run downstairs and get me a sandwich and bring it to me that would be nice if they did but they probably won't so that's why I'm using the second conditional right if I had the sandwich I would eat it so this is this is what we're talking about let me break down the second conditional though kind of the way that the sentence is structured all right so basically each conditional is broken down into two parts of the sentence the condition and then the result okay so you've got in the second conditional if plus past simple like this if I had a good job or if we took a trip okay this is kind of the if clause this is the condition and then the second part is the main clause would be would or could plus your base form verb and that's the result so I would buy it I would buy a new car or I would go to Spain okay so let's let's look at this together let's put these together in one sentence oh yeah but before we do in the if clause for the second conditional look very closely now as I said those verbs are in the past simple tense but it's very important to remember that this is not talking about the past this is the present we just use the past tense so that we can tell the difference between what's real and what is not real okay so if I had a good job I'm talking about now even though it looks like the past so let me show you this together well how about this what would you do if you saw an alien spacecraft above your house okay this is the second conditional what would you do so you've got the word would with the base form okay and if plus the past simple so these two clauses they can they can go in either order if you saw an alien spacecraft above your house what would you do and feel free you can discuss that in the chat if you want okay if tonight you go home and you were to see an alien above your house what would you do but again it doesn't have to be as crazy as aliens and and unicorns and that kind of thing this guy again is just thinking to himself if I had a good job I could buy a new car right so again you've got the if plus the the past simple of had plus could and the base form verb talking about an unreal present all right I think I see some some people using some some second conditionals in the in the chat this is good okay so that's the second conditional another common one I wouldn't do that if I were you and again one thing I'll point out about the conditionals the second conditional particularly you'll notice that we're using the verb were with I which I know that it may look weird right you usually say I was at the party last night but in the conditional you can also use the word I were you okay so again this is just a review of the second conditional and we'll get to the mixed in a minute and again if you guys have any questions um feel free to shoot them my way I see that Lane sent me something from Selma why are they called mixed conditionals yeah I think that's what we'll get to that in a second if I haven't answered that already okay so the third conditional second conditional is present hypothetical the third conditional is a hypothetical situation in the past so now you're talking about something from the past that didn't happen alright so it's unreal past so now you are talking about things that are impossible because you can't go back and change the past all right so let's look at some examples so you've got the if now to make a third conditional when you're talking about a hypothetical past you can't use the past simple anymore you've got to use the past perfect like so if they had played better okay or if you had asked me you've got that had and they're plus your third form of the verb the past participle okay so that's the first part that's your condition that's your if clause followed by your main Clause again which is would or could Plus have plus your past participle which we talked about in class last week I think we were talking about participles right so the first part is the condition second part is the is the result all of it is talking about something that's unreal about the past so here's some examples of the main clause they would have won the game I would have been able to help you okay so let's maybe put these sentences together here I don't know who this guy plays for I'm not much of a soccer fan but it says if they had played better they would have won the game right a very common thing to express at the end of a game that you're disappointed with talking about something that wasn't true about the past they did not play well they did not win the game okay and unfortunately we can't we can't help that alright and here's the breakdown I guess I should say if again plus you're kind of past perfect would plus have in your past participle okay alright yes people here the grammar ghost yeah that's plenty yeah well I guess the sound must be really good if you guys can hear the door yeah okay and then there's this one if you had asked me I would have been able to help you right you didn't ask for my help I didn't help you but if you had asked me I would have been able to help you okay a common thing to save maybe to somebody who's complaining about you not helping them hopefully you don't you don't get such a complaint but again this is the third conditional okay alright so let's get to the mixed the mixed and I know I went through that fast the second and third conditional I went through pretty quickly because I want to focus mostly on the mixed okay so maybe if you're if you're really confused about the the second conditional or something like that perhaps mark and can do another class on that in the morning class to to teach the second conditional in more detail okay so the mixed conditional the mixed conditional basically you have to two different ways of using it two different combinations okay so you're looking at the second and the third together so a past hypothetical condition with a present hypothetical result so in other words it's something untrue about the past and something that's untrue or unreal about the present together so you can use this okay to imagine how the past affects now if you're thinking about your life now for example and what happened in the past to to get you to where you are you may have to use the mixed conditional we imagine how a present situation could have been different if the past had different okay I know that's kind of confusing but I'll give you some examples to hopefully clarify okay so the in the reason I'm going over this stuff is that it's it's really useful we use it all the time so look at all that food as I said I'm hungry alright I'm hungry why am i hungry because when I was I was so busy preparing for this for this class all right a lunchtime that I ate a single sad-looking little carrot that was my entire lunch today all right on a beautiful blue picnic table but that doesn't matter so I ate this sad little carrot and because of that I'm hungry so if I had eaten more I would not be hungry now okay so if I had eaten more for lunch unreal past I don't know what that was I wouldn't be hungry now okay this is an example of the mixed conditional I hope I'm not making everybody too too hungry all right so let's look at some other ways to use when do we use it we use the mixed conditionals so often for many different things okay so first the breakdown if plus past perfect is the past condition okay if I had eaten more if she hadn't encouraged her children and then you've got wood and base form so present result like this I wouldn't be hungry now or they would not be as successful as they are okay so put together that second one is if she hadn't encouraged her children they would not be successful now okay so let's look at some some uses of this we often use the mixed conditional to express a regret right like kind of like I did about my lunch if I hadn't quit the program I would be graduating today yeah unfortunately I quit so I'm not graduating that's kind of a sad one well it's a regret I guess regrets are a little bit sad let's let's get a little bit happier okay how about this one making a point this is really good when you're arguing with somebody when you're arguing with your husband or your wife maybe yeah or your if your teacher talking to a student for example if you had just listened to me we wouldn't be in this situation right you didn't listen to me yesterday when I told you now now we're in trouble because you didn't listen to me yesterday okay the mix conditional really good for your relationships yeah all right what else do we have here express gratitude when you're trying to say thank you for something if you had not supported me I wouldn't be the man I am today all you guys yeah that's how I feel about you yeah all right so again this is something it's it's it's very dramatic and emphatic but we use it we do use it all the time and of course we use the mixed conditional when we're getting deep right when you want to be philosophical yeah it's to express how how deep you are you can use it and say things like well this question these kind of what-if questions how would the world be different now if you had never been born right so again maybe you think that there wouldn't be many differences I don't know but if you really think about it every person's life affects others in many ways so how would the world be different how would other people's lives be different now if you had not been born again if you want to get real deep you can discuss that in the in the chat as well yeah okay and this really gets back to to Jack right and to Tom and how we said if Tom hadn't turned off his alarm clock by accident that day Jack would not exist today so again little things in the past can have a significant effect on your life now okay or another example if Tom had woken up on time if it had been a normal day he would not have been in a car accident he would not have gone to the hospital he would not have met Nancy he would not have married her and his life now would be very different okay so that is the mix conditional now it is time for you to get to work all right so again if if you guys have questions about about the construction and everything of the mix conditional put it in the chat but I would I really want to kind of throw you into it and try to make you practice this a little bit okay so this is what we're going to do um I'm going to hop out here I'm going to ask Layne if you can share the link to the document I'm going to open up my copy I'm going to make it nice and big so everybody can see it well know what this little stuff is let me get rid of that okay so I've given you one two three four five six seven about seven or so sentences all right and I would like you well I've given you the first part I've given you the the past hypothetical condition all right I want you to give me the present hypothetical result of that condition if you look at the first one I say if I had been born in an english-speaking country yeah what could you do you can use your use your imagination say whatever you want how would your life be different now if you had been born in an english-speaking country I mean the obvious answer would be I would be able to speak English fluently alright if you had been born in Canada for example chances are you would be able to speak English perfectly right now right you could take that away and say I wouldn't that accent come from where's the all right I'm gonna go long form here sigh I would not need Shawn's class what is going on with my keyboard I'm gonna get Julian over here to help me because my apostrophe is gone it's been replaced by an accented e but now there's Julian say hi everybody hey it's Julian yeah look wise mm-hmm where so I should point out to everybody I don't know if Mark mentioned it in the previous class we've got a bit of a new toy that we're playing with uh kind of but it's looks backwards which is weird but that's fine that'll do that'll do ah so yeah that's that's that was Julie and everybody round of applause there that's great so if I had bore if I had been born in an english-speaking country I would not need this class of course you would attend it anyway just for the conversation just for my lovely pictures um alright I switched it to azerty yeah maybe not not the QWERTY keyboard that I'm used to probably something I think you're right alright so this is what I'd like you guys to do take the rest of these sentences take B down to G and just finish them with your own thoughts okay with your own ideas take the hypothetical past condition and give me a present hypothetical result all right as usual I'm going to pop off the screen and I'm going to put the happy music on all right get to work and put your answers in the chat and then we'll go over them together okay I'm just going to make this a little bit bigger perfect and I'm out of here member member member member all right good stuff so many good answers coming in in the chat thanks everybody let's let's go over some of this stuff together okay so the first one if grandpa had taken better care of himself when he was young all right so what do we have here all right I think we're did we're did we're two marionettes Oh Marianne I'll put yours up here because it's it's it's pretty dark I said I think you said he would still be alive which is yeah that's good right um yeah that's not as that not the happiest answer but that's that's a good one all right let's let's put another one up here to say paste slips if grandpa had taken better care of himself when he was young let me see here what do we got um okay this one's coming in from Miguel let me put that one here thanks Miguel paste alright so and I'll take that he out of there so if grandpa had taken better care of himself when he was young he wouldn't have to see the doctor every week now that's really good yeah he would be healthy now right he would be in better shape that's good now let me show you an example because which is one that doesn't quite work out all right so oh wait here we go let me see so let me see all right how about this one all right so if grandpa had taken better care of himself when he was young he would have been still healthy so I think I'm maybe cell mother's coming in from you here Oh take still over here he would have still been healthy now this this is not quite a mix conditional this is looks more like the the just the third conditional because you've got would and have together right you've got the would and then they that have and then the participle so to fix that Selma I would say he would he would be healthy okay just like that if he had taken better care of himself in the past he would be healthy now all right that's good okay let me see another one for number six this one's coming in from coming in from Erin all right so if I hadn't gone to bed so late last night for some reason my key bet and my keyboard shortcuts are not working here guys don't worry Fred but I would have not slept until 3:00 now again in this case this looks like it's more about a third conditional that you're going for here because of the the wood and the and the use of have here so that's not quite a mixed conditional right so you have to look at the past being if I hadn't gone to bed so late hmm you could say something like I would be more alert right now okay so you'll either be more awake or something like that so similar to Chateau seven you put in something something like that I think you use the term open eyed there but I don't think we would really say that open eyed I think alert or awake or or something like that would be a more common expression but that's good how about let me let me put another one up here that's good I'm just going to put the second half so this one's coming in from Rosa I think if I hadn't gone to bed so late last night I wouldn't be able to answer or write anything during the exam and that's good past hypothetical present hypothetical together perfect now D if I had been born in North America I guess that's similar to the first one about perhaps an english-speaking country although Mexico's in North America as well so what do we have for D ah this is good one this one's coming in from Paul if I had been born in North America he says I would have a different accent now absolutely good one that's good what else do we have here aha here one coming in from Bruno hey Bruno how you doing so I would be felt more comfortable here now you're on the right track Bruno that's good except you wouldn't want to use B and felt together just use feel as your verb and take that out of there and just say simply if I had been born in North America I would feel more comfortable here right that's good good stuff all right a couple more all right e if I hadn't bought this computer but this one's coming in from coming in from John all right if I hadn't bought this computer I would not be able to play video games or watch smart English good that's great that's perfect hey do we have another one for E no this one's another good one I'm not sure who's sending this one in but if I hadn't bought this computer I would spend more time outside of the sunshine yeah as to it's kind of a the the flipside of having a good computer I guess yeah okay what about F what have you got here for F if you had used Google Maps if you had used Google Maps what do you have here all right yeah that's a good one coming in from Maryann not quite as dark as you first answer if you had if you had used Google Maps you wouldn't be late Yeah right good I would say something like this to something like if we had used if you had used Google Maps we wouldn't be lost right so that's kind of sounds like a married couple fighting in a car somewhere on the side of the highway perhaps and of course the most important question of them all gee if I hadn't discovered Shawn's English class all right how about this one coming in from John I would not have passed my English course well that's nice of you to say I think it's I think you did the work John so I think you would have been okay anyway but the one thing about this one this is a really good sentence but this is a third conditional only because you're talking about discovering the class in the past and passing the class in the past okay so if you're using would not have really good sentence but this is just a third conditional and not a mixed conditional okay so what could you say instead I would not have passed my English course how about again I'm not sure if this is true or not but I would not be passing my English class right so meaning right now you have a passing grade all because you discovered this class all right good example and how about one more all right one coming in from Chateau salmon this is good okay so won't take that out of there if I hadn't discovered Sean's English class I would be snoozing and snoring now in a nap all right excellent good stuff okay Oh Miguel says my English would suck well that's that's good that's actually really that's a really good use of English actually I'm good for you yeah so this is good and but this is just the beginning this is really just one way of using a mix conditional okay I have I have more to teach you if you have time okay so let's actually I'm going to close that I'm going to go back here into my presentation I'm going to open that up you're going to go back in here and I'm going to teach you one other thing and give you guys some some work to do with that okay so where's jack there we go okay so before that we were talking about again we were talking about the the past hypothetical condition with the present hypothetical result but of course you can you can flip those around okay so this is what we're talking about now you can also use a mix conditional with a present hypothetical condition with a past hypothetical result probably not as common to use this as the first one but it is it is quite useful you know I this is this is good so what you're doing is you're imagining how what we call a general truth something that's just generally true about you or about the situation now or about the world now if things were different now or in general something in the past would have been different okay so you're imagining how a past situation could have or would have been different than it was again it's it's all unreal it's all just ideas in your in your mind okay so let's look at at how this works in this case again you've got the two parts but here you've got the if plus the past simple so that's the first half is you the second conditional like if I were interested in business yeah or if she were rich and then the second half is the third conditional which is the would or could Plus have in the past participle to show the result I would have enjoyed the class or she would have bought the more expensive house putting those together obviously you say if I were interested in business I would have enjoyed the class okay or if she were rich she would have bought the more expensive house so this is talking about as I said a general truth now and how it affected a past action so for example if I were musical I would have written you a song for your birthday maybe that's a weird thing to say to somebody I'm not sure that's but that's my example sentence okay um yes Elm was saying here if I were if I were a boy now in the song if I were a boy I don't I don't know the lyrics to the Beyonce song off the top of my head but I'm actually not sure if it's mixed conditional or if it's just if it's just second conditional I'm sure a quick quick google search for the lyrics would would answer that question yeah um what about this one if she spoke French she would have understood the film so she doesn't speak French she went to see a movie it was in French I don't know why she saw the movie well if you don't speak French why why would you go to a French movie I don't know but she did for some reason she doesn't speak French she didn't understand the film and then later she says this if I she spoke French she would have understood the film yeah right smart thinkin I guess next time you'll know you'll know better I guess right so that's the mix conditional right um and really it's just either mixed conditionals just it's just flipping it around right you've either got the you start with the second conditional and you end with the third or you start with the third and you end with the second and that's the that's the whole thing okay that's basically the the the second half of the mix conditional all right how we doing for time here do we have time for more for more work well how about this how about I'll set you up with a little bit of work that you can do on your own and then we'll do one more thing together okay so let me go back into this document here and I'll set you guys up Oh so the second half of this doc okay is doing the same thing that I asked you to do before but it's just the reverse so now you're looking at a present hypothetical condition alright and how it had an effect on the past so you just have to finish the sentence if the first one is if I was a vegetarian also should note that this could be if I were a vegetarian if I was a vegetarian or if I were a vegetarian I would say I wouldn't have gone to the Brazilian barbecue all right yeah if I were a vegetarian I wouldn't have gone to the Brazilian barbecue yeah cuz well I don't know maybe Bruno can can correct me there and there in the chat but I don't know what your if there's much for you as a vegetarian at a Brazilian barbecue I'm not I'm not sure but um that's my example so I'm not a vegetarian okay I enjoy a a nice steak from time to time so I went to went to the Brazilian barbecue alright so yeah so I am I am really hungry yeah I am it's true and I'm not done talking about food yet actually the next the next thing we're going to talk about is about food too clearly I need to I need to eat on class day I think all right so what you can do for me or in your own time you can go through this and just finish those four sentences okay with some kind of past hypothetical yeah but we're not going to spend I don't want to spend too much time on this because there's one more thing I want to go over and I want to make sure that we have enough time okay because I don't want to be pressed for time yeah I'm making you hungry yeah all right so you can do this for homework and you can share your answers with me next week in the chat if you like and all and I'll go over them but for now first let's get out of here and go back into this and go over today's mistake of the week all right it's time for the mistake of the week well kind of a special edition of the mistake of the week I thought that one thing that that students often do is they confuse certain words there are certain words in English that are very easy to confuse Bruno San that Brazilian barbecue is the best yeah I believe it all right so words that are very similar that students confuse all the time and I thought that I would look at two that are commonly mistaken in English okay so this is the mistake of the week vocabulary focus what's the difference between these two words in today's edition is compliments or compliment now it's important to mention just so you're aware is that these two words have different meanings different spellings but the pronunciation is exactly the same so if I just say they were complement in a sentence you you won't really be able to tell which one I'm saying unless you listen or look at listen to or look at the context of the word okay so complement or complement which one am I talking about okay so the first one complement is a verb and that means to to perfect or to complete or go nicely with something I'm going to to make something better than it is to complement it okay as a noun it has a very similar meaning to it says to to make against something that makes something else better okay so if it is a complement to something else it improves it okay so for example red wine can complement a really nice steak see it knows it's true I'm starving here obviously yeah so look at that nice steak another bruno will appreciate it being brazilian alright red wine and steak can complement each other very nicely ok what else can complement a nice steak if you're not into wine that's fine you don't need to drink wine another thing that can complement a really nice steak dinner is a bunch of fried fried mushrooms and onions together yeah ok so these two things complement each other and the same thing you can take this verb and turn it into a noun as well ok I see Kareem Kareem sent me some lyrics too if I were a boy yeah I appreciate that I guess I get I guess I missed that if I had seen them earlier I would have read them that's your third conditional there okay so how about this what's the difference between that compliment in the next this compliment is also a verb but it means to praise or to congratulate someone to say cut a good job right or nice dress or nice haircut ok and it can also be a noun as well ok so an expression of praise or admiration so either one too to compliment someone or to pay a compliment is basically the same meaning as a verb or a noun but as an example there's that steak again yeah I complimented the chef for the perfectly cooked steak yeah ok so in this case I'm just saying thank you chef for the for the wonderful for the wonderful steak it's perfectly cooked very nice nice job ok so these are the two differences between complimented compliment in your writing or in your speaking in your use of the language just make sure that you're using them appropriately I guess I should say in your in your writing because in speech you're not going to be able to tell the difference ok so the wonderful thing that I've just realized is that we still have this is great we still have time okay I thought we were running long but we're not so we actually have time rather than give you guys that stuff for homework to go back and just finish that exercise that we started with the second and third conditionals okay so let's go back into that document that I had there let me open that up and we'll get you guys to do some more work with this this is wonderful sometimes I feel a little bit rushed at the end of class but now we've got lots of time so we were talking about giving some kind of past hypothetical results because of a present condition okay so how about this again I'm going to pop off but I'm only going to go for a couple minutes maybe four minutes or so now it's one minute per sentence you've got lots of time finish these sentences put them in the chat and then when I come back we'll go over them and everything will be wrapped up the week and everything will be perfect and beautiful and wonderful okay so I'm going to go for four minutes I'm going to go eat a steak and I'll be back you guys get to work and finish those sentences put them in the chat and we'll go over them together all right I'm out of here member member by travelpod member all right everybody good stuff lots of good answers coming in I see the owners that are too good CEO Martha thanks for joining us good to see former former students popping in okay let's go over some of these fairly quickly I guess because we're running low on time not super quick will tell take my time yeah so be if he was interested in foreign film so he's not interested in foreign films now but if he was or if you were you could say and tell me something about the past that would have been different I think this one came from Bruno um he is that right he have watched that's pretty good I would just say he would okay that's good so don't get rid of that there was that so if he was interested in foreign films now or in general he would have watched a lot more movies during the trip the past that's really good okay good one thanks Bruno for that let me see another one now I think this was this was coming from Valerie now Valerie and maybe I don't know if you kind of came a little bit into the lesson but now he if he was interested in foreign films he would know about different cultures now that's a good sentence if you're expressing the second conditional only if you're just talking about the present now that's a good sentence but if you want to focus on a past condition or a past result rather then you're going to have to change that so if he was interested in foreign films now maybe he would hmm we're going to say he would have learned about different cultures in the past okay and perhaps something some kind of connection there but that's pretty good um I'll say one one more here from Chateau seven so if he was interested in foreign films he could have enjoyed or could have enjoyed LoCascio full do you can help me on my pronunciation and I don't know how bad that was with us last night period nice so that's a birdcage too I think yeah it's good okay so what about see so if I was in good shape let me see what have we got here okay this one's coming in maybe this one's from Maryann if I was in good shape I would have come to the party yesterday okay that's good I think logically maybe you're talking about being in good health maybe usually when we say good shape we're talking about like physically you know exercise and all and all of that stuff you're you're fit you're physically fit I don't know what maybe I depends on what kind of party it was I guess maybe it was a volleyball party yeah um what else do we have here oh this one this one's coming from magia says if I was in good shape I would have been the second Marilyn Monroe I like that okay that's good all right I mean how about one more for this one coming in from Miguel if I was in good shape now in general I would have been able to run the marathon yesterday or last week or something like that that's perfect Miguel thank you for that that's great and how about Dee what do we have for Dee here hmm alright ok since I think this one's coming in from Selma yet so if my apartment were bigger I wouldn't have been cooking in the bedroom yes that's a good one that's a tiny tiny apartment or how about one more here this one if my apartment were bigger I I would have invited you yesterday good maybe you should shy about the size of your apartment that's that's good or not that's not good but good answer don't be shy and how about how about a just because we're running low on time here if I had more courage if I had more courage how about this one actually Paul I'm going to use yours okay so again generally speaking if I had more courage I would go bungee jumping again that's a really good second conditional but if you want to focus on the past event that didn't happen or a past the result I would change this and say I would have gone so if I had more courage if I was if I was a braver person or a more courageous person I would have gone bungee jumping but maybe I'm afraid of heights so I didn't do it all right so again this is you reflecting on something that didn't happen in the past because of just a general quality or general state of being this is really good guys and I guess this is a perfect way to to wrap up the class because we are now out of time I'm glad we got a chance to go over that stuff I will hang out in the chat for a few more minutes if you guys have some questions about today's lesson about mixed conditionals about how to use them or about anything at all about life or about what what could have happened in life ask me the questions and I'll stick around but let me pop out here yeah there we go so I want to thank everybody again for coming it's it's always a pleasure to see you guys some new names some familiar names as well and I hope you keep coming back next next week same time and keep watching marks class obviously and be nice to them yeah and check us out on Facebook learn English on Facebook and like us and check us out on YouTube all this all the smart English videos and just keep using your English and and that's great okay so until next time keep keep practicing and we'll see you again alright thanks for coming you
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 58,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2016
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