Police Alerted After Car FOUND Underwater | Eddie Tate Jr. Search (Missing 15 Months)

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[Music] do [Music] so jacob what's the uh what's the plan for today all right today we are at virginia point this virginia point is a potential spot for any any of these vehicles to be in um hopefully we can find eddie tay today over here it's a beautiful day out though it's a great day how's it going everybody welcome back to another video of depths of history today i'm with chaos divers and lindsay and we are searching today for eddie tate we are in ashland kentucky he went missing in late march of last year we're here today to see if we can bring some answers to his family and some of his family's actually here at the boat dock today we've been talking to them this first spot that we're at here is uh on the ohio river and we're gonna be searching this boat ramp it's basically a straight shot right from the road into the water and hopefully we can find the car that we were looking for which is a chevy cobalt so guys this boat ramp just in particular looks good because you can see i mean just from the area there's like some basketball courts and stuff over here but this is like kind of a park and it's just a straight shot once you come in you can literally just a car could easily go in here so they're gonna get the sonar started and get this adventure going [Music] this spot at virginia point it's very likely to hold a vehicle it's very rural and you also have the potential of nobody's seeing you going off of that [Music] so right here is a very potential spot because you have all of this land is just wide open that's just like a bridge or something you see how i'm going all the way around it yeah not a bridge but a dock do you not see i don't i don't see any vehicles yet no but i want to i want to clear this spot this is a beautiful river it's very clear over this way i'm sure you could dive over here and find a lot of different stuff i'm sure people have thrown guns off this bridge and everything else so this is route 64 and it would have been a route that eddie tate would have taken and it's definitely not out of the question for us to potentially find this car here as you can see i mean the cars are you can see the cars crossing the bridge and i can see the tops of them easily oh yeah look at all the cars going over definitely easy for a car to flip off [Music] [Music] from what i can tell there's no vehicles in this spot no vehicles at all not yet wish i wasn't so wavy probably going to be a little bit too late on getting out to those lakes if we have enough time we're going to try to get to them if not we'll definitely get them in the morning okay awesome all right ashley i appreciate it all right bye bye gotta is research and recovery divers going around the country this sonar and waters this seemed like a good spot oh yeah they used to have a judge guard up there for years so who knows what's underneath it well we're searching for eddie's state he's been missing for a year and a half so kind of uh about four miles away from this area so we're just kind of checking all the ponds and lakes using our sonar so [Music] we are back here for day two of searching for eddie tate jr we've actually made it to the ponds that we were talking about in yesterday's part of the video while we were going down the ohio river searching those bridges i'm here with chaos divers again we're actually going to get the inflatable boat we're going to get it into a couple of the ponds but first we're actually going to take jacob's uh boat here and take it into this pond which actually used to be a rock crushing quarry and it is pretty deep here um i think it's gonna get pretty deep so we're gonna look at the sonar and see if we can spot any vehicles [Music] you can see there's all these roads okay so there's there's roads right at the front there's a bridge right over there as you can see the bridge crosses actually goes into several different roads around here it's going to be pretty deep i think but we're going to get in the boat and see just how deep this thing is and see if we can hopefully bring some answers for eddie's family how's it going i'm good eddie tate day two of the search what do you think about the spot it is an old party spot the owners of this area also say that they keep running people off oh my gosh clear as day the clearest day that's a car upside down all right guys so we definitely have a vehicle out here we're going to be uh getting dressed and gonna dive on it [Music] [Music] check the windows make sure they're open or closed whichever which way just remember all that stuff do an investigation all around it but uh don't reach your hand inside of it okay [Music] so you want me to just get in the water [Music] [Music] it's a white vehicle it is [Music] so [Music] hlv one five eight nine four five this is not the vehicle it's not the vehicle we're looking for we will uh go ahead and we can search that pond or we can go to the pond that you were talking about if they want us to stay to pull it we'll we'll pull it tomorrow but uh all right so unfortunately it was not the target vehicle that we were looking for i just got dressed back in my clothes and it's kind of hard just because you know it was a white vehicle when i got down on it second i wiped the wheel though the emblem was a toyota so that's definitely not what we're looking for but we're going to continue going to some different other ponds and looking for more cars there's actually two more ponds on the same road stretch that we can check [Music] so after speaking with police uh they actually told us that this license plate uh is actually they knew about the car being in the lake it was involved in an armed robbery i believe and someone drove it into the lake so definitely not our target vehicle i really hope that they at least pull this out because it would be a super easy pull maybe get a wrecker out here it would take like 45 minutes and with all these fish you know it's kind of strange that they know about it and they don't really want to do anything but let's head to the next location and see what we can find there they're going to take care of it they knew about it so other than that you know they'll take it out on their own time we got some other searching to do try to you know try to locate try to locate eddie for for the family so [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now we go to the next spot all right [Music] so we are at upon of interest the family wanted search so we're searching it um it's right off the road there's a turn right over right over here look you can see a turn on the road so it's a uh very good possibility but it's only four feet right here really yeah four seven foot about so it's about five maybe six feet right now [Music] nothing which is good i mean that clears that all right britain so this pond has been cleared we're gonna start to uh we're gonna get loaded back up and uh go to the next one yep smells good all right [Music] so we're right at our next spot that we're going to search we've got the boat right here we're getting set up there's actually a long fence line running across this way and apparently a little bit down there's a break in the fence we're going to search a little lake pond that's right over this hill this does look like a very interesting location there's a break in the foliage right here you can see kind of a track i don't know right here then there's a huge break you talked to the landowner uh yeah the landowner came in whenever we were actually looking at this so he's asking pretty much what we were doing so he gave us permission thanks an inviter for that and then uh we're gonna get this search but we're gonna have to throw the boat over the fence because he doesn't have the lock he doesn't have the keys a lot okay all right [Music] all right [Music] are you okay britain are you okay did you get a rock did you get that yep it don't matter if he's okay did you get it on film all right so we made it down to the lake we're uh as you guys could see in the break of the fence we're gonna go scan that area and see if there's a car down there jacob's got the apex 13 he's going to be using today and hopefully there's a car in here just judging by it being next to the road and you know it's going to be deep i think it's probably going to be 30 to 40 feet deep here it doesn't look too deep but off to this far right over here there's like a rock ledge and i know anytime i see like ledges and cliff sides like that it's always super deep so we're gonna get in get the sonar running and hopefully if we can find the car if not a car where's my live fest up there you guys didn't wear them in the last one we didn't [Music] we really should be wearing life jackets but we left them up there let me go get them [Music] don't that was awesome all right here we are on the lake i'm gonna give the camera to jacob just wanted to show you guys how deep it is in here all right this is what she looks like she's nice and flat she's six feet six feet seven feet right off the edge there that's pretty pretty sharp [Music] right over here is where the break in the fence it's gonna be right where like you see where the where it starts to get shallow over there that's like right where it starts right where the break in the fence was that uh yeah once again we're just talking about yeah once it gets shallow though it's getting shallow here it is really super super quick so this is a water column from here to here so you got three foot it's really really shallow here's the water column here this is the down imaging and this is the side imaging it's almost like shining a flashlight at a 35 degree angle going shooting a beam 65 feet across and this is how we search for vehicles [Music] i'm going to say clear the spot's clear i'm going to say this spot is clear there's no vehicles in here yep [Music] [Music] all right everybody that's gonna conclude our episode today of searching um eddie tate is still out there still missing we've spent the last two days really searching a ton of different locations and this is a case you know that in my heart i feel like we search to the best of our abilities you can't stop searching for these vehicles because any pond could hold something i mean i really didn't think that that road even though it did have a straight shot into that lake i really didn't think it was deep enough to hold a car at all honestly just because it was such a small you know little pond but we went right off of that ramp there was a car right there so i mean it just shows that i'm learning with sonar i appreciate jacob from chaos divers if you guys want to check out his channel and you have anything to say i just want to say i'm proud of you and uh you did a good job the past two days thank you guys thank you guys so much for supporting us with all the donations like subscriptions it really does help us out while we're on the road and trying to help solve these cases for these families but with that said thank you so much for watching good luck and we'll see you guys on the next case [Music] you
Channel: Depths of History
Views: 278,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police alerted after car found underwater | eddie tate jr. search, missing persons cases, adventures with purpose, Police Alerted After Car FOUND Underwater, police alerted after car found underwater, Eddie Tate Jr. Search Missing 15 Months, eddie tate jr. search missing 15 months, Car FOUND Underwater | Eddie Tate, car found underwater | eddie tate, cops, Car, FOUND, Missing, Underwater, car, found, missing, underwater, missing 15 months depths of history, depths of history
Id: NXiifMymJr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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